
798 days ago

Christopher Booker will spin in his grave as the Daily Telegraph hits new depths of global warming fake news

Though on the payroll of the Sunday Telegraph, Chris actually cancelled his Daily Torygraph two years before he died as he found it just too ghastly: woke, metropolitan and innacurate. For a man of the countryside, of his beloved Somerset, the Torygraph had become a beast from another planet. And that brings me to the photo and article below frm last week.


941 days ago

The two minute hate at the Guardian this week is against poor people

One imagines that those writers at the Guardian who are not vegetarian eat only the finest organic ethically reared and killed meat. Price does not matter for members of the well paid metropolitan liberal elite. But what about poor people?


1261 days ago

Polly Toynbee - an article that sums up the out of touch metropolitan liberal left elite - no contact at all with dirty plebs

As Labour took another hammering in its Northern heartlands on Thursday I wonder where Polly Toynbee of the Guardian was watching: her multi million quid North London residence or her estates in Tuscany. Toynbee typifies those from the new left who dominate the media and the Labour party in her thoughts and in that she never mixes socially with the smelly, dirty, racist, ignorant working classes for whom she pretends to fight for but actually despises for their “thought crimes.” 


1316 days ago

It is not just Olaf wrong on how to react to Sarah Everard murder – the courts and the Government screw up

It seems that I am now required, as a man, to start any article on this subject by saying how appalling the murder of Ms Everard was and how I condemn rape and sexual assault. Both should be a given but in 2021 that is not enough. As a male, I must repeat that testament of faith before being allowed to express a view.  Yesterday I explained how the reaction of my wonderful daughter Olaf in her young, metropolitan woke echo chamber was wrong but she is not the only one whose good intentions make this matter far worse.



1583 days ago

#DefundtheBBC - example No 667 of why its morally bankrupt values are not those of the rest of us: a criminal is not a protestor

My values are not those of the BBC. Every day, I am served a reminder of that and the anger of the 99% of us living outside the metropolitan liberal elite thought bubble is clearly mounting. We the people feel increasingly angry. Take the headline below, commenting on the news that the useless Bristol Police force has finally released pictures of 14 people who engaged in criminal damage in pulling down the statue of Edward Colston and chucking it into the harbour. 


1598 days ago

A BBC headline after yesterday's protest/riot and the question of partiality

Gosh I hate the BBC. I have never more resented being forced to pay a license fee to support the bloated salaries of its staff as, in a truly Orwellian, fashion they distort the truth and show clear bias on almost every topic. The values of its staff are not mine and not those, I suspect, of mostr of us. Yet, under threat of jail we must fund the BBC and its pampered metropolitan liberal elitist staff.  Take yesterdays protests and riots in London. I ask you to imagine that the protest had been by those of us who supported Brexit. I think it unlikely that we would have engaged with the fuzz as some did yesterday but had we done so do you think it conceivable that the BBC would have run the headline below? Nope. Me neither. My silent and peaceful anger grows.


2181 days ago

Just how out of touch is the loathsome Guardian - no wonder its sales are plunging?

Have you ever been burgled? I have. You feel violated. As if your home is dirty. For a long while you feel unsafe in your own abode. What if they come again? And it is a crime that  affects folks of both genders, oops sorry I meant all genders. This Guardian headline  below is not meant to be ironic and is the sort of nonsense which helps to explain why  sales of this sordid rag are crashing, however many fake news articles by Carole Cadwalladr it publishes.


2282 days ago

Remoanometer - a measure of just how much of a mad, metropolitan elitist, Brexit loon of a remoaner Jonathan Price (or you) are

I saw this cartoon and at once thought of my pal & fellow Hammer, the metropolitan elitist remoaner Jonathan Price who, as @BC3Pres torments me on twitter with dire warnings of how flights will be grounded, the power will run out and as we all starve to death how West Ham will be relegated the day after Brexit.


2317 days ago

Patriotism again a dirty world among the liberal Metropolitan elite - The Independent offends me

Hell's teeth: I do not even support England, but the sneering elitism of the metropolitan elite, as exemplified by the little read Independent newspaper (below), almost makes me want to. For the avoidance of doubt, with no Irish team in Russia, I am hoping that England triumph. I would not go as far as some of my neighbours in flying the cross of St George but I understand their pride in their country and why they do so. 


2485 days ago

Now about that global warming (falling in near record amounts in the US today) - I quote the UEA, Chris Booker and the Guardian fake news paper

A friend who is the epitome of the remoaning metropolitan elitist emails me today to claim that "you really are becoming a fascist in your old age what with your support of Donald Trump and your climate change denial." The elitists always forget that labelling anyone with whom you disagree as a fascist demeans the true horror of what fascism is. But I suppose it is easier than actually debating facts. I shall deal with my admiration of the leader of the free world another day but let's look at some hard facts about climate change or , as it used to be known, global warming. I bring you three quotes:


2633 days ago

Peak Dunkirk liberal idiocy: Robert Fisk in the Independent

Marie Claire showed commendable liberal idiocy for its take on the film Dunkirk. USA today was almost on a par. But the winner of the liberal metropolitan elitist idiot commentator on this war movie depicting an actual historic event is Robert Fisk of the Independent, a man who has real form when it comes to being a stranger to the truth. It is thanks to Robert that we have the phrase "to Fisk" meaning to go through a newspaper article to discover the series of statements from the post fact era.


2636 days ago

3 house owning Polly Toynbee, the biggest hypocrite on the loathsome Guardian, rides again

This morning Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee is in full hypocrite mode warp factor 11. It is not that La Toynbee (Badminton School & Oxford) rails against public schools or privilege. Nor that the offspring of a well known and affluent family rails against inherited wealth. Nor on £300,000 a year paid for by a paper that uses offshore trusts to dodge tax, is she ranting against inequality or tax evasion. Polly has done even better that in her attempt to retain the title of hypocrite of the year for the 24th year running.


2686 days ago

Tim Farron quits as Lib Dem leader as he faces witch-hunt for being a Christian in sad new Britain

Tim Farron was a pretty hopeless leader of the Lib Dems. His weasel words and demands for a second vote on Brexit were laughable and the way that he kept on insisting that he was the only working class ( pronounced with no r) was just plain cringe worthy. But the reason that he has quit as Lib Dem leader is that in modern Britain being a Christian is not acceptable, at least to the fake news wolf packs of the liberal metropolitan media.


2696 days ago

The BBC Montage of reaction to London Bridge - how utterly pathetic & Orwellian

Wall to wall coverage of the London Bridge attacks continues on BBC World News. the only interruptions are the adverts which are largely for BBC news itself. How much do they cost and what exactly is their purpose? But in between the adverts and the latest recycling of old footage the BBC served up a montage of how London and the World reacted. It was so utterly dismal and predictable.


2707 days ago

Photo Shocker: Who are the real victims of Manchester - liberal media elitists C4 reckon its Muslims celebrating violence

Listen to the mainstream press and, natch, the real victims of the Manchester terror attack are the poor Muslims of Britain who - the liberal media rushed to assure us - are set to suffer a barrage of hate crime. So far Katie Hopkins has been reported to the Met 934 times for tweeting so that the "real victims" can rest more easily. Sod the 22 kids and teenagers who are dead or the dozens lying injured and maimed in hospital. Sod their families, C4 News rushed off to Manchester's "Curry Mile" to meet the real victims, as you can see below.


2735 days ago

In defence of the queen of the remoaners - Gina Miller

Please do not get me wrong. Gina Miller is a loathsome creep but I write today in defence of the Queen of the Remoaners.
As a martyr to the cause of Euro-lunacy Gina complains that she is always being attacked. Some of the attacks are fair. She is a patronising Metropolitan elitist who views those of us who voted for independence with undisguised contempt. We did not understand the issues and we are just not as clever as her. She also keeps changing her arguments about what she is seeking to achieve - she talks incoherent nonsense. and she is married to a man with a face like a baboon's arse. All of these are fair criticisms.
