
414 days ago

As Pride Month gets into full swing the thing no one in the media dares mention about rocketing syphilis and gonorrhoea cases

The STD numbers are rocketing we discovered yesterday. in 2022 there were 392,453 diagnoses of new STIs among England residents, an increase of 23.8% compared to 2021. Cue howls of anguish from all corners but – as Pride month kicks off there is one matter nobody in trhe media dared to mention.


702 days ago

It is NOT homophobic to call the Police out for this waste of money at Lincoln Pride

Some of the responses to the tweet below sent out by Lincolnshire Police showing its officers dancing away at the LGBT Pride parade in Lincoln suggest that only hate filled Daily Mail readers could possibly object. 


712 days ago

So when is the Pride Parade in Gaza then?

As the great twitter commentator @BurnsidenotTosh recently noted, it has been announced that 15th March 2025 will be official “not pride day” with pride month resuming on 16th for the next 23 years. In that vein I bring you a tweet from Brighton where it is Pride Month, thirteen months a year.


928 days ago

African homophobia is all down to the wicked British, right?

If your entire learning experience is based on reading Pink News and engaging with social media you probably think,like the pathetic snowflake Nathan below, that this is the case. Before the evil Britishers and other vile imperialists from Belgium, Germany, France and Portugal arrived in Africa the continent was a bit like Brighton in Pride week, only warmer. It really was an LGBTQA+ paradise. And then the wicked white man, especially the Britishers, arrived.


988 days ago

How come 2.7% of the population get 29.7% of the days?

According to the ONS just 2.7% of the UK population is LGBTQIA+. Wildly over-represented in the media, in politics and in academia, if you spend an evening watching the BBC you might have thought that the number was far greater but it is not.  In London as a whole the percent is just over 3%, out here in the boonies it is far lower. Things are what they are. But other than casting at least one gay character in almost ever TV drama there are other ways in which activists try to persuade us that thereare far more LGBTQ+ folk than there are, so that there can be more demands for special treatment for a community that is more affluent than the straight community and clearly encountering few glass ceilings these days which is, for the avoidance of doubt, a good thing.  Think of gay days.


1005 days ago

It is 2021 so if a lesbian will not have sex with someone with a penis she is a bigot

Confused? Remember this is 2021 and on the pyramid of victimhood, women  – even if they are lesbians- are now pretty much on the bottom rung.  Meanwhile members of the transgender community are pretty much at the top of the pyramid so their needs trump those of a common or garden lesbian.


1058 days ago

Absolutely Loving Hating Peter Tatchell

I challenge even those who dislike Peter Tatchell, who loathe his methods or who just don’t like homosexuals, to watch this film and not come away from it both liking and admiring the man. Those of us who think that that day, just over 50 years ago, when Peter arrived in Britain to escape being drafted by Australia to fight in Vietnam, was a very fortuitous day, for it has given us a true national treasure, start in a different place. Wherever you start, I suggest you go to Netflix as I did yesterday for a most riveting film.


1062 days ago

Photo Article: Currys and the LGBTQ Pride virtue signal colonising poor Wales

Having suffered the shocking customer experience of Curry’s yesterday, including an attempt to sting me for £45 with a false claim, I enquired of the press office at Dixons Carphone the owner, as to why its store was celebrating a Pride weekend? Much to my surprise Chloe, from the press office answered my email this morning stating:


1491 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - invasion of the bulls the Old Bill wants to milk

I awoke this morning to strange sounds from the formal lawn behind the housse. I wandered downstairs and opened the door. Having entered single file through a small gate from the farmyard, the lawn was full of 10-15 bulls. The photo below was taken by my neighbour as a few of them wandered up the lane to his drive.


1804 days ago

Queers for Palestine and against Israel but it sure is not vice versa as Al Qaws discovered last week

On the left wing madrassas that are the Universities of the West and in other epicentres of liberal and progressive thought support for Palestine and opposition to Israel, ranging for demands to boycott it, the drumming out of Israeli lecturers and calls for a Palestinian state “from sea to sea”, i.e the destruction of Israel are mainstream. Anyone opposing this virtue signalling will soon discover, as did uber-liberal US chat show host Bill Maher last week, that they are soon lumped in with the wicked Jews amid calls for their career destruction.


2117 days ago

This is why Peter Tatchell is such a hero – he backs the bigoted bakers at Ashers on principle and for liberty

As I have noted before, the LGBTI and civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell is a national treasure. I don't always agree with him but today he again showed why he is a man of absolute principle. The case is Ashers, a baker in God’s chosen lands of Ulster, which refused to bake a cake for a same sex wedding. A lower court ruled that it was wrong to do so but at the Supreme Court today the bigoted bakers won their case. Step forward Tatch, a man who helped found the Pride march in London and who has been at the forefront of the gay equality movement for decades,  in their defence, Tatch says:


2124 days ago

Peter Tatchell plays Project Fear with the LGBTI Community on Brexit - shameful

I have written numerous times of my tremendous admiration for the pioneering campaigner for gay rights, in the days before it became LGBTI rights, and as one of our greatest living defenders of civil liberties, Peter Tacthell. Overlooking the fact that he is actually Australian, Tatch has become a national treasure. And it is in that context I find his tweeting demanding a second referendum on Brexit so sad. The fact is that he his scaring folks with untruths as you can see below. 


2576 days ago

To our shame, being racist in 2017 Britain is acceptable as long as its the Jews you hate: Ebrahim Bham speaks tomorrow

Following on from the "Jews caused Grenfell Tower" Al Quds day march you would have thought that the British Authorities might try to put a temporary ban on public demonstrations of overt Jew hating. Oh no. This form of racism appears to be perfectly acceptable in Britain today. Is it any wonder that across Western Europe Jews are packing up and heading to the one place they feel safe, the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel?


2576 days ago

As we all "celebrate" Gay Pride this weekend a look back to Ambridge 2002, a small landmark in the dismal decline of the BBC

The BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the liberal media are telling us that this weekend is when we are "celebrate" pride. There is a massive event in London and a march has just set off here in Bristol. I am sure there are events across the land. 


2578 days ago

London's useless Mayor Khan gets his economic knickers in a twist virtue signalling about gay bars

Ooooh you are awful said Dick Emery. In the case of London Mayor Khan that is awfully politically correct. And awfully useless. Fresh from supporting the Al Quds day, aka lets blame the Jews for Grenfell Tower, march, hapless Sadiq Khan has a new battle: saving LGBT bars and clubs and he has promised "urgent action." Politicians always promise urgent action never just action but what exactly is little Khan's understanding of why gay bars are shutting?
