
31 days ago

Shamed to be of Irish descent again; what is it about them and the Jews?

Sometimes I feel unbelievably proud to be of vague Irish descent. But sometimes I feel nothing but shame. When the girls of the national soccer team sing tribute to the IRA I am revolted. But it is Israel and the Jews where the Irish seem to score particularly badly right now. Is there something in the water turning so many folks into raging antisemites? Meet Dublin Senator Gerard Craughwell.


333 days ago

Joshua gets admittance to the Welsh club

A couple of weeks ago we had that rare occurrence, the Mrs. joining me at the school gates to pick up Joshua and Jaya. Honestly, there are folks in this village who must think I am a single mum so rarely does the Mrs take part in the school run. But on this day, Joshua was clutching a red dragon and also had a Welsh flag badge pinned to his chest next to the School Council badge and an owl badge which is, I think, a club for clever cloggses. Joahua and his pal R are clever cloggses now doing reading lessons with kids 2 years older than they are.


702 days ago

Guess who, blood stained Fenian scumbag, Gerry Adams is supporting tomorrow night at the World Cup?

With neither of the two Irish sides in Qatar for the World Cup it must be hard for blood soaked IRA, oops sorry Sinn Fein, celebrity Gerry Adams to know who to support. But maybe not as the old bastard has taken to twitter to give us all a clue as you can see below.


1029 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel- Christmas bounty as we prepare for the arrival of Olaf

The family of the Mrs are a sober bunch, worryingly so in my view, so made a very limited dent in the hoard of booze we had accumulated ahead of their Christmas visit. Indeed it has,net net, grown thanks to the donations below.


1123 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is it because they think I'm English I asked as Wrexham Council came visiting?

I put then straight that i was of Irish descent but my local village council are having a go at me again and so sent in two officers of Wrexham Council. To be fair they agreed with me and think the villagers are, again, acting like total poltroons in harassing me whereas the previous owners were allowed to dump asbestos and so whatever they wanted. I explain all in the podcast but suffice to say I am angry. Then I look in detail at Tern (TERN) and go far further than Lucian did earlier HERE. Then onto Union Jack (UJO) where nothing  ow makes sense. I also look at the crazy world of Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) once more and add my tuppence worth on the scandal that is Seraphine (BUMP).


1134 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - First sweetcorn

My father brought me up to call them yellow peas but the very English Mrs says that is just a mock Irish affectation and thus I bring you the first sweetcorn from the Welsh Hovel. Grown in the bit of the former jungle designated as Joshua’s garden we will not have a big crop this year, maybe 12 ears, but it is a proof of concept and we will go for a bigger crop in 2022.


1230 days ago

Feck off Plastic Paddy Joe Biden

The President of the United States is one of those tedious Americans who insist that they are Irish because of some distant ancestor.  No Joe, you are a yank and your romanticised and ill-informed views of what many of us call “the old country” wrecked appalling damage  and great bloodshed on the British isles for many years.


1256 days ago

Photo Article: Ex Libris Dr Tom Winnifrith No 3 - beat this for an obscure trilogy

Yes this will become a series. It is a way of remembering my dad and making me, and some others who knew him, smile and think happy thoughts. So after parts 1, HERE, and 2, HERE, I bring three more books which have emerged today as I sort out his thousands of books. Beat this trilogy.


1406 days ago

Ash Sarkar, did you really go into journalism to do this?

I do not agree with the politics of communist journalist Ash Sarkar and she says some remarkably silly and insensitive things. But, as a believer in freedom, I defend to the utmost her right to say and write as she pleases, just as I defend other figures such as Sasha Johnson of BLM. Her right is to offend me with her ludicrous views. I also have a lot of sympathy for Ash for the way that she is attacked.


1846 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Joke - what do you call the stupidest man in Ireland?

Before anyone reports me for a hate crime I am of Irish descentr and identify as Irish so can tell this joke. Actually the joke is Providence Resources (PVR) and Lansdowne Oil & Gas (LOGP). The rest of the podcast discusses the mendacity and stupidity of Sajid Javid and his pledge on the National Living wage.


2786 days ago

The pathetic feminists of the West - how they demean the plight of women who really suffer

Emmeline Pankhurst, Countess Markievicz, hell even Germaine Greer, these were feminists who fought for something important and fought bravely. And still the struggle is not over. In many parts of the world women are treated shamefully, as sex slaves, as second class citizens as folks who have no rights. Think of FGM, think of the battles of Saudi women to have a voice and to avoid execution for crimes that are not crimes if you are a man, think of the way ISIS treats female captives. Gosh there are some real battles feminists - whether male or female - still need to fight. 


2940 days ago

Okay, baby no name now has a name...three in fact

Naturally the surname is Winnifrith. None of this double barrelled nonsense in this household. But we have now decided on three Christian names...
