
132 days ago

Trump Promises “a bloodbath” if he wins: Jon Sopel, CNN, HuffPost all spread fake news

Little Sopel, formerly the BBC’s man in the USA could not help himself tweeting about Trump warning of “a bloodbath”. HuffPost ran the story “On Campaign Trail In Ohio, Trump Warns Of ‘Bloodbath’ If He Loses In November.” The rage of the liberal media GroupThink could be heard the world over. And folks in that groupthink wonder what nobody trusts the mainstream media anymore.


1149 days ago

The absurdity and lunacy of the current housing market

This Twitter thread comes from the US and the US residential market is very different from our own. If you have a spare $42.500, you can buy a perfectly nice 3 bedroom house with a garden and off street parking in Alliance Ohio, the small rust belt town where my friend, the late, Bill Long grew up. It is a post industrial sort of place in decline. In Manhattan, that same cash buys you a share of an apartment just big enough to rest a waste paper basket. America is so many local markets but the craziness you see there and the oddities, notably the lack of stock for sale and the craziness of buyers, is apparent in the UK too. Supporters of the SNP might consider point 10 carefully!


1368 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Now Trump has clear momentum, BLM back in the picture and the Tony Bobulinski bombshell last night for crooked Joe Biden

In this podcast, I debunk the idea pushed by Nate Silver and the MSM that Georgia is now winnable for the Dems. I look at Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio (all three of which are now looking very winnable indeed for Donald Trump) and ponder where Trump would get the final votes needed for victory: any one of Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota with, perhaps, a helping hand in Maine. I consider the impact of the latest BLM riots in Philadelphia, Biden on fracking and of last night’s bombshell interview with Tony Bobulinski - which you can see HERE. The BBC and MSM will not cover it but some floating voters or even Biden leaners will watch it and, I suggest, come to the conclusion that creepy Joe is a lying crook. If that swings just a few more votes in somewhere like Arizona then that could be enough for Trump.  Bottom line: there is no blue wave. The Senate is staying in the hands of the GOP and while the Economist says Trump’s chance of winning is just 8%, I’d now score it at 45-50%. The next two days of polling will tell us more.


1420 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Trolling & harassment of me by SYME Morons hits new depths and can Trump win? I now call it as being down to just 3 states

My new video show is live and if you have a spare three hours it is, if I say so myself, a total belter and can be watched HERE. I then discuss the US election and am ready to call all bar three states: Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan. I believe that the maths are that Trump will have to win all three to win. there are three others I am calling but with a low degree of certainty ( Ohio for Trump, Wisconsin and Minnesota for Biden). I discuss what will swing the three uberswing states and where things stand now but also what financial betting markets tell us. Then trolling of me by morons, this time owning Supply@ME Capital (SYME) hits a new low. I discuss these sad creatures and how they motivate me to dig even more. 


2345 days ago

The Liberal media says #Trump2020 is a busted flush - have they read the latest polls? Put your money on POTUS

The narrative of folks like the BBC, The Guardian, CNN in fact the whole of the liberal media elite is that Donald Trump should not have defeated crooked Hillary in 2016. Without admitting that their gal was useless they agree that next time around the Donald just cannot win, in fact many argue that he will not stand at all. But have they actually looked at the polls in detail? If they have, they ignore them as they churn out yet more fake news.


2532 days ago

#TheResistance is laughable #TrumpResign trends on twitter for a few hours - back in the real world look at coal exports

My twitter feed is set to a New York location. In many ways it is where my heart is though my body is rarely there. And overnight #TrumpResign was trending. How pathetic it was.


2805 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: fascist liberals at Hamilton & global warming falling hard in Ohio

In this week's postcard I look at how the liberal elite of the 1% behave like fascists at a performance of the crap uber-PC musical Hamilton in New York while in Ohio Trump voters get snowed on heavily. Oh the global warming irony. But those without jobs will not be laughing at the folly of the liberal elite on this matter.


2818 days ago

Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton - the Polls are still Rigged for the Dems ...but

As we go into election day some polls show Trump in the lead but most show Crooked Hillary winning. Even allowing for the admitted margins of error some pollsters have got it badly wrong. But the average poll shows Hillary 3.3% ahead and I am sure that FBI-gate will have given her a small bump since those polls were in the field. But that does not mean she wins for two reasons of which rigged polls remains a real factor. Lets look at the latest ABC/WashPo poll showing her +4 in a four way. It is just wrong. Demonstrably wrong.


2826 days ago

The Guardian's snobbish liberal readers swung it for Bush, can dipstick Avaaz millennials swing it for Trump?

Back in 2004 the Guardian identified Clark County Ohio as a swing district in th4e swing state of Ohio. History shows if you win Ohio you win the White House and Clark was an uber-marginal district. So the Guardian got its readers back in the UK to call up folks in Clark. You can guess what happened next.


2832 days ago

Trump ahead by just 3% in Texas screams CBS another rigged poll - but the shy Trumpster effect shows up clearly

The liberal media elitists are today creaming themselves over a CBS poll showing Trump just 3% ahead in Texas - Britain's Daily Mail says the historically solidly red State is in play. Natch the poll is utterly rigged but it also gives a fascinating insight into how big is the "shy Trumpster" vote. Indeed for the first time we can start to quanitify it and the implications are massive.


2836 days ago

The Hypocrisy of the liberal Media as Donald Trump blasts rigged election

As soon as debate three was over the liberal media had their line "Trump won't accept General Election result - a threat to democracy". It was what Hillary said and it was the line that liberal worms on our TV screens such as the loathsome Matt Frei on C4 News repeated endlessly, Frei, who likes telling black folks they are racist for voting for Donald Trump, told us all that he was truly disgusted and that this was a new low point in American politics, it threatens democracy, yadda, yadda, yadda. We had never heard this before. Except that ... we had.


2927 days ago

The Undisguised disdain as the BBC's Emily Maitlis meets Redneck Trump supporters

Emily Maitlis of the BBC is covering the Republican Convention in Cleveland and so for her first report she tried, very briefly, to show balance but then gave up. She knows that Trump supporters are all ignorant common folks from the flyover states who are likely to be racists, because she is an educated affluent liberal. From that standpoint the report was very simple to put together.


3055 days ago

Lesbians For Donald Trump - Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News is very confused indeed

Out on the stump in a working class town in Ohio, one could sense the discomfort of Channel 4 News reporter Kylie Morris as she encountered rust belt workers from the real world. Gosh they paint their dogs in funny colours for St Patrick's Day she noted. I am sure she thought it all rather naff, rather white van man, but didn't quite say that on camera. But then salvation for Ms Morris as she stumbled across two big fat lesbians. However, much to the consertanation of the beltway liberal the bull dykes were voting for Trump.

But, an uncompreheding Kylie stammered: what about what he says about the blacks and the hispanics? 


3057 days ago

Clinton, Obama, Beltway Bernie and the GOP Country Clubbers play the racism card but it wont stop Trump

Things are getting desperate for the political establishment. The polls suggest that after the Florida and Ohio primaries on Tuesday, The Donald will be a slam dunk cert to get the GOP nomination. Then - with the Democrat contest rigged by establishment super-delegates, proof once again that the left doesn't trust the little people to handle democracy by themselves - we are all set for Trump vs Clinton in the General Election.

Right now polls show Clinton winning but it is within the margin or error. And with all sorts of skeletons in Clinton's closet, some of which
