
702 days ago

Pssst Don’t tell the BBC – but the Dems are about to lose the House!

The BBC has reported every Democrat Triumph from the mid terms, before during and after it happened. That is to say retaining control of the Senate, though it may still be 50/50 after the Georgia run off on December 6. But on a night when the Republicans won more state governors and the popular vote there is still the matter of the House which for the past two years has been run by the Dems… All bar 12 contests have now been called and…


705 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast - did the Democrats really win the mid-terms as the BBC is telling us today

I look at the House, the Senate, the probable outcomes on both and what that means for the radical liberal agenda the BBC so desperately wants to see pursued. I also look at the popular vote ( remember that from 2016?) and what that tells us. I look at who is likely to run for President in 2024 and what that may mean for the House and Senate that year. The man whose name I always forget ( long covid?) is Joe Manchin – my sort of Democrat.


1415 days ago

Dana Nessell - your ultimate Biden-loving, Jesus-denying, A grade liberal hypocrite

Whether godless liberals accept it or not, the reason they get a holiday this month is because the rest of us are celebrating the birth of Jesus. But in corrupt Michigan, the state Attorney General thinks it is fine to say Happy Holidays as that does not denigrate Christians but merely recognises “the diversity of the nation.” However, if one looks at her Twitter feed in May during Eid…


2122 days ago

Pocohontas for President – a wet dream for Republicans & other Deplorables

And they are off… the first Democrat to throw their hat into the ring as a potential Presidential candidate for 2020 is Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. As an out and proud deplorable I can think of few, bar crooked Hillary herself who is – quite amazingly - considering a run herself,  I’d rather see the Dems select. Pocohontas is everything that is wrong with the Democrat party.


2199 days ago

If Elizabeth “Pocohontas” Warren has strong native American links I’m a banana, or at least a Swiss on a roll

Throughout her career at Harvard and then in the Democratic party Senator Elizabeth Warren has claimed to be part native American. In a, rather good. joke Donald Trump has termed this prissy New England liberal "Pocohontas" because she is patently almost entirely white. Put it this way…Hitler and the Nazis would, in genetic terms, have had Pocohontas down as one of them, a fully paid up member of the Aryan race. Now to prove Trump wrong as she eyes a 2020 Presidential bid Pocohontas has taken a DNA test.


2206 days ago

Video: Female academic Janice Fiamengo explains Christine Blasey Ford, the author of the Brett Kavanaugh smear and hit job

Thank you to Somerset's most enlightened baker for flagging up this gem. Fiamengo covers the clear wretchedness  and weakness of Blasey Ford's witness statement used by the Democrat swamp dwellers to try to derail the Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination much of which I have covered, notably HERE, but she has more.  More importantly she explains exactly why Ford acted as she did and why, in every way, she benefits so greatly from her lies even after she is exposed as a liar. This video is priceless.


2215 days ago

The FBI to investigate Brett Kavanaugh – now his accuser Christine Blasey Ford shows her true colours

And so the Senate Judiciary Committee voted that the full Senate should appoint Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court despite the hit job on him from the Democrats. But then at the last minute a leading Democrat activist funded by George Soros corned a Republican Senator in a lift, blubbed about her #MeToo moment, and persuaded Country Club loser Jeff Flake to ask for a one week delay to allow the FBI to investigate the less than complete claims made by Christine Blasey Ford. Good news, bring it on.


2950 days ago

Lifelong Democrat Kirk Douglas compares Donald Trump to Hitler - the Hollywood liberals are rattled

Twitter is ablaze with excitement that Kirk Douglas, who I must admit that I had assumed was brown bread, has come out in support of Hillary Clinton. Better still the veteran actor has made comparisons between Donald Trump and Hitler. Jeepers, the millennials and metropolitan liberals are excited.

Of course Douglas has been a lifelong Democrat. For eighty years the old boy has pulled the Dem lever at election time however utterly useless the Democrat candidate was. George McGovern, yup Douglas backed him in 1972. Mondale in 1984 had Kirk onside and that Dukakis chap, who got wiped by Daddy Bush in 1988 was backed by Mr Douglas and Bruce Springsteen,but by more or less nobody else across the  entire United States. 

Heck the Dems could run


2950 days ago

Bruce Springsteen supports Hillary Clinton, terms Trump a moron and the Guardian thinks this is news.

Surely after Brexit, when almost every celebrity in Britain told the great unwashed to vote to stay, a call that was completely ignored, even the Guardian realises that celeb endorsements count for nothing. Keira Knightley can lecture me from her multi million pound mansion about why I really want to pay more taxes, have more EU diktat's ruining my life and why I should wet my pants over global warming but I just don't care. I have bills to pay and rather resent someone with no such concerns telling me how to live my life. 

But the Guardian has not twigged that. After all its senior staffers in the media elite go to the same parties as Alan Bennett and the same charity bashes as Becks, Keira and Gary Lineker so they think the views of the celebs actually matter. The Guardian backed laws to stop the press exposing the hypocrisy of such celebs by exposing double standards in their private lives. It is part of an utterly out of touch liberal establishment

And thus the Guardian splashes with the news that the singer Bruce Springsteen is backing Hillary Clinton and thinks that Donald Trump is a "moron". Well there is a shock. 


2955 days ago

Shock new poll: How will the liberal media explain how "racist" Trump is the most popular Republican with black voters in 56 years?

The weekend saw a slew of new polls and the headline is clear: Donald Trump is surging ahead of Crooked Hillary Clinton in the race to be the next President. Two weeks ago I gave eight reasons why The Donald would win HERE and things look to be on track. The real shocks, however, are in the detail, notably how Trump is surging among black voters. How can this be? Beltway liberal media pundits like Nick Bryan and, in her US stint, Emily Maitlis at the BBC and the loathsome Kylie Morris at C4 told us repeatedly that blacks hated the racist Trump. How will they spin this now?


2957 days ago

Ron Howard is backing Hillary Clinton "Scoop" - Can SkyTV's Sophy Ridge be more stupid please?

It seems that the BBCs Kuenssberg & Maitlis are not the only ones claiming bogus scoops this week. SkyTV pundit Sophy Ridge tops up her earnings with a column in the Metro in which, this week, she reported on a freebie visit to Abbey Road Studios to meet Ron Howard as he plugged his new Beatles movie. "He revealed for the first time that he would be supporting Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump: "You look at the resumes and you go with the person who has the degree. I think I would rather go to the doctor who has the degree on the wall."


3061 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Mad Bernie Sanders to beat Crooked Hillary in California - Donald Trump gets an early Christmas treat

Mad Bernie Sanders might just beat crooked Hillary in the California primary on Tuesday. But though her ratings are sliding across the board, Clinton will still win New Jersey and be assured - bar some new scandal - of the Democrat nomination. Sanders has crushed crooked Hillary in most recent primaries despite his policies but now the old coot wants to impose his crackpot idea on poor Hillary at the convention. Donald Trump could not have asked for more: the least electable candidate with the most disliked policy set. What fun.


3121 days ago

After Wisconsin: Does Clinton believe in Democracy? Do non Trump Republicans? No!

The Wisconsin Primaries saw big wins for barking mad Bernie Sanders in the Democrat race and for religious fruitcake/ the GOP establishment choice Ted Cruz in the Republican race. The big question as we head to the conventions is do the leaders of either party believe in Democracy?


3163 days ago

Kylie Morris on C4 News: "racist" Trump & the Hispanics, a new low point for lefty British Media

I have noted before how Kylie Morris, the US correspondent for Channel 4 News is perhaps the dopiest, most out of touch liberal left reporter going. This woman makes the BBC look balanced. But we can now show Kylie hitting a new low as she points out what a vile racist Donald Trump is.

Two days before the Nevada primary Kylie filed a long piece on how hispanics voters in Nevada were shunning Trump. After searching really hard all day Kylie managed to find just one Latino voter who was voting for Trump, a Vietnam vet who Kylie was thus able to expose as a weirdo. In Kylie world, latinos shared her view that Trump was a racist and none were backing him.

Now the Nevada results are in.
