
14 days ago

A disgraced failed fund manager gives his global economic outlook for 2025


18 days ago

Video: China’s Gold Buying is Back in a Big Way


239 days ago

Video: Gold – The Ultimate Solution to Modern Problems

Asset manager Dr. Stephen Leeb argues that recent China worries are overcooked.  He says that the recent slump in China’s stocks has minimal effect on its general economy, albeit it may discourage some foreign investment. He argues that China’s economic model takes a different approach, focusing largely on knowledge generation and innovation rather than relying heavily on financial markets.


261 days ago

Video: China’s Stock Market Slump, A Leading Indicator For the World, sell shares and sell oil & copper

Gareth Soloway, Chief Market Strategist of Verfied Investing has a stark warning of bad things happening in China which will hit us all.


371 days ago

Photo article : Gary catches a whopper

Gary Newman is on a fishing holiday in China hence his absence from this site. But he has just posted this photo of his first big catch, a 77 lb 12 oz black carp.


393 days ago

Upland Resources and the supposed bid – is it this SEC Capital? If so it's 'avin' a Turkish

I am more and more convinced that the 14p a share supposed bid for Upland Resources (UPL) is a complete spoof which is why bears should add to their shorts at 5.75p as I explained ( at 6.25p) HERE. When the spoof unravels the share price will collapse liked a failed souffle. Anyhow the bidder is meant to be SEC Capital. I have tracked down the one incorporated SEC Capital…


816 days ago

Ceres Power – on a (very) slow boat to China

Oh dear, oh dear, more bad news from the green pipedreams, slurp the jam tomorrow and forget about the bonkers valuation sector. Today it is Ceres Power (CWR) an AIM listed company repeatedly recommended by our own in-house Guardian reading eco-Warrior Malcolm Stacey but red flagged by  myself and Peter Brailey. Its shares are down by 65% year to date and by c80% since February 2021, the peak of the green bubble madness.


959 days ago

Supply@ME Capital hook up with China NFT blockchain play – small beer and gobbledygook

How to cram as many buzzwords as possible into an RNS in order to excite moronic investors so as to assist your death spiral provider dump shares:  a lesson from the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME).


1150 days ago

Video: China Could Tip-Off a Global Inflationary Tsunami & for goldbugs that is what we need

Analyst Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity is still a gold bull and here’s why.


1185 days ago

Is nature telling the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg and others that this winter will be an inconvenient truth?

As I have noted previously, as we observe extreme cold in Russia and China, in “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder,  an admrable libertarian but now like most dead white authors now officially a racist, nature warns the Ingalls family that the “extreme weather” occurring without man made carbon emmisions will be brutal. So what is in store for the UK this year?


1187 days ago

Good morning Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg, Carrie Antoinette & Boris: care to explain this global warming in Mother Russia?

Man-made carbon emissions are causing the world to get warmer and we must act now if we are to restrict that growth to 1.5% or 2.5% or whatever. So say the cultists after jetting back from COP26. These are, of course, the same cultists who warned us in 1988 that the Maldives would be under water by 2010, that within a few years of 2000 kids would ever see snow again, etc, etc, etc. We can discuss whether climate change – which has always happened – is caused by man made carbon emissions with reference to the Medieval warm period or the Maunder Minimum at another point although if you want to pass Geography GCSE these days such discussions are not recommended. Those who set the curriculum, the BBC, wretched Boris Johnson and others say that the science is settled so do not mention temperatures in 1200 or you are a vile denier one step removed from those operating the holocaust death camps. In that vein…


1190 days ago

How the BBC reports global warming these days - China sees 116 year snow record: A Delta minus for logic

As the wretched MPs in Airstrip One, take time off from congratulating their local community for the amazing Diwali lights, to urge us all to switch off our Christmas decorations to prevent climate change, I see that a City in China is reporting its worst snowfall in 116 years. So what logical contortions do the high priests of the global warming cult, the ghastly BBC, go through in reporting this all? The Ministry of Truth will be handing out bonuses for this effort.


1270 days ago

The Versarien ramping - more emails published thanks to Winnileaks “China thinks Neill Ricketts is a God”

Another cache of emails have been delivered to Winnileaks regarding the activities of the ex copper who uses private chatrooms where folks discuss having me killed, Mr Graham Wood. As we know from previous articles, Wood is a close confidante of the loathsome Neill Ricketts, of stock-market promotion Versarien (VRS) infamy.


1349 days ago

The fraud Zoetic - Day 8 of deafening silence, I ask one question for the 6th time and another for the second time

These are not hard questions for the fraud Zoetic (ZOE) and its journalist-smearing, morally bankrupt PR team from Buchanan led by the fraudster’s fave spinner Henry Harrison-Topham to answer. But it will not.  I assume that Mr Harrison-Tophat is too busy pitching to do PR for another China fraud or smearing me then denying it to answer what is a very simple question.  After eight days and 6 emails he is yet to respond to:


1364 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - a smug dinosaur who thinks bitcoin is a joke

I start with good news on Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - see for yourself HERE. Then a few words about incredibly exciting work today at the Welsh Hovel. Then onto bitcoin, China and Argo Blockchain (ARB), which links to Zoetic (ZOE) which really is starting to collapse. Then onto the arrogance of the City, Neil Woodford, Andrew Monk and Hurricane Energy (HUR).


1364 days ago

Bitcoin crashes as China pricks the bubble – timber for the AIM crypto plays

Suddenly we dinosaurs who did not understand why a worthless piece of code, which was inherently vulnerable to substitution by other worthless but cheaper pieces of code, was so valuable don’t look quite so dumb. Bitcoin is down by 18% at sub $35,000 having been $64,870 just four weeks ago. This time it is not the prick Elon Musk to blame, the bubble today is being pricked by China.


1527 days ago

Now the MSM finally starts reporting about Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes – this is the real election fraud exposed

It seems as if the tax affairs and China business dealings of Joe Biden’s cokehead son Hunter are now being investigated by Federal authorities. And with Hunter admitting this, the MSM is starting to report on it. This exposes the real fraud at the heart of the US election a fraud that should terrify all of us whether we are liberals or conservatives.



1572 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 hours to house arrest here in Wales

For reasons which are nothing to do with the insanity of Mark Drakeford, I cannot work properly today at the Welsh Hovel hence this bearcast is short.  I explain those reasons and hope to be back to normal by Saturday. In the podcast, I discuss that impending lockdown and also last night’s debate between Donald Trump and China Joe Biden and what it means for November 3.


1596 days ago

Video: China Stockpiling gold will devastate the dollar

Fund manager Nick Barisheff looks back to what happened in the past and considers the risk of confiscation of gold and why the correct term should be “expropriation.”


1691 days ago

Versarien 24 hours to D day or Not?

The China investment into Versarien  (VRS) farce began on 15 April 2019 and should have seen boas Neill Rickets sacked by now so what is meant to happen by midnight tomorrow and will we get an RNS?


1786 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Apologies NoGold is a misunderstood genius & if I were to construct a China based fraud...

In today’s bearcast I start by apologising to someone who is not a pest at all. Then I again discuss Covid 19 and have another podcast on my own website up today which has some relevance to this. I look at surging markets and am sceptical, at Yourgene (YGEN), Genedrive (GDR), FastJet (FJET) and at Versarien (VRS) which has announced a big China deal which cannot be a fraud given the involvment of top nomad SP Angel in doing due diligence and honest as they come Neill Ricketts in constructing the deal.


1819 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Update from flood central, just when will IQE issue its Coronavirus warning

This really is today’s bearcast despite my introduction. Thanks for the kind messages about the flooding, the waters are now recedng fast. In today’s podcast I look at China and the Coronavirus and ask WHEN IQE (OQE) will warn and if that will force a discounted placing. Methinks it will. I then look at the rioles of brokers (does research mean anything)? and Nomads (rules on quitting) in general and specifically in relation to Versarien (FRAUD). Then I discussa crazed TW hater and Optibiotix (OPTI) and how ultimately all comment on a company cannot determine its real value. In that vein I also look at Novacyt (NCYT) before finally looking at the worthless joke that is Conroy Gold and Natural Resources (CGNR). And I announce a fifth rogue blogger, Praise the Lord. Please donate something to the Woodlarks appeal HERE


1819 days ago

Volex – updates on manufacturing and China somewhat reassure, BUT…

Volex (VLX) has released a “Statement Regarding Current Situation in China” – it having four manufacturing plants in China…


1843 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Bat soup worries - should we sell becuase of the China Virus?

In short no, although this virus could well be far larger than some folks (Lucian) think. Elsewhere I discuss useless research from broker Goetz and Optibiotix (OPTI), Future (FUTR), Amigo (AMGO), Iconic (ICON), Oracle (ORCP) and Petra Diamonds (PDL)


1883 days ago

Thursday Caption Contest: Neil Woodford wants to make China rich edition

Following news that disgraced and shamed Neil Woodford, wants to open up a new business in fraud ridden China I invite you all to supply a suitable caption for the pic below in the comments section. The deadline for entries is midnight tonight.


1973 days ago

Truly Gamfooked – a China fraud, IPO to delisting in less than 9 months

Gamfook was a Jersey Registered China play. That is always a good sign it was a fraud. It listed on the NEX lobster pot on Christmas Eve 2018 with Daniel Stewart, a firm with a fine history of floating frauds both British (Quindell) but also Chinese.  The tale of what happened next is a scandal.


2047 days ago

Fox Marble – a further agreement further builds sales momentum…BUY

Fox Marble (FOX“is pleased to announce it has entered into a new sales agreement with a customer based in China”


2127 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - an email to my dear friend the China fraud specialist Paul Shackleton

In today’s bearcast I read out an email sent to Paul Shackleton (and AIM Regulation) regarding Management Resourse Solutions (MRS) following today’s bombshell HERE. I look at Plus 500 (PLUS), AFC Energy (AFC) and First Property (FPO) whose CEO is outed today as a Brexit Party candidate. I also do read out the roll call of heros who have sponsored Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Tomorrow I am attemptng to do a 22 mile training walk so as you think of my pain why not be a hero too and sponsor all nine  rogue bloggers HERE


2148 days ago

Podcast: a much higher gold price is coming

Copper has always been a favourite metal for geologist turned broker Barry Dawes, being the third largest metal in terms of consumption and continues its historical pattern of long term growth. China and Asia use an enormous amount of copper and shortages are developing. This should result in a boom in copper prices and then new exploration.


2178 days ago

Telit finally completes the sale of its Auto Division… well sort of

This was the $105 million deal, announced in July, that was meant to complete on December 7, then January 31 , then February 20 and now… well it appears China based TUS does not have all the moolah it needs yet. 


2218 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I'm now second in the league but let down by attempted spivvery

I explain the headline ion the podcast but it is all to do with Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG) and UK Investor Show - book your free ticket for March 30 today HERE. I explain why Old man Stacey really has lost the plot on Brexit, he needs to look at what is happening in China and that will make him truly fearful. I look at Tesla (TSLA) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG).


2400 days ago

Folli Follie – the heart of the Greek fraud was, as expected, in China

Another day, another release from fraud Follie Follie to the Greek Stock Exchange and, as we all suspected, it is the bogus Chinese operations that were at the heart of this fraud.


2411 days ago

China AIM fraud Naibu – NEDs who failed & took their dosh now take Pinsent Masons & Daniel Stewart to Court

At the last AGM of Naibu (NBU) before it was booted off the AIM casino I attended its AGM, held at the offices of its Nomad Daniel Stewart, and accused the company of fraud.  Only the NEDs were present - Chinese executive directors failed to show. As I asked about a loan to the CEO’s mum that had not been repaid, the NEDs said they were unaware of this.  I pointed out where the loan was referenced in the annual report and the NEDs said they would go away and investigate. They did not. Only when they stopped getting paid did these useless upper class twits start to ask questions. Wind forward to today and it is time to shift the blame.


2481 days ago

UK Investor Show Main stage speaker Dr Johnny Hon on China fraud with Tom Winnifrith Cameo

I rather wondered what Dr Hon of The Global Group would say about China fraud on AIM but what he said was pretty explosive, exposing those within the City who quite deliberately and systematically broke Chinese rules to allow frauds to float in London. This was great stuff because the scandal is that those who did this still operate in the City today. I make a cameo appearance at the end. Enjoy.


2528 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: if you are sitting in China you can't hear this. A dose of Schadenfreude & the 2 biggest slam dunk shorts

I gather from Andrew Monk that ShareProphets is banned in China - what could they possibly not like about this website? I give my views on China and also on the way that poor BMD has been robbed today. News of a shock resignation just days before he faces rows of empty seats sees me enjoy a cup of Schadenfreude at the expense of my old friend Jim Mellon. I look at Andalas Energy (ADL), asking it to comment on new reports of internal woes. I look at Eqtec (EQT) and MySquar (MYSQ) and also at Alumasc (ALU) and Sportech (SPO). Make sure you get your free ticket to UK Investor on April 21 using the promotional code WINNIFRITH when booking an investor class seat HERE - if only to hear a live 40 minute bearcast with myself & Paul Scott being recorded!


2670 days ago

BNN - PWC Report & Whitewash: on AIM wholesale wrongdoing does pay

On 4 September shares in AIM listed China, er.. investment, BNN Technology (BNN) were suspended as the FD quit making serious allegations about founder and CEO Darren Mercer and CEO of China Ops Wei Qi. Today came the whitewash. Remember that shareholders not the board own any company.


2716 days ago

BREAKING: Top City PR Man Julian Bosdet, boss of Abchurch, accuses Police of failing in their job as he tries to beat drink driving rap

Top City PR Man Julian Bosdet, a senior director of of slimey and evil spinners Abchurch - PR of choice to China frauds on AIM and employer of many a posh but dim upper class twit - is on unconditional bail as he attempts to wriggle off a charge of driving his Range Rover back to his Country pile while well over the limit. His defence is based on attacking the fine and honourable men and women of the Avon & Somerset Police.


2718 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - BNN shareholders take it up the Arsenal

Links with Arsenal, massive cash burn, China, always missing goals (like the Arse) - that was BNN Technology (BNN), shares in which have been suspended today along with its CEO and China boss. I look at BNN in detail plus Telit (TCM), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) after my weekend pieces HERE and HERE. I cover Blenheim (BNR) after its joke RNS today and also the dog Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) after its latest spoof. The Mrs says my headline is crude & arguably homophobic, but I know you will love it and it is not if you take it in context.


2784 days ago

Aquatic Foods - now FD walks - who could have thought this was a China fraud? Roll of Shame

Late on Friday, at no-one is watching O'Clock we learned that Po Ling Low had quit as FD of AIM listed China fraud Aquatic Foods (AFG) with immediate effect. Really? It was 5.21 in London so it was 1.12 in the morning in China. Did Po really walk the plank so late in the evening. Clearly that was just another lie from this slam dunk fraud. 


2905 days ago

China Debt Timebomb or Red Herring, the Monkey explains

I reckon China is a debt time-bomb waiting to go off and burst the bubble. Andrew Monk of VSA Resources is a China bull but he addresses this issue in a fascinating note emailed to his clients this morning. Over to the Monkey...


2935 days ago

FRAUD Jiasen - ouzo time as Filthy Forty AIM departure #24 is booked, NED walks

Did it jump or was it pushed? ShareProphets AIM-China Filthy Forty posterboy Jiasen (JSI), one of the Fujian four, has announced this morning that it is proposing to delist from AIM and move instead to NEX (the lobster-pot formerly known as ISDX) - just when we thought that the race to AIM departure #24 from the Filthy Forty was down to a two-horse race between Asian Citrus (ACHL)and MoneySwap (SWAP). Jiasen also announced the departure of a NED with effect from the end of February.


2936 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The dangers of fad investing - Fitbit shocker, Torotrak shocks again & China fraud vindication

I take a detailed look at fad investing covering the big California drone fraud but also Fitbit which had a shocking profits warning today, Fitbug (FITB) and Cloudtag (CTAG). I look at two China frauds on AIM in big doo doo, Jiasen (JSI), which is definitely a kill for the Sheriff of AIM, and Taihua (TAIH) which will be. Then I look at Guscio (GUSC), Greatland Gold (GGP), Andalas (ADL), Golden Saint (GSR), Amur Minerals (AMC) and finally LGO Energy (LGO)


2941 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If it looks like a (Peking) Duck, walks like a (Peking) Duck, etc, etc

Joshua is off at PC Nursery Ryhme class so I am free to record. In this webcast I look at Fitbug (FITB), Cloudtag (CTAG) - Waseem is just wrong! - Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL), Ascent Resources (AST), Aquatic Foods (AFG), China frauds in general and in detail - to help Andrew Monk - Haike Chemicals (HAIK). 


3005 days ago

Lost money on China Frauds Naibu, China Chaintek, JQW & Camkids - here's a mad idea

Did you lose money on any of the Fujian Four? We hope that you took our warnings seriously and did not but now there is hope if you ignored us and lost out. Or is there? I refer you to the website of China Resolutions which claims that it may get your money back.

Its advisory board is headed up by John McClean who, as Chairman, was happy to take the cash from China Norfolk Aquatic Foods (AFG) until recently and was also Chairman of now de-listed Norfolk Sorbic which served up the usual tale of woe on his watch, see HERE.

Resolutions claims


3057 days ago

The arrogance of City folk who fail to accept there is a problem with China fraud - they are alright Jack

A leading City broker today opined "Now for bashers of Chinese Aim stocks they can have a field day today with Asian Citrus Holdings and their announcement on why they are suspended." Bashers of Chinese AIM stocks? Bashers? For the thousands of private investors who have seen their pensions raped by China frauds as City advisors have banked vast fees and prospered let us put those words into context.


3057 days ago

Dear Aunty – about that AIM Fraud radio programme last night…..

It was an interesting experience listening to the Radio Four show “File on Four” yesterday evening at 8pm. It was a programme about fraud on AIM, with a big focus on the China Frauds we have exposed right here on ShareProphets. There have been plenty of other frauds which have resulted in Tom Winnifrith being in receipt of lawyers’ letters, death threats and much more besides. And with reference to the China Frauds, it is here that you read it first. So why is it that the Beeb didn’t bother to get in touch with us directly?


3069 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Crashing with China, Krispy Kreme and the trainwreck CV of Lyin' Chris

In today's podcast, recorded before my father in law hogs the TV room to watch Songs of Praise, I look at what the Krispy Kreme IPO in Londron means, at signs of the mother of all crashes in China and what the CV of destruction from lyin' Chris of African Potash (AFPO) exposed HERE earlier - means. Am I a hypocrite on this matter.


3099 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I don't believe a single word you say or write

No more public service calls today, I would not want you thinking that I am a nice guy: yesterday was a one off! Lucian seems to have found a new China Norfolk over on the Nifty Fifty. I look at AEC (AEC) which should not be on AIM, On-Line (ONL) and its relationship with ADFVN (AFN), Glenwick (GWIK) and Golden Saint Resources (GSR) which - after this - is simply not investable or credible in any way shape or form. And there is more to come. On the bull tack I look at Independent Oil & Gas (IOG).  Yes I did say bull tack!


3102 days ago

Olympics: Forget TeamGB - it's the EU wot won it

I was waiting this to happen just at it did four years ago as I reported HERE. The EU has claimed that it sits at the top of the Olympic medals table with Team GB, currently second behind the US, submerged into team Evil Empire.

The EU table shows that the Evil Empire has won 223 medals at this year's Games – including 78 golds – compared to the United States' 84 and China's 51. Team GB - on 50 medals and 19 golds - disappears.
Remember that it is your taxes that funds such a pointless exercise. Do you think that in the streets of Athens they are cheering


3102 days ago

Haike Chemical - Any more Red Flags for Tea Vicar?

Shares in Haike Chemicals (HAIK) have more than trebled since the spring but do not get suckered in as this is almost certaintly just another common or garden AIM listed China Norfolk. I am grateful to a correspondent in China who writes:


3103 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: come on Dad it is not a hard sum!

These old folks they need mental exercise. Crosswords, jigsaws, Soduku, easy questions from their son. But my father fails on the how many days till Glenwick (GWIK) is suspended question. He says his mind is on higher things. Meanwhile I am still traumatised from being seen buying a copy of the Guardian for him. I look at Red Rock Resources (RRR), Glenwick, Leed Resources (LDP), Aquatic Foods (AFG) and China frauds, BoxHill (BOX) and naughty Lord Razzall - how is the bailout placing going your lordship? And I commend the recent work of Daniel Levi (Brokerman Dan) on Mkango Resources (MKA) where the old rogue is bang on the money. Mkango is truly worthless.


3154 days ago

Jiasen Results Delay - For Whom the bell tolls for thee

China fraud Jiasen (JSI) may well be enjoying its last few days on the AIM Casino as we have news today of a shock delay to its results. Do you want to bet if they will appear at all?


3161 days ago

Advanced Oncotherapy Red Flag Season part 3 - Tell us about Sinophi?

On 25 March 2015 Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) announced what it claimed was a major breakthrough in China, what it termed the "first major sale of a LIGHT system" in China. Well that was the headline. The customer was a firm called Sinophi. The shares zoomed on this $40 million order. Jolly good news. 37 days later the company raised £20 million in a placing at 8p. But did anyone care to look underneath the PR spin? No. Lets start with Sinophi Healthcare Limited.


3164 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast- China Fraud specialist Paul Shackleton & the accounts cock up at Croma

He has emerged again from under another stone. Now at disgraced WH Ireland (WHI), Shackleton represent a company called Croma (CSSG) which has not covered itself in glory today. I take a detailed look under its bonnet. Ho Ho ho. I do the same for Ambrian (AMBR) where Richard "piggy" Chase once worked and then discuss Nyota (NYO) which he trainwrecked suggesting a fair price for the placing it urgently needs. Ouch! And there are a few words on corporate governance, executive greed and Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO)


3179 days ago

PCG Entertainment - shocking trading statement, just shocking

With a heavy heart, since good friends are involved in PCG Entertainment (PCGE) those of us who had hoped that it was the China AIM play that would work out well, today look in dismay at a share price cratering and a trading statement that is just shocking beyond belief. This was meant to be the good China play..what does that say about the rest?


3187 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the facts of life for a whinger from the Liverpool welfare safaris

I start by putting one scouser straight on how things work in the real world. Then it is onto DDD Group, China Norfolk Aquatic Foods (AFG), Glenwick (GWIK), Sovereign Mines of Africa (SMA), Wishbone (WSBN), R4E (R4E) - go Dr Hon! -  and Gulf Keystone (GKP).


3195 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith grills Johnny Hon at UK Investor Show

In this interview I put controversial Mr Hon of Gate Ventures (GATE) fame on the spot about the Gate fiasco on AIM, the Chinese economy ( a bubble?) and about China fraud on AIM. Enjoy


3201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 May -Don't fall into the trap Malcolm (Stacey) admit that facts have changed

In today's podcast I chide my colleague Malcolm over an article he runs tomorrow on Inmarsat (ISAT). He makes the mistake, as we all do, of failing to accept that facts have changed. I explain why Inmarsat is certainly NOT a buy but then also reflect on why J Hon Esq makes the same error on China and on why I am so bearish on equities and, in accepting that, why the case for gold grows stronger.


3223 days ago

How to play the China recovery mining stocks to buy says the Monkey

I do not think that China is recovering. Andrew Monk of VSA does. Whatever. In the interests of balance here are a few words from the broker today:


3259 days ago

The Key Macro Indicator of China GDP is Loo Seat Growth

Do you believe official Chinese data on economic growth? No, neither do I. But you are seeking a reliable indicator well here it is - growth in the sale of lavatory seats. I kid you not. A leading broker explains.


3273 days ago

Filthy Forty – an open letter to George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer on AIM China Fraud

We have today penned an open letter to George Osborne regarding the ever-growing scandal of the ShareProphets AIM-China Filthy Forty. Mr Osborne, you will remember, is keen to see greater links forged between the London and Chinese markets. Under the circumstances we are deeply concerned about this and call for a full investigation.

Given the statistics of Nomad resignations (fourteen so far since the start of 2015, eight in the past six and a half months) it is crystal clear that there has been a serious problem: Nomads do not resign on a whim – business is hard to come by these days.

The question of how so many Chinese companies which, for reasons of fraud 


3275 days ago

Auhua Clean Energy - you have until 4.30 PM to sell: tick tick tick tock...kerboom

Oh dear it looks as if another China fraud is set to be marched off to the AIM casino death row this weeked ahead of a formal execution in one month. Auhua Clean Energy (ACE) has until Sunday night to find a new Nomad following the resignation of Grant Thornton a month ago. And quelle surprise....


3298 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - China Norfolk Aquatic Foods Red Flag special

Aquatic Foods (AFG) has been on the AIM Casino for exactly one year but its shares have slumped from 70p to 15p bid. The FD walked the plank today and surely Nomad SP Angel which raised £9.3 million for this POS 12 months ago must realise that the end is nigh. In this podcast I look at the numerous red flags. This one is going down.


3300 days ago

Auhua - where has the Chinese website gone?

On Friday, China fraud Auhua (ACE) announced that its nomad, Grant Thornton, was quitting as at 29 February but it said it was talking to other Nomads. Perhaps anyone happy to represent a China fraud might start its due diligence by asking where Auhua's Chinese website had gone?


3303 days ago

Another China fraud bites the AIM casino dust: Auhua is heading for death row

We have warned you often enough that China AIM Norfolk Auhua Clean Energy (ACE) was just not fit for purpose and today its Nomad Grant Thornton has give it one month's notice that it will quit... Auhua says it is talking to another Nomad, yeah right...


3315 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18 January - I loathe BT, it is ffing useless

I warn you that this podcast contains bad language from the start as I discuss how - as a customer - I hate BT (BT.A) with a passion. I then move onto China Norfolk Taihua (TAIH), a brief Jabba the Hutt section on Solo Oil (SOLO) and LGO Energy (LGO) and a look at SeaEnergy (SEA). Oil disasters dominate the fallers and in that vein I cover Petroceltic (PCI), MX Oil (MXO), Iofina (IOF), Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and Range Resources (RRL). I also have a butchers at the fun and games at Altona (ANR).


3323 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 January: In denial, Paul Scott, Quindell & China nutters

I deal with three sorts of folks who are in denial. Quindell (QPP)/Watchstone (WTG) owning BB nutters who still insist that Rob Terry may be innocent and I may be guilty, Paul Scott who sees value in retail stocks and the China nutters who cannot accept that what is going on is more than a little blip. Once again I warn that this podcast contains strong language.


3326 days ago

China AIM 'Filthy Forty': End 2015 Performance Update (more Geong, Geong, Gone)...

With our previous China AIM 'Filthy Forty' performance update, to mark the cancellation of Geong International, we asked 'Who's next to be Geong, Geong, Gone?' The answer has been...


3355 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 7 December - Very Bruised by Greece today

I refer not to InternetQ (INTQ) of which a lot more later but to an accident I suffered when picking olives this morning. I am in real pain.  I know how it feels to be a shareholder in LGO Energy (LGO) which I discuss. In today's podcast I also cover Northern Petroleum (NOP), Hardide (HDD) - in grisly detail - Hunter Resources (HUN) and take Nigel's excellent weekend piece on China New Energy (CNEL) further - this just stinks. Talking of China and Norfolk, I also note the news today from JQW (JQW). Finally I question the RNS from Forbidden Technology (FBT)


3392 days ago

Who's next to be Geong, Geong, Gone? - China AIM 'Filthy Forty' performance update...

Who's next to be Geong, Geong, Gone? - China AIM 'Filthy Forty' performance update. So far 15 down and 2 on the way out. Only 23 left standing. The average loss since IPO is a mere 46.4%. Strip out the two best performerers and two worst and the average loss is 82.5%. Shocking. So who is next for the high jump?


3392 days ago

Geong, Geong Gone! Yes the AIM Execution took place this morning

Over at Paternoster Square, above the headquarters of the London Stock Exchange the black flag was again raised this morning as Geong (GNG) took its final walk to the AIM casino execution chamber and was despatched. I’ve been wanting to say this for three years: “Geong, Geong…Gone!” This is the 15th AIM casino ShareProphets China Filthy Forty stock to meet its maker since the Index was started on June 1 2014. Who’s next?


3396 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 28 October - CEOs who suck up to me win no favours

It is one month to Gold & Bears and we now have a A1 bear speaking line-up. I hope that all bearcast listeners will be coming along - details on how to get a free ticket are HERE. I then discuss the new Bond. Political correctness gone mad. Then it is onto Meggitt (MGGT), Chemring (CHG), Plutus Powergen (PPG) - a total ffing disgrace - Petra Diamonds (PDL), DJ International (DJI) - my heroes of the day - CEB Resources (CEB), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Auhua (ACE) and the other China Norfolks, PeerTV (PTV) , LGO Energy (LGO) and I have a warning for the board at Minera (MIRL), I have a "treat" for you guys later. Smiley face.


3401 days ago

New Bulletin Board Moron of the week contest – can you beat this imbecilic posting?

If this owner of shares in China Norfolk Auhua (ACE) is not living in a council house already he soon will be judging by his quite bonkers investment strategy. Are you up for a challenge? Can you supply a more obvious Bulletin Board Moron of the week? Yes the contest is back.


3410 days ago

Vmoto – another AIM China Norfolk announces it’s leaving the Casino in disgrace

Given the disgraceful profits warning, disposal that made no sense, joke of a balance sheet and all round laughable state of affairs, AIM China play Vmoto (VMT) should have lost its Nomad and been suspended ages ago. Instead it has just announced that it is to leave the AIM casino and since it maintains a listing in Australia it no needs no permission to do so.  Another one bites the dust.


3416 days ago

Fraudsters China ReRun Statement – its avin a giraffe

On Tuesday shares in fraud China ReRun (CHRR) were suspended as the Nomad and token whitey NED quit. In a month the shares will be booted off the AIM casino. But today the company hit back with a statement that swings between lamentable and sheer comedy. I offer up a translation in bold. 


3418 days ago

Tom Winnifrith - An Open Message to LSE Boss Xavier Rolet re the China Frauds on AIM

The smug froggie cannot bury his head in the sand anymore. Another China fraud on AIM bit the dust today. I suggest that Mr Rolet accept that this is a scandal, apologise to the retail investors who have lost millions and then take 2 urgent steps to clean up this mess.


3422 days ago

Vmoto – yet another red flag from a China AIM casino joke

AIM Casino China play Vmoto (VMT) has served up yet another red flag with an announcement that it has issued a shed load of shares to various parties. Vmoto claims to be drowning in cash but as I pointed out HERE its balance sheet is actually very weak. So today it announced: 


3423 days ago

Geong, Geong GONE! - Another China fraud goes onto AIM casino Death Row

Oh dear. It could not get its accounts out on tme - given that they were total fiction that would have been hard - and at 4.05 PM today, shares in Geong (GNG) were suspended as Nomad and broker Finncap quit with immediate effect. I've wanted to use the phrase Geong, geong gone! in a headline for years and now I can. If no Nomad signs up for reputational hara-kiri within a month Geong will be booted off AIM. Pro tem it goes onto the casino death row. Boy the cells there are getting crowded.


3428 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 September: Defending Malcolm Stacey, Attacking CEB Resources & Zak

In today's podacst I start with an apology to India from yesterday's Bearcast. Then it is on to defend Malcolm Stacey for his column today on refugees - for once the old boy is 100% correct although most folks seem to disagree. Then it is onto Zak's piss poor analysis of China frauds (HERE). Finally CEB Resources (CEB) which looks like a totally overvalued AIM Casino ramp.


3429 days ago

Please sue me for libel: Jiasen International is an AIM listed fraud from China – interims today

The Bulletin Board Morons want Jiasen (JSI) to sue me for libel. Well let’s make this easy for the Fujian fraudsters. “Jiasen is a fraud and its criminal directors have produced bogus numbers today – its shares are worth 0p.” There is no ambiguity there. Sue me for libel. What is the Chinese for “See you in Court bitchez?”


3429 days ago

Bulletin Board Morons & Peasants of the day – ADVFN Jiasen thread

I never cease to wonder at the stupidity of some of the Bulletin Board Morons. Today’s interims from AIM Casino China fraud Jiasen (JSI) are dreadful – an abandonment of dividend policy despite the company claiming to be drowning in cash, a warning of how it will explain away that imaginary cash. Shares in this company have slumped in less than two years from an IPO price of 82p to 7.25p (up 1.25p today).  Yet the morons celebrate. 


3431 days ago

Vmoto shares back trading – its avin a bubble if it thinks we’’ll buy this shite

Shares in Vmoto (VMT) are back from suspension on the AIM Casino and ASX after it published a statement which only the thickest of morons and China Norfolk addicts will believe. It is talking shite. The shares are off 18% at 13.5p but the valuation of £20 million is just a rum n coke. Sell.


3433 days ago

Global Market Group dies an AIM death – do any of the crony capitalists give a FF?

The Nomad to China AIM casino POS Global Market Group (GMC) was Grant Thornton. It quit on August 21. S with no new Nomad having been announced you would expect confirmation today this its casino life was over. There is no RNS.

I called the LSE Market Operations team.


3433 days ago

Vmoto – another China AIM car crash underway? Or should that be scooter crash?

Oh dear. It is another dismal day for those invested in the Filthy Forty China Aim stocks with shares in Vmoto (VMT) suspended on the casino after a most bizarre statement. Let’s look at the timeline of what has – to date – been one of the star performing China AIM plays one of only three showing gains since IPO. Make that two now.


3443 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9/11 - Looking back & forward & a rip roaring day on AIM

It is 9/11 and I look back 14 years. I also reflect on the Orwellian way we all viewed Syria earlier this week. Looking forward, we have sold 90% of the restaurant in Clerkenwell to the pizza hardman Darren Atwater. we end up slightly ahead on the deal but I have had enough of running businesses and blame my own old age and the Tories for that. This is the start of my wind-down. On AIM its a cracking day with another China fraud kill, China Chaintek (CTEK) and more fun and games at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Redhall (RHL), Monitise (MONI), Sefton Resources (SER, Cloudbuy (CBUY) and Golden Saint Resources (GSR). And I am getting into bed with Rob Proctor of Audioboom (BOOM). Not literally but...well I explain in full. in the podcast.


3457 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 28 August - it was like Monopoly

I arrived back in Bristol after a long journey yesterday and opening my post it was just like Monopoly ( n a good way). To celebrate I look at the markets in general, comment on Scancell, predict a few no-one is watching O'Clock announcements tonight and then focus on Camkids but epecially JQW which sent out a big China fraud Red Flag today.


3457 days ago

Camkids: we knew the balance sheet was a fraud now here is why the reported profits are also bogus

AIM listed China fraud Camkids (CAMK) effectively admitted that its stated cash was not really there with its ludicrous explanation of how it was set to disappear (HERE) but now let me show you why its reported profits are also 100% made up.

My top China fraud


3469 days ago

The 26th best performing AIM China stock – down just 96% - what a farce

The more I look at the collection of investment train wrecks and outright frauds that are the China filthy forty the more I am horrified. Let’s look at the 26th best performer out of the 40, it has only lost 96% since IPO on the AIM Casino. I refer to Northwest Investment Group Ltd (NWIG), a special from Big Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Corporate Finance.


3470 days ago

The China AIM Casino Filthy Forty is launched – be shocked

We today launch the China AIM Casino Filthy 40 – a way of tracking what a fraud ridden mini cesspit this is. The findings and the tables below will truly shock you and shows what fantasists the idiots running the London Stock Exchange are.


3471 days ago

Results of China fraud Caption Contest and a new one in honour of useless LSE boss Xavier Rolet

Thanks for all the entries to the China fraud caption contest of yesterday. That was such fun we have a new contest (deadline for entries midnight Saturday) in honour of the useless tosser Xavier Rolet, the garlic munching imbecile in charge of the London Stock Exchange.

We asked for captions for the photo below on Thursday. You can see all the entries HERE


3472 days ago

The FRC pans Crowe Clark Whitehill ( audit pal of choice for the China AIM fraudster) in its latest review

Crowe Clark Whitehill is the UK auditor of a number on AIM casino china frauds and its associate in Fujian, Crowe Horwarth Associates really gets fingers dirty. We know that the blatant long term fraud at Sorbic (booted off the casino), Naibu (booted off the casino) and Camkids (soon to be booted off the casino) as well as at Jiasen and JQW totally escaped its attention. In light of that we bring you the latest Financial Reporting Council review of Crowe.

We suspect that the case files it reviewed did not include any of the China frauds, oops I meant clients. Perhaps next time the FRC should have a butchers at one or two of our Oriental friends.

But we draw your attention to a couple of FRC observations:


3473 days ago

A 60% fraud rate for Crowe Horwath Associates on the AIM casino – Enquiry & suspensions needed now!

Auditors Crowe Horwath Associates have performed the local audit for five China AIM casino companies and at three we have already seen wholesale fraud as purported cash balances either were made to disappear or never existed at all. The Financial Reporting Council, FCA and the oxymoron that is AIM Regulation need to act NOW and shares in Camkids (CAMK), Jiasen (JSI), and Asia Ceramics (ACHP) must be suspended at once.

The companies where we know that there has been fraud and which got clean bills of health from CWA were: Naibu (NBU) –delisted -, Sorbic International (SBI) – delisted - and


3473 days ago

China Fraud on AIM – the stench of Zedex

I warned folks about Zedex on 16 September 2014 – it is the unregulated boutique that specialises in floating frauds and investment car crashes from China on the AIM Casino. I now update that piece in light of recent events at Camkids and Naibu, both proven Norfolks. I warn you, next up is China Chaintek (CTEK).


3473 days ago

Breaking: Camkids – If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck……

Something just does not add up with AIM listed (pro tem) Camkids (CAMK). Tom Winnifrith and Steve Moore have already considered the credibility of yesterday’s RNS HERE and pronounced Camkids, from Fujian Province in China as a prime candidate to join the club from the Norfolk province of AIM. We’ve been looking at it from a different angle: the annual report and accounts. What we find is shocking. 


3476 days ago

Camkids – an old dog with new tricks to explain how nearly ‘All the Money’s Gone’

Former ‘Investors Chronicle’ favourite AIM casino China fraud Camkids Group (CAMK) has released a more than 600 word RNS, which can be almost summed up by a 1999 song from Wolverhampton band Babylon Zoo; ‘All the Money’s Gone’… The shares are crashing and if Nomad Allenby had any integrity it would quit. This is a total Rum n'Coke.


3485 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 31 July in honour of disgraced PR man Tim Thompson

In today's podcast I look at Coms in detail and then at Rightster en passant whose PR man is the disgraced dirty tricks specialist Tim Thompson of Range Resources infamy and where there is a detailed piece to come later,  before having a butchers at the ludicrous joke that is LightwaveRF. I refer to my Jiasen piece earlier and have a warning for other China Norfolks. In that vein I also mention the POS Daniel Stewart. Then en passant Mosman Oil & Gas and flip flop's Red Rock share tip.

Footnote: The Interim CFO at Coms has called me back. What a very nice lady. I stand


3485 days ago

Visit to Jiasen International June 2015 - Red Flags Ahoy, when's the delisting?

A man known to me has recently been to China to see Jiasen (JSI). I was a bear before, having read this I am even more of a bear. Too many things just do not stack up. There clearly is a Jiasen business. But it is just nothing like what is claimed by the listed company. On the basis of this on the ground reporting by a fellow who understands industrial processes I state that beyond doubt I do not believe that its stated profits, sales and net assets are real.

The point made about who undertakes the local audit (the same fellows who signed off on the creative fiction that were fraud Naibu’s accounts) is utterly alarming. Anyone who remains associated with this enterprise needs their head examining. Target price: 0p or delisting. Our man in Fujian writes:


3499 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 18 July - Fraud, funding and missing Lords

My MCC card is in my pocket but I am, again, missing the Lords test on a glorious Saturday. One year... I then take this podcast to the China AIM frauds. By next Wednesday 4 will have been booted off the casino so far this year, I refer you to a superb piece out earlier today HERE. I chatted late at night last week to an emerging markets fund manager and thus offer up more thoughts on these frauds. Then it is onto how the 900 companies on AIM that need funding will get it and in this section I look again at valiRx.


3500 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - On an amazing high and its not coke - honest!

I am on such a high. But there is no coke involved. Or hookers. Heck I'm not a crony capitalist just a capitalist and I've had a cracking day so far as I explain. Then to Greece and China and why China matters and why the Chinese Canute's won't win. And then onto LGO Energy.


3506 days ago

Chinese stockmarket still crashing – so now they want to arrest pandas

China is opening down another 2% today. Almost half the stocks out East are still halted or suspended so what is today’s (failing) panic reaction from the Authorities? Yes – arrest the bears, putt the pandas in cuffs because as we all know, the only reason shares fall is because of evil bears. Rob Terry really should list his latest fraud Quob Park in China.

According to translations on Zero Hedge :


3508 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 July - George Osborne is a twat

This has been delayed by certain IT issues here in the Hellenic Republic. I start the podcast on Greece then onto China and finally to chancellor George Osborne and his budget - the guy is a prize twat. At a company level I look at Azonto Petroleum, Monitise ( TSOA wins again!), Red Rock Resources and the fraud Jiasen.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3509 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 7th July - Page 3 bird photo

As an experiment I tried to upload this direct, rather than via Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater, but could not work out how to upload my photo so had to use an alternative. In today's podcast I look at Greece, China (the real story of the day), Sefton, Fitbug, Phorm, Stratmin Global and fat cats. Real fat cats like Oakley not fat cats like Sir Martin Sorrell.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3510 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 6 July: bombast battle

In today's podcast i start with Greece and also my father, a Nai supporter, blaming the poor Greeks for his expensive pint in Ireland. I shall explain the economics of the euro to the old deluded lefty next week. Then onto Avanti Communications, CIC Gold, China, Velocys, Litebulb and Europea Oil & Gas.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3512 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 5 July: Greece, China, Quindell & house prices

Polls close here in Athens in just over three hours. I shall shortly head off to my local polling station to have a final butchers and then to Syntagma Square to sit underneath the Greek parliament as the results come in. I shall blog away here on ShareProphets as Greece decides whether it is Oxi or nai. Pro tem this podcast covers Greece, China, Quindell and UK House prices.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3513 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 4th July, Independence is on my mind

Happy Independence day to our American listeners. My prayers are that tomorrow Greece votes for freedom and votes Oxi! But will it? And what does that mean for the Euro and shares. I note Goldman Sachs claims that a Nai vote will see global equities rise by 10%. Hmmm, I think it misses the bear in the China shop. A few thoughts brought to you from Athens in today's podcast.

This podcast is recorded in the most excellent Anthropology cafe in Athens which I heartily recommend - although it really needs to start stocking ouzo

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 1 July

I forgot to mention convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson in the podcast. Silly me. But in case you have forgotten why he is a felon go HERE and why I am going to keep mentioning it go HERE. In the actual Bearcast I look at Sirius Minerals and Monitise and then have breaking news on the unlikely hero of the day China fraud specialist Mr Paul Shackleton and bad news for investors in Gate Ventures. Then it is onto Daniel Stewart with a bad Winston Churchill parody. Then onto Speedy Hire, Lightwaverf, Independent Oil & Gas and Phorm where the chickens are coming home to roost, at last.


3518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 29th June

Oh happy days, oh happy days. Firstly my daughter turns 14 today. Born at just 1lb 4 oz she was a miracle baby and has turnd into a cracking young lady. Secondly the Slater & Gordon/Quindell mess gets messier by the day. Lube up Rob Terry, B Wing awaits. And then I move onto Greece and China to equity market valuations and then on to Progility, HSS Hire and Lamprell.


3518 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 June - Greece, China and bubbles

In today's podcast I look at events in Greece and China and the nature of asset bubbles. I will deal with ISIS in my weekly postcard on later.


3518 days ago

Reader Poll – Monday a good day to bury bad news – how many profits warnings?

It is all kicking off. Greece & Grexit, The Chinese stockmarket bubble bursting, ISIS on the rampage. The eyes of the world will not be on London listed companies. It is to quote that Labour spin doctor on the day of 9/11 “a good day to bury bad news”. What better day to sneak out a profits warning or a deeply discounted placing to your mates, the City spivs?


3531 days ago

Auhua - what a bunch of cocksuckers - crony capitalists foiled by The Sheriff of AIM

Earlier today I revealed in yet another scoop that POS China AIM listed company Auhua (ACE) was planning a placing at just 4p when its shares were trading at 13-15p. The discount told you everything. Broker WH Ireland knows this is just a shite investment and the only folks who will support it are flippers. And now Auhua has fessed up - the Sheriff was right. Yet again. Auhua states:


3531 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 June - homage to Chris Bailey

Chris Bailey of Financial Orbit is on my mind for three reasons and I explain why. One of them is APR Energy which I discuss and Chris will post on later. I also look at two China POS stocks, the fraud Sorbic and Auhua Clean Energy. Then at Thor Mining, Trap Oil and Mosman Oil & Gas. Then it is onto the boiler room stocks: Inspirit, Sabien and Flowgroup. Warning: this podcast contains both bad language and also a lot of racist generalisations about folks from Australia and New Zealand with the exception of Kylie Minogue (pictured) who can, of course, do no wrong.


3534 days ago

Camkids AGM Q&A - the killer admission

AIM casino listed China fraud Camkids (CAMK) has helpfully published an English language transcript of a Q&A from its AGM yesterday. There are moments of sheer comedy but also a killer admission which should tell you this is heading for 0p.


3547 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 30th May - Investor Insanity

In this podcast I try to explain how 2+2 does not equal 22 when it comes to injecting assets into shells and yes my case study is Sefton. I then turn to the China stockmarket bubble trying to show how mad things have become and what will happen when it ends in tears. As it will.


3550 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Naibu I now have the smoking gun

I have some frigana to poison, some snakes to encounter and after that swimming and a late lunch with the Mrs at Kitries which is a small seaside town in the Mani that I would recommend to anyone. After that or perhaps tomorrow I shall publish the smoking gun on Naibu (NBU) demonstrating that its claim to have lots of cash and no debt was a slam dunk lie from the IPO onwards. This was a fraud and it was one that its Nomad (Daniel Cesspit), accountant (Clark Whitehall) and lawyers (Pinsent Masons) should have and could have spotted. So who should get sanctioned and what should the LSE do about other China Norfolks on AIM now? Amazingly I also have breaking news from the LSE about China which will horrify you all.


3551 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - Its China fraud day

Naibu, Jiasen and over in Germany Joyou, it is all happening on the China fraud front. The London Stock Exchange's attitude and inaction is a disgrace. If you still own shares in JQW, Camkids, Jiasen, Chaintek or Asian Citrus you are bonkers. A short bearcast covering the day's events and a meeting with a feral cat.

The link to Zero Hedge is HERE


3564 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 12 May

Now on my 3rd PC in 10 days forgive the two minutes silence at the end of this bearcast...I was trying to say, more on that to follow but this little horror of a machine froze on me. Anyhow this podcast covers Reach4 Entertainment, Sefton, Hunter Resources, Camkids and the other China Norfolks, New World Oil & Gas and the growing sense of doom here in Greece.


3568 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast -May 7th

Hi apologies for the podcast delay, after a long trek down to the Mani I fell asleep. In this bury bad news on General Election day podcast I look at news from Red Rock Resources, African Copper and a laughable statement from SCS Upholstery. I also cover the China frauds, specifically Camkids and Naibu but also Sorbic, JQW, China Chaintek and Jiasen and have a message for Alan Green about a motorbike upgrade. And I cover New World Oil & Gas.


3568 days ago

Sorbic finally admits CEO has stolen all its cash but it could well be worse at this China AIM fraud

The London Stock Exchange denies that there is a problem with China AIM frauds. What planet is patrician twit Chris Gibson Smith on? Well it is only dirty little people (aka private investors) who are being cleaned out so who gives a FF anyway, Chris old boy? This brings us to Sorbic (SORB) which today admitted that its CEO has stolen all its money, In fact I reckon it’s worse than that.


3574 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 2 May - New World & Aquatic Foods

Two looming scandals on the AIM casino -next week will be New World Oil & Gas (NEW) where it could be an explosive headache for ninth rate Nomad Roland "fatty" Cornish and then Aquatic Foods which the Chronic Investor reckons is a Red Flag free China play. Au contraire.


3575 days ago

Another day & Sorbic, another AIM China fraud, suspended as the claimed cash mountain disappears

Even the thickest mothers on this planet (that is to say the AIM regulation team) must be spotting a pattern by now as another AIM listed China fraud (Sorbic) bites the dust.

Sorbic PLC (SORB) had c£3.75 million of debt in the UK but claimed to have almost £7 million of cash in China. Its shares traded at a discount to net cash and PR Henry UpperClass-Twit of Abchurch, PR to nearly all China frauds, was able to argue that the stock was cheap.

Only one little problem compadres, Chinese boss Wang Yang Ting


3578 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 30 April

The Mrs is finally back from India tonight but her delay is clearly a breach of my human rights. Will any political party remedy this? The podcast refers back to yesterday's bonus China fraud Bearcast on Gate & Naibu (see HERE) before moving into the farce of today's two China Norfolks in the news, JQW and Sorbic. Then there are the lessons we learn from Arria, the Kenmare tale, Optare, Mosman and Ubisense which seems like a POS.


3579 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 28 April

As we prepare for the London Stock Exchange peasants revolt tomorrow I consider more failings on the AIM Casino. In the podcast I also cover Rose Petroleum, JQW and Camkids ( both China Norfolks) and the latest farce at Horse Hill.


3593 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bear with a sore head Cast - April 15

Thank you to the uber-foxy PR bird for Symphony, brokers Tim & John, foxy bex and the PR spinner to David Lenigas for last night. This bear now has a very sore head and is feeling fragile. Notwithstanding that I go into battle today starting with the Horse Hill omnishambles notably in regard to Solo Oil, moving onto two Chinese POS stocks warning today, to that specialist in China Frauds Daniel Stewart and its own profits warning. I then look at why Kirkland Lake is to leave the Casino and then also at another China POS stock now on ISDX having been booted off the Casino. A second bearcast on Quindell & Slater Gordon is to follow.


3599 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 8 April: Defending NonDoms and more

I start by defending NonDoms. Do not get me wrong the owner of Chelsea FC is not my fave guy but the politics of envy is self defeating. Then to stocks - I start with the China Norfolks and then it is onto Coms, blinkx, Trinity Exploration, the BG/Shell deal and what it means for smaller oil stocks and Starcom.

PS My ticket for UK Investor Show arrived today. I hope yours have too - if not email [email protected] to find out why and chase.


3611 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 March

In today's podcast I urge you all to book your seats for UK Investor now as there are fewer than 100 of the 2000 tickets for the big day (April 18) still going. All tickets will be posted early next week. You can book HERE. In terms of companies I cover Quindell, Coms, Teathers Financial, Tower Resources, Gulfsands, JQW ( rapidly looking like my fave China Norfolk) and a POS called Messaging International.


3614 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 25 March - a busy day

Jeepers, I am meant to be preparing a romantic meal for two tonight and I have not even started. The Mrs will not be pleased but it is a busy day. On this podcast I cover China frauds -and invite you to vote on which will be the next AIM Casino China Norfolk to see its shares suspended (HERE), Monitise, Eclectic Bars, Coms and more.

If you like Bearcast, you will love UK Investor. There are now fewer than 100 seats left for April 18 so book yours now HERE


3614 days ago

Reader poll - which will be the next China AIM stock to be suspended as fraud emerges

I mentioned this in BearCast and it is just a bit of fun. Shares in Naibu remain suspended as the CEO of that fraud Mr Houyan Lin languishes in a China gaol cell. So which will the be the next China AIM stock to be suspended for whatever reason - natch fraud is the most likely reason, Vote now, results tomorrow


3633 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5th March

I start with admin matters: I shall be served with an injunction by Aiden Earley, shadow director of the fraud Worthington at 4.30 PM and have a few snippets of bad news for Aiden. I congratulate Brokerman Dan on being named the share blogger of the year. Then to business. In this podcast I touch on Quindell, Move onto William Sinclair, Jiasen ( a China Norfolk), Tern, Sareum and Afren.


3645 days ago

China – AIM just does not get it – shocking revelation

AIM is owned by the London Stock Exchange and regards itself as the junior market for the world. I regard it as a casino and its regulation department headed up by Marcus Stuttard, the self-styled Sheriff of AIM, as the biggest joke in London. I now have a shocking revelation for you which exposes the conflict of interest which will destroy what little credibility the casino still has.

AIM (i.e. the LSE) makes its money simply by having as many companies listed as possible. It does not matter if the companies are good companies which make money for investors or are frauds which steal money from investors, AIM just wants companies to list. And to stay there. And with that in mind the idea that it can regulate itself is like asking the fox to take care of the chickens.

In the last month we have seen the Naibu scandal hit the front page of the FT.  As we 


3671 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Grand Group Investments - another China POS IPO - Red Flag Special

Grand Group Investments plans to IPO on AIM tomorrow thanks to fat crony capitalist Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Corporate Finance. The usual advisers to China Norfolks are on board: dirtbag lawyers Pinsent Masons and PR poshboy Henry Harrison Topham, I say old chap didn't your grandfather bugger mine behind the bike sheds at Eton? In this podcast I look at the other Red Flags

To get your free copy of my new book 49 Red Flags sent to you today  fill in the form HERE


3675 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 23rd January

In today's podcast I look at the PR/Financial Press corrupt deal. I then move into Quindell, Robinson, Cambria Africa, Frontier Mining, what timber prices tell us about general earnings visibility, Gowin New, a new China POS that had been flagged up to me called JQW (target price 0p), the Wandisco pump and dump and Jiasen International.


3685 days ago

Lucian Miers goes short China Chaintek at 60p – target price 0p

The suspension of trading in shares in China fraud Naibu (NBU) will make bear raider Lucian Miers a stack of cash as he was a long time short. So who is next?


3688 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 January - Fraud, Naibu kill, other AIM China stocks & Quindell chairman, PWC & fraud

Really just a few matters on the agenda in this special prompted by the suspension of shares in Naibu (NBU) today. I have been calling this out as a fraud for a year. I win. I look at the read across to China Chaintek, Camkids and Jiasen, to what it says about ZAI Corporate Finance and its other clients and what it says about any other stock I call out as a fraud. I look at Quindell, rumours about a new chairman, PWC and the fact that it too is a fraud. I also have more to say on the matter of free speech.


3693 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s share tips of the year 2015, No 8 – sell Jiasen International at 42.5p

Anyone owning a Chinese based AIM stock is certifiably bonkers.  That is especially the case if it is based in Fujian Province, a small part of the PRC which has specialised in listing frauds on AIM, the Frankfurt Exchange, the TSX and NASDAQ.  The Fujian four on AIM are: Camkids (CAMK), Naibu (NBU), China Chaintek (CTEK) and Jiasen International (JSI) and for all four my ultimate target price is 0p. But I feature Jiasen today at 42.5p as a sell of the year.

The modus operandi of a Fujian fraud is simple.


3708 days ago

Absolute tummy rot on Jiasen International – a China POS

I actually like the team from Beaufort Securities but have to pull them up for this note of last Thursday on AIM China POS Jiasen International (JSI). This company may be legit but everything it states follows the pattern of companies – like it – from Fujian province which are out and out frauds.

The Beaufort note reads:


3709 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 December

On the agenda today, a detailed look at Gowin New ( another China POS with a hilarious balance sheet), Peer TV, Nature Group, New World Oil & Gas and the hoods at Directors Talk, Oilex and Sefton Resources


3716 days ago

Video of Nick Bryant of PGC Entertainment presenting at the ShareProphets seminar 8 December

PGC Entertainment (PGCE) listed on the AIM Casino just a few days ago. It operates in China but is run by Westerners. Its CEO Nick Bryant presented at the recent ShareProphets seminar on December 8th. To make sure you get priority alerts to book into future seminars register HERE. To watch Nick in action and see his presentation see the video below.


3718 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Daniel Stewart ties itself in knots over China Chaintek - Research? LOL

Hapless Daniel Stewart is tying itself in knots over AIM Casino listed China fraud China Chaintek (CTEK). A research note out yesterday is just LOL stuff as I explain in this mini bearcast.


3726 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 2nd December - New China AIM POS Revealed

Rain delayed play on the olive harvest but is now back underway again but without me for this afternoon as I have business to attend to in Kalamata and you, my dear listeners, to satisfy with the revelation of a NEW China AIM stock capitalised at £88 million which shouts out red flag. I also comment on Forbidden Technology, Tyratech and growth stocks that stumble, on Ortac Resources, Beacon Hill Resources and raise a few points about the fraud souffle that is Quindell


3730 days ago

EXCLUSIVE – Daniel Stewart loses Nomad License – death knell for it & the China Frauds

Daniel Stewart (DAN) is still listed on AIM - though its shares are suspended - but it clearly does not give a flying fuck about disclosure rules because it has yet to issue an RNS saying that it has lost its license to be a Nomad. So I will announce it on behalf of this POS enterprise. Peter Shea you can thank me later. The ramifications for the China frauds it represents are massive.


3766 days ago

The Pressfit scandal - the final straw: Daniel Stewart should be closed down now

The IPO of China POS Pressfit (PFIT) and its share price collapse today is yet another disgrace on the AIM Casino brought to you by Nomad Daniel Stewart. In this podcast special Tom Winnifrith examines this IPO, the parties involved and the Conflicts of Interest. Thereis only one conclusion, AIM Regulation must shut down Daniel Stewart at once.


3791 days ago

Monday Caption Contest – Naibu, China Chaintek and Camkids Special

Today Camkids (CAMK) has followed its fellow AIM casino Fujian shoe related China POS heroes Naibu (NBU) and China Chaintek (CTEK) in cutting their dividends despite claiming to be hugely cash generative and drowning in cash.  As such we bring you the Monday Caption Contest. Please post your captions in the comments section on ShareProphets:


3791 days ago

Camkids Interims - an inexplicable dividend cut from a Chinese POS on the AIM Casino

Another day and another Chinese POS on the AIM casino has cut its cash dividend for reasons that one can only explain in one way. Today’s little shocker is Camkids (CAMK) a shoe producer from Fujian like Naibu (NBU) and those German listed Chinese frauds.

The statement has a new twist – a bit of blather about the shares have been hit by adverse comment in the Western press about Chinese stocks on AIM. Yes there have been dozens and dozens of fraudulent Chinese companies listed on AIM, Frankfurt, in NY and Canada and we dumb gwaelos of the Western investing public have had enough. What don’t you dumb mothers understand about that? I am sorry if you feel tarred with the same brush unfairly but heck that is the territory.

Anyhow Camkids says that it has a different business model to the others (I take it that it means to the frauds) which is jolly good news. So we can all believe its numbers right? Er…


3797 days ago

China Chaintek interims – this stinks of Norfolk too

From the team that brought you Naibu (NBU) we also have China Chaintek (CTEK) which released its interims today and it goes without saying that they do not stack up either. My target price for the shares is 1p (the value of the cash dividend on offer) but since it will probably be the last when the stock goes ex my target price will be slashed to 0p.

As a reminder, team Naibu/China Chaintek is dodgy serial floater of China frauds Zedex Capital, the Nomad which floats utter shite from China and the UK and which brought Quenron to the AIM Casino (Daniel Stewart) and PR spinners for most of the China Norfolks, the upper class twits at Abchurch.

Chaintek, is like Naibu and the two German China frauds to have emerged in the past three months, from Fujian province China. They all make shoes. Chaintek is in logistics and its main customers are claimed to be shoe producers.

I do not need to go into much detail


3798 days ago

The sheer extent of Chinese stock fraud on the West revealed & how they do it

You think that the odd China fraud in Germany or the UK is just a case of a few bad apples? Think again. I bring you today an article from which lists all the frauds inflicted on American investor in recent years. And also details the nature of the scams. The list is incredibly long and demonstrates quite frankly that there is industrial scale fraud underway. No sane individual would own a single share in any Chinese company listed in AIM – read this and realise why.

Anyone investing in Chinese companies listed in North America & Europe is taking a big risk. Recent events have shown that the management of many of these Chinese companies are fraudsters with primary intention of duping the investors.


3798 days ago

GOTCHA! Naibu - The bombshell revelation - surely the shares must be suspended NOW

I do hope that someone round at Daniel Stewart, Nomad and Broker to AIM listed China fraud Naibu (NBU) has learned to read Chinese since the crony capitalists FAILED to do adequate due diligence on this POS before it listed. Because I have a little press cutting for you chaps from 2008. If you are not too busy spending the £600,000 you have made in fees from Naibu in the past 18 months you need to read it and then resign at once as Nomad and broker and have the shares suspended. This is a bombshell.


3798 days ago

Winners & Losers from the Naibu fraud: Daniel Stewart & Shareholders

This is not my dynamite revelation, I merely set the scene…China fraud Naibu (NBU) floated on the AIM casino in May 2012 at 124p. The shares are now 19.5p. So UK shareholders have lost 5/6 of their cash in less than 18 months. So who are the winners from this farce? Well let me introduce to its Nomad and broker Daniel Stewart. This will appall you and perhaps explains why Daniel Cesspit (which also floated Quenron) is trying not to resign.


3798 days ago

Daniel Stewart, Abchurch, AIM Regulation are you ready - Its a Gotcha on Naibu at 7 AM

I hope that Daniel Stewart and upper class twit PR buffoons Abchurch Communications have enjoyed spending the vast fees they have earned in assisting China fraud Naibu (NBU) to list on the AIM Cesspit. And I hope AIM Regulation are ready because at 7 AM the Sheriff of AIM will be breaking news which MUST result in a share suspension if the Casino is to retain any credibility. It is Gotcha time for these bad guys and then we can start moving onto Camkids (CAMK) and China Chaintek (CTEK). Oh.....


3798 days ago

Almost Half ShareProphets Readers think ALL China AIM stocks uninvestable

In the light of the fraud revelations at Naibu (NBU) and many more tales of woe regarding AIM Casino listed Chinese stocks we asked our readers for their view on Chinese AIM stocks – only 8% appear prepared to buy. My surprise is that even 8% of you are prepared to chuck your cash away. The results were explicit.


3798 days ago

Another listed Chinese firm sees shares collapse today as theft and fraud emerge – this time its Ultrasonic listed in Germany

Frigging hell how many warning signs do investors in AIM listed China stocks need? Today’s shocker comes from Germany where Ultrasonic – a shoe maker – has seen its shares crash by 79% in just one day. But there is a read across to some of our AIM listed frauds.

Ultrasonic’s problem is that its CEO and COO Qingyong Wu and Minghong Wu have disappeared without trace. At the same time all the cash in its PRC and HK bank accounts has disappeared. Sounds bad eh?


3798 days ago

China Fraud & Zedex follow up – Asia Distribution, a blatant Norfolk that AIM was happy with

I noted in my earlier article HERE how Zedex Capital is involved in listing a stack of shit companies or indeed outright frauds on AIM. That is why anyone holding shares in Naibu, Camkids, China Chaintek, Asian Citrus and Asia Ceramics which are all, pro tem, listed on the Casino should sell now. If you doubt me here is another warning: Asia Distribution, what happened next.

The pattern is that the Chinese company floats, raises cash from gullible Gwaelos in London, Chinese investors sell in the aftermarket and then, to cover up the fraud, the POS on AIM agrees to a takeover at a price which sees all UK Investors lose money. But you ask what happens next once AIM investors are not looking any more? Asia Distribution agreed to a 52p a share bid to end its AIM charade. Here is the 2011 Regulatory filing from the acquiring company. Weep.


3798 days ago

Was it Naibu that scuppered the Fraspens IPO or has Daniel Stewart stopped floating shit on the AIM Casino

The sorry saga of AIM listed China fraud Naibu (NBU) gets murkier and murkier and at the heart of it is City Nomad and broker Daniel Stewart, the firm that brought Quenron to the AIM casino and acts for Naibu. I asked it to show integrity at the weekend by quitting Naibu given my explosive revelation HERE. But Daniel Cesspit would rather bank the fees. So let’s talk Fraspens. Fraspens who you say? Well let me explain, on 21 July this fine enterprise issued a press release announcing inter alia:


3798 days ago

Now on a PE of only 0.45, why does Daniel Stewart not rate Naibu as a buy? Because it’s a fraud!

Shares in China based AIM listed fraud Naibu have slumped to just 23p today – they were 50p on Thursday before the disastrous interims were published. House broker and Nomad Daniel Stewart (the firm that signed off on the Quenron IPO) stated on Friday that earnings will be 46p this year and that fair value is 50p. So why is it not rating the stock as a buy?

Surely a PE of just 0.45 and share price upside of 140% makes this a screaming buy. The only problem, as Daniel Stewart knows full well, is that this is a fraud 


3798 days ago

Giles Elliot of Naibu, you are an honourable man being made to look like a fool – will you quit?

Giles Elliot, the non-exec deputy chairman of AIM listed China fraud Naibu (NBU) strikes me as a good and thoroughly honourable man. But he has been made to look like an utter fool by CEO Houyan Lin and I ask Giles when is he planning to quit?

In light of my revelations HERE of this weekend Giles must know he has been taken for a monumental ride and through no fault of his own to make look like a right Charlie. 


3798 days ago

Missed out on Naibu: Here are your next two China companies to short: CamKids and China Chaintek

The Naibu (NBU) Norfolk is collapsing as we speak. Last seen the shares were at 31p and target price is 0p. Will the Naibu owning Bulletin Board moron who called me Winnifraud 2 days ago on the ADVFN Naibu thread for questioning this Ponzi please apologise now? Is he right now filling his boots or filling his trousers with the brown stuff? I have no sympathy for this cretin whatsoever. He was warned… So which are the next two China AIM casino listed stocks to slump> Here are two suggestions.


3841 days ago

Naibu – Daniel Stewart pumps out buy note but will not answer critical question – target price cut to 0.0000001p

Following the comical trading statement from AIM listed POS China joke company Naibu (NBU) earlier this week – see HERE - Broker and Nomad to this Norfolk, Daniel Stewart, has published a buy note but refuses to answer my utterly critical question. The shares have slumped to 43.5p putting them on a PE of 0.95 and a yield of 13.8% if you believe the forecasts. I do not and am thus slashing my target price from 1p to 0.0000001p and will reduce it further if Daniel Stewart cannot answer this question:


3845 days ago

Naibu – Comedy RNS, Tragedy awaits – sell at 51.5p – target price 1p

A Trading statement from China based AIM Cesspit POS Naibu (NBU) today is sheer comedy genius. The shares are off again at 51.5p and I am now minded to revisit my 1p target price as I am being generous.

This is the company where the CEO lent his mum a seven figure sum  - cash that belonged to the company – to buy a property. The deal fell through but she is not bothering to repay. When all its peers suffered falling sales and margin compression, Naibu reported numbers that bucked the trend. Its reported numbers in terms of margin are off the scale. It had had six auditors in six years. 

At its AGM, CEO Lin failed to appear citing problems with his visa. Bollocks.  I was there


3875 days ago

Poor Phorm: Now tell us the truth about the “scale back” in Romania, before I get Nastase on you

Poor Phorm (PHRM). It has woes aplenty. First up it runs out of cash and unless some sucker gives it more it will go tits up in six weeks’ time. Secondly it appears unable to tell investors the complete truth about certain of its problems, like being shut down by the regulator in Brazil as I revealed HERE a few days ago. And thirdly it sees that it is not just Brazil where it has problems with regulators.

I noted in my prior piece that whenever Phorm seems to be getting any traction at all in a territory those darned regulators just shut it down. The UK, the US, the EU, etc, etc, etc.  But there is always the same pattern of hype (pre fund-raise) and then disappointment.

Right now Turkey and China are in the hype phase. But what are the odds that the regulators will act there at some stage. Maybe the US, the UK, the whole of the EU and Brazil was just a fluke?  So let’s look at last year’s hype story …Romanian, birthplace of Mr Nastase, the coolest tennis player in history.

According to Phorm’s latest RNS:


3997 days ago

Phorm: The Chinese “fund raise” – questions for the company and ex Nomad Liberum

Poor Phorm (PHRM) …it will have run out of cash within six weeks and so unless it can get away yet another fund raise it will be toast by Easter. But before we look forward to that, I have a number of questions for AIM Cessoit listed Phorm and its former Nomad Liberum about events back in 2012.  

On 1st June 2012 Phorm announced that it had managed to persuade an investor to buy 20% of it’s (yet to start up) Chinese subsidiary for £20 million. The implication was that Phorm’s retained stake was worth £80 million and as a read through its operations outside China would be worth an awful lot.

The statement reads.


3998 days ago

Breakfast Q&A with Paul Atherley of Leyshon Energy: BUY

To London yesterday for an early morning breakfast with Paul Atherley of AIM listed Leyshon Energy (LEN) which at 5p trades at net cash. So is this going nowhere? Far from it. The Q&A follows.

Q. What happened your Chinese gas – is it toast?


4101 days ago

Does Green Dragon Gas go tits up next week?

AIM listed Green Dragon gas (GDG) has yet to offer any explanation to the bloody dossier containing pictures of Chinese villagers beaten up, apparent environmental vandalism in the US and questions on other matters. But that may be the least of its worries. 


4133 days ago

Green Dragon Resources: the bloody dossier, cash and the potential $50 million black hole – could it be game over within weeks?

It is now more than three weeks since I passed to Green Dragon Gas (GDG) a dossier showing environmental wreckage in the US and bloodied Chinese villagers. The dossier was prepared by a former trade partner. I made it clear that I would publish a rebuttal in full.  Despite promises to the contrary I have received no such rebuttal. But that is not as pressing as the cash issue and a potential $50 million black hole which could sink Green within weeks.


4151 days ago

Green Dragon Gas - Explosive Dossier?

I was passed a dossier on £312 million capitalised AIM listed China energy play Green Dragon Gas (GDG) last week and it appears explosive. I invite you to see for yourself.


4220 days ago" target="_new">Will Solar save silver? The Sprott view

Sprott Asset Management is the world’s most successful precious metals and precious metals stocks investor. Its head honcho Eric Sprott is a big silver bull. So maybe the group is talking its own book here but it is an interesting take none the less. Personally I think solar power is a busted flush & have no great faith In China five year plans, but there you go. Sprott AM writes:


4230 days ago

July Pond Life on Hampstead Heath

My old pal Robert Sutherland Smith, now aged 167, is off on a summer break for a few days. Before departing he offered up his thoughts on life from Hampstead Heath. He has also served up two articles today (on G4S and Tesco) on  Over to RSS.

Now that the great heat has come, the ponds more closely resemble the Ganges with seemingly half the population of London seeking its cool liquidity, except that the water no longer has that cool crispness which bites back in less sunny days. 

Crowds as we know are prone to madness


4281 days ago

The Talking Dog Joke

A man sees a sign outside a house - 'Talking Dog For Sale.' He rings the bell, the owner appears and tells him the dog can be viewed in the back garden.

The man sees a very nice looking Labrador Retriever sitting there.

"Do you really talk?" he asks the dog.

"Yes," the Labrador replies.

After recovering from the shock of hearing the dog talk, the man asks, "So, tell me your story."

The Labrador looks up and says, "Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I was sold to the SAS.  In no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one imagined that a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years".

"But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger so I decided to settle down. I signed up for a job at Heathrow Airport to do some undercover security work, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in.  I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded several medals".

"Then I got married, had a few puppies, and now I've just retired."

The man is amazed.  He goes back into the house and asks the owner how much he wants for the dog.

"Ten quid," the owner says.

"£10!!? But your dog is absolutely amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheaply?"

"Because he's a lying bastard, he's never been out of the garden."

Thanks to Paul from China for that one..


4309 days ago

No rush to buy resource stocks

Calling the bottom of any market is always impossible. I leave that to cleverer, if illiterate, folk than me. i.e. chartists like my good pal Zak Mir. But it strikes me that those who regard now as an opportune time to get back into mining (and plausibly oil) stocks are getting ahead of themselves. Yes, the sectors have performed abjectly. But I sense that there is far worse to come.

The story starts a few years ago when gold was racing ahead, folks were convinced that China would consume 120% of every tonne of base metals produced and that it would do the same for oil. Extrapolating these macro trends into a super cycle allowed an awful lot of marginal project,s or even non-projects, and arguably just dreams, to gain a stock market listing and secure equity finance. In the four or five years that have followed a few things have changed.

Firstly, it has become abundantly clear to investors that management teams across the resources sectors live the life of riley, awarding themselves huge pay packages and jetting here there and everywhere at vast expense. Generally having a great old time.

Secondly, very few of these management teams have delivered anything in terms of value creation. There are actually more mining companies in the world than there are projects to work on


4323 days ago

Lunch with Paul Atherley of Leyshon resources

I know that it is Sunday but no day of rest for me. Well, sort of rest. I like cooking and so opened up the kitchens at Real Man Pizza to cook lunch for Paul Atherley and Lily Cong of AIM listed China gas play Leyshon Resources (LER)


4364 days ago

What will be the Black Swan that blows up the world economy by 2015? China, US or Europe?

The answer to the 1998 financial crisis was to slash borrowing costs across the globe so that we all over-leverages and misallocated our capital. On that occasion it was junk dotcom investments and property. In 2008 another crises and the same solution. The fact is that the world has been misallocating capital for decades, led by Governments freed from prudence by the abandonment of the gold standard in 1971.

With each crisis that crops up, the solution is simply to print more money and to get folks to take on even more debt. You owe too much – heck borrow some more. And so capital is misallocated and bubbles grow ever bigger. But at some stage the party ends. It will. The current set up is simply unsustainable.

And so what will be the black swan event that causes the mother of all reality checks? If offer four runners and riders. Inevitably if one occurs it will trigger the others. And it will probably be a fifth black swan that no-one has thought much about that starts the party. But here goes.

1. The Chinese property bubble. I have written before on numerous occassions about just how mammoth this is and how it really can knock the Chinese (and thus the worlds) economy for six. The answer of the authorities to the slowdown in the PRC in 2012 was to pump more hot air into this bubble. It has to be my top black swan bet. Read this piece out yesterday on Zero Hedge if you doubt me.

My major work from September 2012 on China, the misallocation, fraud an inevitably of a crash is HERE

2. A market refusal to buy US T Bonds in an auction. The US Government is three years away from having a balance sheet like that of Greece just before the crisis. An economically illiterate President and, to show balance, a spineless Republican party in Congress just cannot get to grips with what is happening. The US today is like sick Britain at the end of WW1. But it will take the US far less time than we took to see its currency tank. At some stage folks will refuse to stump up cash for a debt that yields sod all and is clearly unrepayable and unsupportable.

3. Sovereign default across Europe accompanied by widespread Civil unrest. The only folks buying Spanish debt right now are the Spanish state pension funds. Oooh lucky Spanish state pensioners. But those funds are tapped out. Spain is bust and its economy is enjoying an EU austerity driven spanking session which Max Mosley could only dream of. It is not just Spain. Italy, Greece, Portugal are in the same mess. The Irish economy and society has been beaten to a pulp in the name of fiscal responsibility and yet could still collapse. France is heading the wrong way fast as is the UK. The collapse of the Euro as we know it has to be an odds on bet it is a matter of how it occurs.

4. The Arab spring moving to Saudi Arabia. A regime with no legitimacy is kleptocratic, autocratic and barbaric. It bribes the people with a fraction of the nation’s wealth and panders to radical Islam in a most unhealthy sort of way but it is unloved. One day it will fall. Revolution in the world’s largest oil producer could perhaps trigger unforeseen events elsewhere.

Hey, maybe we can all carry on spending beyond our means, leveraging up as individuals and as States for a good while yet. We have been kicking this can down the road for decades so maybe we can carry on for another few decades. Or maybe not. One day something will happen and we will find our noses against the wall at the end of the Cul-de-sac. That day may be sooner than we think.

For more thoughts from Tom Winnifrith follow him on twitter @tomwinnifrith


4384 days ago

Black Swan New Year Letter 2013: China to recover, US to recover, Europe Doomed

This is the annual letter sent out by my friend Richard Poulden. This year – as every year – we wil hold a 10 minute debate at the UKInvestor Show – I am not sure of the subject matter yet but it is always sparky. I am not sure that I agree 100% on China but on Europe we are at one. No debate there. Over to Richard:

“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation” – Alan Greenspan, 1966

“Keep a clear head and always carry a light bulb” – Bob Dylan, 1965

Yesterday morning in Dubai was foggy: thick, gooey, 12-metre visibility stuff. As I drove my daughter to school , I said: “Let’s see how many cars we can find driving without lights”.

“Come on”, she said, “no one could be THAT stupid”

“Oh yes they could”, I said, “I’m going for a starter of three”.

Well we found three cars in the space of a few blocks. As we hit Sheik Zayed Road where the traffic in the fast lane was still doing 120km, she said: “OK, this is crazy, let’s go for 8 or 12”.

“That’s fine”, I said, “but I want to go for the big one: I want to find the European Union…. I want to find a bus..or a large sewage tanker”……and we did.

The gurus at Deutsche Bank published a study1 in July of last year suggesting that the politicians guiding the world economy were behaving exactly like those sewage tankers and buses in the fog. They propose this because their hypothesis is that none of the old economic philosophies actually apply to the current world economy and thus the levers being pulled by the politicians are not actually connected to anything.


4410 days ago

Chaarat Gold – New Tax Regime & Hot Money going in as China investment Rumours Swirl

On 17th January AIM listed Chaarat Gold (LSE:GCH) announced that the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic had implemented a new tax code effective as of 1st January. The new system is clearer than the old offering more transparency and as it happens will benefit Chaarat when it starts producing around Christmas. Please note Call Me Dave – lower tax rates and simpler systems encourages investment and creates jobs and so creates more tax revenue. It is not hard – they get it in the Kyrgyz Republic if not in SW1. The shares were up yesterday but that has nothing to do with the tax situation out on Borat’s homeland.


4412 days ago

Guest post: Sam Bottell - African Barrick Gold – Takeover disappointment, more to come?

I spent two years working along Sam Bottell as he worked with and and he is a good, honest and clever chap. Now that he is starting his career freelance writing as well as an organiser of the UKInvestor Show I have no hesitation in helping him along via this blog as a guest contributor. As such I bring to your attention a share tip & perhaps breaking news from him from TradingResearch Point covering an interesting enough gold stock.

Takeover talks do not always end with happiness all round. That is a lesson that shareholders in African Barrick Gold (ABG) have learned to their cost in recent days. On 16th August the company announced that, in effect, it was in takeover talks with China National GoldGroup Corporation. The shares rocketed to 492p. On 8th January the company said that talks were off. The share price is now 355p valuing the company at £1.46 billion. Is it worth hanging on to the shares on a fundamental basis?


4425 days ago

A Surging Iron Price: will it last and how to play it?

The price of a tonne of iron has raced ahead from lows of $86.50 in September to reach $145.50 in Asian trade this week. Why has this happened? Will it last? And how to play it? Let’s start with the easy one… China.


4461 days ago

Leyshon Drilling News – It is good but Unclear

Leyshon Resources (LSE:LRL) shares have been unsuspended (at 25p) and have duly plunged back to 20.25p in the middle after the release of drilling news from China. I sense that a lot of Bulletin Board loons had got a little bit carried away last week pre-suspension and are now banking gains or just panicking as they do not really understand a statement which is, on balance, good. Some loons are even expressing disappointment that it is a gas discovery not oil which is odd as Leyshon always said it was drilling for gas in a gas rich region.

I tipped this stock at 11.5p (offer) in late October on the Nifty Fifty website


4463 days ago

Leyshon Resources – Suspension extended until Wednesday: No concerns

The suspension of trading in shares in Leyshon Resources (LSE:LRL) will continue until Wednesday (rather than today as was first announced). The company wants time to produce a full technical analysis of the drill results from its first gas well in the Ordos basin in China. I do not read anything mysterious into that. You cannot call it good or bad at this point. Indeed it is better that a detailed report is put out than a half cocked one.


4470 days ago

Chaarat Gold – Double Win News from China – a six bagger?

AIM listed Chaarat Gold (CGH) has today announced two very good pieces of news concerning possible link ups with two of the three largest gold companies in China. This is incredibly encouraging and makes the shares a pretty compelling buy. I had flagged this stock up as one to own at 21.5p on 9th October arguing then that the shares were potentially worth up to 120p. The news today should lead to both the closing of Chaarat’s small financing issue and also to a dramatic reduction in its operating costs.


4480 days ago

Vatukoula Completes Placing – It hurts but the shares are cheap

Vatukoula Gold Mines (LSE:VGM) has today announced that it has completed its botched replacement placing to raise £6.6 million gross from Chinese investor Zhongrun International Mining Co. Ltd at 33p a pop. The shares are now 32.5p. I can understand why folks are giving up on this one. Numerous placings – including this rather botched one ( Zhongrun came into replace another Chinese outfit which did not stump up its promised shekels in a 51p placing) – and numerous project delays. But I would not give up. This was a bad share tip from my days (I am 35% down) but I’d buy more and here is why.


4488 days ago

Vatukoula – New China Placing: is it time to junk?

Another day and another placing from AIM listed gold miner Vatukoula (VGM). The shares are down to 35p and given the convoluted circumstances of this placing I can understand why some are tempted to sell and move on. Having recommended the shares at 46.5p on, the site I founded 12 years ago and edited until September I am not best pleased. However I would not be selling, I’d be buying and here is why.


4498 days ago

Tom’s Video Postcard Number 11

Jeepers. I think I have got both the sound and light right this week. A bonus helping of chocolate pizza for me. I had to get the hang of it eventually. The nine minute video postcard is wide ranging and I only mention Sefton Resources (SER) once and even then only en passant. How is that for restraint?


4545 days ago

Shut up your bashes!

I am used to getting hostile comment when I post an internet article which says anything other than buy. If you pour slavish praise on a stock ( however crap it is) you will have praise heaped upon you. Until it goes belly up at which point you are a total loser. But if you dare to suggest that a stock is overvalued you just get abuse. I feel I must bring you some abuse I got today from America.

The article is the one I published earlier on Trina Solar. I am delighted to see that this $320 million capitalised stock has lost 6% today on the back of the piece – there is a link to it lower down on this page. The piece points out that the company’s balance sheet is a train wreck and that it is losing money hand over fist and as such the stock is not worth very much given that industry fundamentals get worse by the day. But I appear to have made two errors.

Firstly I expressed my personal view that global warming was bogus. That attracted the usual stream of abuse from those who adopted an almost religious fervour in suggesting that I was mad.


4550 days ago

Lunch with Paul Atherley of Leyshon Resources - Valuation is just wrong

Wednesday saw me enjoy lunch with Paul Atherley, the CEO and largest shareholder in AIM listed Leyshon Resources ( LRL) which at 11.5p is capitalised at £27.76 million. That is simply the wrong price. Other than the value in Leyshon, and the fact that Atherley is a Man United supporter who actually hails from the grim North rather than Esher, a number of other matters struck me.


4551 days ago

PV Crystalox – Time to Shut Down Operations and hand back cash NOW. The fat Lady is singing in Chinese

I argued a few weeks ago on that AIM listed solar wafer producer PV Crystalox (PVCS) should shut its operations at once and return all its cash to shareholders. The share price is 7.9p valuing PV at £32 million and the company (as at the half year) had net cash of 122 million Euro, £97 million. The company reported a steep first half loss. And things are only going to get worse.

The very well paid directors argue that they have taken remedial action; they operate in a long term growth industry, blah, blah, blah. The facts are rather different


4552 days ago

China Bubble Bursting – Crime

I have brought you evidence of how the China bubble is bursting in the real economy numerous times in the past months. Whether it be underpants, ships, steel, coal or electricity demand the evidence is clear for all to see: China is already suffering a very hard landing indeed. My thesis, however, is that this will be compounded by the unravelling of financial bubbles based on leverage and, it is now becoming abundantly clear, widespread fraud as well.


4559 days ago

China Hard Landing – the Underpants Evidence

I have warned so many times that China is set for a hard landing in the second half of 2012 that if you have ignored my numerous articles then there is probably no helping you at any stage. But I shall try again and I shall be brief. That is a pun. I am talking underpants here.

Just a reminder of prior warnings before we go to the subject of knickers


4606 days ago

Another reason Obama deserves to lose– not reading Reagan & his job non-creation

The reasons Obama deserves not to be re-elected are legion. Sadly he is running against Mitt Romney who offers no real hope for change (change – why does that ring a non liberty bell?) and so America’s worst President since Coolidge will probably get another term. Ongoing illegal wars, continuing suppression of civil liberties via the Patriot Act; a ballooning deficit, crackpot healthcare plans…do I need to go on? But hoisting hopey change by his own petard, we turn to the issue of jobs, or rather the lack of them.

As we all know, Obama has a grandiose 5 year plan to create jobs. So far the only jobs created are for beltway insiders and otherwise unemployable liberal arts graduates.
