Jew hatred

50 days ago

Tesco and the pork sausages: Jew hatred in Wrexham 2024

I make a point of buying a pot of Sabre houmous evert time I visit Tesco as it is the only product I can guarantee is Israeli and I want to show my support. A couple of times I have removed pro Palestinian stickers from the shelf, handed them to staff and complained.  This time it was rather more nasty.


255 days ago

By Zionists, the anti-semites infesting British campuses mean Jews

Even in today’s climate of overt hostility the bigots normally cannot quite bring themselves to demand that Jews get out, be cleansed from certain spaces. Some can, but most pretend that they are not engaged in Jew hating by calling for Zionists to be purged ,to be sent packing and their businesses boycotted. The picture below is from Birmingham University this week.


356 days ago

Elon Musk – your systems do not work and twitter/X is home to overt Jew hatred which you refuse to stop

I reported the account @Middlesexkid to twitter/ X this afternoon and, within minutes, received an acknowledgement that it was reviewing my suggestion that it contained hateful content relating to a particular group, that is to say Jews, at 2.14 PM. At 2.16 PM I was told that “After reviewing the available information, we determined that there were no violations of the Twitter rules in the content you reported. We appreciate your help, and encourage you to reach out again in the future if you see any potential violations.”


366 days ago

Once again I have to ask does twitter get a horn on Jew hatred? Or are its staff just wilfully ignorant?

I reported the account to twitter yesterday becuase in using anti-semitic images it clearly broke twitter rules. Have a look at the first of the six images in the top right hand corner. It is a star of David but not on its traditional background but on that of the Nazi flag. If you were in any doubt the small word on that flag is Lebensraum, the German for “living room”, what the Nazis used as its excuse for invading other countries out East, the Germans needed more room to live.


926 days ago

The loathsome Guardian forced to change article after its Jew hatred driven fake news headline condemned

The hatred many feel for Israel easily spills into anti-semitism. And that hatred is fuelled by certain sections of the MSM, notably the BBC and its sister publication, The Guardian, and the way they report on events in the Jewish state. Earlier this week, another gunman opened fire in Tel Aviv, targeting a crowd of civilians just because they were Jews.  Three died, although, as news came through, the figure stood at two. Below, I bring you the first Guardian headline and then, after howls of protest, its amended version.  The question should be of the folks responsible for the initial headline.


1054 days ago

When is it okay to attack Jews? Ask lefty "journalist" Rivkah Brown of Novara Media

Many of you will have been shocked by the recent footage from London of a bus load of Jewish teenagers being abused and threatened as they went out to celebrate the first day of Chanukah.  Chants of Sieg Heil could be heard.  The BBC reported that at least one teenager shouted out something about a muslim, implying that they almost deserved it. As it happens what can be heard on the audio is the hebrew for “Call someone it is urgent”. Natch the BBC has yet to apologise for this vile smear.


1256 days ago

A photo that shows why so many protested for Palestine yesterday - they just hate Jews

The marches yesterday for Palestine were not vast but were attended by folks like Jeremy Corbyn and will no doubt get widespread MSM coverage. But here is one photo from London everyone should see as it shows loud and clear the revolting Jew-hatred driving many to protest.


1381 days ago

Kathy Griffin really does incite violence on twitter & the liberal media just loves her while shutting down those outside the GroupThink

Even before the shocking events of last Tuesday, I was explicitly saying that the antics of President Trump in fighting the election result were unhelpful for both his party and for America. Just like all those superior bien pensants including Lord Adonis, Kier Starmer, Anna Soubry, the entire Guardian editorial team including demented fantasist Carole Cadwalladr,  Layla Moran, all BBC staffers and others who screamed at Trump that election results should always be respected -  apart from one where they did not like the result – I know that democracy depends on losers accepting defeat. I am more consistent than the metropolitan elite on this one.


1730 days ago

Photo Article: on #HolocaustMemorial Day a candle burns here in Wales

I wonder if, in places like bourgeois East Oxford where at least one house in every street flies a Palestinian flag all year round, how many candles are burning this Holocaust Memorial Day. I suspect rather more will be burning on Friday as the chattering classes mourn our exit from the European Superstate founded a few years after the last failed attempt at European unification.


2683 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The misuse of language, the distortion of data and the lies told by those who hate Israel

Yesterday I noted the obsene deception practised by the taxpayer funded BBC as part of its institutionalised hatred of the State of Israel. Not to my great surprise folks came back not only to defend the BBC but to abuse words such as genocide in relation to Israel's action. The abuse of language, the distortion of data and the outright lies used by the haters of the Jewish state is appalling and in relation to Gaza I expose their fiction for that is what it is. What drives these folks? Is it hatred of Jews or something else.If you want facts not spin for Hamas this is the podcast for you.
