Carole Cadwalladr

494 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Dear Jonathan let me explain logic to you, I did not NOT say all Ukrainian women are hookers

Think of my suffering. On June 17 I shall walk 34 miles and be lagging at the back of the pack with my friend Jonathan Price who will have 16 hours to explain to me why Brexit was a disaster, how 17.4million of us are dim or Xenophobic or both and how the fraudster Carole Cadwalladr is the greatest living journalist. Think of my suffering and please donate HERE as we approach ( with gift aid) £10,000 raised for Woodlarks. In today’s podcast I discuss Pantheon (PANR) – target price 6p? – BSF Enterprises (BSFA), Versarien (VRS) – shares up 50% today – and Cineworld (CINE), still 100% overvalued. .I also look at Cellular Goods (CBX) and the state of seaweed to carbon zero technology referencing THIS ARTICLE.


523 days ago

Carole Cadwalladr has always been a fraud, tonight she may be bankrupted but should she now be charged with fraud?

I have covered the career of left wing journalist Carole Cadwalladr on this website for many years, starting with her bogus claims of achieving success despite educational disadvantage, moving on through all the hoax stories which earned her an Orwell prize and then onto her libel case with Brexit bad boy, Arron Banks. Today Cadwalladr faces bankruptcy as she has been ordered to pay 60% of Bankski’s costs plus 100% of her own costs plus some damages as well. If she cannot find more than £2million she should be made bankrupt. Hooray. For Cadwalladr is a dangerous and unpleasant fantasist.


862 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Arron Banks vs the defaming fantasist, Carole Cadwalladr

According to MSM, the crazy cat lady has won today’s court case. If defaming your victims is victory, then maybe. This is a dark day for responsible journalism – I explain why. 


956 days ago

Daft millionaire lefty lunatic of the day - Hugh Laurie has a wet dream about Carole Cadwalladr

This is a title which is always hotly contested but today’s winner is actor Hugh Laurie as you can see below.


1132 days ago

If a woman is charged with fraud that is sexist says the liberal wanksheet the New York Times ref Elizabeth Holmes

That Theranos was a gargantuan fraud is in little doubt but that its CEO Elizabeth Holmes is being charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and nine counts of wire fraud is, according to liberal deadwood press wanksheet the New York Times just plain sexism. Ms Holmes was the poster girl for women making it big in US business and folks trying to get her sent to the slammer are all sexist beasts. The whole article neglects to mention one salient point which is that also on trial facing exactly the same charges is Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani who is a man.  Even the bedwetting dullards who read the NY Times would surely conclude that that fact, not mentioned once in the article, rather undermines its core thesis. 


1218 days ago

BREAKING: You could not make it up – star Avaaz speaker on media disinformation is crazy cat lady Carole Cadwalladr

I kid you not. Carole is the Orwell Prize winning journalist who made up a stack of stories about Cambridge Analytica, the Vote Leave campaign, Dirty Russian Money, Arron Banks and those pesky Russians getting Donald Trump elected in 2016. It has all been shown to be utter fantasy. Carole has now admitted that she has no evidence at all that Banks, who is minted in his own right, got Russian money to fund the Brexit campaign. She will shortly be taken to the cleaners by Arron in the High Court. She is the ultimate source of media disinformation. So today I learned that lefty pressure group Avaaz is holding a conference on media disinformation…


1291 days ago

Photo from the latest Woodlarks training walk of ShareProphets Reader Robert Lewis.

We are now up to eight rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with J, the son of reader Jonathan Price joining the party. That means one more person for the “having to talk to Dan Levi rota” so spreading the misery of hearing about the evils of Brexit and why disgraced Guardian fantasist Carole Cadwalladr is a genius, more widely. That is all good news. But think of how we will suffer on the day, even if it is now for less than 2 hours each and make a donation HERE. Meanwhile we continue with our training walks. As I look at the snow falling here in Wales I am glad I did my weekly walk yesterday. But here is a photo from Robert in Cornwall as he made it up to 15 miles.


1315 days ago

Questions for Hertford College’s woke Principal about the dirty oiks and other matters

The last time I mentioned my old college was noting how it was hoisting a lecture in which my fellow alumnus, Carole Cadwalladr, spelt out “the degradation of British journalism”. No sniggering at the back please! So what if her entire career penning fake news on Brexit, Trump, Russia etc has been shown to be based on a pack of porkies? Carole writes for the Guardian so that is all that matters.


1365 days ago

Will Hutton & Hertford College vs The Information Commissioner re the fantasist Carole Cadwalladr

The BBC and the mainstream media are not reporting it but today the Information Commissioner gave testimony to the House of Commons DCMS Select Committee which demonstrates the true degradation of British Journalism. This reminds me of a talk last Autumn at, my alma mater, Hertford College Oxford.


1373 days ago

AC Grayling, The High Priest of #FBPE lunacy, FFS Don't mention the war

These remoaner types like AC Grayling, hereditary TV presenter Dan Snow, crazed fantasist the cat lady Carole Cadwalladr, Lord Adonis (who the fuck is he anyway?), the entire staff of the BBC and our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price are absolutely obsessed by the two world wars. It used to be thought impolite to talk about them when discussing things to do with Europe lest any Krauts overheard you and took offence. But these folks talk of almost nothing else these days.


1381 days ago

Kathy Griffin really does incite violence on twitter & the liberal media just loves her while shutting down those outside the GroupThink

Even before the shocking events of last Tuesday, I was explicitly saying that the antics of President Trump in fighting the election result were unhelpful for both his party and for America. Just like all those superior bien pensants including Lord Adonis, Kier Starmer, Anna Soubry, the entire Guardian editorial team including demented fantasist Carole Cadwalladr,  Layla Moran, all BBC staffers and others who screamed at Trump that election results should always be respected -  apart from one where they did not like the result – I know that democracy depends on losers accepting defeat. I am more consistent than the metropolitan elite on this one.


1425 days ago

Disgraced Guardian star writer Carole Cadwalladr blames the Russians for her exposure and wants more suckers to give her cash

On Wednesday night, shortly before facing heroic Arron Banks in the High Court, fantasist journalist Carole Cadwalladr admitted she had no facts to justify her Orwell award winning fantasies that Bankski’s Russian pals did sordid business deals with him and then funded the Brexit campaign. But if you are a Guardian reading fantasist Carole still wants your money and so continues the charade


1426 days ago

Carole Cadwalladr, Arron Banks, The Orwell Foundation & fraud

Last night the Guardian star journalist Carole Cadwalladr admitted to the High Court that she had no evidence at all that Russian money was channelled via Arron Banks to fund the Brexit campaign. She will be paying my pal Bankski £62,000 of costs today but that number will rise. Carole was awarded the Orwell prize by the Foundation of that name in 2018 for her Brexit work. Massive questions must now be asked. But this is 1984, I mean 2020, so will they be asked?


1431 days ago

First they came for the Brexiteers, then they came for the conservatives and when they came for Suzanne Moore there was no-one to save her

This week, the journalist Suzanne Moore was forced out of her highly paid job at the Guardian. Her crime was to question certain of the more radical demands of the trans agenda in relation to women‘s rights. Moore was not fired. No, this is 1984 so instead vast numbers of her colleagues wrote to management saying her views upset them. Knowing she was in peril of being written out of the script, Moore walked.


1688 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: reflecting on who Coronavirus will kill should I buy Dignity shares?

In today’s podcast I start with an apology to Mitch Tarr for perhaps marginally misquoting him. But that turns into a demand that for all sorts of reasons BigDish (DISH) fires its chairman Jonathan Morley-Kirk, who should be in prison. Then I look at Coronavirus and Dignity (DTY) following a discussion with my GP sister. Then it is onto Sirius Minerals (SXX) and finally to why Brexit “bad boy” Arron Banks is a hero both for dealing with the ghastly Carole Cadwalladr and for his actions at Iofina (IOF) which I support for reasons I explain in great detail.


1864 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Financially illiterate journalists like Carole Cadwalladr and Neil Woodford's cunning escape plan

Evil hedge funds backed Boris as they were betting heavily on shares to crash claims the crazy cat woman Carole Cadwalladr to rapturous applause from fellow financial illiterates. No doubt the BBC will lap thus up but the only problem is that it is completely untrue. It is fake news. I discuss this plus a cunning escape plan put forward for Neil Woodford’s Equity Income Fund. But there are snags.


1946 days ago

Forget Russian Bots, it is Dad’s Army that is to blame for Brexit – media luvvie Daisy Goodwin goes full Cadwalladr

You may have missed it but Nick Clegg, once a hero of remainiacs like crazy cat woman Carol Cadwalladr yesterday spelled it out loud and clear – Brexit was not caused by Russian meddling and the Cambridge Analytica story is total tosh. Natch the crazy cat lady and her deluded followers dismissed poor Mr Clegg as a merchant of fake news. For them facts are an inconvenient truth, a bit like Carole’s self written life story.


2001 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a Missing cat and an attempt to shut down this website

It has not been a good day. Firstly the Mrs left a door not fully closed and two cats have become one, Quincey has gone AWOL. Then I had to watch a crazy cat woman Carole Cadwalladr video for the sake of Woodlarks. Finally we have suffered a DOS attack. Someone does not like our exposes of fraud and malpractice. We will not be silenced. As you consider my Cadwalladr suffering please donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. In the podcast I cover Neil Woodford, Xeros (XSG), Eight Peaks (8PG), Alien Metals (UFO), African Battery Metals (ABM), Countrywide (CWD), Purplebricks (PURP) and the quoted housebuilders.


2001 days ago

Watching & dissecting Carole Cadwalladr’s Brexit TED talk - how I suffer for Woodlarks

A reader says that he will donate £500 to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks if I watch and critique a talk by the crazy cat woman Carole Cadwalladr on how the Brexit vote was stolen For Woodlarks I will do anything, even this: please donate HERE. Of course, I knew Carole at Oxford ( same college, year below me) so I know what a fraud she is.


2038 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Mueller out, Trump vindicated no Russia collusion, a rotten day for fake news purveyors

The past two years have seen organisations such as CNN, The BBC, Channel 4 Fake News, the Guardian and indeed most of the deadwood press insisting that Donald Trump would be impeached or forced to resign when the Mueller Report demonstrated that he had colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election against crooked Hillary Clinton. There was no real evidence for this other than a dodgy dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign.  Yet journalists such as Jon Sopel, Kylie Morris, barmy Carole Cadwalladr and Matt Frei insisted Trump was toast. The Mueller report is now out. There was no conclusion. So where are the apologies for this disgraceful episode in the history of fake news?  There are none.  The poison of fake news driven Russiaphobia has spread to this side of the Atlantic too, thanks to this dreadful journalism. I discuss this all in today's podcast. 


2136 days ago

Malcolm Stacey Santa Rally Caption Contest Result

There were numerous entries to this caption contest as you can see HERE although once again our in-house BB loon Wildes got overly excited looking at pictures of the crazy cat lady Carole Cadwalladr and thus served up a number of utterly non relevant observations. There can only be one winner of the semi naked photo of Britain’s top share blogger (mornings only), thirsty Paul Scott and it is…not Wildes. Instead the victorious caption for the photo below is:


2144 days ago

So Oxford University hates working class kids right? Er…

I suppose I should declare a bit of an interest in the annual ritual that is the bashing of Oxford University as an institution run by elitist snobs who hate poor people, in that my daughter Olaf spent last week in the City of my birth facing interview panels. We will find out whether she has got in on or around 9 January. But the press, this week, has been all over Oxford as it emerged that, last year, eight of our poshest fee-paying schools managed to get more folks into Oxford last year than the bottom 75% of British schools.


2146 days ago

Neil Woodford: three disasters in three days caption contest - result

A few days ago, I asked you all to come up with suitable captions for a picture of Britain's most conceited fund manager in action, destroying value. as you can see here. There were many half decent entries and also a couple from Wildes who has obviously been drooling over pictures of crazy cat woman Carole Cadwalladr again and thus returned to his favourite subject. However the winner of the semi naked photo of Britain's top share blogger (mornings only), Thirsty Paul Scott is..


2181 days ago

Just how out of touch is the loathsome Guardian - no wonder its sales are plunging?

Have you ever been burgled? I have. You feel violated. As if your home is dirty. For a long while you feel unsafe in your own abode. What if they come again? And it is a crime that  affects folks of both genders, oops sorry I meant all genders. This Guardian headline  below is not meant to be ironic and is the sort of nonsense which helps to explain why  sales of this sordid rag are crashing, however many fake news articles by Carole Cadwalladr it publishes.


2193 days ago

#PeoplesVoteMarch – rampant marcher inflation and rank hypocrisy all round

Like 17.4 million other folk I put my feet up yesterday content to know that we won the #PeoplesVote on June 23 2016. But large numbers of snowflakes, Guardian readers, state sector employees, gobshite celebrities and other folks who looked like they were out on day release marched through London to tell us that we plebs had voted the wrong way on Brexit and must vote again. So how many marched?


2275 days ago

Gaudy Night looms – it sounds like murder

There is no actual murder in the Dorothy L Sayers novel, Gaudy Night. But as my old Oxford college prepares to throw a Gaudy, a black tie reunion dinner, for folks in my year and the two around it, the book springs to mind. It is, I think, now in Greece so perhaps a summer re-read is due. I am not saying that I would like to see any of my peers murdered, not even conspiracy obsessed loon Carole Cadwalladr.  It is just that I have no desire to see them – and I’d bet a fiver that the feeling is mutual.


2357 days ago

How high can Oxford University rise in the silliness table? It may be top already..

I do not look back at my old University with some of the unbridled love that others show. Indeed, at times of stress, my nightmare is of again sitting finals and being even more at sea than I was the first time around. About once a week James Delingpole remarks about how our alma mater has gone to the dogs and, he has a point, it does seem to be a nest of silliness these days.


2403 days ago

The butthurt of a Brexit remoaner - Carole Cadwalladr has a new bone to pick

Rather confused about the clocks going forward, my eighteen month old son Joshua and I prepared to watch some of the old Michael Horden voice-over Paddington Bear cartoons on video. Instead we found ourselves watching Andrew Marr as he introduced Guardian and Observer journalist and all-round nonsense talker Carole Cadwalladr.


2445 days ago

Naughty Naughty Krishnan smears the Brexiteers as Jew haters on Channel 4 Fake News

The liberal remoaning elite have spent the past year bleating on about Russian interference in the Brexit referendum. Loons like, person of the people, Carole Cadwalladr of the Guardian and all the folks at Channel 4 fake News have droned on ad nauseam. Sure there were only about 1000 tweets from Russian state related accounts on Brexit but that caused all 17.4 million of us to vote the wrong way. There is no evidence but that will not stop the Russian "exposes".


3062 days ago

Guardian & Observer hypocrite Carole Cadwalladr & the myth of working class comprehensives

Via twitter I come across a couple of articles by lefty Guardian and Observer journalist Carole Cadwalladr slating the posh and the way that privileged Oxbridge types dominate the media and politics. Carole is good enough to admit that she went to Oxford (a year below me and at the same college, as it happens) but insists that she is not part of the elite as she went to a state school - Radyr in South Wales.

Naturally, we posh twits who went to public school are now expected to listen to every word Carole writes on the matter of privilege because she has worked her way up from the grinding poverty of living in an abandoned coal mine with her 15 brothers and sisters eating rats. Heck, as she proudly boasts, she went to a Compy after all. Except that there are comprehensives and there are comprehensives.

