2276 days ago
In today's bearcast I clarify why I believe Mrs May's Brexit deal sucks and should be binned. But what happens next? I outline a few possibilities but admit I have not got a scoobie. I then look at Neil Woodford dog Eve Sleep (EVE) and again at UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) after today's disastrous news.
2398 days ago
From memory, Justine Greening was fired from the cabinet for being utterly useless. There may have been another reason but she was useless. Her pronouncements on Brexit confirm the case that she is just fundamentally stupid and yet another Tory who holds the electorate in complete contempt.
2426 days ago
Is Mrs May the worst Tory PM since Heath, since Chamberlain or ever? That would be my suggested question for this summer’s A level politics students and her weekend pledge to give a £384 million a week Brexit dividend to the NHS might just be a central case study. At every level it shows why this wretched woman will tell whatever lie she thinks will win her votes in a desperate attempt to keep her job. It is truly pitiful.
2429 days ago
Not even mentioning Father’s Day, which she will no doubt forget tomorrow, my Islington based daughter Olaf honoured us with a visit to the boonies and Bristol yesterday. She was checking out the University in an open day and has decided that if things don’t go the right way at a proper seat of learning on the M40 she will, like all the other Oxbridge rejects, come here. Having checked out the University and come away really impressed she met up with myself, the Mrs and Joshua for lunch.
2476 days ago
It was just last night that I was swapping tweets with one of the few journalists I worked with while, relatively young, who has not sold his soul and gone into PR although I see he is slipping. Back in the dotcom boom we worked for a fraudulent company called Globalnet Financial in its legitimate financial media arm UK-iNvest and Elmo claims that his interview with Amber's bent dad Tony triggered his downfall and arrest. Elmo is an honest chap and I believe him.
2486 days ago
Our leaders, Mrs May, the fag Macron and Donald Trump said they had PROOF that President Assad bombed Douma with gas. On that basis they bombed not jihadists but Assad controlled areas of Syria. The only "proof" we have seen are videos shot by the White Helmets, folks who work only with jihadist Al Qaeda and ISIS forces. But on the other hand we have shown on the ground reports from British journalist Robert Fisk HERE and a US camera crew HERE which give hard evidence that there was no gas attack. Now comes the most shocking evidence yet and it comes from Russia Today as you can see below.
2491 days ago
Perhaps you remember that Tony Blair lied to the House of Commons about Saddam Hussein having WMD which could hurt Britain within 45 minutes and so got us involved in an illegal war. 179 British servicemen are dead as a result, hundreds are maimed for life, thousands of innocent Iraqis are dead, ISIS got its big break. There is so much blood on Blair's hands that any decent society would, at the least, shun him and should really send him to the Hague for trial.
2493 days ago
Conservative broadcaster Tucker Carlson may not be to everyone's taste although I think he is superb. But I challenge anywone to watch his thoughts on Syria - which very much echo my own - and say whether the wretchedly useless Mrs May or Donald Trump have any sort of answer. They do not. There is no case for war. Enjoy.
2522 days ago
This will not make me popular but I have to say that my fellow Russianophile and guest on RT, comrade Jeremy Corbyn, is taking the correct, if massively unpopular line on the alleged Russian Chemical attack in Salisbury. I don't care if old Jezza is still on the payroll of the Czech secret police he is right.
2574 days ago
Again Carillion (CLLN) dominates the news and the political class is talking utter tosh with our useless Prime Minister Mrs May leading the way. By way of contrast Luke Johnson is superb in his Sunday Times Column today. Luke for PM before it is too late.
2635 days ago
I wandered up to the Greek Hovel this morning and saw, at once, that something was not quite right. Yes there were olives on the trees as you can see below but not vast numbers.
2702 days ago
My pay has fallen by 14% thanks to austerity says another lardbucket public sector worker. The fake news channels report this as fact and pathetic Mrs May finds another money tree and prepares for public sector pay rises all round. So what if the deficit is £50 billion and going to rise? So what if the National Debt is already the largest Europe and rising? So what if inflation busting pay increases across the public sector will only fuel inflation so pushing up interest rates? Who cares? Well lets start with facts, the inconvenient truths that show how the lazy, overpaid bastards in the public sector who are lying to you about pay.
2757 days ago
With no real majority at Westminster, Mrs May's pathetic Tories are unable to push through any of the so many radical changes this country needs to make to avoid going bust. The chances of radical change on any issue that matters are zippo. Or so I believed. You thought that the useless Cons were out of big ideas? Think again. Today's Sunday Times reveals dramatic new proposals to tackle the needs of the transgender community. I just despair.
2796 days ago
The students flocked to Jeremy Corbyn after he promised to scrap tuition fees. It was a great bribe what was not to like? Vote Labour and save £9,000 a year. Fabbo. Of course it was based on money tree economics as were so many other Labour pledges and that is the inherent dishonesty at the heart of Labour. In the end they would run out of other people's money. But on this issue the Tories are even more dishonest.
2818 days ago
I have flagged up before how online liberal virtue signallers Avgaaz claim credit for winning every electoral contest whether they actually back the winner (Macron) or in fact back the losing side (Clinton/Remain) and also operate in the post fact era. Avaaz is always on the right side and always tells lies in its emails. And so yesterday it sent out this classic:
2837 days ago
Those running the EU are doing their best to meddle in the UK Election. By smearing Mrs May with silly leaks and by making outrageous demands ahead of Brexit talks they seem to think this will boost the remoaning parties. Au contraire. Mrs May gains more seats with every outrage. The claim that the UK must hand over £100 billion before Brexit proper talks can start is just obscene and there is a handy six point response.
2840 days ago
The drunken career politician and all round poltroon Jean-Claude Juncker, aka the President of the Evil Empire, is the source of a leak of a meeting he had with PM Theresa May. He aims to embarrass her - in fact his leak, and the ludicrous demands made by EU leaders for pre-divorce Brexit negotiations, are Mrs's May's best presents since Jeremy Corbyn was re-elected as leader of the Labour Party.
2848 days ago
And you wonder why fewer and fewer folks trust a word they read in the deadwood press, especially the loathsome Daily Mail. It is only one week since I picked it up HERE on its 100% fake ISIS news from Syria. Now it is making things up again and once more it appears to be at the behest of Tory Central Office. The headline screams " Tory lead is slashed in half after tax U-turn: Bombshell Mail on Sunday poll shows May plummeting by 11 points ...denting hopes of a landslide." Bollocks.
2887 days ago
In the leafy London Borough of Islington where smug Guardian readers live in £3 million houses they voted overwhelmingly against Brexit. Of course they did, The pious liberal elite know that only thick, old, white racist white van driving working class types wanted to leave. But the battle goes on lead by a group Islington in EU which holds regular events including one with the odious Gina Miller as you can see below. Its website is a stormer, beyond satire, with a star exhibit a poem which displays the prejudices but also the sheer ignorance of these folk perfectly. The key four lines are underlined by me:
3074 days ago
I have noted before how my father's father, Sir John Winnifrith, was a spokesman for No in the 1975 Referendum but his son is cut from a different cloth. Like nearly all of my family, my Dad is a Guardian reading, money tree worshipping, deluded lefty enjoying a prosperous retirement thanks to a wholly unjustifiable public sector pension. And thus on June 23rd he voted remain and has now written a poem on Brexit. Its a good poem if almost entirely composed with lies and half truths.