
885 days ago

Can the Guardian please make up its mind on why capitalists are so fecking evil.... and as for Lloyds Bank, I despair

Nicola Bannister is an Ambassador for Lloyds Bank – whatever that means – and has tweeted the gibberish below, with a link to the Guardian. The dreary left-wing rag really needs to make up its mind.



1800 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition TWELVE with Tom Winnifrith, Kirsty Fuller of Big Sofa, Adam Reynolds a cat and a rat

There are two guests in this week’s show, First up I discuss recent events at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC). then I discuss sexism in the City and Big Sofa (BST) with its boss Kirsty Fuller. Then it is on to Adam Reynolds where we cover Sosandar (SOS), Optibiotix (OPTI), Big Sofa (BST), Yourgene (YGEN) and Concepta (CPT). It is during this segment that the cat and the rat feature.  If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


2159 days ago

After gender pay mania now wretched Theresa May wants a race audit – she must go now!

Forcing companies to disclose the pay of men and women demonstrated two things clearly. Firstly that folks doing different jobs earned different salaries and secondly the willingness of the liberal left and the media to distort data to pursue a virtue signalling agenda, and one that lumbers business with more costs and pressures.  There is a gender pay gap but its narrowing and it cannot simply be put down to sexism as I explained to the free speech loving ,angelic. multi-brained genius students at Bath Spa University here


2190 days ago

Serena Williams can be a ghastly role model for all young female athletes and has “form”

A few years ago Serena threatened to stuff a tennis ball down the throat of a female line judge who had made a call she disagreed with. Yesterday she smashed her racket and abused the umpire with words that were defamatory and in the end got fined a piffling amount. She then said #Metoo – that is to say this was all sexism as male athletes could get away with worse. This ensured that her match will not be remembered for a glorious victory for underdog Naomi Osaka as she became the first ever Japanese to win a Major – but for Williams and her revolting tantrum.


2469 days ago

Boys, girls, make-up and sexism in 2017 - the strange world of the BBC

Before she leaves in the morning, to fill the empty heads of impressionable snowflakes with left wing nonsense, the Mrs always switches on Radio 4. As I wander into the Kitchen to make morning coffees I am treated to some real gems and insight into the mad mindset of the state funded fake news outlet and the mindset of an utterly out of touch metropolitan elite.


2685 days ago

Hillary Clinton blames sexism for her electoral crushing but admits there may be other issues, such as what your crookedness?

Poor Hillary Clinton is all over the news discussing her electoral crushing by the Donald. Liberal media poodles at CNN were told that the main reason she lost was sexism. All those bloody glass ceilings. Yeah right. But her crookedness admits there may have been other issues. But what might they be? Here are a few for starters. A few Hillary will not mention.


2788 days ago

Bristol Against Trump is having a demo today - who'll tell the lefties that things changed in 1776?

My wife draws my attention to the Facebook page of Bristol Against Trump which one of her mad left wing public sector working pals supports. BAT is holding a demo against the democratically elected leader of the USA at 5 PM today. Who is going to tell these fucktards that as of 1776 they stopped having any say in how the USA was governed and by whom?

Of course that does not matter. When Mr Trump opines that Brexit is good news for Britain, these same people post on facebook that it is none of his business. But apparently we are all obliged to assemble at 5 PM because who runs the US really is our business. 

That is not because the BATty ones are especially worried about US foreign policy. 


2857 days ago

Glass Ceilings: Hillary Clinton and the fascist Marine Le Pen

"We have never had a female President we need one now" they said. "But she is an appalling and dreadful woman" we countered and then she lost. " A big reason was sexism, it was because she was a woman, the glass ceiling is still there " They said. 


2918 days ago

Emily Thornberry - the default mechanism of a cornered lefty: scream "xxxism!"

Emily Thornberry is a rich fat slug living in a multi million pound Islington townhouse who sneers at folks living in chavtastically decorated former council houses and who work hard in the productive part of the economy driving white vans. Ms Thornberry is a state funded parasite whose vast wages are paid by white van man, by you and I. She is entitled to her snobbish views although it might seem a tad ungrateful to those who pay her wages. It is also rank hypocrisy since Emily is a front bench spokesperson for the party that claims to support the working man, the Labour Party. That gaffe was last year's foot in mouth.

Her new brush with the headlines results from an interview on Sky News in which she failed to name the French Foreign Minister. She them demanded that she be asked about Korea instead and then failed to name the new PM in South Korea. To be honest I know that the leader of the South Koreans is a woman but that is about it and as for the froggie I have not got a scooby. I suspect that less than 1% of us could name either the frog or the dog eater. 

But then again


3703 days ago

Cheering up The Greek Hovel with a bit of Alice Cooper and some overt sexism

I am not sure that the Mrs will approve of this but sending a message to the wildlife diversity outside the hovel about what I have laid down for them the song of choice right now is Poison by Alice Cooper. I have navigated the OTE page and am back on line. What a great old rocker Alice is serving up not only a classic anthem but an overtly sexist video.  1989…I am showing my age.

My apologies to the woman formerly known as the deluded lefty but blocking out the noises from the dark outside the redoubt needs a song like this. Next up Guns ‘n Roses and November Rain.



3896 days ago

Bernie Madoff – Nicola Horlick (superwoman) playing the sexism in the City card

Today it is JP Morgan getting it in the neck with a $1.7 billion fine for not blowing the whistle on Ponzi scheme operator Bernie Madoff. Ahead of the Madoff collapse JP Morgan got most of its own capital out of Madoff funds. Others were not so prescient. Step forward the fund manager dubbed (by her own PR machine) superwoman – Nicola Horlick.


4233 days ago

Guest Post: Charlotte Argyle - Is this a man’s world?

For some reason I get called a sexist beast by some folks. And it is not just the odd bird who seems to think this. As such I am delighted to publish a guest post by a woman. This is not affirmative action. Just because the post makes a good point or two although I am not sure why she hails the vile Clinton woman as a role model – try Ann Coulter instead.

The poster is Charlotte Argyle who is from City Future an organisation for young professional Conservatives in the City. For some reason Charlotte thinks that I am not too old to attend an event or two…flattery will get you everywhere but I am not too sure that my views on Call Me Dave would go down that well. Charlotte writes:

100 years ago, Emily Davison threw herself in front of the King’s horse during the Epsom Derby as a suffragette protest. In 1918 the wheels of female equality turned, but the Representation of the People Act was just the beginning of the story. Over the last 100 yrs there have been numerous figures that women could covet when looking for a role model. Some of my personal favourites include Aung San Suu Kyi, Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton and Alek Wek. However the most obvious error in the above statement is the omission of the male of the species: somehow in the quest for female equality the see-saw of opinion has tilted, and now, it is almost an insult to the cause for females to seek afflatus from our XY friends.


4323 days ago

Obama wins – UK Election Coverage Awful, BBC dismal

Okay I admit it, I tried to watch a bit of the Biased BBC coverage. Three minutes of Newsnight was enough for me. This organisation gets taxpayer’s money to offer balance. And so I sat through a discussion with a stuffed British shirt ( who turned out to be novelist Martin Amiss), a horrible hag from Newsweek in the US who made Amiss look like a neocon and some third rate Republican ex Governor who was occasionally allowed a word or two for “balance”.

The bon mot from Amiss was that Ronald Reagan would be rejected by today’s Republican Party for being far too left wing. Paxman looked bored and did not bother to challenge this obvious lie which was part of the night long deluded leftie luvvy agenda of portraying everyone in the GOP as racist, sexist, homophobes who want to shoot all poor people. And so for some balance he turned to the old hag from Newsweek


4324 days ago

Democrat Luvvies to Make you Physically Sick – Go Romney

Okay, I really am now decided. If you are in any doubt as to why you should hope for a Romney win please watch this video. You may be physically sick as you watch Democrat luvvies associating Republicans with racism, sexism, misogony, hating the poor and Obama with saving everyone. Just nasty smear after nasty smear from a bunch of pampered, deluded liberal luvvies from one of the Coasts.

Get the sick bag ready, watch the video and any lingering doubts you may have had will disappear in an instant.

Go for it Mitt. All sentient people across the planet must surely wish you well.

One Term More – With Subtitles from One Term More on Vimeo.
