310 days ago
I have always thought that Oxford Nanopore (ONT) was massively overhyped and that its CEO Gordon Sanghera was a bit of a bullshitter, fawned upon on by the deadwood press. The company IPO’d just under two years ago at 425p – its shares now languish at 231p. Today we have half calendar year numbers from a company still capitalised at almost £2 billion and the smell of Sanghera bullshit is strong.
607 days ago
Once upon a time the deadwood press investigated crooks. Now it just recycles press releases and blows smoke up their arses. I bring you an edition of Fortune Magazine from last year as a case study. Discuss.
615 days ago
Andrew Monk of VSA, who no longer speaks to me but only to deadwood press journalists who blow smoke up his arse, keeps on saying how wonderful Aquis is and how it will replace AIM. But it cannot unless it addresses the long tail of garbage listed there. I mention a few names but focus in on today’s statement from Love Hemp (LIFE). It is possibly the worst trading statement I have ever seen from a listed company. I then discuss why Mirriad (MIRI) may say it has £11m cash but why it is a zero.
656 days ago
The global warming cultists and their publicists at the BBC and across the liberal deadwood press in Britain had a field day in the summer of 2022. On July 19th the record high temperature for the UK of 40.3 degrees centigrade was recorded. The recording station was at RAF Coningsby at the side of a runway being used by after-burning Typhoon jets. And if you suggest that that might be a bit of a fix you are obviously a global warming denier, not following the experts and might as well admit that you are a Nazi right now. A month later came the dramatic photos from Wales…
661 days ago
But I do dare. Enjoy.
702 days ago
I reckon these stockbrokers must earn even more that those chancers my wife gets in to clean the windows and so I am a frustrated non buyer of a shares I have not owned before. Jaya and I did some due diligence at the coal face today and I explain why I may be buying if I can get hold of the great man tomorrow. Then it is onto Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and the corruption of the deadwood press (the Sunday Times in this case) and finally a detailed look at Malcolm Stacey favourite Strix (KETL) where I have been a bear. The shares are down 69% over the past 13 months and after today’s news I see an easy 30-40% more downside from here. With an EV of c£400 millionand a £270 million market cap it should be shortable and should be shorted.
887 days ago
Of course certain folks* do not want to learn all the lessons of Woodford so that it never happens again as that might threaten the grievance industry gravy train on which they ride. One lesson is that the press only start calling out bad actors in financial services when it is too late. Before then, they promote the bad actors for the mainstream media are bad actors themselves. The next Neil Woodford, as Lucian myself and others have noted for a while, is Cathie Wood of ARK whose funds share a lot of the failings that caused Woodford to blow up and whose arrogance matches that of the disgraced Neil. But for years the deadwood press blew smoke up Cathie’s posterior just as the FT and others blew off Neil.
898 days ago
It is almost as if reporter Jon Robinson from Business Live was taking dictation from PR fluffies Powerscourt as he reported on boardroom share buying at musicMagpie (MMAG) here. Claiming the bosses were “doubling down” by buying £300,000 of shares at 52.5p is “doubling down” when, as I pointed out HERE, the same bosses had sold £15.7 million worth of shares at the IPO less than a year ago is just 100% misleading. It gets worse…
919 days ago
Today the deadwood press are all over Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer following the warrant for her arrest being issued by the High Court. Sadly, I am not sure if it is enforceable on her in Switzerland but surely it signals the end of her twenty plus year while collar criminal career. I have been exposing her crimes for more than four years now with more than 250 articles and podcasts in that period. Her online harassment and the lawyers letters did not deter me! But why was the rest of the deadwood press so silent?
1013 days ago
Shots 63 to England nil to Latvia. Shots on target 30 nil to England. Fastest England hat-trick in history. A new record goal scorer for England. Yes it is women’s football and the fact that England gets to play opponents who would struggle in a game at the weekend on Hackney Marshes shows why all these records and cricket scores are utterly meaningless. But you will not be hearing that in from the deadwood press. So who pays to watch this mockery of competitive international sport?
1013 days ago
Round one was last week but after Fidelity hit back at JD Wetherspoon (JDW) via poodle deadwood press journalists at the Telegraph, JD’s heroic boss Tim Martin has had another go at the woke hypocrites at Fido.
1049 days ago
I start with the lamentable Brown whose splash today is about ex Tory Minister sleazy Tim Yeo being branded a liar by a judge. Yes we reported that on July 29 HERE and others including Paul Staines at Guido followed up — and credited us — later that day. And the deadwood press wonders why sales continue to tumble. Then it is onto the storm over a four person £37,000 restaurant tab in London on October 8. Is it wrong? It is certainly utterly vulgar and given why so many folks, especially in London, have become so wealthy thanks to the thief in the night which has locked so many others in poverty, it is the sort of thing which, wrongly, will make capitalism more hated. I discuss.
1066 days ago
I should have mentioned this in bearcast yesterday, the maths is clear and unchallengeable. Abingdon Health (ABDX), a company I warned you about at IPO as it was insolvent and the valuation absurd, is pumping its stock via the yellow journalists on the Daily Mail and the Telegraph ahead of a bailout placing. You know the score: mug punters overpay in the secondary market ahead of a placing at a vast discount to fund managers.
1088 days ago
That Theranos was a gargantuan fraud is in little doubt but that its CEO Elizabeth Holmes is being charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and nine counts of wire fraud is, according to liberal deadwood press wanksheet the New York Times just plain sexism. Ms Holmes was the poster girl for women making it big in US business and folks trying to get her sent to the slammer are all sexist beasts. The whole article neglects to mention one salient point which is that also on trial facing exactly the same charges is Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani who is a man. Even the bedwetting dullards who read the NY Times would surely conclude that that fact, not mentioned once in the article, rather undermines its core thesis.
1115 days ago
Thank heavens we gave salaried GPs – those not really coining it in from running their own practices – a pay rise of 3% this year. Okay, these days only 56% of appointments are face to face. The rest are over the phone or online and the number of missed diagnoses for cancer and other life threatening ailments is, as a result, soaring. The average GP works well under the maximum 48 hours per week and yet, after four years of inflation busting pay rises the data is shocking but the greedy bastards want more.
1131 days ago
First up, after I nudged Paul Staines (Guido) we did get that hat tip as you can see HERE. Cheers Paul. I then look at Babcock (BAB), Boatman Capital and the corrupt deadwood press, Minoan (MIN), the fraud Zoetic (ZOE) and its missing results, Kefi (KEFI), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the missing shares and then at MyHealthChecked (MHC) where I expect the shares to zoom within weeks but which is causing me to spit nails.
1301 days ago
This podcast is all about the Woodford scandal of today. The corruption of the Sunday Telegraph in trading a scoop for dishonest journalism and the scandal that the disgraced fund manager may be back after less than 20 months of not screwing around with other folks’ cash. Why must people like Lucy and Neil be stopped and who will stop Neil? Lucy, I fear, is destined for great things in the corrupt world of the deadwood press.
1343 days ago
In the closing Congressional prayer yesterday, an ordained pastor from Missouri, congressman, or should that be congressperson, Emanuel Cleaver, ended with the words “amen and awoman”. I despair not only at his crass stupidity but also at that of the mainstream media. Here is how the little read Independent reports it:
1346 days ago
I wish you all a Happy New Year. I had a great New Year’s Eve as you can see HERE. In this podcast I look at how not all shares had a rotten 2020 then in detail at the push pull on house prices. After the best year in six in 2020, what is next?
1356 days ago
Old Ron Paul, my ultimate libertarian hero, would be proud of his son today. Senator Rand gave a speech which tears apart the lunacy of Modern Monetary Theory, the money printing that is happening in the US and, on steroids, here in the UK. The left leaning mainstream media, notably, the ghastly and innumerate BBC, lavishes praise on Rishi Sunak for his wisdom in pursuing these policies, indeed the media and political classes enage in obvious GroupThink in supporting Sunak’s folly. The fourth estate needs to listen to Rand and then to challenge the Government rigorously. Of course it will not. MMT is madness. Senator Paul explains why, in language so simple even a BBC economics correspondent can understand it, and also has the real answers. Enjoy
1365 days ago
It must be true. After all, it was reported in the deadwood press. In this case, it is the New York Times - 2019 average daily circulation 443,000, down from 959,000 a decade earlier -which brings you this earth shattering A grade piffle below. I just can’t think why more folks do not want to read a publication like this.
1419 days ago
The deadwood press gives Ms Gilmarrtin an easy ride because she is a female CEO so will not call her out for bullshit and her convenient share trading. But, having no truck with such woke niceties being a gender blind meritocrat, let’s tell it as it is on the day Claire has announced that she is to step down as Trainline (TRN) CEO in six months time. For starters her company has not delivered for investors, is in crisis and clearly never will deliver.
1445 days ago
Remember how the PR spinners for Cineworld (CINE) conspired with the corrupt deadwood press to suggest that stakebuilding by a Chinese investor meant this company was a bid target. Anyone who bought into that tosh will today be regretting it as interims show that this company is a zero.
1464 days ago
Eco terrorists from Extinction Rebellion last night blockaded roads leading to the presses where The Times, The Sun and The Daily Telegraph are printed. So many folks cannot, today, waste their cash on buying those papers. I am no fan of the deadwood press but I do believe in a free press. However, it seems that at least one MP does not and is celebrating this action. Is this not rather disturbing? I imagine that Dawn Butler would not be cheering if The Mirror & The Guardian had been prevented from distributing their rags.
1501 days ago
All that guff you read in the deadwood press about reallocating assets for this new era is just worthless tosh. One investor from the world of twitter explains his“genius” trading strategy – one which is almost identical to mine, except that I have also bought more, largely gold, shares from cash. Prepare for enlightenment:
1540 days ago
In the period January 1 to June 4, there were around 160 million interactions between US cops and US citizens. That resulted in 429 citizens being shot by the Police of whom 88 were black. Blacks were over-represented in this category but they are also disproportionately represented both in terms of victims of violent crime but also perps. This is not exactly genocide as some in BlackLivesMatter claim. Yet some in the media do not view it this way. Meet Holly Baxter of a failing British Deadwood Press turned, as a result of crashing sales, internet-only rag The Independent.
1541 days ago
Some tweets do not age well. This gem below is from Ms Faima Bakar, a journalist on the tawdry free publication The Metro, and it came out on Thursday of last week. Events in Reading, on Saturday, will surely make even more folks who reflect on Ms Bakar’s work despise the dying, deadwood press and its out of touch, intolerant, liberal, elitist values.
1546 days ago
Rayshard Brooks was a black man shot dead by a US cop last week. The cop appears trigger happy in shooting to kill and, in my view, has quite rightly been sacked. But the reporting of the incident shows once again why fewer and fewer of us trust the mainstream media. Take this gem from Australia’s Daily Telegraph.
1581 days ago
Britain’s largest funeral services provider Dignity (DTY) has served up a trading statement on Covid-19 which contains both the quote of the day but also the stats which show just how disastrously Boris, but also everyone else in the political and media GroupThink bubble, have created this crisis.
1603 days ago
I have flagged up the corrupt nature of the deadwood press, and the Sunday Times in particular, numerous times on this website. The way it blew off Neil Woodford in return for “scoops” and again and again backs boards, who by dint of underperformance, are quite rightly under fire with dirty attacks on their critics is shameful. Babcock (BAB) is a case in point. Today the paper shows its true colours again with its coverage of NMC Health (NMC) and more especially, and shamefully, of EasyJet (EZJ).
1618 days ago
I start with a swipe at the failings of the deadwood press and the behaviour of the soccer Premier League. More on the former in a podcast on my own website later this weekend – a promise for comrade Euro Loon Jonathan Price. Then a look at Debenhams whose demise I regard as a silver lining from the Covid 19 cloud. I think Zombie firms should all perrish. But the main part of this podcast looks at Executive Greed and with firms asking either investors or the taxpayers for a bailout now is an ideal time to lance this boil.
1621 days ago
Laughably, the BBC is trumpeting an opinion poll showing how its reportage of the Coronavirus “pandemic” is the most trusted among TV stations. When this is all over, we will laugh at just how the entire Mainstream Media failed us, wallowed in GroupThink and failed to challenge our blundering and lying leaders. You can see this for yourself with an easy test…
1647 days ago
Are the deadwood press still blowing smoke up the arse of Sam Smith, the boss of FinnCap (FCAP), a woman showing the men how it’s done in the man’s world of broking and corporate finance? Maybe there will be less blowing after a shock profits warning today.
1648 days ago
Natch the bad news came after hours, at no-one is watching O’clock. With journalist smearing FTI Consulting doing the PR turd polishing what else would you expect? My pal Carson Block of Muddy Waters whose dossier first exposed the cesspit at NMC on 17 December 2019 HERE noted “At this point, the company’s announcements speak for themselves and seem to be even more damning than our initial report was.” Indeed. Well let’s start with the apologies
To ShareSoc and Mark Shapland at the Evening Standard and other deadwood press hacks too terrified or so beholden to FTI
1769 days ago
It was only a week ago that on orders from the evil PR spinners at Mothercare (MTC) the Sunday Times was running a puff piece about how the company was bringing in “restructuring experts” to look at its 79 UK stores (having shuttered another 55 in a CVA not that long ago) which racked up losses of £36 million last year. How time flies for the discredited deadwood press. Today Mothercare has called in the administrators for its UK stores.
1784 days ago
The FT says today that no-one emerges from the Neil Woodford scandal with any credit. I beg to disagree with the PR cocksuckers at the deadwood press yet again. Meanwhile three folks who do emerge with real credit are now negotiating a book deal. I also look at Brady (BRY) and its crazy share price and in detail at uber dog Plutus Powergen (PPG)
1801 days ago
In the demise of Thomas Cook (TCG) there was a degree of focus in the Press on the use on Non-GAAP metrics (“GAAP” being generally accepted accounting policies) and Ernst & Young’s role as auditor in auditing those measures. However, the Deadwood Press as usual missed the wider story.
1833 days ago
Liam Kelly of The Sunday Times spins for Watchstone (WTG) in a terribly dishonest way becuase it has been shown an email relating to the Quindell (QPP) era and Slater & Gordon. I will have a real Quindell scoop in a couple of hours not dropped by a PR but coming on the back of real hard work. That is my 6th Wedding annoversary present to myself. All is discussed in today’s podcast.
1847 days ago
I start with Burford (BUR) and the questions it may or may not choose to ansswer from this weekend plus a look at its spinning and smearing via the PR cocksuckers at the Sunday Times. Then, as a financial journalist who has been warning about Neil Woodford since 2015 and explicitly hoisting red flag after red flag, I assiost Mr Luzio with an analysis of the flaws of the deadwood press and the low grade waste of space press release regurgitators such as him who staff it.
1853 days ago
In today’s (long) bearcast I look at Burford (BUR) asking questions of bulls and bears, at Thomas Cook (TCG), surely a slam dunk short at 8p, at Cabot Energy (TOAST), ADM Energy (ADME) and finally at Seedrs where the PR bird is trying to bully me into publishing a falsehood. She is picking on the wrong man. maybe she confuses me with the spineless financial illiterates and PR cocksuckers at the deadwood press?
1853 days ago
In today’s bearcast I discuss Luke Johnson and British and American cultural attitudes to a career setback. Then I see how the deadwood press think that appointing Alison Rose as the new Biggest Swinging Dick at RBS will end its macho culture. It really is so much hogwash.
1853 days ago
We said on Friday that our fellow Quindell (QPP) exposers Gotham City would publish a Burford (BUR) Dossier this weekend. Limp dick deadwood press PR cocksucking journalists, notably at the Sunday Times, published exactly the same story as “news” on Sunday. And they wonder why serving up very sloppy seconds, copied from internet sites, sees their readership numbers continue to fall? Anyhow the Gotham dossier is live and we republish it in full below. To be honest it is a bit pompous and self praising but when it comes to hard analysis it offers little new.
1857 days ago
The tweet below from Versarien (VRS) boss Neill Ricketts is surely against AIM Rules. I am referring it to nomad Canaccord and AIM Regulation and discuss in a podcast which also covers swimming pool ways, folks who insult me to ask a favour, Burford (BUR) its rebuttal (very strong) but its red flag antics elsewhere and the limp dick behaviour of the deadwood press, notably The Times. I also look at Cabot Energy (CAB) which is surely AIM Casino toast.
1888 days ago
Cynical Bear warned Benevolent AI would be Neil Woodford’s Kryptonite in May 2018. His coverage before then and his and our coverage since then was amazing and so far ahead of that of the Deadwood Press. The Sunday Times does some “analysis” today and almost gets the same answer we got years ago. Wankers. But it has a new angle: the next funding round will be a savage “down round”. I explain why this will blow Woodford apart exposing to all what a greedy charlatan and chancer he is.
1908 days ago
It seems as if Versarien (VRS) owning morons take particularly badly to exposes on how senior execs may be fraudsters and are certainly liars and respond with abuse for the messengers. And thus in honour of these prize poltroons Bulletin Board Moron of the Week is back. Simply post the most moronic comment found on twitter or the LSE, ADVFN or iii asylums in the comments section below. It does not have to be about Versarien but moronic deadwood press Neil Woodford articles by Ali Hussein or Jeff Presstrip are not eligible. The deadline for entries is midnight Saturday and the winner will receive a mythical photo of Julie Meyer filling in a tax return.
1908 days ago
In today’s podcast I look at Saga (SAGA), Dev Clever (DEV), Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC), RM2 (RM2), Falanx (FLX), Yourgene (YGEN) and IQE (IQE).
1916 days ago
I see that the spin doctors for Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) told their poodles in the deadwood press (the FT) to run a fake news article suggesting that vultures were circling looking to bid for the company and its assets. No-one, not even the PR cocksuckers at the Financial Times, believes that for a minute and the shares have slumped again today to 59p, despite, or perhaps in part because of, the weediest of statements from WPCT.
1918 days ago
The first article where we warned about Neil Woodford was in 2015. By 2017 our coverage was detailed and on an industrial scale taking aparty every aspect of the Woodford empire. As Bloomberg stated yesterday, we at ShareProphets, were first. The deadwood press, including the Sunday Times just blew the great man off. But today we learn , as you can see below, that it was a Sunday Times investigation on March 3 2019 that FIRST exposed what was going on. FAKE NEWS!!!!
1924 days ago
The deadwood press was fawning as a pack over Neil Woodford until relatively recently. For a long time myself and other other writers here, notably Cynical Bear and Nigel Somerville, were lone voices in the wilderness though our analysis was spot on. But in recent times Neil has lost most of his makes but some still stayed loyal.
1924 days ago
Neil Woodford, Britain’s best known fund manager has seen his empire start to crash and crumble today with a suspension of dealings in his flagship fund. Some in the corrupt deadwood press, like the Mail on Sunday, were still praising Woodford yesterday. Others have turned bearish over the past few months having previoously drunk the cool aid. But for almost two years we have been calling this out as a debacle waiting to happen, you can see our full, and incredibly detailed, coverage HERE. Site Editor Tom Winnifrith gave a keynote address at UK Investor 2018 predicting exactly what would happen and highlighting numerous red flags. You can see that video, now shown to be UK Investor at its finest, below
1957 days ago
I am delight to see that a mere 26 days after we exposed the looming scandal involving my beloved West Ham United and its mini bond short sponsor Bassett & Gold, that the deadwood press ( The Sunday Telegraph) has picked up on the matter. As ever the MSM well on the ball, what a suprise that newspaper sales are tanking. But the story gets worse as I can now reveal….
1994 days ago
The past two years have seen organisations such as CNN, The BBC, Channel 4 Fake News, the Guardian and indeed most of the deadwood press insisting that Donald Trump would be impeached or forced to resign when the Mueller Report demonstrated that he had colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election against crooked Hillary Clinton. There was no real evidence for this other than a dodgy dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign. Yet journalists such as Jon Sopel, Kylie Morris, barmy Carole Cadwalladr and Matt Frei insisted Trump was toast. The Mueller report is now out. There was no conclusion. So where are the apologies for this disgraceful episode in the history of fake news? There are none. The poison of fake news driven Russiaphobia has spread to this side of the Atlantic too, thanks to this dreadful journalism. I discuss this all in today's podcast.
2009 days ago
The Mail on Sunday and its freebie loving Personal Finance Editor Jeff Prestridge are promoting a new innovative company in telematics and insurance where the virtue signalling crisp salesman Gary Lineker is a brand ambassador and shareholder. Among Ticker’s named clients is Ingenie.. hang on does that ring a bell?
2017 days ago
I am losing my voice and have had to postpone my training walk today. Tomorrow, come what may, I will do 15 miles. Think of an old and sick man, listen to my croaky voice and sponsor a rogue blogger for Woodlarks HERE. In today's podcast I look at how Neil Woodford has legged over the deadwood press yet again, at why i remain bearish on equities and at Malcolm's worst ever article, pure cobblers on Brexit and shares.
2022 days ago
Eight days ago Neil Woodford’s PR spinners told their gophers in the lacky corrupt press, aka Peter Evans and Sabah Meddings of the Sunday Times to write a big puff piece about how Neil Woodford’ backed Proton Partners was planning to raise £50 million and list on the NEX lobster pot. It has not taken long for that fake news to be exposed, as no investors other than Woodford himself have been prepared to back this IPO – something revealed in the prospectus out today.
2023 days ago
In today's podcast I look at Audioboom (BOOM) in light of today's placing "scoop" in the M ail on Sunday and also what it says about the corruption of the deadwood press. I also comment on the virtue signalling by silly business minister Kelly Tollhurst re diversity on FTSE 100 boards. Suffice to say, she scores a gamma double minus for data analysis.
2120 days ago
In today's podcast I look at FastJet (FJET) - you were warned - Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) - ditto - and Babcock (BAB) where the corrupt deadwood press do their best turd polishing today.
2130 days ago
In today's podcast I look again at yellow journalism re Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) as covered HERE and the MySquar (MYSQ) fraud. The corrupt deadwood press is part of the problem not the solution. I cover the latest news from MySquar in case I don't have time for a dedicated article. Today is a Joshua day but I hope to write as he takes a nap. I also look at Mirriad (MIRI), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) anmd Haydale Graphene (HAYD) whose news today means that Nigel Somerville will have enjoyed ouzo on his breakflast cornflakes.
2130 days ago
The PR machine of Neil Woodford got its pliant servants at the Daily Mail and elsewhere in the corrupt deadwood press to make great play about how the Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) was about to go into the FTSE 250 Index so meaning that Index funds would have to buy the shares so the share price would go up. Uh Oh! Late last night came an announcement from the LSE:
2131 days ago
I address issues raised by poltroons about yesterday';s bearcast and our new investment. I look at some awful yellow journalism at the Evening Standard regarding oily Piers Pottinger and the MySquar (MYSQ) fraud which demonstrates again why the dying deadwood press are part of the problem not the solution. I look at Amur Minerals (AMC) which is in VERY big trouble, I suggest. And also at Avanti Communications (AVN), Totally (TLY) and Venn Life (VENN). The big short dossier articler is on the runway and I should publish it very soon.
2155 days ago
Bear analysts Boatman Capital made the schoolboy error of leaking part of its report to the Sunday Times. The deadwood press is part of the problem not the solution. Thus the Sunset Times scuttled off to Babcock (BAB) allowing the company to spin its side and the paper to run a piece slating the bear commentary. Such is the sordid state of financial journalism in Britain today. Anyhow for what it is worth the full report is now out and Babcock shares are starting to slide despite the company’s spinning c/o the deadwood press…
2420 days ago
I start with today's personal triumph on Quindell (QPP). And it is a real personal triumph for me, not that the deadwood press or my critics will recognise that. I then cover Milestone (MSG) - Ho Ho Ho - Pets At Home (PETS), Joshua's fave store, N Brown (BWNG), Worldwide Blockchain (BLOC) and Velocity (VEL) another dog from the FinnCap kennel.
2854 days ago
I gather that there were a some FT and Guardian journalists in the roolm as I gave a talk at the Offshore Alert fraud conference today and so I made a point of making a few points about how corrupt and useless the deadwood press was. It was just too good an opportunity to miss.
2942 days ago
The British liberal media and many of its ideological cousins from inside the Beltway want Donald Trump to lose the Presidential election and so all pretence of impartiality is out of the window. Right now the media is ignoring the latest Clinton scandals and Crooked Hillary's refusal to come clean on her health issues. Instead the narrative is of Trump failing so badly that senior GOP figures want him to withdraw, a campaign in chaos. The only problem is that this is just not true.
2966 days ago
According to reports elsewhere in the deadwood press, the appalling left wing Guardian Newspaper is set to report a full year loss of £173 million. That is the good news. The bad news is that the Guardian it is years away from going bust.
3108 days ago
Folks like greedy & disgraced Richard Chase of Nyota think that the deadwood press is still king and that online publications do not count. He has clearly been too busy lubing up for his next job at King's Cross to notice that the Independent has shut its print edition and that this weekend both the Guardian and News International have announced that 100 of their staffers will be getting P45s in yet another round of cost cutting.
That 100 folks who earned their living from the BBC's sister publication Pravda are losing their jobs is naturally a cause for great celebration. I have already dug out a fine bottle of red from the garage to celebrate these redundos at the Grauniad tonight and will be cooking the Mrs a fine meal as a treat for this joyous news.
3121 days ago
The deadwood press is part of the problem not the solution. It is corrupt, staffed by folks seeking their next career in PR and so who print what they are told and also staffed by lazy mothers who think they have a right to be served stories on a silver spoon without any fact check. This week's howler from the deadwood press is from the Sunday Times.
3217 days ago
Just when I think that the deadwood press can sink no lower in terms of churning out PR bilge along comes along Harriet Green of CityAM. She has just blown off Jonny Hon of Gate Ventures (GATE) infamy with a slavish profile making him out to be Asia’s equivalent of Pope John Paul 2nd. Does this bimbo want a job in PR or is she just too dim and/or lazy to do some basic research. Lucian Miers has sent her an email.
3255 days ago
Daniel Dunkley of the Sunday Times business section is a tosser devoid of professional ethics. I explain why in this podcast and also why the deadwood press is a corrupt propaganda machine contribution to its own demographics driven demise. Then it is on to a session on value investing looking at Stanley Gibbons (SGI) and Surgical Innovations (SUN) with an en passant mention of today’s episode of Carry on up the Sefton (SER) thrown in.
3582 days ago
I am not in a fit state to write much today so I shall communicate via BearCasts. There will be a regular podcast later but ahead of that I shall run a series of Quindell fallout specials. I start with the role of the dying industry that is Fleet Street and the deadwood press. It is part of the problem of crony capitalism and corruption on the AIM casino not the solution as I try to explian here.
3655 days ago
Bon, A Quindell (QPP) owning Moron, asks on this website why “If Tom Winnifrith is such a brilliant investigative journalist does he not work for a top newspaper, he is just a blogger” It is a very fair question and has a several part answer.
I start by saying that I have served my time in the mainstream press: Evening Standard, Agence France Extel and Investors Chronicle staff, freelance contributor at Mail on Sunday etc., etc. But that was then and this is now.
The first reason not to go back is that no paper would hire me. My style is to use words that are “un-paper like” such as moron, and “sucking PR cock”. Moreover newspapers – as you may have noticed – are not into investigative journalism in the way that I practice it. For their (largely failing) business models it does not make sense to pick away day by day at fraudulent companies as I do. How many frauds on AIM has the deadwood press exposed in the past year? Er
3774 days ago
Yesterday I revealed how the City’s largest financial PR Company Buchanan is mired in scandal after one of its employees appeared to pose as a private investor to discredit shareholders opposing the (failing) management of a company it is paid £10,000 a month to represent. This appears to be a total breach of industry guidelines and if P45s are not handed out next week then the stench of cover-up will be unbearable. But this is just the tip if the iceberg as I shall explain below.
Needless to say Fleet Street has not followed up on this even though I know (I can track IP) that scores of journalists have read the piece. The journalists do not dare expose the PR firm that acts for more listed companies than anyone else. Cross Buchanan and there will be no hand-delivered scoops and no job in PR when you fancy earning real money. This is a very big story in the financial press but it just will not get covered. That shows the corruption of journalism as well as of PR and perhaps that is why fewer and fewer folks bother reading the deadwood press any more.
Remember how it was websites not the established press that broke the stories of lobbying scandals in politics and sleaze. It was the same principle at work.
This morning