
1273 days ago

Kids: Don't Take lectures on Nazis or those who fought them from celebs or in this case the professionally dim Jedward

Remember Jedward, two young men from Ireland who sang a bit and prided themselves on being very thick and, like Joy Behar, folks who show why you should never take a lecture on matter related to Nazis from a liberal celeb.


1336 days ago

Photo Article - the end of something Christopher Booker adored as I think of him with four things he despised

I wrote before Christmas of the joy when a cheddar cheese arrived from the wife and son of my late Uncle Chris Booker. Something that has happened for all my life continues. In return, I sent a Yarg as I always do. That Cheddar was about eight inches high and, as you can see below, is now almost all gone. About a week ago, four things I know Chris despised, combined to make me think of him and that Christmas present.


1354 days ago

Twitter thinks it is okay to call a one-month-old baby a bastard if her Dad is a journalist who you fantasise about killing

Yesterday I reviewed how one fellow on Twitter who was a self-confessed shareholder in a con of a company I continue to expose, Supply@ME Capital (SYME), had responded. He did so by fantasising on Twitter about killing me, about me being bankrupted and by suggesting that my wife had slept with another man to produce our one-month-old daughter, as you can see HERE. Normally I let these things go but just now and again when my family is roped in for abuse I complain to Twitter.


2162 days ago

Trump should not have nominated Kavanaugh as he is too liberal – next time don’t give an inch to the deranged Democrats

Do not get me wrong. After the battles of the last few weeks I am delighted that Brett Kavanaugh has been appointed to the Supreme Court. Quite simply the Democratic Party tried to subvert the constitution with a hit job, an orchestrated smear. A good man fought back and, eventually the lack of tangible evidence and gaping holes in the testimony of the accusers meant that the Senate had to ratify. For that, and the tears of a mob of pathetic snowflakes, D list celebs, angry and snarling feminists and others with full blown #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, gives me great joy this weekend. However…


2486 days ago

Don't Give to #ChildreninNeed - give it to a real charity instead

The loathsome, state funded, fake news producing, BBC will tonight tell you that “all your donation will go to Children in Need.” They will not tell you that "all your donations go to children in need." Do you get the difference? It is c£8 million quid of difference.


2656 days ago

It is not often that I cheer the taxman but in the case of the virtue signaller Gary Lineker....

I would like to see a low tax small state Britain. Sadly that dream is not shared by any of the money tree worshipping political parties but I can still hope. Instinctively that makes me view HMRC as the pantomime villain, a body to be hissed and booed whenever it comes on stage to try and get more cash out of hard working folks. But in the case of HMRC vs Gary Lineker, the jug eared virtue signalling poseur, I will not be warning Mr Walker's Crisps that "he's behind you", I cheer on the taxman at every turn.


2722 days ago

Graham Norton & Jonathan Ross discuss masturbating on an aeroplane for Comic Relief

Give us your money urged all the celebs and not so celebs on Comic Relief in an orgy of C list virtue signalling on the channel dedicated to such enterprises, the BBC. The celebs themselves donate their time which is, as you know valuable. Why is it valuable? Because the State funded broadcaster pays celebs vast salaries with taxpayers cash extorted via a poll tax, so distorting market forces and creating a false sense of "worth" all round.

So very rich folks donate their "valuable time" and get to show how utterly heroic and virtuous they all are and in return poor folks - that is you and I - are asked to hand over our dosh. Lots of us do and this shows what total heroes the celebs are. But other than the underlying rank con, there is another bit of a problem with Comic Relief which one day will sink it...it is not very funny.


2798 days ago

Video - Celebrity rants against Donald Trump - when will they realise that we plebs don't care what they say?

In the US election campaign the Hollywood and New York Celeb A, B. C, D & E lists lined up to tell Americans to vote for crooked Hillary as a Trump Presidency would be the end of the world. Oddly enough the American people did not listen and The Donald won. Indeed the Republicans also kept control of both the House and the Senate.


2827 days ago

Photo Article: An Olive Oil Bath sir? Three might be tight but two would be cosy

Before I gert any snotty lawyers letters from fascist law firm Web Sheriff which acts for celebs who drone on about promoting safe sex and AIDS awareness while not practising what they preach, the picture I furnish you with below is not actually an olive oil bath. But it could be.  It is in fact a tank into which the oil from the Greek Hovel is actually pouring as this photo is being taken. We produced 449 litres which would fill this up to about three quarters full. That would easily be enough for a cosy bath for two, but maybe it would get a bit tight with three. What do you think?


2843 days ago

Video: The amazing Mark Steyn on the ludicrous pomposity & irrelevance of the Clinton loving liberal "celebs"

The celebs who lined up to back crooked Hillary Clinton actually thought folks cared what they thought! Mark Steyn dishes it out in splendid style in the short video below.


2948 days ago

The Premiership starts tomorrow ..but I am so underwhelmed (even about West Ham)

It seemed that almost as soon as Euro 2016 was over West Ham were getting thrashed in pre season friendlies. And now football is back. The Premiership starts tomorrow and the hammers kick off away at Chelsea on Monday. I should be excited.

But I am not. This will be my third campaign without a season ticket. Last year I saw precisely no ga


2973 days ago

Nice: Saint Bono & Elton John show that in the face of terror some are more equal than others

Next time Saint Bono or Elton John implores you to help them in fighting to save the planet or make the world a better place for ALL of us remember back to Nice on July 14 2016. For both Sir Elton and Saint Bono were in town although, for reasons you shall see, they are not boasting of how they are among the victims, as you would have expected.


2988 days ago

Is the Mrs reading Grazia Magazine grounds for divorce?

Back in the UK I sit at my desk looking out on a quiet surburban road. It is all very different to the view from the rough table at which I write at the Greek Hovel. I see people, cars and neat brick walls rather than olive trees, sheep, the abandoned monastery and the wild of the Mani countryside. Here in Bristol, I also spot in a magazine rack next to my desk a copy of Grazia magazine.


2997 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Another big loser on Independence day - the idea we care what celebs think

The celebrities lined up in their droves for Remain yet today we celebrate Independence Day in Britain. Does anyone care what David Beckham, Posh Spice, Keira ffing Knightley or Daniel Craig think about the EU? I suspect not. Indeed some celebrity interventions were clearly unhelpful but celebs like Sir Bob Geldof are so utterly convinced of their own self importance they just don't get it. I discuss this all in a bonus podcast. Of course one celeb, pictured below, swayed tens of thousands of votes.



3033 days ago

Keira Knightley, Eddie Izzard and Derek Jacobi 4 times I dont give a fuck what you think on Brexit

A list of 250 celebrities have signed a letter telling us that we should vote to stay in Europe. The actor Derek Jacobi thinks I care so much what he thinks that his name appars four times. So lots of rich folks whose lives are not impacted at all by immigration, NHS waiting lists, paying the mortgage and other matters which you & I must deal with on a daily basis, are telling us we should listen to them just because they are fecking celebs. 

What on earth


3042 days ago

A fascist in the wind...celeb gets this website taken down

A few weeks ago I penned an article asking why a certain celebrity couple who usually adorn the tabloids had seemingly disappeared from the news. Publications across the world, but not in England & Wales, know why - you see there is an injunction out about the extra-marital activities of one of the two. But I did not mention that or any details of what the injunction covers, the article was 100% safe from a legal stance.

Lawyers acting for the celebs, the Web Sheriff firm, then emailed


3826 days ago

Can you spare £5 a month for Woodlarks – YES you can!

The only charity I support (it is a long story) is Woodlarks. It is an amazing organisation which provides severely handicapped folks with probably their only opportunity to enjoy a holiday each year. This is not a fluffy kitten fashionable charity. Keeping it going is hard work and the team at Woodlarks are all total heroes. 

Now I ask can you spare £5 a month? Or even £10 a month?  I shall keep asking until I find enough people who say yes. Woodlarks has a special swimming pool for its campers which needs to be very well heated and that costs money. £15,000 a year.

And so it has launched an appeal asking those who can afford £5 a month or even £10 a month to make out a standing order to keep the pool heated and going.

I will kick this off with a £10 a month pledge. If 124 others make the same pledge then I shall stop banging on about this. Until then, I shall not let up.

Please help, this is not a fashionable charity or one with celebs backing it. If you can spare £5 or even £10 a month make the Woodlarks pledge now.

You can download a form here


4164 days ago

Justin Bieber – prize shit, “the world revolves around ME”

I have never knowingly listened to a song by Justin Bieber. I am therefore not what is termed a Belieber. But this little shit is now on my radar with news that he visited the house where Anne Frank hid from the Nazis for two years before eventually being sent off to a death camp, and left a message in the visitor’s book saying that he hoped that Anne would have been a Belieber. Where to start?

Perhaps with the state of Holland and much of the West today where the holocaust is trivialised by a liberal elite who loathe racism unless, of course, it is the frigging Jews are who are at the end of it. Chuck in open anti-Semitism from certain elements of the Muslim Community and David Ward MP and the collective attitude to an event that wiped out two thirds of European Jews is pretty reprehensible. 

These days, as Mark Steyn once noted, if the play about Ann Frank appears in Holland as the Nazis search the house, half of the audience is shouting out “ she’s hidden in the loft, go get her.” 

Bieber is I am sure not an anti-Semite. He clearly does not have a thought in his head about anything but himself. He is the uber-celebrity – all that matters is ME. And so for him it is perfectly natural to relate Anne Frank’s tragic life and suffering to er….him. Asked for Thoughts on the sad death of Margaret Thatcher, Justin replied “I am sure she was a true Belieber.” As for impending war in Korea, Justin stated “They need to start Beliebing …and follow me on twitter.” The world centres on ME, whether that be Justin ME, Madonna ME or Simon Cowell ME. 

Will any of those celebs be remembered in fifty years’ time? I do not know. But at the rate we are going I rather fear that in fifty years’ time we will not be allowed to view Anne Frank as we should, as a victim of true evil – will she be remembered either?


4317 days ago

Africa’s Hitler (Mugabe) steals $2 billion and still gets £80 million of YOUR cash

We all know that the UK foreign aid budget is a costly disgrace this country cannot afford. Across Africa our money is allowing tyrants to rob their people with the aid we pump in a real disincentive to reform. We help no-one with our efforts but Call Me Dave is so desperate to be seen as “nice” that he keeps on writing cheques. Well Mr Cameron please explain Zimbabwe to me.

A report out today from Partnership Africa Canada, a member of the Kimberley Process, the world regulatory body on the diamond trade, says that Mugabe and his cronies have stolen $2 billion from the Marange diamond fields which lie within his country. That $2 billion has been looted over a period of six years so let’s call that $330 million a year. Funds from diamond sales of that order should have shown up in the State Treasury but have not. They have, of course, headed off to Switzerland. Mugabe says that the report is false. The authors of the report say that the $2 billion number is a “conservative estimate” and it appears that Hitler’s own finance minister Tendai Biti backs up the claims from PAC.

Now what does this tell us? Well first a quick word about Hollywood, deluded lefty celebs and the film Blood Diamond starring Leonardo di Caprio.


4324 days ago

Evil Knievil’s Biggest Short is ASOS: is he Right?

A good chat with bear raider Evil Knievil today throws up the fact that his biggest short position right now is online celebrity driven retailer ASOS (ASC) but also that he is looking at another stock that I have already written up as a slam dunk short – more on that later. Those who have followed the great bear will remember that Evil has consistently shorted ASOS ( betting against the lure of Stella McCartney, Kate Moss etc) and consistently got it wrong. His losses over the years on this one must be well into seven figures by now but undeterred he is at it again. But is he right?


4324 days ago

MP Nadine Dorries on I’m A Celebrity – who pays?

I read today that dreadful MP Nadine Dorries is to appear on the ghastly TV show I’m a celebrity. Just out of interest: will she be drawing her MP’s salary and claiming any expenses when she troops off to the jungle with a bunch of C list celebs? I would hope not but I am afraid that Mad Nad has pretty good form on pushing the expenses system to its limits. Are her daughters still on the payroll? There will be those that say this spectacle degrades Westminster. I disagree.

Westminster is already degraded to such a point where politicians are held in almost universal contempt. Expenses have been systematically fiddled


4349 days ago

The Death of Free Speech in England

Some welfare scrounging criminal moron wore a T-shirt “one less pig – perfect justice” celebrating the recent murder of two policewomen. The “B” side of his T-shirt noted “Kill a cop for fun.co.uk.” He is a vile scumbag. He is beneath contempt. I do not agree with his opinions for a second. But he is now in jail for 8 months (4 months relating to his T-shirt design, the rest to an earlier offence). This is all wrong. It is Orwellian and frightening.


4353 days ago

The Tomograph Issue 9

The Weekly Tomograph Newsletter has just been emailed to those who are registered. It contains the usual stuff, notably the Caption contest and a link to the most popular articles on this site during the past week. It also contains an exclusive article explaining why the BBC should be more or less scrapped, what would replace it and with news that another big name paedophile scandal from 1970s Kids TV is about to emerge. You really should register to receive the Tomograph every week here.


4359 days ago

Four Years to save earth – Vivienne Westwood is a scientist

I read in today’s Metro that we have only got four years to save earth. Well I guess I can stop fretting about my pension plan then. This dire warning comes from a collection of “charities and individuals” who say that failure to address climate change is “reckless and short sighted.”

Er, um okay.


4359 days ago

Jimmy Saville – Pervert or Victim?

When TV documentaries bash the dead my instinctive sympathy is with the dead. You cannot libel a corpse so can effectively say whatever you want. Hence one can out Richard the Lionheart as a homosexual ( not a lot of evidence but who can disprove you and it is a good story), one can finally accuse Robert Maxwell of being a crook without getting a writ (fair comment) and this week is the week when the late Jimmy Saville is exposed as a predator on teenage girls.

His family will suffer, he can offer no defence and so a fair response is to say “who cares, leave the man alone.” Except that the evidence looks to be pretty compelling.


4375 days ago

Censorship and Privacy – the Establishment ( Kate included) Do Not Get it

The Duchess of Kate is going to sue whichever tawdry French rag published pictures of her topless. Whatever you want Kate. Personally I would not have published them because it is an invasion of her privacy, it is not in the public interest and, above all, it is really very boring indeed. But what the Royal Family and the British Establishment fail to understand is the sheer pointlessness of it all.

We say it with those gagging orders designed to stop us know that Andrew Marr and Ryan Giggs were playing away from home and various other celeb matters which were so dull that I have forgotten about them already. We see it with Kate.

If you wish to see her topless you can now see the photos


4387 days ago

Is it April 1st? Ginger Spice and Russell Brand

Yes I am on a train and as such I occupy myself by reading a tabloid from cover to cover (the Metro). And thus I discover something that I suspect everyone else knew already, viz that Geri Halliwell ( aka Ginger Spice from the Spice Girls) is dating Russell Brand after a “whirlwind romance”. Apparently Ginger says “I am choosy. I want someone who is trustworthy, sweet and kind.” Naturally, when one thinks of Brand those are exactly the sort of words that spring to mind. Not.


4452 days ago

The Bono (prize git) Rule & Foreign Aid

I have noted on this blog on a previous occassion that there is a Polly Toynbee rule. Without exception, any cause or policy that the dreadful Harridan supports is one that any right thinking person would oppose. Toynbee is a great way to check your sanity. Just use google to search out her views on any matter and if you disagree 100% with what the old trout says then you know that you still have your marbles. Irish rock singer Bono is another person happy to express his strong views on all matters of global importance, or that he deems to be of global importance. To be fair to Bono he is not wrong about everything. Just almost everything. Why anyone should listen to the man just becuase he wrote a few great songs a long time ago is not exactly clear to me but he appears to have the ear of those in power. We live in a strange world.

It should be clear by now that I think Bono is a prize git.
