
568 days ago

Oh no covid’s back and that means barking mad Commie Susan Michie is back on the BBC talking unchallenged bollocks about masks

Already one health trust in England has banned hospital visits and force folks to wear face nappies “to save the NHS”. To save it from what? Covid of course. This is a new super strain of the Omicron variant, you remember the one that spread rapidly and killed virtually nobody. It is time for all the “experts” to be wheeled out, backing claims from public sector workers like the nurses and teachers as to why we should give them less work to do for more pay and to  trainwreck the economy as we do so. 


871 days ago

Ten Lifestyle warning shows what utter bullshit earnings EBITDA represent

Ten Lifestyle (TENG) describes itself as a “leading technology-enabled, global concierge platform for the world’s wealthy and mass affluent” . It is also a great believer in talking about adjusted EBITDA, aka bullshit earnings, begging the question of whether it wants to fool investors or itself. Today it blames Omicron for a “profits” warning.


899 days ago

If you are going to slate anyone for Covid misinformation how about SAGE for its forecasts, the worst in history

Earlier today I reported how LinkedIn was censoring me for reporting facts because those facts challenged the set narrative on mask wearing. Reporting hard facts, data which is verifiably true, is now “misinformation” which in the UK will soon become a crime. If we do go down that line how about we start with SAGE and its forecasts which were obviously so completely bonkers yet have influenced Government policy. Was not SAGE supplying misinformation as youcan see in the chart below?


927 days ago

How did thrice jabbed Matt Hancock catch covid a second time? Disraeli explains

The former health secretary whose office handed a £26 million PPE contract to Matt’s best chum who owns his local boozer, has despite being thrice jabbed, caught covid for a second time. How come? Disraeli has the answer. Or maybe it was Charles James Fox.


931 days ago

Draconian Lockdowns and forced mask wearing don't stop covid - again Welsh hard data shows the folly of the GroupThink

Over the past few days I have shown time and again the growing mountain of hard statistical evidence that shows – as some of us have been saying for a very long time – that all the measures imposed by Government to try and control the scamdemic just do not work. Instead the collateral damage they cause ruins lives. Still the those inside the GroupThink of the media and political classes plough on, unable to admit their horrific blunders. Writing as I do, 30 yards inside Wales, once again our dear leader, the criminally insane Mr Mark Drakeford, has shown the folly of GroupThink. Consider the graph below.


940 days ago

A covid forecaster even worse than Professor Neil Pantsdown Ferguson - I bet LinkedIN won't censor Dr Susan Hopkins

What I posted on Linkedin about covid and the actions of the charlatan Chris Whitty is fact. But it is censored because LinkedIn says it went against its policy on misinformation. But you can bet it did not bother to censor Dr Susan Hopkins, the chief medical adviser at the UK Health Security Agency, when she forecasted on December 13 that by New Year’s Eve 1 million Brits a day could be catching Omicron variant covid. Sure: anything is possible. I could be shagging Cheryl Cole on New Year’s Eve but I suggest that is about as likely as the Hopkins forecast. Yet…


946 days ago

Welsh First Fuhrer Mad Mark Drakeford tells a whopping and blatant covid lie

In attempting to justify logic defying and insane new restrictions on the three million of us who live in Wales, our First Minister mad Mark Drakeford told a monstrous lie. He claimed that the Omicron variant was “probably” as deadly as the Delta variant.


957 days ago

Just ten people in hospital with Omicron Covid, but how many were admitted with it?

As this wretched Government in England and the even more wretched one in Wales implement more and more draconian and ludicrous policies it emerges today that there are just 10 folks across the UK in hospital with the Omicron variant, yes that is the new strain of Covid that we are told will overwhelm the NHS. Yes, that NHS  – envy of the fecking world,let’s all bang pots in the street- where only 4% of beds are currently filled with Covid patients. But, of course, what we are not told is how many of the ten were admitted with Omicron or were there for some other reason and were subsequently diagnosed with Omicron.  This is madness – consider what the NSPCC says today about lockdown, something Michael Gove and most of the political and media classes are pushing for.


957 days ago

So Omicron deaths are booming in South Africa, right? Er...

The South Africans tell us, as do US and EU authorities that the Omicron variant of covid is really not very harmful at all. And what is more they have data which supports this as you can see below. As Omicron started there the South Africans have real data. This was dismissed today by one of the doom-mongers advising our wretched Government as merely “anecdotal.” But it is not, what you see below is hard facts.  What can be dismissed are claims by the experts who always get it wrong, such as Professor Pantsdown Ferguson,that 75,000 of us will die from this variant by the spring.  Ferguson has a track record of forecasting which, over many, years is unbelievably consitent. He is always wrong.  Yet Boris Johnson et al do not look at facts on the ground, hard data, they believe the“experts” who ignore this hard data and their ludicrous predictions.


959 days ago

Storm alert at the Greek Hovel- will we be cut off by floods?

Day four and five of the Greek Hovel olive harvest saga will be written up over the weekend. Tonight it is Friday (day 5) and I am back at the hovel. Our work in the groves is done. Tomorrow the plan is to take harvester B to Kalamata for his pre-flight covid test. There are three Omicron cases in the whole of Greece whereas tonight the Daily Mail suggests that it is running rampant in London. So why test B (and also me on Monday) to keep Britain safe? Can anyone explain the logic of this?


965 days ago

Fuck you Boris Johnson you do not get to decide if Christmas is cancelled – it is not!

The husband of our great leader, Carrie Antoinette, has said that he will tell us all on December 18 whether he is going to cancel Christmas or not. He says this on a day when the WHO, normally bedwetters and scaremongers themselves, confirm that across this planet nobody at all has died from the Omicron variant of Covid. In contrast 1.8 people per second die from all other causes.


972 days ago

The doctor at the centre of the Omicron "epidemic" says on the basis of hard data Boris Johnson and the UK are panicking

I noted on Friday that in South Africa, where the new strain of Covid has emerged, the number of fatalities and indeed the number of hospitalisations is the same as the number of times I have shagged Cheryl Cole this week. That is to say, zero.  All viruses mutate in a Darwinian way. To ensure species survival those that are more transmissable tend to be weaker, killing the host makes no sense. But, of course, mask jihadists – which includes almost everyone at the BBC -  as well as most of the villagers where I live here in lockdown Wales, say that one must “liste to the science”. I offer hard data they offer doom and say that only scientists – as opposed to those who earn a living analysing data – are allowed a view. The fanatics want the State to strangle our liberties and the economy again. So here is a doctor fighting this strain at the centre of the epidemic appearing,amazingly, on the BBC today. Watch what she has to say on the basis of hard data and take that as your cue to resist Sajid, Boris and the rest of the deranged control fascists now running Airstrip One. Watch the video quickly before Youtube removes it for being what Prince Harry would term fake news.

