Carrie Antoinette

1054 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - as winter ends, my wood store is bigger than ever

Reader R and cousin P drool with envy at the size of my wood store currently. Though the wood-burning stove has kept us warm all winter, I have chopped more wood than I have used, and thus the wood store below has, I reckon, enough to see us through to early 2025. That middle section really is four rows deep, and more than five feet high. And the good news…


1107 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Only lecturers in gender/media studies have a greater unwarranted view of their value to society than FCA staff

I start with the Carrie Antoinette “victory party” a few weeks after my dad’s funeral.This is the final straw at somany levels. Then I move onto news that the FCA staff are balloting on strike action over plans to scarp their bonuses. Then to lessons learned from the Novacyt (NCYT) scandal – where I did warn you! The chief lesson is that poor corporate governance often goes hand in hand with poor share price performance. I discuss ADVFN (AFN) in this vein.


1136 days ago

An inconvenient truth from the Arctic Seas for the global warming nutters

Back in 2003,the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg was only one. Why pluck this year from history? Simple because, as you can see below, Arctic Sea Ice is now at its greatest extent since 2003 and is on track to beat that 18 year high and head back to levels not seen since the last century. Perhaps our uber green Prime Minister, Mr Boris Johnson, might care to explain the justification of vicious, regressive, green taxes which screw the poor folks of Britain in order to fight global warming in the context of this record sea ice? Over to you Boris. You can ask a friend or even your ghastly Mrs, Carrie Antoinette, if you wish.


1163 days ago

The Greek Hovel Olive Harvest Day 1 – will climate change or, as we used to say rain, stop play?

I reported yesterday that my first guests, R &S, were due to arrive that evening. I hoped that neither were vegetarian or non drinkers as many folks in sophisticated London are these days for that is not what we do here in Kambos. It is like not owning a gun, it is unnatural, freakish. As I feared R is a non drinking vegetarian.


1164 days ago

Fuck you Boris Johnson you do not get to decide if Christmas is cancelled – it is not!

The husband of our great leader, Carrie Antoinette, has said that he will tell us all on December 18 whether he is going to cancel Christmas or not. He says this on a day when the WHO, normally bedwetters and scaremongers themselves, confirm that across this planet nobody at all has died from the Omicron variant of Covid. In contrast 1.8 people per second die from all other causes.


1184 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: As we move onto the Long Cold Winter the woodpile grows again, Pa Ingalls would be proud

Notwithstanding the utterly false slur from deluded, Guardian reading, Cambridge academics that Laura Ingalls Wilder is a vile racist whose books should be kept away from young folk, Joshua and I are now onto the fifth of the series, The Long Cold Winter.  At chapter five the first blizzard has been survived but nature is warning the Ingalls family that far worse is to come.


1184 days ago

Good morning Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, Carrie Antoinette & Boris: care to explain this global warming in Mother Russia?

Man-made carbon emissions are causing the world to get warmer and we must act now if we are to restrict that growth to 1.5% or 2.5% or whatever. So say the cultists after jetting back from COP26. These are, of course, the same cultists who warned us in 1988 that the Maldives would be under water by 2010, that within a few years of 2000 kids would ever see snow again, etc, etc, etc. We can discuss whether climate change – which has always happened – is caused by man made carbon emissions with reference to the Medieval warm period or the Maunder Minimum at another point although if you want to pass Geography GCSE these days such discussions are not recommended. Those who set the curriculum, the BBC, wretched Boris Johnson and others say that the science is settled so do not mention temperatures in 1200 or you are a vile denier one step removed from those operating the holocaust death camps. In that vein…


1187 days ago

Question: What is the difference between Christmas & Diwali? Hint it is all down to global warming & when will the caterpillar genocide begin?

For the avoidance of doubt I am delighted that people of faith celebrate their festivals however they want but it seems that those who run our lives, that is to say the sleazy meddlers at Westminster, take a different view and that is the answer to my first question as I celebrate the wankfest that is COP26.


1187 days ago

How the BBC reports global warming these days - China sees 116 year snow record: A Delta minus for logic

As the wretched MPs in Airstrip One, take time off from congratulating their local community for the amazing Diwali lights, to urge us all to switch off our Christmas decorations to prevent climate change, I see that a City in China is reporting its worst snowfall in 116 years. So what logical contortions do the high priests of the global warming cult, the ghastly BBC, go through in reporting this all? The Ministry of Truth will be handing out bonuses for this effort.


1191 days ago

Why believe expert warnings in the Guardian on climate change when the old ones were so utterly wrong?

The article below from the wretched Guardian is from 2004. Experts told George Bush that global warming would see most of Europe flooded as sea levels soared while London suffered a climate like Siberia. Food shortages caused by the burning planet would cause nuclear wars. The Grauniad said that these warnings from experts would force President Bush, a sceptic, to mend his ways and fall into line with the scientofic consensus.


1204 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - for Robert, the wood pile grows even bigger

Fellow Woodlarks walker Robert tries to shame me with a photo of an impressive woodpile at his place. Now I know that size isn’t everything but after some hard work yesterday which even Joshua got involved with, our bigger logs have been split and the pile here in Wales grows as you can see below.


1253 days ago

The folly of the Tory zero carbon plans laid bare as the UK is forced back to coal - we're going to screw the oiks!

One of the many aspects of the regime of Carrie Antoinette and her poltroon of a husband Boris, that so many of us who are natural conservatives find so hard to stomach are their crazed green policies which will cripple our economy and hurt the poorest hardest. The folly of the regime of Princess Nut Nuts was laid bare again this week as one of the UK’s last remaining coal power plants had to be fired up on Monday morning, as low winds meant the National Grid needed an additional source of energy. This time next year this will not be possible.


1296 days ago

You could not make it up: the latest FCA proposal, take a knee to Saint Greta & Carrie bloody Antoinette

There were you and I thinking that the job of the Financial Conduct Authority was to protect consumers and to tackle financial crime. Well think again, welcome to its latest master plan published yesterday.


1329 days ago

How can the lazy and overpaid teachers justify INSET days?

My son Joshua was due to start his primary school on September 1 but, I discovered today, that on that working day his parents will both have to take half a day off because, as happens 5 times a year, the school is shut for an INSET day, a staff training occasion. Joshua now starts on the 2nd.


1330 days ago

The Tory death wish for mass unemployment – be careful what you wish for Mr Carrie Antoinette

Once upon a time the Conservative party recognised that what the economy needed was a successful private sector creating jobs and generating taxes and that the best way to achieve that was for the Government to get off the neck of employers. If only we had a Tory Government. Instead the regime of Carrie Antoinette and her husband Lyin’ Boris has a raft of new plans to encourage flexible working. They might seem harmless.


1372 days ago

Extreme weather is caused by global warming says the BBC, the teachers, Carrie Antoinette & the rest of the GroupThink: WRONG!

If you challenge this narrative you will fail Geography GCSE. You will face calls to be barred from the BBC as a denier. In the Government of Carrie Antoinette and her concubinator Boris you will make no progress. The political, media and education elites are gripped by a GroupThink which allows no challenge, even with hard data. So here is some hard data in a detailed study looking at the “extreme” weather of 2020 and its causes. You may be shocked to discover that Greta Thunberg et al are talking utter horse. Enjoy.


1383 days ago

The Ministry of Defence wants the number of women in the armed forces up from 11% - what would Dirty Harry say?

The idea is the sort of madness one has come to expect from the Government of Carrie Antoinette as I noted yesterday. So what would America’s greatest detective Dirty Harry say on the matter? I think we know thanks to, perhaps, the greatest of the series of movies starring Clint Eastwood. Acting opposite the amazing Tyne Daly ( aka Detective Lacey in Cagney and Lacey) in “The Enforcer” in 1976, Dirty Harry offers his views…
