President Putin

197 days ago

Peter Tatchell lives in an Orwellian post truth world when it comes to Russia and the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant

As you can see below, Peter Tatchell blames President Putin for a drone strike on the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, saying it risks a nuclear catastrophe and is a war crime. Folks have flocked to like his tweet.  Those fucking Russians is there nothing they will not do….except…


249 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Russia & Ukraine: the impending fall of "fortress" Avdiivka, the death of Alexei Navalny & that Tucker Carlson interview

What is happening in Avdiivka is truly horroble but is being eitther ignored or misreported by the Western press. The death of Navalny is very sad and I do blame President Putin. The Tucker Carlson interview raises interesting questions and the response fromthe GroupThink is predictable. At some stage we will have to force Ukraine to negotiate a peace with Russia which, though you would not believe it if you follow the UK media, is making ground on all fronts. 


695 days ago

Video: More unemployment is needed to cure inflation

There are folks who think that inflation can be cured without pain. Those are the same folks who urged record money printing during the scamdemic. That is what caused inflation not, as they claim, President Putin. Writer Jesse Felder puts them straight.


696 days ago

Ukraine rewrites history – Holodomor was not genocide, more lies from Kiev

In these days when every comment about Ukraine can see one black-listed by someone, I find myself having to preface this article by saying that I am no apologist for either President Putin or for Joe Stalin. However, having tried for the past year to re-write the present with the ghost of Kiev, the Auschwitz style gold teeth and other spoofs, Ukraine is now trying the most monstrous rewrite of history, a claim that the Holodomor was an act of Russian genocide.  The clear implication is that Russians like genocide against Ukrainians. The tweet below sets the case.


865 days ago

Eurasia Mining – blame President Putin: results delayed

How long does it take? In 2021, the annual report came out on 4 June; this year, it will be later. Natch, Eurasia (EUA) has an excuse. Despite claiming sanctions had no effect, it now states:


939 days ago

The Mrs and so many others rush to defend war crimes in Ukraine, and the "Russia targets civilians" myth

Anyone dissenting from the GroupThink frenzy – one whipped up by our leaders and the mainstream media – is dismissed as a Putin asset, a Russian poodle and an apologist for fascism. Thus, one must believe that Ukraine is the epitome of angelicity, and that Putin is indeed committing war crimes against civilians, the likes of which we have not seen since World War Two.


1533 days ago

The BBC insults France disgracefully - #DefundTheBBC

We all know that if you are seeking asylum then you must do so in the first safe territory you come to. When I seek sanctuary in the land of the free, I shall thus fly direct to Moscow to kiss the hand of President Putin.


1835 days ago

The Syrian Kurds saved after betrayal by the West: Putin and Assad the good guys, told y’all

For almost a decade the Western media and our political leaders have told us all that Syria is simple. ISIS are the really bad guys but Preseident Assad is almost as wicked.  We have been spoon fed tales of the bad things he has done even if the evidence of some of his “chemical attacks” was very dubious indeed.  We have backed the heroic Kurds (clearly good guys and gals) and also those termed “The Moderates” by David Cameron, the Free Syrian Army, the FSA.


2119 days ago

Christmas in Syria – the story the guilty Western Media cannot bear to broadcast

There are just two countries in the Middle East where Christians can celebrate their faith openly, as part of a supportive community and with no fear of having their head chopped off.  One is Israel, which is also the only country in the region where there are gay pride parades. But suggesting that Israel is a beacon of tolerance in a sea of bigotry is not part of the group think narrative for the liberal media elites here in the West. So what about the other place where Christianity is not a high risk activity?


2185 days ago

80 British ISIS brides in Syria want to "come home" - feck off you are not wanted

It seems that there are around 80 British women who went to Syria, married ISIS fighters - most of whom are now thankfully dead - but with the collapse of the Islamofascist state now want to come back to Britain. No doubt wretched Theresa May will allow them back, give them social housing and a full range of benefits but why on earth should we?  One of these ghastly women has poured out her heart to ITV  news as you can see below. It is pathetic, implausible and nauseating.


2233 days ago

We are told we must #NeverForget 9/11 – we have! The West is supporting those who carried it out – madness

On September 11 (9/11) 17 years ago, Al Qaeda – an organisation we in the West had armed and funded when it was fighting the Russians in Afghanistan -  showed its gratitude by slaughtering more than 3,000 of us by sending two planes into the Twin Towers in New York. Those Islamofascists sure know how to say “thanks”.  Today we are told we must #NeverForget and that the UK and US must carry on standing shoulder to shoulder fighting terror. This is truly the stuff of 1984.


2239 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - why I am cheering on Assad and Putin as they rout the last terrorist vipers from Idlib in Syria

The war in Syria is entering its final phase and in this podcast I explain why the defeat of those we in the West have so rashly backed is something we should really be celebrating. The rout of the terrorists in Idlib by President Assad backed by President Putin is a good thing. Watch as millions of Syrians continue to vote with their feet and go home now that the right side has won.


2407 days ago

#DONOTCONGRATULATE - Would the bedwetting millennials really prefer more tensions with Russia?

It is trending on twitter Stateside and as you might expect the man who is being slated is the bogeyman of a generation of bedwetting snowflakes, that is to say the leader of the Free World, President Donald Trump. His latest "crime" in la la land? Congratulating President Putin on winning the Russian election.


2415 days ago

How do you get the BBC to report on the Telford sex scandal? Tell them President Putin is involved?

Over the weekend news broke of the UK's biggest ever sexual abuse scandal. This makes events in Rochdale seem like small bear, horrific though they were. Thanks to the Mirror and the Mail we now know that over 40 years more than 1000, nearly all white, working class girls and young women were raped and abused and in a handful of cases murdered by Asian gangs in Telford.

I use the phrase Asian and wince.It is the phrase we are told we must use. My wife is Asian and so my son is half Asian


2466 days ago

The Madness of the West allows new genocide in Syria - we have blood on our hands

For more than five years the West has been pusuing a policy of madness in Syria. The authors of this madness were crooked Hillary, Obama, Call Me Dave Cameron and Frau Merkel. Only Merkel is still in office but the madness continues.


2547 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: rabbits white rabbits - am I wrong on Big Sofa?

Did you say "rabbits white rabbits" this morning? I always forget. I start with a run though of my Russia Today interview yesterday in case you missed it which you almost certainly did. But I hope Presidents Putin and Trump approved anyway. Then it is onto Big Sofa (BST) have I got it wrong? I look at Nighthawk (HAWK), Echo Energy (ECHO), Halosource (HALO) and then what the Next statement really means. And I have a few more words on Andalas (ADL) after this morning's shocker.


2746 days ago

The Daily Mail lies as part of the West's war on Truth in Syria

I was delighted to see the loathsome Daily Mail cough up for its disgraceful slurs on the charming Mrs Trump. I suspect many on the left will have had their loyalties divided in that battle, irrespective of the fact that it was the Mail that libelled Melania, but what about the Mail's mega lie today, on Syria. It boasts the headline "At least 100 people dead as a suicide car bomb hits convoy of busses evacuating residents from the clutches of ISIS to safe havens in Syria". This is quite simply a lie. It is fake news. It is a lie born of the insane and confused policy of the West in this godforsaken country.


3133 days ago

Another Project Fear Lie to scare us all away from Brexit - step forward the ghastly Amber Rudd

Cabinet Minister Amber Rudd has been marked down as a ghastly careerist harpie for some time. Her last appearance on Question Time, or rather the last that I could bear to watch, saw her refuse to point out that it was the private sector not the State that created jobs and wealth as she spoke to a hall packed with clinically obese welfare junkies from the grim northern post industrial wastelands. Ms Rudd is someone who will say whatever she thinks will advance her or her cause. I have no idea what she actually thinks if indeed she thinks at all.

As such it is no surprise at all that she is a fully paid up member of Project Fear. And last week she served up the shock claim that if we leave the EU, British Energy bills will rise by £1.5 milion a day - please note that we pay c£30 million a day for the privilege of being in the EU. Let's ignore real maths, Amber reckons we must vote against Brexit to avoid increased power bills.

It is hard to see where Amber gets this idea from other than the drawer marked "bogus claims Project Fear". But


3314 days ago

Weekly postcard #124 - despairing at UKIP and backing Putin in Syria

Rather unusually it was in my Bearcast today that I discussed some of the myths pushed by those opposing offering sanctuary to refugees from Syria - that can be listened to HERE. In this postcard I despair at UKIP ahead of the 2016 Referendum on staying in the EU and express support for President Putin's policy - as opposed to that of the West - in Syria.


3887 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #56: Ukraine, blowback, UKIP and the Euros

Tom Winnifrith returns with a video postcard which inevitably starts with Ukraine and the concept of blowback.

Tom refers to his strong sympathy for President Putin & Russia which he explains in detail HERE

But he goes on to discuss the wider idea of blowback – a Ron Paul concept – and how it marks the failed foreign policy of the West and has to stop.

Tom also covers the UKIP Spring conference – it lamentable failings in policy areas but Tom ends with a concession that he will probably vote UKIP anyway on May 22nd. He explains why.

Tom’s financial postcard covers Ukraine and the probably market sell off Monday. Is this a buying opportunity? No! Tom also covers lunacy in tech valuations and Warren Buffett and sex. It can be viewed HERE


4373 days ago

Trenton Oldfield – a Pussy Riot case back in Airstrip One

Almost everyone outside Moscow agrees that the jailing of the incredibly untalented Russian all girl punk band Pussy Riot for producing music (I use the term loosely) that attacked President Putin and the Orthodox Church was wrong. No arguments there. But arguably back here in Airstrip One we are guilty of the same sort of behaviour. I refer to Trenton Oldfield, the Aussie born dickhead who swam in from of the eights to disrupt the 158th Oxford Cambridge boat race. I do not agree with what he did but a six month jail sentence raises alarming issues.

Oldfield was protesting against elitism. Having read his political views I disagree with almost all of them. He is a moronic middle class lefty and he deserves to be punished for an idiotic act. But six months?
