money tree

870 days ago

Malcolm Stacey’s Money Tree Quest, part 5 (as relayed by his diarist, Tom Winnifrith)

The quest began on Monday, hence Malcolm’s absence in Sicily. He was promised an early start on Wednesday, but a day of disappointment followed. On Thursday, he was taken to a tree. So, how did this all conclude? His diarist explains…


872 days ago

Malcolm Stacey’s Money Tree Quest, Part 4 (as relayed by his diarist, Tom Winnifrith)

The quest began on Monday, hence Malcolm’s absence in Sicily.   He was promised an early start for Wednesday, but a day of disappointment followed. Perhaps, Thursday was more productive. His diarist explains…


881 days ago

Malcolm Stacey’s Sicilian adventure & Money Tree quest part 2 (as relayed by his diarist Tom Winnifrith)

The quest began yesterday, hence Malcolm’s absence in Sicily. Now events move on as his diarist explains…


882 days ago

Malcolm Stacey’s Sicilian adventure & Money Tree quest part 1 (as relayed by his diarist Tom Winnifrith)

I am off on my annual quest to find the magic money tree which I know exists and can solve all of the world’s problems. Just harvest the tree and Government debt will disappear. Then harvest it again and the government can give more money to everyone to help them deal with inflation. It is so simple. I just can’t see why Uncle Tom and other wicked Tories just don’t get it.


1155 days ago

Radio 4 on Fuel Poverty & Community Energy Co-Ops - there is only 1 view allowed on the BBC

Forced to work in the kitchen by problems with my study ceiling, I am suffering BBC Radio 4, something the Mrs inflicts on me every morning as a punishment for being an evil capitalist. Today’s torture is listening to Positive Thinking presented by Sangita Myska, a “deep dive” into how to end fuel poverty. Natch all the guests agree on one solution with nobody at all challenging a narrative which is patently absurd. This show encapsulated all that is wrong with the BBC.


1500 days ago

Meet a Covid Marshal - £30,000 a year for busy body heaven for men with small willy syndrome

£30,000 a year for goose stepping around in a high visibility jacket telling the rest of us what we can or cannot do and where. What sort of person with small willy syndrome would want such a job? It seems there is no shortage of takers. Take this fellow.


1655 days ago

Video: How Money Tree Economics in response to Coronavirus is going to make us all rich

It is so simple, I cannot think of why we have not gone down this route before. I hope this video explains why the Government’s response to Coronavirus is going to make us all rich.


2220 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads to Russia in search of the Magic Money Tree Part 6

As you may have gathered last Tuesday, Malcolm’s long-suffering wife reckons that he has been spending too much time in The Punter’s Return and so has organised a holiday in Denmark, Sweden and Russia where Mr Stacey hopes to discover the magic money tree and an updated theme for his next novel. We left him  about to catch a ferry from the egalitarian money free funded land of milk and honey that is Sweden and on his way to to Russia. Our senior reporter has now updated us on his progress since…


2226 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads to Russia in search of the Magic Money Tree Part 1

Mrs Stacey says that I have been spending too much time in the Punter’s Return reading dull articles about shares and that we need a break. She says that I need inspiration for my next novel and so has suggested that we head off on one of those holidays advertised during Midsomer Murders for a more mature and sophisticated audience.


2388 days ago

On the 5th anniversary of her death: a lesson from Britain's greatest Prime Minister for bedwetting millennials on The Money Tree

It is five years since the death of Margaret Thatcher, our greatest ever Prime Minister. A couple of weeks later, with my friend Lucian Miers and tens of thousands of others, I stood in silence on Ludgate Hill as her coffin passed by on its way to St Pauls. As we celebrate her life, here's a short video for the snowflakes, Maggie explains that there is no such thing as public money. Don't rush off to find a safe space in which to cry, you pathetic bedwetters but the money tree really does not exist. Take a lesson on that from a woman who grew up in a room above a corner store enjoying almost none of the luxuries, handouts and "rights" that you take for granted.


2406 days ago

Pay rises of up to 29% for NHS staff are NOT paid for by the Treasury as the BBC claims but by me and it is the final straw

One of the big lies that our children are told in school and university and which the liberal media ram down our throats is that public sector workers are paid less than we folks in the productive sector and have had lower pay rises over the past few years. Those lies are exposed as lies with hard data as I did in my, Bath Spa lecture HERE, the "what happened next" story of which I will relay one day and which will horrify you. But the lie has worked. If enough folks repeat a lie often enough it becomes an Orwellian truth.


2406 days ago

My taxes to go Welsh 7 year olds on Brexit

My late ex father in law Iwan was consistently damning about the Assembly, which governs the Wales he loved with such fervour. He was a man who had grafted away all his life as builder and developer, risking his capital and working bloody hard to make a decent living for his family and along the way paying vast amounts of tax.


2527 days ago

Photo Report from the Greek Hovel - the olive harvest is a disaster for the whole village

I wandered up to the Greek Hovel this morning and saw, at once, that something was not quite right. Yes there were olives on the trees as you can see below but not vast numbers. 


2541 days ago

Austerity & Tax Avoidance - how the left does not get it: free unicorns for all

The tweet below refers to the Paradise Papers not the Panama Papers but that is not the glaring error. The error is to say that austerity is caused by tax evasion. It is wrong on so many counts.


2583 days ago

Michelle Hussein on Radio 4's flagship Today programme betrays the inner bias of her and her employer

On the Today programme this morning, overpaid presenter Michelle Hussein was at the Labour Party leaders rally, sorry I think it is called a party conference, in Brighton interviewing shadow minister John Ashcroft. It is not his platitudes that are of interest but one question she asked, from which I quote exactly:


2593 days ago

The public sector is staffed by lazy, overpaid bastards who lie about pay

My pay has fallen by 14% thanks to austerity says another lardbucket public sector worker. The fake news channels report this as fact and pathetic Mrs May finds another money tree and prepares for public sector pay rises all round. So what if the deficit is £50 billion and going to rise? So what if the National Debt is already the largest Europe and rising? So what if inflation busting pay increases across the public sector will only fuel inflation so pushing up interest rates? Who cares? Well lets start with facts, the inconvenient truths that show how the lazy, overpaid bastards in the public sector who are lying to you about pay.


2605 days ago

Video - Joshua in action, why I could not write any articles yesterday

As you may know, I hit the keys on my computer so hard that after a while the figures on them wear off. Then they become so damaged that they stop working altogether or only if you hit them repeatedly very hard. At that point hipster Marxist, the pizza hardman Darren Atwater, says "why don't you get a new Mac costing loads of moolah from the money tree?"  and I go buy a new keyboard, which looks like what I have been using all my adult life, and plug it in. Joshua types like his Dad as you can see in the video below...


2623 days ago

A letter to today's Guardian - my father asks if this is irony..don't kid yourself Dad

Reading the Guardian letters page is not an ordeal I can bring myself to suffer even in the interests of research into the far reaches of the deranged mentality of public sector working, virtue signalling, elitist, money tree worshipping thought. Or what goes for it. But my father, a closet reactionary, is a loyal Guardian reader.


2642 days ago

The £200m Tory Bribe to Rural England - heck if this works lets have more of it. It won't

The useless Tory Government has today announced it is to spend £200 million on a new package of measures to help rural England. Natch a good chunk of that is going on improving broadband speeds but the overall measures will, it is promised , create 6,000 jobs.


2647 days ago

Abi Wilkinson - 100% Inheritance Tax moral and makes sense. Bollocks. Peak big state stupidity in the Guardian

Abi Wilkinson is a freelance journalist based in London writing about politics, inequality, gender, popular culture, and anything else that takes her fancy. She normally writes in the Guardian which likes articles about gender ( fluid, natch) and politics as long as they involve money tree worshipping and or/smashing the even half rich. Abi's latest piece really is peak stupidity in thus summer of left wing madness. Abi reckons that what we need is a 100% inheritance tax. 


2648 days ago

Tories 4 the TransGender Community - The New Big Idea in the Big Tent - Gosh these folks are pathetic

With no real majority at Westminster, Mrs May's pathetic Tories are unable to push through any of the so many radical changes this country needs to make to avoid going bust. The chances of radical change on any issue that matters are zippo. Or so I believed. You thought that the useless Cons were out of big ideas? Think again. Today's Sunday Times reveals dramatic new proposals to tackle the needs of the transgender community. I just despair.


2650 days ago

The State pension, life expectancy and a ponzi the historically ignorant & innumerate left cannot understand

As you can see in a tweet below from a regional organiser of the UNITE Trades Union, which bankrolls Labour, the vicious Tories are at it again, trying to raise the pension age. This is all because Tories hate those who are not so rich that they do not need a state pension. So bangs on the left in a post fact era chorus. So what are the facts?


2673 days ago

Jon Snow of Channel 4 Fake News - the tweet that shows why he is so prone to pushing lies

All journalists have opinions. None of us can be truly impartial as we have our own views and prejudices. If you are a columnist, that is to say you write opinion that is why you do what you do. The views of Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot and Owen Jones are well known. They are Big State money tree worshipping lefties and argue that line. On the other side Mark Steyn, Melanie Phillips or Peter Hitchens take a different tack. I do not hide my own libertarian take on life. But none of the above are reporting news and when doing that your prejudices do matter. You should bury your on news when reporting FACT.


2707 days ago

Manchester Terror attack - its General Election Impact

This is a human tragedy, it is a mass murder, the story is of shattered and broken lives. However there is still going to be a General Election on June 8 and it is a legitimate question: will this attack make an impact? The answer I suspect is that it will though folks may consider it tasteless to speculate about it, it cannot be ignored. Terror attacks are just not good news for Jeremy Corbyn.


2865 days ago

The Mrs would not allow me to call our son Ebenezer as Scrooge gets an awful press

I thought it was a good name. Unusual and reminiscent of an era when Britain made things, was a truly prosperous nation and before we all demanded shelter from cradle to grave in the safe space underneath the great Money Tree. But the Mrs disagreed. And so our son is called Joshua not Ebenezer.

I saw a production of the Christmas Carol last week and poor old Scrooge got a really hard time. In the first party of the tale he is a hero, a wealth creator, a provider of employment, the sort of man we can all admire. Then those pesky ghosts arrive and in the space of a night they turn him into a Guardian reading liberal with a spine made of Jelly. The play ends with him giving Bob Cratchit a huge pay rise.


2866 days ago

Photo Article: The Christmas Tree is up with decorations from my life around the world

Today is the annual Christmas party held by the Mrs for her mad lefty friends, a Godless bunch who regard Christmas as having nothing to do with Christ. The normal score is that I do the cooking then, to avoid being emboldened by a few glasses of wine into pointing out that whatever they are saying is patent nonsense, I feign illness and go to bed. Let them believe


2940 days ago

Okay, baby no name now has a name...three in fact

Naturally the surname is Winnifrith. None of this double barrelled nonsense in this household. But we have now decided on three Christian names...


2940 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The USA is going bust but France is catching up & why shoddy broker buy notes are a sell signal

There are two parts to this bearcast. First I look at Government Debt and GDP over the past 8 years in the UK , France, the US and Greece and where all four are heading - it will startle those like Jeremy Corbyn, Chancellor Hammond and Malcolm Stacey who still believe in the money tree. Then I look at the great sell indicator that is a broker buy note and explain why.


2944 days ago

A good reason NOT to employ millennial women - they are statistically pathetic

Seventy-five years ago, eighteen year old men and women were dealing with the Luftwaffe bombing our cities to oblivion, with death all around them and the stresses of war. Some had psychological stress but they were relatively rare and, frankly, who could blame them? Wind forward to today and 26% of 16-24 year old women report suffering at least one mental health issue a week. 9% of men suffer likewise. It is hard to know where to start.


3006 days ago

Bugger me, I'm gutted for Nicola Sturgeon as poll shows Scots want to stay in the UK despite Brexit

The poisonous midget and Jimmy Krankie lookalike Nicola Sturgeon is, this morning, spitting out her porridge as a poll shows that post Brexit most Scots want to stay part of the UK. Bugger. I was so much looking forward to the midget leading her nation of whinging welfare junkies to glorious independence. I am, perhaps, even more gutted than Jimmy Krankie by this news.

Like all humourless lefties,


3019 days ago

Nicola Sturgeon: why would the EU want Scotland? it has enough basket cases and idlers already

Nicola Sturgeon seems amazed that EU leaders are not lining up begging Scotland to join the Evil Empire as soon as possible. It has not dawned on her that, set to lose a major benefactor in form of the United Kingdom (in reality England plus the Celtic scroungers), the last thing it wants is to take back the welfare addicted nation of idlers that is Scotland. Heck the EU alread has the basket case that is the Real Greece why would it want the wannabee Greece of the North as well?


3041 days ago

Scotland - I wish you the best of luck - now PLEASE FECK OFF

Poisonous midget Nicola Sturgeon notes that Scotland voted to stay in the EU but that Britain voted out and so she is having another referendum on whether Scotland should leave the UK. We should pre-empt her and just boot it out now.


3099 days ago

Is everyone in Wales mainlining State support? Can they even wipe their own arses?

The BBC News at Ten coverage of the elections to the costly waste of space that is the Welsh assembly is focussing on the economy. The big issue is apparently Steel and which party is going to spunk the most cash on part nationalising and subsidising an industry that will never ever make a cent in profit. But the BBC says there is an alternative view in the principality. Hooray. I look forward to Huw Edwards interviewing a real capitalist...but this is Wales.

The alternative view


3121 days ago

Labour & SNP voters are fat slobs - its official

If you are prepared to swallow vast amounts of junk food you will probably swallow anything, even the hocus pocus policies of Labour and the SNP. Perhaps it is all those folks mainlining welfare payments as they sit on thair arses which explains the correlation but it is official: Labour and SNP voters are fat slobs as the map below demonstrates with Scottish nationalists being the biggest lardbuckets by a mile.


3242 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast extra 7 December - Malcolm Stacey 100% wrong about oil & shares

Old Getafix is a good man and we agree on many things. But his article today HERE on oil and on how shares are cheap is just 100% wrong and I have to take the Money Tree worshipper to task on this.


3328 days ago

Malcolm Stacey’s Quest for Jeremy Corbyn’s Money Tree – the Conclusion

On Thursday night Malcolm Stacey attempted to gain entry to Jeremy Corbyn’s last campaign rally but was foiled and failed to meet the bearded one. Does that mean that his search for Corbyn’s Money Tree is at an end?


3330 days ago

Malcolm Stacey’s quest to find Jeremy Corbyn and the famed Islington Money Tree – part 2

Good news. The Quest is hotting up. Getafix is worried. His potions based on cuttings from the money tree do not seem to be working. Why are shares in Advanced Oncotherapy not at 50p despite being featured here twice a week? Why is the FTSE 100 not at 8,000 as predicted? Perhaps the Money Tree he has been using in the depths of the Welsh forest is a fake or has lost its powers. Fear not…for another old fool (sorry we meant respected druid) has emerged in North London and Malcolm seems to have tracked him down.

Comrade Jeremy Corbyn is a true believer in the Money Tree. And tonight the great man will be holding his last rally as he seeks to become leader of the Labour Party. The event is in Islington North London where almost everyone seems to believe in the Money Tree.  Malcolm is heading to N1 as we speak to find this new mystic. Can Malcolm find him and will Corbyn reveal where he cuts twigs from his Money Tree… watch this space, Getafix is in hot pursuit.


3331 days ago

Malcolm Stacey heads off to find Jeremy Corbyn on another Money Tree Quest

Getafix is worried. His potions based on cuttings from the money tree do not seem to be working. Why are shares in Advanced Oncotherapy not at 50p despite being featured here twice a week? Why is the FTSE 100 not at 8,000 as predicted? Perhaps the Money Tree he has been using in the depths of the Welsh forest is a fake or has lost its powers. Fear not…for another old fool (sorry we meant respected druid) has emerged in North London

Comrade Jeremy Corbyn is a true believer in the Money Tree. And so Malcolm Stacey has headed off to find this new mystic. The trouble is that Corbyn is elusive, rushing round the country speaking to massed crowds. Can Malcolm find him and will Corbyn reveal where he cuts twigs from his Money Tree… watch this space, Getafix is in hot pursuit.


3403 days ago

Druid Getafix, aka Malcolm Stacey, must have over-imbed at the Punter’s Return – ref Tesco

This morning my money tree worshipping comrade, the druid Getafix, aka Comrade Malcolm Stacey has written comments (HERE) about Tesco which are so completely insane that I have to respond. Quite simply, I can only assume that Malcolm took too much magic potion last night as he appears to be off with the fairies. Malcolm writes about Tesco:


3415 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - Comrade Malcolm Stacey WRONG on Greece & Shares

Earlier today Comrade Malcolm Stacey, our token money tree believer on this website, argued HERE that Greece would not go bust and that would cause shares to zoom higher. I am sorry to say that he is wrong on one if not both counts and explain why in this podcast.


3436 days ago

Money Tree worshipping mad leftie Malcolm Stacey talking rot again

I wonder if it was his years at the BBC which saw my pal Comrade Malcolm Stacey infected with the mad lefty virus. Becuase the old Money Tree worshipper does talk some awful rot and today's column from him HERE is a classic. I feel forced to point out in the interests of balance why he is spouting total gibberish.

The old leftie states:

The new British government will continue austerity. Sadly, that is not good news for the less well off, but it won’t affect the wealthy very much. And it will bring the national debt down.

So the wicked Tories will continue austerity will they? I wish they would. In fact I wish they had started austerity five years ago but they have not. Government spending has risen year on year since 2010 under the wicked Tories and will continue to rise. Some austerity.

And it gets worse


3455 days ago

My local Tory looked like a gangster but got my vote anyway

In the local elections my Tory candidate was a gent called Perry Hicks. He runs the local gym and with his slicked back hair looked like a gangster from the Kray area. I am sure that he is not a gangster but even if he is, he got my vote anyway.  As you can see below my votes were straight down the line Tory and I see that both Tories lost.

Like Theo, my quite cute Tory candidate for Parliament, Mr Hicks seems to be a great money tree believer. His flyer


3548 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Footsie is "flying" - Malcolm Stacey is 'avin a bubble

My esteemed fried and colleague comrade Malcolm Stacey is nothing if not consistent. The great Money Tree worshipper is perennially bullish and once again that is his message today (HERE). But is the Footsie "flying?" I compare it to a 1916 Wisden and it is clearly not. And I point out why even if it breaches 7,000 there is every reason to be bearish rather than bullish.


3564 days ago

Impellam – I can’t agree with Malcolm Stacey (again)

Like most of my family, Malcolm Stacey has a range of daft lefty opinions which see us disagree on a number of matters. He is a top bloke and we agree on a lot (busting financial fraud, immigration, etc), but I still have images of him sitting in Wales kneeling in prayer to the Money Tree and that brings us to Impellam (IPEL) which he wrote about on Saturday and where we half agree.


3566 days ago

It is all Greek to me -Lesson one tomorrow

After spending a total of four months at the Greek Hovel and holidaying in mighty Hellas perhaps twenty times in my life I still speak almost no Greek. It is shameful. But that ends tomorrow.

For my birthday the Mrs, who speaks good Greek and fluent Swedish as well as Northern English, has bought me five lessons. The teacher is recommended by none other than the ex wife of Red Trousers, the buffoonish money treee worshipping Mayor of Bristol. Lesson one is on skype and starts at 10.30 AM.

To the folks in Kambos...I am going to shock you all on my return on 18 Febuary.


3698 days ago

Why the SNP maths on Oil is all wrong – a former oil analyst (Andrew Bell) explains

Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Regency Mines (RGM) like me started his life as an oil analyst.  Bell is a Scot living in England and, I sense, supports the Union. As an English taxpayer I cannot pray hard enough for the welfare addicted Money Tree worshipping Greece of the North to vote for independence as I explain HERE. But Bell adds to the debate in a very well argued video showing how SNP assumptions about Scottish oil revenues are quite simply sheer fantasy.


3865 days ago

No Girlies on the Board – why I don’t give a flying wotsit and much more

It is time for shocking revelations of shameful personal habits. Earlier today my colleague Malcolm Stacey came out as a reader of the turgid rag for crackpot deluded lefty social workers, teachers and other Money Tree believers – that is to say The Independent on Sunday. Malcolm then argued that he won’t invest in a company with an all-male board. Utter cobblers.

The Money Tree worshipping liberal left like to argue that the fact that 20% of FTSE 100 directors are birds is down to affirmative action campaigning and that if we had legally binding quotas then the birds would get a fair quota on PLC boards (50% I assume) and companies would be better run as a result. This is all so much shite.

The increase in female boardroom representation over the past two decades matches the increase in the number of female partners in City law firms, partners in big City accountants, etc.  If anything we wicked capitalists have outperformed liberal bastions with all their affirmative action programmes in this respect. That is because we wicked capitalists care about the bottom line and thus promote on merit. If a woman is the best person for the job, will make more money for the firm than the man she gets the post.

Why are there not more women on PLC boards? Simple. Demographics, PLC boards


3884 days ago

EU to Offer 11 billion Euro in aid to Ukraine – with what ffing cash?

The democratically elected President of Ukraine was a prize rotter but was ousted in a coup. The EU supported that coup because the old guy was not so keen on joining the warm embrace of the EU.

The Ukraine is bankrupt. It is set to default on its debts because a) its bloated Government spends too much, b) it was and probably still is run by crooks.

Large parts of the Ukraine do not want to join the EU. Sadly those large parts are generally the economically viable Russian speaking parts in the East. It is the unviable Western bits that wish to sign up to the joys of the EU. And, having prompted this mess with its meddling, the EU now wishes to send 11 billion Euro off out east. But hang on a sec? The EU has its own deficit. It has only just asked the UK to pony up an extra couple of billion quid to cover that black hole.  Several of its existing members (Greece, Spain, Italy, etc) are themselves bust.

Where is this 11 billion coming from? The bloody Money Tree of course. That is to say taxpayers in the not yet bust EU countries now. And future generations of taxpayers in any EU country that is still solvent in years to come.

Grotesquely overpaid politicians love spending other folk’s cash and the EU serves up the worst offenders in this respect – step forward Cathy Ashton, for example. When will it learn its lesson: a) stop meddling outside the EU, b) sort out your own near-terminal problems before trying to fix those of others?

The EU fostered the coup and now wishes to send your cash to support a regime containing a good sprinkling of Jew hating neo-Nazis.  It should instead be apologising, firing the lead meddlers and allowing Ukraine to go bust and market forces to work their magic.

Which country has done better since it faced bankruptcy Greece or Iceland. The former gets the EU bailouts, the crooks stay in charge and is still bust with its population facing economic Armageddon. The latter went bust, sent the crooks to gaol, reconstructed and is now the fastest growing economy in Europe.

 I guess Ukraine wishes to follow the Greek model.



3934 days ago

The Scots cannot have Independence and a blank cheque from England – Can’t they just Fuck Off and Go it 100% alone?

The Scots it would appear have negotiated the deal of the Century with England for post-independence financial Armageddon. They get the freedom. The English get to pick up the tab.

The Scots would be able to set their own budgets, their own tax rates and spend as much as they want yet the English taxpayer c/o the Britsh ( or post independence English) Treasury has agreed to underwrite its debt. This is sheer insanity.

87% of Scots take from the State (in terms of services, welfare, etc.) more than they give. And thus Scotland has found itself with an electorate which things that austerity means deep fried mars bars all round on the State being cut back to only 6 days a week.  Or only giving free cigarettes to Primary School Children only on alternate days.

Given that you have more chance of finding a heterosexual non child molester presenting a Top of the Pops edition from 1977 than you have of finding a Tory voter in Scotland, its three political parties that matter ( Labour, The Nationalist loons and the Lib Dems) are all committed to more spending and more tax but the ultimate funder is always seen as the great Money Tree.

Scottish economic policy and the prevailing ethos of a land that once gave us Adam Smith is akin only to Greece. Edinburgh is the Athens of the North.

And so post-independence


4051 days ago

Nick Clegg wants free school meals for all – Money Tree Believing Moron

Oh worship the Money Tree, Bow down to the Great Money Tree. Nick Clegg you really are a prize git of the highest order. Your suggestions that all kids under 8 should get a free school meal might grub a few votes from the more innumerate members of the electorate but at every level it shows you for the fool and clown that you are and your party as an ideologically incoherent mess.

We start with the Money Tree basics. The UK is running a vast budget deficit and is heavily in debt. It cannot afford another £600 million. We are going bust. What do the Lib Dem’s not understand about that? Wake up to bankrupt Britain folks.

Aaaaaaah but what about the starving kids? 


4154 days ago

Friday caption Contest on a Saturday - Money Tree edition

No winners from last week’s contest. Let’s hope for more inspired entries this week.  And on that matter as I see I am being bashed on twitter for suggesting that we do not give EVEN more money to the world’s third largest employer because the UK Government has so much to spend I come to Mr Ed Balls, MP.

Apparently Ed reckons that the last Labour Government was not profligate and is now starting to outline his vision for how he will bankrupt Britain within five years starting 2015. Sorry, I meant to say: how he will like Gordon Brown be prudent and manage the Nation’s finances responsibly.

And so here is the picture. Post your entries in the comments section below by 9 AM next Friday.

For what it’s worth I am torn between

“Crook and bigot, Sir Patrick Mercer dreams about his remaining two years as an honourable member of parliament”


“Islamofascist Hate preacherAnjem Chowdary offers praise to the source of his £25,000 a year tax free lifestyle package”


“Ed Balls takes advice from Tom Winnifrith's deluded lefty partner and assures us that Labour’s spending plans are fully costed”


4190 days ago

The Labour victor in South Shields – thick lardbucket

Whatever you think of David Miliband he was articulate and he was clever. He was wrong on most matters but he had his plus points. I was horrified by the stupidity of the lard bucket who has succeeded him. More than half the voters cast in this contest were cast four weeks ago by post. They were organised by the established party machine in the seat (Labour) and so fell almost entirely for Labour. Those who actually voted on the day, voted for UKIP not this lard bucket. There is something very wrong with such a system but do not expect the established parties to change it.

That she has a strong Geordie accent is not a problem. So does the delightful Ms Cheryl Cole who – as we all know – can do no wrong. But this woman just uttered an incoherent stream of grammatically incorrect babble. She is thick. Asked by Sky TV if she was a Blairite or a Brownite she looked vacant. I am not sure I could explain the differences too clearly myself but then I am not a Labour MP.  And so the lard bucket answered: I am a Labour party supporter. Well there’s a surprise.

Whet are her solutions to the Country’s ills? Er…shake that magic money tree. Spend, spend, spend. Great. What did the lard bucket do before this to give her such an acute grasp of economics? She was a social worker.

At that point I could take no more and flicked to another channel featuring another Labour supporter in the news…Mr Stewart Hall
