
109 days ago

Amnesty International eulogises the face of true evil, Walid Daqqah

More than eight years ago I discussed trying to enlighten my father and his wife on the evils of Amnesty International. To his credit, Dad saw the light and before he died canceled his monthly donation. But the organization goes from bad to worse and has now hit a new low with its eulogy for Walid Daqqah who it describes as a “writer” and as a “reminder of Israel’s cruel disregard for Palestinians’ right to life” in the tweet below.  It cannot be serious. But it is.


227 days ago

Jesus was Jewish – just what madness sees some folks denying this at Christmas?

There seems no end to the lunacy of those who seek to rewrite history. Over in Cambridge, a minor, provincial university somewhere near East Anglia, carol singers are told that when singing the First Noel they must replace the line “Born is the King of Israel” with something about being born in Bethlehem. It is not how the carol was written, it does not rhyme but at least it might not offend some snowflake undergraduates. That the vast majority of us find this sort of thing intensely irritating is ignored. And then there is Jesus whose birthday we will celebrate in less than two weeks: apparently he was a Palestinian. I kid you not.


839 days ago

The loathsome Guardian forced to change article after its Jew hatred driven fake news headline condemned

The hatred many feel for Israel easily spills into anti-semitism. And that hatred is fuelled by certain sections of the MSM, notably the BBC and its sister publication, The Guardian, and the way they report on events in the Jewish state. Earlier this week, another gunman opened fire in Tel Aviv, targeting a crowd of civilians just because they were Jews.  Three died, although, as news came through, the figure stood at two. Below, I bring you the first Guardian headline and then, after howls of protest, its amended version.  The question should be of the folks responsible for the initial headline.


1168 days ago

The vile “rape your daughter” antisemitism in London today is only encouraged by folks like Sadiq Khan, the BBC and Keir Starmer

The placard below comparing the Jews to the Nazis was hoisted at the pro Palestine march in London yesterday. Nobody on the march appeared offended. So many of them hate all Jews that they are happy with such sickening words. Natch the Police did nothing and so today we have seen cars flying Palestinian flags driving through Jewish parts of London urging folks to rape the daughters of Jews and worse. The video is below.


1174 days ago

Polly Toynbee - an article that sums up the out of touch metropolitan liberal left elite - no contact at all with dirty plebs

As Labour took another hammering in its Northern heartlands on Thursday I wonder where Polly Toynbee of the Guardian was watching: her multi million quid North London residence or her estates in Tuscany. Toynbee typifies those from the new left who dominate the media and the Labour party in her thoughts and in that she never mixes socially with the smelly, dirty, racist, ignorant working classes for whom she pretends to fight for but actually despises for their “thought crimes.” 


1299 days ago

Another reason to #DefundtheBBC – Jesus was a black Palestinian! The BBC lies & demonises Jews

In the run-up to Christmas, the loathsome BBC ran a show “Heart and Soul” which contained a segment “Black Jesus” which asked us to see the great man as a “darker skinned Palestinian.”


2576 days ago

Photo Article: The dysfunctional left applauds the Palestinans who execute gays at Gay Pride

It is really simple being a lefty. You have to be dogmatic and have a set world view. Otherwise you may be suspect in your liberalism. As such certain things are beyond doubt. LGBT and abortion issues are important above all else - these are the number 1 concerns of "real people", or at least of real people among the Metropolitan elites, not thick working class people or evil Christians because they don't matter. The USA is wrong on everything and Donald Trump is stupid and satanic. Israel is also wrong on everything. The EU is right on everything, The Daily Mail should be shut down to protect free speech. The Palestinians are always right. The BBC is a vicious right wing tool of the enemy but we'd all love to work there. You get the drift. 


2596 days ago

Why am I paying for the BBC to run fake news just because it is institutionally anti-Israel?

I could just about accept the poll tax that is the BBC license fee if I was served a diet of high quality non news, as Lord Reith desired, and full impartial news. But in fact my license fee goes on paying idiots such as the tax dodging, virtue signalling, fraudsters pal Gary Lineker seven figure salaries to front up crap. And as for the news?
