1336 days ago
The progress report of the administrator of Joe Media Limited filed in December (“the UK arm of Joe Media”) at Companies House provides some insight into trading at Joe Media’s UK operations in the period of trading under administration which was impacted by government response to Coronavirus.
1345 days ago
A bit of history for woke morons and a lot of lockdown scepticism based on hard facts, feature often in my 10 most listened to podcasts from the year just ended.
1380 days ago
As the lockdown in England ends a new lockdown based on tiers begins with Boris Johnson insisting that all restrictions implemented will stop the spread of Coronavirus. The man is mad…
1417 days ago
If you have actually looked at scientific studies, at facts, at hard data, you will by now be convinced that wearing masks will not stop you either catching or spreading Coronavirus. But folks find all sorts of reasons for not actually studying the data as I discovered when discussing my father’s funeral with the vicar and a sister. I am still unspeakably angry with Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock for the way we must tell people they cannot be with his family next week. But it seems the vicar and at least one sister goes along with the GroupThink. Among their arguments for not only wearing a muzzle themselves but also for being cross with we refuseniks were:
1438 days ago
One would have thought that with all those Oxford PPE graduates in Government, someone would have done a paper on logic and spotted that nothing makes sense. But it seems not. Dear cabinet members, you are transported in time and are back in Schools and once again sitting Prelims and here is question one on the logic paper.
1459 days ago
This is the third in this series. The first two podcasts are HERE and HERE. This time I pick up daughter Olaf on the way to Shipston, discuss young folk’s behaviour and then learn that the Government is introducing new, utterly bonkers and unjustified, restrictions on us all as it wilfully misinterprets data all over again.
1468 days ago
A month ago I recorded my first podcast recounting a breakout from Wales and a trek through England HERE. The route this time is different and the insanity ratchets up as we are ordered to don masks. I recall a weekend spent in Nottinghamshire and the folly of thinking that we are all better people.
1488 days ago
Every death is, of course, something we must lament but you need to put things into perspective. As such, a survey last week carried out in several countries made fascinating reading. Folks were asked what percentage of the population in their country had died of Covid.
1493 days ago
To put this in context, even morally bankrupt Nomad SP Angel, the Nomad of choice for fraudsters, does not think this news is financially significant and so has forced ramping Neill Ricketts to alert his moronic investors via an RNS reach not an RNS. Natch, folks who think it’s okay to murder journalists don’t care about facts so Versarien (VRS) shares are up 12% at 46p – an £8 million increase in market cap on news that even the Nomad thinks is financially irrelevant!
1495 days ago
No this is not, as a former Indian girlfriend would have said, the Mrs announcing that she bats for Pakistan. This is about generating a photo for her Facebook page which shows that she is pregnant. Well there you go… 25 weeks now. Apparently some folks did not know! I digress. Rather than head up to the hovel, our first stop in Greece – after the snake repellant store in Kalamata – was at the Kourounis taverna run by lovely Eleni. There is bad news in that there is another new restaurant in town to tempt away trade already impacted by Coronavirus but that story can wait for another day.
1500 days ago
I have recorded a long Coronavirus podcast on my own website HERE. On today’s podcast on shares, I look at Versarien (VRS), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Online Blockchain (OBC) and Sound Energy (SOU) and the sordid world of the whore blogger Malcolm Graham Wood.
1500 days ago
A brief and early bearcast today, as I am heading off to Shipston to see my dad and with reference to the sterling price of gold, I have to explain why he is not quite as clever as he thinks. Then it is off to near the Coronavirus hotspot of Leicester to buy an antique wood burning stove. What exciting lives Joshua and I lead. I discuss where next for gold and why companies with no proven resource can be a play on gold & silver prices but are really just a gamble. I cite Alien Metals (UFO) as a case study. What a terrible dog. Then it is onto Mahmud Kamani, Boohoo.com (BOO), the slave labour allegations and today’s news. I read it as bad for the bears and good for Mahmud.
1501 days ago
I start with some family memories from 1893. I hope that my son and his grandchildren are able to look back to these family memories from July 2020 and laugh. I fear they may cry. I consider a journey that my son and I made yesterday from a village by the Dee in Wales to South Warwickshire, to Ratby near Leicester and back to Wales again. I consider the madness of quarantines, vaccine orders and masks, of thousands of suicides, early cancer deaths and of economic ruin. I consider the complicity of the entire mainstream media and political classes and the madness of GroupThink. We will look back on this with true horror.
1508 days ago
Even where the Government is testing like the blazes to cover its arse and con us into believing that its coronavirus response was sensible and proportionate, it is struggling to find cases. In the new “hotspot” of Blackburn where there is mass testing the cases are just 77 per 100,000. And nearlly all of them are asymptomatic so would not have known they had Covid had they not been tested.This testing is not saving any lives.
1514 days ago
Our response to Coronavirus divides us ever more. I argue that wrecking the world economy will cause untold misery and was the wrong response to a virus that largely polished off fplks who were already on St Peter’s short list for a fairly imminent interview. For this I am branded “irresponsible” by one reader today while others accuse me of callously wishing to deny many more years of happy and active life to their 95 year old grandparents or parents. So what if deaths across Europe are falling to sod all, the lockdown jihadists warn of an imminent second wave. But deaths, even in the US, are falling. This pandemic is tailing off which is a problem if you are Avacta (AVCT)
1514 days ago
Forgive me, dear readers, for returning to the matter of the great Coronavirus bubble but data came out late Thursday from the ONS which screams at you that it is about to pop.
1546 days ago
In this wild and whacky year do you remember back to the early days of the Coronavirus crisis when we were told that we all needed to rally round to give the NHS 30,000 ventilators to stiop everyone dying? It was one of those many moments when Boris Johnson thought he was Winston Churchill. Instead of little ships summoned to the beaches of Dunkirk it was little businesses across the land summoned to make ventilators to save the fecking NHS.
1549 days ago
I start with a few thoughts on a local statue that looks set to be melted down but commend my piece earlier on Thomas Guy in the same vein. I bring you the good news that No Gold is alive then discuss Intu (INTU), Frontera Resources (FRR), Avacta (AVCT), the merger of Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and Columbus Energy (CERP) and Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG). Finally we are now almost at £40,000 on Woodlarks (with gift aid). If every bearcast listener yet top donate chipped in £10 plus gift aid tonight we would hit target. Please, please do so HERE.
1553 days ago
In April and May we were at peak Covid hysteria. Across the world authorities like the disgraced Public Health England which had shamed themselves by having limited supplies of PPE and other items hastened to order as many Covid tests as they could. Now they are well stocked by testing at way under capacity. So what is going on and why should Novacyt (NCYT) care?
1568 days ago
Government adviser Dominic Cummings did not break the law or indeed break self isolation rules when his wife came down with Coronavirus but he undertook travel, arguably non essential, to make caring for his 4 year old easier. But for Jim Pickard at the FT bending the rules to care for your kid is the same as bending the rules to shag someone else’;s the case.wife. The acts maybe the same but surely the intent in one case is rather more laudable than in the other. But maybe among godless metropolitan elites who can never forgive Cummings for his rile in Brexut that is not how they see it.Most of us might have a different value set, another reason, maybe, why FT readership continues to slump.
1569 days ago
Because of the wholly unnecessary Coronavirus lockdown there is no mass Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk as planned on June 13. Instead I shall walk alone for 33.3 miles around the three biggest fields here at the Welsh Hovel. And having done little training I am not in great shape – I am going to struggle. But I MUST finish as Woodlarks needs £48,000 just to survive so please do sponsor me HERE.As a reminder…
1571 days ago
I outlined at the weekend how the Government will now lie about Covid 19 in a most brazen fashion and will make appalling policy decisions which only compound previous blunders, simply to cover up those initial blunders. The media and oposition almost all went along with the GroupThink response to Coronavirus so find it hard to offer questions now, other than on minor issues of implementation. But some in the media go further spinning outright lies on behalf of the Government in its hour of need. Today’s Daily Telegraph serves up a real shocker as you can see below.
1571 days ago
Great stuff Lord Sumption. you are the voice of reason.
1577 days ago
I do not deny, nor have I ever denied, that Novacyt (NCYT) is a winner from Coronavirus but the data out today must make you reflect on the past, present and future and conclude that the valuation, £213 million at 372p, is just insane.
1584 days ago
What is it with annoying folks in the world of IT making spurious complaints about me? Having seen off gender fluid, Jew unfriendly, Bidstack owning, libellous moron Mike Turner who oddly reported me to the Old Bill after I exposed him, now it is E an Irish IT chappy who lives up the lane leading to the Welsh Hovel.
1592 days ago
The Coronavirus crisis here in Airstrip One has given elements of the Old Bill license to act in an increasingly authoritarian manner. Often asistsed by a GroupThink mob keen to snitch on their neighbours to enforce house arrest, sorry lockdown we see Journalists pulled over for filming nothing at all. Citizens are warned for sitting on a park bench or playing soccer in their own garden. And now from Norfolk a new insanity.
1593 days ago
How to pay for the Government’s GroupThink driven disaster of a CoronaVirus policy? Simple says Nick O’Donovan of the former third rate Poly now 4th rate University that is Manchester Metropolitan: tax the rich. Except his proposal is not simple though anyone who buys into it is.
1594 days ago
I explained some time ago how the political and media classes have been captured by the biggest case of GroupThink in history. There was a better way as I showed HERE. And now I bring you one chart which should cause even the most zealous advocate of lockdown to change his or her mind. Remember that the effect of the lockdown policy has been to cause the biggest economic slowdown since 1665 which will, in itself, cause untold misery and deaths.
1595 days ago
I start with the defamatory and anti semitic blog attack on me from Bidstack (BIDS) owning loon which I rebutted yesterday HERE. I have now identified the author who is not as “she” claims a female investigative journalist but is a male Bulletin Board Moron. I shall expose his identity and also his close social media links to Bidstack boss Lyin James Draper, which “she” has been trying to hide this weekend, later. When, I wonder did “she” last swap ideas with Lyin’ James? Then I look at the prick which will burst the Coronavirus testing bubble on AIM. If you own shares in Novacyt (NCYT), Avacta (AVCT) or any of the other Covid test plays watch out! Finally, I am in despair at smug Sam Smith of FinnCrap (FCAP), La Horlick and various other women determined to see taxpayers cash spunked by Rishi Sunak on gender quota lines in his start up bailout scheme. This is insanity laid upon insanity. There is no such insanity at the ShareProphets Shares Show. I am busy making recordings for it every day now, please do book your seats for May 9 HERE
1595 days ago
Apparently, last night the BBC aired a celeb packed fund raiser, its Big Night In. It was another occasion when multimillionaires urged we poor plebs to hand over our hard earned cash to a “good cause”. This time it is Coronavirus or rather the fight against it. My own views on Covid 19 are clear, I regard it as the biggest policy blunder in British History driven by utterly crazy GroupThink. But I digress slightly.
1596 days ago
In today’s podcast I look at Scancell (SCLP) which really is taking the Corona piss. I comment on I3 Energy (I3E) which looks as if it may be toast, Cineworld (CINE) where I just can’t get my head around its post Covid -19 plans, online shopping, and then at Lookers (LOOK) where, even without the fraud which gets ever bigger, there seem to me to be very real causes for concern. Finally, a reminder, it is just two weeks to the greatest ever British investor show. Please book your tickets now HERE
1598 days ago
I start with a few words about how business is setting the pace on ending the Coronavirus lockdown and wonder if the Government’s hand will be forced. On the subject of Covid 19 my latest podcast is live HERE and explains why I believe the Government has made the biggest blunder in history. I then reveal what Versarien (VRS) does not want you to know about its “hook up” with Rolls Royce and ask if SP Angel is earning commission on the death spiral and if so why is it not being declared? I look at Tullow (TLW), Open Orphan (ORPH), Novacyt (NCYT) and Collagen (COS). And I suggest that you really should buy a ticket to watch the greatest ever line up at a British investor show HERE.
1599 days ago
We were told by ALL the politicians, nearly all the media, by many scientists, including the world famous virologist Piers Morgan, that we had no choice but to respond to Coronavirus with a draconian lockdown that has smashed our civil liberties and hurled us into the worst recession since the 1930s. Sweden is the one Western country to have gone down a different route despite immense media pressure and threats from the World Health Organisation. But the bodies are not piling up in mass graves in Malmo, they are not running out of death carts in Stockholm or Gothenburg. And that exposes the GroupThink driven calamity we are now all suffering for what it is. The media still thinks the scandal is that we did not lockdown earlier or provide enough PPE. But data analysis or logic is not something anyone at the BBC seems to understand – they don’t teach that sort of thing on liberal arts courses at Oxbridge. The real scandal is that we have blundered into a policy which will, in the end, show that the “cure” was not a cure at all but was in fact worse than the ailment. Time once again for our leaders to read the last work by my late uncle, Christopher Booker, on GroupThink (available here).
1605 days ago
The answer is in this podcast which starts with two service announcements. I have today also posted a new Coronavirus podcast, the 6th in a series, looking at the data on BAME victims on my own website HERE. In the bearcast i take a detailed look at Collagen (COS) and at Premier Miton (PMI).
1605 days ago
Not only in the wider population, but also among NHS staff, it is clear that BAME folks are dying in far greater numbers, relative to the population as a whole, than they should. Yesterday I debunked the nation that NHS staff were dropping like flies (they are not) in a way that is beyond doubt connected to their employment. Today I tackle this issue which is likely to be even more controversial.
1605 days ago
I have no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). Instead it is just me discussing all things Coronavirus. My own views on the pandemic and on the Government’s disastrous, GroupThink driven, response are well documented in a series of podcasts and a couple of articles on my own website HERE. my views are not the issue it is the economic and stockmarket fallout. I discuss the bubble led by stocks like Novacyt (NCYT) and why it MUST burst but also stocks to buy and why I am nervous of the market rally. If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast and enjoy our cracking writen exposes and analysis every day HERE.
1607 days ago
The mob is now suffering industrial scale GroupThink when it comes to Coronavirus and especially when it comes to the NHS. We must all line up once a week to applaud NHS staff, we must accept how hard they are working and how the NHS is uber-efficient, and we must lambast Government for failings of testing and providing PPE to staff which has caused too many of them to die. This is the line and any dissenter is attacked as despising NHS staff or wanting old folks or doctors to die. But the hard data justifies nothing that the mob insists and the Mainstream Media and Government in a craven way just go along with it all. Please do listen to what I actually say before lambasting me for what you think I might say. Then perhaps read GroupThink (available here) by my late uncle Christopher Booker to place this insanity in context.
1610 days ago
It is so simple, I cannot think of why we have not gone down this route before. I hope this video explains why the Government’s response to Coronavirus is going to make us all rich.
1611 days ago
I start with a few comments on Coronavirus as more evidence emerges HERE of why the economy wrecking Government lockdown is such complete madness. It reminds me of an incident around 2000 years ago today when the mob persuaded a leader to adopt a policy not backed up by the facts. I then look at why Roger Lawson is so utterly wrong about Carson Block of Muddy Waters and should apologise. Finally I discuss the behaviour of folks like Alison Rose of NatWest in this crisis. Shocking and unethical maybe but would you not do the same?
1615 days ago
Yes, after three weeks, I have shaved off a lockdown beard that was white, grey, black and brown and made me look like an elderly Big Issue seller. But having run out of foam i still have a dark moustache and so am now a throwback to the 1970s. The good old days. I discuss this and also the idea that we will see a dramatic post Coronavirus economic, stockmarket and oil price recovery. I look at Easyjet (EZJ), Angling Direct (ANG) – using it as a case study of how the economy really is snagged so badly – and at the scandal at Versarien (VRS) where lyin’ Neill Ricketts now stands totally exposed with regards to his share dumping a year ago. Surely the regulators must act now. I discuss how James Hay are m aking my life a misery with their incompetence lover my SIPP transfer. Finally an appeal from Darren please send your views of your new home desks and the views from your window to [email protected]
1615 days ago
On the occassion of my father’s 82nd Birthday i ponder how miserrable life must be for him today. I urge you to hold your nose and go online to the Mail on Sunday just to read Peter Hitchens today. His column is golden prose, a joy to read. we agree on the coronavirus and the Government’s appalling response. Luke Johnson is in the same camp and I quote from his Sunday Times column reflecting on where my animal spirit sits as a consumer, an investor and an entrepreneur. Where, I ask, do you sit dear listeners? I sense, in many cases they have been crushed and thus what lies ahead is a recession of the sort few of us have ever seen before.
1615 days ago
My old father has been bed bound in a downstairs room for m any months now. In these days of Coronavirus he can only speak to his children, step children and gerandchildren on the phone. His only human contact is with a team of masked carers who give him food and drink and do an amazing job of keeping him cheerful. And thus his 82nd birthday this weekend cannot have been his best. However…
1616 days ago
So the Prime Minister had to go to hospital as his recovery from Coronavirus is not progressing as planned. The reaction on twitter was sad and predictable. This tweet below from a chap whose emoji indicates membership of the American Socialist party, being just one example. Once again humanity does not always show itself in the best light.
1620 days ago
Laughably, the BBC is trumpeting an opinion poll showing how its reportage of the Coronavirus “pandemic” is the most trusted among TV stations. When this is all over, we will laugh at just how the entire Mainstream Media failed us, wallowed in GroupThink and failed to challenge our blundering and lying leaders. You can see this for yourself with an easy test…
1621 days ago
Professor John Oxford is one of the UK’s foremost virus experts and runs the UK’s only secure isolation ward for testing treatments for viruses on behalf of a company called Open Orphan (ORPH). He has today sent a letter lashing out at a “media epidemic” and saying that Covid 19 is in fact less bad than a normal flu season. He says there will be fewer than 8,000 UK deaths from Coronavirus.
1622 days ago
In today’s bearcast I look at Iconic (ICON) which really does not understand irony. Then at Purplebricks (PURP), self entitled snowflake young barristers, Hammerson (HMSO) and EasyJet (EZJ)
1625 days ago
Natch I wish the Prime Minister a speedy recovery from Covid 19. I am sure that like almost all healthy victims he will recover and refer you to my two podcasts HERE and HERE as to why the Doomsayers are engaing in GroupThink but really cannot have it both ways: the virus cannot be both highly contagious and highly lethal. I discuss why the three day shares rally, now reversed today, cannot be justified in terms of the likely curve of corporate earnings recovery. I look at Next (NXT), Optibiotix (OPTI) and dual listings, Dev Clever (DEV) & Royal Mail Group (RMG)
1625 days ago
It is not often that a press release has me reaching for a dictionary but today’s Covid 19 update from Big Dish (DISH) manages that. The company’s evil spin doctor my old pal the Sith Lord Zak Mir, tries to use a long word but I am not sure he knows what it means.
1627 days ago
In today’s bearcast I start by apologising to someone who is not a pest at all. Then I again discuss Covid 19 and have another podcast on my own website up today which has some relevance to this. I look at surging markets and am sceptical, at Yourgene (YGEN), Genedrive (GDR), FastJet (FJET) and at Versarien (VRS) which has announced a big China deal which cannot be a fraud given the involvment of top nomad SP Angel in doing due diligence and honest as they come Neill Ricketts in constructing the deal.
1628 days ago
Yesterday I discussed what my late Uncle Christopher Booker, the author of two very relevant works you really should read during the lockdown, , Scared to Death (available here) and GroupThink (available here) would have macde of the pandemic. I am not sure that my Uncle’s long term collaborator Richard North appreciates the irony of his response to that podcast which I discuss here.
1628 days ago
I start with a few minutes on how the Covid 19 pandemic has brought out the good in many people and the very worst in others. I’ve today done another podcast on Coronavirus which I am proud of on my own website HERE. I look at soaring markets and gold and asset bubbles I discuss IQE (IQE), Photo-Me (PHTM) and Ascent Resources (AST)
1628 days ago
As the author of two seminal works which are ideal reading while we self-isolate, Scared to Death (available here) and GroupThink (available here) Chris would have been a perfect commentator. Some of his friends like Peter Hitchens and James Delingpole seem to suggest that the cure may be worse than the disease or at least ask the question. I, though self isolating for reasons I explain, tend to agree with them. Oddly the executors of my uncle’s literary estate my cousin Nick and Booker’s long time collaborator Richard North think Covid-19 is the real deal. I start my discussion in a small Somerset village chatting to my Aunt.
1629 days ago
Not i suggest on most things. the man is clearly bonkers. But on how the Government should tax companioes getting subsidies for wages he has a very valid point which I discuss. Then I look at gold and when, not if, it will soar and gow to play that. Finally i look at what companies will do in terms of dividends AFTER they have, prudently, scrapped payments citing the Coronavirus. I fear Nigel Somerville and Ian Cowie of the Sunday Times may be in for a nasty shock.
1629 days ago
I have discussed coronavirus itself putting to you a question no-one dares ask over on my own website HERE. Then I discuss Peter Brailey’s most excellent work on the oil price today and what it means for London’s listed oil stocks if Peter is even half correct, which I think he may be. Finally to the airlines and why shareholders in EasyJet (EZJ) must now lose everything in a nationalisation not just be modestly diluted as the FT argues is being discussed.
1629 days ago
Check out what Cathal Friel of Open Orphan (ORPH) had to say about the 24 room isolation unit his company owns in the free ShareProphets Radio podcast last week HERE. Last year the utilisation was 25%, right now it must be c100% and one can only imagine the daily rate. In light of that, an article from the WSJ is below.
1631 days ago
I start with good news about my daughter Olaf and her recovery from Covid 19. I end with a report on life at the last house in the last village in Wales and how we are coping and the community is pulling together. Good capitalists will be rewarded. Then I discuss data from the UK and Germany and what it may or may not tell us and then ask a question about keeping folks alive which no-one dares to ask but perhaps we should?
1633 days ago
This was a dog of an RTO which Steve and I have regularly, and correctly, called out as such on this website. Sure no-one could have predicted Coronavirus but this is a disease that, largely, kills the sick and ailing and so Escape Hunt (ESC) is an obvious potential victim.
1634 days ago
In the circumstances this is a bullish update. Restaurant Group (RTN) admits things are awful and will get worse but it has a cunning plan to survive based on assumptions which seem prudent but, I fear, might just be optimistic. And what will be the value of the group that does survive?
1635 days ago
I start with my family and Coronavirus as I discuss in full HERE. then should we taxpayers bail out all businesses? Even frauds? Or the Mob? I explain why folks like our in house Euro loon J Price are so badly wrong. I then look at Laura Ashley (ALY), Itaconix (ITX) and then the oil stocks. Could oil really hit $3 a barrel? Or $10? I look at Echo Energy (TOAST), Nostra Terra (TOAST), Premier Oil (PMO), Tullow Oil (TLW), BP (BP.) and Shell (RDSB)
1635 days ago
Covid 19 brings out the best in folks and the worst in folks. In that vein to lighten the mood I bring you a Bulletin Board Moron contest with a difference. Simply find the most idiotic post on the LSE, ADVFN, iii asylums or on twitter which must reference the virus and post it in the comments section below before midnight on Sunday 22 March. I challenge you to surpass this effort below, from Versarien (VRS) ramper superg on the ADVFN asylum who thinks short sellers want folks to die from the virus for their financial gain.
1635 days ago
I have I guest in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH) and it is the company’s chairman Cathal Friel. I think I gave him a hard time on certain matters but I came away a very happy shareholder. I discuss Coronavirus and the market crash and why I would now be a selective buyer of blue chips right now. But i accept facts have changed and in that light I also cover 11 stocks which could well be zeros and I explain why. If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast and enjoy our cracking writen exposes and analysis every day HERE.
1635 days ago
Oddly, shares in Laura Ashley (ALY) crashed before they were suspended at 10.32 AM on news that administrators were to be appointed at the PLC and trading subsidiaries. But as this is the London stockmarket there can be no suspicion of any insider dealing can there? No sniggering at the back please.
1635 days ago
I report back on my second round of shopping online at Tesco as we prepare for the Coronavirus here in Wrexham. This is a week after my first panic shop which the Mrs branded as insane and grounds for divorce. But she misjudged our fellow citizens and I did not and so thank heavens I prepared as I did.
1635 days ago
We have warned about this Neil Woodford dog so many times. Now, you may find this tasteless but I suggest that no-one in their right mind would actually buy a house right now as the grim Coronavirus reaper stalks this land. Do you want to have to sell your place with all sorts of strangers wandering around touching door handles, or more likely no-one wandering around? And why buy now when the grim reaper may well be freeing up a stack of houses and flats to come onto the market as a glut from anytime soon? Who has enough income security to take on a mortgage these days? This begs the question of when exactly will Purplebricks (PURP) go bust. Here is the maths.
1635 days ago
Two pulled placings, awful userous death spiral financing, ramping a plenty and a crazy valuation – everything tells you that Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) was a stonking short. And now it has announced a delay to drilling of the Perseverance #1 well in the Bahamas citing the Coronavirus as its excuse. What total bollocks.
1635 days ago
I start with the markets, coronavirus, hapless Donald Trump and other matters. It is all a mess. Some folks are really hurting and I explain how this can affect you. Then I look at Cineworld (CINE), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), Big Dish (DISH), NMC Health (NMC), Finablr (FIN) and Metro Bank (MTRO)
1635 days ago
My daughter Olaf seems to be recovering well with her mother in London. That is the good news but I discuss how she must have contracted Covid 19 and the abject failure of Queens College Oxford to show a duty of care and just how useless 111 was when contacted. I look at why the Government statistics on Covid 19 are sheer fantasy as it has been stalking us for far longer than Boris admits. And finally I explain why my family and I are now in self isolation and locked down here in North Wales for the next three months and how we must adjust how we live as a result. By the way I shall do my 34 mile charity walk on June 13 come what may but I sense there will be no team hugs at the end. You can sponsor me HERE.
1638 days ago
As you may know I am a great admirer of the free speech campaigner and pioneer of the gay rights movement Peter Tatchell. But when it comes to fighting the coronavirus I am not sure that his handy tip (below) is one that the Prime Minister will be advocating any time soon.
1642 days ago
The oil price tanking for reasons I explained at the weekend HERE and shares tumbling across the board on concerns as to what damage the Coronavirus is doing, and will do, to the real economy and thus to corporate earnings. Generally, my view is that doing nothing as an investor is something that is greatly under-rated. It is perhaps better to wait until the smoke clears. Having said that, sometimes we need to accept that facts have changed and that does fundamentally alter an investment thesis…
1642 days ago
Don’t worry the sun will still rise tomorrow and we are not ALL going to die of Coronavirus. I discuss the oil price crash and stockmarket slump and look in particular at: Tern (TERN), Carnival (CCL), Bidstack (BIDS), Versarien (VRS), the antics of market makers, Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC), BP (BP.), Shell (RDSB), Tullow (TLW), Optibiotix (OPTI) and Premier Oil (PMO)
1642 days ago
In today’s podcast brought to you from Shipston I look at the oil price and what it means for a range of oil shares from the majors down to shitty little oil explorers on AIM. I then return to the coronavirus ex oil and with especial reference to Telit (TCM), Cineworld (CINE) and The Restaurant Group (RTN).. Finally I look at the proposed comeback of disgraced Neil Woodford.
1643 days ago
It may seem tasteless to consider such matters but the reality is that Covid 19 is spreading and whilst the numbers infected are still a drop in the ocean the fear is palpable and the effects on the real economy are already clear. The Fed may have slashed base rates by ½% earlier this week but, like the markets which promptly puked, I do not see this curing anything. Folks are not going to start spending again just because money is a bit cheaper, further cheap money will not solve a snagged up supply chain.
1643 days ago
In today’s podcast I start with an apology to Mitch Tarr for perhaps marginally misquoting him. But that turns into a demand that for all sorts of reasons BigDish (DISH) fires its chairman Jonathan Morley-Kirk, who should be in prison. Then I look at Coronavirus and Dignity (DTY) following a discussion with my GP sister. Then it is onto Sirius Minerals (SXX) and finally to why Brexit “bad boy” Arron Banks is a hero both for dealing with the ghastly Carole Cadwalladr and for his actions at Iofina (IOF) which I support for reasons I explain in great detail.
1657 days ago
I start with the rising flood waters here at the Welsh Hovel, which are now about two or three yards from the bottom step leading to the back door. Then it is onto Coronavirus, where it is starting to sink in as to how bad it could be in terms of fear and our behaviour if not actual deaths. Then onto what filing management accounts means and the question of possible securities fraud at Dev Clever (DEV), which I have flagged up with the FCA today. Then, as per the screenshot below, it is the changing behaviour of Neill Ricketts at Versarien (VRS) and what that tells us about the regulatory hole he is in and why Canaccord quit as Nomad. Finally a comment on Bahamas Petroleum (BPC), its piss poor death spiral and crazy valuation.
1658 days ago
I start with the great global warming nutter who is here today. I then deal with another of that ilk, Malcolm Stacey, and his worries about owning oil shares. I coment on how central bankers might respond to Coronavirus but ask if it will work. I look at Angling Direct (ANG) and Sirius Minerals (SXX).
1660 days ago
This really is today’s bearcast despite my introduction. Thanks for the kind messages about the flooding, the waters are now recedng fast. In today’s podcast I look at China and the Coronavirus and ask WHEN IQE (OQE) will warn and if that will force a discounted placing. Methinks it will. I then look at the rioles of brokers (does research mean anything)? and Nomads (rules on quitting) in general and specifically in relation to Versarien (FRAUD). Then I discussa crazed TW hater and Optibiotix (OPTI) and how ultimately all comment on a company cannot determine its real value. In that vein I also look at Novacyt (NCYT) before finally looking at the worthless joke that is Conroy Gold and Natural Resources (CGNR). And I announce a fifth rogue blogger, Praise the Lord. Please donate something to the Woodlarks appeal HERE
1664 days ago
In today’s podcast I discuss Carnival (CCL) and the Coronavirus, Optibiotix (OPTI) and Versarien (VRS)