
153 days ago

Boris Johnson really is a deluded chancer telling obvious lies and with Ukrainian blood on his hands

In the spring of 2022 Ukraine and Russia were ready to start Turkey/Israeli brokered peace talks. But, facing the partygate crisis at home, Boris Johnson bullied Ukraine to fight on. Almost two years later the Ukrainians have lost nearly all of the meagre gains they made in the much vaunted 2023 “counter offensive.” And on all fronts Russia is now advancing, taking out the“fortresses” Bakhmut and Avdiivka and village after village across the line.  The gains are measured in hundreds of metres a day in each area where fighting is underway. They are not huge on a daily basis and each day sees body bags shipped home to both Kiev and to Moscow on a horrible scale. But Stevie Wonder can see that it is Russia that is advancing.  However…


453 days ago

UK Oil & Gas – No delight in Turkey, bad news from the drill bit

It seems like just yesterday when that penny share grifter David Lenigas was berating me on twitter for my lack of faith in UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). Oh yes, it was yesterday! Today we have bad news. For UK Oil & Gas, Turkey is bringing no delight.


1087 days ago

UK Oil & Gas: yes it is a Turkey! Its official.

Do you remember a few days ago when Lyin’ Steve Sanderson of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) issued an RNS to tell us about the operational problems at the Basur-3 drilling site in Turkey, the one last drilled before England won the World Cup? No. For Lyin Steve neglected to tell us about that bad news as AIM Rules suggest he should have. But fear not the problem has been solved, well sort of.


1442 days ago

Tom Winnnifrith Bearcast: Should I protest at Turkey's invasion of Greek waters by selling Ariana as I argue we should all #BoycottTurkey?

I discuss this ethical question as my brother in law salivates at the idea of picking up a gun and heading off to fight the invading Infidels.  Should I sell Ariana (AAU) or not? I look at wider gold issues. I cover Versarien (VRS), ASOS (ASC), the so called economic recovery, and finally Verditek (VFTK) where I am vindicated by today’s fess up but it is not enough of a mea culpa, boardroom heads should be rolling. The stock is, pro tem, uninvestable.


1496 days ago

We Con the World – a classic music video to send to any Guardian reading, Israel haters you know

The latest series of the right-wing Israeli satirical show, Latma, has just drawn to a close and an email on that matter reminds me of the show’s greatest video: We Con the World, a parody of the US famine relief video dealing with “aid” ships heading to Gaza from Turkey. If you are reading this on a British University campus and want to avoid being no-platformed by the tolerant left, I’d switch the volume off now.



1748 days ago

The Syrian Kurds saved after betrayal by the West: Putin and Assad the good guys, told y’all

For almost a decade the Western media and our political leaders have told us all that Syria is simple. ISIS are the really bad guys but Preseident Assad is almost as wicked.  We have been spoon fed tales of the bad things he has done even if the evidence of some of his “chemical attacks” was very dubious indeed.  We have backed the heroic Kurds (clearly good guys and gals) and also those termed “The Moderates” by David Cameron, the Free Syrian Army, the FSA.


1983 days ago

General Knowledge Quiz – which country are most Syrian refugees heading to right now?

The UK? Germany?  Trump’s America – after all the US did lead the fight against that bastard Assad? Think again. The answer is not something you will see reported widely in the Western Media for it is ….


2265 days ago

Erdogan vs Trump - the rank hypocrisy of the British left

I think that I am abroad when President Trump visits the UK. Were I not to be overseas I would regard it as my duty to head to London in my "Hillary for Prison 2016" T-shirt to show my support for the leader of the free world. For every ghastly lefty going, notably Guardian squit Owen Jones and useless Mayor Khan, are promising to launch mass protests against The Donald.


2379 days ago

The Madness of the West allows new genocide in Syria - we have blood on our hands

For more than five years the West has been pusuing a policy of madness in Syria. The authors of this madness were crooked Hillary, Obama, Call Me Dave Cameron and Frau Merkel. Only Merkel is still in office but the madness continues.


2641 days ago

Can I be a victim too? Virtue signalling is such fun as I suffer a hate crime at Gatwick

I was wandering towards passport control from where my Easyjet flight from Kalamata had landed, that is to say bloody miles from anywhere, when I heard a woman's voice behind me. "Welcome to bloody Brexit land" she said sneeringly and loudly. Quick as a flash, I said equally loudly "Or as we call it these days, the newly free and independent United Kingdom."


2691 days ago

Turkey grabs $3 billion of EU cash but now welshes on migrant deal - thank heavens for Brexit

You may remember that the leaders of the EU, backed by that imbecile Dave Cameron, agreed to give President Erdogan's Turkey $6 billion if it promised to stop migrants flooding to Europe. Forget that Erdogan gags and shuts down a free press, fires teachers who do not support his crackpot ideas, discriminates against gays, has offered overt support to Islamofascists in Syria, bombed Kurdish civilians and does all sorts of other things we are not so keen on, the EU thought it had secured a cracking deal.


2763 days ago

Turkey bleats about lack of support after Istanbul ISIS outrage -, er I wonder why you fascist hypocrites?

I have just heard another Turkish politician bleating to the BBC about how the West has not been as supportive of his country after the awful terror attack on Istanbul that killed 39, as it was after the terror attacks in, say, Paris. It says this is unfair. No doubt Lily Allan reckons it is racist since she thinks almost everything is racist. But perhaps there are other reasons? Here is an easy multiple choice quiz for you all.


2800 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Red Flags come home to roost for the Sheriff's fave AIM Turkeys

How is that for a Thanksgiving mixed metaphor of a title? In this podcast I look at denial, red flags and bending the rules on the Casino. Among the companies covered today are:  Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Cloudtag (CTAG), African Potash (AFPO), Fastjet (FJET) and the insider dealing, Mkango Resources (MKA), London Capital (LCG), Audioboom (BOOM), Milestone Group (MSG) and I flag up that Steve & I have a hot share tip you can access for just £5 coming up very soon HERE


2886 days ago

Britain and America have Kurdish blood on our hands - yet the BBC covers it up

Last week the Americans held a press conference in Turkey in which the USA warned the brave Kurds (its ally) to stop besieging an ISIS held town of Jarablus and to allow the tanks of the fascist President Erdogan to cross the border to take control. That was bad enough but what followed has been far worse and our media, notably the BBC, has done nothing in the face of Orwellian lies and betrayal.


2919 days ago

ISIS & Al Qaeda must be praying that Crooked Hillary Clinton defeats Trump

As Obama's Secretary of State, it was crooked Hillary that did so much to create the mess that is Syria today. Over the past four years President hopey change has slowly backtracked and at last peace is in sight out East. Both ISIS and the, largely Islamofascist and often Al-Qaeda affiliated, Free Syrian Army, FSA, are in retreat. But crooked Hillary has plans to change all of that.

What is it with the Democrats and blood lust?


2933 days ago

Nice: a reminder of the lies of two former Prime Ministers that shame Blair and Cameron

As the bodies are prepared for burial the war of words as to who is to blame for the outrage in Nice is underway. Fresh from calling for a ban on guns in America after Dallas, the liberals are now calling for a ban on lorries in Europe. Okay they are not. No-one ever accused the liberal left of being consistent in its prejudices or thought processes. But if you wander around the Internet you can see more or less everyone gets blamed somewhere.

At this point I'd just remind you of the words of two former Prime Minsters and I start with the war criminal Tony Blair.


2933 days ago

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant blames Brexit for coup in Turkey - a twisted & ignorant liberal mind in action

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant, famed for posting pictures of himself in his Y Fronts on the internet touting for gay sex, knows why there was a coup in Turkey...it was all because of Brexit. It is a silly smear from a man who obviously does not know anything about history.


2957 days ago

Brexit: Turkey the Truth that David Cameron and Sadiq Khan are just quite simply lying about

When Turkey joins the EU its 75 million citizens will be able to travel and live in any other EU country. Turkey is a poor place ruled by David Cameron's pal the homophobic, sexist, fascist beast Erdogan and I do not blame any Turk for wanting to leave. And polls say that millions will leave and that Britain is a favourite destination. The only way to avoid millions of Turks - understandably - pitching up in the UK is to leave the EU. David Cameron - and last night Sadiq Khan - have repeatedly lied to the British people about this.

Cameron says


2975 days ago

Dodgy Dave and the sneering elite respond to Brexit camp immigration plans with more lies

In today's Daily Telegraph the columnist Allison Pearson describes how when debating Brexit with multi-millionaire PR man Roland Rudd (brother of dimwit cabinet minister Amber) she was told that "Allison does not want any immigrants coming to this country". The traditional retort to those to question any aspect of immigration policy is "you're racist"

As Pearson points out, the Rudds were kids of a millionaire stockbroker and then went to posh public school and Oxford (just like Dodgy Dave Cameron himself). They have never experienced the downside of immigration: downward pressure on wages for lower earners and problems getting access to schools and healthcare in certain areas or pressure on the housing list. For them as affluent employers and consumers immigration is all upside. And thus the rich and middle classes have for years branded anyone who queried our policies as racist. The most excellent Priti Patel, who also thinks current policies are crackers, came up with the same analysis.I guess Priti is a racist too. Heck so many of us who didn't grow up in millionaire households seem to be racists these days.

And that matters in terms of Brexit at two levels.


3012 days ago

As a supporter of Brexit I pray " can President Obama come over and try to bully us to stay again"

Dodgy Dave and team Project Fear could not contain their delight when President Obama came over and warned we Brits that we just MUST vote to stay in the EU. If we don't we can't trade with the US, ISIS will invade tomorrow and next time around when Germany wants to play at its national sport,  America will be on the side of the Krauts. It all sounded rather grim and Cameron et al could not contain their delight.



3021 days ago

EU parliament wants Turkish to be an official language in Europe - the writing is on the wall

Turkey is not a member of the EU but it is going to be, whatever those behind Project Fear tell you. As of this summer 75 million Turks can travel within the Schengen zone without a visa. And one day soon they will have full travel rights to come to Britain when Turkey gets full membership. 

Mr Cameron and the other figures of the establishment who wish us to say in assure us that Turkey wont be joining the EU with the same sincerity Ted Heath & Harold Wilson told voters in 1975 that Britain's fishing waters would always be for British fishermen only and that all we were joining was a common market. 

But we are not driving the good ship EU. To see which way the wind is blowing look at the EU parliament which seems to have no qualms about the fascist, gay


3025 days ago

Angela Merkel sucks Erdogan cock as she emulates another German leader

The headline is deliberately offensive for as someone who, pro tem, lives in the EU I am utterly offended by an assault on free speech taking place in Germany right now.

Comedian Jan Böhmermann read out a poem in Germany about Turkey's fascist President Erdogan. You know the guy who closes down papers and TV stations that criticise him and treats journalists as "terrorists" if they are not "on side". Erdogan demanded Germany prosecute the guy and Angela Merkel has now agreed to this.

Turkey wants to join the EU and


3038 days ago

President Assad retakes Palmyra and is crushing ISIS - the West squirms, red faces all round

You will remember how for the first two years of the War in Syria folks like Hilary Clinton, President Obama, David Cameron and the entire Western press corp told us that the really bad guy in Syria was President Assad. Okay his human rights record was actually among the least worst in the region but he had to go and so the West started arming and funding a coalition opposed to Assad, many of whom turned out to be Islamofascist supporters of Al-Qeada with a propensity for chopping folks heads off. But that did not matter because Assad was the bad guy. We are not at war with Al Qaeda, we have never been at War with Al Qaeda, pretened our leaders. George Orwell would have been proud of them.

I flagged up the fact that the folks we in the West werebacking were monsters several times - see HERE - but no-one cared and as the country descended into chaos the real Islamofascists of ISIS saw a vacuum and filled it.

The West and its allies such as Saudi Arabia - a Mid East Country which really does have an appalling human rights record - carried on funding and arming our own Islamofascists


3049 days ago

David Cameron & the EU will you stop your new Turkish pals from gay bashing poor Sir Elton John?

As we prepare to hand over 6 billion Euro to Turkey and to give 75 million Turks free travel across Europe it seems that nothing that the country's fascist President Erdogan does can raise any objection from the EU or from David Cameron. 


3054 days ago

President Erdogan of Turkey thinks journalists are terrorists: why are we giving 6 billion to this fascist?

By we, I mean the EU which is giving Turkey 6 billion Euro as a bribe to only export the right sort of immigrants (ie Syrians whether they be peace lovers or jihadis) to Europe. As part of the EU's Turk-geld policy we are also planning to allow 75 million Turkish citizens to roam freely around the EU from June and to accelerate Turkey's membership appliocation to join the Evil Empire. What could possibly go wrong? What's not to like. Answers on a postcard to David Cameron in Downing Street because Call Me Dave reckons this is money well spent and wants to be part of this barking mad set-up. I don't which is aother reason I am voting for Brexut.

As a reminder, Turkey bombs our friends the Kurds. It buys oil from ISIS and is the chief supply route of men and arms to ISIS. It closes down newspapers and TV stations that are hostile to the Government. And more than 2000 folk have been arrested for the offence of insulting the Government, that is to say disagreeing with it.

Terrorists are dealt with very harshly but who is a terrorist? Helpfully, President Erdogan has cleared that one up for us all. 


3063 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: EU deal with Turkey: sordid, disgusting and bad news - you must now vote for Brexit

Turkey's record on human rights, free speech on committing genocide against the Kurds on backing ISIS is disgraceful. Ignoring all that, the EU (with Britain involved) is doing a deal with the Turks on the migrants which will still see Europe having to take in millions and will cost us a packet and will see millions of Turks also now heading for Northern Europe. It is an awful deal at every level and Call Me Dave Cameron is at its centre. This should make every waverer decide today to vote for Brexit - the UK cannot afford to be part of the EU Club any longer.


3279 days ago

Why do some folk think that the Kurds give a FF about shareholders in Gulf Keystone?

Bombing attacks by Turkey on their kinsman, ISIS chopping off heads of their soldiers? A record heatwave in the region killing the old folk and kids? A war on three fronts? Bugger that, these are but trivial issues for the Government of Kurdistan, top of its agenda is protecting the wealth of Bulletin Board morons who own shares in Gulf Keystone Petroleum (GKP). Well that is what flip flop Ben Turney, Paul Curtis and other bulls of this stock want you to believe. They are wrong.


3431 days ago

Phorm – time to tell the truth about your Turkish Turkey

In every country that Phorm (PHRM) operates in, the story is the same: initial excitement and share ramping, placing to fund mammoth cashburn, public outcry over its spyware and eventual closure. Now it's time that Phorm told us the truth about Turkey. Its latest RNS stated:


3614 days ago

How to get back to the UK from Greece – Jihadists and Ebola concern me

I am a nervous traveller at the best of times. But right now the thought of flying into London really scares me. The Mrs left today. I had to drive her half way across the Peloponnese so that she could catch a ferry to Zakynthos to get a direct flight to Bristol. But it was cheaper than a flight from Kalamata, my local airport here in the Mani, and her plane did not land at Gatwick.

Bristol gets mostly domestic, Western European and holiday flights. The Mrs can pick me up from the airport and the passport line is not three hours long.

Gatwick is a schlepp of a bus/train trek away from Bristol and I am convinced that my flight will land just between one directly in from Sierra Leone and another from Turkey packed with British born men with beards who have just spent a few months in Syria and Northern Iraq. I thus face being stuck in the passport queue with a mixture of returning Jihadists - just looking for a chap with an Israeli army T-shirt on to behead - and highly contagious Ebola virus carriers.

It is s 35 minute cab ride from The Greek Hovel to Kalamata. It is an additional five hour bus, taxi, ferry, taxi ride to Zakynthos. But the idea is growing on me.

PS The Mrs suggests that just in case there are any Quindell Moron type jihadists reading this I should not publicise my final travel plans until I have landed. As ever she is a wise woman.


3674 days ago

Poor Phorm: Now tell us the truth about the “scale back” in Romania, before I get Nastase on you

Poor Phorm (PHRM). It has woes aplenty. First up it runs out of cash and unless some sucker gives it more it will go tits up in six weeks’ time. Secondly it appears unable to tell investors the complete truth about certain of its problems, like being shut down by the regulator in Brazil as I revealed HERE a few days ago. And thirdly it sees that it is not just Brazil where it has problems with regulators.

I noted in my prior piece that whenever Phorm seems to be getting any traction at all in a territory those darned regulators just shut it down. The UK, the US, the EU, etc, etc, etc.  But there is always the same pattern of hype (pre fund-raise) and then disappointment.

Right now Turkey and China are in the hype phase. But what are the odds that the regulators will act there at some stage. Maybe the US, the UK, the whole of the EU and Brazil was just a fluke?  So let’s look at last year’s hype story …Romanian, birthplace of Mr Nastase, the coolest tennis player in history.

According to Phorm’s latest RNS:


3907 days ago

AIM Cesspit Posterboy Cyan, Indian Order Delayed (again), cash draining away fast

Oh dear. Oh dear. More grim operational news from AIM Cesspit posterboy Cyan (CYAN) today and all the time its cash is draining away. Which has more chance of surviving past Christmas? The stockmarket cash gobbling turkey Cyan or one of the gobblers on one of Bernard Matthews’ farms? On balance it is Cyan but will it make it to Easter? That is a rather different matter.


4274 days ago

Ariana Resources: Drilling Update Good but not Good enough

I recommended AIM listed Turkey based gold mine developer Ariana Resources (AAU) on t1ps.com in August 2011 at 4.5p. The shares are now 1.425p and so clearly I have not exactly covered myself in glory. The company announced a detailed exploration update yesterday which was good but does not answer the question of whether this is a storming recovery play or just a dog to shoot. Here is why.

The exploration took place on Ariana’s Kepez West and Karakavak prospects, located along the Sindirgi Gold Corridor which also contains the Kiziltepe Sector of the Red Rabbit Gold Project.


4281 days ago

EU spending your money to transfer jobs away from the UK – The Ford madness

Britain is one of the four largest contributors to the European Investment Bank, a bank owned by the EU itself which lends money to promote jobs and growth in EU countries and, bizarrely, to those just outside the EU borders as well. Those who think that increasing the amount the UK hands over to the Evil Empire each year need to read on as this tale is a disgrace.
