
1381 days ago

Kathy Griffin really does incite violence on twitter & the liberal media just loves her while shutting down those outside the GroupThink

Even before the shocking events of last Tuesday, I was explicitly saying that the antics of President Trump in fighting the election result were unhelpful for both his party and for America. Just like all those superior bien pensants including Lord Adonis, Kier Starmer, Anna Soubry, the entire Guardian editorial team including demented fantasist Carole Cadwalladr,  Layla Moran, all BBC staffers and others who screamed at Trump that election results should always be respected -  apart from one where they did not like the result – I know that democracy depends on losers accepting defeat. I am more consistent than the metropolitan elite on this one.


1447 days ago

The BBC, Ed Davey & My Wife - Do you hate Donald Trump more than you care about Democracy?

If Joe Biden racks up enough legitimate votes to win those swing states, I wish him the best of luck as the leader of the free world. I did not support him but he will be in my prayers. But there are serious allegations of voter fraud. How can anyone be happy about 170 year old Democrat voters in Michigan casting a ballot? If you want to unite America, you do not, as the BBC and my wife are doing, accuse Trump of cheating by challenging these issues. You silence him and his supporters by addressing them. For many there will be rational explanations. If there are not, do you not think the result needs challenging? There was a bigger fraud on the American two weeks ago in the suppression of the Hunter Biden scandal by big tech and big media.  That cannot happen again if you care about democracy anywhere in the world. Yet folks at the BBC and elsewhere are happy to go along with it as long as their guy wins. We live in very dangerous times and, however much you may dislike Trump, surely you must be aware of that danger? 



2599 days ago

Photo Article: 5,000 democracy hating poltroons march and the BBC and C4 treat this as mass revolt over Brexit

5,000 folks marched through London yesterday to demand that we stay in the EU. The speakers included some poor incoherent dishevelled Irish chap who I thought was a Big Issue seller invited onto the platform as part of a drive for diversity but turned out to be Bob Geldof. Though the folks, most of whom seemed to be notably physically unattractive and/ or significantly overweight showing, once again, that politics really is show business for ugly people came up with all sort reasons for protesting its clear that all wanted stay in the EU.And that is how they felt before the nation vote the other way year. These remoaners just cannot accept democracy. 


2634 days ago

Conroy Gold - a sick abuse of democracy at GM, Nomad Allenby must force change or quit - a day that shames AIM

At 2 PM on Friday Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR) convened a GM called to fire six directors and install three rebels. What followed was such a shameful abuse of democracy that it shames AIM. Yes, even the Casino, has not seen such a disgraceful rogering of shareholder rights until now. Conroy has yet to RNS the result but I can now reveal what happened. And also make clear that Nomad Allenby has a duty to force change or must quit for this is a dark day for shareholder democracy. It is nothing short of appalling.


2640 days ago

World War One was utterly pointless - why is this so controversial?

We are, this week, remembering one of the bloodiest battles of 1917, Passchendaele. Rightly we remember the brave men of both sides who gave their lives for their country. They deserve our respect and should be honoured. But once again many endeavour to rewrite history and pretend that World War One was not utterly pointless.


2645 days ago

Is the City of London Corporation bent and why won't the press investigate?

The City of London Corporation is unlike any other local authority. It is democratic in the loosest sense of the word. It is hugely rich and very powerful and, as such,  it is rare that anyone in the Square Mile is stupid enough to stick his or her head above the parapet and ask what is going on. But today Andrew Monk of VSA Resources aks for trouble and writes...


2810 days ago

Management Resource Solutions blocks democracy, treats shareholders with contempt - shameless wankers

Murray D'Almeida of Management Resource Solutions (MRS) is to AIM what the loathsome fat slug Kenneth Clarke is to Brexit. The little people can think what they want. Voters can express a clear decision on the EU, just as shareholders in PLCs can make it clear what they want, but Murray - who should be their servant - thinks he knows best and does not give a stuff about any idea of democracy. Just like fat Ken.


2843 days ago

Video - Celebrity rants against Donald Trump - when will they realise that we plebs don't care what they say?

In the US election campaign the Hollywood and New York Celeb A, B. C, D & E lists lined up to tell Americans to vote for crooked Hillary as a Trump Presidency would be the end of the world. Oddly enough the American people did not listen and The Donald won. Indeed the Republicans also kept control of both the House and the Senate.


2902 days ago

Donald Trump has better coverage of the USA than Verizon

The map below is self explanatory. Those little blue spots are urban centres with lots of godless folks who voted for the candidate of spirit cooking, email scandals and getting a charity to pay for your daughter's three million dollar wedding where you stood next to your rapist husband. The vast swathes of red are less populated areas inhabited by hard working, God fearing, gun owning, tax paying patriots who drink a cold Bud not a mixture of semen, breast milk and blood on a Saturday night and who do not riot when elections go the wrong way as they actually believe in democracy.


2954 days ago

Jon Snow of C4 News on Brexit - a patronising millionaire elitist bastard

Channel 4 News anchorman Jon Snow had the pleasure last night of interviewing a man who is not really a household name even in his own household, that is to say Tim Farron the leader of the Liberal Democrats. Farron was both inconsistent and uninspiring but it was Snow who made the real spectacle of himself, showing sneering contempt for seventeen million of his fellow citizens.


3002 days ago

Democracy hating Labour MEP Clare Moody lies about Brexit to party members in email tonight

The way that the middle class elite in the Labour Party views the way ordinary Britons, including millions of Labour voters, feel is demonstrated explicitly in an email just sent by senior MEP Clare Moody to party members tonight. Quite simply Ms Moody hates democracy when ordinary folks vote the wrong way.


3008 days ago

The Guardian at its delusional and nasty best: Why the EU must torture Britain in Project Pain

Every morning at around 6 AM I hear a sound at the front door, here at my father's house in Shipston, as a little man pushes a copy of the Guardian through the letter box. My father can hear the same sound from upstairs and emits a grunt of approval and prepares to start his day with a mug of coffee prepared by me and a dose of poisonous lies from Polly Toynbee and her mates. The paper is written by middle class lefties who are filled with hate for so many things but mainly the value set of the working classes a group they claim to support but clearly despise and just never meet. Each day there is stiff competition for the nastiest and most inaccurate article. Monday's winner on both counts was a classic from Joris Luyendijk "After Brexit, a game plan for the EU, unleash Project Pain"

Joris wants the EU to be as horrible to Britain as possible, 


3020 days ago

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant blames Brexit for coup in Turkey - a twisted & ignorant liberal mind in action

Leading Labour MP Chris Bryant, famed for posting pictures of himself in his Y Fronts on the internet touting for gay sex, knows why there was a coup in was all because of Brexit. It is a silly smear from a man who obviously does not know anything about history.


3032 days ago

The Boys on the Somme did not die for democracy

As the idiot teenagers protested this weekend, on MarchforEurope, one remark made widely by new media wags was that 100 years ago 100,000 teenagers died for democracy so that today 40,000 teeangers could march against democracy. It may appear a funny quip but it just happens to be untrue.


3034 days ago

40,000 very silly young people #marchforeurope. Oh no they don't

As the earnest young people, mostly loathsome students, gather in London today they claim that they march for Europe. it sounds good to be an internationalist showing solidarity with a whole continent. MarchfortheEU does not sound quite so good. The EU is after all, as even its supporters in the remain campaign admitted, inefficient, corrupt and far from perfect. Moreover it is loathed across the continent.

Switzerland has just withdrawn its application to join. In France, Austria, Greece, Italy, Holland, Sweden and Denmark there are growing calls for their own referendum and signs that in many of those countries folks will vote to leave. For what these young people fail to see is that across Europe there is a widespread feeling that the EU serves an business, bankster, media and political establishment very well but for the ordinary Joe, for the 99% it sucks.

Here in Greece, youth unemployment is 60%. It would be far higher


3040 days ago

Almost three million made up names & folks who don't understand democracy demand 2nd Brexit vote - Wankers!

The BBC is creaming itself with "news" that almost three million of our fellow citizens have signed a petition calling for a re-run of the EU referendum. I am told this shows that the nation is having second thoughts. Really? It makes me think that many of us are incapable of sensible thought at all.

It seems apparent that many of the names are bogus but I am happy to accept that a couple of million of folks who are eligible to vote want us to have to vote again because we voted the "wrong way". But are these two million "having second thoughts?" One suspects that they were "remainers" before and are "remainers" now. Nothing has changed it is just that they refuse to accept the popular will.

In covering this sad episode the BBC interviewed


3057 days ago

Apologies to the English Couple over-hearing my father and I last night - I was only joking

Winnifrith males have loud voices and we like to tease each other and also anyone unfortunate enough to join us, in the case of supper last night that meant my dear wife. And thus as the wine flowed we found ourselves discussing the output of our various universities.

My father is, of course, a full on elitist but knowing that his deluded lefty wife who forces him to read the Guardian may disapprove sometimes finds himself having to pretend otherwise. And thus as we discuss the Brexit vote, I note that John Stuart Mill raised in "On Democracy" the idea that more intelligent folks should get more votes. Why not, I suggest give 10 votes to those of us who went to Oxbridge (my father and I), 5 to Russell Group graduates, 2 to those who attended other old universities, 1 to those with no degree and minus 1 to those who attended the former Polytechnics. Thus my wife would get 2 votes and her students would all get minus 1 votes. On reflection having lectured ti them, make that minus five votes.

I am joking but with this wheeze get a double tease. My wife is naturally appalled 


3058 days ago

The Establishment is trying to steal the EU Referendum - new grotesque cheating announced today: why we must all vote for Brexit

The political, media, big business and banking establishment are united in their determination to deliver a vote to stay in Europe. David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, Goldman Sachs, the CBI and the BBC are working together but amid growing evidence that we, the people, are rising up to vote for Brexit new cheating was announced today. The establishment will break all the rules to ensure their view prevails whatever the "little people" actually vote for..


3059 days ago

EU Loving MPs plan to block Brexit at Westminster if we vote out - what don't they like about democracy?

If we vote for Brexit on June 23rd we will get to leave the European Union, right? No. Wrong. Certainly that is the view of certain MPs, Tory and Labour who have stated that they will use Westminster rules to insist that the UK still stays in the single market, pays money to the EU and allows unlimited numbers of migrants in, even if the UK leaves. This contempt from some of of Westminster "servants" for the folks who pay their wages is obscene.

The EU itself has "form" in ignoring referendum results it does not like. It either


3095 days ago

Vince Cable on Brexit -what does this dreadful man not understand about democracy?

Vince Cable is the man who has famously predicted 14 of the last three recessions. He is the man who, as business secretary, called on the FCA to investigate and prosecute wicked bears who were bringing down a Great British company called Quindell, now being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office. Cable backed the fraudsters then and now he is showing how, as a Liberal Democrat, he has a strange view of what Democracy means.


3121 days ago

After Wisconsin: Does Clinton believe in Democracy? Do non Trump Republicans? No!

The Wisconsin Primaries saw big wins for barking mad Bernie Sanders in the Democrat race and for religious fruitcake/ the GOP establishment choice Ted Cruz in the Republican race. The big question as we head to the conventions is do the leaders of either party believe in Democracy?


3141 days ago

President Erdogan of Turkey thinks journalists are terrorists: why are we giving 6 billion to this fascist?

By we, I mean the EU which is giving Turkey 6 billion Euro as a bribe to only export the right sort of immigrants (ie Syrians whether they be peace lovers or jihadis) to Europe. As part of the EU's Turk-geld policy we are also planning to allow 75 million Turkish citizens to roam freely around the EU from June and to accelerate Turkey's membership appliocation to join the Evil Empire. What could possibly go wrong? What's not to like. Answers on a postcard to David Cameron in Downing Street because Call Me Dave reckons this is money well spent and wants to be part of this barking mad set-up. I don't which is aother reason I am voting for Brexut.

As a reminder, Turkey bombs our friends the Kurds. It buys oil from ISIS and is the chief supply route of men and arms to ISIS. It closes down newspapers and TV stations that are hostile to the Government. And more than 2000 folk have been arrested for the offence of insulting the Government, that is to say disagreeing with it.

Terrorists are dealt with very harshly but who is a terrorist? Helpfully, President Erdogan has cleared that one up for us all. 


3391 days ago

Lube up Greece: Ephialtes Tsipras ensures this weekend the Germans & the Troika utterly shaft you

61% of the people in the country that invented democracy last Sunday voted to reject an austerity deal. Five days later, the new Ephialtes, PM Alex Tsipras strong-armed the Parliament to allow him to propose an even worse deal. But it is this weekend when Greece really needs to lube up as the Germans and the Troika prepare for the final humiliating shafting. 

For it is clear that as EU finance ministers meet that many of them (the Dutch, Latvians and especially the Krauts) as well as the Troika seen the new Tsipras capitulation (ooops I meant plan) only as a basis for negotiations. That is to say they want even more concessions.


3398 days ago

Does Democracy Die where it was born this Sunday – paying homage at the Acropolis

Like all Hellenophiles my love of Greece is partly a love of the country today and partly a romanticised view of life in Ancient Greece. And so as the Greek referendum looms tomorrow one thinks naturally about how this place is the birthplace of democracy, of rule by the people.

And so tonight having shot some poverty porn and had a great meal in a restaurant next to where the Archbishop lives I headed up to the top of Athens, to the Acropolis. Of course it is closed for the night but as you look up you cannot but be impressed at the place and to think of its history.


3723 days ago

Hamas supporters in UK try to get pro-Israel tweeter fired by blackmailing employer

What is it about the intolerance of the liberal left/Islamofascist alliance when it comes to free speech? I do not deny anyone the right to say that they support Hamas and why, that is their call. They are on the side of terror, of homophobes of folks whose desire is genocide but they have the right to be heard. And that is pretty much the view of all Israel supporters we believe in a free world where folks can say or do what they wish.

In Israel one can dissent, one can speak out against the Government, one can pursue a career if female and you can sleep with whom you want. In Gaza life is very different and it is shameful that in the UK supporters of the organisation whose charter commits itself to wiping Israel off the map appear to be adopting a similar attitude to free speech.

My pal, Mr Frog (not his real name) works for a FTSE 100 listed marketing and communications group. He is a vocal supporter of Israel and of her right to defend herself. He does not celebrate the death of any innocent in his tweets or Facebook pages but he is clearly partial. And this has come to the attention of certain Islamofascists in the UK who have now swamped his employer with emails accusing Mr Fish of “racism” and “supporting child killing.”

This is clearly bogus but such is the fear


3872 days ago

Democracy Crimea Style vs. Democracy EU Style

The EU and USA are not recognising the referendum in Crimea. In both zones the political classes simply fail to understand that democracy is the will of the people and that for almost 100 years an abiding principle of international law has been the principle of self-determination.

My sympathies in the Ukraine have always been with Putin and Russia not the meddlers of the EU who created this mess.

Today I feel more strongly as ever on this matter.

The referendum in the Crimea was not perfect. I am not sure that 95% of Crimeans really wanted to rejoin Russia. But the vast majority clearly did. And as such let the people have their say.

In contrast when the people of, say, Ireland have voted no to the concentration of powers within the EU, the leaders of the Evil Empire have simply bullied them and told them to think again. 

In Kosovo the 1991 referendum was clearly somewhat flawed. Would you as a minority Serbian have rushed back to your burned out village to vote? But most Kosovans wanted to be free of Serbia – that was clear and so the EU recognised the result. Natch the EU did not recognise referendums held in Northern Kosovan districts in 2012 which – with a Serbian majority population - voted to leave Kosovo.

For the EU referendums are only valid if the little people vote the right way. Otherwise they are either not recognised or the little people are told to vote again. This is not democracy. What has happened in Crimea is democracy. And as such we should be supporting it and the principle of self-determination without reservation.

The UK should today be imposing sanctions on Belgium and confiscating the assets of anyone employed by the Evil Empire at a senior level in order to show our support for democracy and self-determination and our opposition to those who seek to deny the wishes of the people if those wishes are “inconvenient.”

