
617 days ago

BREAKING: Argo Blockchain – how will it ever get out of the Texas electricity pickle

This will, in years to come be seen as a case study in the invisible hand and creative destruction, that is to say capitalism at work. In times gone by when all the sort of poltroons who believe in Modern Monetary Theory also predicted that the bitcoin price would keep on soaring ad infinitum, there was a rush to build new mining plants in places where there was stacks of spare land and good hook-ups to readily available power, i.e. Texas.


821 days ago

Reporting FACTS not allowed if they disprove the Group Think covid narrative – LinkedIn rejects my appeal

Earlier today I reported how, in an Orwellian fashion, LinkedIn had censored a link to THIS ARTICLE reporting hard data on covid spread rates in two states, Texas and California. The only logical explanation for the data is that mask usage makes no real difference to spread rates. 


821 days ago

Linkedin describes hard data on the effectiveness of mask usage in stopping covid spread as “misinformation”& censors link

This is Orwellian.  A LinkedIn link to THIS ARTICLE which discusses hard data on the effectiveness of mask wearing in stopping spread has been removed and if I persist in spreading “misinformation” LinkedIn says that “Repeatedly creating content that doesn’t comply with our Professional Community Policies could lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.” I have appealed the decision on the basis that what I report is hard fact from which there can be only one logical conclusion.  The facts are…


823 days ago

Masks don't work you bloody covidiots - hard data: California vs Texas

Idiots like our first minister here in Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford and the mask jihadists here in my home village of Holt still insist that we must wear masks to stop or slow the spread of covid. Yet hard real world data is more and more against them. Last week I discussed New York vs New Jersey. Before that it was three states in Dixie and before that Wales vs the infidels in England. Nows I bring you another chart the BBC and other hard line maskers just cannot explain.


977 days ago

The vile standards of the liberal left on abortion: New Zealand vs Texas

New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern is a woman who, in the eyes of the liberal left who dominate the media and political classes, can do wrong. God fearing Texas Republicans are in the eyes of the same people an abomination who, in recent weeks have been branded and compared, unfavourably, with both the Nazis and the Taliban. Check twitter, yes #TexasTaliban really has been trending for well over a week. The issue driving this is abortion.


980 days ago

A trans woman in LA explains why tighter abortion rules in Texas hit her

Of course they don’t. Madeline can’t have babies and lives 1500 miles from Texas. So she is affected in the same way that, living in Wales, I am hit by changes in the school hours in Latvia. That is to say not at all. But when you are a professional victim, near the top of the pyramid of victimhood, in 2021 who cares?


2020 days ago

Calling the US Midterms – a week early: GOP to gain two in Senate, House almost a tie but...

I accept that calling the US Mid-terms a week early is a tad dangerous. There are a number of wild cards which could upset my calculations but having called the Trump win in 2016, here are my predictions…


2174 days ago

Things I won't be doing dear reader: running for office in Texas & going to Belize on a snake tour ( or at all)

A kind reader in the land of the free emails with praise about my article on the Irish murder referendum HERE and makes a couple of suggestions. The first is that i should move to Texas and run for office. 


2754 days ago

Trump ahead by just 3% in Texas screams CBS another rigged poll - but the shy Trumpster effect shows up clearly

The liberal media elitists are today creaming themselves over a CBS poll showing Trump just 3% ahead in Texas - Britain's Daily Mail says the historically solidly red State is in play. Natch the poll is utterly rigged but it also gives a fascinating insight into how big is the "shy Trumpster" vote. Indeed for the first time we can start to quanitify it and the implications are massive.
