Amber Rudd

1332 days ago

No Daisy Cooper MP: Deporting a convicted rapist or murderer is nothing to do with Windrush - shame on you

This week has seen our beloved Home Secretary Priti Patel do what she does best: annoy folks on the left. And also what she does less well, that is to say remove undesirables from this land. Priti attempted to deport 50 folks who were Jamaican nationals and had been convicted of a range of very serious crimes including rape, murder and child abuse. Who on earth would want a convicted paedophile carrying the passport of another nation hanging around in the UK? Step forward 50 Labour and Lib Dem MPs and an array of celebs. Among them, Lib Dem Daisy Cooper.


1660 days ago

Bad news for those mugged by the London & Capital Finance crooks – very few will get FSCS compensation

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) scheme has today announced grim news for nearly all of those who had their money stolen by Amber Rudd’s good pal Simon Hume-Kendal[l and others at London & Capital Finance. Almost none of these mini-bond victims will be getting any compensation. But every cloud has a silver lining…


1902 days ago

Friday Odd One Out contest – no evidence wretched Tory Johnny Mercer MP wears women’s underwear

That suggestion in Friday’s contest was not the answer I was looking for. Mr Mercer has many failings, not least his despicable part in the Roger Scruton witch hunt, but I bet the ranch that he does not wear women’s underwear. There were a number of suggestions as to who of Amber Rudd MP, Mercer, Simon Hume Kendall and Julie “Lingerie on expenses” Meyer was the odd one out as you can see HERE.


1940 days ago

A Two VITAL questions Letter to Amber Rudd MP about the stolen £65,000 & London & Capital Finance

The scandal about the £240 million London & Capital Finance ponzi, which we have done so much to expose here, grows by the day. The real scandal is that it is just the tip of the mini-bond iceberg and those politicians such as Nicky Morgan on the LCF case should now, as a matter of urgency, be looking at other schemes that are still taking in money such as the West Ham promoted one we exposed HERE.  But back to LCF and Amber Rudd.


1943 days ago

Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham writes to Amber Rudd MP demanding her local and national party repays stolen cash

76 year old Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham is one of the rogue bloggers walking for Woodlarks this year. At his age that is impressive and is something you should sponsor here. Basham was also an ace spin doctor in his time (notably for Mo Al Fayed) and is enraged at the way Simon Hume Kendall has stolen cash from the victims of the LCF ponzi, mostly pensioners like Brian, and has donated £65,000 to Amber Rudd’s local party and to Tory central office. Basham has written to Ms Rudd and his letter follows:


1947 days ago

SHOCKING: London & Capital Finance - the helicopter, the horses, the cash paid direct to Amber Rudd's pal and others...

The administrator's first report into ponzi London & Capital Finance is damning and folks are certainly heading to jail including Amber Rudd's pal and donor Simon Hume Kendall. We publish it in full below. The helicopter for the CEO, the horsebox on the balance sheet the money lent to an insider to buy racehorses, the cash pocketed directly by folks including Amber Rudd's pal Simon Hume Kendall. Bondholders are warned they will get just 20p in the pound back. This is truly revolting.


1956 days ago

Amber Rudd’s pal Simon Hume Kendall, the SFO, arrests, London Oil & Gas administration – ouzo time at ShareProphets

Things are moving rapidly in the collapse of the London & Capital Finance  ponzi scheme, which fleeced 14,000 punters – mainly pensioners – by offering high yield bonds -   and which ShareProphets has done so much to expose, as you can see HERE.

Last night the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) announced that four men in the Kent area had been arrested and that it was, like the FCA, investigating the ponzi.


1979 days ago

Independent Oil & Gas unwittingly confirms Sunday LOG scoop but simply fails to understand the scandal

AIM listed Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) has today issued a statement in relation to London Oil & Gas (LOG) run by Amber Rudd’s pal and donor Simon Hume Kendall and it unwittingly confirms Sunday’s scoop HERE that LOG is the recipient of £122 million of the £176 million leant by London & Capital Finance, the ponzi now in administration and under full FCA enquiry.


1980 days ago

Do the maths stupid: London & Capital Finance MUST be a ponzi, folks MUST go to prison

Yesterday’s posting HERE of the Administrator’s Report into London & Capital Finance, the mini bonds provider founded by Amber Rudd’s chum Simon Hume Kendall has got Cynical Bear and others doing their sums and they, and I, conclude, this now just has to be a ponzi and folks must go to jail. Let me explain.


2021 days ago

Independent Oil & Gas, London Oil & Gas, Amber Rudd and the small world of Tory politics , they are all at it

I have already noted how London Oil & Gas, the company that is using Ponzi fraud cash from related party LCF (now under full FCA investigation) , to fund AIM listed Independent Oil & Gas (IOG) was linked to a bent solicitor and a Tory grandee. But the links with the nasty party are far deeper and go right up to the ghastly work and pensions secretary, and former stockmarket spiv, Amber Rudd.


2280 days ago

Amber Rudd, stockmarket spiv to the worst home secretary ever - my Dad became her only admirer

It was just last night that I was swapping tweets with one of the few journalists I worked with while, relatively young, who has not sold his soul and gone into PR although I see he is slipping. Back in the dotcom boom we worked for a fraudulent company called Globalnet Financial in its legitimate financial media arm UK-iNvest and Elmo claims that his interview with Amber's bent dad Tony triggered his downfall and arrest. Elmo is an honest chap and I believe him.


2610 days ago

London Bridge: They DON'T Hate our way of life, they DON'T hate democracy and we CAN'T carry on as normal

I do not know why the pathetic liberal media, led by the taxpayer funded BBC, are bothering to interview London's useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, his hapless Mancunian counterpart Andy Burnham, stockmarket spiv turned home secretary Amber Rudd or any of the other members of the political elite after the London Bridge attack. They are all saying the same as they did after Manchester. They were lying then. They lie today. Just re-run the old tapes. There are three big lies.


2620 days ago

Manchester Terror attack - its General Election Impact

This is a human tragedy, it is a mass murder, the story is of shattered and broken lives. However there is still going to be a General Election on June 8 and it is a legitimate question: will this attack make an impact? The answer I suspect is that it will though folks may consider it tasteless to speculate about it, it cannot be ignored. Terror attacks are just not good news for Jeremy Corbyn.


2692 days ago

Photo article: Islington In Europe - unbelievable stupidity and pious sanctimony in a nutshell: beyond satire

In the leafy London Borough of Islington where smug Guardian readers live in £3 million houses they voted overwhelmingly against Brexit. Of course they did, The pious liberal elite know that only thick, old, white racist white van driving working class types wanted to leave. But the battle goes on lead by a group Islington in EU which holds regular events including one with the odious Gina Miller as you can see below. Its website is a stormer, beyond satire, with a star exhibit a poem which displays the prejudices but also the sheer ignorance of these folk perfectly. The key four lines are underlined by me:


2747 days ago

Today's mad Oxbridge academic in la la land is Wendy Ayres Bennett - time to learn Polish

In last week's demonstration of how out of touch elite academics are with the rest of us, an Oxford Don reported the half witted Home Secretary Amber Rudd to the old Bill for Hate Crimes for a speech he had not heard. This week Cambridge has struck back in the battle to show which top University is more out of touch.


2749 days ago

The liberal left shows its love of free speech with some more death threats & by banning unheard speeches

Once upon a time, on both sides of the Atlantic, those on the liberal left believed in free speech and liberty. Back in the era of Mccarthy it was we on the right who were, correctly slammed, for stifling debate. I like to think that was an glitch in that for most of us who believe in a small state, freedom of expression is a given, it is part of the DNA of our thought set. It is the Big State loving left that wants to decide what the little people should think and say.


2825 days ago

Why do we all despise MPs? Think about the Right Honourable Keith Vaz for a second

Last night MPs voted by 203 votes to 7 to elect the Right Honourable Keith Vaz to the House of Commons Justice select Committee. You will remember that Vaz had to step down from chairmanship of the Home Affairs committee just a few weeks ago after being caught offering to pay for illegal drugs for a rent boy with whom he went on to have unprotected anal sex with. It was Vaz who exploited the sex worked as he insisted that the poor hooker engage in this high risk activity.


2851 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Mrs May, Amber Rudd & The Tories: I'm somewhere between nauseated & repelled by you

The antics of Mrs Theresa May and dimwit Amber Rudd at the Tory party conference have won political acclaim but as a social and economic liberal I am appalled by a party boasting of its social intolerance while seeking to crush a free market economy - the economic shift to the left is awful. And as for the metropolitan elite who run the Tories reaching out...I just do not believe it. I am left nauseated by some of it and repelled by most of the rest. If this is the best on offer, and sadly it probably is, it is time to emigrate. 


2935 days ago

The Coronation of Theresa May, the media pundits and the disgusted plebs

There is much commentary in the USA about the revulsion that so many folks feel for the three intertwined pillars of the status quo of the establishment: the political class, the big businessmen who fund/buy that class and the media pundits who take the political/business spin without question. I would perhaps add a fourth pillar, the banksters, but perhaps they are rolled into business fat cats. The massive distrust and resentment of these people seems to be evident across the West. That Americans may well vote for Donald Trump who is, shall we say, not exactly the new Abraham Lincoln, is a sign of this, Brexit was another as is the rise of the frightful Marine Le Pen in France.

And so we come to the coronation of Theresa May


2936 days ago

Theresa May promotes useless women to show she is so goddamn progressive - I despair

Having trotted out a load of left wing tosh about how she planed to trainwreck the private sector in order to bring the nation together, Theresa May has today moved forward with her project to rebrand conservatism. No longer will it be the Nasty Party. It is now just an increasingly "silly party"


2938 days ago

Corbyn vs Eagle: Who should a #Tory4Corbyn back? Eagle has a lot of plus points

It looks very likely indeed that by tomorrow the post Brexit political pantomime will move on to Comrade Corbyn vs Blairite Kulak Angela Eagle in a battle to become the new leader of the Labour Party. The kulak MPs are backing Eagle but we loyal party members, including the massed battalions of my fellow exploited workers who joined with me last summer, appear to be standing firm with our man Jezza. But I admit that I am wavering.


2940 days ago

Andrea Leadsom's real problem is that she is a liar, her trump card is how vile are those who hate her

I picked up yesterday on the fact that Andrea Leadsom views gay folks as different to straight folks in terms of their rights to suffer the miserty of marriage. So she is a social conservative which will chime with many Tory party members and I've no problem with her coming out in this respect. These days, some leading Tory seems to come out as something or other about once a week. What is nauseating about Leadsom is that she lies about this issue. She says she believes in equality and then smailes inanely. Yet her stated views make it clear that she does not believe in equality. In the world of Leadsom it is one rule for the shirt lifters and one rule for the rest of us. Time to smile inanely again Andrea.

My biggest problem with Leadsom is thus not that she is a bigot, although


2952 days ago

So what if Boris Johnson has screwed half the women in London?

A lot of Tory MP's do not like or are jealous of Boris Johnson and are said to be plotting to do anything they can to stop him being their next leader. The trouble is that he is by far and away the most popular Tory in both the wider party and also the country. He is box office. Being a Brexiteer means that he was on the side of the 52% but also of the vast majority of Tory members. So if among MPs he is in the top two in the initial poll, then Tory members are bound to vote for him.

That is not only because Boris has sex appeal but because there is no other credible candidate which almost guarantees him a top two slot. Theresa May has no personality and backed Remain - the losing side - and did so in a cowardly fashion yet she is seen as the leading challenger to Boris. George Osborne still thinks


2954 days ago

Should I back #KeepCorbyn ? Where is hashtag #VoteAngelaEagle ?

The loathsome Margaret Hodge has put down a motion of no confidence in comrade Corbyn as leader of our great Labour party. It is obscene that a millionare, whose family trusts use every trick in the book to dodge tax, and who as leader of Islington council branded as homophobes those who exposed the industrial scale peadophilia taking placing in Council homes on her watch, is a Labour MP at all. What message does that send out to the millions of traditional Labour voters who are abandoning the party in droves? Anyhow, the nonce apologist, is now playing Judas.


2969 days ago

Sarah Wollaston MP (Con) defects to Remain? Sarah Who?

Apparently a Tory MP called Sarah Wollaston has switched sides from out to in in the Brexit debate. I take some interest in politics and could just about place this Sarah Wollaston. She is a doctor, I think, but that is about all I know about her. And I am not so sure about even that. And so from the 99% of the country who care even less about politics than I do this will be a question of Sarah Who?


2975 days ago

Dodgy Dave and the sneering elite respond to Brexit camp immigration plans with more lies

In today's Daily Telegraph the columnist Allison Pearson describes how when debating Brexit with multi-millionaire PR man Roland Rudd (brother of dimwit cabinet minister Amber) she was told that "Allison does not want any immigrants coming to this country". The traditional retort to those to question any aspect of immigration policy is "you're racist"

As Pearson points out, the Rudds were kids of a millionaire stockbroker and then went to posh public school and Oxford (just like Dodgy Dave Cameron himself). They have never experienced the downside of immigration: downward pressure on wages for lower earners and problems getting access to schools and healthcare in certain areas or pressure on the housing list. For them as affluent employers and consumers immigration is all upside. And thus the rich and middle classes have for years branded anyone who queried our policies as racist. The most excellent Priti Patel, who also thinks current policies are crackers, came up with the same analysis.I guess Priti is a racist too. Heck so many of us who didn't grow up in millionaire households seem to be racists these days.

And that matters in terms of Brexit at two levels.


2998 days ago

Most businessmen want to say in the EU - the poll that shows that is another Brexit lie from Project Fear

Dodgy Dave and Project Fear keep on lining up fat cat FTSE 100 bosses to oppose Brexit. None of these chaps are entrepreneurs who start businesses with their own capital. They are just grotesquely overpaid managers who prosper whether profits are rocketing or plunging. They are crony capitalists who like the EU as its feast of red tape helps put smaller competitors out of business. But Dodgy Dave and vile harridans such as Amber Rudd time and time and time again tell us that this means that most businessmen oppose Brexit. It will not surprise you greatly that this is a lie.


3045 days ago

Another Project Fear Lie to scare us all away from Brexit - step forward the ghastly Amber Rudd

Cabinet Minister Amber Rudd has been marked down as a ghastly careerist harpie for some time. Her last appearance on Question Time, or rather the last that I could bear to watch, saw her refuse to point out that it was the private sector not the State that created jobs and wealth as she spoke to a hall packed with clinically obese welfare junkies from the grim northern post industrial wastelands. Ms Rudd is someone who will say whatever she thinks will advance her or her cause. I have no idea what she actually thinks if indeed she thinks at all.

As such it is no surprise at all that she is a fully paid up member of Project Fear. And last week she served up the shock claim that if we leave the EU, British Energy bills will rise by £1.5 milion a day - please note that we pay c£30 million a day for the privilege of being in the EU. Let's ignore real maths, Amber reckons we must vote against Brexit to avoid increased power bills.

It is hard to see where Amber gets this idea from other than the drawer marked "bogus claims Project Fear". But


3095 days ago

Are all Northerners, fat, stupid and expecting the State to wipe their arses?

The BBC's Question Time was from Bradford last night and my heart sank as I looked out an audience comprised largely of fat people who pretty ssoon showed that they were also - almost to a person - just plain stupid. It was all too predictable what followed as a questionner asked whether George Osborne's pre-election talk about a Northern Powerhouse was just vote grabbing waffle.

A silly Labour MP said how some Government department had just been moved from Sheffield to the South and asked how this would help the Northern Powerhouse. The audience lapped it up. Shuffling desks in the great State apparatus has nothing to do with creating wealth and prosperity but that was a point no-one in the room seemed to appreciate. 

A woman in the audience who appeared to have an almost negative IQ and thus boasted that she worked in local Government talked of savage cuts in her employer's budget and austerity and the rest of the audience wet themselves with joy.

The odious careerist Amber Rudd for the Tories talked about investing in trains in Manchester & Liverpool but that seemed only to irk the audience from the other side of the pennines even more. One assumes that Ms Rudd, like myself
