1167 days ago
You may remember that among the things that became racist this year were trees. They joined other alt-right offenders such as coffee, fried chicken, women’s hockey and underpants, sand and an ever longer list of shame. Now thanks to that go to publication for the racist list of shame, The Guardian, we have another hate criminal. A lack of trees.
1170 days ago
The attitude of the Guardian is that if it does not agree with you, you must be an alt-right freak. If it can’t smear you by what you say it smears you by association. It uses the same – utterly flawed – logic that links vegetarians to war crimes via Adolf Hitler. And I am sorry to see my hero Peter Tatchell who has done more to fight for freedom than anyone else in Britain today, disappearing down the same rabbit hole.
1174 days ago
Alt-right bastards screamed the liberal left, this is an incitement to violence. The students responsible must be chucked out of the University, this is a threat to free speech. You can just feel the outrage, the self-righteous anger, the calls to ruin the careers of the young folk responsible, the BBC and the Guardian jerking off as more alt-right hate is exposed and they can somehow say all Trump voters are guilty by association. You know the story… except…
1187 days ago
In the bad old days, only alt-right freaks or members of the Democrat party in Dixie believed in segregation but as the poster below shows, the progressive forces of the left seem to have embraced the idea. We evil folks on the right who reckon everyone on this earth should be treated in the same way and allowed to mix with whom they want must, by definition, be fascists for opposing segregation.
1222 days ago
Being a Canadian, my best man Darren Atwater is a bearded uber-woke deluded lefty. Like his beloved leader Justin Trudeau, when he puts his socks up for the Winter holiday which he dares not call Christmas lest he offends someone of another religion or none, Darren always uses an Eid sock or a Pride Parade one. But even he must find it mildly disconcerting that many of his fellow countrypeople might think that my portly pal could be pregnant. We reactionary conservatives reckon that only women get pregnant but in Canada such a statement would be condemned as alt right freakery and – amid a twitter storm – there would be demands for instant career ending sanctions. It seems to be what the Canucks call progress.
1231 days ago
As ever, my training walks for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks start the same way. I am aware that the actual walk is now just five weeks away and it will be a gruelling 34 miles with a 6 AM kick off at Winchester Cathedral. But I must finish the walk and ensure my fellow rogue bloggers finish too. Woodlarks urgently needs us to raise £50,000 to ensure its survival and so please do donate HERE.
1262 days ago
Back in 2016, some of us of a conservative leaning questioned whether the Democrat candidate for President, crooked Hillary Clinton, had health issues. The mainstream media sneered about alt right fake news and ignored this completely. And then crooked Hillary collapsed in New York and they were forced to admit that we might have been right all along. I remember doing an interview with that fine news channel Russia Today discussing that very issue of the media corruption and Hillary’s health. What is it with the Dems and picking old folks with health issues?
1374 days ago
“So you are an anti-vaxxer” she said to me as I dared to offer a modest dissent from the party line. The Ministry of Truth, aka The BBC and the social media companies, are leading the charge to eradicate social media posts by wicked anti-vaxxers lest they confuse the plebs. There is even talk of specialist army units being brought in to fight this menace. In the way that, this summer, anyone who did not apologise for historic slave activities by taking a knee was deemed to be alt-right extremist who needed re-education, anti vaxxers must now be insulted and, once suitably demonised in the eyes of the population, purged.
1460 days ago
I start with a London millionaire slating me for being an Alt Right billionaire. I am neither but our in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price is a peculiar fellow. I look at the madness at Vela (VELA), at Future (FUTR) and its trading statement (a win so far for Mark Slater vs Matt Earl), at what Verditek (VDTK) did NOT say, and at AEX Gold (AEXG) where the CEO is 13, or at least looks it, but I may have been a bit harsh before.
1681 days ago
The 12 EU flags I had bought to burn on Brexit day seem to have disappeared. I have my suspicions. The Mrs may have voted the right way but has still not dared to admit as much to her lefty pals who, being public sector workers, have nothing better to do than post comments on facebook about how 17.4 million of us are stupid, ill educated racists and how they are considering a permanent move to Tuscany. She does not wear her beliefs, on this one, on her sleeve. That is probably wise as it cannot be long before University lecturers who are found to have voted for Brexit are no platformed and accused of being members of the alt right. But I am not a man to give up easily as you can see below.
1761 days ago
We are used to seeing professors and lecturers at low grade universtities and former polytechnics espousing utter nonsense as they indoctrinate young folk at what have become intolerant left wing madrassas. But you would have hoped that Bristol University would be above that. Think again, Meeet Professor Lewandowsky.
1919 days ago
Whoever is driving the car gets to choose the radio station. Thus, when I was at the wheel, I refused to listen to Radio 2’s utterly gormless Sarah Cox who earns a telephone number salary doing drivetime as part the station’s campaign to show that it does not pay mega salaries only to men. The local radio station in Cannock Chase, I kid you not, was far more interesting. But as we headed towards Bristol the Mrs switched to Radio 4 for the 6.30 Comedy show…
2145 days ago
Islington dwelling daughter Olaf seems to be in charge of securing public speakers for a posh girls school debating forum. She asked if I knew any funny and controversial speakers. I offered up friends such as James Delingpole of Breitbart and Dominic Frisby but was told that they were Alt-Right, fascists or just not acceptable. I am sure you get the picture. In this world anyone to the right of the Guardian is Alt-Right and should not be offered a platform
2371 days ago
For a good while before she got thumped in the 2016 General Election a number of us pointed out that crooked Hillary Clinton kept on falling down and clearly had serious health issues. Natch we were dismissed as Alt-Right fruitcakes or Russian Trolls by the mainstream, liberal media. But the crooked one just keeps on falling on her fat arse. Here she is in India this week. Just when will the MSM admit that we critics were right all along and that their denial and failure to report issue during the campaign was the fake news.
2426 days ago
Until yesterday the most toe-curling interview in the history of Channel 4 Fake News was when little white liberal Matt Frei hectored a black pastor about why it was racist to vote for Donald Trump, a man the vicar supported wholeheartedly. But Cathy Newman has now trumped that with an interview with Canadian shrink and best selling author Jordan Peterson. The full 30 minute car crash is below and from start to finish demonstrates why the liberal media elitists have so completely lost the trust of the wider population.