
2490 days ago

Theresa May's £10 billion Help to Buy bribe & student giveaways - the PM is bonkers.

It is now quite clear that prices of houses in the better parts of London have fallen sharply and that the "Chelsea ripple" has already started to spread. Here in a less fashionable part of Bristol prices are off by 5-10%. The ripples are spreading. That is great news for young folks wanting to get onto the housing ladder. So what will Theresa May announce tomorrow? Madness. That is what.


2862 days ago

Tories4Corbyn - Comrades our work is done, it's time to withdraw our financial support

Like many others I did my bit for Britain by joining the Labour party eighteen months ago. Loyally, I have paid up by monthly standing order to ensure that Comrade Corbyn was elected as party leader and has also seen off a challenge from that little Welsh worm whose name I have forgotten already. I am confident that the Blairite Kulaks who attempted to betray the Dear Leader will now be purged from the party and thus the position of the bearded Marxist lunatic is truly secure.

Jeremy Corbyn can now lead the march towards Labour's true destiny in 2020, electoral oblivion. And I am proud that have done my little bit to help.

The Blairite Kulaks


2906 days ago

Getting a phone lecture from "Freddie" on behalf of Owen Smith MP - a traitor

As a loyal member of the Labour Party since last summer I once again get to choose who will lead our great party over the precipice. Ooops. I meant to even greater electoral success. Whatever...last night I got a call from "Freddie" on behalf of Owen Smith MP, the man who is challenging the great leader, Comrade Corbyn on behalf of the Blairite traitors.


2917 days ago

The Labour battle of promising ever more insanity & unelectability: Corbyn vs Smith

Every day I receive at least one text message or email from either Comrade Corbyn or Comrade Smith as they each seek my support to become the man to take Labour over an electoral precipice. For as each day goes on they make promises that are more and more insane.


2919 days ago

If Corbyn wins Labour Leadership we will get 2 parties- can I join both this is so much fun

Being a member of the Labour Party is so much fun. Seriously it is the cheapest form of entertainment going. Okay, when I say entertainment, it is rather like having front row seats at an illegal dog fight where both contestants emerge bloodied and unfit for anything but, now that fox hunting is illegal, if you like blood sports join the Labour Party.

One of the joys are the almost daily emails from all levels of the party and from the competing factions. Each sender competes with his or her rivals or superiors and inferiors in the party hierarchy to be the most sanctimonious and pious on issues that no-one on this planet cares about, with an occasional undertone of sheer nastiness sometimes about the Tories but usually about fellow Comrades. 

The other joy is, of course, 


2930 days ago

You have 24 hours to invest £25 to save Britain forever: join Labour & Vote Corbyn ( but here's how to do it on the cheap)

The NEC of the People's Party has changed its rules on who can vote in the forthcoming leadership election in a last stab at stopping Comrade Corbyn from winning the contest. But it is not too late to foil the wicked Blairite anti-democrats and to do your bit for Labour and for the Country. It is simple and costs £25. Actually it does not, you can do your bit for Jezza for far less. But act fast.

The polls suggest that in a contest between Comrade Corbyn and either of his two rivals, the backers of illegal wars in Iraq and many other Blairite causes Mr Smith (who is he?) and Comrade Eagle it would be close.

It seems that Comrade Eagle would be even more of an electoral liability than Comrade Corbyn and so many of us are torn. However Mr Smith might just be less of a liability and thus it is the duty of all good patriots to stand firm behind Comrade Corbyn to ensure that he can lead Labour forward to complete oblivion.

It costs £25 to join Labour buit only a fool would pay the full whack. Here is how to get in on the cheap to back Jezza.


2931 days ago

Renewing Trident - Jeremy Corbyn is correct, Theresa May is willie waving and silly (again)

The issue of Britain's nuclear deterrent is a one that shows our political class at their most base and deceitful. For once, Comrade Corbyn is bang on the money in his opposition and, in what is becoming par for the course, Theresa May seems just incapable of telling the truth.


2932 days ago

Jeepers, as a #Tory4Corbyn I am now really confused -Jezza might actually be the best Labour has, so the worst choice for leader

I was pretty much convinced that I was right to back Comrade Corbyn as the man to lead Labour to complete electoral disaster although I was flirting with sour faced warmonger Angela Eagle. News that my lefty sister N and her half German husband were now backing Angela Eagle as the best ABC (Anyone But Corbyn) candidate only made me more certain that I should, as a loyal party member since last summer, stand firm with Jezza. But today's Sun has a shocking poll.


2936 days ago

The hospice party, Corbyn vs Eagle pitches me against Sister N and then Midsomer Murders - I "out-Sherlock" my father

It was a reasonably old episode of Midsomer Murders on the rerun Channel 10 last night. Dad and I missed the first three minutes despite me driving back to Shipston at what he terms breakneck speed, that is to say 50 miles per hour. We'd been at an impromptu party at the hospice.

My youngest sister N had pitched up from Oxford. and So Dad and I stayed on far later than planned as my step mother said we should have a party. I had actually brought in a few bottles for my step siblings to cheer them up. And so we all talked a bit of family holidays in days gone by. Was Pelion 1989 or 1991? Heaven only knows but we played along with the game my step mother suggested of matching years and places.

On best behaviour and not drinking


2938 days ago

Corbyn vs Eagle: Who should a #Tory4Corbyn back? Eagle has a lot of plus points

It looks very likely indeed that by tomorrow the post Brexit political pantomime will move on to Comrade Corbyn vs Blairite Kulak Angela Eagle in a battle to become the new leader of the Labour Party. The kulak MPs are backing Eagle but we loyal party members, including the massed battalions of my fellow exploited workers who joined with me last summer, appear to be standing firm with our man Jezza. But I admit that I am wavering.


2948 days ago

I can no longer support Jeremy Corbyn - are we yet organised for Tories4Eagle?

It does not matter who gets to lead the Tory party. Hitman Boris Johnson may be out of the race but his pal Michael Gove is in and it looks as if it is neck and neck between the Gover or Euro traitor and Sharia law in Britain supporter Theresa May. Theresa, don't have my arm chopped off for saying this but here's hoping it is Gove. But it does not matter. Seriously the Tories could pick Roy Hodgson as their leader or even bring back Dodgy Dave and they would still win the next election

We loyalists who joined the People's Party last summer to help get Comrade Corbyn elected have done a sterlintg job as it appears that within a year of us manning the barricades in fraternal solidarity with our comrade workers, the Labour party may either split in two or plausibly oust comrade Corbyn and engage in fratricide. It is all a very entertaining summer panto.

Earlier today


2952 days ago

Comrades - we must De-Select Kulak former comrade Kerry McCarthy now

Kerry McCarthy has just become the seventh member of the shadow cabinet to quit in a palace coup designed to oust our democratically elected leader comrade Corbyn. Kerry is my local MP and so as a loyal member of the people's party, since last summer, I am mortified.


2954 days ago

Should I back #KeepCorbyn ? Where is hashtag #VoteAngelaEagle ?

The loathsome Margaret Hodge has put down a motion of no confidence in comrade Corbyn as leader of our great Labour party. It is obscene that a millionare, whose family trusts use every trick in the book to dodge tax, and who as leader of Islington council branded as homophobes those who exposed the industrial scale peadophilia taking placing in Council homes on her watch, is a Labour MP at all. What message does that send out to the millions of traditional Labour voters who are abandoning the party in droves? Anyhow, the nonce apologist, is now playing Judas.


3042 days ago

Comrade Jeremy Corbyn & Greedy Teachers Caption Contest

I have made my views on why lazy teachers are almost as wicked as the greedy junior doctors clear here. As such this photo of Jeremy Corbyn addressing the bone idle bastards of the National Union of Teachers a couple of days ago just screams out for a caption contest. Do your worst in the comments section below. The deadline for entries is midnight Tuesday. Unless you are a Teacher in which case it is whenever you are back from yet another holiday.


3043 days ago

The Teachers are truly lazy bastards who make the greedy Junior Doctors seem almost selfless

The Easter holiday teacher union conferences are always good for a laugh as the idle bastards compete to see who can make the most preposterous claim. It is always a tough contest as, even when compared to the greedy junior doctors, this is a profession where almost everyone seems to be completely deluded.

An early entrant for the mad prize came with a suggestion that teachers should mark pupil's work in pink rather than red as it set out a more sympathetic message to those students who were less able. Frankly why bother marking course work at all just give all the little darlings straight A*s at GCSE and as long as they have learned that Hitler was the most evil man ever who cares?

Having spent useful time discussing what colour crayons the profession should use the teachers moved on to the main issue: How over-worked and stressed they all are.
The starting salary


3049 days ago

Just in case you had forgotten - the real crackpots are in the Labour party - lets have tea with ISIS

Amid all the hoo-hah about the resignation of Iain ain Duncan Smith it is easy to forget that one reason that the Tories are happy to fight each other is that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party appears determined to make itself utterly unelectable. My local MP, ardent vegan Kerry McCarthy, is now the shadow minister in charge of farming and thinks that meat eaters should be treated like smokers, as pariahs. But if you thought she was barking mad meet Christine Shawcroft.


3233 days ago

Now that Comrade Corbyn is i/c I can admit to loving Between the Wars by Billy Bragg

The pre-election purge of Comrades who might actually believe in Socialism is over and thus I now feel able to admit to greatly liking the works of Billy Bragg without fear of expulsion from the Labour Party. As I drove to and from London yesterday Bragg was my constant companion and there was a particular pleasure in blasting out and singing along to "Between the Wars" as I passed the former Labour HQ under Comrade War Criminal Blair on Millbank and the Houses of Parliament. Listen to the words and remember that this classic was written is 1985.

Today many on the left talk of austerity but here Bragg uses the word three decades before most Comrades regarded it as fashionable.  The Bard of Barking


3237 days ago

Comrade Jeremy Corbyn perfectly right NOT to sing the (lamentable) National Anthem

I am sure that this podcast will not make me more popular but like Comrade Corbyn I stick to principle rather than craving cheap adoration. God Save the Queen is a lamentably poor national anthem and I compare it to those of other countries, notably Ireland. It celebrates servitude not freedom. Surely that is not what it means to be English or British? Corbyn showed no disrespect in not singing this song at the Battle of Britain memorial service and the attacks on him are cheap and unpleasant. I now put on my tin hat and wait for the abuse.


3240 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 12th September - to Comrade Corbyn, Comrade Levi and Comrade Knightley

In this podcast I answer yesterday's quiz question and then celebrate the election of Comrade Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the Labour party. The Tories are in thrall to big business and crony capitalists and Comrade Corbyn at least ensures real questions are asked as we sleep walk over the abyss on so many fronts. I then put Comrade Dan Levi straight on insider dealing laws with relation to his latest spurious allegations about flip flop Ben Turney. Then there is a wider look at the markets.


3241 days ago

Malcolm Stacey goes to Islington to find Jeremy Corbyn’s Money Tree – part 3

Malcolm Stacey arrived in Islington last night in his pursuit of Comrade Jeremy Corbyn’s famous Money Tree. He felt that he was close to his quest. But did he get to meet the great bearded one?

As you know Getafix Stacey is worried. His potions based on cuttings from the money tree do not seem to be working. Why are shares in Advanced Oncotherapy not at 50p despite being featured here twice a week? Why is the FTSE 100 not at 8,000 as predicted? Perhaps the Money Tree he has been using in the depths of the Welsh forest is a fake or has lost its powers. But another old fool (sorry we meant respected druid) has emerged in North London.

As he wandered up Upper Street in Islington, wading through the litter of discarded granola bar wrappings, Malcolm sensed that the London of his youth had changed. This un-nerved him slightly but he took consolation from the fact that he was just minutes away from the last rally of Comrade Corbyn’s campaign.

Gone were the ramshackle shops of old. Next to the stern sign from the local council “anyone caught smoking cigarettes will be shot with


3242 days ago

Comrade Harriet Harman plays the posh card on Jeremy Corbyn – silly woman

In today’s Sun Newspaper Comrade Harriet Harman says that she did not realise that she was not old or posh enough to lead the Labour party. This is, of course a clear dig at Comrade Corbyn. It is also a very silly and unfair slur.

Let’s ignore the blatant ageism and deal with the supposed crime of being posh. 


3243 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads off to find Jeremy Corbyn on another Money Tree Quest

Getafix is worried. His potions based on cuttings from the money tree do not seem to be working. Why are shares in Advanced Oncotherapy not at 50p despite being featured here twice a week? Why is the FTSE 100 not at 8,000 as predicted? Perhaps the Money Tree he has been using in the depths of the Welsh forest is a fake or has lost its powers. Fear not…for another old fool (sorry we meant respected druid) has emerged in North London

Comrade Jeremy Corbyn is a true believer in the Money Tree. And so Malcolm Stacey has headed off to find this new mystic. The trouble is that Corbyn is elusive, rushing round the country speaking to massed crowds. Can Malcolm find him and will Corbyn reveal where he cuts twigs from his Money Tree… watch this space, Getafix is in hot pursuit.


3254 days ago

Tony Blair is Christmas come early for Comrade Jeremy Corbyn - Keep up the good work Tone

The war criminal Tony Blair has again spoken of the dangers Labour faces if it elects Jeremy Corbyn as its leader. Comrade Corbyn must be delighted.

Blair’s intervention comes on a day when his tax minimisation arrangements come under further scrutiny. There are growing calls for Lord Chilcott to publish his report into Blair’s illegal war based on his lies about WMD. And there is further evidence of his links to a man most labour folks despise more than any other, Rupert Murdoch. In short Blair must be among the most loathed figures within the People’s Party.

Every time he urges the comrades to vote for anyone other than Corbyn, our boy Jeremy


3267 days ago

Tara The cat Medical Update - all good news & a memo to Jeremy Corbyn

Just a week ago Tara the cat appeared to be a death's door. Now I am £900 worse off but she seems fit as a fiddle.

She semed delighted to see me on Friday morning when I picked her up from the vets, though I was still reeling at the bill. She has a big bald patch on her tummy from the scan and is now on medication six times a day. But that ends in a day or so. She does not appear treatment and has bitten and scratched her impoverished owner several times as I have given her drugs to drink or pills to swallow.

But she is now eating normally, in fact 
