
1365 days ago

Nicola Sturgeon and the dynamite scandal being covered up with her Independence bluster

Let’s be clear, as a resident of Wales, I support Scottish (and Welsh) Independence for the reasons explained HERE. I might add, that with Scotland heavy net takers from the Union, in terms of tax and spend, the rest of us would be much better off if the jocks buggered off as soon as possible. Having said all of that, the demands from Nicola Sturgeon and her inner circle for a new vote should be exposed for what they are, part of a scandalous cover up.


2339 days ago

The hypocrites celebrate referenda, the Irish celebrate murder

On Friday, the Irish voted to legalize abortion at up to 12 weeks. It is now Sunday and the BBC - my only English language TV here in Greece - is still covering this story with a manic obsession. "What a modern nation Ireland has become: a gay PM, abortion on demand, the Church in tatters, cue picture of joyous crowds." Okay, it does not mention its joy at the collapse of the Irish church but it makes its views clear with pictures of nuns scuttling away from polling stations looking miserable.


2940 days ago

Immigration: The Hungarians are Revolting but who is to blame? Everyone?

The Hungarian referendum on immigration left me feeling pretty disgusted by all involved. All the players appall me.

The liberal media wags from the BBC and Channel 4 were delighted to interview a raft of fat old Hungarians dressed in national costume heading off to vote. One woman insiated in sitting on the back seat of the car facing backwards with her ample arse in the air so as not to crumple her hideous dress which reminded us of folks in old Nazi propaganda movies from the thirties. Naturally 99% of those voting wandered to the station wearing jeans and looking normal. But the media wanted to show that all those voting to stop migration were old, inbred and stupid. We have seen that agenda before.


2941 days ago

Another academic who views the "Little people" with contempt and disgust - Scott Bellows

The Colombian referendum really has got the liberal elite out in force showing their contempt for the "little people" when they vote the wrong way. In the comfortable groves of academia, a haven for lazy and overpaid folks who engage in an intolerant form of group think, the sparks were flying. We have already met Dr Caroline from Sheffied University who thinks we "should never have referendums on things that really matter" now meet Scott Bellows from Durham. Scott, the Prof, tweeted:


2941 days ago

Patronising lefty academic Caroline Dodds Pennock shows undisguised contempt for the great unwashed (who pay her wages) & for free speech & tolerance

Out in Colombia a referendum on whether a peace treaty between the State and the loathsome murderers of the Maoist terror group FARC should be ratified has just seen the great unwashed vote the wrong way. It seems that the oiks were not so keen on an amnesty for the butchers and so voted in a way that the liberal intelligentsia across the world do not understand. it is Brexit all over again, why can't the lower classes do what is good for them, wails the elite. Meet academic Caroline Dodds Pennock from Sheffield University. She won't like me posting her photo but since you, the taxpayer, have been paying her wages since she graduated from Oxford you have a right to know how she thinks.


2954 days ago

Jon Snow of C4 News on Brexit - a patronising millionaire elitist bastard

Channel 4 News anchorman Jon Snow had the pleasure last night of interviewing a man who is not really a household name even in his own household, that is to say Tim Farron the leader of the Liberal Democrats. Farron was both inconsistent and uninspiring but it was Snow who made the real spectacle of himself, showing sneering contempt for seventeen million of his fellow citizens.


3006 days ago

Bugger me, I'm gutted for Nicola Sturgeon as poll shows Scots want to stay in the UK despite Brexit

The poisonous midget and Jimmy Krankie lookalike Nicola Sturgeon is, this morning, spitting out her porridge as a poll shows that post Brexit most Scots want to stay part of the UK. Bugger. I was so much looking forward to the midget leading her nation of whinging welfare junkies to glorious independence. I am, perhaps, even more gutted than Jimmy Krankie by this news.

Like all humourless lefties,


3034 days ago

40,000 very silly young people #marchforeurope. Oh no they don't

As the earnest young people, mostly loathsome students, gather in London today they claim that they march for Europe. it sounds good to be an internationalist showing solidarity with a whole continent. MarchfortheEU does not sound quite so good. The EU is after all, as even its supporters in the remain campaign admitted, inefficient, corrupt and far from perfect. Moreover it is loathed across the continent.

Switzerland has just withdrawn its application to join. In France, Austria, Greece, Italy, Holland, Sweden and Denmark there are growing calls for their own referendum and signs that in many of those countries folks will vote to leave. For what these young people fail to see is that across Europe there is a widespread feeling that the EU serves an business, bankster, media and political establishment very well but for the ordinary Joe, for the 99% it sucks.

Here in Greece, youth unemployment is 60%. It would be far higher


3038 days ago

Jeremy Hunt for Tory leader - he's avin a bubble

Suddenly Comrade Corbyn's Labour party is in with a slim chance for it appears that Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is pitching to be the next Tory leader. Short of appointing Roy Hodgson it is hard to see how the Cons could think of a bigger death wish candidate.


3041 days ago

Scotland - I wish you the best of luck - now PLEASE FECK OFF

Poisonous midget Nicola Sturgeon notes that Scotland voted to stay in the EU but that Britain voted out and so she is having another referendum on whether Scotland should leave the UK. We should pre-empt her and just boot it out now.


3043 days ago

Some of my wife's "Remain" patronising, elitist, sneering, lefty friends are bastards

I find myself on a round Robin email list of my wife's lefty public sector working chums because with my wife we entered a fiendishly complex Euro 2016 contest on which we get daily updates. Today one of these folks made a comment about how excited he was about the EU Referendum. I made a polite contribution and a firefight ensued. With names taken out here is what follows and left me feeling more angry than I have for ages.


3055 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - Labour imploding over Brexit

As the grandson of a prominent Bennite Eurosceptic from 1975 I look with interest at how Labour is just imploding in the current referendum as its core support is surging towards Brexit and away from Project Fear. I look at why and what happens next.


3080 days ago

Dodgy David Cameron should Resign NOW as he is exposed as lying monstrously to us all over EU referendum

The Daily Mail has obtained a letter which is political dynamite and shows that David Cameron has lied on a monumental scale over the EU referendum. If he was a man of honour he would resign at once. But he is instead Dodgy David Cameron.

Eleven days before calling the poll Cameron was negotiating with the other EU nations on a deal for Britain. Dodgy Dave told Parliament and us all that if he did not get the deal he wanted he would campaign for us to leave the EU.

But at the same time, it emerges 


3120 days ago

The Dutch stick two fingers up to the EU, the bullshit excuses flow thick & fast: Newspeak 1984 from Brussels

And so the Dutch referendum on the EU's Trade treaty with the Jew hating Government of the Ukraine has seen a resounding 64% no vote - the opinion polls again under-estimated scepticism as some "shy voters" did not dare admit to politically incorrect views in liberal Holland. Naturally the EU and the Dutch "inners" were across the media last night explaining why this vote does not appear what it seems. It was a classic of Orwellian newspeak. Thus we were told:

The turnout was low (32%) and a spokesman for the inners told Newsnight that most of those who did not vote were on his side. So really it was a win for the EU.



3121 days ago

Will the Dutch People stick two fingers up to the EU today? My fingers are crossed

The Dutch are holding the sort of referendum the EU loves today. That is to say the result is non-binding so if the little people vote the "wrong way" their leaders in Holland and their masters at the EU can go ahead and do what they want and ignore them anyway. Welcome to democracy EU style. But the vote could be a snub to Brussels and for that reason lets pray for a No result.


3137 days ago

Want to slash the deficit Mr Osborne? Simple: Axe Scotland

The poisonous midget who leads the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon told her party faithful the other day that she was going to organise another referendum on independence come what may. It is no surprise that the midget is so keen on the EU given how she buys into its idea of democracy: the people can vote however they wish in referenda and they will keep voting until they vote the "right" way.

Of course independence would be economic suicide for Scotland. At $100 oil it was spending more than it would have received in tax. 89% of Scots are net takers from the State and the nation is almost united in its belief in money tree economics. 

Despite all this spending Scotland gets poorer as the public sector squeezes out the wealth creating sector, and sicker - life expectancy in Glaswegian men is now - at 57 - lower than anywhere else in the EU, indeed in the Eurovision zone which includes Ukraine with its civil war and its Chernobyl legacy.

As an independent nation, Scotland would be the Greece of the North at $100 oil. At $40 oil it would be the Upper Volta of the North which perhaps explains


3314 days ago

Weekly postcard #124 - despairing at UKIP and backing Putin in Syria

Rather unusually it was in my Bearcast today that I discussed some of the myths pushed by those opposing offering sanctuary to refugees from Syria - that can be listened to HERE. In this postcard I despair at UKIP ahead of the 2016 Referendum on staying in the EU and express support for President Putin's policy - as opposed to that of the West - in Syria.


3399 days ago

The Massive Oxi rally in Athens – thoughts, photos to follow Saturday

Who said capitalism is dead in Greece? The stalls selling Greek and Oxi flags were doing a roaring trade.  In fact everyone who could was draping themselves in the blue and white of Greece. Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. And in a referendum both sides have to claim the patriotic high ground. 

One can make a case for both Oxi and Nai being the patriotic side. One stands up to the banksters and evil ECB and Germans. The other saves Greece from bankruptcy. Well sort of. But both camps claim to be the patriots.


3401 days ago

Greece Referendum to go ahead - Tsipras: live blogging from Athens to start Friday noon

Well that is it. The referendum in Greece is now certain to go ahead on Sunday says PM Alex Tsipras. If Greece of all nations can organise a campaign and vote in a week why can't we do the same in Briatin and spare us all the misery of a 4 week liefest that is the General Election?

But with the vote a certainty and Tsipras campaigning hard for Greeks to show pride and vote Oxi (no) I have booked all my tickets and will land at Athens airport by 9.30 AM in Friday and should be set up to start blogging by noon. I plan to spend Saturday shooting some poverty porn and polling day in and around Syntagma Square looking for riot porn and - I hope - a massive Oxi victory party.

So over the weekend there should be non stop blogging - as I promised earlier here - on



3401 days ago

New UKIP Attack video - the 2 faced David Cameron Special

For the n'th time I do not support UKIP and neither does the druid Getafix although I see today that he has joined the forces of Euroscepticsm - welcome aboard Malcolm. However, UKIP attack videos are a hoot and the latest one exposes the two faces of Call Me Dave when it comes to a Brexit referendum as you can see below.


3401 days ago

Tom Winnifrith – off to Greece on Friday, live riot porn blogging from Athens from Saturday

The Mrs has given me the green light and in fact is almost certain to join me as I head off to Greece ahead of Sunday’s referendum for a touch of riot porn and poverty porn blogging from Syntagma Square in Athens.


3402 days ago

Photo article: Free Speech & Liberty stands with Greece – say Oxi! To the banksters

A people cannot enjoy true liberty if they are crushed by a debt they cannot service let alone repay. If they are, in addition, forced to cut financial support for health, education and assisting the old and truly needed they are little more than slaves. Such is the condition of Greece today.


3405 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Independence day for Greece July 5, Tsipras calls referendum

High drama tonight as Greek PM Alex Tspiras has called a referendum for July 5: should Greece accept the misery of the latest proposals from the banksters or go bust? Events will move rapidly during the next eight days - we may well see the banks shut down as soon as Monday. Already there are long lines outside ATMs in Athens. Is Tsipras right to call a vote? Yes. What should my neighbours in Greece vote? No! They should vote for default and I hope that Tsipras will lead a campaign for such a vote. July 5th could be freedom day, independence day, a glorious day for the Hellenic Republic. It is time for Greece  to tell the EU and the banksters where to stick it.


3410 days ago

I do not support UKIP but its latest anti EU advert is brilliant

I don't support the fruitcakes but am 100% Eurosceptic and say what you like about UKIP its latest video advert, below, is superb. Bring on the referendum!


3490 days ago

Tom Winnifrith EU Bearcast: Big Business cannot over-ride democracy and is wrong anyway

We are being told that business does not want a referendum on our membership of the EU. That is a lie from a multinational elite as I explain. Moreover even were that true that does not mean that we the people, should not be allowed our say - after all are we not meant to live in a democracy? That is the subject matter of this podcast extra.


3805 days ago

LibLabCon want to stop UKIP – Do it in 2 easy steps – just listen to us plebs!

And so the old parties run by the political classes are running scared of UKIP. After UKIP wins the Euros on Sunday there will be more hand wringing and talk of “we must listen.” Of course they will not. UKIP is not going to win the Westminster elections and so there is a pretence of listening to the voters but it is a sham. Which is why UKIP may not win any or many Westminster seats but it will not go away.

LibLabCon could neutralise it at a strike with just two announcements which negate the poisonous issues of sleaze and Europe.


3872 days ago

Democracy Crimea Style vs. Democracy EU Style

The EU and USA are not recognising the referendum in Crimea. In both zones the political classes simply fail to understand that democracy is the will of the people and that for almost 100 years an abiding principle of international law has been the principle of self-determination.

My sympathies in the Ukraine have always been with Putin and Russia not the meddlers of the EU who created this mess.

Today I feel more strongly as ever on this matter.

The referendum in the Crimea was not perfect. I am not sure that 95% of Crimeans really wanted to rejoin Russia. But the vast majority clearly did. And as such let the people have their say.

In contrast when the people of, say, Ireland have voted no to the concentration of powers within the EU, the leaders of the Evil Empire have simply bullied them and told them to think again. 

In Kosovo the 1991 referendum was clearly somewhat flawed. Would you as a minority Serbian have rushed back to your burned out village to vote? But most Kosovans wanted to be free of Serbia – that was clear and so the EU recognised the result. Natch the EU did not recognise referendums held in Northern Kosovan districts in 2012 which – with a Serbian majority population - voted to leave Kosovo.

For the EU referendums are only valid if the little people vote the right way. Otherwise they are either not recognised or the little people are told to vote again. This is not democracy. What has happened in Crimea is democracy. And as such we should be supporting it and the principle of self-determination without reservation.

The UK should today be imposing sanctions on Belgium and confiscating the assets of anyone employed by the Evil Empire at a senior level in order to show our support for democracy and self-determination and our opposition to those who seek to deny the wishes of the people if those wishes are “inconvenient.”



4421 days ago

EU Prize Loon of the Week Martin Schulz

You thought that Adolf Hitler was the last deranged German who thought he had the power to fully integrate Europe? Think again. Meet Martin Schulz the President of the European Parliament and this week’s prize EU loon of the week. It is hard to know where to start but how about with a press release out today as we prepare to mark “International Day of Democracy” which – in case you missed it is tomorrow.

Hitler. Ooops sorry Schulz starts off with “The renewed democratic momentum, which we have witnessed in the course of this past year, has confirmed what we in the European Parliament have always held to be true: People around the world want to live in a democracy. They want to choose their government, be able to express their opinions, and have opportunities to participate in economic and political life. They want elected representatives that hold those in power to account. They want a framework that ensures the rule of law and justice for all.

We see it so clearly in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya with the first fair, genuine elections for decades, and in gradual reforms in many of the countries of the region.

Has this loon been watching TV recently? Or has he been helping himself to too much of the Evil Empire’s wine lake? It strikes me that Egypt and Libya
