Jon Sopel

183 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Jon Sopel's wet dream, Ukraine defeating Russia and cackling Harris defeating Trump, REALLY?

Of course Ukraine and the US election are linked. The ex BBC man Sopel has severe Trump Derngement Syndrome and is looking at polls and getting very excited. But are Trump or Russia really losing? The podcast explains why not.


204 days ago

Video: Mark Steyn takes apart VP Kamala Harris waffle

The liberal media is wetting itself with excitement that a female person of colour is going to be the Democratic nominee for President. Okay, so polls only last week showed that Kamala Harris would do even worse than Joe Biden against Donald Trump in battleground states and her national popularity ratings are lower than even the senile old sniffer of the hair of young girls. The Libs reckon that Kamala will beat Trump. I hope they bet the ranch on it. I quite like the idea of Jon Sopel having to live in a cardboard box. Anyhow if you think Kamala is the answer have a watch of this video from the great Mark Steyn covering a Kamala speech a year ago. Every US voter needs to watch it before November.


331 days ago

Trump Promises “a bloodbath” if he wins: Jon Sopel, CNN, HuffPost all spread fake news

Little Sopel, formerly the BBC’s man in the USA could not help himself tweeting about Trump warning of “a bloodbath”. HuffPost ran the story “On Campaign Trail In Ohio, Trump Warns Of ‘Bloodbath’ If He Loses In November.” The rage of the liberal media GroupThink could be heard the world over. And folks in that groupthink wonder what nobody trusts the mainstream media anymore.


578 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: The villains are not The Sun and Social Media and the victim is not Huw Edwards or the BBC

The great and the good of the media world are gathering to attack The Sun, social media and anyone who questions their narrative as irresponsible, homophobic or discreadited. Meanwhile they say that poor old Huw not the 7 young folks now to have come forward are the victims. In an era of #MeToo how can Jon Sopel, Emily Maitlis et al be so offensive? All is discussed in this podcast.


753 days ago

Jacinda Arden quits before ousted, the liberal left applaud her & lie: she is a totalitarian with covid blood on her hands

Jon Sopel, his former colleagues at the BBC, the Euro loon Femi, the whole of the liberal elite are applauding ghastly Jacinda Ardern for stepping down “on a high” as Prime Minister of New Zealand today. It is almost as “brave” as when Phil Schofield came out as gay just as his 17 year old bunk-up/work junior was going to out him to a tabloid.  The reality is that Ardern’s party is now trailing in the polls and its ratings are tanking fast. Defeat in the October Election is inevitable and that is why Ardern is quitting, whatever little Sopel says below. But what of her record on, say, covid where the liberal left applauded her for the most draconian lockdown in the world, bar North Korea.  Here are the facts and they do not make for good reading:


833 days ago

Jon Sopel on #Pelosigate- a warning that the 5th wave of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome is upon us

I think it might be an impending thrashing for the Democrats in the mid terms a week tomorrow which will see both the House and the Senate switch to the GOP., which has prompted the 5th wave of RDS among the media elite.There is certainly a new wave of the pandemic for which there is no known cure but which appears to be linked to long term exposure to the Guardian, CNN or the BBC.. I refer to #TrumpDerangementSyndrome. Poor ex BBC staffer Jon Sopel, has yet again gone down with the syndrome as you can see below. He blames an attack on the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Donald Trump.The facts? They do not matter if like poor Jon you suffer from TDS.


1338 days ago

Star BBC reporter goes abroad and is shocked as passport stamped - Don't tell him what bears do in the woods!

Grossly overpaid BBC star reporter Jon Sopel, the man so famously called out as a purveyor of fake news by Donald Trump, went abroad today and had his passport stamped. And he was so shocked he tweeted about it. Really? Why is he shocked by that? One senses that little Jon is not quite over the dirty plebs voting the wrong way on Brexit. Diddums.


1503 days ago

The Top 30 Most-Read Articles on in 2020

This rather surprises me. I was convinced that the top 30 would be packed full of waspish, libertarian or anti-woke articles. But it seems that many of the most read pieces on this website are the ones the Mrs thinks no-one reads, about life at the hovels here in Wales but also in Greece. Anyhow, here are my top 30 non financial articles of 2020.


1579 days ago

Podcast: The darkest day for democracy in the dark year of 2020 - Facebook & twitter cover up for disgraced Hunter Biden and his complicit Dad Joe

You have a right to know about Hunter and his business dealings and how his dad Joe was involved. Emails that emerged yesterday are, even the Bidens concede, genuine and show them in a terrible light as liars and worse. Yet Twitter and Facebook have taken extraordinary steps to stop you reading about this story which first appeared in the New York Post. And that has allowed folks across the Deadwood Press and MSM, notably charlatans such as Jon Sopel at the BBC, to ignore it completely. 19 days before polling day, Americans have a right to know about the story and the cover up which in these dark times marks a new low point in the suppression of a free press and free speech. I explain all and show why the position of Twitter and Facebook is inconsistent and unjustifiable in this podcast.


1833 days ago

BBC stalwart Jon Sopel, whose #TrumpDerangementSyndrome is particularly acute: you cannot be serious

The impeachment of Donald Trump will soon draw to a close having been a farce from the outset. The same sort of folks who said that POTUS would have to be impeached and found guilty over Russian collusion, only for that to be dropped as there was zero evidence, then impeached him on Ukranian matters without producing one single witness with first hand evidence. Hearsay from often dubuious sources, will never score a conviction. But if you listened to the BBC’s North American correspondent Jon Sopel, who has an incredibly severe case of #TrumpderangementSyndrome, none of this would be apparent.


2150 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Mueller out, Trump vindicated no Russia collusion, a rotten day for fake news purveyors

The past two years have seen organisations such as CNN, The BBC, Channel 4 Fake News, the Guardian and indeed most of the deadwood press insisting that Donald Trump would be impeached or forced to resign when the Mueller Report demonstrated that he had colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election against crooked Hillary Clinton. There was no real evidence for this other than a dodgy dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign.  Yet journalists such as Jon Sopel, Kylie Morris, barmy Carole Cadwalladr and Matt Frei insisted Trump was toast. The Mueller report is now out. There was no conclusion. So where are the apologies for this disgraceful episode in the history of fake news?  There are none.  The poison of fake news driven Russiaphobia has spread to this side of the Atlantic too, thanks to this dreadful journalism. I discuss this all in today's podcast. 


2380 days ago

Blacks for Trump – one reason the Democrats may face electoral oblivion in 2020

As I am sure you can remember, the liberal media, spearheaded in the UK by the BBC’s repellent Jon Sopel and Beltway Kylie Morris and Matt Frei of Channel 4 Fake News, demonstrated, to their satisfaction, if not that of anyone else, that Donald Trump was a racist back during the Presidential campaign of 2016. The Democrats and Hillary paid a few visits to the ghettos and sung Kumbaya and all was well.


2414 days ago

What the BBC, CNN and the Guardian just will not say about Trump, the illegal migrants & the polls

The BBC and its sister publication the Guardian had a weekend wankfest as large crowds gathered to protest against policies Donald Trump had already rescinded to deal with illegal migration across the Mexican border. But their coverage failed to show what is really happening. They are in denial as they serve up non-stop fake news.


2426 days ago

Guardian harpie Christina Patterson – the BBC fails to haul her up for the most disgraceful Donald Trump smear

Stranded in the car with the Mrs, I found myself forced to listen to the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 as it discussed Donald Trump  with the author, the Guardian writing metropolitan liberal elitist Christina Patterson. Listeners who liked Trump were invited to call in so that Christina could brand them as racists because she thinks all Trumpsters are racist. Keep it up liberal moron! Every such statement makes #Trump2020 even more of a shoo in.


2533 days ago

So will the BBC, Channel 4, the Dems and the rest of the liberal elite apologise en masse to peace-maker Donald Trump over North Korea

For more than two decades the mad dog eating commies of North Korea have been trying to perfect missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to the USA. Us President after US President has said how cross he is and if the dog eaters don't stop being so naughty they will impose more sanctions for China and most other folks to ignore.


2580 days ago

#ReleaseTheMemo - It was never Trump it was always about crooked Hillary

Members of Congress have been shown a 4 page memo which details FBI spying under the Obama adminstration in which crooked Hillary Clinton served. The memo has been described as "shocking" and "worse than Watergate." Now the pressure is on to #ReleasetheMemo.


2581 days ago

The BBC was Robbed! Where's its #FakeNewsaward Mr President?

Last night Donald Trump handed out nine awards for excellence in fake news. He knows what the BBC is, having owned its grossly overpaid North American Reporter, pompous prig Jon Sopel, in public as you can see here. But POTUS failed to recognise our State Funded broadcaster. That is outrageous. How dare he snub the British? Is it because he is racist?


2590 days ago

Do I feel sorry for a female BBC employee on £135,000 a year? The issue is that BBC men earn too much

To her enormous credit, Carrie Gracie the BBC's former China editor turned down a £45,000 pay rise last year when she pointed out that on £135,000 she earned far less than other International editors such as Jon "fake news" Sopel in the USA and Jeremy Bowen in thee Middle east. One issue is an apparent gender pay gap. The real issue is that overall pay levels are bloated and the BBC is unaccountable and funded by you and I under threat of jail.


2624 days ago

Donald Trump to move US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem - BBC Responds with fake news

For more than two decades Congress has pushed for the US to move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is, after all, the capital. It is where the Knesset sits and is the logical place to be situated. Except of course that the Arab world would rather than the embassy was in Tel Aviv or better still scrapped altogether and the Jews pushed into the sea.


2884 days ago

BBC Brexit Bias & fake news on Donald Trump.. why am I paying a poll tax for this?

The BBC started its Ten O'Clock News with its reporters and presenters visiibily delighting in the FBI stating that it was investigating allegations of links between members of the Trump Campaign team and the Russians. But why stick to facts on a day like this?  it was time for some classic fake news from Pravda's gimp in Washington, Jon Sopel.


2916 days ago

Jon Sopel: The BBC is impartial, free and fair - that is a fake news lie from an elitist tosser

The highlight of the week was Donald Trump sticking it to the BBC's North America correspondent Jon Sopel who - as you can see here - spluttered that the BBC was "impartial free and fair." I guess that would be fake news then because it is patently not any of the above. Let's start with free.


2916 days ago

Video The BBC's Jon Sopel gets totally owned by Donald Trump

Enjoy this clip as the BBC's Jon Sopel gets totally owned by Donald Trump. Perhaps on his State Visit to the UK, the Donald might ask why we have to pay a poll tax to support the inflated wages of the elistist liberal losers who staff the state broadcasting service at the BBC. 
