
1168 days ago

Esther Rantzen’s pampered daughter, Rebecca Wilcox, should fuck off back to London

I grew up in the countryside and have always believed that pampered rich Londoners are the scum of the earth who should be confined within the M25 and not allowed out to inflict their metropolitan elitist views and money driven sense of superiority on we folks in the boonies. And that especially when, like Rebecca Wilcox, they have a job as a hereditary broadcaster.


1313 days ago

Shock horror in Kardamili, will Paddy Leigh Fermor be spinning in his grave?

I have noted before that despite its beauty, I am not a great fan of Islington on Sea, Kardamili, the small Greek Town where Paddy Leigh Fermor built his home here in Greece. It is not the town nor the locals that offend me so much as the hordes of rich North European tossers who go there each year, especially those from Islington and similar places back in Blighty. Rich, remoaning, patronising superior sorts.


1488 days ago

The only thing potentially stopping me voting Plaid Cymru is that they are completely bonkers

As I explained last week, I regard it as wholly desirable that the land in which I live, by 30 yards, that is to say Wales, throws off the imperialist yolk of the English infidels and gains its independence. But that should not stop me pointing out how ridiculous some of the Welsh people have become and that nearly all of its leaders are imbeciles who are not mentally capable of running a cat’s home let alone a country. Among the most ridiculous of our politicians here in Wales are those who will win my support next time, the folks from Plaid Cymru, the self-styled “Party of Wales”. This organisation, founded 95 years ago, declared itself neutral in World War Two as the rest of Wales signed up to fight the evil of Hitler. That was an early sign that Plaid has a tendency to choose for its leaders, folks who are as thick as two short planks. No. That is an insult to the planks. This brings me to its leader until last year, a short plank by name and nature, Leanne Wood.


1633 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel Making Damson Jam with Joshua Part 2

Yesterday I showed how, thanks to God’s intervention, Joshua and i were able to pick our neighbour’s damsons without leaving our own garden. With c250 damsons picked and weigfhed up to 1.5kg exactly it was time to play with the new toys ordered from amazon.


2705 days ago

Euro Loon Lord Adonis displays glorious elitism as he rants about his Brexit agony

Lord (Andrew) Adonis is one of those folks who wants we dumb commoners to keep voting on Brexit until we realise the error of our ways and vote the same way as clever people like him and the man who enobled him, the war criminal Tony Blair. So what is the worst thing about Brexit? His Lordship tweets to enlighten us...


2836 days ago

Photo Article: Back in Kardamili with the Mrs - More global warming and mixed feelings

As I tap out a few words on my laptop next to the bright blue sea it is about 27 degrees. It is T-shirt weather and the Mrs is forcing myself and Joshua to go for a swim in an unheated pool a bit later. It is hot here in Kardamili. But as you can see in the two photos below, in the higher points of the taygetos mountains behind us, the last remnants of the winter snow still cling on. These are not the highest points of the range but Al Gore would be mortified to see global warming still on the ground in the sourthnmost part of Europe in May. The computer models, global warming nutjobs like George Monbiot and the entire population of Canada, plus 99% of peer group approved scientists all predicted desertification not this.


3143 days ago

If Theresa May is the answer, what is the Question asks the loathsome Polly Toynbee

Though not a great fan of the spectacularly unsuccessful Home Secretary Mrs Theresa May, anyone who is attacked by the loathsome child of privilege the Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, cannot be all bad. And thus in her column today La Toynbee starts with the words "If Theresa May is the answer, what is the Question?" Perhaps you would care to answer that one.

How about:


3221 days ago

My #4Demands - not quite what the workshy, money tree worshipping People's Assembly want

The British people voted for a Tory Government last year but those on the left reckon they were cheated. First past the post works fine when the left win but when the wicked & evil Tories win we need electoral reform. Whatever. So now we face a group called The People's Assembly which is marching today, making #4demands. It claims to speak for the people but has an agenda the Britsih people rejected overwhelmingly.

Charlotte Church, Russell Brand, Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn and a host of other millionaires will be there . I will not. It is one of the benefits of not living in London that I get to avoid contact with those sort of champagne socialists and thousands of bone idle smelly and lazy folks from the non-productive sectors who think everyone else should fund a society based on entitlements. 

I am sure that we have our share of such deluded folk here in Bristol but thankfully they have all gone on a middle class outing to London today: "Rah, rah, rah we're 


3547 days ago

Karadimili Conversations - Tuscany in Greece

Kardamili has no sandy beaches and so is not a family resort. It has no bars and cafes serving fish and chips, burgers and cheap lager. Folks seeking sun, sea, sand and burgers and a pint of Fosters head to Stoupa down the road. Kardamili is an oasis of gentility which the Mrs rather prefers - for reasons I cannot understand - to The Greek Hovel and life in Kambos. And so last week I swapped the hovel for six days in a luxury hotel. It's a hard life.

A fortnight ago Kardamili hosted a Norwegian jazz festival.


3851 days ago

Exclusive: Fund Manager arrested as the FCA fails AGAIN – 325 investors to lose everything

Fund Manager Robin Christie was arrested earlier this year and this week, I am led to believe, the Crown Prosecution Service will decide what charges to press against him. Meanwhile around £25 million invested in funds he created has disappeared. The cash was supplied by IFAs and it is not clear yet whether all ultimate investors know what has happened. The real red faces are round at the FCA which (under its previous guise as the FSA) visited Christie in 2009 and gave him a clean bill of health.

Christie’s funds at Propertybourse based in the Channel Islands invested in German and Tuscan real estate. He also established the Campbell Property Student Accommodation Investment Fund (Birmingham) LP. You would have thought that investing in Birmingham real estate over the past three years was a nil brainer but er…it was last month revealed to be worthless.

