341 days ago
Without any sense of irony, the flagship radio 4 show “Today” was pushing a programme on afterwards discussing how we might discuss Israel in an objective way. Taking lectures from the BBC on that matter defies belief. Listening to Today I have never been quote so angry about the way I have to pay £157 a year to fund the BBC. It stated repeatedly on Today that
556 days ago
The Mrs switched on Radio 4 then left the room. By the time she returned it was the news at 9 and the state broadcaster was reporting that Tories were angry about £1.35 million a year BBC presenter Gary Lineker saying that new immigration plans were “beyond awful”. The Mrs could not see what the Tories were complaining about and snorted. That is because the BBC News did not report in that bulletin the really offensive thing that Lineker said, comparing the Tory policies to those of the Nazis in 1930s.
677 days ago
I will do that as a bonus bearcast at some point this week. But as a teaser Verditek (VDTK) is on the list and I explain why. My Birthday is in January BTW. I cover Cineworld (CINE), ADM Energy (ADME), Technology Minerals (TM1) and Lyin’ Chris Cleverly and the CEO chap who dressed as a “good” Nazi. I also go through the numerous rad flags at Alien Metals (UFO) which makes it a dog with fleas at any price.
694 days ago
In today’s podcast I discuss coverage of my friend Richard Poulden and Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) which is now utterly toxic. I mention Wishbone Gold (WSBN) en passant. I look at Verditek (VDTK) where AIM Regulation must now step in to tackle fraud then at IOG (IOG), lessons from the demise of Toople (TOOP) and then an expose of the events at Technology Minerals (TM1) where you really just could not make it up.
744 days ago
I rather think that what somebody does in their private life is their own lookout, especially when the incident in question was nine years ago. But in this ESG obsessed world I wonder how other folks might take it. Especially when the company, whose CEO follows the Prince Harry ( of old) party code, yacks on ad nauseum about its ESG credentials.
955 days ago
This week, 50,000 truckers headed in a convey to Ottawa, the Truckers for Freedom. All along the route, Canadians braved minus temperatures and driving snow to wave flags and shout their support. Prime Minister Trudeau claimed he had met someone with covid and so self-isolated in a hidden bunker. Almost the entire population of Canada, with the exception of my best man the deranged socialist Darren Atwater who has offered “Ol’ blackface” sanctuary at his log cabin in the woods, is revolted by Trudeau. So tweeting from his hideout how does little Justin describe the truckers, and in effect most Canadians?
1062 days ago
The murder of Tory MP David Amess is shocking and horrible and, naturally, one thinks of his family. But the reaction of the media and political class has been telling, a sign of just how completely and utterly out of touch they are with we dirty plebs. The same could never have been said of East End born David Amess but he was an unusual fellow inside the Westminster bubble.
1147 days ago
I should stress that there are few out and out loons in the village of Holt in which I live when not here in Greece. But, as there are in every village in England and Wales, there are some and the covid scandemic has allowed such souls to flourish showing virtue as they boast of wearing masks in the bath and tut tutting at anyone who dares question the cult. As I did yesterday with my “modest proposal.”
1186 days ago
IKEA has become the latest firm to respond to woke snowflake tantrums and to pull its adverts from the little watched news channel GB News. It says that Andrew Neil’s channel does not share its “humanistic” values without being able to cite one instance from its 60 hours on air of why this is the case. As well as being a betrayal of free speech this is rank hypocrisy from a company operating four stores in Saudi Arabia.
1195 days ago
Here they are, four folks who did something a long time ago and which is the odd one out and why? Your delightful quartet in this cancel culture era are: East London pin-up now resident in Syria Shamima Begum, LA Resident Harry Windsor, now ex England cricketer Ollie Robinson, and Kamau Bobb of Google. The common thread is teenage regret.
1273 days ago
Andrew King stares out from behind his face nappy on his twitter profile. Maybe that helps him not catch covid online. Or maybe it is just virtue signalling. He likes being dominated and subservient to the state so he is happy to muzzle up even when standing outside. You will note that Andrew has a flag in his twitter profile. It is not that of the country where he lives but that of his beloved EU. Notwithstanding that, Andrew warns that “we all need to stop using flags in political contexts”. Like a political tweet eh? The old hypocrite continues…
1346 days ago
Like every sane person, I deplore the invasion of the Capitol by protesters yesterday. But unlike the Black Panthers who invaded the Capitol in 1968, these folks were not armed. And the murder of protestor Ashley Babbitt was surely something we can all deplore. Watch the video. This is a cop killing of a young woman that was simply wrong. No-one other than vile LBC presenters would see this death as a good thing, surely? Never underestimate the caring left when it comes to just how much love they show for their fellow man.
1801 days ago
A common symptom of BDS is the determination to suggest that everyone who is not #FBPE is somehow a Nazi. I am not sure that JMRoyle is not a parody account. It is hard to tell these days. But my friend and resident in-house Euro loon troll Jonathan Price is not a parody tweeter although, if I did not know him better, I’d sometimes think he was. He gladly retweeted the gibberish below. Pity them both for they are unwell. My thoughts and prayers are with them both and I wish them both a speedy recovery.
1839 days ago
Boris Johnson is a Nazi. A bill to scrap the German Parliament in 1933 is the same as Boris reducing the current session of Parliament by 4 working days via a well established legal process. Do not laugh at Carol Hedges. Pity her. She is ill with a very severe case of Brexit Derangement Syndrome. Get well soon Carol.
1925 days ago
Whoever is driving the car gets to choose the radio station. Thus, when I was at the wheel, I refused to listen to Radio 2’s utterly gormless Sarah Cox who earns a telephone number salary doing drivetime as part the station’s campaign to show that it does not pay mega salaries only to men. The local radio station in Cannock Chase, I kid you not, was far more interesting. But as we headed towards Bristol the Mrs switched to Radio 4 for the 6.30 Comedy show…
2350 days ago
Hamas, the rulers of Gaza whose leaders still openly talk of driving the evil Jews into the sea and who happily fly Nazi flags alongside their own as you can see below, continues to organise protests on the Israeli border. Thanks to the liberal media's hatred of Israel it has been a PR triumph. But the truth...
2486 days ago
Every day there is another tale of modern life which makes me wish more and more for an asteroid strike. Truly how can the West be so utterly degenerate? As a society we have lost the plot. Today's victim of the PC Nazis is the fairly tale Sleeping Beauty.
2561 days ago
If you forgive me I start with long conversations with my father about World War Two and the early fifties, his father, his mother's godfather's son (hanged as a Nazi) and other matters all prompted by watching an episode of Foyle's war last night. You need to have these chats while you still can and I thought they were interesting. We move on to why my father thinks he is Shipston's Buffett - yes the UK residential property bubble and we see yet more signs of utter madness from the FCA on this score. Martin Fagan, all those years ago, you were bang on the money.
2578 days ago
General Robert Lee was a good man, devout, honourable and widely admired. But he fought for "the wrong side" in the US Civil war so while most Americans disagree, his statue must come down. Overnight in Baltimore a 225 year old statue of Christopher Columbus was destroyed. On this one probably about 98% of Americans would support keeping the ancient monument standing, although in the liberal media bubble the numbers will be the other way round..
2584 days ago
Of all of the liberal media harpies covering the US election, beltway Kylie Morris of Channel 4 fake News was the most openly partisan as I exposed time and again HERE. Her crowning glory was to make up words for Donald Trump to smear him as a racist HERE. Like her fake news colleagues Kylie cannot get over the defeat of crooked Hillary so she fights on, twisting the truth to smear POTUS. The pulling down of Confederate staues and war memorials has been one of her finest hours.
2586 days ago
When Donald Trump spoke to the USA about his priorities for America, folks outside the liberal metropolitan hotpots of the coasts loved it. Crooked Hillary's waffle and re-hashing of ideas that have failed ordinary Americans did not wash and so Trump won. The liberal elites of the media still cannot accept it and so now simply content themselves with smearing POTUS at every opportunity. The more the Russia smears fail the more desperate they become and the more real Americans see through them. As the MSM tries to label Trump a Nazi, those of us who supported him in November look forward to an inevitable win in four years time. Truly the liberal left is pathetic. I start with the State funded UK broadcaster the BBC.
2619 days ago
Dick Zinnendorf is a well known American Jew Hater. His lies and smears against Marco Rubio were a lowlight of the last election. And it seems he does not like what I write either and has sent "a letter to the editor". That would be me. Nazis like Dick may not believe in free speech but, like the Israeli state, I do so here goes. Dick, may your soul burn in hell and I shall continue to fight against anti-semitism, for the Israeli state and to expose Jew haters like Dick until I drop, however many fascist letters they send me..
2655 days ago
In the 1930s Nazi Germany organised the burning of books that the State considered degenerate. The state, or rather the party, got to decide what everyone else should read. Back then the British left stood for free speech. How that has changed.
2767 days ago
I do not normally pay much attention to what folks on neighbouring tables say when watching the world go by in the Kourounis taverna in Kambos, the village closest to the Greek Hovel where I hope to spend most of the rest of my life. I just tap away at my keyboard or think about olives. But today I exploded as a fat and smug German explained to a couple of timorous Brits why hard Brexit would screw England and thus why we should "obey orders" and fall into line with what Germany, sorry the EU, wanted. I exploded.
2841 days ago
Many on the left are, these days, prone to label any populist right wing leader as a fascist. Or when that loses its meaning since it now covers so many folks they use the term Nazi instead. There is no evidence that Donald Trump or Nigel Farage or the editor of the Daily Mail want to gas the Jews or invade Albania and Ethiopia but hell why not lump them with those right wingers of old. And thus we are today being warned that Austria might elect Europe's first fascist leader since Franco in the shape of Norbert Hofer.
3052 days ago
Comparing Israeli and former West Ham soccer star Yossi Benayoun to Hitler's Nazis, suggesting the evil Jews need to go to America, the tweets and quotes from Labour activists that demonstrate clear hatred of the Jews go on and on. As things stand five of the comrades face an enquiry but that list will grow. With each new revelation the idea of voting Labour becomes ever more unthinkable. But at least Jeremy Corbyn still has some friends...
I refer, of course, to Hamas,
3790 days ago
Wandering through the streets of Athens today I happened upon a book stall set up by the side of the road. Pride of place at the top of the heap was the Greek version of one of Jamie Oliver’s works.
Youth unemployment at 65%, unemployment at 30%, massive cuts in the standard of living, corrupt politicians, German imposed austerity, the music of Nana Mouskori, Nazi Occupation in World War Two, a bitter Civil war afterwards and now Jamie. Surely it is time to say that poor Greece has suffered enough and that it does not need this one last misery heaped upon its suffering people?