1157 days ago
I got into a cab at 5 AM at the Welsh Hovel not wearing a mask. At Chester train station nobody batted an eyelid. I changed trains at Crewe and again nobody cared. Most folks on the train to Euston were not wearing face nappies. The Heathrow Express is out of action so I took a cab from Euston to Heathrow and wandered into the building still maskless. But then I went to check in a 20kg bag full of books which I am moving to the Greek Hovel.
1479 days ago
In case you missed it, today is the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and thus it is Holocaust Memorial Day. At 8 PM tonight we will light a candle at the Welsh Hovel as I hope that you all will wherever you are. It is important that we remind the younger generation of the sheer horrors of what went on, so that man’s inhumanity to man cannot be expressed in such a vile way again. The problem is that people are forgetting or perhaps just don’t know at all.
1522 days ago
Wearing a mask will not save you from catching or spreading anything. Don’t trust me but trust the science your leaders and the media do their best to suppress. However, there are some right old zealots out there. Meet Miashadow7606.
1524 days ago
An enlightened reader (ER) of this website walked into a shop in London today.
1711 days ago
Poor old Titania Mcgrath suffered another temporary twitter ban this week. Dare to suggest on this platform that there are 2 not 108 genders, that you have reservations about your teenage daughter sharing a changing room with a bearded “woman” with a penis, or that Israel might be allowed to defend itself and you get banned. Twitter only seems to believe in free speech if you say the correct things. Take this little gem below. Ali Abunimah has a blue tick so does twitter condemn his absurd Jew hatred which sees him accuse a Jewish activist, David Harris, of “holocaust revisionism” as he defends the desecration of Churchill’s statue in London by Black Lives Matter activists?
1978 days ago
As @Titania McGrath has said so many times, for free speech to flourish it is vital that all those with the wrong opinions are no platformed and silenced. But twitter just showed, once again, that all capitalists are fascists by handing out a seven day ban to Titania herself. I have already started work on lighting a candle at the Welsh Hovel as I am sure that as such acts combat terror it will also serve to liberate Titania whose recent tweet about the late former President of Zim served to show how biased and out of touch the MSM and twitter is. Titania noted “I can’t help but think that all this criticism of Robert Mugabe is just another attempt to demonise people of colour.“ Twitter may have silenced the voice of woke for a week but the cries of freedom can never be silenced. A statement has been issued:
2965 days ago
I have just heard another Turkish politician bleating to the BBC about how the West has not been as supportive of his country after the awful terror attack on Istanbul that killed 39, as it was after the terror attacks in, say, Paris. It says this is unfair. No doubt Lily Allan reckons it is racist since she thinks almost everything is racist. But perhaps there are other reasons? Here is an easy multiple choice quiz for you all.
3236 days ago
The Dutch are holding the sort of referendum the EU loves today. That is to say the result is non-binding so if the little people vote the "wrong way" their leaders in Holland and their masters at the EU can go ahead and do what they want and ignore them anyway. Welcome to democracy EU style. But the vote could be a snub to Brussels and for that reason lets pray for a No result.
3244 days ago
I have just been given a free drink by my hotel and asked if I do not mind not being in the breakfast room tomorrow when an ageing German speaking couple appear. It seems as if they complained three times today that I had taken a phone call while they had breakfast. Not that this is illegal but they have paid for peace and quiet.
I paid to use a hotel where I am allowed to take a phone call. But they are old folks so naturally their needs are more important than mine.
Maybe I am allowed to have breakfast but must leave my phone outside? Whatever.
The old fascists
3933 days ago
As you know I have been in Greece for three weeks or more. And I come away in no doubt that the economy is picking up. Athens was almost buzzing whereas last year at the same time it was distinctly un-buzzing. Out in the boonies there has been less change.
In part that is because tourist numbers are up. Perhaps we non-Greeks have become immune to pictures of riots or the fascists of Golden Dawn on the March. There is certainly less fear that you will wake up one morning, switch on the TV in your hotel room and find that your Greek denominated Euros are now worthless drachmas. So that helps.
But there is also a partial domestic recovery. This time last year I walked down the main shopping streets near Syntagma Square
4008 days ago
Once again the fascist bully boys of the Kent Police are stamping out on new media thought crime. This force has “form” when it comes to Orwellian oppression of thought crime but in Margate this week they have surpassed themselves.
In the sleepy seaside town there is a plan to build a new Tesco. As ever in such matters, opinion is divided. The plebs want cheap turkey twizzlers and jobs and so are in favour. The middle classes fear that the small stores where they pay over the odds for their sundried Tuscan tomatoes may be shut down and so are against. Such was the debate in my parents’ home town of Shipston last year where my deluded lefty father and step-mother were naturally wanting to screw the poor along with their fellow Guardian readers who, for once, stood firm alongside Nimby Tory Toffs. Sadly this unholy alliance prevailed and so the shops where they buy their quail has been saved while the folks on the Council Estates are deprived of both consumer choice and jobs. Chianti’s all round.
Over in Margate battle lines are similar