Northern Ireland

273 days ago

Blood soaked old bastard Gerry Adams on why bombing people is wrong, well some people anyway

I know, I know. Next up in this series I shall be discussing Madonna on the evils of plastic surgery followed by the Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg on the dire consequences of bunking of school after the age of 12. But we start with the evil, blood-soaked old bastard Gerry Adams of IRA/Sinn Fein. His last major tweet was on October 8, a day after the biggest one-day slaughter of Jews since World War Two when he showed his sympathy with the people of Israel by….


414 days ago

Mattioli Woods – a value and income BUY

UK wealth and asset management company Mattioli Woods (MTW) recently announced an initial £8.78 million and up to £15.048 million acquisition of one of the largest financial planning and wealth management businesses in Northern Ireland, Doherty Pension & Investment Consultancy. This is expected to be earnings enhancing in the first full year of ownership and looks to add to an attractive value and income position here.


542 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm Stacey failing as a bear and why the Caracal scandal is so huge and matters

I refer at the end to a podcast on the Northern Ireland census I recorded today. Honestly it is more interesting than it sounds and is HERE. I start with Malcolm’s failed career as a bear and where blue chips and small caps go from here. Then onto our bombshell on Caracal (GCAT) today HERE and all the other red flags and why it matters that the FCA acts on this one.


550 days ago

Bobby Sands the baby murderer and those who want a United Ireland

I explained the other day why Northern Ireland does not have a Catholic majority or a majority who want a United Ireland, whatever the BBC and the rest of the media GroupThink might tell you. The key “swing votes” are those who identify as Northern Irish, largely of a Protestant background but now saying they have no faith, folks we might term Garden Centre Unionists. And this brings us to Bobby Sands.


557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - the data lies you are being fed by the BBC and others: Northern Ireland does not want a United Ireland

I refer to another data manipulator, the LGBT campaigner Peter Tatchell HERE. But this is about Ulster and how you are being lied to about Catholic majorities, and the desire for Ulster to be part of a United Ireland if not now then inevitably in the future. I look at the hard data from the 2021 census which the media GroupThink, always sympathetic to the Republican cause, manipulate to post a false narrative. I also discuss the true history of the IRA and the Troubles and what are kids are not being taught as they are encouraged to romanticise evil. Maybe those of us who back Ulster might need to start explaining the real history and facts of “the troubles.” 


618 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - the school celebrates Wales in the World Cup day

My son Joshua has now spent well over half of his life in Wales. And, though he was born in England to parents who support Northern Ireland and England respectively, he considers himself a proud Welshman. He leads us as we say grace in Welsh each night and there are more and more Welsh phrases exchanged between him and me as I also start to grapple with the language from hell. Today his school is celebrating the fact that Wales has made it through to the World Cup finals, by everyone wearing red tops.


652 days ago

The silly, IRA loving, girls of Irish soccer

As a progressive sort of chap, the second team I support in International soccer is, after Northern Ireland, our friends across the border in the Republic. But the Irish girls team don’t seem to like folks like me very much.


675 days ago

Cineworld worth 0p-1.5p, stay short – Evil Banksta

My problem, as ever, is being to much of a nice guy. So, generously, have long argued that Cineworld (CINE) shares might be worth 2p. And I stay with that view after yesterday’s Chapter 11 news.  Evil Banksta,, being a bankster, is by definition not a nice guy and so has been even more bearish. He stays short and bearish and argues that, in a best case scenario, the shares are going to 1.5p. And unlike Damian from Northern Ireland who should be in jail, he explains his reasoning in a balanced fashion, thus:


677 days ago

Cineworld – this man should be in jail

AFTER the company announced that it was going into Chapter 11, Damian From Northern Ireland posted the video below urging folks to buy shares in Cineworld (CINE). Damian you should be in jail. For what he says is selective, quoting from the RNS about how deleveraging will strengthen the balance sheet etc, etc. But neglecting to mention the explicit warning that equity holders will be more or less wiped out. Unbelievably……


724 days ago

FACTS you cannot say about the Euro Women’s 2022 and the Lionesses

The other day I served up a detailed podcast on some of the lies that the political and media classes try to get us to swallow. The flip slide of this Orwellian nightmare are the things that you cannot say without risking being branded some sort of “ist” and potentially silenced.  I got an email today from UEFA.


732 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast – Back at 3.30 AM from the Northern Ireland game

I share a few thoughts with you – truths one cannot say in public – about the game last night. Notwithstanding that, I enjoyed the match, and the Northern Ireland girls held their heads up. Then, I discuss Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), explaining my Christmas sub-10p target – the shares really will halve from here. I look at Shield Therapeutics (STX), MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC), and Science in Sport (SIS) which, at every level, looks a stinker – even after today’s 22% fall, the shares are grotesquely overvalued. I explain why. Finally, I describe why Malcolm should have learned from IQE (IQE) before continuing to tip Zoo Digital (ZOO) - as he has again done, today.


743 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will Lucian Miers survive Thursday Night?

As a Scottish Catholic, Lucian Miers will support Norway this Thursday. I think this is unwise, as we are sitting amongst the Northern Ireland supporters. I’ll have to explain to fellow members of the GAWA that Lucian is a Fenian, hence his sudden love-in with the land of Quisling. On shares, I look at Edenville Energy (EDL) and its new board member, Paul Ryan (remember him?). Then, I discuss Central Copper Resources, Cineworld (CINE), and Purplebricks (PURP), which, ceteris paribus, will go bust in a year.


794 days ago

Diane Abbott - you will burn in hell with your IRA friends

How many of those Diane Abbott represents were murdered by the IRA? She does not care, as the tweet below shows.


915 days ago

Once again - can we be honest about women's football - ticket sales for the Germany match

The BBC and, to a lesser degree, the rest of the mainstream media insist on giving equal prominence to women’s football as to the men’s game. Anyone who points out that not only are standards in the women’s game much much lower than in the men’s game but also that the amont of interest in it is a fraction of that in the men’s game is atttacked as a sexist bigot. Speaking as someone who has already bought tickets to see Northern Ireland’s womens team in this summer’s European championship, is this member of the #GAWA allowed to point out another inconvenient truth? No? Well I shall anyway.


969 days ago

England 20 Latvia nil - more meaningless records here in Airstrip One

Shots 63 to England nil to Latvia. Shots on target 30 nil to England. Fastest England hat-trick in history. A new record goal scorer for England. Yes it is women’s football and the fact that England gets to play opponents who would struggle in a game at the weekend on Hackney Marshes shows why all these records and cricket scores are utterly meaningless. But you will not be hearing that in from the deadwood press. So who pays to watch this mockery of competitive international sport?


971 days ago

My Tickets for Euro 2022 confirmed – the pretense was unbelievable as daughter and I join the GAWA

Yes, dear daughter, you shall go to the Women’s Euros along with myself and Lucian Miers, the normal West Ham supporting team. But this time we shall be joining the GAWA, that is to say we are off to see Northern Ireland take on Norway who are rather good. I fear the worst, but we must all travel in hope in the Green & White Army.


1062 days ago

Another chart the mask fanatics & cultists cannot explain

A couple of weeks ago, I showed data from three US states which demonstrated very clearly that wearing a face nappy makes sod all difference to covid spread. Now here is data from closer to home which makes the same point. Can the mask cultists explain this? Of course not so they will insist that I am not a doctor so not allowed to opine. Of course my job does focus on looking at numbers and explaining them but Harold Shipman is more qualified to interpret data than I am. Whatever..


1111 days ago

Losing my shirt and my temper as England lose deservedly & those I come to despise

We can talk of awful fouls and the penalty curse but should not deny that Italy played better football and deserved to win the European Championship. No doubt many of us are still in denial on that matter today but the statistics do not lie. I say this as someone who came into the tournament not supporting England for a range of reasons but who was won over by the charm of the young squad and of the manager and by the way it seemed to unite and give joy to the whole country. All of those involved in England did their country proud. I shall now go back to supporting Northern Ireland, but in this tournament the match against the Hun was the key turning point for me.


1130 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel ...what I was doing as you watched the England game

I support Northern Ireland so do not give a hoot about the woke prima donnas of the England Football team so as the nation sat glued to the box I carried on working on bringing the lower, old, orchard next to the river back into shape.


1143 days ago

Feck off Plastic Paddy Joe Biden

The President of the United States is one of those tedious Americans who insist that they are Irish because of some distant ancestor.  No Joe, you are a yank and your romanticised and ill-informed views of what many of us call “the old country” wrecked appalling damage  and great bloodshed on the British isles for many years.


1144 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Retirement planning, Iconic & Northern Ireland

In today’s podcast, I start with a few thoughts on the finances of retirement, then the G7 tax ruling and what it means for the future of God’s chosen lands of Northern Ireland. And then there is the demise of Iconic (ICON): why I welcome it, what it tells us about investor behaviour and why it is yet another fail for the woke dullards at the FCA.


1147 days ago

Prediction: The Euros will be the last time England take a knee

Who to support in the Euros?  There is no team from the island of Ireland and so it will be Wales which gets my backing as well as my normal second team, that is to say anyone playing against England. When Wales gets knocked out, maybe mother Russia is the team to back.


1176 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: is Labour still pissing in its own bath? Jersey and Northern Ireland suggest that it is

Labour took a hammering across the UK last night and in this podcast I consider this rather crude analogy first used by one of its own leaders with regard to how it views the folks who were its core supporters. with reference to Northern Ireland and Jersey I argue that it cannot close the gap that now exists with its core and as such it can never hope to regain power and in Wales – as has already happened in Scotland – it may well become an irrelevancy. I refer to this piece on Tory sleaze from last week. One day that will matter but maybe it won’t for a very long time.


1191 days ago

Kevin Maguire a St Georges Day knobhead in action on a day I celebrate by trying to get Northern Ireland tickets

It may have escaped your attention if you are not a member of the GAWA or do not know what it is, but for the first time ever, the Northern Ireland Women’s Team has qualified for a major tournament. And thus. this St George’s Day I celebrate by starting down the path to get tickets for Euro 2022 to introduce my daughter to Northern Irish football. As is the norm I don’t pay any great attention to the English National day but I certainly take no offence from its celebration. My wife, on the other hand, may have parents born in India but identifies, on the census, as do most folks born in Nottingham, as English. For our kids growing up in Wales this will all be rather confusing.


1684 days ago

Video: The Sound of Stormont

 The sound of silence has always been a fave tune of mine. After yesterday’s take on the election beating of the luvvies and the elitists HERE, a reader from Northern Ireland sends me “the Sound of Stormont” which sadly for one with strong links to the Province, hits the nail on the head. Enjoy.


1982 days ago

Sharon ONeill of Ulster TV & a bunch of Fenians do not understand data as they slam the police in Northern Ireland

Oh dear. The Police in Northern Ireland still hate Catholics 20 years after the post Good Friday Police Reforms. So implies ITV/UTV correspondent Sharon O'Neill in the tweet below, dutifully retweeted by Fenians across the six counties and beyond. But of course there are lies, damned lies and statistics used by innumerate journalists.


2087 days ago

The Remembrance day massacre the BBC and liberal elites won’t be remembering & want you to forget

World War One ended 100 years ago this week and so, quite rightly, the media is giving wall to wall coverage to ceremionies and other tributes. It was a ghastly and pointless conflict but we should honour the fallen in that conflict and others and show our respect. Of course some Cambridge students and pampered Serbian soccer players at Manchester United will not. That is a sad reflection on them. But there is one Rememberance day event the liberal elites, the BBC and  its sister paper the Guardian will do their best to ignore. They want you to forget.


2199 days ago

1000 British veterans of Northern Ireland face prosecution as proven IRA Killers walk free – this is a double standard, not reconciliation

Yesterday we quite rightly celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela. There was a man only to wiling to accept his own failings but who brought his country together after a bitter conflict through reconciliation. Past sins, by all sides were to be forgotten. The future is what mattered. That was the clearest demonstration of the genius and the humanity of a great man like Mandela. Today is the anniversary of the Hyde  & Regents Park bombings in which eleven British ceremonial soldiers and horses were butchered and countless tourists injured by the IRA.


2593 days ago

Rockpool Acquisitions IPO - a new member of the Sub Standard XI? I fear I can't SUFTUM

The demise of so many Standard Listed companies means that poor Cynical Bear has some big holes in his Sub Standard List X1 squad. But fear not, from God's chosen lands of Northern Ireland here comes Rockpool Acqusitions which will list in early July having raised £1.5 million at 10p.


2699 days ago

Bloody Martin McGuinness: heading rapidly towards death - can I say that I am sorry?

It appears that the health of Martin McGuinness, the former commander of the IRA in Londonderry or, as he prefers to be known, former deputy first minister of Northern Ireland, is deteriorating fast. His date with the grim reaper is almost upon him. Can I honestly say that i am sorry about this?


2931 days ago

Nicola Sturgeon: why would the EU want Scotland? it has enough basket cases and idlers already

Nicola Sturgeon seems amazed that EU leaders are not lining up begging Scotland to join the Evil Empire as soon as possible. It has not dawned on her that, set to lose a major benefactor in form of the United Kingdom (in reality England plus the Celtic scroungers), the last thing it wants is to take back the welfare addicted nation of idlers that is Scotland. Heck the EU alread has the basket case that is the Real Greece why would it want the wannabee Greece of the North as well?


2953 days ago

Almost three million made up names & folks who don't understand democracy demand 2nd Brexit vote - Wankers!

The BBC is creaming itself with "news" that almost three million of our fellow citizens have signed a petition calling for a re-run of the EU referendum. I am told this shows that the nation is having second thoughts. Really? It makes me think that many of us are incapable of sensible thought at all.

It seems apparent that many of the names are bogus but I am happy to accept that a couple of million of folks who are eligible to vote want us to have to vote again because we voted the "wrong way". But are these two million "having second thoughts?" One suspects that they were "remainers" before and are "remainers" now. Nothing has changed it is just that they refuse to accept the popular will.

In covering this sad episode the BBC interviewed


2955 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My wife's sneering, patronising, elitist, lefty pals drive me up the wall

Some of my wife's pals are such patronising bastards. They work in the public sector, read the fecking Guardian and are so fucking self righteous they can drive me up the wall as they let it be known that they just know what is good for the rest of us, we ignorant oiks. Today they sent my blood pressure soaring as I explain HERE. Then it is onto Glenwick (GWIK) and why the poltroons can't get their maths right and African Potash (AFPO) which is worth 0p. Finally a division with my daughter & her mother, Big Nose, looms, it is Wales vs Northern Ireland.


2962 days ago

Photo article: Superstar cat Oakley not wowed by Ronaldo he's waiting for Northern Ireland!

It appears that in our absence, Oakley's cat sitter junior doctor Johnny has done his best to watch TV with the morbidly obese three legged cat. First it was Nigel Farage, Oakley was attentive but naturally he is an "outer" already. 

Then it was the football. 


3050 days ago

Want to slash the deficit Mr Osborne? Simple: Axe Scotland

The poisonous midget who leads the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon told her party faithful the other day that she was going to organise another referendum on independence come what may. It is no surprise that the midget is so keen on the EU given how she buys into its idea of democracy: the people can vote however they wish in referenda and they will keep voting until they vote the "right" way.

Of course independence would be economic suicide for Scotland. At $100 oil it was spending more than it would have received in tax. 89% of Scots are net takers from the State and the nation is almost united in its belief in money tree economics. 

Despite all this spending Scotland gets poorer as the public sector squeezes out the wealth creating sector, and sicker - life expectancy in Glaswegian men is now - at 57 - lower than anywhere else in the EU, indeed in the Eurovision zone which includes Ukraine with its civil war and its Chernobyl legacy.

As an independent nation, Scotland would be the Greece of the North at $100 oil. At $40 oil it would be the Upper Volta of the North which perhaps explains


3547 days ago

Video Postcard #88 - Peace & Reconciliation in Northern Ireland Edition

I am just back from Eire and wayching the UTV news on Friday night the ghastly old muderer Martin McGuinness appeared demanding that he have his cake and eat it with regard to reconciliation in Northern Ireland. This is the theme of this week's video postcard.

On my financial video postcard I again accuse Rob Terry and Quindell of being liars and frauds and invite them to sue me for libel. That video can be watched HERE


3740 days ago

What is sauce for the Goose… Gerry "blood on my hands" Adams arrested.

Personally I would have hoped that for Northern Ireland to have moved on, there should have been a universal amnesty for ALL deaths that occurred during the troubles. However, folks like Gerry Adams and the Butcher of Londonderry Martin McGuinness insisted on the hugely costly Bloody Sunday enquiry and want former British soldiers prosecuted. Ok you murdering bastards so be it.

Gerry Adams who was actively involved with the IRA whilst also fronting up its political wing Sinn Fein is today in prison facing questions about the brital murder of Jean McConville in 1972. The IRA thought she was an informant so they dragged her away from in front of her screaming kids in Belfast took her over the border, murdered her and hid the body. They told the kids she had gone away to England.

As it happens Mrs McConville was not an informer. Certain former IRA men have come forward to say that Adams organised death squads to deal with informers and one claims that Adams order the killing of Mrs McConville.

What is sauce for the goose Mr Adams…let us hope that justice is done.


4112 days ago

Galantas Gold is Toast Investment Grade

AIM and TSX listed Galantas Gold (GAL) is, I am afraid to say, investment toast. At 1.375p it is capitalised at £3.54 million but calendar 2012 results out today make it clear as clear can be that a target price of 0.01p is generous.

The company is a small scale producer of gold (with a dash of lead and silver thrown in) in Northern Ireland. The reality is that this company would only ever work if it massively ramped up production and if gold prices were much higher.  All figures used in this piece are in Canadian dollars but the currency is kind of irrelevant – red ink looks the same whatever the denomination.


4125 days ago

Blog Readers always welcome at Real Man

It is always a pleasure to welcome blog readers at Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell and so today it was hello to Anthony from Northern Ireland who was over for the day and popped in for a pizza, a pint of Curious beer and a quick chat about Sefton and other matters. I am here one day in three and so if you are lucky you get to chat to Dominique. Anthony got the short straw and me. But you are always welcome. It was good to see you Antony…keep reading and come again.

And this gave myself and Dominique a chance to apologise in person, in advance for a joint musical offering which we have recorded – a new version of Danny Boy in honour of a certain oil company and its lawyers.  For those folks from Northern Ireland who we cannot meet in person we apologise in advance over the internet.  Watch this space….
