
68 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Radio 4's Today on Bobby Kennedy, University Funding and the slowing UK economy, it's all fake news!

I found myself spellbound on all three matters. Does the loathsome Katya Adler, formerly the BBC’s EU “insider” and those responsible for Today live in the same world as me? I fear not as they talked unmitigated rubbish.


231 days ago

D Day: The BBC and others are rewriting history

The BBC’s Radio 4 is going overboard on D Day coverage. Quite right too.  This is an 80 year anniversary of of the key and most glorious events in British history. But that history is being rewritten.


307 days ago

Global warming makes your chocolate bars more expensive says the BBC: #fakenews

The team at Radio 4’s Today programme got an enormous stiffy on this scoop by the BBC’s climate change team. It seems that climate change has caused bad weather in parts of West Africa which has sent cocoa prices surging and so makes your chocolate bars more expensive. It sounds like a great tale except that it is bollocks.


471 days ago

I have never hated the BBC so much as I do today as Radio 4 discusses Israel

Without any sense of irony, the flagship radio 4 show “Today” was pushing a programme on afterwards discussing how we might discuss Israel in an objective way. Taking lectures from the BBC on that matter defies belief. Listening to Today I have never been quote so angry about the way I have to pay £157 a year to fund the BBC. It stated repeatedly on Today that


557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Radio 4's Today Programme, the Poet Laureate Simon Armitage and the global warming GroupThink

The Poet Laureate is in the Arctic writing poems about global warming. Mr Simon Armitage was interviewed by Amal Rajan and Martha Kearney on  BBC Radio 4’s Today show and it was just so lamentable. The poet talked utter tommy rot and the presenters had done no homework on hard data to call him out. It was the London liberal elite GroupThink  on steroids. With data I call out the lot of them for serving up fake news and fake poetry.


566 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a snake spotted and a mother-in-law joke

I start with an unlikely bromance as Brokerman Dan and Richard “nobody apart from Dan Levi likes me and I don’t care” Jennings walk for cats - as you can see here. Then the mother-in-law joke. actually my mother-in—law is a top banana so maybe I should not be so rude. Then a go at BBC Radio 4’s Today programme as I comment on events in Russia. Then the woolly thinking on inflation and home owners. Finally Gary’s excellent piece on Contango (CGO) today and why he is bang on the money.


686 days ago

Howling at Radio 4 as it serves up fake news on Gary Lineker

The Mrs switched on Radio 4 then left the room.  By the time she returned it was the news at 9 and the state broadcaster was reporting that Tories were angry about £1.35 million a year BBC presenter Gary Lineker saying that new immigration plans were “beyond awful”. The Mrs could not see what the Tories were complaining about and snorted. That is because the BBC News did not report in that bulletin the really offensive thing that Lineker said, comparing the Tory policies to those of the Nazis in 1930s.


728 days ago

Cross dressing Sir Grayson Perry & BBC Radio 4 on the shame of being English

Cross dressing artist Grayson Perry graced BBC Radio 4’s flagship “Today” programme this morning and engaged in a wide ranging chat with the sycophantic presenters. If he goes to the Coronation he intends to wear a dress he said. I bet the ranch he is exactly the sort of chap who will be invited by woke King Charles to show the diverse nature of a modern Britain.  So what if 99.5% of chaps opt not to dress as birds ( a word now set to be banned so I shall use it more often), it is important to invite as many of the 0.5% as possible to show what Britain really looks like. And that brought us to discussing regions and the four home nations.


748 days ago

Jeremy Bowen – what a POS: the BBC, Israel and a partial stance

When Palestinans elect Hamas to lead them, when they vote for an organisation committed to driving the Jews out of Israel, the BBC reports that Hamas has won an election. When Israel elects a right wing coalition led by Bibi Netanyahu which is committed to a two state solution, the mainstream media reports that the frigging Jews have elected a ultra-right wing coalition which threatens to set the region in flames.  That was the tone of the discussion on the “impartial” Radio 4 flagship Today Programme today, centred on an interview with Jeremy Bowen. Who is he?


793 days ago

Why doesn’t the BBC challenge the canard of Evil Tories: lifting bankers bonuses while nurses eat from food banks?

This morning on Radio 4’s flagship Today programme it was the TUC boss Frances O’Grady ( total package £167,000) saying that the Tories were bad because they were going to lift the cap on bankers bonuses while nurses have to eat from food banks.  This line is trotted out by those on the left many times a day but it is just palpable nonsense. Let’s start with the banksters…


1110 days ago

No Stephen Glover, Lord Melyvn Bragg does not hide his bias on the BBC, it is in his DNA

 In today’s Daily Mail Stephen Glover has penned an excellent piece on the flagrant bias of BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today show. I cannot argue with a word he says on that matter. Glover is prompted by Labour luvvie Lord Melvyn Bragg saying that more or less everything is wonderful about the State Funded fake news channel.  Glover says that Bragg himself producs excellent objective material on his “In Our Time” programme. Funnily enough I listened to its Christmas show on Scrooge.


1351 days ago

Reasons to #DefundTheBBC No 890 – Radio 4’s Today Programme Israel baiting

In a grotesque error of judgement, I found myself listening to Radio 4’s Today programme at 8.30 this morning for its BBC news bulletin. I expected #fakenews but was shocked by what I heard as the state broadcaster turned to events in Israel.


1589 days ago

The BBC so misjudges the nations' mood as it's pay rises all round (for the ladies) – #DefundtheBBC

The news on jobs was bad on September 15 2020. Since the start of the Government’s fascistic reaction to Covid, 700,000 folks had disappeared from company payrolls. More, who are self employed, are now without work. As Furlough draws to a close, we all know that hundreds of thousands of other workers will be handed a P45. Meanwhile, wage rates in most industries seem to be falling as companies look to cut costs wherever they can as they battle to survive. But on this grim day, there was evidence that some are more equal than others.


1664 days ago

David Starkey is indefensible but so is the BBC slander of Darren Grimes

I had a brush with the celebrity historian David Starkey about fifteen years ago when he used his celebrity status to bully, humiliate and put down my daughter’s godmother as we ate in an Islington restaurant. He picked on her for no reason as she read Olaf a story, not too loudly, saying at a high enough volume for every diner to hear “Will you just be quiet? Some of us are trying to eat.”  Maybe the American accent grated with Starkey’s patrician senses.


2479 days ago

BBC Radio 4 Today gives platform to Tracey Emin to talk award winning and unchallenged tripe on Brexit

Apparently the great woman has a new artwork so was invited on to the Today programme to discuss it and how it reflected on Brexit. I should have braced myself.


2482 days ago

Greedy BBC trougher Sarah Montague just does not get it - her words betray her false sense of entitlement

Today's bleating member of the liberal elite is Sarah Montague who until last year had to struggle to survive on just under £150,000. Now she gets more having switched from Today to The World at One. Please #MeToo


2535 days ago

The BBC's Justin Webb - a Radio 4 Today programme apologist for the Oxfam perverts as the virtue signallers stick together

The sort of well paid metropolitan elitist who works for the BBC will no doubt mingle socially with the numerous champagne socialists earning £100,000 + per annum working for NGOs and lecturing rich folks in the private sector about how evil we are for not tackling poverty. These are the chattering classes and they stick together.


2633 days ago

BBC "Just legal" tax avoidance - the bias exposed again

Tax avoidance is legal - millions of us do it by owning an ISA. It describes legitimate ways to pay as little tax as you can do within the law. Tax evasion is avoiding paying tax by breaking the law. Simple enough? Not for John Humphreys, the grotesquely overpaid presenter of Radio 4's flagship fake news programme Today.


2655 days ago

Waiting for crooked Hillary Clinton on the BBC Women's Hour - are its listener's mad?

Before the Mrs heads off to work, filling the heads of impressionable young folks with left wing nonsense, she switches on BBC Radio 4's Today progamme to ensure that she gains confirmatory bias of her world view. It also ensures that I stay well out her way in the morning. But in an attempt to change the way I think she leaves Pravda blaring at full volume as she leaves. And thus I heard that crooked Hillary was set to be interviewed by Jenny Murray on women's hour as she plugs her ghastly new book yet again.


2675 days ago

Michelle Hussein on Radio 4's flagship Today programme betrays the inner bias of her and her employer

On the Today programme this morning, overpaid presenter Michelle Hussein was at the Labour Party leaders rally, sorry I think it is called a party conference, in Brighton interviewing shadow minister John Ashcroft. It is not his platitudes that are of interest but one question she asked, from which I quote exactly:


2681 days ago

Just why does the BBC think Ken Clarke adds any balance on Brexit?

Radio 4's flagship Today programme was discussing Brexit in light of the recent comments by Boris and the forthcoming speech by the worst Tory Prime Minister in living memory, if not ever, Mrs May. It had already given time to the senile old remoaner Vince Cable who wants us to keep voting until we vote the "right" way, hence the word Democrat in his party's name. And so next up...from our Nottingham Studio it was fat old Euro-bore Ken Clarke.


2730 days ago

My Grandfather Sir John, a hardline socialist would spin in his grave as Remoaner Polly Toynbee demands more cash for farmers

In her Guardian column today arch remoaner Polly Toynbee took time out from tending to her Tuscan castle to bash Brexit because it will hit British farmers so badly as they lose subsidies from the Common Agricultural Policy. Natch, the BBC took time out from the month long LGBT-fest to make way to report this breaking news from its sister publication and thus Toynbee opined on Radio 4's Today Programme. It was classic Toynbee and I am so glad my late grandfather Sir John Winnifrith, a true socialist and friend of Tony Benn and a campaigner for No! in 1975 was not around to hear it. He would be incandescent as he really did believe in "for the many not the few."


2746 days ago

Reasons to loathe the BBC No 978: Radio 4 Today - linking Brexit support to fascism

Much of what makes me despair about life in this country appeared just before 9 AM on BBC Radio 4's flagship fake news programme Today. It started with a segment on global warming...


2757 days ago

The BBC, the £51,000 Student Debt - it ( and everyone else) just does not get it

A report by the Institute of Fiscal Studies suggests that the average student is now leaving colleague with debts of £51,000 a figure seized on by the left and the liberal media as a sign that everything should be handed out for free. The right insisted that it showed how the system was working. Everybody lied.


3204 days ago

BBC & John Humphries squirming on the Brexit EU cash for NHS - it was a delicious torture

My favourite German leftie, Gisela Stuart, a Labour MP for some rat infested bit of Birmingham wasteland, was on The Today programe today explaining why we should all vote to leave the EU.

At one level she pointed out that if we were not members of the Evil Empire we would have an extra £350 million a week more to spend on the NHS. Our "contributions" she argued could be better spent at home. This got presenter John Humphries in a tangle which was a delight to behold as the old lefty just tied himself up in knots.

Rather lazily,
