
116 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: US and UK Elections and Ukraine - the latest Nigel Farage Russia smear and when not if Joe Biden is axed

After a disastrous debate for Joe Biden I lookat two polls appearng before it all of which suggest he may well be axed within weeks as the Democrat presumptive nominee, then I look at the latest Farage Russia smear and the UK election likely outcomes and at what is happening in Ukraine and the delusional peace terms of the West and of the cokehead Zelensky.


214 days ago

Wow just how badly these words aged: time for Arthur Millholland & morally bankrupt motherfucker PR Dominic Barretto to apologise

On 6th April 2022 shares in Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) were more than 20p and I had recently opened my assault arguing that, at 25p the shares were a compelling short. Today, after the latest disaster analysed HERE, they are just over 1p. But back then the man who created this investment disaster Arthur Millholland issued an RNS with a direct smear on me (suggesting I was short and did not understand accounts) and an implicit attack on ShareProphets. Morally bankrupt PR firm Yellow Jersey crafted this poison.


362 days ago

BBC darling Ash Sarkar has to tell an outright lie to smear Israel yet again

Novara Media is a nest of jew hating communists and its star reporter is Ash Sarkar who seems to have a season ticket to appear on the BBC, right now to smear Israel. That she has to resort to lies says a lot about her. In the tweet below Ash insists that former Israeli ambassador Dan Gillerman says that Palestinians are“inhuman human animals.” Now watch the video which Ash attaches and you will see that this is not what he actually said at all.


547 days ago

Confronted with evidence of his greed, David Lenigas and his bromance partner Richard Poulden take to twitter with a lying smear

Yesterday I pointed out the rapacious greed of David Lenigas and Richard Poulden in allotting themselves shares in Vinanz (BTC) at 0.25p two weeks before mug punters, roped in by salesmen charging 8% commission, paid 3p ahead of the Aquis IPO. Unable to deal with the awkward facts, Lenigas took to twitter yesterday to tell lies, with Poulden loyally retweeting every smear his master posted.


606 days ago

When opening the window at 11 AM and playing this appropriate music is a revolutionary act

The Government of Britain issued a diktat that we should all observe a minute’s silence at 11 AM today to mark a year since the, wholly wrong, Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Britain is not at war. British young people are not dying in the trenches yet the Government has appropriated a symbolic gesture at a symbolic time to justify our acts.


1054 days ago

When is it okay to attack Jews? Ask lefty "journalist" Rivkah Brown of Novara Media

Many of you will have been shocked by the recent footage from London of a bus load of Jewish teenagers being abused and threatened as they went out to celebrate the first day of Chanukah.  Chants of Sieg Heil could be heard.  The BBC reported that at least one teenager shouted out something about a muslim, implying that they almost deserved it. As it happens what can be heard on the audio is the hebrew for “Call someone it is urgent”. Natch the BBC has yet to apologise for this vile smear.


1640 days ago

BREAKING: The Bidstack smearer of Tom Winnifrith exposed as a gender fluid contact of James Draper

Yesterday, ShareProphets discussed a defamatory website about, myself, Tom Winnifrith that was put online on Friday and appeared to be the work of a supporter of Bidstack (BIDS), the AIM listed company run by Lyin’ James Draper.  We rebutted its clearly spurious allegations and condemned is appeal to anti-semitism. The author of the website claims to be a female investigative journalist. We can reveal that this is a,lie, who the real author is and how he (not she) is trying to hide his links to Lyin’ James. 


1640 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: Is Bidstack PLC involved with latest smear campaign against me? I report myself to FCA

I have today reported myself to the FCA, on the basis of a smear campaign initiated by someone who appears to be close to Bidstack PLC (BIDS). I have asked the FCA to investigate in full the, demonstrably untrue accusations made against me, and also the extent, if any, of the involvement of Bidstack and its officers in this poorly constructed hit job.


2207 days ago

Trump should not have nominated Kavanaugh as he is too liberal – next time don’t give an inch to the deranged Democrats

Do not get me wrong. After the battles of the last few weeks I am delighted that Brett Kavanaugh has been appointed to the Supreme Court. Quite simply the Democratic Party tried to subvert the constitution with a hit job, an orchestrated smear. A good man fought back and, eventually the lack of tangible evidence and gaping holes in the testimony of the accusers meant that the Senate had to ratify. For that, and the tears of a mob of pathetic snowflakes, D list celebs, angry and snarling feminists and others with full blown #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, gives me great joy this weekend. However…


2267 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Elon Musk of Tesla going to jail and UKOG's latest smear c/o the Daily Mail is a new low

In this podcast I cover Tesla (TSLA) which is curiouser and curiouser, Optibiotix (OPTI) and the parasitic vampire that is ADVFN (AFN), Great Western Mining (GWMO), Toople (TOOP), Angus Energy (ANGS), the Brockham Well, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) anmd its latest despicable smear c/o yellow journalists at The Daily Mail and cheered on by the vermin paid share rampers of LSE Share Talk


2314 days ago

Guardian harpie Christina Patterson – the BBC fails to haul her up for the most disgraceful Donald Trump smear

Stranded in the car with the Mrs, I found myself forced to listen to the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 as it discussed Donald Trump  with the author, the Guardian writing metropolitan liberal elitist Christina Patterson. Listeners who liked Trump were invited to call in so that Christina could brand them as racists because she thinks all Trumpsters are racist. Keep it up liberal moron! Every such statement makes #Trump2020 even more of a shoo in.


2457 days ago

STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: Julie Meyer cites those who sent me death threats & defend fraud as she defames me on LinkedIn

Poor Julie Meyer. The Times this morning picked up on her increasingly bizarre attacks on ex employees, suppliers owed money and me on LinkedIn "Wow . . . just all I can say is freaking Wow". Indeed Julie. I pointed out to Julie's lawyer that her post on me was defamatory and he said he'd advised her to take it down but, hey ho, it stays up. Anyone who thinks citing the folks who send me death threats, shit in the post and more, because I was exposing the £3 billion Quindell fraud, as witnesses for their side is, I put it to you, keeping strange bedfellows.


2624 days ago

The BBC, Guardian and liberal media slate and smear Donald Trump as a Nazi - 4 more years in the bank

When Donald Trump spoke to the USA about his priorities for America, folks outside the liberal metropolitan hotpots of the coasts loved it. Crooked Hillary's waffle and re-hashing of ideas that have failed ordinary Americans did not wash and so Trump won. The liberal elites of the media still cannot accept it and so now simply content themselves with smearing POTUS at every opportunity. The more the Russia smears fail the more desperate they become and the more real Americans see through them. As the MSM tries to label Trump a Nazi, those of us who supported him in November look forward to an inevitable win in four years time. Truly the liberal left is pathetic. I start with the State funded UK broadcaster the BBC.


2971 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: RIP Maurice Byrne, this is dedicated to you my friend

I start with a dedication to Maurice Byrne, a friend of my family for more than 40 years, a true eccentric and a bearcast listener who sadly passed away on Thursday. I will miss him, not least as a bulwark against the raging political correctness of my family. Then I turn to Cloudtag (CTAG) and African Potash (AFPO) two companies now exposed as having lied to investors in a material way just days before placings. What does this say about investing in frauds? What does it mean for the shares and what does it mean for AIM? as the Potash story now starts to head towards the Nationals (oh yes St Brides PR brace yourselves, you can smear me but will you continue in that vein?) what happens next in both cases? Maurice would have enjoyed these battles in so many ways.


3001 days ago

The Guardian & other liberal media smear Clint Eastwood as an apologist for racism because he backs Trump

Clint Eastwood is today smeared by the Guardian and the rest of the liberal press as an apologist for racism. His real crime in the eyes of the metropolitan elite is, of course, that not only is he a Republican but that he says he will vote for Donald Trump over crooked Hillary Clinton in November. If you are guilty of such a crime, being an evil conservative, all else flows naturally including, in the liberal mind, a good chance that you are a racist.


3020 days ago

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant blames Brexit for coup in Turkey - a twisted & ignorant liberal mind in action

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant, famed for posting pictures of himself in his Y Fronts on the internet touting for gay sex, knows why there was a coup in was all because of Brexit. It is a silly smear from a man who obviously does not know anything about history.


3040 days ago

So what if Boris Johnson has screwed half the women in London?

A lot of Tory MP's do not like or are jealous of Boris Johnson and are said to be plotting to do anything they can to stop him being their next leader. The trouble is that he is by far and away the most popular Tory in both the wider party and also the country. He is box office. Being a Brexiteer means that he was on the side of the 52% but also of the vast majority of Tory members. So if among MPs he is in the top two in the initial poll, then Tory members are bound to vote for him.

That is not only because Boris has sex appeal but because there is no other credible candidate which almost guarantees him a top two slot. Theresa May has no personality and backed Remain - the losing side - and did so in a cowardly fashion yet she is seen as the leading challenger to Boris. George Osborne still thinks


3044 days ago

Not ALL who support Brexit are racist, but all racists support Brexit says Lefty group Avraaz in last awful smear

Left wing pressure group Avraaz claims to have two million Britons on its mailing list and has tonight emailed them with one last desperate smear on behalf of the "Remain" camp. Having already used the murder of Jo Cox MP to smear Brexit within hours of the killing this marks a new shocking low.


3048 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Almost every reaction to the awful murder of Jo Cox MP is so utterly wrong

The murder of Jo Cox MP throws up key issues that are not being discussed: accountability ( or rather lack of it ) in public services and also how we treat and view mental health issues in the UK. The reaction of MPs and the media shows what a different world they live in from the rest of us. The reaction of the left and the some in the Remain camp in using this as an opportunity to smear and shut down debate is repulsive. This is an awful event but folks need to get some things in perspective. Knowing a little bit about murder and also psychiatric issues first hand - as I explain in the podcast - I speak from the heart as well as the head.


3061 days ago

The Daily Mail's Disgusting racist slur on Vote Leave

In today's Mail on Sunday journalist Simon Walters produced what, he terms, a "candid" exclusive interview with Dodgy Dave Cameron in which lyin' Dave says absolutelty nothing new at all. But it is the front page splash from Mr Walters that shames his paper and shows that a panicking Remain Campaign will stoop to anything. The Mail claims Vote Leave has been "infiltrated" by Nazis. 

Infiltration has a clear meaning in British politics. It means gaining membership in an organised and covert manner with a view to securing power. The Militant Tendency infiltrated Labour. On the other hand the Mail has manged to provide evidence that exactly seven nazis are handing out flyers for Vote Leave. it tops this up with a few quotes from a racist online chat room from Nazis who support Brexit.

I do not doubt for a second that the seven folk mentioned are loathsome racist and jew hating pigs. They are scum but to say that them handing out flyers, not setting policy, organising a campaign or anything close to having any power, just handing out leaflets is evidence of infiltration is laughable.

Vote Leave like Remain 


3082 days ago

Project Fear smears Brexit and Boris Johnson on the Hitler Front

Looking at twitter I see folks aghast that Boris Johnson has compared the EU to Hitler. How dare Bojo link Brussells to white supremacism and killing Jews? You think I am kidding? Here you go:

EU to Hitler? So is #BorisJohnson saying that a body of countries is a white supremacist thug & committing genocide?

Er no Prita Boris is saying nothing of the sort. Tactic one of Project Fear or is that Project Smear is to take what we Brexiteers say totally out of context. Here is what Bojo actually said:


3185 days ago

Judith W - are you the silliest person in this galaxy? Yoda wonders what you fear?

Judith W is one of those folks who just get a kick out of posting nasty things about me. Having been put in her place on her last smear she is at it again with a post on this website which is scant on factual accuracy but makes me worry for her sanity.

Today's offering is: this:

oh dear INTQ, TUNG & MXO all going against you Mr.Gurufrithfroth,,,,, bet you wont post this you cowardly councill dwelling pos

As you can see


3215 days ago

Yusuf Kajee of Afriag refuses to answer questions goes back to TW mother suicide smear

David Lenigas associate Yusuf Kajee of Afriag (AFRI) has spent the festive season smearing and trying to bribe me. He asked that I email questions. I did just that HERE. He has not answered. Instead he has again taken to twitter explicitly accusing me of having psychiatric issues caused by my mothers suicide. He tweeted just now:


3215 days ago

Tired of smearing and attempting to bribe Tom Winnifrith, Afriag's Yusuf Kajee demands questions - ok, part 1

AIM Listed Afriag PLC (AFRI) shares should be suspended on Monday because of the mass of questions I have flagged up on this website HERE. One of the two principal players in the business, Yusuf Kajee, has spent the holidays sending me more than 130 tweets smearing me in the most repugnant manner possible (HERE) and also trying to bribe me (HERE). Now he asks for questions.


3236 days ago

David Lenigas tries a pre-emptive twitter smear as the Afriag construct is laid bare

Jabba The Hutt knew I was running a piece today on Afriag (AFRI) so braced the lemmings, the few peasants who still believe him, with a twitter smear callimg me a drunken twirp (sic) and predicting I would produce a whole new set of "unfounded lies". I have never penned one lie on Jabba, all my damning criticisms are valid and today's Afriag article is no different in that respect, it is a bombshell. Just in case the former Lonrho chairman wants something else to tweet about here is some more.

Here is the Jabba tweet


3292 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 1 October - blame Ireland - sticking it to David Lenigas & Lenigas Cuba

The rugby as left me in a bad mood and it is David Lenigas who take the consequent hit. I start with a reposte to a very silly smear posted on ShareProphets HERE. Then it is onto Lenigas Cuba (CUBA) which is listing on the mickey mouse ISDX market. that is not what was promised and it is raising less than was promised at 5p. Do you know what price Big Dave paid for 28% of the company? That's a scandal. the valuation is a joke and the shares are straight onto the bargepole list.


3433 days ago

Sefton - The Smears start again for those who dare to question

You may well remember the dirty tricks camoaign that Sefton Resources (SER) under Jimmyliar Ellerton waged against myself and Dan Levi when we exposed his lies and fraud. One smear was to plant a suggestion/lie with a "friendly journalist" - or scab as I would call her - in the Daily Telegraph suggesting that Dan was short of the stock. Now it seems as if New Sefton is waging the same campaign against me.

The old dirty tricks are revealed in full in Sefton the True Story video from UK Investor HERE

That Sefton shares are overvalued is clear to one and all as I pointed out yesterday in BearCast HERE

But Sefton does not like it and its minions are smearing. There is a blogger known as California Joe who states on his blog:
