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Speaker line up almost there – it’s time to book your seats at Sharestock 2024 on September 7 at our farm in Wales, now almost 50% sold out

As of today just under half the seats for the third Sharestock event on 7 September are now booked. If you have been before you know why but this year’s event will be bigger and better than any yet. Here is why you should make sure you have a seat HERE today.

Wednesday 10 April 2024
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Speaker line up almost there – it’s time to book your seats at Sharestock 2024 on September 7 at our farm in Wales, now almost 50% sold out

As of today just under half the seats for the third Sharestock event on 7 September are now booked. If you have been before you know why but this year’s event will be bigger and better than any yet. Here is why you should make sure you have a seat HERE today.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

The global warming nutters just make it up as they go along: Flooding in St Malo

There is flooding in St Malo in France today and as you can see below, the cultist followers of the Doom Goblin are rushing to blame climate change or global warming as was. But, as ever, the facts, the truth, is a bit inconvenient. For starters St Malo has the biggest tidal swell in Europe making flooding all too common. In fact here is a list of the dates of major floods in the town since records began. I ignore minor ones:

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Amnesty International eulogises the face of true evil, Walid Daqqah

More than eight years ago I discussed trying to enlighten my father and his wife on the evils of Amnesty International. To his credit, Dad saw the light and before he died canceled his monthly donation. But the organization goes from bad to worse and has now hit a new low with its eulogy for Walid Daqqah who it describes as a “writer” and as a “reminder of Israel’s cruel disregard for Palestinians’ right to life” in the tweet below.  It cannot be serious. But it is.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

It was 11 years ago today that Britain's Greatest Leader passed away - a video tribute to Lady Thatcher

My friend Lucian Miers  and I drank English Champagne after standing for hours outside St Paul’s to pay our respects and watch the funeral of Margaret Thatcher on 17 April 2013.  We mourned as some freaks celebrated as I reported back with photos HERE. But it was even years ago today that Mrs thacher died. The video below is a reminder for younger viewers of what an amazing leader she was and of the pygmies who have led us ever since.  

Monday 8 April 2024

Peter Tatchell lives in an Orwellian post truth world when it comes to Russia and the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant

As you can see below, Peter Tatchell blames President Putin for a drone strike on the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, saying it risks a nuclear catastrophe and is a war crime. Folks have flocked to like his tweet.  Those fucking Russians is there nothing they will not do….except…

Monday 8 April 2024

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