
269 days ago

Photo Article: A hard day's night of cooking at the Welsh hovel

It’s another hard night cooking at the Welsh hovel as you can see below. First up is a creamed pumpkin and bacon soup with the insides of the carved Halloween pumpkin. Throw in a sprinkling of cumin seeds and it was delicious. Now that the kids are in bed it is time for marrow and ginger jam as I try to cope with the marrow glut. What you see below is the flesh of one very large and one small marrow together weighing 3.8 kg.  That has been cubed and, as I write to you now, is being cooked on a low heat with some of the juice of eight lemons. 


653 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - the last jam of the year, marrow and ginger

It has been a busy year for jams, chutney and relishes and so, as I pot my last jam, I am forced to use recycled Lloyd Grossman sauces jars. It is that time of the year again.


980 days ago

Photo from the Welsh Hovel: Rhubarb & ginger gin and crumble

In the run up to my next Greek trip, once every few days, I am now decanting various of the fruit gins and vodkas made in late summer. The Mrs and i are still working our way through the plum vodka. Yesterday I decanted the rhubarb and ginger gin.


1053 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel – a picture to warm Olaf’s heart

It is hoped that daughter Olaf, currently spending a term at the Sorbonne in Paris, will honour us with a visit at Christmas and, as you might have gathered, she is a thirsty young lady. As such, I have today been adding to the plum and damson vodka, gently becoming even more fruit flavoured on the larder shelf.


1062 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Making marrow jam

So what to do with the other half of the smaller of the two ginormous marrows from Joshua’s garden? My mother-in-law thinks I am joking but the answer is marrow and ginger jam.


1065 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - stuffed marrow

Half of the smaller of the two ginormous marrows from the garden now sits in the fridge. I hope to make marrow and ginger jam later which should be ready to eat in late November either with bread and butter in the morning or with cheese or to use as a glaze on pork. The other half we ate last night as you can see below.


1066 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - size does matter

What you see below is the smaller of the two marrows produced from the garden at the Welsh Hovel this year. The plan is to make half into stuffed marrow rings tonight but what to do with the rest?
