
93 days ago

Video: Mark Steyn takes apart VP Kamala Harris waffle

The liberal media is wetting itself with excitement that a female person of colour is going to be the Democratic nominee for President. Okay, so polls only last week showed that Kamala Harris would do even worse than Joe Biden against Donald Trump in battleground states and her national popularity ratings are lower than even the senile old sniffer of the hair of young girls. The Libs reckon that Kamala will beat Trump. I hope they bet the ranch on it. I quite like the idea of Jon Sopel having to live in a cardboard box. Anyhow if you think Kamala is the answer have a watch of this video from the great Mark Steyn covering a Kamala speech a year ago. Every US voter needs to watch it before November.


105 days ago

Video: Poking Bears And Black Swans

Analyst Dave Kranzler has a number of stark warnings of doom for stockmarket bulls but starts this podcast with a discussion of the Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin interview, something I shall be covering later in my next Russia/Ukraine podcast.


116 days ago

Video: The Interest Rate Effect on Gold’s Breakout, target still $3,000

One minute, gold bulls tell you that inflation and rising rates are god for gold and then, as it fails to soar, we are told we need deflation and rates to plunge! Confused?


121 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven - No Soft Landing In Sight, Means Unavoidable Performance in Hard Assets

Foul mouthed ( and I say that as praise) podcaster Chris Irons of Quoth the Raven is still a bear but seems to have become a bitcoin bull.


125 days ago

Video: Gold – The Ultimate Solution to Modern Problems

Asset manager Dr. Stephen Leeb argues that recent China worries are overcooked.  He says that the recent slump in China’s stocks has minimal effect on its general economy, albeit it may discourage some foreign investment. He argues that China’s economic model takes a different approach, focusing largely on knowledge generation and innovation rather than relying heavily on financial markets.


136 days ago

BREAKING: Tintra – vomit making video reminds me of Tingo: shares join JP Jenkins (pro tem)

I have written to my old pal Malcolm Burne in utter horror as I received the email below from his matched bargain platform JP Jenkins boasting that Tintra (TNT), the AIM Company of the year 2022, had joined JPJ. Our exposes on this website were countless but in essence, insiders dumped vast numbers of shares at hugely inflated prices on the back of spoof fundings at a huge premium which did not happen, then a takeover at 150p which did not happen and a tender offer at 150p which Tintra says may still happen but has not. And it will not.


144 days ago

Video: Excessive Borrowing and Money Creation is Delaying the Inescapable Depression

Former asset manager Peter Grandich believes that the much-anticipated recession hasn’t yet arrived due to rampant money creation and continuous borrowing. He challenges the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ data, believing its reported market conditions to be milder than reality. He spotlights the increasing number of Americans relying on food banks, living paycheck to paycheck, and articulates his belief that an impending recession is not a matter of “if,” but “when.”


146 days ago

Video: China’s Stock Market Slump, A Leading Indicator For the World, sell shares and sell oil & copper

Gareth Soloway, Chief Market Strategist of Verfied Investing has a stark warning of bad things happening in China which will hit us all.


148 days ago

Video: The Road Ahead, $100 Silver, gold through $2100 & $200 Oil – Fueling the Golden Bubble!

Investor Gary Savage of Smart Money is the sort of commodities bull who makes our own Nigel Somerville seem almost sane. Almost!


182 days ago

Video: Are my fellow Kefi shareholders your top pick for the pub quiz team?

Yesterday Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) did a presentation on the Investor Meet platform then took questions from private investors. I’m happy with the presentation and am happy to still rate the shares, at 0.669p as a BUY. They could easily treble this year. I thought boss ‘arry Adams was upbeat. But I also worry that some of my fellow shareholders are the sort of morons who give morons a bad name. For light relief just skip to the Q&A. Enjoy. 


183 days ago

Video: U.S. Treasury Market Continues To Dictate Dollar Liquidity Policies, buy gold, bitcoin & oil

Analyst Luke Gromen of Forest for the Trees says that the interest on US Government debt will exceed a trillion this year. He explains that the U.S. government will need to borrow more money to cover the interest expense, indicating a debt crisis. According to Luke, the USA is essentially insolvent and running out of time.


190 days ago

Video: The Fed Isn’t Done Breaking Things, keep buying gold

Lobo Tiggre, author and publisher of acknowledges that there were signs of a recession in various sectors in 2022, but low interest rates and labour hoarding prevented it from fully materializing. However, he believes that a recession will soon become undeniable, possibly in the first half of 2024, based on indicators such as the declining trend in job openings. Tiggre expects a softer landing for the economy only if indicators prove to be wrong and the overall health of the economy is stronger than believed.


191 days ago

Video: Gold & Silver Go Vertical When This Indicator Breaks Trend

Michael Oliver of Momentum Structural Analysis says this is a when not an if and starts with the problems in the real (US) economy.


195 days ago

Video: The Greatest Scenario For Gold Stocks

David Skarica, Publisher and Founder of Stock Chart Of The Day says that the current rate-cutting cycle by the Federal Reserve is driven by  political pressure. He compares the current situation to previous cycles, noting that in 2008, the market was in a crash, while in 2019 and 1995, stocks were rallying before the rate cuts. Skarica also highlights that the bubbles in 2008 indicated that previous rate cut cycles did not immediately work, but this time, the economy has held up relatively well. He expresses the belief that this rate cut cycle will be different and that predictions of a significant market downturn may not necessarily come true.


197 days ago

It was 11 years ago today that Britain's Greatest Leader passed away - a video tribute to Lady Thatcher

My friend Lucian Miers  and I drank English Champagne after standing for hours outside St Paul’s to pay our respects and watch the funeral of Margaret Thatcher on 17 April 2013.  We mourned as some freaks celebrated as I reported back with photos HERE. But it was even years ago today that Mrs thacher died. The video below is a reminder for younger viewers of what an amazing leader she was and of the pygmies who have led us ever since.  


201 days ago

Video: LoveHamas ( I don't but its a good spoof)

This is a spoof video which if you have seen Love Actually you will reognise. Enjoy. 


207 days ago

Video: The Fed’s Priorities are Changing in Golds Favour

Analyst Alasdair Macleod notes that gold prices rose significantly last week, but the miners did not hedge their positions. He believes this is because mining boards have come to realize that it is the weakening US dollar, not gold, that is the cause of the price increase. As a result, they have decided to hold off on hedging their positions.


212 days ago

Video: Rick Rule says You Have To Own Gold BECAUSE It Hasn’t Performed Yet!

Perhaps the best known investor in precious metals, Rick Rule, is, not surprisingly, bullish on gold. In this Q&A format podcast Rick discusses the importance of understanding the different stages of a bull market and the potential opportunities with mining companies. He also emphasizes the need to mitigate risk when investing in junior mining companies.


222 days ago

Video: Gold Moves When Miners Can’t Make Money, Like Now

Analyst Jonathan Mergott discusses the state of the metal markets, particularly silver and gold miners. He says that bearish sentiment remains in the market, with Comex inventories aligning with this sentiment and the Bulls dropping to 8% on DSI. The Fed’s forward path was identified as a potential influence on gold prices.


222 days ago

It's all true, A song about Conspiracy Theories

“A song about conspiracy theories” is the new release from Sharestock entertainer Dominic Frisby.  I am so glad he got that Michelle Obama is a man line in. Enjoy.


236 days ago

Video: The World’s Financial System is an Accident Waiting to Happen

Writer and gold bug Bob Moriarty might be termed a wild eyed conspiracy theorist. But some of his predictions seem plausible enough to me.


236 days ago

Video: Gold to $2,900 and silver to $45-50

More music for the ears of Nigel Somerville. Francis Hunt, Founder of “The Market Sniper” suggests that gold and silver prices have the potential to rise significantly. He believes that gold could reach $2,900 and silver could reach $45-50. 


237 days ago

Video: Rudy is a parody account and did not run the Reichsbank during Weimar but he makes some cracking points

This video is with the creator of a parody account but makes numerous very valid points.


237 days ago

Video: War is Accelerating Gold, Oil, and Dollar Buying

Analyst Vince Lanci serves up music for the ears of folks such as Nigel Somerville as gold breaks through $2,000 an oz.


240 days ago

Video: Gold is About to Explode Higher Through a Triple Top

Asset manager Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital sees an impending bull market in precious metals, particularly gold and silver.


245 days ago

Video: When the FOMO Comes Rushing Into Commodities

Author Andrew Hoese from Finding Value Finance discusses the potential for inflation in the near future and its impact on various markets. He believes that demographic pressures and fractional reserve lending will lead to inflation and potentially a debt crisis if interest rates rise too high. He suggests that Jerome Powell may raise interest rates further to slow inflation, but this could make it unaffordable for millennials to buy homes. Hoese also discusses the possibility of a short-term slowdown in the real estate market due to deficits and the stimulus sent in 2020. Regardless further inflation may be coming.


256 days ago

Video: 2024-25 Will Bring Recession, Unrest, Along With Higher Precious Metals Prices

Jeff Christian, a gold and silver expert, discusses in this podcast various topics including silver usage in warfare, the role of gold as a “chameleon trade,” and the economic outlook for gold investment. Jeff Christian estimates that globally, between 10-20 million ounces of silver are used each year for warfare-related purposes such as missiles and electronics.


260 days ago

Video: Gold Holding Strong Because It Knows What’s Coming - $3,000 on the cards within 5 years

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard of Equity Management Associates reckons gold is going on a rip.


272 days ago

Regtech Open – Bent Journalists at Proactive fail to ask the Lyin' CEO the crucial question in paid for interview: has TAG paid you yet

Ian Halliday-Pegg the CEO of Regtech Open (RTOP) has recorded a video interview with Stephen Gunnion which was published today on Proactive.


292 days ago

Video: Gold Will Soar Once Investors Realize Inflation is Beyond The Feds Control

Asset Manager Adrian Day, CEO of Adrian Day Asset Management is terribly bearish on the current state of the economy and investor expectations. Day believes that the effects of the Fed’s aggressive rate hikes in January 2020 will soon be felt, but he does not predict a market crash. However, there is a tug of war in place and valuations are high, primarily due to a handful of stocks.


329 days ago

Video: Junk Debt Could Topple the Markets

Asset manager and author Michael Gayed says that there is overconfidence amongst investors that the economy will avoid a recession, despite increasing default risks. Additionally, most believe that stocks will continue to outperform, even though the charts are not indicative of a new bull market.


344 days ago

Video: Gold and Silver Reveal Fiat Fraud

Chartist and trader Patrick Karim asks, “Why is gold going up if it’s so useless?”


344 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 32: Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources & Chris Bailey on the bonds pension timebomb and blue chips to buy

I am back with these bonus video shows, is this 31 or 32. What the heck: I reset the counter at 32. In this show I interview Kerim Sener of Ariana resources (AAU) and then give my analysis of why I am very happy to hold the shares. Then it is onto Chris Bailey on macroeconomics, the two financial bombshells facing the over 45s and blue chips to buy. I hope that you enjoy the show.


349 days ago

Video: Complete Collapse & Meltdown – The Dollar Will be Destroyed

Precious Metals Broker Bill Holter is clearly talking his own book but what he says is Nigel Somerville on steroids.


351 days ago

Video: Market Pain will Create the Perfect Conditions for Gold

Analyst and economist Julian Brigden of Macro Intelligence 2 Partners has music for the ears of Nigel Somerville but also for equity market bears.


351 days ago

The David Lenigas video in full… I need to contact my lawyers

Big Dave has recorded a 90 minute video with some arse-licking interviewer whose name I do not know which, and I really hate to say it, is really rather compelling viewing. Apparently Big Dave has had to sell both of his hundred foot yachts and says that he is really feeling the pinch paying his mortgages. I am almost in tears as I write, considering his hardship, and will be setting up a crowd fund page sharpish. Actually, a lot of what he says makes really good sense.


351 days ago

Video: Welcome to Colombia Untisemity - how Israel views woke University students in the West ( with humour)

With places such as Lancaster University refusing to action Professors like Simon Mabon who openly celebrated the Hamas attack which saw the biggest one day slaughter of Jews since World War Two, is it any wonder that Israel – and all other right thinking folks despair at life on Western campuses?  Often the best way to combat this is with comedy and Israeli satire show “What a Wonderful Country” does that superbly in the video below. Enjoy.


355 days ago

Video: Market Meltdown will Intensify Inflation & Ignite a Currency Crisis

Asset Manager Michael Pento is another cheery fellow like our own Nigel Somerville.


357 days ago

Video: The Cracks in the Edifice built on debt are Starting to Form

Asset manager Tim Price warns that we are “standing on the edge of the debt precipice.” 


365 days ago

Video: Ex Nihilo – Money From Nothing and the Catastrophic Impacts of Inflation

Geoff Blanning, a former investment manager, is the author of the white paper “Put Tools Away Now, Please” and is co-producer of the Cobden Center documentary film “Ex Nihilo, The Truth About Money”. The objective of the film was to make the complex world of finance accessible to the average person and educate the public on the monetary system. He aims to persuade politicians to make changes to the UK’s Bank of England and stem out the overwhelming cost of living squeeze.


376 days ago

Video: a warning from the world's most bearish hedge fund - $7000 Gold & The Global Debt Contagion Powder Keg

Brian Hirschman is the Managing Partner of Hirschmann Partnership, also known as the “World’s Most Bearish Hedge Fund.”  He makes our own Nigel Somerville sound like a sober and moderate fellow.


385 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 30: pantomime villain Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources and, from Montana, gold loon Nigel Somerville

I am back with these bonus video shows and in this one my job is to play the sceptic though I own Red Rock Resources (RRR) shares – silly boy ! – and have 25% of my portfolio in gold & PGM shares. In this show I interview Andrew Bell of  Red Rock Resources dissect that interview myself and then chat to Nigel Somerville before discussing the gold and PGM shares I own and why. I hope you enjoy the show.


403 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven - Could China’s Credit Crunch Spark the Final Meltdown?

Chris Irons from Quoth the Raven, never holds back.


404 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Joshua in the room otherwise Catriona & Matthew's Dog would love my words on EasyJet

Joshua is here as I record from Athens which tempers my language. I discuss our travel experience and then it is onto tern (TERN), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI) and the scandal at Ashington innovations (ASHI), where the FCA must surely wade in. Finally I apologise on behalf of Darren, the latest video is working now HERE


407 days ago

Video: We Are Entering the 2nd Phase of the Inflation Cycle & Gold Will Lead

Investor Gary Savage predicts both inflation and recession, a stockmarket crash and a surge in the gold price. Is he Nigel Somerville in disguise?


413 days ago

Video: US Debt is Already Falling from the Cliff of No Return

Writer and asset manager Michael Piepenburg is another cheery fellow.


440 days ago

Tom Winnifrith video shareshow Number 29 - Stuart Ashman of Skinbiotherapeutics and is Ocado the No 1 short in the FTSE 100

I am back with these bonus video shows. I am still re-adjusting myself to Zoom so if my face looks a bit funny in part 4 there is a reason. In this show I interview Stuart Ashman of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), dissect that interview myself and then ask if Oacdo (OCDO) really is the Number 1 FTSE 100 short or one for the bears to dodge. I hope you enjoy the show.


442 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Kefi shareholders drive me to an early grave

I discuss GroupThink on Bulletin Boards as the word Shareprophets is banned on the LSE Asylum, the AIM awards and the corruption of the sewer and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). Also an update on the Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) video.


443 days ago

Video: The Financial Equivalent of Nuclear War

Gold bug, author and investor Alasdair Macleod believes that the US dollar is heading towards a major financial crisis due to its unsustainable debt trap, contraction of bank credit and rising interest rates. What a cheery fellow.


448 days ago

Video from Doomberg: The Degrowth Movement, A War On Humanity? And an explicit warning to Europeans for this winter

The rise of the Degrowth Movement, which is incongruent with capitalism and efficiency, is an example of how ‘green is the new red’. This ‘programmed socialism’ wants to shrink the economy, as can be seen at the Degrowth conference, where 18 hours of intense debates present ideas like blackouts being intentionally accepted as normal and beneficial. The levels of propoganda are staggering. We are slowly heading towards a centralized, Maoist/Stalinesque level of control.


448 days ago

Video: The Most Destructive Crash in Financial History

Gold bug and Vietnam vet Bob Moriarty talks an awful lot of sense. That is he says the sort of things which would have my Mrs and Euroloon Jonathan Price, both great folks, spitting out their cornflakes.


448 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Avacta sliding this looks fishy, time to bang out a big short?

I start with a housekeeping announcement on the Probiotix video before turning to the woke economics lunacy that is Woman’s Hour. Then it is onto Chill Brands (CHLL), could it be another Dev Clever (DEV)?, Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Versarien (VRS) and finally Avacta (AVCT), is it trying to do another placing and the other reasons why its shares are such a strong sell. 


450 days ago

Tom Winnifrith video ShareShow Number 28 featuring Steen Anderson of Probiotix and Gary Newman

I am back with these bonus video shows. I am still re-adjusting myself to zoom so if my face looks a bit funny in part 2 there is a reason. In this show I interview Steen Anderson of Probiotix (PBX) and resources expert Gary Newman with long and short ideas. I also comment on ITV, Canadian Overseas (COPL) and a few macro matters. I hope you enjoy the show.


451 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: Optibiotix 7p to 37p in a week ( now 33.5p) – is this insane? My new valuation and target price

7p was the wrong price for shares in Optibiotix (OPTI). Anyone who has watched last Thursday’s video interview I did with Steve O’Hara HERE will agree. But what about 37.6p where they are now valuing the company at £33 million? Is that crazy? I write as a shareholder for more than 10 years!


452 days ago

Video: Gold and Silver Will be the Only Safe Harbour in Coming Crisis

I have not heard the word “capitulation” for a while.  But trader David Brady discusses what capitulation will look like in this environment.


452 days ago

Video: Gold, The Beginning of the Journey to $2905

Writer Francis Hunt, the founder of The Market Sniper talks about why inflation has not been “cured” yet; it looks better only because it is being compared to previous numbers and basing effects. He says that year-on-year effects have decreased, but the consumer is still taking a hit. He argues that the declining dollar and prices is an indication that US inflation will likely surge soon.


454 days ago

Video: The Current World Order is Breaking Down, buy gold AND Bitcoin

Nick Giambruno, founder of The Financial Underground and Editor-in-Chief of the Contra Speculator is the sort of conspiracy theorist I like my wife to listen to in order that she realises how moderate and mainstream I really am.


455 days ago

Video: Gold – Inflation Hedge or Real Rate Correlation

Analyst Michael Singleton explains his approach to the financial markets and business cycles, which are broken down into growth cycle, inflation cycle, and policy cycle. He believes the current inflationary picture is near its end but wage growth is still high. Mike says that the stock market has the highest correlation to the ISM manufacturing PMI, and that it’s important to pay attention to market history and study cycles for guidance.


455 days ago

Tom Winnifrith video ShareShow Number 27 featuring Steve O'Hara of Optibiotix and Lucian Miers

I am back with these bonus video shows. I am still re-adjusting myself to zoom so if my face looks a bit funny there is a reason. In this show I interview Steve O’Hara of Optibiotix (OPTI) and short seller Lucian Miers on 4 short ideas. I also comment on Versarien and the inevitability of Neill Ricketts dumping his shares. I hope you enjoy the show. 


456 days ago

Video: Rising Rates are No Longer Bad for Gold ( whatever you say stale bulls) - but go short UK Government debt

Analyst Luke Gromen of Forest for the Trees  is one of these stale bulls of gold who has to explain away why bullish predictions of what would cause gold to surge have all come to nowt! 


463 days ago

Video: A Second, More Powerful Wave of Inflation is Coming

Financier and mining entrepreneur Simon Hunt has a slew of dire warnings on everything from inflation to what may happen in Ukraine.


469 days ago

Video: Fed, Banks, and the Potential for Rapid Contagion offers a multi-generational opportunity in gold stocks

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard of Equity Management Associates is another cheery fellow, viewing the world economy as a construct where the rivets holding it together  are continuing to snap. He says that we have had a number of bank failures in a matter of weeks, part of a larger pattern going back years and we  are seeing large commercial mortgage failures and companies walking away.  Lawrence believes more pain is yet to come in the banking sector, with one to two trillion in write downs.  He says that the Fed is likely to intervene once again, and something is likely to break soon.


474 days ago

Video: Lawlessness and the Real Causes of the Banking Crisis (which is far from over)

Banking expert John Titus comes up with some hard truths. Folks do not accept the real reasons for a banking crisis that is far from over.


474 days ago

Video: When Will the Miners Outperform Gold? They will!

Veteran analyst Michael Oliver started using charts when the self proclaimed pioneer of charting, Zak Mir, was only seven. 


478 days ago

Video: The Golden Age of Financial Assets is Over

Asset manager  Dr. Stephen Leeb is another cheery fellow predicting doom and gloom all round and telling us to buy gold.


478 days ago

Video: Junior Resource Stocks – Good Buy or Goodbye?

Asset manager Peter Grandich argues that the U.S. reaching the practical limit for debt means that it is facing a serious decline.


484 days ago

Video - Hugh Hendry: The Gravest Financial Disruption in Human Experience, buy Bitcoin

Asset manager Hugh Hendry bet heavily on the Icelandic crash way before anyone else. His macro calls can be stunning and he is highly articulate as well as contrarian and switched on. He is always worth listening too.


485 days ago

Video: The Inevitable Death of Fiat Currencies & why the entire British political class caused soaring inflation

Author and analyst Rafi Farber is an economist who is pf the Austrian School so his observations on money printing should not be that surprising, even if his conclusion is a bold one. He speaks as the debt ceiling issue hits the headlines. Again.


490 days ago

Video: The Strongest Fundamentals for Gold Since 2008

Analyst David Kranzler is a bear on most things and also warns that the MSM lies to us all. He sounds like a good chap on that basis.


495 days ago

Video: The West Will Go the Way of Debt Implosion & Inflation

Asset manager Egon von Greyerz, of Matterhorn Asset Management AG kicks off with the debt ceiling in the US and explains how it is a farce, and a regular show every time it’s reached. It’s been raised over a hundred times and every time, it’s nothing but a political posturing. This is only going to lead to the debt being increased exponentially. In fact, since Reagan, the U.S. debt has doubled every eight years, and by 2025, it is projected to reach around $40 trillion.


501 days ago

Video: The recipe for $2700 gold

Writer Jesse Felder says that Federal Reserve policy aimed to create a wealth effect through printing money,  has only generated bubbles and the illusion of growth. He goes on to explain that the more money a country prints, the less attractive that currency becomes to other countries. Please take note, the entire UK political class.


517 days ago

Video: Rick Rule on the Moral Crisis of ESG Imposition on Mining Companies

I think you know my views on the ESG mania. Legendary investor Rick Rule is in the same camp.


517 days ago

Video: The Interest Rate Wrecking Ball

As we prepare for another rate rise in the UK today, do you wonder what the effect will be? Asset manager Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital has an explicit warning.


523 days ago

Video: 2023 Could be as Bad as 2008 for a banking crisis

Economist and Wealth Advisor Jonathan Davis believes that we could be repeating the 2008 banking crisis. He says that central bankers make incorrect statements about the future and have their own agendas often connected to politics and that the Fed is surrounded by incapable academics and often behind the curve.


532 days ago

Video: Nowhere near the mania part of the gold mining cycle

When we get there sell all your gold shares but we are nowhere near that now, says Jeff Clark, author of anew book “PayDirt”. He started outlining the book during Covid, with the goal of making it entertaining and engaging, yet simple and straightforward. Sixteen other experts from the industry also contributed to the book.


547 days ago

Video: The Fed Can’t Control Inflation without Bursting All Asset Bubbles

Asset manager Michael Pento compares the huge increase in debt leading up to the 2008 financial crisis and the current debt bubble. It is not something for the squeamish.


547 days ago

Video: The Fed Cannot Stop Inflation, Gold will Shine

Newsletter publisher and investor Adam Hamilton claims there is a seasonality in gold but there is also an overwhelming bull case which merits buying now.


548 days ago

Video: The Crowd is Just Waking Up to the Gold Trade

Trader and commentator Greg Weldon is an unashamed gold bull..


554 days ago

Video: Negative Real rates mean inflation ahead, in fact stagflation so buy Gold

Author Adrian Day starts by discussing the lag in economic consequences as a result of rate hikes and changes in monetary policy. Adrian notes that the impacts vary depending on market sector, and that the overall economic effect has yet to be felt.


554 days ago

Video: On the Cusp of a Mega Bull Run in Gold

Of course as a bullion dealer, James Anderson of SD Bullion to the show is talking his own book. But maybe he is right?  James discusses the recent surge in gold demand due to problems in the banking system, with some depositors buying up gold out of concern. He says his firm has  seen record volume which has prompted it to place temporary minimum order limits, as it is difficult to increase staffing levels to meet this sudden demand.


558 days ago

Video: More Turmoil to Come in the Banking Sector

Writers Lee Adler and Bob Coleman warn that the banking crisis is not yet over.


558 days ago

Video: Generalist Funds have about 0% allocation to gold - guess what that means?

Asset manager Bob Thompson is bullish on all things mining but especially gold.


559 days ago

Video with Rick Rule: Gold & Natural Resources About to Outperform other Asset Classes

Of course the legendary investor Rick Rule is talking his own book but with gold at $2,000 maybe he is right at last?


561 days ago

I really hate dates but I am going to Tesco to buy some from Israel

Listen to what these “activists” say in the video below as they desecrate and hide Israeli dates in Tesco. Words like genocide are the sort of words which mark the “activists” out as full blown jew haters. I really don’t like dates much but I shall be heading to Tesco to buy some fine Israeli dates as soon as I can and I suggest that you do to. 


566 days ago

Video: Central Bank Buying & Looming Recession Both Great for Gold

Academic Steve Hanke Professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University has a stark message which will delight gold loons such as our own Nigel Somerville..


571 days ago

Video: Gold is Winning Against All Fiat

Trader and writer Francis Hunt of “The Market Sniper”  argues that you ain’t seen nothing yet for gold and that silver will do even better when things really heat up.


579 days ago

Video: The World is Functionally Bankrupt

Gold bugs will enjoy this podcast. Writer Robert Moriarty explains where the money is really coming from to bail out the recent failures in the banking system, noting that the $200 billion figure has ballooned to $2 trillion. Bob says that the Federal Reserve has effectively committed to printing $2 trillion in a week, which is unprecedented.


579 days ago

Video: Bank Crises, Fed Pivots, and The Hard Landing Reality

Chris Irons is a podcaster whose language is worse than mine. His Quoth the Raven podcasts are spikey but he is usually correct. Irons says he is surprised by the lack of fear in the markets, which, he says, is questionable considering the current circumstances.


586 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Another disaster from Andrew Monk and an excruciating video from the disgraced broker

I start with a few thoughts on getting old as Olaf suffers her last ever Oxford tutorial. Then it is onto SVB, an apology to Euro loon Jonathan Price – let this be the last – and a few words on Aferian (AFRN). Then, after today’s ouzo moment as the fuzz arrest a fraudster whose company I have exposed, onto the disaster that is Tungsten West (TUN). This company was IPO’d by the Monkey and VSA to monetize and asset first discovered in 1867 and which has flopped more times since 1916 than Monk might care to admit. I discuss its financial woes, VSA’s research coverage and bring you a video featuring Monk dressed as a road builder and celebrating the endorsement of Liz Truss. It is excruciating. Then I cover Ariana Resources (AAU), Condor Gold (CNR) and Chesterfield Resources (CHF) and how some disposals are just so misleading.


586 days ago

Video: Recession and Higher Rates – The Mega-Risks in 2023

Analyst and investor David Hay recently released a new book “Bubble 3.0” which is a warning about the investment perils we all face but which most folks opt to ignore.


589 days ago

Video: The Everything Bubble Collapse – 25x More Capital Into Gold

Broadcaster Michael Maloney details how modern banks simply imagine money into existence with loans. This is NOT real money.


596 days ago

Video: Being Ready for the Chaos in the Markets

Writer Tony Greer from the Morning Navigator is a cheery fellow.


607 days ago

Video: Gold the Excellent Risk Diversifier that is Widely Underheld

Money manager Bob Elliot analyses the current economic situation, the role of debt cycles, and the trade-offs between a fiat monetary system and a commodity-based system. He note that productivity is the main driver of growth over the long term, and that debt cycles have been used to make up for declining productivity. He explained the risks associated with governments borrowing to make up for productivity declines and noted that wage growth is maintaining nominal spending at a higher level.


608 days ago

Video: The Fed is Creating a Perfect Setup for New Gold Investors

Keith Weiner runs gold investment firm Gold Standard Institute USA so he is talking his own book.


617 days ago

Video: Could We See a Precious Metals Buying Mania?

Trader David Brady is another gold bull whispering sweet nothings into the ear of our own Nigel Somerville.


617 days ago

Video: The Best Gold Bull Market I Have Ever Seen

Money manager Peter Grandich has a message that our own Nigel Somerville will be delighted to hear. Peter discusses the potential for this gold bull market and why it’s likely extraordinary. He says that Central Banks are buying at record levels, and many of those buying are doing it for safety reasons. He says  that you should not bet against the Fed and don’t bet against central banks when it comes to gold and hence mining shares have yet to reflect what is happening, and are, arguably, as cheap as they can get regarding the price of gold.


623 days ago

Video: All Pistons are Firing for Gold to Reach New Highs this Year

Analyst and trader Michael Moor believes in technical analysis. Whatever.


625 days ago

Video: Golds Time to Shine is Just Coming Into View

Author and analyst David Murrin discusses the role of commodities in the conflicts of the world and how governments should move towards a hybrid market command system in order to secure essential resources and protect their economies. 


625 days ago

Video: The U.S. and Europe are in a Terminal State of Decline

Global forecaster and author David Murrin says that the road to war is peppered with polarization. Murrin explains that the human strategy for survival is through social structures, and that wars between a weaker system and a rising system are necessary to create a better outcome. He also explains that war is regulated by the Kondratiev cycle which takes place every 56 years.


628 days ago

Video: Matthew Piepenburg on The Great Reset – Weaponizing Our Debt-Soaked World

Matt Piepenburg is the sort of conspiracy theorist who will appeal to some of you. The author and asset manager discusses the Great Reset proposed by Klaus Schwab, and how it is a symptom of a broken and debt-soaked developed economy. Matt believes Schwab is an opportunist taking advantage of the COVID crisis, and his idea of ‘stakeholder capitalism’ is actually extreme centralization. This, Matt says, has never worked in history and has led to an addiction to debt, which has been weaponized by pharmaceutical companies, science, the media, political parties, and regulatory bodies.


629 days ago

Video: The Fed has lost control, of inflation, silver to $100, buy gold

Author and investor Don Durrett might be termed as a bit more of a conspiracy theorist than even our own Nigel Somerville He reckons that the financial media and government tend to release bullish information which is inaccurate and misleading.


630 days ago

Video: Are the Mining Stocks Starting to Gather Momentum?

Writer Craig Hemke, founder of TF Metals Report, says he expected a macro dip in 2022 but anticipated a faster recovery to a higher level than what transpired. The Fed hiked more than most expected as inflation got ahead of it, and the extent of the damage remains unknown.


642 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven - The U.S. has Lost It’s Financial Compass, Tesla to fall another 90%

Chris Irons, the host of the Quoth the Raven podcast, is a foul mouthed libertarian so obviously a good man.


643 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: Was this another Zak Mir brown envelope job & should I buy Yourgene?

Eldur Olafsson of Amaroq (AMRQ) thinks I am a member of the British establishment. I explain why I am not. No doubt Sir Arthur Cochrane would view me as he viewed his daughter, my grandmother, as a “traitor to our class” But I am. and explain why with reference to Eldur’s company. Then it is onto Zak Mir and the Okyo (OKYO) scandal. Your link to his video is HERE. And the photo below is of Zak himself relaxing today at the Carlton Club. That is the establishment today which makes me so hostile to it all and determined to be a simple goat farmer. Then I answer a, rather unfair, question on Yourgene (YGEN) before looking at Argo Blockchain (ARB) and Angle (AGL)


650 days ago

Video: The Inflationary Nightmare – Biggest Bubble to Biggest Bust warns Peter Schiff

Maybe this time Mr Gloom will be correct. Investor, commentator and libertarian Peter Schiff has some stark warnings.


651 days ago

Video: Inflation, War and Precious Metals All Set to Accelerate Next Year

Analyst Charles Nenner is another cheery fellow.


653 days ago

Video: Worst Recession in Memory and New Highs for Gold in 2023, bitcoin to $9,000

Market Strategist Gareth Soloway of “In The Money Stocks” is a cheery fellow predicting doom and gloom all round unless you are in gold and silver or short shitcoin.


658 days ago

Video: Could $3000 Gold Happen in 2023?

Chris Rutherglen runs Gold Investor Research so he talks his own book here. 


659 days ago

Video: The Coming Financial Iceberg

Alasdair Macleod is the head of research at GoldMoney and a cheery fellow. His conclusion, natch, is to buy gold. And here is why..


666 days ago

Video: Gold – The Anti-Fiat Bubble

Diego Parrilla is an author, engineer and economist and a gold bug.


695 days ago

Video: More unemployment is needed to cure inflation

There are folks who think that inflation can be cured without pain. Those are the same folks who urged record money printing during the scamdemic. That is what caused inflation not, as they claim, President Putin. Writer Jesse Felder puts them straight.


696 days ago

Video: The Only Year in History when Treasuries have Lost More than Stocks

Asset manager Michael Gayed discusses how insane this year has been and how this is the only year in history where treasuries have lost more money than stocks. The only period it can be compared with is 1931. We’re in very abnormal territory. 1931 was a pretty terrible time too, yet too many folks think this is business as usual.


701 days ago

Video: A Wave of Junk Debt Could Force the Fed to Pivot

Danielle DiMartino Booth, the CEO and Chief Strategist for Quill Intelligence, a research and analytics firm is a top banana, bang on the money on the subject of economics and crypto scams.


701 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven - The World is Turning To Gold Amidst Armageddon in Crypto

One of the few serious financial podcasters who swears more than me is Chris Irons, aka Quoth the raven. His latest soundings on gold and shitcoins are music to my ears.


702 days ago

Video: The Road to an Energy Crisis

Author and historian James Meigs will be a familiar face if you watch “Abandoned Engineering” on late night TV but he is a serious scholar.


702 days ago

Video: Rumors of War and Whiplash as the Old Paradigm Ends

Asset adviser Grant Williams says you need to admit your investment mistakes. How many of us will do that?


705 days ago

Video: The world is turning to gold as debt resets

Francis Hunt, Founder of “The Market Sniper”  Francis, discusses how demand for physical metal appears to be increasing significantly in the United Kingdom. He says that a lot of interest is coming from those in the financial industry and some of those customers have expressed concerns about their employer’s stability. He says that self-directed pensions in the U.K. are also seeing a move away from equities and into custodial backed physical metals.


713 days ago

Video: The End of a Rate Hiking Cycle is Great for Gold

Author and political risk analyst Larry McDonald says that he is concerned about the impacts of rate hikes in Japan and around the world. Central banks are very nervous because they can’t assess the damage inflicted by their policies for many months.


720 days ago

Video: The Financial World is One Giant Ponzi Scheme

Writer Steve St. Angelo of the SRSrocco Report does not hold back on how corrupt the financial world has become.


731 days ago

Video: The Feds Choice is Hyperinflation or Destroy the Economy

Vietnam veteran and author Robert Moriarty says, “I’m an equal opportunity anarchist, I despise all governments equally. They’re all stupid and are doing these incredibly short-sighted things.” What a star!


734 days ago

Video:Metals are Close to a Bottom, Just Waiting on the Fed

Money manager David Brady explains why sentiment is a fantastic contrarian indicator for the metals sector.


736 days ago

Video: Has Gold Lost Its Safe Haven Status?

Asset manager Tavi Costa believes that we are witnessing an unprecedented economic environment, one with massive withdrawal of liquidity from central banks and developed economies. He says that interest rates and bonds are collapsing across the entire curve and that the dollar’s move up has also been relentless. What is occurring is unsustainable. Tavi discusses how the world’s economies have fallen into three different categories.


740 days ago

Video: The Biggest Wealth Destruction Event in History

Ronald-Peter Stoerferle, author of the  “In Gold We Trust” reports is a cheery fellow. He  believes that recession concerns will be the focus in the United States instead of inflation. This may provide the Fed some leeway as the public will be distracted by the economy. Europe will be more concerned with sticky inflation issues as energy problems continue. He says that Europe is definitely in a recession, and it’s quite likely the United States is now as well.


742 days ago

Video: This Time, the Entire System is at Risk

If you want cheering up don’t watch this. Kevin Wadsworth has a background in assessing systemic risks. He believes there are serious risks of systemic failure, particularly in Europe. U.S. government debt is in a parabolic rise, and the maths is starting to no longer add up.  He warns that the cracks are forming in the foundations of the global central banking system.


743 days ago

Video: the bond market collapse will be catastrophic

David Haggith, the publisher of “The Great Recession Blog” is a cheery fellow. He started his website twelve years ago, shortly after the housing bubble. He invented the term the epocalypse, which stands for ‘economic apocalypse’ that will be epic in scope. You could also call it the second great depression. He says, “For the last two years I’ve been extremely accurate.” The corona crisis brought massive amounts of money printing. The Fed can no longer print enough to support the equity markets. We’re going to have plenty of economic breakdowns and damage. It’s hard for people to grasp the rate of change that is occurring.


743 days ago

Video: Dollars or Gold, Choose Wisely

Gold asset manager Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity reckons that for gold bulls like him the goood rimes really are abnout to start soon as the world goes to hell in a hand cart. Jaime says, “I’ve been preparing for this storm for a long time, and it’s here. I don’t think we can hide from the global volatility. In 2008, they bailed out the banks, but now the question is who will bail out the governments.”


753 days ago

Video: Inflation Cycles have Topped for Now

I am not sure that I agree with this, certainly from a UK perspective I really do disagree as I note HERE. But Larry Williams has been trading for 60 years so experience is on his side not mine.  Larry discusses how bad news sells and everyone has a cognitive bearish bias. If you focus on the bad too much, then reality gets in your way. We saw capitulation in this market back in June. This is typically an excellent point to enter markets.


753 days ago

Video: The Worst Part of the Bear Market is Dead Ahead

Asset manager Michael Pento says the bear market is here to stay, and the next phase is coming:  so far we’ve only experienced the opening salvo.


764 days ago

Video: The Real Truth about inflation

Book author J.E.S argues that folks do not understand in any way how inflation is going to impoverish them. I agree/ All those who yakked on about Modern Monetary Theory two years ago, from Paul Mason through most of the BBC to Zak Mir, and urged even more money printing, should be on trial for financial crimes against humanity.


765 days ago

Zamaz – now the unravel begins and the most stomach churning paid for video in history

I contacted the FCA yesterday asking how on earth it signed off on the prospectus for Standard Listed Zamaz (ZAMZ) last week. As a recap, colourful Dominic White of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) infamy will make a guaranteed Bernie on day one and for sub £100,000 gets to own 41% of the equity. There is sod all free float. The IPO valued this crock at £77 million but it is in reality worth net cash raised (£2 million) and £125,000 for the underlying business (max) as I explained HERE.


767 days ago

I am branded Mr Angry - Lemming Investor video interview with Stuart Ashman of Skinbiotherapeutics

Let us be clear. When I said that Staurt Ashman said that month on month sales doubled in both July and August I said so because the bearded loon said so in an email to me. For him to backtrack as he does in this interview and suggest that “Mr Angry” is a bit confused, therefore makes me a bit more er….angry. If you have an hour of your life to spare, enjoy.


768 days ago

Video: The Fed’s Choice is Simple – Hyperinflation or Recession

Veteran businessman and analyst Simon Hunt is a cheerful chap. Not. His predictions are grim.


783 days ago

Video: The current system is close to collapse, a banking crisis is imminent

This will be music to the ears of Nigel Somerville. Alasdair Macleod predicts that the world is going to hell in a hand cart within months and that we should all buy gold as a result. But then, asd the Head of Research for GoldMoney, this has been his message for a while.


790 days ago

Video: Crippling debt loads will crush economies

Too right. And individuals and corporates. Folks have no idea what is blowing in. Patrict Karim is a chartist so talks bollocks but on this one he is bang on the money.


796 days ago

Video: Buy gold and shares, sell bonds as we head for a decade of inflation

Analyst and writer Kevin Muir  says that investors seem to be having problems understanding the current economy and inflation: those in charge are arguing that this past month had no inflation. The reality is that month over month figures may be indicating that inflation has peaked.  Kevin says that this may cause the Fed may to be less hawkish than most investors are expecting.


798 days ago

Video: Pricking the largest financial bubble in history

Analyst Michael Oliver pulls no punches.


800 days ago

Video: The rush to buy gold is inevitable and will shock everyone says Quoth The Raven

The only financial podcaster who swears as much as me ( perhaps more) and is almost as outspoken as me is Chris Irons, aka Quoth the Raven. In his latest podcast with Palisade Capital he does not hold back.


810 days ago

Video: crypto is just beanie babies

Writer, Robert Moriarty, is a cheerful bear. He discusses the capital destruction that has occurred within both the cryptocurrency and stock markets. He believes crypto is analogous to beanie babies, due to the number of different currencies.


815 days ago

Video: We’re Heading for a Bear Market Unlike Any Seen Before

After 40 years in the markets Jim Welsh combines charting ( i.e. believing in gibberish) with fundamentral analysis. I forgive his youthful naivete.


817 days ago

Video: Bubbles always implode

Author David Hay is plugging a new book, “Bubble 3.0” which is a warning about the problems inherent in the financial system. He says that the Fed is the main culprit for bubble creation, and such bubbles always get wrecked. The Fed has kept rates at great depression levels despite reasonable economic activity and that, Hay argues, is plain daft.


820 days ago

Video: The World in Monetary Chaos

Analyst, Lawrence Lepard, kicks off with a major mining fraud.


820 days ago

Video: Sky-High Unemployment Could Cause the Fed to Pivot

Certain readers of this website (naming no names, PL) reckon that, to make money, we should follow the inbred public school twits of the fund management community. Au contraire.


821 days ago

Video: The Pain for Equities Isn’t Over

If you think that the worst for shares is over, think again, says analyst Chase Taylor


841 days ago

Video: Central Banks Admit They have Lost Control of Inflation - gold should be at $3,000 oz

Analyst Jaime Carrasco says that he predicted inflation as the marginal usefulness of excessive debt has declined. He says that there is plenty of evidence from our debt-based system that a currency reset is coming; Governments taking on the debts of banks was evidence that some sort of currency reset is in the cards. Global trade patterns are rapidly shifting, and gold is part of that equation.


841 days ago

Video: This Recession is Already in Motion

Analyst, Lior Gantz, warns that we are already in a recession, and things will get worse.


842 days ago

Video of a "Work" day at LinkedIn - is the "new economy" sustainable?

LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft so will not go bust and is not shortable. But the video of a day of work for a 22 year old employee would, in a listed company, make bears salivate. No doubt this bird earns way more than me with her zero years real life experience post her liberal arts degree. But just how does she contribute to the top or bottom line? I sense that all to many new economy companies are run this way, sustained by bull market easy money. I have seen this before in the dotcom boom.


844 days ago

Video: UK Oil & Gas AGM disrupted by fit, if utterly deluded, birds & other eco loons

The Eco loons vs Lyin’ Steve Sanderson and Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG), it is hard to know which team to cheer for. You kind of want both to lose. The protestors at yesterday’s AGM seem to think banners are more efffective if upside down. As the burly UK staffer tries to remove a prostesting bird he is desparate not to use his hands less she screams #MeToo.  How entertaining.


847 days ago

Video: We are nowhere near a market bottom

Investment analyst, Ted Oakley of Oxbow Advisors, believes that in order to mitigate inflationary pressures, the Fed will push us into a recession. He explains how rising rates affect the economy, slowing the housing market. In addition, consumers are cutting back on expenses, and many will lose jobs as the economy contracts.


851 days ago

Video: It’s Too Late to be Defensive

Analyst, Charles Nenner, believes it is too late to make your portfolio defensive, as things will worsen across the board.


853 days ago

Video: The Fed needs to own up to what it has blown up & the worst carnage is yet to come!

Author, David Murrin, warns there is a significant risk of conflict in Asia, including Korea and Taiwan. He states that China is gaining knowledge of drone technology, while the West is essentially at war with Russia; the level of collective delusion from Western leaders is concerning.


855 days ago

Video: The Fed isn’t Debasing the Currency Fast Enough

Journalist, Lyn Alden, makes a number of chilling warnings – including something we Brexiteers foresaw.


856 days ago

Video: Gold, miners and guns - why Governments will want all three, Quoth the Raven

From one foul-mouthed host to another. Chris Irons is Quoth the Raven, and never holds back; in fact, his language is far worse than mine.  


867 days ago

Video: the dollar will collapse & gold will soar

Asset manager David Brady believes another massive rally is coming for gold and that the Fed will reverse course. Countries never chose to default they always inflate their debts away. Markets today are centrally managed. What we have is not free-market capitalism.


867 days ago

Video: Don't believe in Fiat currencies says Rick Rule

Legendary mining investor Rick Rule pulls no punches as he critiques how governments are inherently corrupt and why they prefer fiat systems. He explains the difference between backing a currency and pegging it to a commodity.


870 days ago

Video: watch for Fed volte face on rate rises and housing crash

Analyst, Danielle DiMartino Booth, is my sort of bird. Her warnings about US rates apply equally well to the UK, and she is bang on the money.


882 days ago

Video: The Most Bullish Precious Metals Setup in my 38-Year Career

Analyst Peter Grandich says his  clients tell him that it’s difficult to get goods and prices are rising quickly. Yet, the Fed’s ability to deal with inflation seems limited.  Peter says that the lockdown created secondary effects on supply chains, and now things are becoming compounded with China and Russia and the Fed’s tools are largely useless at correcting this situation.


883 days ago

Video: Stay in cash now, look to buy gold in H2

Analyst, Chris Puplava, argues that Fed rate hikes don’t always result in recessions. He believes there is no spare capacity to compensate for a slowdown and, therefore, the Fed is limited in its ability to control inflation. The November elections are always a factor, and he doesn’t expect the Fed will tighten aggressively into the fall. Mortgage rate hikes, he argues, are already impacting the housing markets, as the interest rate pain threshold has been more pronounced with every debt cycle.


884 days ago

Video: You Can’t Print More Commodities

30-year mining veteran, “Andy”, discusses how everything in markets comes down to supply and demand. Logistics, contracts, and shipping are all essential factors in trade. Markets are complex, and risk mitigation is important, especially with the fluctuating prices of commodities. Sometimes, margins are tight, and companies can easily lose money – particularly if they’re not hedged accordingly.


888 days ago

Video: Bond Market is Going to Force the Fed to Pivot - an 80% correction in equities on the way

This is a cheery way to start the weekend. Analyst David Hunter does not mince his words. He discusses how:


900 days ago

Video: Five Drivers For a Commodity Bull Market

Biy do I like economist Steve Hanke.  He concludes this interview with a claim that 95% of what appears in the Mainstream Media is wrong or irrelevant. As I work on my next Ukraine podcast, how right the good Professor is.


900 days ago

Video: The Deflationary Crash is Nearly Here

Macroeconomist Henrik Zeberg warns that there is a blow-off top coming which will unfold over mid-summer. This will be followed by a deflationary bust which will take everything down. We’re going to see devastating stagflation coming later. Trades are based on human emotion, and the algos also look for these patterns.


900 days ago

Video: The Metals Bull Market isn’t Dead

Analyst and trader David Kranzler argues that the weekly economic data is indicative of the U.S. already in a recession. Eighty percent of all U.S. households have been experiencing the characteristics of a recession. Credit card usage is spiking and this is likely because people are relying on them to make ends meet. Inflation remains rampant at double digits.


919 days ago

Video: The Monetary Methadone is Running Out, so buy gold, silver & bitcoin in that order

Apart from on bitcoin, analyst, Gerald Celente, is bang on the money. He kicks off this podcast with the scamdemic, and the resulting actions of governments around the world. He states that one country after another is acting in lockstep, attempting to ‘flatten the curve’ by locking you down and putting you out of business. Then the vaccines came but, contrary to general belief, did worse than nothing. We in the West adopted the Chinese way of suspending our freedoms.


920 days ago

Video: Correlation and Causation in the Gold Market, buy food, buy gold!

Gold analyst, Jeffrey Christian, believes it is clear the world is shifting towards higher gold prices.


930 days ago

Video: How do we get $14,000 Gold?

Bullion analyst Nick Barisheff comes out with a call which will cause even our in house gold loon Nigel Somerville to spit out his cornflakes. Of course he is taling his own book. 


931 days ago

Video: The Crowd will Start Chasing Gold like they Chased Bitcoin

Analyst, Gareth Soloway, believes Bitcoin will survive – and thrive – but it’s likely to correct further, as there remains irrational exuberance in the crypto space. He argues that the current pattern is more likely to break down.


931 days ago

Videos: Music Magpie can STEAL from you! Read its T+C's CAREFULLY

Okay, these videos are a little nerdy. But they make the point that, while musicMagpie (MMAG) may bang on about its great reputation and oh-so-clever IT systems, it does piss off a lot of its customers. Many got in touch with this blogger after he claimed Magpie had used its T&Cs to steal from him. In the end, this will only hasten its inevitable demise.


931 days ago

Video: We Stand on the Gold Launchpad

Investor, Lawrence Lepard, states that Russia’s actions will likely drive the price of gold, as we’ve reached a tipping point not unlike in the 1970s. Putin is hitting back economically: the theft of reserves was a clear warning to many countries. Thus, the Ukraine/Russia conflict is not only military but economic.


932 days ago

Video: Debt and War – The Signs of a Dying Empire, buy Gold not Dollars

Asset Manager, Michael Piepenburg, is quite clear: we are at a turning point when it comes to the death of an Empire, that is to say, America.


938 days ago

Video: Why Sound Money Matters

This is something the faux Conservatives should be watching.


942 days ago

Video: Inflation will explode as the world stops using dollars

At last we Austrian economists  can see that our dire warnings about the thief in the night will be vindicated. But if you think I am gloomy…


944 days ago

Video: Fear Trade Coming for Gold Right Around the Corner

Analyst Don Durrett says that it is fear that will get gold racing away. And he can see plenty of fear on its way. 


944 days ago

Video: the end game for the dollar, prepare for hyperinflation and buy metals!

Okay, Kevin Wadsworth and Patrick Karim are chartists but let’s not hold that against them.  Their calls are dramatic and bearish.


953 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith interviewed by All Party Parliamentary Group on Personal Banking and Fairer Financial Services on how useless the FCA is

I recorded this video for the APPG some week ago and it has just gone live today. I think I made my points clearly with a good joke or two.


956 days ago

Video: Politicians swinging from lamposts, mass starvation, a mammoth European recession - and that is the best case scenario

Again I present this as a counter viewto a one way traffic in the MSM. I can’t say that I agreewith all of what follows. Libertarian commentator Tom Luongo does not hold back.For starters he believes social media should be reserved exclusively for puppy and unicorn videos. As a hardcore libertarian he believes in human rights and is therefore against war as a matter of principle. Wars support the state and they are the worst possible outcome of human interaction.  He says that the Ukraine war is full of disinformation and bias from the media and as always the first casualty in war is the truth and that Russia appears to generally be less biased in its reporting. The Russians feel this is the least bad action they can take regarding Ukraine at this time.


957 days ago

Video: Protecting Your Savings with Gold and Silver

Precious metals dealer Patrick Yip is clearly talking is own book but is, I think, correct in suggesting that everything is becoming more expensive and we see that in the one year performance of most commodities. The US Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) report of 7.5% seems to be very understated but this rate of inflation alone would remove 35% of your purchasing power in five years.


958 days ago

Video: Nigel's hero says gold to $4000 by 2024

Nigel Somerville’s hero Jordan Roy Byrne has come out with a big call: gold to $4,000, silver to $100 by 2024 with a stagflationary recession on its way.  The great man says that…


958 days ago

Video: Perspective from on the ground in Russia

All credit to Palisade Radio for this podcast with Peter, a chap on the ground in Russia in St Petersburg. You will not hear or see this sort of thing in the mainstream media as we now hear only side of the conflict and anyone suggesting there may be another point of view faces a firestorm of hate.  Peter has a background in economics and finance while also being a private investor in both stocks and cryptocurrency and was just old enough to remember the collapse of the Soviet Union and recollects the emotions of family during that time.


962 days ago

Video: US Can’t Sanction Russian Energy Without Risking Systemic Collapse

Analyst Luke Gromen of Forest for the Trees makes this clear. The media may tell you that sanctions will hit Russia but they are also going to whack the West.


962 days ago

Video: Fed’s Actions Could Push Gold Past $2300 this Year

Forget Ukraine it is not the real driver of the bull case for gold. Analyst Keith Weiner explains what is and why the makes him a gold bull.


974 days ago

Video: Interest Rate Tightening Cycles are Great for Gold

Analyst Mark O’Byrne is puzzled by gold’s lack of reaction to current global risks.  He says that the metals should have moved higher in response to inflation. Supposedly, they are anticipating rate hikes but a large move seems unlikely as that would crash the markets. Inflation is not transitory and we’re just seeing the start of it. He expects weakness in the short term for gold as Fed takes some sort of action. Then he says that within a short period afterward, we will see gold break to the upside.


974 days ago

Video: Proactive's Katie Pilbeam rides again to "grill" Kefi

Even by the standards of other paid for interviewers, Proactive’s Katie Pilbeam is in a class of her own, making Juston the Clown seem like Jeremy Paxman on Steroids.This week she met up with Harry Adams of Kefi (KEFI) where I am a loyal shareholder and expect great things. But , suffice to say, Harry was not exactly sweating like Prince Andrew as he dealt with Katie’s quizzing. Enjoy.


982 days ago

Video: Upcoming Rate Hikes will Inflict more Pain than Normal but silver has the scope to gain 600%

Author and journalist Larry McDonald writes about global political and systemic risk and how to make money from it. He starts his bear thesis with assessing how dangerous the extreme leverage within ALL markets has become.


986 days ago

Video: Inflation is Here to Stay, shares will tank

Asset manager Kevin Smith warns that the Fed has lost control of inflation, equities are bound to fall sharply and you just know where to go to save your wealth!


989 days ago

Video: Gold awakening the sleeping giant

Without making a specific call, analyst John Roque makes gutsy bold points worthy of note and the short equities/long gold long energy stocks short tech thesis is at the core of what Roque says.


989 days ago

Video: Fed Reversing Course will be magic for gold as shares crash

Writer Jesse Felder warns that equities have NEVER been more overvalued but that gold offers a …golden opportunity to get rich


997 days ago

Video - a chap takes his NFT to the Antiques Roadshow

Yes it is a parody. But quite a funny one.


998 days ago

Video: Government anti fraud minister Lord Agnew quits because there is too much Government fraud

Lord Agnew refers to covid handouts but we all know this goes far far further in the body politic and in the corporate world. Enjoy.


998 days ago

Video: Gold Will Outperform Bitcoin and Stocks this Year

Another one to annoy our in-house bitcoin loon Jimbo although I sense that this particular sinner is somewhat repenting. 


998 days ago

Video: an epic risk moment in history, shares to crash 90%

Asset manager, Egon von Greyerz does not mince his words. There is no fence sitting here. He argues that systemic risks are increasing but the general investor does not appear concerned. No one knows the size of the derivatives markets but it’s likely in the quadrillions. Egon points out that sovereign bonds make no sense for investors since the only way they can be paid back is with more money printing, hence they are extremely poor investments especially when you consider the dismal returns.


1002 days ago

Video: Energy Crisis will drive gold to new highs

I cannot help but think that unfolding events in the Ukraine are going to be positive for both gold and oil in the coming weeks. But that is not the thesis of analyst Steve St. Angelo of the SRSrocco Report. Steve seeks to show how energy can impact the price of gold and why it essentially sets a floor for the metal. He argues that the foundation of our global economy is the cost to produce goods and there has to be a profit margin: Everything has a margin but unfortunately, investors often forget this factor when evaluating charts.


1002 days ago

Video - the decade of the Greater depression

Some folks talk of how this will be an inflation-fuelled roaring twenties as if inflation is a good thing. But, as I explained in Bearcast yesterday, history shows how it rips society apart. The poverty it causes for many is an evil.  Doug Casey, the libertarian author and speculator, follows this theme in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital. He may be more eloquent than I, certainly he delivers fewer “ers”.


1003 days ago

Video: Bitcoin to crash to $20,000 but gold set to puke too

I run this to annoy both our in-house crypto loon Jimbo but also gold loon Nigel Somerville. But Andrew Gilbert who makes the call is a chartist so, almost certainly, wrong.


1004 days ago

Video: Here is why gold is heading to $3,000

Chris Rutherglen is a chartist so feel free to ignore everything he says but just to keep Nigel happy out there in freezing Montana at the log cabin with only the Unabomber on the next mountain to chat to .


1011 days ago

Video: The Fed Must Inflate or Die, soon folks will measure their wealth in ounces not dollars

Ex broker and commentator Bill Holter of JSMineset makes it clear: inflation is unavoidable and that must send gold higher.The process is already underway.


1014 days ago

Video: Rick Rule says that Gold & Silver About to Go Much Higher

Perhaps the world’s best known resource investor Rick Rule is, of course,talking his own book but now he hasretired from Sprott he claims he can speak more freely than before. The joys of being unregulated. Don’t I know it!


1028 days ago

Video: what happens to precious metals in the next market crash?

Analyst Bob Coleman from Idaho Armored Vaults is a precious metals bull.


1036 days ago

Video: China Could Tip-Off a Global Inflationary Tsunami & for goldbugs that is what we need

Analyst Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity is still a gold bull and here’s why.


1036 days ago

Video: The Fed is running out of tools to save the market

Analyst Steven Van Metre has a stark warning for us all.


1036 days ago

Is the useless FCA breaking numerous laws in its determination to push a radical trans agenda?

If you still think that the FCA is there to stop financial crime and protect consumers from crooks and scams you are, with respect, living in a different era. That should be its priority, even if it was never any good at it, as I argue on video HERE, but what it is good at is wasting vast sums on woke campaigning, even if what it does is break the law. As I have explained many times on my own site there is a pyramid of victimhood out there among woke campaigners.


1038 days ago

Video: Gold to 3,000 oz and higher

Nigel worships the ground on which Jordan Roy Byrne walks. But to me he is just another chartist. Nuff said. If only to humour Nigel, I bring you Jordan’s latest shout. Gold at $3,000. That would be nice but I am not betting the ranch on it. Nor should you Nigel.


1042 days ago

Video: Crypto dangerously over-leveraged, the Fed behind the curve - We are in Need of a Great Financial Reset

Analyst and silver bug David Morgan warns of the excessive risk created by the use of margin in markets. Excessive leverage led to the 1929 crash and the great depression. Investors can be wiped out if they are not careful.


1058 days ago

Video: Fed’s New Faces Present an even more Favorable Situation for Gold

Commentator Adrian Day says that “The Fed’s bark is worse than it’s bite.”


1063 days ago

Video: Market Crashes Happen When Tapering Begins (here comes 2022!)

It is all about inflation stupid!  Analyst Peter Boockvar of the Bleakley Group kicks off with the latest CPI prints and the transportation bottlenecks. He argues that these logistics issues are likely to persist to the number of trucking and shipping companies that went out of business in recent years which is one driver of the thief in the night.


1063 days ago

Video: Maybe They're the loons - new Dominic Frisby song

This comes in two parts and is a gem from my pal Frisby, the UK’s top liberatarian comedian/singer songwriter/bitcoin loon. Enjoy.


1067 days ago

Video: Market Valuations have Diverged Considerably from Reality

Veteran financier Simon Hunt argues that there are generational risks in the global economy, there are growing bubbles everywhere, along with enormous amounts of speculation, overvalued markets, and geopolitical tensions which all appear to be worsening. In addition, he says, we have central bankers running wild but debt can’t continue to grow faster than the economy. Navigating these risks is difficult. You can either run with the crowd or take preventative actions. Interestingly, two countries China and Russia have chosen to take prudent action for their economies. They are preparing for the monetary collapse outside of their countries. They understand that this will end badly.


1068 days ago

Video: Price Inflation is Only Just Beginning

Veteran analyst Alasdair McLeod claims that  the investment management industry is completely ignoring the expansion in money and the resulting inflation. Price increases are the consequence of this expansion of the money supply.  He notes that we’ve experienced an expansion by 400% in M1; we are in hyperinflationary territory. Further spending on infrastructure using more printed money won’t make this any better.


1075 days ago

Video: Supply Shortages are Masking Real Inflation

Writer Lyn Alden is bang on the, increasingly worthless fiat, money when it comes to the thief in the night. She’s my sort of bird.


1075 days ago

Video: Gold is About to Enter it’s Next Leg-Up

Analyst Michael Oliver believes the movement in gold last week was just the start of another bull run. Silver is in a similar pattern to gold but needs to reach $25.37 on a weekly close to trigger a move higher, he claims.


1081 days ago

Video: Energy Crisis to Give Way to Greatest Commodities Bull Market Ever

Analyst Andrew Hoese from Finding Value Finance explains his views on ratio investing with precious metals and how it ties into real estate. Ratio investing can be quite easy allowing one to increase their purchasing power by accumulating ounces in one’s investment stack.


1081 days ago

Video: Nigel's hero Jordan Roy Byrne warns gold is going lower - won't see $1950 for 12months

Oops. this is the man gold mega bull Nigel Somerville always defers to, Jordan Roy Byrne and for gold bugs his warning is bleak. The yellow metal ain’t going anywhere fast and indeed could go lower until Spring 2022. Ouch Nigel….time to move back from Montana, sell the beans and gold and buy some meme stocks? Over to you Nigel to respond. Meanwhile here is Jordan…


1088 days ago

Video: I'm Finding Deep Value in Mining Stocks

Analyst John Feneck argues how different the miners feel now than back in 2016. He explains his investing approach and how he avoids certain issues. It’s important to be able to sleep at night. Currently, he’s heavily invested in junior miners and explains why.


1090 days ago

Video: Gold – The Center of the Financial Universe

Investor and writer Nate Fisher kicks off by describing a regular monthly pattern he sees with silver that is indicative of manipulation.


1093 days ago

Video: Gold and Inflation

Analyst Jeffrey Christian admits that folks do not agree about what will happen next.  He discusses his recent presentation at the Silver Symposium and how his opinions differ. He notes that all currencies are fiat and that gold’s value is determined by fiat. Much in the same way that currencies are valued by national central banks.


1093 days ago

Video: The everything bubble is fragile and faltering

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard reckons the end of the bull market in everything is nigh. He sees equity growth slowing a sign that we are near a market top. Last year we had explosive growth in GDP but that has waned in recent months. We printed trillions to get us through the Covid period and now benefits are running out. The economy is starting to choke and the key question is will they do further stimulus or will the markets be allowed to roll over.


1099 days ago

Video: An Important Turning Point in Precious Metals

Analyst Christopher Aaron says “Now is the time to prepare your lifeboat because there is trouble coming for the dollar.”


1100 days ago

Video: The World is Heading for an Energy Cliff

Analyst Steve St. Angelo of the SRSrocco Report says that energy is the main driver of the economy and we are now entering an energy crisis. This crisis will affect everything in the economy.


1100 days ago

Video: Bearish Signals for Risk Assets Everywhere but oil to $200 perhaps?

Writer Kevin Muir of “The Macro Tourist” has a couple of pretty extreme big calls.


1109 days ago

Video: Gold 1, Bitcoin 0

This is just for Jimbo! Writer Keith Weiner says that economists and experts tend to say the strangest things and most of their statements don’t pass basic scrutiny.


1120 days ago

Video: We are about to re-enter the storm that started in 2008

Asset manager Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity warns that we’re about to re-enter the storm that began back in 2008. He says, “Get your ship prepared.”


1121 days ago

Video: Quoth the Raven on the Next Lehman moment when EVERYTHING fails

The Quoth the Raven podcast host Chris Irons is a man who believes in sound money and bad language so he must be a good bloke. Chris reckons that everything in the markets is rigged and the biggest rigger is the Fed. He says that the Fed’s main function today seems to be preventing market corrections. This is causing numerous issues along with making most people complacent.


1128 days ago

Video: Disincentives to Work Are Growing

Investment adviser Axel Merk warns that across the West there are growing reasons why tens of millions of folks will opt not to work but to such at the nipple of the State instead.


1140 days ago

Video: the illusion of money

Matthew Scott is self publishing a children’s book to explain the concept of money. The book is called “The Illusion of Money” but it should instead be called the “Illusion of Currency”. And it should also be read by central bankers and politicians. Scott argues that eventually, faith is lost in every currency and its value disappears. 


1141 days ago

Video: Bullion will be Impossible to Find in a Crisis

Bullion dealer James Anderson looks at gold demand since 2020 and argues that interest in metals is steadily increasing. In the years to come, he predicts that this interest will continue as uncertainty in the markets grows: The structure of the financial system today is vastly different than in the past. Now there are layers of obscurity hiding the unstable system. Eventually, these problems will be too big to hide.


1142 days ago

Video: Gold Stocks Are Only Industry Beating Inflation Today

Investor Michael Gentile has a simple message about the only way to cope with inevitable inflation coming down the track towards us and fast.


1148 days ago

Video: Bullish Signals All-Around in the Mining Stocks

Analyst John Feneck of Feneck Consulting, argues that FOMC Chair Powell is a former attorney and isn’t an economist. So, it’s important to listen to what the Fed chair is saying and avoid noise from others, even those at the Fed. John explains the importance of non-farm payrolls metrics but one should also watch the CPI and home prices. He cautions that a single metric should not affect the gold sector that much.


1150 days ago

Video - gold is going up but bitcoin will see $20,000

Okay, the call is from a chartist so you may wish to ignore it but since it will annoy some folks here goes anyway.


1153 days ago

Video: Market Optimism Should Signal Caution in Equities

Writer Jonathan Baird says that the biggest takeaway in markets today is the importance of macro factors. Some things that appear to come out of left field like the pandemic were foreseeable. It’s important to not focus too closely on your investments but also be aware of what is going on in the larger sense.


1157 days ago

Video: In a Crisis You Need Gold - it will reach $6000 an ounce!

Dan Popescu is an independent investment analyst of the gold and silver markets and starts with a history lesson to justify his bold prediction.


1160 days ago

Video: The Dollar is a one way bet, Confidence is Grinding Lower

Analyst Craig Hemke, founder of TF Metals Report is no fence sitter. Craig discusses the growing shift in wealth inequality since the untethering of the dollar from the gold standard. The ending of the gold standard required faith and confidence in the US government. Today, that confidence is steadily waning.


1161 days ago

Video: Dr. Marc Faber - Inflation Cannot be Stopped and that will cause massive pain all round

Celebrated author and investor Marc Faber does not mince his words. Most stock markets and sectors have underperformed compared with US Markets. This, Faber explains, is because every time the Fed prints, it ends up with corporations and the super-rich. Markets are no longer homogenous, and fiscal deficits are no longer expanding. This is making it more difficult for the entire market to move upwards.


1162 days ago

Video: Argo CEO/Chairman Peter Wall fails to deal with Boatman report - 3 out of 10 for artistic interpretation, nil for technical merit

The proper way to respond to the Boatman dossier was via RNS but that needs regulatory sign off so the fellow who dumped millions of dollars worth of shares at 243p just a couple of weeks before Argo Blockchain (ARB) did a major placing at 200p recorded a video which you can see below. He covers the “report” but does not name it just in case folks actually are encouraged to go read it. It is a poor rebuttal.


1168 days ago

Video: the blowoff top for equities is here

Analyst Michael Oliver focuses on bubbles in equity markets and says that the S&P indicates a top while momentum is waning. He argues that bear markets typically begin with a gradual arm-wrestling decline and often no crashes, which he expects will occur. Michaels proprietary volatility indicators are now showing a similar pattern that we saw in 2008.


1171 days ago

Video: This is the Financial Bubble to End all Bubbles

Asset manager Peter Grandich says that during his forty year career, financial markets have changed to become high-tech casinos. Spot on!


1175 days ago

Video: Fed Will Be Caught Between Inflation and Market Crash

A final melt up followed by an 80% market crash? This David Hunter chap is a cheery fellow is he not?


1179 days ago

Superb video: Jezza's Brother Piers Corbyn stung taking brown envelope by AstraZeneca "shareholder"

This is a superb video Gotcha. Congratulations to those responsible.


1184 days ago

Video: Gold Has not YET Responded to Negative Rates (it will)

Asset manager Michael Gayed notes that this year has been remarkable in many ways. That is a bit of an understatement.


1184 days ago

Video: one more melt up for the Dow before a repeat of dotcom crash & lines in the sand for Gold and Silver

Patrick Karim is a technicals based trader so take what he says with a pinch of salt but he makes a few big calls. 


1185 days ago

Video: If Interest Rates Go Up, the Bubble Pops - this could be a 1929 re-run

Alasdair Macleod, Head of Research For GoldMoney kicks off with the Fed’s levels of reverse repos and quantitative easing of 120 billion a month. Since the banks can’t absorb all the extra liquidity-seeking returns, he points out that the Fed must step into the market.


1185 days ago

Video: Gold is at the START of a ten year bull market - $18,000 oz is the target

This will be music to the ears of our in-house gold loon Nigel Somerville. Trent Norris from Sterling Capital is a gold bull but a silver mega bull. He believes the mining sector is in an excellent buying opportunity at that we are near the start of the cycle, which usually lasts a decade.


1196 days ago

Video: Are You Ready for the Next Big Move in Metals?

Analyst David Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics starts with what to look for in the coming metals rally and why it’s challenging to pick tops and bottoms. Any experts that claim to be able to do so accurately are, he argues, questionable.


1198 days ago

Video: is it worth betting on deflation?

Precious metals analyst Jonathan Mergott considers that since everyone is betting on inflation making a big time comeback perhaps the contrarian trade is where to be.


1199 days ago

Video: Americans have never been more exposed to a stockmarket that will crumble if not crash

Writer Steve St. Angelo of the SRSrocco Report says that the Fed’s Treasury purchase isn’t money creation; instead, it destroys it. Therefore, QE is not inflationary as many believe. This process is supposed to lower rates and thus increase public borrowing. However, QE is destroying money velocity and gradually ruining the economy.


1199 days ago

Video: the great Ron Paul warns dollar panic will lead to economic collapse

Ron Paul for President! Sadly he never made it past the Republican Primaries. America is not ready for a honest, sound money libertarian yet. But the good doctor is still my hero. In this new video, Dr Paul discusses the need to reduce the size and scope of government. He argues that people today rely on the government too much, and politicians can’t resist taking advantage of this dependence. It’s like an addiction, and stopping it is a problem. The plunge protection team has done a miraculous job of propping up the market. But, unfortunately, Paul argues, the dollar will continue to decline, and inflation will result in the prices of everything going up.


1199 days ago

Video: A Brilliant Dutch parody of English sports

This is so good it is almost plausible. Having fallen very much out of love with soccer in recent years and not being a natural Eng-er-land supporter, I have started to reconnect and like everybody else, I prepare to cheer the three lions tonight. But this is how our friends in Europe see us…enjoy



1204 days ago

Video: Current Monetary System makes Gold even safer

The author of the annual “In Gold we Trust” report Ronald-Peter Stöeferle has titled this year’s dossier “Monetary Climate Change” and the reports cover shows the Statue of Liberty drowning in debt. Ronald is trying to show the lack of sustainability of the US monetary system.


1207 days ago

Video: Central Banks Running Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History says Quoth The Raven

Chris Irons, host of the Quoth The Raven, is an outspoken and entertaining fellow who is pretty much bang on the money most of the time. His core thesis is that modern financial systems are essentially nefarious schemes that benefit politicians and the wealthy.


1218 days ago

Video: How far away is $2700 Gold and $40 Silver

Chris Vermeulen, founder of Technical Traders, is a chartist and so that’s a caveat to what follows. He reckons that in terms of big moves, all markets may be in a summer doldrum period. However…


1218 days ago

Video: Bubbles Too Big to Fail Will Transfer into Inflation

Bankster and author Diego Parrilla defines a bubble and how misconceptions can distort reality at extreme values, either high or low. Every bubble has an anti-bubble.


1226 days ago

Video: Inflation – Redefining Robbery

Nick Giambruno is Chief Analyst of The Casey Report and warns that the thief in the night is now out of control.  Nick differentiates money from fiat currency and where investors should hold their wealth in times of crisis. He argues that Bitcoin is a good alternative and is not unlike gold. Digital scarcity is a new invention, and the real revolution is in bitcoin, not other digital currencies. Bitcoin is unique because it isn’t controlled by banks or corporations and works as a form of digital gold. He believes bitcoin is in the process of monetization around the world.


1227 days ago

Video: Mining Stocks Will Become Epic Bubble

Libertarian philosopher, speculator, and author Doug Casey kicks off by suggesting paying for a University education is a misallocation of time and money to have your head pumped full of Marxist ideas.


1229 days ago

Breaking: Pocahontas says Bitcoin an environmental disaster for our planet

I can’t take Senator Elizabeth Warren very seriously but the woman who has gained massive career advantage by claiming that she is a Native American, though she is in fact 1/1024th Native American, holds great sway in the Democrat party. What she says is a good indicator of the direction of travel of the party now running America. As such, her full-on assault on bitcoin as the inherently pointless ultimate environmental vandal is of note. As it happens, for perhaps the first time ever, I agree with her. Enjoy.


1231 days ago

Video: Equity Valuations have Never Been Higher

Money manager Ted Oakley says US job numbers may appear to be improving but it’s hard to measure real employment numbers accurately. The jobs and family act need to be passed so that society at large obtain some return on that money. America needs to stop paying people to stay home. So a fake economy has been created meaning valuations of all asset classes are way beyond stretched.


1233 days ago

Video: 1:1 Dow to Gold Ratio – $25,000 Gold Coming

Pierre Lassonde is the Co-Founder of Franco Nevada and formerly was President of Newmont Mining so knows his onions but is also talking his own book big time. With that caveat, he starts by discussing how a weak dollar and a low-interest-rate environment are good for gold. Real interest rates have to remain low or the debt can’t be repaid. Effectively today, we have negative interest rates, and that is always good for gold he argues.


1236 days ago

Video: Longer Term Inflation Coming

Writer Kevin Muir of “The Macro Tourist” kicks off by explaining  how the Repo Markets function, their purpose, and what led to the September 2019 freeze. It’s the financial plumbing of the entire banking system where banks lend to each other. The front end of the curve acts as a temperature gauge for the system. Why does this matter?


1246 days ago

Video: Stealthiest Bull Market Ever for Gold

Russell Starr is President and CEO of Trillium Gold so is talking his own book. But he talks a lot of sense. He explains how we are in the stealthiest gold bull market because most investors are overlooking it. This lack of interest has created enormous opportunities for investors. Inflation is likely to drive generalist investors back. Just consider housing prices and compare them with the official CPI numbers. The value of everything is being destroyed, and investors will soon realize that they should put money into gold


1248 days ago

Video:Hyperinflation Risk is Higher Now Than Ever - we live in the "dumbest bubble in history"

Professor David Collum of Cornell University is an expert on inflation. David starts with the observation that actual wealth creation involves making life better, and the 1870s to 1940s are a good example. Since the 1940s, wealth creation has become much more gradual. GDP today does not consider inflation or planned obsolescence from cheap consumer goods.


1250 days ago

Video: Measuring the move to $2900 gold as equities look set to crash

Equity strategist Gareth Soloway is as bullish on gold as he is bearish on equities, He claims one should balance news with chart technicals. I guess he is half right. Gareth says that you want to be aware of new economic data even though his focus is primarily on the charts. 


1252 days ago

Video: Fiat is Dead – Trade it for Real Value

Investor Rafi Zarber is a libertarian and an Austrian school economist so clearly can do no wrong at all in my eyes. He recently penned an article on money as a gold substitute where he defines the meaning of sound and hard monies. Money needs to be predictable in what it measures and have a predictable supply. Debt substitutes and paper promises become problematic over time, and the entire system becomes unbalanced. These imbalances cause price and supply disruptions across sectors, including commodities like mining.


1253 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 26: A two and a half hour bear special with Lucian Miers and David Scott

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, sparky interviews with two great bears and some thoughts from myself. First up is the Bard of the Boleyn Lucian Miers followed by David Scott of Andrews Gwynne. Stocks to short and buy, asset allocation, macro-economics, it is all covered You can access the show HERE 


1253 days ago

Video: Gold and Silver – Technical Break Outs just Starting

Kevin Wadsworth and Patrick Karim are both chartists so feel free to ignore everything they say.


1268 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 25: More than two and a half hours of Bell, Bailey, Newman, Somerville and share tips

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, a sparky interview with Red Rock Resources (RRR) boss Andrew Bell and then a detailed four way with myself, Chris Bailey, Gary Newman and Nigel Somerville on all things mining. Which metals are the ones to be in and why and how to play that. If you invest in mining stocks this show is for you..You can access the show HERE 


1271 days ago

Video: If Gold is a Ship, Silver is a Rocket

As an IT geek turned mining entrepreneur John Lee of Silver Elephant Mining is talking his own book here.  He argues that everything in life is  probability-based, including gold and silver, and much hinges on the dollar. The dollar has recently broken down, which is great for metals, but if it resumes its uptrend, that would be tamper silver expectations.


1273 days ago

Video: Gold’s Next Move Up Will be a Quantum Leap

Michael Oliver warns that the charts tell you that equity markets are topping and points out that the large leading stocks are waning in these indexes. This could be a sign of trouble and evidence of a gradual decline into a bear market. He discusses how bonds are usually inverse to equities, and they are watching for a counter-trend rally. If significant funds get nervous, they will move to treasury bonds and gold.


1275 days ago

Amazing video: Carson Block ( Muddy Waters) on Solutions 30

This will take your breath away, a quite stunning video from Carson on Euronext listed Solutions 30. If Carson wakes up tomorrow next to the head of a dead horse, I would not be surprised. Enjoy.


1276 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 24: Almost two and a half hours of Steve O'Hara, oil guru & IT failure Peter Brailey and myself

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Optibiotix (OPTI) boss Steve O’Hara and oil guru Peter Brailey.  There is also me. I am a big investor in Optibiotix but explain why I am angry but not selling and challenge Peter on how to play oil plus he and I discuss the most overvalued stock on the Standard List, a total joke capitalised at almost £100 million, worth c£1 million.You can access the show HERE 


1278 days ago

Video: Leverage will Create the Largest Global Financial Crisis in History

Asset manager David Hunter does not mince his words. Equities are in a late stage melt up but will then, he predicts, fall by 80% as we go from a global deflationary bust followed by an inflationary recovery cycle. We will see dollar weakness now followed by a big dollar rally during the bust.


1278 days ago

Video: The manager of the world's most bearish hedge fund warns we live in the most dangerous time in financial history

Brian Hirschman is the Managing Partner of Hirschmann Partnership, dubbed by  ValueWalk as the “World’s Most Bearish Hedge Fund.”  He warns that all the bubbles have only grown in recent months and that the two biggest bubbles are bitcoin and residential real estate.


1288 days ago

Video: Creating Generational Wealth in Junior Gold Stocks

Writer Erik Wetterling of the Hedgeless Horseman claims that real assets are undcervalued, indeed are at 97 year lows. What is a real asset? Gold of course.


1288 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 23: Just under 2 hours of bitcoin, blockchain, NFTs and a stream of jokes

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Charlie Morris a bitcoin guru where we also discuss gold and the markets and Malcolm Palle of Aquis listed Coinsilum which is now an NFT play Plus there are a few thoughts on wider stockmarket issues from me. This bitcoin, blockchain & NFT special has a lot of gags but is also, I hope, pretty informative.You can access the show HERE 


1288 days ago

Video: Hyperinflation is here

Libertarian investor Rafi Farber is an economist of the Austrian school so clearly a sound chap. He outlines the treasury market operations and the massive increase in debt issuance. Much of this debt is now being redeployed under Janet Yellen and will require an enormous amount of additional issuance to finance the infrastructure spending under Biden. This debt will be raised through ten-year and two-year treasuries, and the Fed will have to monetize nearly all of it. And that will have only one result.


1289 days ago

Video: Rick Rule on Making millions in junior resource shares

Recently semi-retired, Rick Rule says, “The game is to find the tiny percentage of companies that are spectacularly successful in a sector that loses four billion dollars per year.” Easy, right?


1291 days ago

Video: Bitcoin is not real money

Gold businessman Keith Weiner argues that there is no way to extinguish debt in our current system, so the total debt grows, and due to interest, it tends to grow exponentially. He says that in the past, the Fed loosened regulations and lowered rates, but it’s like they are now pushing on a string. 


1291 days ago

Video: Understanding the sovereign debt bubble

Analyst Luke Gromen  argues that the global sovereign debt bubble is bursting, something which last occurred a hundred years ago.  He believes that the Central banks  are nearly entirely out of options, and bond markets are beginning to understand this fact.


1295 days ago

Video: The Mega Debt Bubble Reset

Trader Francis Hunt “The Market Sniper” says that gold is acting as the bellwether for the collapsing global economy. Gold and silver will soon be unleashed, not unlike the recent major moves in palladium and rhodium. He says that a lot is happening behind the scenes that will affect precious metals, and he looks closely at the macro picture surrounding the markets and bonds.


1301 days ago

Video: The Fed Has Destroyed All Stores of Value as debt brings out the worst in humanity

Asset manager Michael Gayed warns the very fabric of society is at risk.


1313 days ago

Video: Asset Prices Higher Now than Before Any Other Crash

Investor Michael Gentile started out during the Tech Boom’s final phases and has always taken a contrarian investment approach. He says that he has learned it’s best to get involved in a sector when it’s hated and that commodities tend to bounce between extremes of sentiment.


1314 days ago

Video: Too Much Debt & No Going Back

Economist John Adams works for bullion dealer As Good As Gold Australia so he talks his own book. But his views would once have been mainstream Austrian. So much has changed. 


1314 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 22: Well over 2 hours of gold, blockchain, bubbles, crashes & value with Richard Poulden and Chris Bailey

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on Wishbone Gold (WSBN) where I own shares and am a bull and on his other company Upper Thames (UPPT) a blockchain play where I cannot hide that I do not get it at all and Chris “Three Brains” Bailey on what he is buying and on macro-economics.You can access the show HERE 


1314 days ago

Video: The Trillion-Dollar Debt Problem

Wall Street veteran Peter Grandich believes that the loose monetary policy day of reckoning must come. He says, “We just past another couple trillion in money printing. This debt isn’t something that will go away; someone will pay the price and pay dearly. Servicing this debt is an issue, and the average American has no understanding of what is occurring.”


1316 days ago

Video: The fiat endgame is $6,000 gold and $180 silver

All chartists, not just Zak Mir, talk total cobblers and so here are two of them on the subject of gold, silver, and copper. Kevin Wadsworth and Patrick Karim talk cobblers. I’d love them to be right but I bet they are not. Enjoy.


1322 days ago

Video: Rick Rule - Why Gold Miners Are on Sale

Perhaps the world’s best known mining investor, Rick Rule of Sprott, has recently announced his phased retirement. Is this a sign that the gold game is up?  Au contraire.


1323 days ago

Video: Everything Bubble to Bring Massive Systemic Collapse

Analyst Bill Holter kicks off with  the events in Texas during the winter storm and why the weather was sigma level abnormal. The forecasts were wrong, and the infrastructure in Texas was not built for those temperatures. This does have wider ramifications but is a metaphor for what will hit the financial markets.


1325 days ago

Video: Commodities Flashing inflation, gold is next

Money manager Vincent Lanci explains some of the terms surrounding the bond markets and the current signs of low investor interest. Strangely, there was a massive reaction on Thursday’s Treasury auction to that lack of interest. The market was behaving like it expected the Fed to raise rates. In his speech on Thursday, everything that Powell said revealed the Fed would not raise rates, and they were not concerned by inflation. They stated they would remain extremely accommodating.


1326 days ago

Video: Big Money About to Rush into Gold

Gold investor Don Durrett believes that the yellow metal is currently trapped on the chart and will fall before it recovers. Investors currently don’t have a good reason to exit the stockmarket and buy gold. If a correction occurs in stocks, it seems unlikely that gold will avoid taking a liquidity hit, but it will recover.


1326 days ago

Bonus Video: A gold round table with Tom Winnifrith, Chris Bailey and Nigel Somerville

This is a bonus video for you all discussing gold with a bull ( Chris), a mega bull (Nigel) and a reluctant & cautious bull (me). We discuss macroeconomics, gold, silver, PGMs and copper and certain gold investments.


1326 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 21: 2 1/2 hours of cannabis, bears, Lucian Miers and a new stock I've bought into

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Ed McDermott of FastForward Innovations (FFWD) on cannabis stocks and his company. This is, I think, the most interesting CEO interview to date. Then I discuss a new share I have invested a five figure sum into on behalf of the company. Finally there is bear raider turned bull, the bard of the Boleyn, Lucian Miers. You can access the show HERE


1326 days ago

Video - is the silver price manipulated?

Silver bugs always say that the market is a big con and one day it will crack. The Reddit crowd tried to crack it and failed. But might there be some truth in this particular conspiracy theory?


1333 days ago

Video: Swearing Iconic Shareholder turns his attention to UK Oil & Gas & Lyin' Steve Sanderson

It seems someone pulled the video of an angry Iconic (ICON) shareholder challenging toxic Dave Sefton to a charity boxing match. I can’t think which low grade scumbag would want his reputation protecting with that attack on free speech. Maybe toxic Dave has hired the fraudster’s PR of choice, Henry Harrison-Topham of Buchanan, to do his PR. Anyhow, our pal is back and his new target is Lyin’ Steve Sanderson of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). Enjoy before this video is also taken down.


1333 days ago

Video: Short-Seller Marc Cohodes Fears for the Future, Systemic Risks Post GameStop

Cohodes is one of the greatest short sellers alive having broken more than 70 frauds in his career. “Remember bears are the good guys, we expose crime!” What he says in this interview about the Reddit GameStop episode is fascinating. His thesis is that it merely exposed systemic risks in the system which are still there. This is a great watch.


1333 days ago

Video: The Financial System is Starting to Crack & the bull case for Platinum

Analyst David H. Smith has a prediction to delight we loyal shareholders in Jubilee Metals (JLP). Nope, not Colin Bird’s resignation but almost as good is his view on the relationship between platinum and palladium and why the prices between them are currently inverted. Platinum being quite rare, it is usually more expensive than both gold and palladium. This trend seems to be in the process, he argues, of returning to normal. Good news.


1333 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 20: 2 hours of gold, flashbacks to 2001, value investing and Kerim Sener

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources (AAU), where I am a loyal shareholder, and then with the sorcerer’s apprentice Steve Moore on the markets and on what he owns. You can access the show HERE 


1341 days ago

Video: Stampede Coming Into Gold and Silver

Jim Forsythe served in the USAF and campaigned for the great Ron Paul, my hero, back in 2008. So he can do no wrong in my book although his participation in the recent #silverrsqueeze is perhaps a minor blemish. Jim says that learning from Ron Paul helped him understand the economic system that the world is under, and “The bigger problems facing the U.S. that are internal.” He has been a firm gold and silver believer since 2007, investing in both miners and physical. He says, “People need to make their own choice to have gold and silver as money.”


1342 days ago

A sneak preview - a new song by Dominic Frisby goes live at 7.30 PM tonight

My pal Dominic, with whom I recorded a pretty funny but informative video interview just a couple of weeks ago (episode 17 HERE), has a new libertarian song out at 7.30 tonight. The link to where to watch it is below as are a few stills from the video. I cannot wait. Make sure you turn up the volume and have a Guardian-reading lefty, like the Mrs, with you at 7.30.



1345 days ago

Video: gold will hit record highs this year & there is an arms race in commodities

After the recent fun and games in silver, writer Lior Gantz starts this podcast 40 years ago.  He explains the 1980 Hunt Brothers short squeeze and how they managed to corner the silver market by buying up a third of the global supply. The government’s solution was to prevent long contracts and forced the Hunt Brothers to sell.


1345 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 19: Three hours of 2 CEO's in the doghouse and Gary Newman on AIM shares that are flying

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with 2 CEOs of companies where I own shares and bought more after these interviews: Eldur Olafsson of AEG Gold (AEXG) and Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). In both cases I explain why I bought more. Then it is Gary Newman on small caps, oil stocks and mining stocks, where there is value and what he is buying. You can access the show HERE 


1353 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 18: A mining stock I've called wrong twice in 5 weeks plus Ross Norman with his gold, silver & PGM targets

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Tony Manini of Asiamet (ARS) which, I am starting to think, I have called wrong twice in 5 weeks and then gold guru Ross Norman on where the precious metals are going this year. As a Jubilee Metals (JLP) shareholder his biggest call is the most exciting for me. As ever, on the macro view and on bitcoin, Ross is brilliant. Then from me I discuss where UK small cap shares will go in the current climate. You can access the show HERE 


1360 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 17: Well over 2 hours with a professional comedian and a bloke who runs an AIM listed company. Boom Boom.

It is such a good joke I think I make it about 5 times in what follows. And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), where i am a loyal shareholder expecting the shares to double or more by mid year, and also Dominic Frisby. The singer, songwriter, comedian, gold guru, bitcoin expert and libertarian is on great form especially on the bitcoin/gold issue and tips the only AIM stock he owns and explains why. You will laugh and learn with him. You can access the show HERE


1361 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: how do you keep idiots in suspense? SYME shareholders I have a bombshell for you tomorrow!

Yes that horrific news for shareholders in Supply@ME Capital (SYME) will be out in the morning. Meanwhile I reflect on a video I have recorded with the great Dominic Frisby which goes live tomorrow, I hope, and on news that Kwasi Kwarteng might just take action to stop directors lying to investors. I then explain why Redditt groups exposed HERE and HERE in the UK are, in reality, just pump and dump schemes, why they will not deliver another GameStop and why most folks following them will do their conkers. It will end in tears and, I hope, jail time and won’t “burn the shorters”  or Fuck The London Stock Exchange, as the organisers promise, at all.


1361 days ago

Video: Yield Spike Will Burst Stock Market Bubble but also whack gold, bitcoin and silver

Macroeconomist Henrik Zeberg analyses where we are in the winter season of the Kondratieff cycle and what comes next. He believes we are approaching the final deflationary phase, which will have severe consequences for investors.


1367 days ago

Video: gold miners suggest market crash is near

Writer Lance Lewis says that his early career as a tech analyst taught him the business cycle and that it was much easier back then to make money on the short side of the market, but that always came with risk. And that is why he is making this big call today.


1369 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 16: Well over 2 hours of gold with Nigel Somerville and Eldur Olafsson who will double or treble your money

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Eldur Olafsson of AEX Gold (AEXG) who will, I am convinced, double or treble your money. I am a shareholder and this is, increasingly, becoming my favourite gold play.  I also chat to in house gold guru Nigel Somerville on whether gold is off the boil and on the stocks he owns. You can access the show HERE


1369 days ago

Video: Buy gold and silver on the dips, silver juniors are the sweet spot

Asset manager Jonathan Mergott, says that what folks are missing is that we are now seeing a loss of faith in the system. This will be the main driver for gold.


1376 days ago

Video: Copper Signals Inflation As Gold Remains Suppressed

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity looks back on 2020, the elections, and why the world needs a monetary reset. As some of us keep pointing out to bearded lefty crackpot Darren Atwater, Jaime notes that Darren’s beloved Canada is making many stupid decisions around energy and the economy. Globally, the consequences are becoming evident from all the money printing. Darren, be warned, this will end in tears for you and the cats. 


1379 days ago

Video: silver to reach $200 an oz

I recorded a long video with Lucian earlier and silver was on his agenda. He will like what analyst Michael Oliver has to say about past markets and how in the 1976 period, investors moved into commodities and stocks went sideways.  He believes that today, we are entering a similar period as most commodities have had long basing periods and are now turning upwards. This move seems to be caused by the expansion of the money supply and monetary policy.


1381 days ago

Video: Inflation Starting to Rear its Ugly Head: buy bitcoin and gold shares

Asset manager Lawrence Lepard of Equity Management Associates argues that the system has failed due to unsound money, and an immediate restructuring would be preferable. The alternative may be dragging the process out for the next twenty years. He explains the differences between today and 2008 and why we haven’t seen much increase in money velocity yet.


1383 days ago

Video: Silver’s Biggest Gains Starting Now

Silver Guru David Morgan says that in inflation adjusted terms silver is near all time lows and that “90% of the move comes in the last 10% of the time.” Physical demand in 2020 for silver from ETF’s has been unprecedented, and the gold-silver ratio has also outperformed. He argues that silver should continue to outpace gold, and he expects this bull run to continue for another two or three years.


1383 days ago

Video: Bitcoin fuelled by a con, gold will surge

Analyst Kirian van Hest is a specialist on the Comex and where its delivery default risk may be heading in the coming months. Kirian was expecting more stimulus this last Autumn and more investment in the precious metals. He says that the numbers Comex is reporting are highly suspect, and it appears that it’s now one big fraud. He feels that by February or the latest, the middle of 2021, the Comex’s fraud will become very evident.


1387 days ago

Video: The Gold standard is garbage

Analyst Martin Armstrong uses AI to generate hios reports but despite that seems to talk some sort of sense. He warns of the failing European politics and economics and why their global agendas are becoming an enormous burden on the world. The critical issue today is faith in government and the consequences when this collapses. People in Europe are hoarding cash, which is driving the ECB to implement a digital currency.


1390 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith eats his hat, thanks to Andrew Bell and Red Rock Resources

I said that if shares in Red Rock Resources (RRR) did not double by Christmas, I would eat my hat. Thanks Andrew Bell for this humiliation. However, I am a man of my word and so, as you can see below, I have done as I said.


1397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hat eating delayed by a day or 2 so here are my 2021 macro assumptions

Fear not I will eat my hat on video just give me a day or two. In today’s podcast I look at my macro assumptions for 2021 and a few stocks that come out of them as obviuous longs or shorts, Natch Red Rock Resources (RRR) of hat eating infamy is in the former category big time. No sniggering at the back. And talking of videos, there is another coming on New Year’s Day which will enrage our in house Euro loon Jonathan Price.


1402 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 14: Dr Doom becomes a mega bull & 1 stock where you MUST average down!

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Chris Gilbert of Fox Marble (FOX) and Dr Doom David Scott. I discuss averaging down  and after news this week Fox is a rare case where that is justified. This will – as I explain in the show – be a multibagger from here. Meanwhile Dr Doom is now a bull. we discuss sharers, bonds, real estate, bitcoin and gold in a must listen to interview. Then there are a few thoughts on companies you must NOT own, including Powerhouse Energy (PHE).You can access the show HERE


1404 days ago

Video: The End Of The Federal Reserve& the dollar as we start the last great gold rush

Author Charles Goyette  does not mince his words. They will print dollars until they destroy the currency and this means you must be ready for the last great gold rush. He argues that there is something different about this bull market – bull markets are generally driven by money printing, but today this is unprecedented and global.


1405 days ago

Superb video - Do they know it's Covid time starring all those leading Tories who have covered themselves in glory this year

Gosh how we folks who voted Tory last time were hoodwinked. As we prepare for a final betrayal, this time on Brexit, enjoy this musical tribute to the Covid triumph. It is superb..


1405 days ago

Video: Fed will lose control of inflation so silver, gold and bitcoin will soar

Writer Lyn Alden looks at the economic downturn and notes  that we’ve seen a rebound in some asset classes, but, she argues, that it will take most of 2021 to see all the effects play out. We’ve seen a weaker dollar and slowing GDP growth globally. By late 2021 the global economy should improve gradually.


1408 days ago

Video: Finding Upside Leverage to Gold - $3000 within 5 years

Analyst Steve Thomas notes that after a slow decline in gold prices, sentiment reached a new low when Bitcoin tested its all-time high. These times, he suggests, are buying opportunities.


1412 days ago

Video: Negative Yields Pushing Money into Bitcoin and Gold

Nicholas Mertin is the founder of Digifox a digital finance platform and DataDash, the largest cryptocurrency YouTube channel is talking his own book here. But as we have a few bitcoin nutters on this website, as well as the legion of gold bugs headed up by comrade Somerville,  here is something for you.


1414 days ago

Video: the world is bust but bitcoin is NOT Gold

Bullion dealer Simon Mikhailovich argues that today’s accounting practices may look okay on paper but the truth is that we are bust. It is now impossible to meet the future demands on cash-flow. Rates today are at 5000-year lows, while most assets are very overpriced. The dollar has declined in value during the past century by 95%. He argues that since interest rates are now zero, currency can only fall in value from here.


1417 days ago

Video - the EU banking system will implode, PS buy gold

Analyst Alasdair Macleod believes, unlike our beloved Government, in sound money. As such he does not read too much into November’s gold slippage.


1422 days ago

Video: The Runaway Gold Market will see the yellow metal at $4,000-$5,000 within two years

Bullion industry veteran Bill Haynes views the amazing prospects for gold in the context of past events starting with Nixon closing the gold window in the early 1970s. Bill believes that gold could reach 4 or 5 thousand dollars an ounce in the next couple of years and so says, “People need to buy gold before it gets too expensive.”


1423 days ago

Video: Gold Price Signaling Imminent Stimulus, gold juniors cheaper than at any time for 20 years

Analyst David Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics argues that banks like JP Morgan leverage commodity market options via manipulating prices via massive amounts of paper contracts. This manipulation is a source of massive profits for these bullion banks and is permitted because it benefits Central Banks. These shock and awe hits to the market are designed to shake out weak participants.


1426 days ago

Video: Gold and bitcoin to the moon, or at least $4,000 for the yellow metal

Asset manager Frank Holmes argues that the US the election results and a split house may be the perfect scenario for the stock market and the ideal scenario for gold. He believes that G20 Central bankers have been functioning as a cartel since 2008 by synchronizing taxation and regulation. Now they are playing with MMT, zero interest rates, and monetary stimulus. However, they have redefined the CPI, and today if you use the old model, inflation is running at close to eight percent. Smart people are buying real assets like art, gold, silver, mining equities, and bitcoin.


1430 days ago

Video: Protect yourself with bitcoin and gold as shares and bonds set to tank

Libertarian speculator and author Doug Casey says it’s difficult today to be an investor with all the government economic distortion and mis-allocation of capital. However, in contrast a speculator can do well in this environment. He says, “Being a speculator should not be confused with being a trader.”


1433 days ago

Video: US Dollar on verge of collapse - silver heading for $100

Trader Patrick Karim has words which will delight Nigel Somerville and other gold loons.


1436 days ago

Video: Gold’s Nuclear Winter Has Ended

Fund manager John Hathaway of Sprott argues that traditional portfolio weightings no longer work. Bonds today are return-free risk, which opens the door for gold since something has to replace bonds. He says that some large pension fund advisors are considering gold as a risk mitigator.


1438 days ago

New video from Horse Hill campaigners threatened by impecunious corporate bullies at UK Oil & Gas

The video is slick and features the Sith Lord Zak Mir blowing off UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) boss Lyin’ Steve Sanderson in a soft paid for interview. What investors might note is that the 2016 claims made by Lyin’ Steve have been shown to be utter fantasy. Meanwhile the protestors continue their fight and the way that UK Oil & Gas has tried to bully them with legal threats is no credit to capitalism. Enjoy.


1438 days ago

Video: Monday's hit on gold was like a drive-by shooting

Analyst Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin likens Monday’s hit on gold to a drive-by shooting. He says, “Physical demand has nothing to do with what we just saw on the Comex. This was done to create a perception of reality.”


1442 days ago

Video: A Biden Win is Great for Gold

Writer and trader Gary Wagner says that folks are waiting for more stimulus, but the next program will likely not arrive until February. The US economy continues to contract, and while some businesses are doing very well, others are being hit quite hard. The Fed has stated that interest rates will remain unchanged as it still has some options in their toolbox.He says that you can expect gold and equities to continue to do well in this environment.


1449 days ago

Video: European Financial Sector On Life Support

Writer and fund manager Michael Gayed does not mince his words.


1458 days ago

Video: 1970s Style Inflation Will Set Gold on Fire

Analyst David Hunter of Contrarian Macro Advisors warns that we are now nearing the end stage of the current secular bull market in equities. He notes that markets move from excess to excess, and in the last stages, they can go parabolic. He expects a deflationary bust and a new debt liquidation cycle to begin in the first half of 2021.


1462 days ago

Video: Global Debt Implosion Coming - buy Gold

Asset manager Egon von Greyerz of Matterhorn Asset Management AG based in Switzerland argues that today’s events are not new. History does repeat itself. Governments love to spend more than they receive in revenue, and no currency has ever survived. Deficits have been nearly non-stop since 1930, and often an unrelated trigger can cause the crisis.


1467 days ago

Video: Rick Rule Five Things Gold Investors Must Know

Rick Rule of Sprott is, perhaps, the world’s best known investor in precious metals. So maybe he is talking his own book.


1469 days ago

Video: Socialism coming to America and what that means for the dollar

This is my sort of bird! Danielle DiMartino Booth is the CEO and Chief Strategists for Quill Intelligence, a research and analytics firm. She makes a stark warning about the USA and the dollar.


1481 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucian & I discuss Mike Pence at 33-1 as next POTUS bet

I pray that Donald Trump and the fragrant Melania recover from Covid and unlike godless liberals who tweet about praying for things I do actually pray and to someone I believe in. However Lucian has a bet on Mike Pence to be the next President and I discuss this. I then move on to look at UK Oil & Gas UKOG) where I diod tell y’all, Attis Oil & Gas (AOGL) and share rampers from the AIM swamps, Purplebricks (PURP) and also the latest mystery at Supply@ME Capital (SYME),the worthless POS from the province of Norfolk. Later i am recording a video that I am sure many of you will enjoy.


1481 days ago

Video: China Stockpiling gold will devastate the dollar

Fund manager Nick Barisheff looks back to what happened in the past and considers the risk of confiscation of gold and why the correct term should be “expropriation.”


1481 days ago

Video: Gold, the Next Dot-Com Bubble

Fasten your seat belts and don’t sell your gold shares (unless they are in companies run by folks whose middle name is Dilution and whose first name is Calamity). 


1482 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 12: Almost 3 hours of Fox Marble, of Zak Mir ( with his top share tip) and of me on SYME & Trainline, 2 mega shorts

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Chris Gilbert the boss of Fox Marble followed by me explaining why, though I am 80% down, I am sure Fox will multibag from here. Then a very long – and very funny – session with Zak Mir with his top share tip among London small caps, his view on the markets, the real economy and discussions on Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Eurasia Mining (EUA) & the lies of both, on Big Dish (DISH) and more. Finally it is me onSupply’s lies again and also on why Trainline (TRN) miust surely see a share price collapse. You can access the show HERE


1485 days ago

Video: Central Banks Hoarding Gold

Analyst Jan Nieuwenhuijs has strong views on the commodity markets, gold, and the problems within central banking.


1488 days ago

Video: Rare Earths on Verge of Exploding

Since I am a loyal and supportive shareholder at Pensana Rare Earths (PRE) this video is naturally sweet music to my ears! And the video also focusses on the mega bull case for copper which, as an Asiamet (ARS) shareholder makes me even happier.


1494 days ago

Video: are precious metals markets a complete con game

Our own Nigel Somerville has suggested that this is indeed the case. Author and analyst Robert Kientz also thinks so and explains why.


1495 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 11: Almost 3 hours of AEX Gold, me on a new stock I've bought and why SYME is a con and a zero and Chris "3 brains" Bailey

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Chris “3 brains” Bailey on his dirty secret, the real economy why UK shares are so cheap, on gold and his 3 top picks. There is also a detailed interview with the boss of AEX Gold (AEXG) who is not really 13 years old plus I discuss a new stock I have bought into heavily and also why Supply@ME Capital (SYME) has this week hoisted its biggest red flag yet, is a scam and is worth 0p. You can access the show HERE


1496 days ago

Video: When to exit gold

Technical analyst David Keller says that the number one consideration for an investor should be price followed by regularly watching trends of many asset classes. He says, “Price tells you where capital is moving towards, while breadth shows you what bets are being made, and sentiment reveals what people are saying.” David gives some examples of breadth trends and why they provide a sneak peek into the markets’ operation.


1500 days ago

Video: Get Out Now Before Total System Collapse

Writer Bill Holter believes that the Covid response acted to postpone total meltdown. But it only delays the day of doom.


1502 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 10: Almost 3 hours of Andrew Bell, Matt Earl of Boohoo infamy and myself on more red flags from the liars at Verditek

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with bear raider Matt Earl on the markets, the real economy and on 2 stocks where he is short (IQE & Boohoo) and one where he might be soon (Future PLC). we focus on Boohoo. There is also a detailed interview with Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). Its shares are 0.82p and what Bell says is ground breaking. I am on record as saying I shall eat my hat on video if the shares are not 1.26p before Christmas. I now reckon 1.65p is achievable and this is explained very clearly. Finally I return to the liars at Verditek (VDTK), why it is drowning in red flags and more. You can access the show HERE


1504 days ago

Video: Fed has Triggered Inflationary Avalanche, follow Buffett and buy gold

And if analyst Craig Hemke is correct, you just have to buy precious metals exposure, especially gold.


1508 days ago

Video: gold to hit $6000 according to the manager of "the world's most bearish hedge fund manager"

Given the shape of my portfolio, I really would not mind if Brian Hirschman, the Managing Partner of Hirschmann Partnership is right with this call. Brian’s firm is known as the “World’s Most Bearish Hedge Fund.”


1515 days ago

Video: The Currency Reset is Here: sell dollars buy gold ahead of fireworks!

Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading says that the Fed has been unable to hit its 2% inflation target, but she says, “The Fed is getting prepared because they expect to lose control of inflation soon.” The Fed plans to quietly introduce a cashless system with an 18 step plan early in 2021. This new system will enable the Fed to deposit money directly and will give them absolute control of their policies. This coming UBI stimulus scheme will be the fuel that starts hyperinflation fire since we are a consumer-driven economy; they have to get us to consume.


1516 days ago

Video: The Coming Great Depression Will Make the Last Look Like a Small Technical Correction

If you are feeling a bit low, you’d better not tune in to this one. Writer David Morgan is a bear at ever level


1518 days ago

Video: We are in the Early Stages of the Largest Bull Market in the History of Precious Metals

Analyst Nick Giambruno explains which assets are “hard assets” and so will fly when fiat is, as now, being debauched. There are key characteristics that make gold the best money, and other assets like silver and bitcoin share many of those features. Bitcoin fits this definition because it’s scarce, and its supply growth is similar to that of gold, gradually declining.


1518 days ago

Video: Dollar Destruction Targeting $15,000 Gold and $750 Silver

Once again we stumble across someone who makes Nigel Somerville look sane and balanced. Trader Steve Penny claims that  “Commodities have never been so cheap relative to paper assets.” He argues that today is a generational wealth transfer opportunity. His macro thesis is that the national debt is mathematically impossible to repay. History has shown that politicians will always try to inflate away the debt.


1522 days ago

Video: The Ten Year Bear Market in Mining Juniors has Created Enormous Opportunity but the wider market is going to crash

Kevin Smith is the founder and CIO of asset manager Crescat Capital and warns that there are asset bubbles eberywhere. He flags up the enormous credit bubbles that exist in China and Hong Kong. These credit bubbles have resulted in housing bubbles with a very similar signature to the last housing bubble in the United States.


1523 days ago

Video: Crashing Real Interest Rates Creating the Best Tailwind for $3500 Gold

Economist David Rosenberg says that flattened yield curves are promoting liquidity issues, credit supply has been contracting, and the velocity of money is also declining. So, he argues, if money velocity stabilizes were going to get a lot more inflation, and perhaps that is what gold is trying to signal.


1523 days ago

Photo article: Hairy, Black, Welsh pussy

Thanks to Google search engines this website will have a few new readers. Sorry you dirty bastards, I fear you may be disappointed by what follows. For starters the pussy below is English.


1525 days ago

Video: reference gold - Corrections and Consolidation are Excellent Opportunities to Create Great Wealth

Jordan Roy-Byrne, the only chartist we take seriously, predicted the recent correction in gold. What next?


1527 days ago

Video: The USA is an insolvent bankrupt nation so buy Gold

Michael Pento President and Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies does not mince his words. He says that  “We see now a rebound in the virus, the closing of the economies, and a fiscal cliff that is going to be absolutely devastating… The cliff is coming because you can’t print trillions of dollars and borrow trillions every few months. No economy in the history of planet earth has ever been able to do that without destroying its currency and bond market. I don’t think the US will be any different.”


1527 days ago

Video: Marc Faber: The Economy Will Not Return for Years

Legendary commentator Marc Faber does not mince his words. Whatever is being done to pump the stockmarket, the real economy has been crushed and will not bounce back. He states: “The economy is currently in a dead-cat bounce and that peak economic levels seen in 2018-2019 will not come back for a long-time… and by a long-time… years.”


1533 days ago

Video: Volatile Selloffs Expected Before $10,000 Gold and $300 Silver

And you thought that our own Nigel Somerville was nutso. Meet macro strategist David Hunter. Hmm, now what are my shares in Ariana (AAU) & Xtract Resources (XTR) worth on a DCF basis with gold at $10,000 oz? I am only kidding; this is quite literally insane.


1533 days ago

Video: WARNING Red-Hot Gold Stocks Will Cool Off in August

ordan Roy Byrne is the only chartist we take seriously and he has a warning for you all. Jordan thinks a correction is coming. GDX & GDXJ hit major resistance levels and breadth indicators are extremely overbought. We highlight support levels in Gold & Silver. All is explained in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


1538 days ago

Video: Depressed Gold to Silver Ratio Creating Buying Opportunity of a Generation

Analyst Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin makes a very compelling case for past market manipulation by large banks like JP Morgan. He sees a perfect storm coming soon – one where there will be no safe haven assets except precious metals. He argues that bonds no longer have real returns when you consider inflation and are guaranteed to lose money.


1538 days ago

Video: US Dollar Crisis is Not the Only Factor Pushing Gold Higher

Trader David Kranzler, of Investment Research Dynamics, argues that the dollar index doesn’t explain the recent move up in gold and particularly silver. While the dollar has room to move quite a bit lower, the world still has a solid need for dollars. The excessive money printing could put a lot of pressure on the dollar, and the recent move in gold could be due to investors anticipating such a drop.


1549 days ago

Video: During Uncertain Monetary Conditions Gold and Silver is Where You Want to Be

Asset Manager Lawrence Lepard says, “What politicians and bankers are doing today is absolutely criminal. When they play with the value of money, they are playing with fire, and that can destroy a society. Having gold is a very good way of preserving your wealth, and in a year or two, investors in gold are going to look far from crazy.”


1550 days ago

Video: Caution Advised Before Gold Targets $5000 and Silver Targets $100+

And you thought that our own Nigel Somerville, residing in a Montana log cabin with 1200 cans of baked beans, a shotgun and stacks of physical buried in the woods was nutso?  Nope, Nigel is one of the most cautious members of the gold bug community.


1556 days ago

Video: $2000 Gold and $21 Silver, Price Spikes Incoming

Meteorologist turned chartist Kevin Wadsworth discusses the gold-silver ratio and why he expects a further decline after the recent highs. Silver has been outperforming gold.


1556 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Does £10m matter to Mahmud Kamani of Boohoo?

I am snowed under with work for MineProphets tomorrow and I have now bought a second new stock on the basis of videos I have taped. I shall reveal both stocks tomorrow at the show and you can grab your ticket for just £2.99 (worth it for these tips alone) HERE. Elsewhere in the show I discuss Asiamet (ARS), Boohoo (BOO), R4E (R4E) and wicked old, not so ethical Malcolm Stacey and HSBC (HSBA) and Standard Chartered (STAN) as well as the British banks.


1556 days ago

Video: The Real Crash and How to Hedge with Triple-Digit Silver

Analyst Jeff Clark warns us all that investors should be sceptical of mining companies’ claims because they will always place their best foot forward. Ha ha! I guess he has heard all about AIM.


1556 days ago

Video: We Will Easily see $2000 Gold in 2020

Fund Manager Frank Holmes argues that the fifty and two hundred day moving averages act as essential signals for big institutional money. When these signals cross, they start to notice since they prefer to having the wind in their sails.


1559 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 6: 2 hours 17 mins of Richard Poulden on the collapse of the west and of empires, Kerim Sener of Ariana and me on Supply@ME capital and 6 more shorts

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on the collapse of empires but also of the West at every level.  Also covered is the death of oil and how we should save our finances against such a backdrop and with Kerim Sener of Ariana (AAU). I also explain why Supply@ME Capital (SYME) is a crooked zero and I review the six short ideas from the previous five shows, one of which is already a zero. 

You can access the show HERE


1559 days ago

Video: Next Steps for Silver are $27 and $58, The Trade of a Lifetime

Asset manager Patrick Karim uses technical analysis and , at $18.50, is massively excited about silver.


1567 days ago

Video: The Fed’s Actions are Unprecedented for Gold, Silver and Uranium - gold to $2000 soon

Fund manager Mark Magarian was bullish on the gold market before the crisis began since they were expecting some action by the Fed. However, the pace of the Fed’s efforts has been vast and rapid and thus, he says, he would be absolutely shocked if we don’t see $2000 for gold soon.


1571 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast:, Baillie Gifford, slave labour & Leicester

I start with a few words on the end of lockdown for those of us living within 5 miles of England. Then I look at the growing scandal involving (BOO), and its suppliers using slave labour in, Leicester, spreading disease and treating workers like, well, slaves. It is a scandal. But who will Baillie Gifford which wanks for Britain on virtue signalling ethical investing (see HERE) react as it is a major Boohoo backer? Now Matt Earl’s words about bumper margins at Boohoo, in my second video show HERE,  seem even more prescient.  PS remember to book your seats for MineProphets on July 18 HERE.


1572 days ago

Video: Why Silver Won’t Follow Gold to New Highs

Everyone says silver is a better bet than gold but everyone is wrong says author Mickey Fulp. He regards as “crazy” some equity valuations that have developed and what he coins “Market Covidicy.” He cautions that if gold or silver were to suddenly head multiples higher, you would probably want to have a bug-out bag by the door and a survival bunker nearby.


1573 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 5: Well over 2 hours of Gary Newman on mining stocks, Harry Adams of Kefi and myself on why Cineworld has to be a stonking short

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on the collapse of empires but also of the West at every level.  Also covered is the death of oil and how we should save our finances against such a backdrop and with Kerim Sener of Ariana (AAU). I also explain why Supply@ME Capital (SYME) is a crooked zero and I review the six short ideas from the previous five shows, one of which is already a zero. 

You can access the show HERE


1575 days ago

Video: Unprecedented Levels of Government Spending Creating Massive Leveraged Case for Gold

Fund manager Keith Watson works with my old pal Malcolm Burne at Golden Prospect Precious Metals (GPM) and so can’t be a total fool.  He argues that the broader commodity sector is at an extreme discount to general equity markets. 


1581 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 4: Well over two and a half hours of David Bramhill of Union Jack, Nigel Somerville on gold and 4 gold stocks to buy & also the red flags at Diversified Gas

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen or watch very sparky interviews with our in-house gold guru Nigel Somerville on why you must be in gold and on the stocks or ETFs to own to maximise your bull market gains and with Union Jack Oil (UJO) boss David Bramhill, the most underpaid oil CEO on AIM. I also serve up a red flag-spotting session with reference to Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC). You can access the show HERE

To watch the third show featuring oil bear Peter Brailey, Skinbiotherapeutics boss Stuart Ashman (a stock I think is a 20 bagger), and myself on why Intu and Amigo are both zeros go HERE

To watch the second show featuring bear raider Matt Earl on Boohoo and First Derivatives, CEO Aidan Bishop of Bluebird Merchant and BigDish, and myself on why Purplebricks is doomed go HERE

To watch the first show featuring bear raider Lucian Miers, mining boss Colin Bird, and myself with a devastating expose of Novacyt (NCYT) go HERE


1583 days ago

We Con the World – a classic music video to send to any Guardian reading, Israel haters you know

The latest series of the right-wing Israeli satirical show, Latma, has just drawn to a close and an email on that matter reminds me of the show’s greatest video: We Con the World, a parody of the US famine relief video dealing with “aid” ships heading to Gaza from Turkey. If you are reading this on a British University campus and want to avoid being no-platformed by the tolerant left, I’d switch the volume off now.



1586 days ago

Video: Updating the Dollar Milkshake Theory and $5000 Gold

Asset manager Brent Johnson of Santiago Capital is the man behind the “Dollar Milkshake Theory.” The name for this theory comes from the concept of extracting oil from a neighboring property by “drilling” a longer straw. Brent argues that the United States has this magic straw and regularly uses it to suck up the world’s capital. His theory’s controversial idea is that US equities are going to go to all-time highs along with a stronger US dollar at the expense of most foreign currencies.


1590 days ago

Video: Indications Point to $8,900 Gold Price

And now for someone who makes our own in-house gold bug, Nigel Somerville, seem almost balanced and sane. Ronald-Peter Stöeferle is a fund manager and starts by discussing his firm’s (Incrementum) recently released annual report, “In Gold we Trust.” It believes we are at the beginning of a golden decade, and the report goes over many aspects of the gold market. This year is also highlights bitcoin and have a special chapter dedicated to silver.


1593 days ago

A Vital video message from Nick Richards at Woodlarks

The following video is self explanatory. Please find a minute or two to watch it and then, if you have not already given, to donate to Woodlarks as I walk for 33.3 miles in the Welsh rain today. You can donate HERE


1593 days ago

New Dominic Frisby Video - I am a white man and I'm sorry

My pal Dominic, the libertarian comedian, has a new song for you all. Before Youtube deletes it after a mass twitter mob outrage: Enjoy.


1593 days ago

Video: Gold Wins in All Situations Moving Forward

Chris Vermeulen looks at the current market conditions and sees a trend change coming as precious metals, miners, and bonds are all showing positive patterns. He argues thatb sentiment is reaching new highs, and a lot of leverage is being deployed in the markets.


1596 days ago

Video: All Structural Momentum Pointing to the Sky for Gold, Silver, and Especially Junior Miners

Veteran analyst Michael Oliver started his career back in the mid-70s when gold was re-legalized. Instead of focusing on price, he looks at long-term trends, which is important because price being based in fiat can be misleading. He says, “Today, we are in the hyper-space of money printing.” Using price can be compared to building a house with a yard-stick that changes in length. Their focus is on the longer-term and not the day to day, they look for structure rather than short moves in momentum.


1597 days ago

Video: Both uranium and, in a while, silver look really hot

Writer Chris Temple expects a big uranium rally as many things are happening with uranium behind the scenes. Past policies have hindered the US standing in the uranium industry, and, Chris says, that President Trump is now attempting to correct those policies. The coming supply changes could be opportunities for prudent investors.


1598 days ago

Cracking new Dominic Frisby video: Crony Capitalism will not be tolerated

An anthem for libertarians from my pal Frisby. Enjoy.


1609 days ago

Video: Inflation, Deflation, or Stagflation and the Implications for Gold

Investor Chris Temple argues that in the late 70s and early 80s, the dollar was inversely correlated with gold, and the markets reflected the real economy. Today, everything is inverted, but a lot of investors and experts still have the old out-of-date mindset.


1609 days ago

Video: Now is a Stunning Entry Point into Gold Miners

Mining entrepreneur Ravi Snood argues that valuations of companies can reach heights where there is little remaining upside. He says that today’s markets don’t bode well for most stocks, and plausible growth scenarios are doubtful from here.


1615 days ago

Video: bear market rally is almost over, unbelievable opportunity in gold

Writer David Skarica feels that the markets are plateauing at this level and will roll-over later this summer when people realize that the return to normal is anything but normal. David makes comparisons with today’s charts to Japan in the 90s.


1621 days ago

Open Orphan – can these Covid 19 antibody testing numbers be correct? Clarifying RNS needed ASAP

Last night Cathal Friel gave a a video interview on behalf of Open Orphan (ORPH)where he discussed a new test for Covid antibodies, like the Roche one, that open Orphan is involved in rolloing out. The video is below. An RNS to clarify quite extraordinary numbers given by Cathal in this interview is, IMHO, needed asap.


1622 days ago

Video: Don't buy into the idea that crypto is safe - Fiat Currency is a Better Store of Value than Bitcoin

Trader Chris Vermeulen is expecting another market correction since the fundamentals for the market have only worsened. Small investors have been piling in while smart money has been exiting. He warns that “The average person is going to get completely slaughtered.” But he is bullish on silver, as it seems primed for a move higher.


1624 days ago

Video: Silver to Go to $150 and Beyond!

Bullion dealer Mark O’Byrne starts his thesis with economics.  He outlines the differences between bail-outs and bail-ins and why he thinks bail-ins are less likely to occur. It seems that governments are planning on inflating their issues away instead.


1624 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The dirty dirty dirty dog of an AIM shell that is Anglo African Oil & Gas - insanity runs riot

Among others I interviewed this morning for Saturday’s ShareProphets Shares show was Luke Johnson. It was another cracking video which I reflect upon. Suffice to say with 85% of the content now on tape it will be a great event so get your ticket now HERE. I look in today’s podcast, inspired by Luke, at commercial property including Hammerson (HMSO) and Into (INTU) and how this all plays out. It is not quite as you may think. I also look at Catenae (CTEA) and the utter insanity at Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG).


1624 days ago

Video: Gold Miners are Orders of Magnitude Undervalued Relative to Gold

Fund manager Mark Yusko argues that we have the highest amount of leverage at all levels today, which is very similar to 1929. The 1929 crash was terrible, with markets falling 47%, then rallied back and then collapsed again. America today has an addiction problem, and that addiction is debt. Debt has to be defaulted on or inflated away, which is the path they choose in the 1930s.


1625 days ago

Video: this is no longer a free market economy and gold is going to $4000

Analyst and entrepreneur EB Tucker says, “This is the last chance that people have to move assets… in what we are learning is a completely controlled economy.” We have moved from a cyclical economy where recessions clean out the undergrowth to a warped crisis economy where politicians and banks determine who and what survives.


1628 days ago

Video: Gold and silver miners to be the next dotcom bubble

Investment analyst David Hunter of Contrarian Macro Advisors has views that are controversial and not in any way mainstream. In terms of shares in general, David expects a rebound this summer and fall followed by another pull-back in the market. The market should rally for a few more years due to massive money printing by the Fed and central banks.


1634 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Today I laugh with, not at, Zak Mir

I start with a few reflections on recordings I am doing and how lucky I am. there have been a lot of laughs so far today and to his credit the Sith Lord Zak Mir is quite funny. Anyhow, this is all for the Shareprophets Shares Conference where the 70 hours of video content really is, and I say so myself, of a very high quality. If you like bearcast, You really will enjoy what I am producing so book your tickets now HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss the latest misguided thoughts of the one global star of the investment world not speaking next Saturday, I refer, of course, to Roger Lawson of ShareSoc, on regulation in the wake of the latest NMC (NMC) news. I then look ata clear failing where the FCA needs to act fast, Akazoo and the role of Tosca Fund. I am on the warpath.


1640 days ago

Video: Michael Pento: Prepare Now Before the Real Crash Begins

You think the marketr meltdown of the past six weeks has been bad. You ain’t seen nothing yet! that is the belief of analyst Michael Pento who is Michael is convinced that we are heading into “The Greater Depression” as the world is awash in 17 trillion dollars in negative-yielding debt. He says, “We are no longer living in reality; this is a fantasy created by massive monetization of debt from central banks.”


1647 days ago

Video: David Skarica: Leverage and Cheap Money Have Set Gold and Silver to Soar

Financial writer David Skarica discusses the economy and why many companies are mostly built on quicksand and debt. Excessive borrowing and inflated valuations have created additional risks. Companies have spent much of their earnings on stock buybacks which have made many companies vulnerable in a downturn. Everyone has borrowed and many are over-leveraged and now we see the hidden consequences of all that borrowing.


1649 days ago

Video: Jordan Roy-Byrne: Gold to Hit $20,000, Silver to Reach $1,000!

Jordan is the only technical analyst we take at all seriously but this call from the guru at Palisade Capital is surely a tad extreme?


1655 days ago

Video: How Money Tree Economics in response to Coronavirus is going to make us all rich

It is so simple, I cannot think of why we have not gone down this route before. I hope this video explains why the Government’s response to Coronavirus is going to make us all rich.


1709 days ago

Video: Steve O'Hara of Optibiotix on Proactive

Okay it is paid for Proactive so this is not exactly Jeremy Paxman. There are no hard numbers on the big deals and that is no shock, we will have to wait for a formal half year trading statement for that ( or maybe sooner) but this is a confident showing. My numbers are HERE and the STRONG BUY stance is unchanged.


1717 days ago

Video: The trend tells me that gold is going to make an all time high

Analyst John Roque argues that any important move in an asset class should have a long-base setup. Gold has built up an impressive base over several years, and this strongly suggests that it can push past its 2011 highs.


1723 days ago

Video - a blast from the past, SMTM

Someone has gone to some trouble compiling this rather long video of Show Me The Money, the daytime programme of the year 2001. I am asked if it brings back happy memories? Nightmares more like. Louise Noel was rather foxy but gosh the show was rubbish. And almost all the companies featuted on it have gone bust or just lost shareholcders vast amounts of cash. A warning to those filling their boots with today’s hot stocks. It will NOT be different this time. Footnote, SMTM was the first time I met Malcolm Stacey so it was not all bad!


1765 days ago

Video: 17 million f*ck offs: my friend Dominic Frisby updates his classic post the election

Dom has updated his classic pro Brexit anthem to take into account what happened at the General Election. Enjoy,…..


1772 days ago

Video: The Sound of Stormont

 The sound of silence has always been a fave tune of mine. After yesterday’s take on the election beating of the luvvies and the elitists HERE, a reader from Northern Ireland sends me “the Sound of Stormont” which sadly for one with strong links to the Province, hits the nail on the head. Enjoy.


1772 days ago

Post election Video: The Sound of Silence (Friday 13th)

Just watch and consider the misery of those millionaire elitists who told us what to do because they thought they were better than us. Enjoy. 



1832 days ago

Photo and video special: Tom Winnifrith and Nigel Somerville go to visit Neil Woodford in person

I happened to be in Oxford, for family reasons, and my colleague Nigel Somerville lives close to the City of Lost Causes and so we thought we’d pay Neil Woodford a visit. After the past 1000 articles exposing the soon to be ex fund manager since 2015 it was the least we could do.


1834 days ago

Video: Neil Woodford fired & disgraced today, here is Tom Winnifrith predicting it all in April 2018!

Neil Woodford, Britain’s best known fund manager, has today been fired by his flagship Equity Income Fund which is to be wound down. Some in the corrupt deadwood press, like the Mail on Sunday, were still praising Woodford up to the date before EIF was gated in June. Others have turned bearish over the past few months having previously drunk the cool aid. But we first warned about Woodfoird in 2015 and 1000 articles and podcasts later, we were clearlty first and our journalism has been utterly vindicated as you can see HERE. Site Editor Tom Winnifrith gave a keynote address at UK Investor 2018, in April of that year, predicting exactly what would happen and highlighting numerous red flags. You can see that video below


1881 days ago

Dominic Frisby's new song, "Hate Speech" out today- cracking video

My friend, the comedian & gold/bitcoin guru & Brexit party wannabee MP, Dominic Frisby, has a new song out today, Hate Speech. Suffice to say it is brilliant. The video is below.


1891 days ago

Video: A former Purplebricks employee gives you the hard numbers that show it will fail

I have always believed that Purplebricks (PURP) stiffs both staff and customers and that is why it will eventually ru out of cash so stiffing shareholders too. This video below validates my thesis with a former employee giving hard numbers on that stiffing, a true whistleblower. Enjoy.


1946 days ago

Video: Gold hits six year high so what next?

The acceptable face of technical analysis, Jordan Roy-Byrne is on a roll with his gold call. In the latest video from Palisade Capital, he discusses the key technical levels, the importance of the close next Friday, Gold’s performance against foreign currencies and stocks and potential upside targets in Gold, GDX, and GDXJ. Enjoy.


1964 days ago

Shocking New Neil Woodford video: stumbling, incoherent, in parts misleading

Neil Woodford has released a short video aimed at reassuring investors in his now suspended Equity Income Fund. It will have the opposite effect. It is stumbling, incoherent, in parts misleading and frankly Neil looks like an ill man who is under mammoth stress. I can see why. 


1968 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith exposes Neil Woodford back in April 2018 - so far ahead of any other journalist

Neil Woodford, Britain’s best known fund manager has seen his empire start to crash and crumble today with a suspension of dealings in his flagship fund. Some in the corrupt deadwood press, like the Mail on Sunday, were still praising Woodford yesterday. Others have turned bearish over the past few months having previoously drunk the cool aid. But for almost two years we have been calling this out as a debacle waiting to happen, you can see our full, and incredibly detailed, coverage HERE. Site Editor Tom Winnifrith gave a keynote address at UK Investor 2018 predicting exactly what would happen and highlighting numerous red flags. You can see that video, now shown to be UK Investor at its finest, below


1968 days ago

Video: Gold is heading for $5000 an ounce

Mining entrepreneur Rob McCewen gave the keynote talk at the recent Hard Asset conference and discussed where we are in this new bull market for gold. He discusses the historic Dow to Gold ratio and why we headed back to the day when one ounce of gold will once again purchase one share of the DOW. He thinks gold is headed much higher and likely towards $5000.


1988 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Gold Stocks Oversold but its too Soon to Buy

Jordan Roy Byrne is the one technical analyst we take remotely seriously on this website and in his latest Palisade Capital video he remains bullish on gold but with a caveat…timing.


2098 days ago

Video - Tony Sanders of Catenae at UK Investor City Forum

With the Sith Lord Zak Mir hosting, presenting CEO's knew they would some really tough questions (that's sarcasm folks) after presenting. Third up was Tony Sanders of Catenae (CTEA) The next City forum hosted by the Sith Lord is February 25. Put the date in your diary now.


2098 days ago

Video - Greg Bandy of Red Emperor presents at UK Investor City Forum

With the Sith Lord Zak Mir hosting, presenting CEO's knew they would some really tough questions (that's sarcasm folks) after presenting. First up was Greg Bandy of Red Emperor (RMP) The next City forum hosted by the Sith Lord is February 25. Put the date in your diary now.


2098 days ago

Video: Zak Mir interviews Adam Reynolds at the UK Investor Show City Forum

With the Sith Lord Zak Mirinterviewing him, Adam Reynolds had nothing to fear. But there were questions from the audience that were far more daunting and interesting than those posed by Britain's worst chartist.If you are, like me, a holder of Optibiotix (OPTI), Yourgene (TGEN) - my Q1 nap pick - Big Sofa (BST) - my tip of the year - or Conc epta (CPT) you will want to watch this. I have never been more bullish on the quartet. This will be our year and I know Adam feels the same. The next City forum hosted by the Sith Lord is February 25. Put the date in your diary now.


2098 days ago

Disappearing Video: Julie Meyer wants to thank me for my support (Updated with another copy)

Like all of those opted into  the utterly non GDPR compliant mailing list of Julie "lingerie on expenses"  Meyer I have just received an email thanking me for my support in 2018. Jeepers Julie it was my pleasure. And even better there is a thank you video too. Enjoy.


2105 days ago

Video: gold and silver not in a bull market yet

The one technical analyst we take seriously, no not the Sith Lord Zak Mir but Jordan Roy-Byrne, sees resistance levels on the charts for gold and silver which indicate that we are not in a bull market yet and indeed we may see some short term weakness. Courtesy of Palisade Capital, over to the great man...


2126 days ago

Video: Gold & Gold Stocks are moving closer to a bull market

The only technical analyst we rate, Jordan Roy Byrne explains why he is getting ever more excited about gold and gold stocks. His thesis:

The stock market is extremely oversold and should rally for a few months, which could coincide with a pullback in precious metals. When the market anticipates the first rate cut, the bull run in Gold will begin in earnest. This is all explianed in the latest video from Palisade Capital.


2146 days ago

Video: Nigel Wray (Britain's Buffett) quizzed by Chris "Three Brains" Bailey at the UK Investor Show City forum on December 3

 The next City Forum is on January 21 with Adam Reynolds as the guest speaker being quizzed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir. I bet Adam's quaking about that grilling. Three companies will also present and take questions as will Adam. Put the date in your diary. From this week's seminar here is Britain's Buffett being interviewed by Three Brains himself


2146 days ago

Video: Riverfort Global Opportunities presenting at UK Investor Show City Forum December 3

The next City Forum is on January 21 with Adam Reynolds as the guest speaker being quizzed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir. I bet Adam's quaking about that grilling. Three companies will also present and take questions as will Adam. Put the date in your diary. From this week's seminar here is Brian Kinane of Riverfort Global Opportunities (RGO), formerly Paternoster Res presenting and taking questions.


2146 days ago

Video: SkinBioTherapeutics presents and takes questions at the UK Investor Show City forum on December 3

The next City Forum is on January 21 with Adam Reynolds as the guest speaker being quizzed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir. I bet Adam's quaking about that grilling. Three companies will also present and take questions as will Adam. Put the date in your diary. From this week's seminar here is Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) presenting and taking questions.


2152 days ago

Video: Steve O'Hara of Optibiotix on another great piece of news

Okay, I know that an interview with Proactive Investor is not exactly taxing, the questions make those posed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir look like the Spanish Inquisition in full flow. But Optibiotix (OPTI) has more great news today and Steve O' Hara rams that home in the video below. The shares are 96p and I am certainly not selling any at anywhere near this price - they are going a lot higher.


2168 days ago

Video - gold stocks could crash

Or they might not. But the potential is there warns the only technical analyst/chartist on this planet we pay any attention to, Jordan Roy-Byrne in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


2171 days ago

Video: great news for Malcolm Stacey, Jeremy Corbyn and in house BB loon Wildes - we have found the Magic Money Tree

It's trebles all round on Malcolm in the Punter's Return becuase, as you can see below, we have indeed found and located the Magic Money Tree. The nation's problems are all over, vote Corbyn, sit back relax and await paradise on earth.


2183 days ago

Video: Rick Rule: upside in the uranium price is absolutely inevitable

Rick Rule from Sprott, the world's best known resource investor, is a major bull of Yellowcake and explains why in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital. Rick feels that it’s too early to draw any conclusions from the recent market action arguing that, technically, these price fluctuations are not that aggressive. He is encouraged by golds recent performance but two weeks of data is not worth anything but amusement.


2185 days ago

Video: We Are Starting Another Leg Up In Gold

Mining entrepreneur Ross Beaty reckosn the really good times are coming for we gold bulls. He feels that we have been in a gold bull market since 2015. Gold had a good breakout in 2016, and that seems to be in the first leg of a bull market. Anyone who has invested in gold equities should do very well in the next few years.


2194 days ago

Video - Premaitha presents and grilled at UK Investor City Forum

Four Premaitha (NIPT) bods presented and faced the music at the UK Investor City forum last week. I was hard on them with my questions as were other members of the audience. But I think they coped well and the shares are most certainly a BUY. Enjoy the video and remember that the next forum (featuring Sosandar) is on 3 December. We will start taking bookings next week.


2199 days ago

Video: Dominic Frisby sings "maybe" - sheer comedy genius

The Mrs and I come from opposite ends of the political spectrum but were both in stitches as we watched the latest video from my pal Dominic Frisby. Watch to the end..this is genius


2202 days ago

Video The Bull case for Uranium - Part 2

Earlier this week, Michael Alkin started to present the compelling bull case for Uranium (HERE). Now he continues theme c/o the latest podcast from Palisade Capital...


2206 days ago

Video: Female academic Janice Fiamengo explains Christine Blasey Ford, the author of the Brett Kavanaugh smear and hit job

Thank you to Somerset's most enlightened baker for flagging up this gem. Fiamengo covers the clear wretchedness  and weakness of Blasey Ford's witness statement used by the Democrat swamp dwellers to try to derail the Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination much of which I have covered, notably HERE, but she has more.  More importantly she explains exactly why Ford acted as she did and why, in every way, she benefits so greatly from her lies even after she is exposed as a liar. This video is priceless.


2210 days ago

Video: I anticipate a slow and steady increase in gold prices

We long suffering believers in the only proper currency man does not devalue with the printing press might have hoped for more but we will settle for this if it is on offer.


2253 days ago

Video: Optibiotix commercial director Per Rehne talks about ramp up in sales

What looks like wallpaper in Mr Rehne's spare room really is ghastly and I am not sure what a director of Optibiotix (OPTI) is doing recording a webcast with investment hookers Proactive, a week or so before results day, but whatever, what do I know. Per seems in upbeat mood. For the record, having followed our own advice and top slice ( selling c 1/6) of our holding at 125p, we are not selling any more at the current 108p-111p.  


2254 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - at absolutely every level Big Dave Lenigas talks bollocks on Twitter

In today's podcast i look at tweets from Big Dave Lenigas which at every level would, in the US, see him heading for the cell next to the one being prepared for Tesla's Elon Musk. He just cannot substantiate what he is saying. I then look at Pantheon Resources (PANR), have a question about May 25 2019 and the Horse Hill Woodlarks walk, at Condor Gold (CNR), one of Jim Mellon's dogs, at Imaginatik (IMTK) at what price would I buy for Vin Murria? Finally there is a detailed look at Marechale Capital (MAC) a true AIM Casino POS. The goat milking video to which I refer is HERE and the latest Hovel photos are HERE


2286 days ago

Video: Optibiotix chairman Neil Davidson - I've bought £250,000 of shares far!

Okay the video is from blowjob TV that is to say Proactive from yesterday and thus the interviewer makes Zak Mir look like Jeremy Paxman. But, remembering that chairman Davidson has a reputation to lose, take note of what he implies about buying even more shares and also about deals not yet announced. His quiet confidence is clear and that is why even at 86p-88p you would be certifiable if you sold any shares. We certainly will not be at anywhere near this level.


2289 days ago

Video: Gold due a relief rally but bigger move is on hold

In this week's video update from Palisade Capital and the only technical analyst we give any time to at all, Jordan Roy Burne discusses where the market is and why it failed to break-out. Traders were anticipating a breakout, and many are likely disappointed. The dollar is consolidating and now above the long-term moving average. Concerning GDX and GDX.J, things are still pretty dull. Jordan warns that “Silver is also on the verge of breaking down out of a triangle.”


2294 days ago

Video: Student snowflake butthurt ignorance in New York - Trump and his SCOTUS pick

This video is just a hoot. It was recorded before President Trump announced his nomination for the vacant Supreme Court seat. Students in NY were asked what they thought of a pick which, in the real world, had not happened yet. Over to the snowflakes...


2338 days ago

Julie Meyer Video - The Love of Money is the Root of all evil

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." Timothy 6:10 ( King James Version Natch). So in that vein who said "I remember being very obsessed with having no money but if you are good money will find you." To find out watch this classic video from 2011


2344 days ago

Video from Folli Follie HQ Athens - the photos its burly security guards don't want you seeing

As promised, I trekked up the Great North Road to the HQ of Greek fraud Folli Follie to record a video. My driver was a burly Albanian arranged by friends of mine to ensure my safety. He was a bit more than a driver. I got out to take some photos which you can see below and then I was approached by two very burly security guards who don't want you seeing these photos. The video below shot from the other side of the Motorway explains what happened next.


2352 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - yes: the bat room now has a door, window and ceiling:

I will today book my ticket to Greece next week.I am not yet decided whether to fly direct to Kalamata and the hovel or go via Athens to shoot some videos outside Folli Follie HQ and at some of its bogus shops. I have not doorsteppoed a Greek fraud for a while. It has been too long. Back to the hovel and you can see we have two doors in the bat room: one for the eco loo and an external one. We have a window, so the room is snake proof, and a wooden ceiling. This week power points and the floor are being installed!


2353 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 - a bonus session from #LukeJohnson4PM

This video rather slipped down the sofa but was a bonus session from the great Luke Johnson in a breakout room at the UK Investor Show on what makes a great entrepreneur.


2354 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - alternative investing featuring Nigel Wray & Nigel Somerville

Okay those may be the names best known to readers of this site but the panel also included two other wise heads, Ayan Mitra (Code Investing) and veteran gold guru Malcolm Burne (JP Jenkins).


2355 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Neil Ritson of Solo Oil

After all the beastly things I have wriiten about Solo Oil (SOLO) and about him personally it was jolly brave of Neil Ritson to enter the Lion's Den and present at the show. In that regard, I take my hat off to him. Over to the brave man...


2355 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Mike Read of Falanx

I defy anyone who spoke to the Falanx (FLX) team at the show not to have come away a bull. I did and thus bought more shares post show. At 5.2p offer the shares are really very cheap IMHO. If you doubt here is chairman Mike Read to say more.


2356 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Robert Price of Highland Natural Resources

If I say so myself, I called this brilliantly as a sell then as a buy then as a take profits. But where does Highland Natural Resources (HNR) stand now? I chatted briefly to the team at the show and they were brimming with confidence but for more detail over to Robert Price.


2356 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Patrick Birley of NEX Exchange

 NEX is a rival to AIM. Surely there has to be a better way than AIM? Patrick Birley explains all. 



2356 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Bearcast with Tom Winnifrith and Thirsty Paul Scott

Scott had failed to show up for his main stage session with Nigel Wray after drinking too much the night before but rolled up for a noon bearcast. Enjoy.


2356 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Making Money in Africa

This session was chaired by our own Chris Bailey  and featured Andrew Bell of Red Rock (RRR), Rob Scott of Anglo African Agriculture (AAAP - where we own shares - Ahmet Dik of Victoria Oil & Gas (VOG) and Colin Bird of numerous companies, including Jubilee Metals (JLP) tipped by Andrew Monk this morning.


2356 days ago

Uk Investor Show 2018 Video - Alternatives to oil for energy forum

This panel was chaired by our own Gary Newman and featured uranium cheerleader Paul Atherley of Berkeley Energia (BKY), coal bug Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) and waste to power enthusiast Keith Allaun of Powerhouse Energy (PHE).


2356 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Main stage Video: What is Blockchain & Is Bitcoin a bubble?

This session was chaired by Dominic Frisby with a panel of Malcolm Palle, Jonathan Bixby, Tony Sanders, Bob McDowall, and Ralph Hazell


2356 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Simon Robinson of Yolo Leisure & Technology

I may be wrong but I am pretty sure that Nigel Wray, aka Britain's Buffett, has a small stake in Yolo (YOLO). Anyhow here to explain the fundamentals is boss Simon Robinson


2356 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Making money from oil onshore UK

This panel discussion was chaired by our very own Gary Newman and featured Jonathan Tidswell of Angus Energy (ANGS), David Bramhill of Union Jack Oil (UJO) and Richard Hale, assistant to "The Knife" in the City's No 1 oil team round at SP Angel


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video Token Communities's Alex Lightman on Blockchain

Still not figured out blockchain yet? Me neither. So here is Alex Lightman of Token Communities to explain all.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Gfinity with Nigel Wray

This presentation sees Gfinity (GFIN) with one of its shareholders, a Mr Nigel Wray, aka Britain's Buffett, presenting.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Belluscura Ltd ( part of TekCapital)

Belluscura Ltd is one of the investeee companies of TekCapital (TEK) and it also presented at the show.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - John Dawson of Alliance Pharma

This is, of course, a big fave of Nigel Wray and he has done exceptionally well from Alliance Pharma (APH). It has also been a good share tip (twice) from myself and young Steve on the Nifty Fifty. The main man is John Dawson and he can explain the story going forward.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Kieran Rooney of Amryt Pharma

We still have some warrants in Amryt (AMYT) and I know this is a big year both in terms of clinical trials and also sales ramp up but I admit that I am a bit off the pace on exactly what is going on. So over to someone who is bang up to speed.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Keith Allaun of Powerhouse Energy Group

I rather like Mr Allaun although as you know I am not heavily into this green malarky but the world is and thus I see the merit in the shares. Anyhow Keith can explain the Powerhouse Energy (PHE) story better than a climate change denier like myself so over to him. 


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Steve O'Hara of Optibiotix

I chatted to Steve before the show and at it. This is my biggest single holding, I bought more after the show and at a 71p offer shares in Optibiotix (OPTI) are IMHO still very cheap. I really do expect them to be at 120p+ during the coming months as it unveils a string of new sales agreements. Here is Steve in action...


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Martin Rosser of Alexander Mining

Next up is Martin Rosser the CEO of Alexander Mining (AXM) - enjoy.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Paul Atherley of Berkeley Energia

It is time for Steve Moore's favoured play in the mining sector, Berekely Energia (BKY) headed up by Paul Atherley


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Harry Adams of Kefi Minerals

Harry has never been to Kalamata even though during the war of Independence that started in 1821 his family were fighters (for Greece natch) who lived near there. As I live near there now I have suggested he pay a visit. But not until he has created some real value for we shareholders in Kefi Minerals (KEFI). Here is Harry with his plan...


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Adam Reynolds chairs small Biopharma session

Chaired by Adam Reynolds this session boated the CEOS of Immupharma, Optibiotix, soon to IPO Phynova and ValiRx. Enjoy.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Jubilee Metals - Leon Coetzer (NOT! Colin Bird)

Well I never. Colin Bird was omnipresent at the show but for Jubilee Metals (JLP) he handed over to his able CEO Leon Coetzer.


2357 days ago

Uk Investor Show 2018 Video : Clifford Gross of Tekcapital

Once again I plead complete ignorance when it comes to TekCapital (TEK). There are 2,500 listed companies in London and I am not so much of a geek to be able to do 2 minutes without hesitation, deviation or repetition on all of them or even most of them. Anyhow over to Clifford Gross for enlightenment.


2357 days ago

UK Investor show 2018 video - Bernard Aylward of Kodal Minerals

Once again, I admit to 100% ignorance on this one so it is over to Bernard Aylward of Kodal Minerals (KOD) for the lowdown.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Paul Welch of SDX Energy

On this one I confess complete ignorance, the sum of my knowledge is exactly zero so it is over to Paul Welch of SDX Energy (SDX) to explain more.


2357 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 - Noel Lyons of Karoo Energy

I know not a lot about Karoo Energy (KEP) other than - I think - it operates in Botswana. But I chatted to Noel Lyons at length at the show and before it and he seems like a pleasant chap. Over to him


2358 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - the Great Luke Johnson

Another excellent column in yesterday's Sunday Times on regulation provides some inspiration for today's bearcast. But here is my friend Luke Johnson in full flow at the UK Investor show. Enjoy.


2358 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Lucy Wray & Tom Winnifrith open "champagne with a sword" Dr Hon flops

This was part of the opening ceremony at UK Investor Show. As you can see myself and Lucy Wray were naturals. The booze was, for the record, finest English Chapel Down not that French muck. Poor Johnny Hon found it a bit harder. 


2359 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Thomas Wagenhofer of Curzon Energy

Here I do claim a bit on insight. We own the shares - now 9.75p to buy - and I do actually know quite a bit of what Curzon (CZN) does having spoken to Mr Wagenhofer pre IPO. He now explains the story in more detail.


2359 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources

He is my friend but, I am aware, not universally appreciated. A marmite figure. Welcome to Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR)


2359 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Aidan Bishop of Big Dish Ventures

Big Dish has yet to IPO but the my loyal sidekick Steve Moore has already committed me to invest £1000 in the IPO after a Dragon's Den pitch HERE - where the pizza Hardman Darren Atwater was also wowed. So far no one has asked me for any cash so I guess the IPO is still on the runway but here is more of what got Canada's leading bearded Marxist, who running a capitalist enterprise in Clerkenwell, and also Steve Moore so excited.


2359 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 The Bears session Lucian Miers, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith & Nigel Somerville

And the next video is the bears with myself, the Dark Destroyer Matt Earl, the Bard of the Boleyn Lucian Miers and a cameo by Nigel Somerville on Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO). On the agenda Telit (TCM), Tesla (TSLA), Mitie (MTO), IQE (IQE), RM2 (RM2),Avanti Communications (AVN), AIQ (AIQ) and a good stack more.


2362 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 - Scott Kaintz of Regency Mines

I am sure that some folks wnated to attend this one to pelt my friend Andrew Bell with rotten fruit. They would be pelting wrongly IMHO but that is another matter. Andrew was in plenty of panels but in this Regency Mines (RGM) session it was Scott in charge. 


2362 days ago

Uk Investor Show 2018 Video - Christian Schaffalitzky of Eurasia Mining

At a personal level I have always had a lot of time for Christian Schaffalitzky but am off the pace on news from Eurasia Mining (EUA) although staring at the world map on the wall in Joshua's room just above the nappy changing mat I finally worked out yesterday, as I changed an absolutely disgusting nappy, where it is that Eurasia operates. You probably did not need to know that. Over to Christian.


2362 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Tom Winnifrith & Nigel Wray tip their golden shares on the UK market

This session had to be cut short as the previous speaker Ed Croft allocated himseelf an extra five minutes for his talk. Heck Mr Wray is your host, cut his talk in half so you can yak on a bit more. Not only does Ed tip all the big frauds as STRONG BUYS he has no manners either. Myself and Nigel gave £3,000 ands £5,000 respectively to Woodlarks and that cash is invested in two shares which we hope will prosper.  All is explained in this short video


2362 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Stockomendation, how to track and use share tipsters

WEelcome to the Taffies, that is to say share tipster tracking site Stockomendation - not to be confused with a company of a similar name noted for tipping as massive buys all the big frauds on AIM. Stockomendation is a useful site and all is explianed in the presentation, by James Bowden, below.


2362 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video Gold & Mining session - Frisby, Van Dyke, Atherley et al

 Chaired by Brian Kinane of Riverfort this was a real clash of ideas and featured Dominic Frisby, Paul Atherley of Berkeley (BKY), Richard Poulden of Wishbone (WSBN), Peter Bird of Asiamet (ARS) and - making a very welcome return - Amanda Van Dyke, now a fund manager.


2362 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Roger Murphy of African Battery Metals

Yes this was Sula and the drill programme did not work out. Rather than carry on flogging a dead horse while drawing a vast salary as many AIM CEOs would have done, boss Roger Murphy changed the name  to African Battery Metals (ABM) and the focus while he stgill had cash at hand. He explains what comes next in the video below.


2362 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video David Galan of Zinc Media

David Galan of Zinc Media (ZIN) strikes me as a nice guy but what do I know? I am not sure I am up to speed on the Zinc story ( Alzheimer's again) so here is a refresher from Galan.


2363 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Mark Slater, the UK's top fund manager

My friend Mark Slater is the UK's top performing fund manager over the past decade. As such his thoughts on the market and what shares he is buying, holding and selling is of massive interest. Although his talk was the last of the day the room was packed, with folks standing at the back to hear every word. Enjoy.


2363 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Colin Bird of Galileo Resources

Colin was a busy man at the show doing, I think, eight, presentations but it may have been more. Here he is speaking on behalf of Galileo Resources (GLR). In case you are wondering , Colin's badge is an "I love bearcast" sticker. Doesn't everyone?


2364 days ago

UK Investor Show Dragon's Den 6 Video: Tom, Gary Newman & Steve Moore invest another £3,000

At the UK Investor Show there were six Dragon's Den sessions. As a result of each £3,000 of my real money was invested after each dragon picked one of the 4 companies doing an elevator pitch. In session six the Dragons were me (Tom Winnifrith), Gary Newman and Steve Moore. The companies pitching were: Falanx,  Thor Mining, Karoo Energy and Bezant Resources


2364 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: UK Investor Show 2018 Video - George Frangeskides of Alba Mineral Resources

My pal Mike Nott was detailed elsewhere so stepping up to the plate for Alba Minerals (ALBA) was George Frangeskides as you can see in the video below.


2364 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Craig Brown of ECR Minerals

It's my fault but I have rather lost touch with the ECR Minerals (ECR) story but here is Craig Brown to explain the current state of play.


2364 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Michael McNeilly of Metal Tiger

And next up is Michael McNeilly of mining investment company Metal Tiger (MTR), who I met socially a few months ago and is good fun for what that is worth.


2364 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 video - Mark Heyhoe of Harvest Minerals and Jangada Mines

A double header here as Mark Heyhoe puts the case for Harvest Minerals (HMI) and Jangada Mines (JAN). Enjoy.


2365 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Rob Scott of Anglo African Agriculture

Big Dave Lenigas pulls the strings here but he was in the land of High Culture on business matters on April 21. So Rob Scott stood in and presented on behalf of Anglo African (AAAP) where I am, for reasons I cannot really remember, a long suffering, if small, shareholder. Over to a man called Scott who is not a drunk and who appeared on time to present coherently. Clearly he's not related to Paul.


2365 days ago

UK Investor Show Dragon's Den Video Number 5: Tom, Brian Kinane & Steve invest another £3,000

At the UK Investor Show there were six Dragon's Den sessions. As a result of each £3,000 of my real money was invested after each dragon picked one of the 5 companies doing an elevator pitch. In session five the Dragons were me (Tom Winnifrith), Brian Kinane of Riverfort, a jovial Irishman who takes teasing well, and Steve Moore. The companies pitching were: Big Sofa, Symphony Environmental, Stranger Holdings and Papua Mining


2365 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Ali Hall and Julie Lavington of Sosandar

No one seemed to disagree that Ali and Julie came across incredibly well at the show. Sosandar (SOS) is a stock that I own as does Nigel Wray and so does Paul Scott who, in his sober moments, is a good retail analyst. Anyhow see what you think. I reckon the shares are a great buy at 15.5p.


2365 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 video - Kiran Morzaria of Cadence Minerals

I should declare that about eight years ago I borrowed C$20 from Kiran Morzaria in a snow bound Toronto and have yet to pay him back so there is a clear conflict of interest here. Not! Cue Bulletin Board Morons screaming about brown envelopes. I digress, Kiran was presenting on behalf of Cadence Minerals (KDNC). Enjoy.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Dave Mutton of Primary Bid

As you know I reckon EVERYONE should register with Primary Bid. It costs nothing and one day you will see it do a placing you are gagging to do and which will be snapped up before you know it by folks who are registered and get alerts. So SIGN UP NOW HERE!. Dave Mutton explains more at the UK Investor Show here.


2366 days ago

Uk Investor Show 2018 Video Peter Bird of Asiamet Resources

Asiamet (ARS) has been one of the AIM wonder stocks of the past year. Peter Bird explains why the good times will continue. Enjoy.


2366 days ago

Uk Investor Show 2018 Videos; Dave Richards of WANdisco

Is it Dave or David? I get confused by so much these days. Whatever he presented a compelling case. And after the Dragon's Den he did I became a shareholder as you can see HERE. Wandisco (WAND) is proof of how vital management is. It was heading for disaster then management changed and now its zooming ahead as Dave/David explains below.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Simon Lidington of Big Sofa

Simon also gave a massively impressive Dragon's Den pitch which you can watch later. I own shares in Big Sofa (BST) and came away enthused as a result of the show. What do you think?


2366 days ago

Explosive Purplebricks Video from UK Investor Show - Estate Agent Chris Wood blows the lid

This may say Minoan on the video but it is not. Yet another P45 for Darren Atwater. Instead it is Cornish Estate Agent Chris Wood who has disregarded two bully boy lawyers letters and blows the lid on Purplebricks (PURP).


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show Main Stage Star Video: Nigel Wray, Paul Jourdan and Tom Winnifrith not Paul Scott

Paul Scott had too much to drink the night before and thus failed to appear for this mid morning session on value investing at UK Investor Show. At one minute's notice I stepped into his shoes with Paul promising the organisers that he would arrive within ten minutes. He did not turn up at all. Though I over-ran by about five minutes as I adjusted & winged it using as a basis a pretty piss poor agenda Paul had set the session still worked very well I thought, a testimony to the expertise of Nigel Wray and Paul Jourdan of Amati.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Richard Poulden of PCGE

PCGE (PCGE) certainly arouses debate. Here putting the investment case is its founder and chairman Richard Poulden.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show Dragon's Den 4 Video: Tom, Darren & Steve invest another £3,000

At UK Investor Show there were six Dragon's Den sessions. As a result of each £3,000 of my real money was invested after each dragon picked one of the 5 companies doing an elevator pitch. In session four the Dragons were me (Tom Winnifrith), a very smug Darren Atwater and Steve Moore. The companies pitching were: Plutus PowerGen, Big Dish, Optibiotix, Connemara and Anglo African Agriculture.


2366 days ago

Uk Investor Show 2018 Video - Stephen Hemsley of Franchise Brands

Franchise Brands (FRAN) was Nigel Wray's 2017 Golden share and he is a major shareholder in this stock. Boss Stephen Hemsley has a cracking CV being the man at the helm during the most exciting part of the Domino's Pizza (DOM) growth story.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 - Chris Eadie of Rose Petroleum

A colleague of Chris Eadie's came to see me in Bristol a few months ago arriving by motorbike. But Mr Eadie also explains the new Rose Petroleum (ROSE) case well.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Colin Hutchinson of Ascent Resources

Ascent Resources (AST) is controversial and with its strategic review, very much in the news. But the Ulster Man does not hide and so in that regard I SUFTUM - Colin Hutchinson could have ducked UK Investor but opted not to and here is what he had to say.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Leo Koot of Columbus Energy Resources

This is the great Leo the man who has transformed Del Boy Lenigas operation LGO Energy into a company that is going places, Columbus Energy (CERP). This presentation struck me as not bad at all.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show Main stage speaker Dr Johnny Hon on China fraud with Tom Winnifrith Cameo

I rather wondered what Dr Hon of The Global Group would say about China fraud on AIM but what he said was pretty explosive, exposing those within the City who quite deliberately and systematically broke Chinese rules to allow frauds to float in London. This was great stuff because the scandal is that those who did this still operate in the City today. I make a cameo appearance at the end. Enjoy.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 video: Richard Poulden of Wishbone Gold

I own shares in Wishbone Gold (WSBN) in my pension and so does FIML. So, for that matter, does my son Joshua. I think that in the end we will all make money and a lot of it but so far it has been "bumpy." Here to explain why the future is golden is founder and chairman Richard Poulden.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Bruce Leith of Tern

Tern (TERN) is, of course, the bete noire of our own Nigel Somerville. It has also be THE AIM wonder stock of the past week. So what exactly did Bruce Leith say at UK Investor Show. Enjoy.


2367 days ago

UK Investor Show Video Dragon's Den 3: Tom, Nigel Wray and Steve Moore invest another £3,000

At UK Investor Show there were six Dragon's Den sessions. As a result of each £3,000 of my real money was invested after each dragon picked one of the 5 companies doing an elevator pitch. In session three the Dragons were me (Tom Winnifrith), Nigel Wray and Steve Moore.  The companies pitching were: Vast Resources, ECR Minerals, FairFX, Red Rock Resources and Ferrum Minerals.


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show Video - the Amazing Vin Murria

Some investor shows have all women panels in a rather patronising tokenistic manner. Our main stage speakers are there on merit and merit alone. This year there were three women on the main stage, including the show owner Lucy Wray. But the star, as ever, was the Queen of tech Vin Murria. She would hit me if I suggested she was there as part of a quota, she is the ultimate meritocrat and she is forthright in her views. For me this was the session  of the show but is for paying subscribers only.


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show Video Dragon's Den 2: Tom, Nigel Wray and Gary Newman invest another £3,000

At UK Investor Show there were six Dragon's Den sessions. As a result of each £3,000 of my real money was invested after each dragon picked one of the 5 companies doing an elevator pitch. In session two the Dragons were me (Tom Winnifrith), Nigel Wray and Gary Newman.  The companies pitching were: African Battery Metals, Extract Resources, WanDisco, Coinsilium and Powerhouse Energy Group.


2369 days ago

Explosive UK Investor Show Video: Tom Winnifrith chapter & verse on why AIM bad boy MySquar is a 100% FRAUD

I start at the beginning which is the early career of Eric Schaer, the fraudster in chief, and end at the end which will be insolvency and, I hope, jail time for Eric and the gang. This is chapter and verse on why MySquar (MYSQ) is a 100% fraud and why the employees of Nomad SP Angel are gutless, morally bankrupt, crony capitalists for continuing to act for it. This is no holds barred material. Enjoy.


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Dragons Den 1, Tom W, Nigel Wray & Steve invest £3,000

At UK Investor Show there were six Dragon's Den sessions. As a result of each £3,000 of my real money was invested after each dragon picked one of the 5 companies doing an elevator pitch. In session one the Dragons were me ( Tom Winnifrith), Nigel Wray and Steve Moore.  The companies pitching were: Botswana Diamonds, Gallileo Resources, Bluebird Merchant Ventures, Ariana Resources and R4E.


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Colin Bird of Xtract Resources

Thanks to Gary Newman and Steve Moore and the 2017 Dragon's Den I am an impoversihed investor in Xtract Resources (XTR). Should I sack them do you think? Anyhow there is a new boss, Colin Bird, and he puts the recovery case...


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 - Asaf Lahav of Techfinancials

I met up with Asaf from TechFinancials (TECH) the day before the show. We had a bit of a disagreement about Syria but moved swifty on as he tried to explain blockchain and his ICO to me - and I think I almost got it. Here he is at the UK Investor Show doing the same. Enjoy.


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: George Roach of Premier African Minerals

What I know about Premier African Minerals (PREM) could be written on the back of a postage stamp. And a small one at that! To broaden my knowledge base here is its boss George Roach in action last weekend.


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources

Kerim Sener is the founder and CEO of AIM listed gold producer and explorer Ariana Resources (AAU). He is one of the nicest and most honest guys on the market and I think Ariana shares are cheap. To see what he had to say at the UK Investor Show 2018 watch the video below. Enjoy!


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2018 - Colin Bird of Bezant Resources

Colin Bird seemed to be omnipresent at the UK Investor Show and here he is presenting on behalf of Bezant Resources (BZT).


2369 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Charles Barclay of Bluebird Merchant Ventures

We own shares in Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and have done since its IPO. It has been a bumpy ride but things are now going very much the right way and at c3p they are very cheap. Here is Charles Barclay to explain why.


2370 days ago

EXPLOSIVE Video from UK Investor Show 2018 - Tom Winnifrith exposes the Neil Woodford myth on the main stage

The room was packed and I did not hold back one iota. I was nervous ahead of this talk as I knew that it would get a full house and, despite the intervention of my 18 month old son Joshua, I think it flowed well. It is no holds barred stuff on Britain's most conceited fund manager and explains why he is in very deep trouble indeed.


2371 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Ahmet Dik of Victoria Oil & Gas

Sadly it was not my friend the Foo Man ( Kevin Foo) presenting but a very able stand in, Ahmet Dik, batted for Victoria Oil & Gas (VOG). Enjoy.


2371 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Nikos Tripatsas of The Cyprus Stock Exchange

I have no idea how or why Nikos was at the show but he's a Greek so he must be a good guy, right? Enjoy.


2371 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Faisal Rahmatallah of Plastics Capital

I have always regarded Faisal as one the more straightforward but also cleverer AIM bosses - okay you may say there is a low bar on both counts but that was meant to be praise. And Plastics Capital (PLA) is very much a real business a proper company making things so all power to his elbow. Enjoy Faisal's presentation from the show.


2371 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Ian Bristow of Symphony Environmental

I had a great chat with Michael Laurier of Symphony Environmental  (SYM) about how when we first met the shares were 2p and I had faith in him then. They are now well over 20p. Michael gets a lot of stick but for delivering 1000% gains - albeit over 12 or 13 years - he deserves some credit.  Presenting the Symphony case at UK Investor Show was FD Ian Bristow. Enjoy.


2371 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: James Hickman of FairFX

James is the Chief Commercial Officer of FairFX (FFX) where I am a shareholder - after Saturday and a Dragon's Den Session - mainly because I am a customer and I think this service is just fecking brilliant. Anyhow James can explain all and did so on Saturday as you can see in the video below. Enjoy.


2371 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Brian Stockbridge of First Sentinel

First Sentinel (NEX:FSEN) is a NEX Markets listed financial services firm and its founder and CEO is Brian Stockbridge who presents in the video below. Enjoy. 


2379 days ago

Hilarious Video: Mark Steyn tears the useless Metropolitan Police & hapless Mayor Khan apart on knife crime

Anglophile conservative columnist Mark Steyn is always very funny but this video on the quite pathetic combo of Mayor Khan and Cressida Dick's Met and its response to knife crime is a classic. As Steyn says, the Met wasn't always a complete laughing stock. It is now. Enjoy.


2380 days ago

SHOCK VIDEO - US reporter in Douma - No Evidence of Chemical Attack

This report tallies with that of Robert Fisk who is also in Douma.  It looks more and more as if the claims of wretched Theresa May, the fag Macron and Donald Trump to have had proof that President Assad gassed Douma were lies and that makes the bombing of Syria, that they ordered, a war crime. When will the mainstream media stop behaving like war crazy jingoistic poltroons, spouting the Governmental fake news and start reporting what actually happened? Enjoy the video.


2381 days ago

Video: Rick Rule sees Resource Opportunities in Uranium, Cobalt, and Gold

Rick Rule of the world's leading resource investor, Sprott says he has, of late, seen broadly increasing client and institutional interest which has been lead by strong private placements. This interest is being driven by 2017 commodity performance, and now the equities show good value.


2383 days ago

Video: Setup for a Breakout in precious metals but When?

Over to the only technical analyst not to be dismissed out of hand, Jordan Roy Byrne who argues that gold failed at resistance Wednesday but remains in position to break out anywhere from very soon to in the summer. Its increasing relative strength has brought it very close to a breakout. Meanwhile, the stocks are trading in tighter and tighter ranges and are set to move up aggressively and sustain it if Gold can close above $1360-$1370. It is all in the latest video from Palisade Capital.


2387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast - setting the record straight on Britain's greatest PM, Margaret Thatcher

Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of the death of Lady Thatcher. I celebrated by publishing a short video of the Iron lady explaining a few home truths. There have been numerous comments made by those ignorant of the facts of life in the UK in the 1970s and 1980s. In this podcast I set them straight.


2394 days ago

Video: Gold Breakout Above $1400 Coming in Next Two Months

Eric Muschinski is an ex broker and hedge fund player who for seven years has penned the “Gold Investment Letter” so this call in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital may be seen as talking his own book but it is argued along rational lines. 


2398 days ago

Double delight: Two videos of Australian cricket captains crying like babies

So Steve Smith got caught cheating. The man who was a bad and tastless winner ( like all Aussie cricketers) got caught and now pleads forgiveness for what he will soon be calling a moment of madness. He says it was "an error of judgement" Tough luck pal, Australia cheated in the Ashes and you knew about that too as you diod about cheating in prior tests in SA this year. Your regret is not for the cheating but for being caught and a life ban and end of the millionaire lifestyle is exactly what you deserve. 


2401 days ago

Video- Clem Chambers presents at Gibraltar Blockchain conference.

I make no comment about the latest outing by the boss of Online Blockchain (OBC). You will see in the declaration that I don't own the shares and that is not likely to change.


2407 days ago

Shocking Expose - The training video they used at UK Oil & Gas that made Steve Sanderson such a guru in investor relations

My son Joshua has stumbled across this shocking video which he tells me is the training video that Steve Sanderson of Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG) uses to help him persuade Bulletin Board Morons to buy into the story at Broadford Bridge and Horse Hill. You can now see from where Lyin' Steve gets his inspiration when it comes to "investor relations" ...enjoy


2420 days ago

Video: Optibiotix boss O'Hara on Blow Job TV - a BUY despite the Proactive jerk off

You know that I view soft soap paid for interviews with folks like Proactive in a deeply negative way. But Steve O' Hara of Optibiotix (OPTI) comes, I believe, across well and explains the import of recent announcements. In this interview O Hara gives the sort of hard numbers I have used in my writings on this stock. Paul Scott shows an extremer double standard in describing this as "nudge, nudge wink, wink" - I just called it talking to a company which is what anyone sensible would do. I explain why Scott is talking cock and applying double standards HERE. As for Optibiotix, do your maths listen to the whbole interview ( the last 30 seconds are very interesting), the shares are incredibly cheap at 62p offer and will go to well over 100p this year if half of what O'Hara says in this interview comes good. BUY.


2421 days ago

Free Crypto pizza with Clem Chambers - what could be better?

It is advertised all over ADVFN with - I assume - Online Blockchain (OBC) paying the full commercial rate. But here's a promo for free. How would you want free pizza with PR bird Steffi and the entertainment provide by ADVFN (AFN) and Online boss Clem Chambers. I say entertainment - have you seen this video below?


2421 days ago

Video: Campus hell in UK 2018: Far left bullies slate Jewish speaker as fascist as they try to shut down libertarian society at Kings London

I used to host events for, I think, the Kings College Libertarian Society when I owned a restaurant nearby. I am a libertarian and I also believe in free speech which means that all sides need to be allowed a platform, even those with whom you disagree.  But as I have found to my own cost in recent months, on campuses across the UK free speech is under real threat from the extreme left. And truth is the first casualty. Anyone with whom the left disagrees is "Alt Right" even though we libertarians clearly are not. But who cares? For some of those on the left it is now acceptable to tell lies to shut down those with whom you disagree. You would have thought that academic staff would fight such bullying to protect the integrity of academia. Sadly that is not always the case.. The video below tells the tale of the battle of King's College.  


2430 days ago

#NeverAgain - I challenge you to watch this video and not shed a tear

In the current climate anti-semitism has become almost acceptable in certain, mainly left wing, circles in Britain. As such, the right of the Jewish people to a safe space that is Israel cannot be challenged. We say #NeverAgain and this video explains why. I challenge you to watch and not have a tear in your eye well before the end.


2437 days ago

New Video from Tony Blair fan Julie Meyer of Ariadne - she's either lying to the camera or to the Maltese Regulators

I just love the way that Julie Meyer MBE has a book about the war criminal Tony Blair displayed prominently behind her as she records her latest video. Like Julie he was a man who boasted of doing God's will - as he launched a bloody illegal war - and like Julie he was a man we always believed. Trust me, I'm Julie, oops, I meant Tony. Sadly this latest video demonstrates Julie is lying to someone.


2464 days ago

NEW Video: Jordan Peterson analyses radically neo Marxist self righteous" non victim Cathy Newman

In light of Cathy Newman's car crash interview on Channel 4 Fake News with Jordan Peterson, the left is now spinning Ms Newman as a courageous victim - palpable nonsense. Now Jordan has hit back in a new interview. The psychologist analyses Ms Newman's behaviour and also that of C4 spinners as well as the disgraceful behaviour of the British liberal media, notably the Guardian and the Independent. It's a long video but the Newman incident is the first 32 minutes.. Enjoy.


2466 days ago

A few of we right wingers are total arseholes but the few have allowed Cathy Newman and Channel 4 News off the hook

My sister N is the sort of public sector employed lefty whose prime source of information is the Guardian. And since I am about the only Tory she speaks to, for there are few to no-one in her social circle, there is no-one to challenge the lies she is fed by the BBC's sister publication. And thus when I asked her if she had seen the Cathy Newman car crash interview with Jordan Peterson on Channel 4 Fake News she said "I've read about all the abuse and death threats she is getting."


2467 days ago

Video: Gold & Gold Stocks Set for Major Breakout in 2018

Gold is positioned for a major breakout in 2018 and the gold stocks and Silver are not far behind. That is the claim of Jordan Roy Byrne the Technical Analyst at Palisade. In the video below he demonstrates his thesis  by analyzing 6 different charts and the key resistance levels these markets could test very soon.


2498 days ago

Video: American Super Bear Andrew Left discusses 2 blockchain bitcoin shorts and the madness of the market

Andrew Left of Citron Research is one of the sharpest cookies in the global shorting conspiracy. He has just recorded an interview on CNBC discussing two blockchain/bitcoin shorts in the US. Change your name and your shares soar even though there is nothing there? Sound familiar Clem?

Left's two targets are Bitcoin Investment Trust (US: GBTC) and Riot Blockchain (US:RIOT). Enjoy...


2498 days ago

Video: CEO of US Blockchain spoof Longfin admits his market cap is insane - Clem he's showing you the way

This is a total car crash video interview with Longfin's CEO and CNBC. I discussed the insanity of Nasdaq star Longfin in bearcast yesterday but the CEO seems to agree with me about the valuation. Meanwhile as he discusses related party deals and other matters he is quite simply taken apart. But I admire his honesty. This chap surely shows the way for OnLine (ONL) boss Clem Chambers. Enjoy...


2510 days ago

Video: Rick Rule on bitcoin, gold stocks, the uranium opportunity and on the time to speculate

Rick Rule of Sprott is perhaps the world's best known investor in resource stocks. This video interview will be controversial covering bitcoin, uranium, gold, dollar default and much more.


2513 days ago

Tom Winnifrith video - 2 share tips & some great scenery at the Greek Hovel

I was originally meant to present this at an evening organised by brokers Turner Pope. But the compliance officer kicked off in an episode which fills me with despair so Turner Pope said put the video up on ShareProphets and we will give your speaker fee to Woodlarks anyway as it is a good cause. Good chaps. Seriously, TP get to do some good placings, notably of late Sosandar (SOS) where it was almost impossible to get stock anywhere else, So you should have an account with them just in case - you can call them on 0203 621 4121 to get the forms.  Now to the video...enjoy.


2514 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - feeling sympathy with alleged City criminals and more on UKOG

It looks as if the double share tip video will be out on Tuesday - www speeds in Greece are just too slow to upload it. In today's bearcast I start with the leaking of failed bids, ref Elegant Hotels (EHG). Who benefits and why do it? Then I look at the fund managers accused of colluding to drive down IPO prices. I really do have some sympathy with them and explain why. Then it is onto UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and Alba (ALBA). Finally I take apart today's ludicrous claims about growing poverty in Britain. They are pure bollocks.


2515 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - if you lost money on Friday sue ABC for its fake news

I start with a look at whether some current assets are really current assets, taking my inspiration from my earlier analysis of Jim Mellon's flagship dog Regent Pacific. I explain why getting this right is so important in endeavouring proper company analysis. Then it is onto Friday's market sell off caused by what even ABC now admits was 100% fake news about Donald Trump. I look at the tax plans of POTUS which are inspirational and compare them with the rhetoric coming out of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party. I increasingly think Corbyn will win the next election and explain why that would be such a disaster. Tomorrow there may be no bearcast as I am travelling but I plan to do a double video share tip for paying subscribers only


2516 days ago

A video Christmas card to Kambos from my father, myself and my son Joshua

This may all be Greek to you but my neighbours in the village closest to the Greek Hovel will understand.


2529 days ago

Video: Keith Neumeyer: The Numbers Sound Crazy, but I Predict $8,000 Gold & $130 Silver

Yes it does sound crazy but we live in a crazy old world don't we? Keith Neumeyer argues that the reason the resource markets are lagging is due to institutions not entering the metal market.  The this is that until there is a crack in the major markets, we will not see institutional money flow into the mining equities. The market is quite similar to the year 2000 when it was flat and then took off. History is repeating itself. We need some sort of correction and sane-ness to enter the market. He feels the coming bull market will be quite impressive.


2532 days ago

SHOCK VIDEO: Lyin' Steve Sanderson of Uk Oil & Gas explains what really makes him tick

The video is self explanatory and the UKOG ramper in chief does not mince his words. Enjoy.


2555 days ago

Video: the rampers meneage a trois made in heaven: David Lenigas, the LSE Asylum and UK Oil & Gas

 UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) may be out of cash and needing to raise £10 million PDQ. It has tried the old French bid ruse but was exposed, it has tried billions of barrels claims but been exposed so how to ramp the shares. Okay Big Dave may have sold many of  his UKOG shares into the last6 ramp but let's not discuss that, the cash crisis, the refusal to admit flow rates or go for any hard analysis. It is time to wheel out Big Dave for an uber soft interview c/o the LSE Asylum with a man who makes Graham Norton on Crooked Hillary Clinton seem like Frost on Nixon The shares are up by 2% on this ramp, a chance to sell some more at 4.45p


2570 days ago

Sound Energy video - 100% pure cliche ridden bullshit

I have explained many times before why, on fundamentals, Sound Energy (SOU) is a slam dunk sell. Now watch this short promo video. This is pure unadulterated cliche ridden bullshit and, inadvertently, makes the bear case better than anything that I could write.


2596 days ago

Video: Joshua a year old on Saturday, going for a spin

It is hard to believe but on Saturday my son Joshua turns one. And s a treat for both of us my mother-in-law is coming to stay for four days, a truly long weekend. Yesterday he stood up for 14 seconds without assistance, he says a few words, plays with Oakley and in Greece went sea swimming for the first time. As for the pool, as you can see below, he is a natch...


2596 days ago

Video: The grandfather of share blogging Malcolm Stacey on why you should join ShareProphets

As of midnight if you are not paying just £5.99 a month you lose access to our 300 articles and podcasts a month. In this video, the grandfather of share blogging comments on my use of French but explains very clearly why you'd be bonkers not to sign up. It is a false economy not to join as Malcolm points out very clearly. So watch comrade Stacey in action and then sign up NOW HERE 


2597 days ago

Video:Chris Bailey of Financial Orbit on why you should subscribe to ShareProphets

Chris Bailey is one of the writers who a subscription based ShareProphets - assuming enough of you sign up! - will be showcasing more often. In the video below he explains exactly why you should sign up NOW HERE 


2604 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The 88 Energy trainwreck & would you rather back a company run by Steve Moore or Dave Lenigas

My relative radio silence since yesterday is explained by this video. Today's bearcast is my last recorded from Greece for almost three months. The view from where I record is spectacular. The only question is whether I can upload it given how piss poor the internet is here. I look at 88 Energy (88E) and see massive problems ahead, comment on BNN (BNN) and Telit (TCM) and that brings me to the issue of management. It is critical in investing. Ceteris paribus, would you rather a company you were invested in was run by our own Steve Moore or by Big Dave Lenigas?


2605 days ago

Video - Joshua in action, why I could not write any articles yesterday

As you may know, I hit the keys on my computer so hard that after a while the figures on them wear off. Then they become so damaged that they stop working altogether or only if you hit them repeatedly very hard. At that point hipster Marxist, the pizza hardman Darren Atwater, says "why don't you get a new Mac costing loads of moolah from the money tree?"  and I go buy a new keyboard, which looks like what I have been using all my adult life, and plug it in. Joshua types like his Dad as you can see in the video below...


2633 days ago

Telit - Smelly Cat, smelly Cat - its not your fault: talk me through the share dumping timeline again

I have just posted my analysis of today's disastrous interims from Telit Communications (TCM). This company is just drowning in red flags and the shares have crashed from 340p on May 25 when CEO Oozi Cats flogged £24 million worth to 156p. I could see this being a zero as explained in full HERE. But perhaps Oozi can help me on a few timeline issues just to explain why he is not an insider dealer. In return I have a special musical video just for him below...


2655 days ago

Video: Gold, silver and precious metals - the primary trend is down

In this video from Jordan Roy Byrne, Palisade Capital covers Gold and Silver and where they could go over the very short and medium term. It also covers gold stocks which are trending lower slowly but remain in a massive multi-year bottoming process. Overall the picture is one that will make the bears not the bulls happy bunnies.


2670 days ago

July Is Going to be Very Ugly for Gold & Gold Stocks

This is not the normal fare from gold bulls Palisade Capital. The firm's technical analyst Jordan Roy Byrne is uber bearish warning that July will be awful for both gold and gold stocks. Watch the latest video from Jordan, for a TA saddo he is better than most. All we need now is the Sith Lord Zak Mir saying that the charts look bullish and the bear case would be complete.


2672 days ago

Video: the whitewashing of anti-semitism in the Labour Party

If folks like me say that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party is so infected with the virus of anti-semitism that it has become institutionalised I am accused - as an out and proud right winger but also as a proud Zionist - of smearing. The video below is remarkable in that it is produced by and features a raft of fully paid up Guardian reading, left wing academics, many indeed are Labour Party members. It is a truly shocking expose of the evil at the heart of the British left.


2675 days ago

Video: Bearish on markets, short term mega bearish on uranium - Rick Rule

In the latest video podcast from Palisade Capital, perhaps the world's best known resource fund manager, Rick Rule of Sprott, discusses the surprising lack of volatility in the markets and with the various worldwide challenges one would expect it to be much higher. He is not optimistic when one looks at the collective balance sheets of governments with their underfunded pension plans and is acting on the assumption that the markets will get more volatile.


2696 days ago

Monday Night car crash video shocker - Diane Abbott interview on Sky

This is not pretty. Commie journalist Paul Mason says that Diane Abbott is only criticised by nasty racists. Au contraire. She is criticised by all and sundry because she is too lazy to do her homework and too stupid to understand her brief. This interview with Sky is a total car crash. Does anyone seriously think that this woman is fit to be Home Secretary by Friday. I know she shagged the boss but is there any other reason why Jeremy Corbyn has not fired this useless old bag? If Labour thinks she is fit for a high office, or indeed any office, it is 'avin' a giraffe. Watch this and you just have to vote Tory.


2721 days ago

Video: Diane Abbott MP does Countdown

This needs no comment. Even PC high priest Darren Atwater admitted it was funny. Watch the video below.


2740 days ago

Video: The Bears Session at UK Investor Show 2017: Two well known stocks set to collapse

In this video from the storming success that was the 2017 UK Investor Show, Graham Neary, Lucian Miers, Tom Winnifrith, Matt Earl, and Gabriel Grego select two well known stocks set to collapse. And make sure that you keep April 21 2018 free for next year's UK Investor Show.


2744 days ago

Video: Nigel Wray and Tom Winnifrith prove that they are literally in bed together at UK Investor Show 2017

In this video from the storming success that was the 2017 UK Investor Show, Nigel Wray and Tom Winnifrith prove that they are literally in bed together. And make sure that you keep April 21 2018 free for next year's UK Investor Show.


2765 days ago

Video: Making a splash as only a heavyweight share blogger can - Paul Scott in action

One of Paul Scott's most endearing qualities is that he can laugh at himself as the video below makes clear. But he is also a razor sharp brain and will be chairing the session with Britain's Buffett, Nigel Wray, and the UK's top small cap fund manager of 2016/17 Paul Mumford at UK Investor Show on Saturday. There will be fireworks then. Meanwhile....


2767 days ago

Video Special with the PR genius Steffi & the Sith Lord Zak Mir - undeclared Commercial Interests Special

I really should not be giving the oxygen of publicity to the half witted duo that is PR Genius Steffi and Sith Lord Zak "Judas" Mir but just to point out how corrupt they are here goes - if you are made of stern stuff there is a video below..


2768 days ago

The video that will nail Amit Ben Haim as a 100% liar when the fraud Cloudtag goes Bust

Well fraud fans, the first day of reckoning for the shabby fraud that is Cloudtag (CTAG) looms. If it has no Nomad in place by Monday night next week then its shares will be booted off AIM. Unable then to raise even death spiral funding and with no sales it will go bust pretty quickly. If it was not already close to going tits up it would not have attempted that last gasp discount placing with broker Novum. So, as no Nomad will sign up to act for an obvious fraud the Fat Lady is waiting in the wings. When this does go bust the video below, recorded with morally bankrupt rampers for hire Proactive, should be examined very closely by the Serious Fraud Office as it is damning..


2774 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Short-Term Upside But How Much?

In this video Jordan Roy-Byrne of Palisade discusses the short-term upside potential in gold stocks and the key resistance levels. It would be a good sign for miners if they can test their February highs. Otherwise, the sector would remain in a trading range.


2778 days ago

Video: Brockham - Angus Energy and that BBC TV Report

The BBC Claims that Angus Energy (ANGS) drilled a well at Brockham without planning permission. Angus says this is not the case. For those who have not seen the original report it is below.


2839 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast & Video: The Great Bear Marc Cohodes interviewed on the Concordia fraud - this sounds so Cloudtag fam

I was watching an old video today in which the great bear Marc Cohodes was interviewed about Concordia a fraud he called as a fraud. The shares were just over $100. They were c$37 when this interview went live. They are now sub $3. Listen to what he says about how investors and fraud companies react to him. This sounds very familiar to me as I discuss in the bearcast below which compares Cloudtag (CTAG) and my life to that of Marc and Concordia.


2839 days ago

Video: Irish MP Clare Daly may be barking mad but she has Obama spot on "Hypocrite of the Century"

Ms Daly is the TD for North Dublin and is of the Corbynite class of barking mad but when President Obama came to Ireland in 2013 she nailed him perfectly and also put a fawning media and local political establishment firmly in their place. Speaking in the Dail, Clare says it as it is and watching the video below I rather warm to the old fruitbat.


2843 days ago

Video: When Peter met Andrea - verbal blow job for Cloudtag at CES

And now to the CES show in Las Vegas where AIM listed fraud Cloudtag (CTAG) paid to get interviewed by a bird called Andrea.Questions in paid for interviews are not exactly tough, Andrea makes Justin the Clown look like Jeremy Paxman. The highlight is about six and a half minutes in when Peter Griffith of Cloudtag cannot even remember where his own stand is. But there is more.


2843 days ago

Video - Celebrity rants against Donald Trump - when will they realise that we plebs don't care what they say?

In the US election campaign the Hollywood and New York Celeb A, B. C, D & E lists lined up to tell Americans to vote for crooked Hillary as a Trump Presidency would be the end of the world. Oddly enough the American people did not listen and The Donald won. Indeed the Republicans also kept control of both the House and the Senate.


2844 days ago

Dynamite video: Cloudtag - no release date yet: tech guru slams product

Fraud Cloudtag (CTAG) was the company guaranteeing orders of $5.2 million in 2016 but uh oh, now we have it on tape saying there is no release date yet while the guru of fitness bands has tweeted - after interviewing Onitor's Peter Griffiths at CES that he reckons this is still in R&D. Oh dear.


2849 days ago

Video: Christmas is not over until Crazy Eddie says its over

Living in Brooklyn in the mid eighties the adverts for Crazy Eddie were just part of life. They were famous and awful at the same time. Little did folks know that this was one mammoth fraud cooked up by Sam Antar, now a great fraud buster as you can see HERE. The TV advert below is from Christmas 1986


2849 days ago

Gold, the Oversold Bounce Begins

Gold and gold stocks have begun their much anticipated oversold, post-tax loss bounce. Jordan Roy Byrne provides rally targets and discusses the implications for 2017 in the latest podcast and video from Palisade Capital. 


2850 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: Rally Coming Now or at Lower Price?

The precious metals sector, specifically Gold and gold stocks have been oversold for a while. They recently broke lower and have made a small bounce the past few days. They may have to drop further before a sustained rebound takes place. Jordan Roy Byrne also analyzes the US$ and how its strength could eventually help Gold bottom in the latest video from Palisade Capital.


2855 days ago

Video: The 2016 Christmas card from myself, my father & baby Joshua to the village of Kambos Greece

This may all be Greek to you but this is the Christmas message from myself and my father and my son Joshua to the folks in Kambos in the Mani near which our little house is located. Happy Christmas to everyone in Kambos especially those in the Kourounis taverna


2862 days ago

Video of convicted criminal Aidan Earley on Faith & Money

Convicted felon Aidan Earley who is banned from being a company director last week fessed up to intimate involvement in Worthington (WRN), the fraud now being run by an administrator. He also libelled me suggesting, inter alia, that I may have been involved in a £40 million insurance scam and fire even though CCTV and other documentary evidence shows that was not the case. So what makes Aidan tick. Watch him in action at a UK Investor show and judge for yourself...


2864 days ago

Rick Rule: Gold- “Don’t Try To Catch A Falling Safe!”

Post Fed meeting, the freefall in gold and gold stocks continues. It’s a perverse characteristic of investing that the narrative gets better as the market gets worse. Rick Rule believes that a 35-40% decline in gold stocks makes them 35-40% more attractive. The legendary boss at Sprott explains why in a special video with Palisade Capital.


2865 days ago

Cloudtag and the CES show - here's a video ramp from IR hookers Proactive - check the date!! And the big lie!!

Cloudtag (CTAG) morons are getting terribly excited about the CES show in las Vegas which their boys are paying to attend next month. Now let's rewind a year to January 8 2016, 21 days before the company launched a blizzard of placings. Here is a ramp video Cloudtag paid IR hookers Proactive Investors to record. The really very foxy Charlotte Kan of Proactive quizzes lying Amit Ben Haim about CES 2016 where he launched Cloudtag's products. Ms Kan maybe uber foxy but she is not exactly Paxman.


2881 days ago

Superb video: Dan Hannan on millennial snowflakes, a generation that can't accept NO!

The Tory MEP is on cracking form as he takes apart the millennial snowflakes protesting against Donald Trump, Brexit, etc. Spare two minutes of your life and watch it. It is superb stuff.


2885 days ago

Fantastic musical video in honor of Hillary Clinton: What Difference does it make? - Lock Her Up

This is awesome, James Comey and crooked Hillary Clinton set to music. It is a battle cry to the new administration. Hillary says "what difference does it make?" We say "Lock her up!"


2886 days ago

New Video: Cloudtag - the downfall

Following on from the Quindell, Sefton and US Oil & Gas downfall videos it is time that Cloudtag (CTAG) which will meet the same fate joins the party. Enjoy.


2888 days ago

Video: The amazing Mark Steyn on the ludicrous pomposity & irrelevance of the Clinton loving liberal "celebs"

The celebs who lined up to back crooked Hillary Clinton actually thought folks cared what they thought! Mark Steyn dishes it out in splendid style in the short video below.


2907 days ago

Video of Donald Trump - the Closing campaign Advert: Make America Great Again

This needs no explanation and is bang on the money. Go Trump!


2921 days ago

New Video evidence of Team Hillary Clinton trying to rig election emerges

This is simple. The DNC and the Clinton campaign are running the dirtiest General Election campaign in history. Videos 1 (HERE) and 2 (HERE) from Veritas made that clear. Now there is a third video, below, with clear evidence of cheating. But still the mainstream press will not report on it which only gives more credence to the charge that the liberal establishment will do anything to assist the Crooked one.


2921 days ago

Precious Metals Video Update: A Low in Gold & Gold Stocks…?

A look at Gold and gold stocks and their trajectory going forward after completing what appears to be a short-term low. The latest podcast from Jordan Roy-Byrne at Palisade Capital. 


2922 days ago

Bushveld Minerals - the Pump and Dump webcast with the BRR 4th estate hookers

In yesterday's bearcast I commented on the latest pump and dump by Bushveld Minerals (BMN). My attention is now drawn to a promotional video recorded by CEO Fortune Mojapelo on 17 October. This is just so sordid.


2922 days ago

Veritas Video: Hillary Clinton Rigging the Election part 2 - massive vote fraud

This video is even more explosive than video one which showed  how Hillary Clinton and the DNC are cheating on an industrial scale by paying to create violence at Trump rallies to discredit The Donald. They also "fake" attacks on women at Trump rallies. This time we turn to old fashioned vote fraud and here we see senior Dems on tape admitting how they are engaging in it.


2925 days ago

Video: Career criminal Hillary Clinton - 25 of her (many) crimes

It is a good game. How many of these 25 of Crooked Hillary's crimes in this video can you remember? And how many not in the video can you add to the list? Enjoy.


2934 days ago

Video: Paul Atherley of Berkeley explains why a low uranium price is good news

This is not a bad video and is quite interesting on both the market and also the very clear bull case for Berkeley. It is short as well so if you are a Berkeley Energia (BKY) fan it is well worth watching.


2938 days ago

Video: Art Berman- Lower Oil Prices in a Failing Economy

Okay this presentation is rather long but Art tells a good joke or two. And the message is important. If you need a higher oil price for your portfolio to flourish...don't hold your breath! Enjoy!


2985 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff - The Fed is about to put the final nail in the coffin of the US economy, dollar to collapse

As you know, Peter Schiff is a hero of mine, a libertarian and gold bug he predicted when and why things would go wrong in 2008. Schiff says the next meltdown will be worse and it will be soon and explains why in this compelling new video.


2998 days ago

New Trump Video: Is Robot Hillary Clinton melting down

Crooked Hillary is now seeing her post convention poll bounce evaporate. As I have said before, the more folks know about Mrs Clinton the less they like her. Donald Trump knows this and as long as he can stop saying daft things, Hillary will carry on delivering him the votes. This little attack advert from Trump sums up a couple of recent gaffes and reminds us all of her email varacity issue.



3004 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff - US GDP is collapsing, this is dramatic & what it means

You know that libertarian gold bug Peter Schiff is a major hero of mine. In his latest video he shows how real GDP growth is negative, it is collapsing. And that has profound implications for all of us on both sides of the pond. This is cracking stuff from Schiff. Yes we really are in recession already!


3004 days ago

The biggest spivs in London on video..and Gervais Williams

Old Gervais is a credible fund manager so what on earth is he doing appearing on a new video show "The spiv Olympics" produced by the LSE Asylum? Its host is Sith Lord Zak "I will do anything, tip any crap for money" Mir, guest one is some barrow boy from low life bucket shop Optiva and the third guest is an uber-spiv from the Asylum itself. So far in three days only 480 folks have watched this shite and Darren and myself are two of them. But Zak needs the money so needs the Asylum to think he has a mass audience so do your bit to assist a poor chartist.


3029 days ago

Video: Stupid Butt-Hurt Millennials or...young people being thick on Brexit

This is self explanatory and very funny. Don't you despise the self righteous young people who #MarchforEurope ? If you do you will love this.


3029 days ago

Video: EU leader says leaders of other planets who he has met are worried about Europe

Yeah...I bet you are gutted we are not staying in the EU now. EU boss Jean Claude Juncker explains below how he has met leaders of other planets who tell him that they are worried about Europe. I can see now why so many were so keen to pay £350 million a week to be ruled by men such as this.


3034 days ago

Downfall video: Doug Ware of FRAUD Worthington reacts to news of Nuna bankruptcy

I did not create this but whoever did feels kind enough to get me and ouzo in here somewhere. As I explained earlier  HERE Worthington (WRN) is now toast as of Monday Morning and it is time to call in the rozzers.


3037 days ago

Video: Nigel Farage Brexit victory speech to EU Parliament

Nigel Farage was on good form today as he sticks it to the overpaid parasites in the EU parliament. Enjoy his victory speech


3043 days ago

Video: Back to 1975 & Project Fear, Labour MP Peter Shore then, have we learned nothing?

Like my grandfather Sir John Winnifrith, Peter Shore stood with Wedgie Benn back in 1975. The old trots were wrong about almost everything but on the EU they wanted out and they were right. In this video (hat tip Nigel Wray), Shore warns about Project Fear. Have we learned nothing from history. Nothing changes but tomorrow you can change history, defy the establishment and stand up for your own interests and that of Britain and vote for Brexit. If you are still wavering, watch Shore below and just reflect.


3046 days ago

Video: Is Dodgy Dave Cameron simply the most dishonest PM in history

Slippery Dodgy Dave just wont answer the questions. Is he the most dishonest PM in history. As you vote on Thursday ask yourself if you believe a word that this man says. If your answer is no, as mine was, you must vote for Brexit. The video shows classic Dodgy Dave from the weekend.


3046 days ago

Video the EU tried to stop being filmed as £2 billion waste exposed

I think the video below is fairly self-explanatory. Would you not rather your money was spent elsewhere?


3050 days ago

Video: Dodgy Dave Cameron squirms - the Brexit question he just cannot answer from last night's TV debate

Normally those in Project Fear would dismiss anyone asking questions about immigration as just another racist. But in last night's TV debate Dodgy Dave, putting in another weak showing, found that option barred. This is a question he just cannot answer. Enjoy.


3052 days ago

Keira Knightley today's patronising multi millionaire luvvie bitch to bash Brexit

So how does immigration affect multi millionairess luvvie Keira Knightley? Is she facing longer lines to get treatment on the NHS? Is there downward pressure on her wages? What about problems getting housing at affordable rates? Er no: it just means more cheap labour at her fave posh restaurants in London. Luvvie Keira and others in the 1% have no concept at all about how the EU affects those of us in the 99% , young or old.

Today Keira has released a video


3054 days ago

This Blog is 4 years old - Happy Birthday: my top twenty stories & 20 Greek stories

I see from numerous congratulations messages from folks who I I do not know, sent via LinkedIn, that I am celebrating another anniversary. Having checked it out it appears that is four years old. It was a very strange birth indeed.


3063 days ago

Video: Michael Gove wins Brexit debate hands down: Unelected Elites - You're fired!

After David Cameron's car crash on Sky yesterday, this evening Michael Gove had his turn and by the end the audience was 100% onside. He was superb and this short video is the highlight.


3069 days ago

Video & Photo Special: Mr Bagot Protests outside offices of disgraced broker WH Ireland

Jim Bagot, the Essex pensioner mugged by WH Ireland (WHI), relieved of most of his life savings by John Molyneux stuffing him into wholly inappropriate stocks is on the warpath back outside the offices of the disgraced broker. We recorded a video with Jim this morning and have photos of him in action. Enjoy.


3077 days ago

Video: Jerry Randall of Venture Life at UK Investor Show

Venture Life (VLG) has a deal with Optibiotix (OPTI) so its management must be good chaps! Here is the head honcho in action at UK Investor Show. Enjoy.


3077 days ago

Video: John Dawson of Alliance Pharma presents at UK Investor Show

Alliance Pharma (APH) has, relatively, recently completed a transformational acquisition. I know that Nigel Wray remains a big fan as does Mark Slater. Sensible value investors should thus find the presentation by John Dawson of interest


3079 days ago

Video of Martin Gannon of React at UK Investor Show - an Adam Reynolds stock

As we follow Adam Reynolds we have shares in React Group (REAT). Here is its boss Martin Gannon presenting at UK Investor Show. Enjoy.


3079 days ago

Video Louis Coetzee of Kibo at UK Investor Show

A past winner of the post show pro-celeb pizza making contest, Louis Coetzee here presents for Kibo Mining (KIBO). Enjoy.


3079 days ago

Video: Obtala Resources new chairman Miles Pelham at UK Investor Show

Miles Pelham had only been in the job a few minutes but pitched up at UK Investor to present on behalf of Obtala resources (OBT). Enjoy


3079 days ago

Video: Dragon's Den 3 from UK Investor Show - Premaitha, Asiamet et al

In the third Dragon's Den session at UK Investor Show the Dragons were myself (Tom Winnifrith) Steve Moore and Brian Kinane. The companies pitching were United Cacao (CHOC), Premaitha (NIPT), ECR Minerals (ECR), Forbidden Technology (FBT) and Asiamet Resources (ARS)


3079 days ago

Video: Ed Croft of Stockopedia main stage presentation at UK Investor Show

Ed's talk to a packed room was interactive and went down incredibly well. Enjoy..


3080 days ago

Video: Dragon's Den Session 2 at UK Investor with Berkeley Energia, Xtract Resources & BMR

The second Dragon's Den session at UK Investor saw myself, Steve Moore & Gary Newman invest £1000 each. Our choice was Xtract Resources (XTR), Berkeley Energia (BKY) and BMR Mining (BMR). Watch for the claim made by Jan Nelson of Xtract.


3080 days ago

Video: Amanda Van Dyke, Peter Hambro et al - the Mining Session at UK Investor

The afternoon at UK investor Show kicked off with the mining session chaired by Amanda van Dyke. Gold was the main focus and on stage with Amanda were Dominic Frisby, John McGloin of Amara (AMA), Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG), Tony Manini of Asiamet (ARS) and Ross Norman, the very sharp boss of bullion dealer Sharps Pixley


3080 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith grills Johnny Hon at UK Investor Show

In this interview I put controversial Mr Hon of Gate Ventures (GATE) fame on the spot about the Gate fiasco on AIM, the Chinese economy ( a bubble?) and about China fraud on AIM. Enjoy


3080 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith on why David Lenigas should be drummed off AIM from UK Investor show

This was recorded before the summer truce and so that really is it from me on Big Dave. He can site on his luxury yacht checking out the birds in Monaco, I shall sit in my Greek Hovel, clocking the snakes and rats and not having to meet another human all day. I think we can safely say that neither of us would want to swap! I hope we both have a relaxing and stress free summer. Anyhow here's the video from the show. Enjoy.


3081 days ago

Video: The Balloon Debate from UK Investor Show - now this was fun

This was meant to be just a fun debate to start the day with a few laughs. Girly swat Chris Bailey took it really seriously but other competitors myself, Malcolm Stacey, Colin Bird, Dominic Frisby were more relaxed. Speaking for gold Andrew Bell was so relaxed he forgot to turn up but Jan Nelson stood in at the last minute. I explain what a balloon debate is in the video. Enjoy.


3081 days ago

Video Dragon's Den 1 at UK investor Show: Nostra Terra, Eurasia Mining, Noricum & Fox Marble

The first Dragon's Den session at UK Investor Show saw myself, Gary Newman and Steve Moore each invest £1000 via our broker European Wealth in 3 stocks. Our choice of pitching CEOs were from Noricum Gold (NMG), Fox Marble (FOX), Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Eurasia Mining (EUA)


3081 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Introductory Remarks at UK Investor Show

I cant remember if I said anything of any interest whatsoever in this short introduction so this is possibly the most boring video of all from UK Investor Show. But, as in that 2014 classic from the UK's most talented chanteuse and original creative mind, "I don't care".


3081 days ago

Video: Nigel Wray, TW, Chris Bailey & Paul Jourdan at UK Investor Show - value investing

After Saracens European triumph on Saturday I imagine that Nigel Wray will be a happy man. He was at the centre of the value investing panel at UK Investor Show with Chris Bailey of Financial Orbit, Paul Jourdan of Amati and myself, Tom Winnifrith. Enjoy


3082 days ago

Video: Chris Gilbert of Fox Marble at UK Investor Show

This presentation has been somewhat overtaken by events - something Steve & I cover HERE - but Chris Gilbert gives a good explanation of the investment case none the less. Enjoy.


3082 days ago

Video: The Mark Slater presentation from the UK Investor Show

As ever, my friend Mark Slater provided one of the highlights of the UK Investor Show although I am starting to worry that as we approach fifty he is showing a few alarming signs of political correctness. You will really enjoy this presentation.


3082 days ago

Video: Thomas Wagenhofer of Westport Energy at UK Investor Show

Westport is listed on the US OTC market but came over to present at UK Investor Show for reasons that you will see explplained in this video.


3082 days ago

Video: Cathal Friel of Amyrt Pharma (formerly Fastnet) at UK Investor Show

Cathal Friel did the right thing in turning Fastnet (an oil company) into Amryt (AMYT) a pharmaceuticals play. We bought into the RTO placing. Here is Cathal explaining the story at UK Investor Show. Enjoy


3083 days ago

Regulated people leading regulated lives: Brexit the Movie

The following video is hilarious but makes a rather serious point. Enjoy.


3083 days ago

Video: Jan Nelson of Xtract Resources at UK Investor Show

Post one of the Dragon's Den session we appear to be the owner of shares in Xtract Resources (XTR), I blame Steve Moore & Gary Newman. Anyhow, here is Jan Nelson presenting at UK Investor Show.


3083 days ago

Video: David Stoller of R4E presents at UK Investor Show

With Nigel Wray, aka Britain's Buffett, as its largest shareholder and we also having a decent though nowhere near disclosable , stake we take a keen interest in R4E (R4E) whose boss David Stoller flew in from New York to present at UK Investor show. Enjoy.


3083 days ago

Video: Andrew Bell of Regency Mines at UK Investor Show

Where were all the folks who threatened to heckle Andrew Bell? All mouth no trousers or whatever the phrase is. This is his presentation on behalf of Regency Mines (RGM) from the UK's leading investor event.


3083 days ago

Video: Eddy Travia of Coinsilium at the UK Investor Show

And now a presentation at UK Investor Show by Eddy Travia of ISDX lobster pot listed Coinsilium (COIN). Enjoy.


3083 days ago

Video: Dragons Den Session 4 from UK Investor: Ariana, ValiRx, Kibo & Jubilee Platinum

The fourth Dragon's Den session at UK Investor show saw myself (Tom Winnifrith), Brian Kinane and Steve Moore each invest £1,000 in shares. Our choice of where to invest was ValiRx (VAL), Jubilee Platinum (JLP), Kibo Mining (KIBO) or Ariana Resources (AAU). Enjoy.


3083 days ago

Video: Stephen Clayson of ECR Minerals at UK Investor Show

When you think CEOs do not look old enough to be CEOs maybe you are getting old. And that brings me to the presentation at UK Investor Show by Stephen Clayson of ECR Minerals (ECR)


3083 days ago

Video: Uber bear economics from David Scott at UK Investor Show

This s why so many of us on this website are so bearish at a macro level. David Scott of Andrews Gwynne articulates the bear economics case very clearly. Enjoy!


3083 days ago

Video: Paul Atherley of Berkeley Energia at UK Investor Show

Post the Dragon's Den sessions we found ourselves owning shares in Berkeley Energia (BKY). Steve and I reckon these shares are worth at least 45p, watch the video to see why we are so excited. Incidentally when we first tipped them at 20p, Brokerman Dan Levi said this was a rotten tip and stuck the knife in. Time for an apology Mr ex bank robber?


3083 days ago

Video: Don Goulding of Distil presents at UK Investor Show

Steve Moore and I like Distil (DIS). Indeed, thanks to Steve, we now own the shares following a Dragon's Den pitch at UK Investor Show. Here is head honcho Don Goulding to tell you more.


3083 days ago

Nigel Somerville & the pensioners WH Ireland mugged, the Bagot's, shocking UK Investor video

This short presentation by Nigel Somerville and Mr & Mrs Bagot went ahead in the face of fascistic legal threats from the disgraced pensioner mugging broker WH Ireland (WHI). This fight goes on. You will be shocked by this video.


3083 days ago

Video: Dragons Den session 5 at UK Investor starring Optibiotix, Red Rock, Boohoo et al

At UK Investor Show on five occasions CEOs appeared on the main stage to pitch to the Dragons (myself, Gary Newman, Steve Moore and Brian Kinane). We invested £15,000 after all these sessions. Enjoy session 5.


3083 days ago

Video: Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources at UK Investor Show

I believe shares in Ariana Resources (AAU) are cheap and am happy to hold. Indeed we bought more after the UK Investor show. See what you think as Kerim Sener presents.


3083 days ago

Video: Bitcoin & Blockchain session from UK Investor Show with Coinsilium & Dom Frisby

Do you understand bitcoin and blockchain? No. Neither do I. At UK Investor Show a panel organised by Coinsilium (COIN) including Dominic Frisby tried to explain the excitement and the investment opportunity.


3084 days ago

Another video of Ed Croft of Stockopedia at UK Investor Show

Busy boy Ed Croft of Stockopedia did two breakout sessions at UK Investor Show and this is his second. His main stage gig will follow later. Meanwhile enjoy the appetiser


3084 days ago

Video of Tony Manini of Asiamet Resources at UK Investor Show

I have a lot of time for Tony Manini of Asiamet Resources (ARS) and caught the end of this presentation at UK Investor Show as I was appearing in the same room afterwards. Enjoy.


3084 days ago

Video: Norman Ling of Kefi Minerals at UK Investor Show

Norman Ling is a NED at Kefi Minerals (KEFI) another gold play presenting at UK Investor Show. Enjoy,


3084 days ago

Video Adam Reynolds with Tom Winnifrith at UK Investor Show

In this session Adam Reynolds and I discussed how to value shells and when to invest, issues of management, AIM investment companies and of course Optibiotix (OPTI), New World Oil & Gas (NEW), Frontier (FRI), and Premaitha (NIPT). Enjoy.


3084 days ago

Video: TW, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl - the Bears Avanti special at UK Investor Show

And so the four bears wandered onto stage for the final presentation at UK Investor Show. We majored in on why Avanti Communications (AVN) was a 0p stock but we covered many other stocks besides. Enjoy


3086 days ago

Video from UK Investor Show: Satu Vainikka of Valirx

And now for a video from the biotech boss who I have sworn to be nice to, Dr Satu Vainikka of ValiRx (VAL) presenting at UK Investor Show. Enjoy.


3086 days ago

Video: Martin Luke of Vox Markets at UK Investor Show on Money Management

He may be a sheep shagger but Martin Luke of Vox Markets is not a bad bloke and at UK Investor Show he gave a talk on money management or portfolio management which is far less dull than it sounds. Enjoy.


3086 days ago

Video: Forbidden Technology CEO Aziz Musa at UK Investor Show

Aziz Musa is the relatively new CEO at Forbidden Technology (FBT) and his presentation at UK Investor is below. Enjoy.


3086 days ago

Video: Leon Coetzer of Jubilee Platinum at UK Investor Show

Following the Dragon's Den pitches it appears that we are now shareholders in Jubilee Platinum (JLP). And in that vein I invite you to watch its boss Leon Coetzer presenting at UK Investor show. Enjoy


3086 days ago

Video: Paul Scott presents in the Stockopedia breakout session at UK Investor

Well this was not on the agenda but in a surprise move Paul Scott pitched up to do a breakout room presentation at UK Investor Show. Enjoy


3086 days ago

Video: Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk presents at UK Investor Show

We own shares in Petropavlovsk (POG) and wont be selling at anything like the current share price. Our target to sell is 19p. I hope this presentation from the head honcho Peter Hambro explains why we are able to be so bullish.


3086 days ago

Video: Ed Croft of Stockopedia breakout session One at UK Investor Show

Ed Croft was a busy boy at UK Investor Show doing a main stage slot as well as a couple of breakout room presentations and below is a video of the first of these.


3087 days ago

UK Investor Show Video - Tom Winnifrith explains market study Chris Oil

In this presentation I explained how laws on insider dealing and market abuse worked and what they were exactly. I used Chris Oil as a case study showing why the little twerp should be facing a mega fine and a jail term.


3087 days ago

Video: Steve O'Hara of Optibiotix presents at UK Investor Show

We bought this stock and tipped it at 8p. The shares are now c80p and we still hold more than half our holding and won't be selling them for anything less than 100p. we are bullish and after this presentation by Optibiotix (OPTI) boss Steve O'Hara I hope you can see why. Enjoy.


3087 days ago

How would you spend £350 million a week?

Personally I would not trust the morons in this video from Vote Leave to spend the cash but then I don't trust the EU to spend it wisely either. Couldn't the Brexit chaps find anyone with an IQ of more than 25 to interview? £350 million reasons a week to vote for Brexit as explained by a range of stupid folk.


3087 days ago

UK Investor Show video: Amanda Van Dyke why to back small gold shares & how to value them

This was - not surprisingly - a well attended breakout session at UK Investor. My friend Amanda Van Dyke explains why you should invest in gold shares and how to value them. Enjoy.


3087 days ago

Video: Dave Mutton of Primary Bid at UK Investor Show

I'm a big supporter of Primary Bid and as such fully back Dave Mutton, the CEO who was among those presenting at UK Investor Show. Enjoy the video!


3087 days ago

Video: Alex Borrelli of BMR Group at UK Investor Show

Alex Borrelli has brought BMR Group (BMR) back from the dead.As such he is one AIM CEO I am not going out to bash. At UK Investor Show he explained the past and future of his company.


3087 days ago

Video: Colin Bird & Ed Slowey of Orogen Gold at UK Investor Show

The arrival of Colin Bird at Orogen Gold (ORE) has, given the company a new lease of life something Colin and technical director Ed Slowey explain below.


3087 days ago

Video: Clive Sinclair-Poulton of Bluebird Merchant Ventures

No offence intended but I would rather that Aidan Bishop who is the man behind Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) had presented at UK Investor Show not Clive Sinclair-Poulton. Aidan is a class act and next year I hope he is around. We own these shares and are excited aboout what will happen. Enjoy


3087 days ago

Video: Ian Bristow of Symphony Environmental at UK Investor Show

I have faith in this company although I know that many do not. It needs to start delivering but I believe it will and that makes its shares cheap. The video below is of Symphony Environmental (SYM) FD Ian Bristow presenting at UK Investor Show.


3087 days ago

Video: Claire Milverton of 1Spatial at UK Investor Show

Steve Moore and I think shares in 1Spatial (SPA) are cheap as we explained here the other day. Meanwhile here is the company's FD Claire Milverton in action at UK Investor show. Enjoy.


3087 days ago

Video of Dennis Melka of United Cacao at UK Investor Show

If low life NGOs bash a company it must be doing something right. Dennis Melka of United Cacao (CHOC) explains what in his presentation at UK Investor Show. Enjoy.


3087 days ago

Video of Christian Schaffalitzky of Eurasia Mining presenting at UK Investor Show

We are shareholders in Eurasia Mining (EUA) in a pretty decent way and so we are biased as to the investment case. But you can make your own mind up by watching its boss Christian Schaffalitzky, presenting below.


3087 days ago

Video: Angus Forrest of Tern presents at UK Investor Show

Nigel Somerville resisted the urge to heckle his "good friend" Angus Forrest of Tern (TERN) who - to his very real credit - bravely attended the UK Investor Show and even popped in to hear me present on why Chris Oil should go to jail. To see why Angus believes Tern shares are cheap, watch the video below


3087 days ago

Video: Paul McMichael of Wishbone Gold presents at UK Investor Show

Notwithstanding the lies put about by a former bank robber regarding Wishbone Gold (WSBN), its shares have raced ahead in recent weeks and, as a happy holder, I see more upside. Watch the presentation from the show (something a certain ex bank robber did not do) and you will see why.


3088 days ago

Video: Global Film Investment presents at UK Investor Show

Most of those presenting in the breakout rooms at UK Investor Show were PLCs but there were a view others, notably the chaps from Global Film Investment.


3088 days ago

UK Investor Show Video: Andrew Whelan of GLI Finance

Next up is Andrew Whelan, the new head guy at GLI Finance (GLIF). His presentation was captured on video below.


3088 days ago

Video from UK Investor Show: K3 Business Technolgy - David Bolton

Steve Moore and I tipped K3 (KBT) at a 149p offer on our Nifty Fifty website and the shares are now 350p bid. Not bad eh? But we are still not selling and to see why listen to David Bolton give a most excellent presentation at the UK Investor Show


3088 days ago

Video - Wayne Thornhill of Arria presents at Uk Investor Show

The latest video from UK Investor Show is of Wayne Thornhill of Arria NLG (NLG). Enjoy


3088 days ago

Video: Gary Ashworth of Interquest presents at UK Investor Show

Gary Ashworth is the founder and Chairman of Interquest (ITQ). Gary has a great track record on AIM and I regard shares in his company as being cheap. I hope that his presentation at UK Investor Show demonstrates why. Enjoy.


3088 days ago

Video UK Investor Show 2016 - Colin Bird of Galileo Resources

Veteran mining CEO Colin Bird's main ship is Jubilee Platinum (JLP) but he is also leading Galileo Resources (GLR) and explains its investment case in the video below from UK Investor Show 2016


3088 days ago

UK Investor Show Video 2016 - Scott Kaintz presents for Red Rock Resources

The first video to emerge from UK INvestor Show 2016 is of a presentation by Scott Kaintz of Red Rock Resources (RRR). Enjoy.


3108 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff, Trump & Sanders are right, the US economy is broken

This is classic Peter Schiff with the great man explaining to Alex Jones why he thinks that the US economy is already shrinking and getting worse. In essence Trump is right - the economy is broken. He describes negative interest rates as an admission of failure and warns of an impending dollar slump.


3109 days ago

Gold & Gold Stocks Bullish Consolidation

Will the rally in gold shares and the gold price continue? Yes. Well that is the view of technical analyst Jordan Roy Byrne of Amanda's pals at Palisade Capital. His most recent video explains why and is below. Natch all TA is bollocks but on this occasion I think he is right.


3145 days ago

Video: Hillary Clinton Warmonger vs Donald Trump for Peace - what the British Liberal Media won't say

The liberal left British media cannot get enough of Hillary Clinton, the woman cannot put a foot wrong. That is despite all the evidence that she can barely put a foot right. On the other hand Donald Trump is pure evil. There is no need for C4 News or the BBC to examine what he says he is just evil. Really? As someone who does not believe in invading countries at random because of the mess it causes and because the pretext is almost always a lie, I cannot think how I'd vote for the warmongering liar Clinton while - if the liberals actually listened to what the Donald says they might actually agree with him.

The video 


3190 days ago

Video: Jan-Anders Karlsson of Verona Pharma presents with Tom

In between my two talks on Tuesday night, Jan-Anders Karlsson of Verona Pharma (VRP) stepped into the breach to provide an optimistic view on something. He strikes me as a decent chap - I have met him before - though I am just not smart enough to understand the science.


3190 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Presentation - how to make money in a bear market

Yes that is a glass of ouzo on the lectern. In part one of my presentation (HERE) I explained why my world view and stockmarket view remained bearish. In the second part I offered up specific ways (shares to short) and general ways to make money in a bear market.


3190 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Presentation - the great stockmarket and real economy unwind is only starting

I gave this presentation in Clerkenwell last night. I am not predicting a crash but I am suggesting that the debt and QE bubble is only starting to unwind and will go much further


3198 days ago

Just buy the #ffing dip - ponziconomics explained in one short video

Hmm..I guess buying the dip is not working so well right now is it? For those crazy bulls who don't care about fundamentals and valuations here is your trading strategy explained


3204 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff - next move in US base rates DOWN - buy gold

As you know Peter Schiff is my hero, a libertarian sound money man. In his latest video he explains why the next move in US base rates is going to be down and why rates could go negative. On the basis of that he advises buying gold.


3206 days ago

Don't Stand By - Holocaust Memorial Day beckons - a survivor video

HMD is in a couple of weeks and ahead of that a hugely powerful video has just been released. We say Never Again but do we actually mean it? You can get involved with Holocaust Memorial Day HERE


3220 days ago

Video Interview from Gold & Bears Colin Bird of Orogen Gold

And the final video interview from Gold & Bears is with my old pal Colin Bird of Orogen Gold (ORE). Enjoy.


3220 days ago

Video: Debt is toxic - Gold & Bears main stage speaker Mark Littlewood of the IEA explains the mess we are in

Libertarian Mark Littlewood of the IEA is a Question Time Regular and came along to Gold & Bears to give a compelling presentation on the mess we are all in. Debt is toxic and the answer is not more tax but less.


3220 days ago

Video Interview from Gold & Bears: Metal Tiger

The next interview is with my pal Paul Johnson of Metal Tiger (MTR), He may be from the grim North but don't hold it against him...


3221 days ago

Gold & Bears Video - the legendary Aussie Bear John Hempton bosses the main stage

John presented via video link from Madrid due to an itinerary confusion - once again many thanks to Jose from Mirada (MIRA) for arranging that all. But the legendary Aussie bear was on cracking form at Gold & Bears. We start with the story of Cupid (CUP). The week before the show John wiped $20 billion off the value of one US stock thanks to a report he published.


3221 days ago

Video interview from Gold & Bears - Ortac Resources

Today's second interview from Gold & Bears is with my pal Mr Carellas from Ortac Resources (OTC), a thoroughly decent guy.


3221 days ago

Video interview from Gold and bears - Tom Winnifrith

Er.. and this is me


3221 days ago

Video: Interview with SolGold from the Gold & Bears show

Today's interview from the Gold & Bears show is with AIM Listed Solgold (SOLG) - enjoy.


3221 days ago

Video: Jim Mellon Presentation at Gold & Bears

And now from Gold & Bears we have the main stage presentation by my old friend Jim Mellon


3225 days ago

Video Interview from Gold & Bears with Colin Bird of Galileo Resources

Today's last video from Gold & Bears is with my old mate Colin Bird of Galileo Resources (GLR) where we are a shareholder, I should declare.


3225 days ago

Video interview from Gold & Bears - Golden Prospect Precious Metals

My old pal Malcolm Burne is involved with this company and this interview with the manager of Golden Prospect Precious Metals (GPM) is quite interesting at a macro as well as a company specific level.


3225 days ago

Video: Leon Coetzer of Jubilee Platinum interviewed at Gold & Bears

Next up from the Gold & Bears video interviews is Leon Coetzer of Jubilee Platinum (JLP), shares in which I regard as cheap


3225 days ago

Video Interview from Gold & Bears with Harry Adams of Kefi Minerals

The next interview from Gold & Bears is with my old friend Harry Adams, the CEO of Kefi Minerals (KEFI) an AIM stock we own shares in but not as many as Odey Asset Management. Enjoy


3226 days ago

Video: Amanda van Dyke's Gold Panel at Gold & Bears

On the gold panel at Gold & Bears chaired by my friend the Van Goddess, Amanda van Dyke are Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG), John McGloin of Amara (AMA), Dominic Frisby and Angelos Demaskos. Enjoy.


3226 days ago

Video Interview from Gold & Bears with BMR Mining

The next video interview from Gold & Bears is with my old pal Alex Borelli, the Chairman of BMR Mining (BMR) who has saved this company from the extinction it faced thanks to the way its former boss stole all the cash.


3226 days ago

Video: Eurasia Mining interview from Gold & Bears

And the next video interview from Gold & Bears is with my friend Christian Schaffalitzky the head honcho at Eurasia Mining (EUA). Enjoy.


3226 days ago

Video interview with Atalaya Mining from Gold & Bears

Our friends Proactive recorded a number of video interviews with Companies presenting at Gold & Bears. Second up is Atalaya (ATYM). Enjoy...


3226 days ago

Video interview with Armadale Capital at Gold & Bears

Our friends Proactive recorded a number of video interviews with Companies presenting at Gold & Bears. First up is Armadale Capital (ACP) where we are on the shareholder list. Enjoy...


3227 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith and bear raider Evil Knievil at Gold & Bears

And now the heavyweights..well Evil Knievil anyway. This was the penultimate presentation of the day from Gold & Bears, myself and Evil Knievil. Enjoy


3227 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Opening remarks at Gold & Bears including a tribute to the late Jim Slater

My introductory remarks at Gold & Bears contained a tribute to the late Jim Slater. Enjoy..


3229 days ago

Video: Amanda van Dyke Commodity Panel at Gold & Bears 2015

And now another main stage presentation from Gold & Bears with the Van Goddess, Amanda Van Dyke leading a resources panel including Chris Bailey, Willem Middlekoop,Chris Berry and the CEOs of Bacanora Minerals (BCN), Jubilee Platinum (JLP) and Asiamet (ARS). There is also a main stage stoming by myself, Tom Winnifrith, as I put the Dutch chappy in his place.


3230 days ago

Video: Gabriel Grego and Globo the exposure explained at Gold & Bears November 2015

The bear "kill" of the autumn was the exposure of Globo (GBO) as a fraud by my pal the US hedge find manager Gabriel Grego who is now established as a star player in the global shorting conspiracy. He flew into Gold and Bears to tell us all. This is a cracking presentation. Enjoy.


3230 days ago

Video: Paul Johnston of Metal Tiger presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

Today's final video of a presentation from Gold & Bears is by Paul Johnston of Metal Tiger (MTR). Enjoy.


3230 days ago

Video: Chris Gilbert CEO of Fox Marble presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

And the next presentation is by Chris Gilbert of Kosovo based Fox Marble (FOX), shares in which I rate as a buy - it will come good in the end. Enjoy


3230 days ago

Video: Mark Harriman of System Traders Group presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

The latest video from Gold & Bears is of Mark Harriman of Systems Traders Group explaining how to be a better trader.


3230 days ago

Video: Paul Atherley, Chief Executive of Berkeley Energia presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

Next up is my old friend Paul Atherley of Berkeley Energia (BKY) presenting at Gold & Bears. For what it is worth these shares are cheap and a buy. Enjoy


3230 days ago

Video: Regency Mines presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

Today's final video from Gold & Bears is of a presentation by my friend Andrew Bell for Regecy Mines (RGM). Enjoy.


3231 days ago

Video: Strat Aero presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

Not a mining company droning on but a drone company with a mine of information - CEO Tony Dunleavy of Strat Aero (AERO) presents at Gold & Bears. Enjoy...


3231 days ago

Video: Armadale Capital presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

As I noted with Kefi earlier, we want a bit more gold shares exposure in our portfolio and Armadale (ACP) is certainly cheap. So note the disclaimer again. Here is the reason why it is cheap explained in a presentation from Gold & Bears. Enjoy...


3231 days ago

Video: SolGold presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

And next up from Gold & Bears is SolGold (SOLG), pitching its investment case. Enjoy.


3233 days ago

Video: Atalaya presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

This company was until recently known as EMED but with a new name, Atalaya Mining (ATYM), a new management put the investment case at Gold & Bears. Enjoy


3233 days ago

Video: INVST presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

Aha this is my old pal Eran Zucker from Peterhouse Corporate Finance. Do not be fooled by the mild appearance, Eran served in the Israeli army and is also an exceptional cook for what it is worth. He is a nice guy. Quite what INVST does is beyond me but let Eran explain. PS Eran... I agree with your boss, cut the hipster beard.


3233 days ago

Video: ECR Minerals presents at Gold & Bears November 2015

Next up from Gold & Bears is ECR Minerals (ECR) - a video of its presentation is below. Enjoy.


3233 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl and Graham Neary 8 stocks going to Zero from Gold & Bears

This was one of the sparkiest sessions at Gold & Bears and I loved it. Each of myself, the bard of the Boleyn (Lucian Miers), the Dark Destroyer (Matt Earl) and Baby Bear (Graham Neary) selelected two stocks we thought were going to zero and explained why. They were: Fastjet (FJET), AO World (AO), Gulf Keystone (GKP), Slater & Gordon (SGH), Avanti Communications (AVN), Plus500 (PLUS), Tungsten (TUNG) and - bugger me - I can't remember Matt's other pick. Watch the video to find out, its a stormer.


3234 days ago

Photos and video from InternetQ HQ in Athens

On Saturday, in Athens, I took the short walk (no more than 800 yards) from the former HQ of the now defunct fraud Globo (GBO) to the headquarters of AIM listed InternetQ (INTQ). Join the dots...


3234 days ago

Video: Angelos Damaskos How To Invest in Gold presentation at Gold & Bears November 2015

Star gold analyst Angelos Damaskos made two appearances at Gold & Bears - this was his highly informative solo slot. Enjoy


3234 days ago

Video: Chris Berry – The Case For Energy Commodities presentation at Gold & Bears November 2015

Chris Berry flew in from the US and appeared twice at Gold & Bears. Here is the video of his impressive solo presentation.Enjoy


3234 days ago

Video: Bacanora Minerals presentation at Gold & Bears November 2015

Jabba The Hutt may be on the board of Bacanora (BCN) but I was quite polite about the company in my Questions for David Lenigas session HERE. And here is Bacanora putting a decent investment case for itself. Enjoy


3235 days ago

Video: Adam Reynolds How To Invest in Shells presentation at Gold & Bears November 2015

And now it is the shellmeister Adam Reynolds, he of Optibiotix (OPTI), New World Oil & Gas (NEW) and Premaitha (NIPT) fame presenting at Gold & Bears. A full interview by the Sith Lord with Adam is out today and can be read HERE. Enjoy the video.


3235 days ago

Video: Zak Mir presentation at Gold & Bears November 2015

For those folks who believe in charting or want to hear which stocks the Sith Lord wishes to curse with his kiss of death we provided a special breakout room for financial masochists at the show. I normally write "enjoy" at this point but somehow that does not seem appropriate


3235 days ago

Video: Sirius Minerals presentation at Gold & Bears November 2015

Next up from the Gold & Bears show is a presentation by Sirius Minerals (SXX). Enjoy..


3235 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff who called the 2008 crash calls the 2016 global crash

Peter Schiff is a libertarian hero of mine. He called the 2008 crash brilliantly - its causes and what would happen. Now he calls the great crash of 2016. This interview with Schiff is frightening and compelling and what he says about the US also applies to Britain. Schiff thinks we are sleepwalking to insolvency. Show me how he is wrong!


3236 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith & Jason Drummond present at Gold & Bears on tech stock red flags - November 28 2015

Jason Drummond and I first met in the dotcom boom when investors backing him made money. We reflect in this presentation on then & now and on all the warning signs we look for in tech stocks. The tech red flag list.


3236 days ago

Video: Dominic Frisby explains Bitcoin at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

I do not understand Bitcoin but my good pal Dominic Frisby does and explained the investment case in full at Gold & Bears


3236 days ago

Video: Amanda van Dyke: How to Make Money from Mining shares, Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

And now for the Van Goddess. My friend Amanda Van Dyke explains how to make money from mining shares. By going short? Only kidding. Over to Amanda.


3236 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Anatomy of a China Fraud On AIM at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

In this presentation I explained how an AIM Casino China fraud was created and how the fraudsters made their cash. I named the useful Western firms who assist with the frauds and then named three Companies still on AIM on 28 November (although one has since gone onto death row) which are frauds. Enjoy...


3236 days ago

Video: Petropavlovsk presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

We own shares in this one so I popped along to hear Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG) present in person. The Sunday Times reports that today some Russian has built a 20% stake and might bid. I hope not as I see these shares at 19p within three years - they are 6.4p today and a buy.


3236 days ago

Photo and Video Special from the HQ of the late lamented Globo

In April 2014 I visited the Athens headquarters of Globo (GBO) to shoot some photos and record a uber-sceptical video as you can see HERE. At the time most Bulletin Board Morons were big Globo fans and I was derided as a mad stalker. Then a few weeks ago we exposed Globo as a fraud HERE whiler the rest of the gutless British press - notably snot-gobbler Dan McCrum at the FT -  sat silent until the shares were suspended. Today I thought I'd pop along to see what was left. The answer, as you can see from the photos below, is nothing. Compare these photos with my last lot HERE. Globo's headquarters are walking distance from those of InternetQ (INTQ) and so I recorded a Globo special video which is is also below. 


3236 days ago

Video: Asiamet Resources presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

Tony Manini of Asiamet Resources (ARS) makes a good case for his company in this presentation. If you want to fish in this sector you could do an awful lot worse.


3236 days ago

Video: Colin Bird Chairman of Galileo Resources presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

Making his second (of three) appearances at Gold & Bears is my old friend Colin Bird, here putting the case for Galileo Resources (GLR). Enjoy...


3236 days ago

Video: Red Rock Resources presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

And now the man that some readers want me to dedicate my life to attacking. It is not going to happen folks. Here is Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) presenting at Gold & Bears.


3236 days ago

Video: John McGloin Chairman Amara Mining presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

Amara (AMA) is one of only two gold stocks we rate as a buy on the Nifty Fifty website I run with Steve Moore. And this presentation demonstrates why the shares are cheap


3236 days ago

Video: Martin Luke Vox Markets The Mechanics of Spread Betting at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

Okay he is Welsh but Martin Luke is a good chap none the less, and tried to explain spreadbetting and how to make money from it at a special Gold & Bears breakout session. Martin runs a fascinating service, Vox Markets, which you can find out more about HERE


3236 days ago

Video: Jason Drummond Teathers Financial at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

In light of subsequent events, the suspension of trading on AIM in shares of Teathers Financial (TEA) I am sure that this video of Jason Drummond will be of some interest to many.


3236 days ago

Video: Ariana Resources presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

And now it is my friend Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources (AAU) presenting at Gold & Bears. For what its worth I reckon that its shares are very cheap. Enjoy


3237 days ago

Video: Ortac presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

And now it is the turn of my Greek friend Mr Carellas of Ortac Resources (OTC) to present at the Gold & Bears show. Enjoy.


3237 days ago

Video: Jubilee Platinum Plc presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

Next up from Gold & Bears is Leon Coetzer, the boss of Jubilee Platinum (JLP), a stock we have successfully tipped on HotStockRockets and which we still rate as a buy. Enjoy.


3239 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith: 12 Questions David Lenigas WILL NOT ANSWER from Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

In this presentation from Gold & Bears I posed 12 questions that Jabba the Hutt will not answer. I then ran through the Lenigas portfolio explaining why you should sell shares in each of: LGO Energy (LGO), Rare Earth Minerals (REM), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Inspirit (INSP), Lenigas Cuba (CUBA), Evocutis (EVO), Solo Oil (SOLO) and AfriAg (AFRI). Enjoy...


3239 days ago

Video: Orogen Gold presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

And now it is my old pal Colin Bird who has just taken the helm at tiny Orogen Gold (ORE)presenting at Gold & Bears. Enjoy...


3241 days ago

Chris Oil Video - how he makes 1000% a trade, his night with the ladies and more

Market abuser Chris Oil has recorded a Christmas video special to blogger ABM. It is 31 minutes long but watching it may seem like it took you a lifetime. I was physically sick at 5 minutes and gave up. For any readers into masochism here you go...


3247 days ago

Video: The Sam Antar (king fraudster) v Tom Winnifrith interview from Gold & Bears

I flew to New York nine days ago to record this interview with Sam Antar for Gold & Bears - Sam does not travel. Sam was a top fraudster at Crazy Eddies and is now a fraudbuster. For me this was the highlight of the show, the man is quite simply a genius.


3265 days ago

Last Dance - a wonderful video of Paris and a wonderful song - sadness but defiance

It is a sad but very defiant song. It is a song about sadness in Paris but about carrying on. The video was shot in Paris. Today, after the awful Paris attacks by the Islamofascists of ISIS, this tune keeps ringing through my head.


3309 days ago

Video: The National Living wage screws the poor: Tom Winnifrith vs Evil Bankster

This is the video of the debate between myself and the Evil bankster ( a nice guy actually) on the Motion The National Living Wage Screws the Poor. I spoke for the motion and modesty prevents me from revealing the will have to watch until the end.


3363 days ago

Quindell - a 363 day old video - how bang on the money in light of SFO & other news

On Wednesday 5th August 2015 Quindell (QPP) fessed up to all sorts of frauds and the SFO admitted that it was starting a criminal investigation. In light of that I bring you two videos which shows some of us were way ahead of the game, and we are not talking about the oxymoron that is AIM Regulation here. The first is from August 5th 2014


3387 days ago

Video of Gareth Burchell of Shard Capital discussing small cap shares with the Sith Lord Zak Mir

Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was Gareth Burchell of the event sponsor Shard Capital . His conversation with the Sith Lord covering opportunities in small caps was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE


3388 days ago

Video of Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources with Sith Lord Zak Mir

Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). His conversation with the Sith Lord was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE


3388 days ago

Video of the Mining guru Amanda van Dyke with Sith Lord Zak Mir

Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was the mining guru Amanda Van Skye discussing mining shares. Her conversation with the Sith Lord was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE

Amanda is one of 7 writers to have tipped a gold stock to buy in our latest book which you can order for free HERE


3388 days ago

Video of Andy Frangos of MX Oil with the Sith Lord Zak Mir

Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was Andy Frangos of MX Oil (MXO). His conversation with the Sith Lord was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE


3394 days ago

Greece: Video - Farage praises Tsipras, Greek PM Tsipras looks confused

I cannot imagine that the neo-commie Alex Tsipras thought that his biggest fan in the EU was UKIP leader Nigel Farage and poor Tsipras looked a little uncomfortable as Nigel lavished him with praise in the European parliament today. Tsipras does not wish to leave the Euro but Greece needs him to "lead it out with pride" as Farage rightly said. 


3401 days ago

New UKIP Attack video - the 2 faced David Cameron Special

For the n'th time I do not support UKIP and neither does the druid Getafix although I see today that he has joined the forces of Euroscepticsm - welcome aboard Malcolm. However, UKIP attack videos are a hoot and the latest one exposes the two faces of Call Me Dave when it comes to a Brexit referendum as you can see below.


3401 days ago

Lord Michael Howard – will you force Quindell to come clean on its biggest fraud, the 2011 accounts, I ask again

In an infamous Jeremy Paxman grilling (see below) Lord Michael Howard had to be asked twelve times to answer a very simple question. Yesterday I asked the former Tory leader a very simple question. A grubby ex politician seeking well paid post career sinecures might not answer but I hoped for better from the good Lord. So far I have not had a response. And so I have penned a second letter as you can see below.


3407 days ago

Video of David Paul of Vectorvest with some share tips at ZaksTradersCafe

Among the guest presenters of the Sith Lord Zak Mir at his new free booze and pizza evenings was David Paul of Vectorvest who served up an explanation of how to trade AIM stocks and a few share tips. The video is below.


3407 days ago

Video of Nick Batsford of Tips TV at ZaksTradersCafe

One of Sith Lord Zak Mir's guests at his Traderscafe on Monday was Nick Batsford, the founder and a presenter at TipsTV a enterprise about which I have commented before. The video of his appearance is below.


3407 days ago

Video of Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas at ZaksTradersCafe

The second PLC presenter at Zak's Traders Cafe on Monday was the ever likeable Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG). Rather than present he opted to be interviewed by the Sith Lord. The video of that and him taking a few questions from me is below


3409 days ago

Video Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources at ZaksTradersCafe

Kerim Sener of AIM listed Ariana Resources (AAU) popped into present at the new event organised by the Sith Lord Zak Mir last night.I have always liked Kerim and also think Ariana shares are cheap.Anyhow, here is a video of his presentation.


3409 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith wipes the floor with Sith Lord Zak Mir at ZaksTradersCafe

Is charting cobblers? Of course it is. Zak Mir tried to pretend otherwise at Zakstraderscafe last night but ended up defending fraudsters and liars including Rob Terry and arguing that fraudbusters were the real criminals. The debate was one sided. It made the Brazilian mens national team against the West Ham ladies look like a level contest. To see the Sith Lord crushed watch below.


3410 days ago

I do not support UKIP but its latest anti EU advert is brilliant

I don't support the fruitcakes but am 100% Eurosceptic and say what you like about UKIP its latest video advert, below, is superb. Bring on the referendum!


3433 days ago

Sefton - The Smears start again for those who dare to question

You may well remember the dirty tricks camoaign that Sefton Resources (SER) under Jimmyliar Ellerton waged against myself and Dan Levi when we exposed his lies and fraud. One smear was to plant a suggestion/lie with a "friendly journalist" - or scab as I would call her - in the Daily Telegraph suggesting that Dan was short of the stock. Now it seems as if New Sefton is waging the same campaign against me.

The old dirty tricks are revealed in full in Sefton the True Story video from UK Investor HERE

That Sefton shares are overvalued is clear to one and all as I pointed out yesterday in BearCast HERE

But Sefton does not like it and its minions are smearing. There is a blogger known as California Joe who states on his blog:


3437 days ago

Andrew Bell of Regency Mines video from Uk Investor Show 2015

This might be the last video from UK Investor Show 2015 and it is Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) in action.


3444 days ago

Not all Death Spirals are death spirals - Yorkville video from UK Investor Show

Not all death spirals are death spirals - that was the theme by the presentation of my pal Brian Kinane of Yorkville at the UK Investor Show 2015.


3447 days ago

Charles Clark of Rosslyn Data briefly forgets about his career in porn - here's a video reminder for him

My big gripes with Charles Clark of AIM Cesspit listed dog Rosslyn Data (RDT) are that its IPO prospectus was misleading and that it is rapidly running out of cash. I really do not care about its CEO Charles Clark's brief stint in the porn industry bit he seems jolly keen not to discuss it and perhaps he needs a bit of a reminder of how exciting his life could have been.

I put it to the uber foxy PR of Rosslyn that Mr Clark had been involved in Orchid Media Group the owner of porn maker After consulting with her client I was told that Mr Clark had not been involved at all. Hmmm.


3447 days ago

Video Sakib Arain Crude Oil Trader at JN Financial from UK Investor Show

Another video from the UK Investor Show 2015 vaults emerges - this time it is Sakib Arain, a crude oil trader explaining trading oil.


3450 days ago

Video of presentation by Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra at UK Investor Show

I like Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and regard him as a good and decent guy doing his best for shareholders. He was among the CEO's presenting at the UK Investor Show 2015


3450 days ago

Video of China NonFerrous Gold (formerly Kryso) presenting at UK Investor Show

China Nonferrous Gold (CNG) used to be known as Kryso Resources and was among the most interesting of the companies presenting at the UK Investor Show 2015 - the video is below. It is not a current tip for Steve Moore and myself but we track it. It is "on the radar"


3450 days ago

Video from UK Investor Show - how to value Mining Shares by Amanda Van Dyke

Again another session that I regret missing from UK Investor Show 2015 - from the analysts floor mining guru Amanda Van Dyke (with guests) on how to value mining stocks.


3450 days ago

Video of the Alternative Investing Specialists session at UK Investor Show

As you know I like alternatives as an asset class with my alternative portfolio being Wisdens. We held a session on the analysts floor at UK Investor Show 2015 on alternatives and here it is.


3451 days ago

Video - what makes an entrepreneur? Luke Johnson at UK Investor Show 2015

I am really sorry that I missed this session from the analysts floor at UK Investor Show 2015. Luke Johnson is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of my generation starting real businesses employig thousands of folks. In this session he discussed who are entrepreneurs and why they matter so much.


3454 days ago

Beauties and beasts, picking small cap winners - Barry Gibb of Beaufort at UK Investor Show

Beaufort Securities was a sponsor of UK Investor Show and has already signed up as a sponsor of UK Investor Show 2016 and the November 2015 Gold, Bears & Traders conference of which more later. Its small cap analyst Barry Gibb did a presentation on how to pick small cap winners at the 2015 show - a video of which is below.


3454 days ago

Video of Equity crowdfunding Presentation at UK Investor Show 2015

The latest presentation from the analysts floor at UK Investor Show 2015 to be captured on video covers the subject of equity crowdfunding.


3454 days ago

Video of Malcolm Stacey, the grandfather of share blogging, interview at UK Investor Show

It was a great day when Malcolm Stacey parted company with the Evil Empire and joined the team at ShareProphets. I was really thrilled to have my old pal on board even if he is a bit of a money tree worshipping leftie. Malcolm hosted the Bloggers Cafe at UK Investor Show 2015 and will do the same again at UK Investor 2016 on April 16 and I know that many of you had a good chat with Comrade S on the day. He did find time to do this short interview as well.


3454 days ago

Video of Chris Bailey interview at the Bloggers Cafe at UK Investor Show

Also at the bloggers cafe at UK Investor Show 2015 was Chris Bailey, City whizz kid turned editor of Financial Orbit


3454 days ago

Video of mining guru Amanda Van Dyke at UK Investor Show

The latest bloggers cafe video interview from the UK Investor Show 2015 to go live is with the mining guru Amanda Van Dyke


3454 days ago

Video from UK Investor Show 2015 - ADVFN explains how to use level 2 data

In this video from UK Investor Show ADVFN hosts a presentation explaining how to use level 2 data.


3454 days ago

How to Judge share tipsters: Video of Paul Roberts of Stockomendation at UK Investor Show

Uber Welsh Paul Roberts of Stockomendation reckons that he knows how to judge share tipsters and so can help you to pick which shares to buy. All is explained in his presentation from UK Investor Show 2015


3454 days ago

Video of UK Investor show masterclass on shells with Adam Reynolds of Premaitha & Optiobiotix fame

Adam Reynolds is the shellmeister, the company rescurer (see HERE) and he gave a masterclass presentation at the UK Investor Show on how to make money from shells and how they work. Enjoy


3454 days ago

Video interview from the UK Investor Show Blogger's Cafe: the UK's leading bear Lucian Miers

Lucian Miers is now widely recognised as the most astute bear in Britain giving his enormous attention to detail and meticulous research. He puts the forensics into short selling. At the UK Investor Show as well as dominating the main stage bears session, Lucian recorded a short video interview. He can be followed on twitter @Lucianmiers and writes a weekly short letter on the Nifty Fifty website


3455 days ago

Video: SwissQuote explains Currency Wars at UK Investor Show

I do not have a scooby about forex trading I just feel happy to see the Euro go down against Sterling and look forward to a day when the drachma sinks even faster. SwissQuote was the main sponsor of UK Investor Show 2015 and held a session to explain what is happening in forex to the attendees. Watch and learn.


3455 days ago

Video of Interview with share blogger Gary Newman at UK Investor Show

One of the stars of the bloggers cafe at the 2015 UK Investor Show was Gary Newman, an increasingly well read writer on this website. A video of an interview with Gary is below. Enjoy..


3457 days ago

Video Interview at UK Investor Show Blogger's cafe: Ben "pitchfork" Turney

In the days before he was organising marches for torchbearing lunatics from the LSE Asylum, Ben "pitchfork" Turney attended the UK Investor Show where he popped into the bloggers cafe to record a few thoughts on video.


3457 days ago

Video of Blogger's Cafe interview from UK Investor Show: David Thomas

One of the features of UK Investor Show is the Bloggers cafe where anyone can chat to writers both from this website and from other websites. Among the bloggers who popped in and was interviewed was David Thomas ( crazy new beard BTW Dave). You can follow him on twitter @djthomas


3458 days ago

Breaking: Free Speech & Liberty buys a gold mine

This might surprise you but, as of a few weeks ago, Free Speech & Liberty Pizza took ownership of a gold mine. You think I am kidding? I am not. Okay it is a virtual gold mine but anyone who wants to take a turn mining it can actually extract real gold as of this summer. To find out how this works watch this video I recorded at the UK Investor Show 2015 with Project Miner


3458 days ago

Video: Amanda Van Dyke Interview with Vassilios Carellas of Ortac Resources froim UK Investor Show

The second video interview by mining guru Amanda Van Dyke from UK Investor Show is now live. In the hot seat this time is Vasilios Carellas - a good chap - and the CEO of AIM listed Ortac Resources (OTC).


3458 days ago

Video: Amanda Van Dyke Interviews Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk at UK Investor Show

And now for something a little different from UK Investor Show, a video of a face to face interview by mining guru Amanda Van Dyke with Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG)


3459 days ago

Video of presentation by Rightster at UK Investor Show 2015

I have called this one correctly as a bear but fair dues to Rightster (RSTR) for still having the balls to turn up and present at UK Investor Show.


3459 days ago

Video of Presentation by Greg Kuenzel of Noricum Gold at UK Investor Show 2015

The latest presentation from UK Investor Show 2015 is from the very likeable Greg Kuenzel of Noricum Gold (NMG) - enjoy


3460 days ago

Video of Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources presenting at UK Investor Show 2015

Having been the star of the explosive Horse Hill or Horse Shit forum at UK Investor Show (see HERE), Andrew Bell also presented on behalf of Red Rock Resources (RRR) as you can see in the video below.


3460 days ago

Video of Fortune Mojapelo of Bushveld Minerals presenting at UK Investor Show 2015

Fortune Mojapelo of Bushveld Minerals (BMN) strikes me as a decent fellow and his presentation at UK Investor Show seemed more than competent. Enjoy..


3460 days ago

Video of presentation by Kevin Foo of Victoria Oil & Gas at UK Investor Show

The next presentation from UK Investor Show 2015 is by Kevin Foo of Victoria Oil & Gas (VOG) who also appeared on the main stage oil panel.


3460 days ago

Video of Presentation by Andrew Monk of Anglo-African Agriculture at UK Investor Show

Okay, Mr Monk is a stockbroker but he is not a bad fellow and he can present well. Here he is at the UK Investor Show talking about Anglo Africa Agriculture (AAA).


3460 days ago

Video of presentation by Ian Strafford-Taylor of FairFX at UK Investor Show 2015

Another video of a presentation at the UK Investor Show 2015 and again I have met the CEO, Ian Strafford-Taylor, and have some time for him. This is FairFX (FFX).


3462 days ago

Video of Challenger Acquistions Presentation at UK Investor Show

I met up with Mark Gustafson of main market listed Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL) before UK Investor Show 2015 and he seemed very switched on indeed. His presentation and the show was captured on video so see what you think.


3462 days ago

Video of Venture Life presentation at UK Investor Show 2015

Venture Life (VLG) is an AIM listed play on the ageing of the population. Its presentation at the UK Investor Show explains how it will profit from this and can be seen below.


3463 days ago

Video of K3 Business Technology Presenting at UK Investor Show 2015

Steve Moore and I have been big fans of K3 (KBT) for a while on the Nifty Fifty and the share tip has done us proud. Our confidence was bolstered by this confident presentation at the UK Investor Show 2015.


3463 days ago

Video of Mirada Presenting at the UK Investor Show 2015

I think that shares in Mirada (MIRA) are cheap as it finally starts to deliver. Its CEO Jose is a good fellow and here he is presenting at the UK Investor Show 2015.


3464 days ago

Video of Forbidden Technologies presentation at the UK Investor Show 2015

And now another company presentation from the UK Investor Show captured on video. This time it is Stephen Streater of Forbidden Technologies (FBT)


3466 days ago

Video of the No 1 presentation at UK Investor Show - Mark Slater

Mark Slater is a class act. His presentation at UK Investor Show was riveting - my old friend never lets us down. For anyone interested in stock picking and looking for ideas as well as method this is a must watch. And it is having speakers like this that marks out UK Investor Show as the country's top one day event in the world of shares. Enjoy


3466 days ago

Video of Ed Croft of Stockopedia doing a solo masterclass at UK Investor Show

He may no longer be the reigning pro-celeb UKI pizza making champion, but Ed Croft of Stockopedia does a mean old masterclass on how to use stock screening to pick winners Here is the video of his 2015 UK Investor Session. Enjoy


3467 days ago

Video of John McGloin of Amara Mining presenting at UK Investor Show

John McGloin, the CEO of Amara Mining, was among those manning a stand at UK Investor Show 2015 and also doing a 20 minute presentation. In case you missed John in action, here is the video.


3467 days ago

Video of Presentation by PCG Entertainment at UK Investor Show 2015

AIM listed PGC Entertainment (PGCE) might well be the only "straight" China play on the AIM casino. It presented at the UK Investor Show and the video is below...


3467 days ago

Video of UK Investor Presentation by soon to IPO Bitcoin play Coinsillium

Coinsillium is planning an IPO within weeks on AIM and it seems to be attracting some interesting backers as a bitcoin play. It presented at UK Investor Show 2015 and here is the video.


3467 days ago

Video of UK Investor Show Presentation by Rare Earth Minerals

They are flooding in now. Unlike some trade shows where you see rows of stands from financial services pond life like Darren Winters and Nasdaq listed and privately held UK companies of zero interest, UK Investor has stands manned by 100+ PLCs listed on AIM in which you can invest. One of them was Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and here is the video of its presentation from 2015.


3467 days ago

UK Investor Show Video: Picking stocks with Ed Croft, Chris Bailey & Thierry Laduguie

Stockpicking - that is what you all wanted to hear about at the UK Investor Show 2015 and as such a packed out presentation with more than 800 folks crammed into a 700 person theatre came from Ed Croft of Stockopedia, Chris Bailey of Financial Orbit and "the miserable froggie" the great Thierry Laduguie.


3467 days ago

Video from UK Investor: The Sheriff of AIM on death threats, Rivington, Quindell, fraud and more

This was the session at UK Investor Show I enjoyed the most: Tom Winnifrith as the Sheriff of AIM interviewed by Amanda van Dyke, Nigel Somerville and Malcolm Stacey. Very straight talking on mistakes, on Rivington, on Jim Mellon, on the death threats, on fraud on Quindell and on much more.


3467 days ago

Video from UK Investor: Tom Winnifrith Head to head with Peter Hambro

I have bashed Peter Hambro of Petropavlovsk (POG) over the years but all credit to the man in that he appeared on the main stage at UK Investor to take questions and stand up to me. Respect! Enjoy.


3467 days ago

Video of Colin Bird of Jubilee Platinum presenting at UK Investor Show

Next up in the videos of presentations from UK Investor Show is Colin Bird of AIM listed Jubilee Platinum (JLP). Enjoy.


3467 days ago

Video Presentation by Jason Drummond of Teathers Financial at UK Investor Show

And now the company presentation videos start to flood in from UK Investor Show. In the early batches we find Jason Drummond speaking on behalf of Teathers Financial (TEA). Enjoy


3469 days ago

Video of the Mining Session at UK Investor starring Amanda Van Dyke, Poulden, McGloin & Bell

Once again this main stage panel at UK Investor Show 2015 was chaired by scruffbum Ben Turney. On the panel were Amanda Van Dyke, John McGloin of Amara Mining, Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources and Richard Poulden of Wishbone Gold.


3469 days ago

Video: Nigel Wray, Paul Scott, Paul Jourdan, Clem and TW - value investing at UK Investor Show

And now we turn to value investing with Paul Scott ( the UK's top share blogger), Clem Chambers, Paul Jourdan of Amati (top fund manager, BTW), Nigel Wray (Britain's Buffett) and myself. All five of us are already booked in for the 2016 show albeit in different combinations and bringing in a new guest.


3469 days ago

Video of the Oil experts Session at UK Investor Show - Horse Hill and much more

The oil experts main stage session at the UK Investor Show was hosted by scruffbum Ben Turney and featured Cathal Friel, Matt Lofgran, Kevin Foo and myself with a cameo appearance by Derek Musgrove when it came to Horse Hill. But the discussion was wide ranging. Oil prices to Africa to shares as you can see in the video below


3470 days ago

Video of Luke Johnson giving a star main stage speech at UK Investor

Luke Johnson was on cracking form at UK Investor with two presentations. The first will go up later but this is his main stage talk which included a "lively" Q&A afterwards. Enjoy the video below.


3470 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith jokes & Sajid Javid MP speech from Uk Investor show

The latest video from UK Investor Show contains a couple of my little jokes, a few words from Charlotte Argyle plus the opening speech given by a man I respect for his commitment to free speech, Sajid Javid MP


3470 days ago

Video of Net Dimensions Presentation at the UK Investor Show 2015

Steve Moore and I have followed NetDimensions (NETD) for a while although it is not a current share tip - we banked profits. Anyhow, here is a video of its presentation from the UK Investor Show 2015


3470 days ago

Video of Louis Coetzee of Kibo Mining presenting at the UK Investor Show 2015

And here is Louis Coetzee, CEO of Kibo Mining (KIBO) presenting at Uk Investor Show. He seems to get the message across clearly in the video below. And he was also a star contestant in the pro-celeb pizza making contest at the after show party.


3471 days ago

Video: Geoff Miller of GLI Finance presents at UK Investor Show

Steve Moore and I have done well with our share tip on GLI Finance (GLIF) and we still see upside. Here is its CEO Geoff Miller - a diehard West Ham Supporter - presenting at the UK Investor Show to explain what might seem a hard story, in words clear enough for all to understand.


3471 days ago

Video: Clem Chambers, CEO of ADFVN PLC presents at UK Investor Show 2015

Clem Chambers has just seen off an attempt to oust him and fellow directors from the board of ADVFN (AFN). Here in this video from UK Investor Show 2015 he presents the investment case for his company.


3472 days ago

Explosive Ben Edelman UK Investor show video - he nails blinkx Again!

Once again Professor Ben Edelman nailed the awful business practices of blinkx (BLNX) at the Uk Investor show. The Web Sheriff was on gine form as the video below demonstrates.


3473 days ago

Explosive Uk Investor Seminar - Horse Hill or Horse Shit

This was a last minute special for UK Investor but it contained some pretty explosive stuff. On the panel were Andrew Bell, Derek Musgrove, Andrew Monk of VSA and Ben Turney. All four men have a special unique angle and insight on this project and it is explosive stuff at times. Watchthe video and enjoy.


3474 days ago

Blinkx – are you braced for some more fun? Ben Edelman was on cracking form, ho ho ho

Ben Edelman promised new material on blinkx (BLNX) at the 2015 UK Investor show and he did not disappoint.  I am working hard to get the full video of the Web Sheriff up as soon as possible but it is pretty explosive stuff.


3493 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Positive Seminar Video: Reasons to be buying shares right now & 5 share tips

Two weeks ago I gave a two part presentation at the ShareProphets Seminar. Part two covers the reasons to be bearish on shares and 5 shares to sell. Part one are the reasons to be bullish and serves up 5 share tips at the end. The part 1 video is below:

The website where Steve Moore and I serve up our share tips is the Nifty Fifty and you can find it HERE


3499 days ago

Tara and Oakley in song - the cat chorus video

The cats were hungry. Capitalist cat Tara is skinny but greedy because greed is good. Morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley is always hungry and they both let me know that after a hard day in bed they need food


3528 days ago

Video - CIC Gold at ShareProphets Seminar

CIC Gold is soon to list on the Main market. It presented at the last ShareProphets seminar and I quizzed it afterwards. The video is below.


3528 days ago

Video - Symphony Environmental at ShareProphets Seminar

I have tipped shares in Symphony (SYM) on the Nifty Fifty and enjoyed this ShareProphets seminar presentation. Once again a good few jokes and a solid showing by the company and its FD Ian Bristow. The video is below.


3528 days ago

Video: Adept Telecom presents at ShareProphets seminar

I like Ian Fishwick of Adept Telecom (ADT) even though he is both a northerner and also very rude to me. And his presentation at the last ShareProphets seminar was a good one and he tackled my questions well. The video is below


3533 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Responds to the Worthington Statement - Bring on the Police

I presented in Clerkenwell last night and a video of my ten minute talk rebutting in full a statement of lies by a company engaged in fraud was recorded. Worthington has reported me to the Police. I am not afraid as I have done nothing wrong. Worthington is a fraud and I welcome the chance to hand over documents that prove that to the Old Bill. However, I would rather go to jail that reveal my source and will not under any circumstances reveal my source.

Worthington has lied about me in a demonstrably defamatory statement and I shall continue publishing about it and exposing it. The fact that it publishes what is palpably a defamatory and untruthful statement should be of grave concern to investors. What else is it lying about? A lot. The video is below.


3542 days ago

Another Pussy Video - Tara Inaction

I guess some of you might have arrived at this page via google or whatever expecting something different. Sorry pervs, this is just another video of Tara, the lifelong friend of my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley.  Unlike Benefits Street who will play up to the camera, Tara seems terrified of it. As I prepared to shoot she was waving her paws around for no apparent reason. The camera appears and she just stares at it - very sweet but more inaction than in action


3544 days ago

Tara, the capitalist cat, makes her video debut as Oakley slumbers on

Tara, who makes her video debut below, may not be related to Oakley but the two have lived together for all of their 13 years. She may be sleek and slim but she is the capitalist cat. Oakley does nothing all day and is thus sometimes referred to as Benefits Street. Tara believes that Greed is Good and thus eats far more than Oakley either from her food bowl or by snacking on human food whenever she can grab it. I guess she has a higher metabolic rate than Oakley and she also takes plenty of exercise patrolling the garden.

I first met the two of them in the Isle of Man after the sudden death of my previous cat Kitosh. His ashes travelled with me in the years that followed and are now buried in a wooden cat shaped urn underneath a newly planted thyme bush at the bottom of our Garden in Brislington.

At the MSPCA sanctuary as I wandered along seeking a replacement for Kitosh the sweet young kittens grabbed all the attention. But in one cage there were two much older cats Tara and Oakley. Well I was told there were two. Oakley 


3544 days ago

Video Insetco Presentation at ShareProphets Seminar

The final company presenting at the ShareProphets seminar on 2nd February was Insetco (INC). The boss of this AIM listed turnaround is Ivan Couchman. With RMPC owning shares I had a few questions at the end.


3545 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video -10 Pump & Dump AIM stocks to flag up

At the ShareProphets Seminar on 2nd February I did a joint presentation with my pal Anand from PrimaryBid. Anand’s new venture goes live next week and aims to kill off the bucket shops by allowing private investors to supply capital to AIM tiddlers at a discounted price directly. It will also make it cheaper for such firms to raise capital. I hope you will ALL support this venture and register HERE

My video flagged up 10 stocks which look like slam dunk pumps ahead of a dump to me.

Anand then explained PrimaryBid and we worked through an imaginary example together as you can see below.


3545 days ago

New Oakley Video: cat inaction in bed with the Mrs

It strikes me that videos of my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley are now getting more views than some of the writers on ShareProphets. Perhaps I should fire a few of the scribes and just go into business with my cat? Maybe not. As Oakley is a 14 year old obese cancer survivor the actuaries would not rate this long term business model.

Oakley regards our marital bed as his own and gives me a dirty look when I intrude on him and the Mrs. Normally fishy breath snuggles up to the deluded lefty and gazes adoringly into her eyes. And she reciprocates and they talk about Coronation Street and other matters that concern folks from the Grim North. But if he hears my footsteps he heads off to the other end of the bed and plays all innocent.

And so as the public sector worker


3546 days ago

Video of Tom Winnifrith Introductory Remarks - ShareProphets seminar

At the ShareProphets seminar on 2nd Febuary Tom Winnifrith told a few jokes and made a few remarks about free speech. appropos of nothing they are contained in this short video

To support our campaign for free speech in exposing AIM frauds click HERE


3548 days ago

Collagen CEO Stewart White presentation on video

I thought this was a polished effort from Collagen (COS) CEO Stewart White at the ShareProphets seminar on 2nd February at The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House in Clerkenwell. Sorry to Mr White for asking a hard numbers question on camera! 


3548 days ago

Video: Oakley the three legged cat demands more food - FFS you are on a diet!

My morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley now tips the scales at 9 llbs and so is meant to be on a strict diet. I suspect that the Mrs has been helping him snack when I am away and they lie on the sofa watching Coonation Street together.  Since the Mrs works in the public sector she is not an early riser and so I hand out breakfast to Oakley and the ultra slim Tara at c 8 AM. It is now 11.30 and Oakley reckons that he is starving and begs for more


3549 days ago

Is Horse Hill a busted flush: David Lenigas & Steve Sanderson of UK Oil & Gas Video

At the ShareProphets seminar on Monday 2nd February in Clerkenwell at The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House, David Lenigas & the new CEO of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) Mr Steve Sanderson explained why they thought Horse Hill was not a busted flush but very exciting. The video is below.

Afterwards there were three hours of pizza and the booze flowed freely. To get priority booking for future seminars register HERE


3557 days ago

Video of the hero of the day, brave Oakley my 3 legged cat

Oakley is somewhat in the doghouse after yet again leaving a deposit on the doormat and so today both he and his friend Tara are confined to the kitchen with myself. No run of house is allowed for either. But Oakley, who now weighs a disgraceful 9 llbs, has just three legs and is also known as Benefits Street becuase he dos nothing all day other than eat, sleep and watch trash TV with the Mrs, is the hero of the day.

For Oakley spotted another cat - almost as large as him wander into our garden. The normally fearless Tara did nothing. And so the old boy hopped off the sofa, hopped 


3591 days ago

A Video Christmas card to Kambos from my father and I

You may well say that this is largely all Greek to you..,a video message from my dad and I to the folk in Kambos the village in the Mani where the Greek Hovel is located.


3600 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #94 - Christmas & why West Ham needs to send me to Greece (urgent plea) edition

In my weekly video postcard I have a few thoughts on Christmas including my Christmas Tree competion which you can enter HERE. I then turn to West Ham and make an urgent plea to Fat Sam and the West Ham board - pay for me to live in Greece until May and we can win the Premiership. Here's why.

In my weekly video postcard I look at why PLC fraud has become harder to hide  in the internet era but also at how companies that have committed fraud behave in their final months. Yes I am looking at Quindell again and that video can be watched HERE


3600 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's weekly financial video postcard #64 - fraud issue

In his weekly financial video postcard Tom looks at how PLC fraud is so much more detectable in the internet era. He also looks at how companies which have engaged in fraud behave in their final months. The video cuts off a bit suddenly but the message was almost finished anyway.


3602 days ago

Video: Greg Coleman of Independent Resources presents on 8 December at the ShareProphets seminar

Independent Resources (IRG) is an AIM listed oil junor. Its CEO Greg Coleman presented at the recent ShareProphets seminar on December 8th. To make sure you get priority alerts to book into future seminars register HERE. To watch Greg in action and see his presentation see the video below.


3602 days ago

Video of Ian Strafford-Taylor of FairFx present at the ShareProphets seminar on 8 December

FairFX (FFX) is an AIM listed technology play in the personal forex credit card space. Its CEO Ian Strafford-Taylor presented at the recent ShareProphets seminar on December 8th. To make sure you get priority alerts to book into future seminars register HERE. To watch Ian in action and see his presentation see the video below.


3602 days ago

Tom Winnifrith on the spot video as Crony Capitalists at Daniel Stewart have champagne party

Daniel Stewart held its champagne Christmas party last night. Its own shares are suspended as it does not have enough cash but the crony capitalists need to party on. I filmed this video outside to make a few points.

Daniel Stewart staff have boasted about how they want to beat me up.I know that one day someone will attack me for what I write but I want these shysters to know that I am not afraid of them and will not be cowed into not speaking out where I see wrong. I hope that I made that point.

As it happens the hoods were shown to be all talk.


3602 days ago

Amanda van Dyke: The Mining Goddess explains Mining stocks - new video

The mining goddess, oops I mean guru, was on flying form at the last ShareProphets seminar as she explained how to value mining stocks and whether one should be investing in gold or other metals juniors right now. Amanda will be among the roster of speakers at our Spring seminars which start on Febuary 2, to get priority booking and alerts of them register HERE - the video is below


3602 days ago

Video of Nick Bryant of PGC Entertainment presenting at the ShareProphets seminar 8 December

PGC Entertainment (PGCE) listed on the AIM Casino just a few days ago. It operates in China but is run by Westerners. Its CEO Nick Bryant presented at the recent ShareProphets seminar on December 8th. To make sure you get priority alerts to book into future seminars register HERE. To watch Nick in action and see his presentation see the video below.


3603 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Presentation - 8 December Seminar: Disgust at Mining stocks

Tom Winnifrith could not make the Monday 8 December ShareProphets seminar in person as rain delayed his plans as you can see in the videos shot from his Greek residence below. However he posted a few thoughts by audio on the disgust folks feel about AIM listed mining stocks and we now relay this podcast to a wider audience. It explians why fundamental analysis of such stocks is in a sense not relevant right now.


3606 days ago

Video Special: Vreki, Vreki and more Vreki at the Greek Hovel

Last night the mud track from the top of snake hill to the Greek Hovel was almost entirely flooded. The dry river is flowing strongly. Somehow my bike made it through all the water and I did not fall off at any point. I then sat in the hovel with a fire blazing listening to the rain hammering down all night, to the thunder and to a stiff gale blowing through the trees. And the vreki continues today. Looking up at the mountains behind me and listening to the loud thunder claps and seeing the sheet lightening flash across the sky, I suspect there will be little olive harvesting going on today in Kambos.

To give you an idea of what it looks like I have shot you three videos, one yesterday and two today.


3606 days ago

Weekly Financial video postcard #63 by audio - Quindell

Rain stopped play. I cannot record a movie. Anyhow I have a face made for radio and so this week's video postcard is an audio in which I set out the stark choices facing Quindell (QPP) directors tomorrow: prison or telling the painful truth.


3607 days ago

Weekly video postcard #93 (by audio) - reflections on three weeks in Kambos

I look back on three weeks at the Greek Hovel, on life in Kambos and on the conclusion of the olive harvest. Rain stopped me recording since I need light to film and the vreki is heavy - so my thoughts are by audio

My weekly financial video postcard is by audio as well and looks at Quindell and can be listened to HERE


3614 days ago

Heading through 5,000 twitter followers – so ffing what?

I started tweeting about two and a half years ago and the number of folks following me as grown pretty much from day one – which growth has accelerated in recent weeks on the back of Quindell I suspect. Apparently I am in the top 1.2 million most followed folks on earth. Big deal.

I read the other day that more than half the twitter accounts created in 2013 are already inactive. You can buy thousands of twitter accounts for just a few dollars. Okay you are tweeting to people who don’t exist but in Willy waving contests some folks think it matters.

I am open about my twitter account. Occasionally there is some banker with folks on twitter. I have enjoyed baiting Peter Tatchell, who I admire greatly, but who can be a prize loon


3614 days ago

Weekly Video postcard #91 - The Peasants let The establishment have it & they dont like it up 'em

This week's video postcard looks at how the peasantry (you and me) are revolting using new media against the political and media bubble dwellers, the establishment. Matthew Parris does not like it but I loves it as you can see on the video.

Over on ShareProphets on the matter of oil stocks our writers are divided. Ben Turney sees the recent OPEC meeting as disastrous for AIM listed oil shares (HERE). On the other hand Chris Oil (HERE) and Paul Curtis (HERE) argue that the bad news is more than discounted and are buyers of the sector. I started my career as an oil analyst and so what do think? You can find out HERE


3619 days ago

Video of MX Oil at ShareProphets Seminar

Andy Frangos of MX Oil (MXO) gave a detailed presentation on Monday 10th November at the most recent ShareProphets seminar - a video of which is below. I served him up a couple of questions which, to his credit, he took with humour.


3619 days ago

Obtala Resources - video of ShareProphets Seminar Presentation

Obtala Resources (OBT) gave a detailed presentation on Monday 10th November at the most recent ShareProphets seminar - a video of whicjh is below.


3619 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Quindell the end game, when & why it hits 0p - Tom Winnifrith video presentation

Recorded at the ShareProphets seminar on Monday 10th November 2014 The Sheriff of AIM explains when and why the fraud that is Quindell (QPP) will go tits up causing investors to lose 100%. It is all pretty straightforward as frauds go.


3621 days ago

Financial Video #58 - Rob Terry is a liar, a conman and a fraud please please sue me for libel edition

Quite simply Robert Terry and Quindell (QPP) have lied to investors engaged in securities and accounting fraud and so Mr Terry is a con man. He has let it be known to the morons that he is going to sue Tom Winnifrith for libel. Tom says "Go ahead, make my day bitchez." He explains why thje fraudster Rob Terry  is acting in this way and the various other empty threats he will employ as he tries to flog as many shares as he can before Quenron goes tits up. The Sheriff of AIM is not flinching.


3621 days ago

Video Postcard #90 - The Rochester fallout, UKIP, immigration and the despised political classes

I start this week's video postcard with a couple of comments on life at the Greek Hovel. Pictures will follow. But the main focus is on the Rochester fallout. UKIP and immigration is a mess and I explain why. Equally the comments of Emily Thornberry, the snobbish Labour prig from Islington are a symptom of an out of touch and despised political class.

My weekly financial video postcard looks at the City analyst system which is bent and not working and it can be viewed HERE


3628 days ago

Video Postcard #89 - The Real Man Christmas party & back to the Greek Hovel Edition

On Monday I head off to London for the 3rd Real Man Christmas party. I reflect upon those who attended two years ago and how the list has grown. And then I am off to Greece to return to the Greek Hovel and I think about my hopes, my concerns, my worries and my excitement about that trip: snakes, motorbikes, the lovely Eleni and all that lies in Kambos.

In my weekly financial video postcard I forgive the Quindell shareholders who have threatened and abused me during the past six months. They have my sympathies as they face wipeout and I have a few words of advice, even for the folks who sent me death threats. That video can be watched HERE


3635 days ago

Video Postcard #88 - Peace & Reconciliation in Northern Ireland Edition

I am just back from Eire and wayching the UTV news on Friday night the ghastly old muderer Martin McGuinness appeared demanding that he have his cake and eat it with regard to reconciliation in Northern Ireland. This is the theme of this week's video postcard.

On my financial video postcard I again accuse Rob Terry and Quindell of being liars and frauds and invite them to sue me for libel. That video can be watched HERE


3642 days ago

Video postcard #87 – Our relations with the UK Muslim community – tolerance needed but also honesty

I sense that this video will not go down well in all quarters. A woman talking total rot on Any Questions prompts me to outline views which will not win friends in all quarters.

The UK Muslim Community must not be demonised - nearly all British Muslims are good folks. But on the other hand the way that we have approached matters such as the child abuse scandals of Rotherham etc. and also ISIS recruitment do not assist. Political correctness has been highly counterproductive but the failure of the Muslim community to speak out has also been damaging. This must change. We cannot sweep such issues under the carpet any more.

Tom’s financial video postcard covers a different sort of denial. The state of mind of investors in a stock that is plunging, And yes Tom does refer to a well-known fraudulent solar panels to insurance come telematics come golf company beginning with Q,  That video can be watched HERE


3642 days ago

Video of Tom Winnifrith presentation - why Monitise is worth 10p a share

The final presentation on Monday night at the ShareProphets seminar was by myself on Monitise (MONI) as I explained why the shares were worth only 10p. With hindsight I think I might have been a bit generous but the thrust of my thesis is pretty clear cut.

Our next seminar is on Monday 10th November and features MX Oil, Obtala Resources and Interquest plus a presentation by Tom Winnifrith. Priority booking for that seminar starts later today for those registered with ShareProphets Seminars. To ensure you can book in for presentations and pizza register HERE


3642 days ago

Video of Amanda Van Dyke of Bluebird Merchant Ventures at the ShareProphets Seminar

Amanda Van Dyke of soon to IPO Bluebird Merchant Ventures was the third presentation on Monday night at the ShareProphets seminar and its talk was followed by a very hard hitting Q&A. Enjoy the video of the event.

Our next seminar is on Monday 10th November and features MX Oil, Obtala Resources and Interquest plus a presentation by Tom Winnifrith. Priority booking for that seminar starts later today for those registered with ShareProphets Seminars. To ensure you can book in for presentations and pizza register HERE


3642 days ago

Audioboom - video of presentation from ShareProphets seminar

Audioboom (BOOM) was the second company presenting on Monday night at the ShareProphets seminar and its talk was followed by a lively Q&A. We hope you take something away from the video of the event.

Our next seminar is on Monday 10th November and features MX Oil, Obtala Resources and Interquest plus a presentation by Tom Winnifrith. Priority booking for that seminar starts later today for those registered with ShareProphets Seminars. To ensure you can book in for presentations and pizza register HERE


3645 days ago

Tom Winnifrith video on the Westminster Group Ebola appeal from last night

Before last night's four presentations at the ShareProphets Seminar - videos of which will appear later - I made a few comments about the Westminster Group (WSG) ebola appeal. All this week - Hop-tu-naa week - at Real Man Pizza in Clerkenwell we will be donating 20p per pizza sold to the appeal and I hope that others will chip in. Details of the appeal can be found HERE


3645 days ago

Quindell, why its going bust, when its going bust and is there any escape - BearCast special

All frauds eventually run out of other people's money and so it will be with Quenron (QPP). For it is a fraud as I explained in full detail in this video. So when will Quindell go tits up?


3649 days ago

Video Postcard #86 – The EU £1.7 billion money grab on the UK – lies, damned lies, UKIP lies and statistics edition

In my weekly personal video postcard I look at the issue of the EU’s money grab on Britain, why UKIP is not the answer but why leaving the EU is.

In my financial video postcard I look at the kerfuffle and all the allegations about David Lenigas, Brokerman Daniel, Horse Hill. Neither of the two men are angels. For the avoidance of doubt neither do I claim to be a saint. However both Lenigas and Dan have come in for unfair stick in recent days and I explains why some of that criticism is so wide of the mark.

Yes both men are my friends but if you do not stand by your friends when they are under siege you are no friend. And some of the attacks made are well out of order. That video can be watched HERE


3653 days ago

London & South East Bulletin Board – what do you not get about free speech? Ref Quindell

I have noted before that the LSE Bulletin Board, Quindell (QPP) thread is an online lunatic asylum where some of the stupidest folk in Christendom post complete gibberish - apparently there is a post there today claiming that the "global shorting conspiracy" is being organised by the CIA and that I am a CIA agent. But this sinister part of the interweb just became more ludicrous.

For we now discover that one poster – who tweets as @creaturemoney – has had his LSE account suspended because he dared to post a link to my Quindell expose video. Yup for posting a link to a video which exposes lies and fraud and so does not suit the “long and wrong” loons who control that board he is now banned.  Yet it is deemed perfectly acceptable by LSE for two contributors to the very same thread to go publish this exchange:


3653 days ago

BearCast 18 October - Financial Crime on AIM, Tom Winnifrith reports himself to the FCA for market abuse on Quindell

An unusual bonus podcast from me today. In this bearcast I discuss the whole issue of lies and financial crime on the AIM Casino but also the abject failure of AIM Regulation and I will tomorrow be asking the FCA to formally investigate me for market abuse on Quindell. I hope that Rob Terry will also ask the FCA to investigate me.

The nuts and bolts are in today's shock Video HERE. Either I am making it up and am thus guilty of market abuse. Or it is true in which case Rob Terry and Quindell are guilty of wholesale lying and accounting fraud. The facts back me up. And so that is why I want the FCA to investigate me formally for market abuse. If it finds me not guilty as it will then it has no choice but to act against Quenron. As such I say bring it on. I want the formal investigation and I challenge Rob Terry to ask the FCA to conduct such an enquiry.


3653 days ago

Westminster Group Video Presentation at ShareProphets Seminars

The first presentation on Monday in Clerkenwell at the ShareProphets seminar was by Ian Selby of security group Westminster (WSG). This is not just a story about the temporary impact of ebola. Ian put the case well enough but there is clearly a sentiment issue right now.

To ensure that you get priority booking for future seminars (the next one is on 27 October )  and features myself, Amanda van Dyke of Bluebird Mining, Rob Proctor of Audioboo and Cathal Friel of Fastnet Oil & Gas register HERE.


3653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s BearCast 17th October

Where is that dam Quindell (QPP) video? I am really getting pissed off now, I was promised it last night and it has still not arrived. Fingers crossed. Meanwhile the podcast is back on an up day for the markets – an opportunity to offload duff stocks in my view. This bearcast covers:

Naibu, Netplay, Rolls Royce, Spectra, Sovereign Mines of Africa, Northern Petroleum and Quenron. I make general points about non UK stocks listed here, investing in stocks with no barriers to entry versus Buffett plays and about lobster pots.


3653 days ago

Quindell Legal Services – More Red Flags Vicar? Part 2

The video of my presentation “Quindell, how it has committed accounting fraud, has not generated a cent of cash despite what it claims and why it is worth 0p” should now appear tomorrow. Pro tem here is part 2 of the Quindell Legal Services – More Red Flags Vicar series. QLS served up so many Red Flags it needs two articles. Part One can be found HERE. Now moving on.


3653 days ago

Reader Post of the day 2 – The Most Excellent 42 on the Quindell Cash Crisis

Quindell (QPP) faces a cash crisis which is forcing it to resort to quite desperate measures as I outlined HERE and HERE earlier today. Its position is dire. And now our most excellent poster has weighed in with this critical note. As you await for tomorrow’s big daddy video which explains why Quenron has committed accounting fraud, has never generated cash and is worth 0p I bring you the awesome 42 with his latest offering.


3653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s BearCast October 14 – Quindell and much more

The morning after the night before.  That is to say my presentation yesterday on why Quenron (QPP) is worth 0p a share. The full video of that will go live within 36 hours ( as will the 3 PLC presentations) and I discuss a bit of this and other Quinnovation Group matters in this podcast. But there is more, much more.


3654 days ago

Quindell Red Flags on Overload as Maine Finance Ltd files its annual report

This came onto my desk yesterday and is a true horror story (unless you are a bear).  Of all of the stinking Quenron subsidiary accounts to emerge so far this is arguably the one that stinks the most. But I still have plenty more to go through so I will not award the “stinkiest Quenron subsidiary accounts 2013” title just yet. I covered the POS that is Maine Finance Ltd in a preliminary way yesterday night in a 40 minute presentation showing clearly that Quindell was a fraud and worth 0p. The video of that talk and accompanying slides will go live within 36 hours and the 2 PLC FDs in the room were horrified by what they heard. But back to Maine Finance Limited.


3656 days ago

Dear FCA: please investigate whether I committed market abuse on 13th October regarding Quindell

This morning I have written to the FCA asking it to investigate whether the allegations I made on 13th October 2014 regarding Quindell PLC (QPP) constitute market abuse. The allegations are the most serious I can make, that Quenron has committed wholesale accounting fraud and has lied to investors via RNS.  If the allegations are not true I have committed market abuse. As it happens they are 100% verifiable and I have not seen one person show why they are not. That is because they are verifiably true. The video of my presentation making these allegations is HERE.  The letter to the FCA explains why I have made this request and reads: 


3656 days ago

Video Postcard #85 – happy Birthday Nadine, welcome to Britain & immigration issue

I went to Nadine’s Birthday party yesterday. She was also celebrating 10 years in the UK with a British party. Since she is a friend of the Mrs and so it goes without saying that the place was packed with deluded lefties.

I therefore discuss the politics of food in relation to Britain’s poor but also the idea of taking responsibility for one’s own actions.  I then move on to reclaiming the flag, the idea of Britishness and the whole immigration debate based as it is on lies and a fail to tackle the real issue of welfare abuse.

My financial video postcard looks at buying opportunities and earnings visibility for UK shares and can be watched HERE


3656 days ago

Quindell - a fraud which has never & will never generate a cent of cash & is worth 0p - full Tom Winnifrith video

On Monday night I gave a 40 minute presentation in Clerkenwell in which I showed the frauds Quindell (QPP) has perpetrated, demonstrated why - despite what it says - it has never and will never generate cash and so why its shares are worth 0p. I defy anyone to explain any factual errors in this presentation. The video of that presentation is below.

I will be giving another controversial presentation on Monday 27th October also in Clerkenwell. To ensure that you can priority book for what will be another sell out register HERE


3664 days ago

Video Postcard #84 – The lies from the BBC and our leaders over ISIS edition

In my weekly video postcard I discuss BBC lies over ISIS and how our campaign in Iraq and Syria is ever more doomed to failure and makes we left in England ever more at risk, whatever lies our leaders tell us. You are being lied to by the media about how badly we are failing.

And you are beng lied to by all our leaders about how their actions make us all less safe. It is as simple as that.

In this week’s financial video postcard I discuss how the mood of investors is changing as the stockmarket falls to new year lows. Delusion, becomes denial becomes acceptance becomes anger.This will apply to specific stocks but also to the market as awhile and Tom discusses its ramifications HERE


3666 days ago

Video: 11 Ways AIM Companies artificially boost profits to mislead investors

The final talk at the first ShareProphets seminar was by me and looked at 11 ways that AIM companies artificially boost profits to mislead investors. It featured Sefton (SER) and Quindell (QPP) heavily but other real life examples were given.  I thought that it wasa half decent presentation and the audience seemed to approve.,  To ensure that you get priority booking for future seminars (the next one on 13 October is now booked out but we will start taking bookings for 27 October  next week) with 4 talks at each plus free pizza and booze register HERE.


3666 days ago

Video of Premaitha presentation at the ShareProphets Seminar

Heck, I am biased, we own these shares, but I thought that the presentation by Stephen Little and Adam Reynolds of Premaitha (NIPT) at the first ShareProphets seminar was pretty compelling. I certainly view the shares as cheap on the basis of what I heard. To ensure that you get priority booking for future seminars (the next one on 13 October is now booked out but we will start taking bookings for 27 October  next week) register HERE.


3666 days ago

Andrew Monk of Anglo African Agriculture Video Presentation at ShareProphets Seminars

On Monday 29th September the first ShareProphets evening seminar was held. 4 talks, free pizza and booze. A great time was had by all. To ensure that you get priority booking for future seminars (the next one on 13 October is now booked out but we wil start taking bookings for 27 October  next week) register HERE. The second talker was Andrew Monk of Anglo African Agriculture (AAA) who spoke very well and also commented on Madagascar Oil (MOIL).


3670 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #83 – The murder of Alan Henning, ISIS, our lying leaders and what real justice means

This week I am back in Bristol and my video looks at ISIS, the murder of poor Alan Henning and how we should react. 

I discuss how my Aunt was murdered and how one cannot gain justice and retain the moral high ground without going through justice. But also how our leaders are all lying to us about what is going on and how our safety is ever more compromised by their actions.

My financial video postcard covers why Quindell is getting more nervous, making more errors and getting more desperate as the truth emerges. It can be viewed HERE


3670 days ago

ShareProphets Seminars: Video Presentation by Chris Gilbert of Fox Marble

On Monday 29th September the first ShareProphets evening seminar was held. 4 talks, free pizza and booze. A great time was had by all. To ensure that you get priority booking for future seminars (the next one is 13 October) register HERE. The first talker was Chris Gilbert of Fox Marble (FOX) who spoke well and made a good case. I rate the shares as a buy.


3673 days ago

Cracking Spoof Call Me Dave Cameron Conference Speech Musical Video

I warn you that this video contains bad language. But it is rather clever and funny even if you are a Tory, whether that be an exposing yourself in your PJs on the internet Tory, an about to defect to UKIP Tory or the traditional sort of Tory. Enjoy.




3679 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #82 – Off to war we go edition

This is my last video postcard from Greece for seven weeks. I’m back in London at the weekend preparing for a presentation on how companies on AIM overstate profits with real examples. That is on Monday but is booked out but if you want to be able to advance book for my next presentation (it’s free & comes with pizza and wine) register HERE

As I prepare for a return to England with very mixed feelings I know that by the time you watcg this we will be at war in Iraq again. Soon we will be in Syria. The media is being played by our leaders who have messed up and continue to mess up.

England is not safer but a more dangerous place as of today.

My financial video postcard explains E ratios, PEGs and why stocks on PEs of 3 or less are always a sell not a buy and it can be viewed HERE


3684 days ago

Picture article: Closing Time: A History of My Weight Loss - A Summer of Triumph at the Greek Hovel

The pictures from my weekly videos say it all...


3684 days ago

Video Postcard #81 – Reflections on the summer at the Greek Hovel

This is my last video postcard from Greece for a while and in it I reflect on what I feel that I have achieved at the Greek Hovel since I arrived and also what I have not achieved. Too much.

In my weekly financial video postcard I look at the China frauds and other failings of regulation on the AIM Casino. It can be viewed HERE


3685 days ago

Secret Footage of Quindell's Accounts Department calculating Industrial Deafness Accruals

ShareProphets has obtained some secret footage of the finance team at the Quinnovation Group calculating how much to accrue for Industrial Deafness. We apologise for the fact that our video footage was shot in black and white but we hope this makes the process clearer.


3691 days ago

Video Postcard #80, snakes, frigana and falling in love with Kambos issue

This is my penultimate video postcard from Greece until I return November for the olive harvest. Forgive my lack of writing, I have been busy preparing for UK Investor Show on April 18 2015 and also obsessing about snakes and frigana.

I discuss both snakes and frigana in great detail.

I then go on to say why I disagree with Paddy Leigh Fermor and have fallen in love with Kambos, the village nearest to the Greek Hovel. 

Details of the show are at – book your seat now!

My financial video postcard this week covers the issues of shares that appear to be uber cheap (PE of less than 3 etc). It is the “It’s too good to be true” edition and can be viewed HERE


3698 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #79 – Why Scotland should vote YES! To Independence

After a morning hacking away frigana at the Greek Hovel, Tom’s message from the Greece of the South is for the Greece of the North – Scotland.

The independence debate is marked by delusion – on both sides. Tom suggests you watch former oil analyst Andrew Bell explain why the SNP oil numbers are all wrong HERE.

The reality is that Scotland has become a welfare addicted big Government economic failure. It is united with a Country with a different value set and approach to life. For its own sake Scotland needs independence so that its people can again learn the idea of self-reliance.

And English taxpayers have no moral obligation to fund a failed system of Government and economics. Speaking as an English taxpayer Tom is praying for a Yes vote.

Tom’s financial video postcard this week covers why he believes a stockmarket crash is on the cards and soon and can be viewed HERE


3698 days ago

Why the SNP maths on Oil is all wrong – a former oil analyst (Andrew Bell) explains

Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Regency Mines (RGM) like me started his life as an oil analyst.  Bell is a Scot living in England and, I sense, supports the Union. As an English taxpayer I cannot pray hard enough for the welfare addicted Money Tree worshipping Greece of the North to vote for independence as I explain HERE. But Bell adds to the debate in a very well argued video showing how SNP assumptions about Scottish oil revenues are quite simply sheer fantasy.


3705 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #78 – Quindell, Frigana and Bombing the Shit out of ISIS edition

I have sent in my latest video postcard and start with my new obsession chopping down the frigana at the Greek Hovel, It is all going very well and golden browning piles of the stuff now litter the property. 

I move onto Quindell (QPP) where I make it clear that the evidence of fraudulent accounting in the 2011 accounts is now explicit as I explained HERE. The question is what happens next?

Finally to the Islamofascists of ISIS and I explain why – although it may be appealing to go for the “bomb the shit out of them” option it would be a grave long term error on the part of the West.


3712 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard from Tom Winnifrith #77 – Three Big Treats Edition

There were three pieces of good news for Tom this week. The arrival in Greece of his Mrs, continuing weight loss and Quindell (QPP) threatening legal action. Tom discusses the third at length in his weekly video postcard.


3719 days ago

Quindell Bulletin Board Morons – Abusing Me Strengthens Me, It won’t save you

The attacks on me from shareholders in Quindell (QPP) continue. Yesterday say them produce & circulate a defamatory video alleging inter alia that I had an undeclared short position, that my restaurant was unprofitable, that I was very ugly, that all women hated me and that the Quindell Share price was zooming ahead. How very profound. Ugly is a matter of opinion, all the other points are demonstrably untrue.

The video talked about my past career failings. As those slip further and further into history I am not sure of their relevance but I do not hide them. Funds I managed had an okay 2010 and stormingly successful 2011 but a disastrous 2012 – and I was in charge of them until April 2012. Clearly my time at Rivington was not a great success in its later stages although I am not sure that I am entirely to blame. Whatever, I lost my job and my entire net worth and was left worth minus £250,000. I have learned a painful lesson.

But that was a while back.  Heck I may be ugly but I have a stunningly pretty younger wife so you think it bothers me? I know that I have no short position in Quindell. And the Real Man Pizza Company restaurant is profitable.


3720 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard (#46 financial, #76 non-financial) – Free Speech & Frigana Edition

For once I combine my financial and non-financial weekly video postcard into one. Recorded at the Greek hovel I am turning into a home I shows off my new toy but do not say whom I thinks of as I slash away at the Frigana (I explain what that is too). But I am sure you can guess.

The subject is free speech. Starting with John Stuart Mill I cover how it is society rather than draconian laws that threaten free speech in the UK. 

I relate this both to threats made to the livelihood of an Israel supporting twitter acquaintance (see HERE) but also to my own livelihood and life and why Society rather than that state needs to change to protect free speech in its responsible manner and what responsible free speech is.


3724 days ago

Regency Mines boss Andrew Bell on video - make your own mind up

Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) is clearly a bit of an AIM Marmite figue. Are his critics right? Since this video Regency has got itself involved in Horse Hill where we might just see spudding next week. Anyhow listen to Bell speaking at the UK Investor Show and judge for yourself


3727 days ago

TXO - Tim Baldwin explains and puts the case on video

Do you understand what oil junior TXO (TXO) does? It seems a tad complicated and its CEO Tim Baldwin seems to attract "mixed" Bulletin Board Comment. In this video from UK Investor show Mr Baldwin puts the case for buying shares in TXO.


3727 days ago

The Official Rob Terry & Quindell Downfall Video

All the players in the Quindell (QPP) tale are in there: Rob Terry, Laurence Moose, Mark Ford, PR girl Foxy Bex, Steamy from the ridiculous QPPSAG, Cenkos, Kevin Ashton, Daniel Stewart, Gotham City, ebola, the UKLA and Canaccord. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed producing this video.


3727 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #75 – falling in love with the Greek Hovel and my way of life here

Sitting on my newly constructed eco-loo in The Greek Hovel, I reflect on how my way of life is about to change with the arrival of a female guest. I am, as it happens, tapping this out at a service station near Athens Airport as I wait to meet her.

Natch I have spent the past 24 hours on an intense hovel tidying.

I reflect on my way of life here, there are so many plus points and it will be hard to go back. I could work from here, it is cheap to live and doing wonders for my figure. Feel  free to send emails congratulating me on this.

Tom Winnifrith has just published his new e-book, The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from oil, gas and mining shares. You can buy it on Amazon for £6.25 or you can order a FREE copy HERE



3732 days ago

Lombard Risk Management - I think the shares are cheap: watch the video and decide for yourself

I think that at 13p shares in Lombard Risk Management (LRM) are cheap. 20p seems fair to me. Bt do you agree? Watch CEO John Wisbey in video action from the UK Investor show and decide for yourself.


3733 days ago

AfriaAg - a cute Africa play or just another David Lenigas promote: watch the video and you decide

Is Afriag (AFRI) the cute way to get investment exposure to Africa? Or do you want any exposure to that continent at all? Is it just another David Lenigas shares promote? Watch a video of the .man himself explaining the investment case at the UK Investor Show and you decide.


3733 days ago

Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources - is he delivering: watch the video and decide

Along with David Lenigas, Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR) is one of the true marmite characters of AIM. In a sector that has been a nightmare for three years Red Rock has survived but is he delivering for shareholders?  And can he deliver more? Watch this video from UK Investor Show and decide for yourself. 


3733 days ago

WINNER! Ariana – Already up on our 0.85p tip at 1.13p after one month – watch this and understand the real upside

Ariana Resources (AAU) was our ShareProphets share tip of the week at a 0.85p offer on 29th June - HERE. Today the shares are at 1.05-1.20 – not bad for a month. As we predicted it would the company now has full, non-dilutive, funding for its Red Rabbit gold project in Turkey – that was announced yesterday. To understand how far this share will go watch this video of CEO Kerim Sener in action at the UK Investor Show.


3733 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #74 – Eco-loos and blowback edition

My weekly video postcard finds me sitting on my newly constructed eco-loo. More on that in a later photo article.

The main theme of this postcard is the folly of Western meddling abroad. It was the great Dr Ron Paul (pictured) who coined the term blowback. The theme runs through Iraq, Afghanistan and is now playing out in Syria, Libya and the Ukraine.

When will our leaders learn and stop lying?

The Christopher Booker article I refer to is HERE

My weekly financial video postcard covers the uncertainty of earnings where margins are apparently supra-normal. Yes this means Quindell & ASOS. I also look at why the market mood has changed. It can be viewed HERE

Tom Winnifrith has just published his new e-book, The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from oil, gas and mining shares. You can buy it on Amazon for £6.25 or you can order a FREE copy HERE


3737 days ago

Fastnet Oil & Gas - a bumpy ride but is the story still good? Watch the video and decide for yourself

It has been a bumpy ride over the past few months for Fastnet (FAST) but its CEO Cathal Friel is an impressive chap and with oil stocks back in vogue is he worth backing? Watch this video from the UK Investor show and decide for yourself.


3738 days ago

Sound Oil: All Bulletin Board froth or a very cheap share: video presentation judge for yourself

The Bulletin Boards are frothing, AIM listed Sound Oil (SOU) seems to be the latest private investor darling. But is it all froth or is the shares really very cheap? Judge for yourself by waching this video of  Luca Madeddu presenting at the UK Investor Show


3739 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #73 – I like Challenges Edition

I am sorry for the delay in sending this over. Challenges? Dealing with Greece’s OTE. I pay the bastards for internet access, my account at the hovel shows I have credit but ….er OTE will not let me use it. Bastards. So I took the afternoon off.

The video is really about the challenges I face here at the Greek Hovel. Aged 46 I have done sod all carpentry since gaining 27% and coming 127/127 in the U4th woodwork exam. I have never ridden a bike. Never barricaded a room against rats, dealt with snakes, showered with a hosepipe, coped with living in a land where I don’t speak the language, the list goes on and on.

But I am enjoying he challenges while getting on with my working life. I also cover the fact that many of the liberal idiots who support Hamas appear to have no knowledge of the history of the region.

PS Having watched this you are now meant to email me and congratulate me on the weight loss!

My weekly financial video postcard covers the state of the equity markets and can be viewed here


3739 days ago

Watch Fortune Mojapelo of Bushveld Minerals in video action

James Parter has tipped shares in Bushveld Minerals (BMN) to gain 150% today HERE so what is all the excitement about? To get a clie watch its CEO Fortune Mojapelo in video action.


3739 days ago

Victoria Oil & Gas Kevin Foo video - understanding why bear raider Evil Knievil is buying greedily

Famed bear raider Evil Knievil has been greedily buying more shares in AIM listed Victoria Oil & Gas (VOG) in recent days. Greed and Evil are two words that are often found together. To understand why Evil is buying have a look at this video of CEO Kevin Foo presenting at the UK Investor show a couple of months ago.


3739 days ago

A Good Guy from the Oil Sector - Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra in video action

Following my revelations HERE earlier about US Oil & Gas (USOP) you might want to run a mile from this sector. But there are some CEOs who I judge to be good honest folk and among them is Matt Lofgran of AIM listed Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG)


3739 days ago

David Lenigas Company Rare Earth Minerals - raging buy or stonking sell - watch THIS video and you decide

Rare Earth Minerals (REM) is another David Lenigas company which divides opinion. Some think that its shares are a stonking sell - see HERE - while others think they offer real value - see HERE Why not watch its CEO Kiran Morzaria in video action at the UK Investor Show and decide for yourself...


3741 days ago

Westminster Group Video - cheap as chips or another AIM loser - for you decide

Westminster Group (WSG) seems to divide opinion. There are some folk who think it is yet another loss making jam tomorrow AIM stock. Others (see HERE) love it and think the shares are cheap as chips. To help you decide here are the CEO and FD Peter Fowler and Ian Selby ( a good libertarian) in video action at the UK Investor Show.


3742 days ago

David Lenigas in video action explaining why UK Oil & Gas shares are so exciting

The deal of the day for today was undoubtedly the purchase by UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) of the UK assets of cash desparate Northern Petroleum (NOP). The man behind that deal was David Lenigas.

Here is Dave in video action at the UK Investor Show 2014 explaining why Uis so exciting.


3743 days ago

Video - If you do not hear from me again: #IstandwithIsrael

It is a good a day as any to move into my Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) T-shirt. Greece is the most anti-semitic country in Europe according to a recent poll but #IstandwithIsrael - so if you don't hear from me again, it's been fun.


3747 days ago

Cheering up The Greek Hovel with a bit of Alice Cooper and some overt sexism

I am not sure that the Mrs will approve of this but sending a message to the wildlife diversity outside the hovel about what I have laid down for them the song of choice right now is Poison by Alice Cooper. I have navigated the OTE page and am back on line. What a great old rocker Alice is serving up not only a classic anthem but an overtly sexist video.  1989…I am showing my age.

My apologies to the woman formerly known as the deluded lefty but blocking out the noises from the dark outside the redoubt needs a song like this. Next up Guns ‘n Roses and November Rain.



3747 days ago

Spot the Difference Contest – ref Hamas lies

My views on the situation in Gaza are pretty clear but are summed up in my weekly video postcard HERE.

I have been subjected to a hailstorm of abuse on twitter. One fellow said Israel should show moral superiority by defending itself without attacking rocket sites in Gaza. Hmmm think about that one. He was one of the more reasonable fellows.

Meanwhile Social Media is flooded with pics from Gaza supplied by Hamas and dutifully carried without verification by Israel haters such as the BBC. In that vein I invited you to play “spot the difference” on one picture currently doing the rounds to show how wicked the frigging Jews are. This is an alternative to the caption contest.

Entries in the comments section below

For what it is worth my entry is: "If the BBC says it was the wicked Jews who killed those kids both times surely we must believe it."


3748 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #72 – Update from The Greek Hovel and Gaza Edition

Greetings from Greece. As you can see I am now feeling a bit more relaxed in the Greek Hovel. I seem to have curbed the wildlife diversity (touch wood) and explain why I can now wander around barefoot.

A lot has been achieved whatever comrade Dan Levi might suggest on twitter. But there is a lot of work still to do so a summer of sweat and graft still lies ahead.

Moving on from the hovel I turn to Gaza, You know where I stand - #IstandwithIsrael – but I explain again why Israel and Hamas


3748 days ago

So who thinks that the Jews are cockroaches? Who are you backing? Israel or Hamas?

I noted the other day that there is no moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel. Hamas fires rockets to kill Jews. It does not target it just wishes to kill Jews. Israel sends in planes to target rockets. The fact that Hamas puts its rickets in schools, hospitals and residential areas means that Israel kills civilians. Hamas uses its own people as a human shield. Hamas seeks civilian death, Israel seeks merely to prevent civilian death.

Yet still folks here in Britain line up to defend Hamas and attack Israel. Have they watched the latest Hamas video posted on YouTube (now removed) in Hebrew? It is a war song including the line:


3754 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #71 – Report From The Greek Hovel Number 7: Church & State in Greece edition

Greetings from the Greek Hovel. Actually it is not too bad. The Mrs says that it looks quite clean from my photos. Well that is the one habitable room anyway.

I am yet to fit a shower (you might call it a hosepipe and sprinkler attachment) – that is a Monday job so pro tem I am not exactly in pristine condition.  I start with a discussion of my first night in the hovel listening to the wildlife trying to get in.

I then move onto the relationship between Church and State here in Greece. As EU taxpayers are bankrolling this country perhaps we should demand that a quite ludicrous arrangement comes to an end?

My weekly financial video postcard discusses how one should revisit your perceptions of a given stock in light of new information coming to light. It can be viewed HERE


3761 days ago

The Sheriff of AIM at the Naibu AGM – The Pre Shoot-out Video

Outside the palatial offices of City financiers Daniel Stewart I waited for the massed herds to arrive at the Naibu (NBU) AGM. In the end seven other folks attended. Before going into battle I composed a few thoughts and recorded them on video.

Why was I here? What is my role? And what questions would I ask of an AIM Cesspit listed company whose shares apparently trade on a PE of 1.1? That is if you believe the numbers…


3761 days ago

The Sheriff of AIM at the Naibu AGM – Post Shoot-out Video

Outside the palatial offices of City financiers Daniel Stewart I considered a quite bizarre AGM. The chairman had a few problems with his visa so could not be there leaving two hapless NEDs to field questions. I congratulate the Naibu (NBU) shareholders who attended – they seemed a well informed and perceptive bunch.

The auditors also failed to appear until the last minutes of the meeting. The hapless NEDS received some assistance from an old pal of mine, Simon “Wincey” Willis who is now lucky enough to be the Daniel Stewart analyst covering this fine enterprise. But even Wincey was floored by a few questions.

On balance I regard it as a clear victory for The Sheriff. 


3761 days ago

Nigel Wray, Chris Bailey, Paul Kavanagh and Ed Croft ( and me) – value investing 2014 on video

Britain’s Buffett, Nigel Wray led the value investing session at UK Investor 2014 and what an educational and sparky session it was as you can see in the video below. Wray was as humble as ever but Britain’s Buffett did not pick up that nickname by chance.


3761 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #70 – Off to The Greek Hovel & The Political Paedophile Cover Up Edition

This may be my last video postcard for a while. The Mrs has bought a hovel in Greece and I am off late on Thursday night to start its renovation. It really is a hovel and right now has no internet and is a 15 minute drive from the nearest habitation. But I will work hard on getting connected ASAP.

And then I shall keep you updated on gripping matters such as the construction of an eco-loo and a humanure system and on bush clearance and digging out an earth floor or tow. Oh.. and on the snake situation.

From humanure I turn to the Westminster paedophile cover-up. It is a cover up and everyone on Fleet Street knows who is being protected and why the ripples could spread far and wide.  The age of those directly involved is no defence as I explain.

My weekly financial video postcard starts with a discussion of those bears who have attacked Quindell (QPP) and blinkx (BLNX) inter alia. Tom explains why they need to be more transparent. Having said that, I also explain why bears play such a key role in protecting investors on AIM. This video can be watched HERE


3765 days ago

That Ben Edelman Video from April Again – why no sane person would have held blinkx

We faced down the bully boy lawyers from blinkx (BLNX) & threats from Bulletin Board Morons to bring you Ben Edelman at UK Investor 2014. At the time the blinkx fan club (step forward Citi– Buy target price 175p, have you guys adjusted that yet?) Bryce Eldercock at the FT, dimwit Harriet Denys at The Telegraph and blinkx shareholder Roger Lawson of ShareSoc dismissed Ben as saying nothing. You guys all so sure now? 

Ben made explicit claims at UK Investor Show 2014 which blinkx has abjectly failed to answer.


3768 days ago

Watch Evil Knievil, Matt Earl and Lucian Miers on video at the UK Investor Show 2014 – how right they were

You may not like short sellers but the bear raider panel at the UK Investor Show 2014 called things right on a range of stocks from blinkx (BLNX), to Globo (GBO), to Quindell (QPP) as you can see in the video below. Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers and Matt Earl (The Dark Destroyer) have all promised to return for another main stage masterclass at UK Investor Show 2015 on April 18.

The 2015 show will also feature Nigel Wray, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Mark Slater, Ben Edelman, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, and Vin Murria – in fact 50 big name speakers. Tickets are now on sale at £60 (Golden Ticket) and £12 (Investor ticket).

But you can buy early bird tickets at a 50% discount up until midnight tomorrow (Monday 30th June) HERE.

The 2014 video is below…


3768 days ago

Ed Croft of Stockopedia to headline at UK Investor 2015 - watch his 2014 video

Ed Croft of Stockopedia is the latest big name to sign up to speak at the UK's leading one day investor show, UK Investor. Ed will be doing a main stage presentation with a top chartist on fundamentals versus technicals, looking at the wider debate plus analysing key stock picks of Nigel Wray and Mark Slater plus some audience suggestions. Ed will also be doing a solo lunchtime session in a 250 seater breakout room. Remember the 50% off early bird ticket offer ends at Midnight on Monday 30th June. Do you remember Ed's star turn from 2014?

Ed is joined on the main stage 2015 by Nigel Wray, Vin Murria, Mark Slater, Ben Edelman, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Lucian Miers, Evil Knievil, Dominic Frisby, Charlotte Argyle (picture) and many others. We already have 35 big name speakers and a really big name has today agreed to join them...more on that later.

There are also now 60 of the 110 growth companies booked in to attend.

Details of all this can be found at 


3768 days ago

Video Postcard #69 – The racism that some folks find acceptable – anti-Semitism

Prompted by the shocking attach of anti-Semitism in Manchester this week I ask why this form of racism is deemed acceptable in some quarters.

Anti-Semitic attacks in Europe are at the highest levels since the 1930s despite the large drop in Europe’s Jewish population that happened between 1939 and 1945.  Why is this?

Part of the reason is that low level attacks – snide press comment for example – go ignored. That has to stop.

Tom’s financial postcard looks at the dangers of acquisition led growth, especially in the current climate and that video can be watched HERE


3777 days ago

Quindell AGM -Pre shoot-out video

Ahead of the Quindell (QPP) farce of an AGM today, I recorded a short video with a few thoughts and questions for the company.


3777 days ago

Quindell AGM - they exclude the Sheriff of AIM from AGM Video

I showed my Contract Note. Quindell (QPP) knows that I am a shareholder but they would not let me in. The shares are in a nominee account. PR Bird Foxy Bex was there and she knew it was all kosher. They had a shareholder register with me on it. They could have let me in but did not. Why cannot Rob Terry face tough questions?


3777 days ago

Quindell AGM video - I confront Foxy Bex, the PR bird

Poor Foxy Bex. She is not a bad person, but Quindell's (QPP) PR bird had to defend the indefensible. I was feeling a tad angry by this point and so I confronted her...


3777 days ago

Quindell AGM Video 4 - Final Thoughts from the Street

And then myself and the chaps from the FT and the Sunday Times were also booted out of the building. Not even allowed to wait to interview folks coming out of the AGM or management as they left. Why is Quindell (QPP) running so scared?


3782 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #67: Iraq, the Islamofascists and blowback edition

The calls for intervention in Iraq to stop the uprising by Islamofascist nutters grow louder by the day. We were wrong to invade Iraq illegally in the first place (thanks a bunch war criminal Blair) and we would be wrong to intervene in the latest mess.

In this video Tom explains the Ron Paul theory of “blowback” and the folly of Western intervention at every level.

Tom’s financial postcard covers Quindell, Tern and why an RNS lie on the AIM Cesspit always matters. It can be viewed here.


3789 days ago

Just 26 Days to Act… Mark Slater and UK Investor Show 2015

For once I am looking reasonably smart as I head up to London to meet with Mark Slater later this week and record a detailed video interview based on the presentation he prepared for, but was unable to deliver at the UK Investor Show 2014. That video will be put onto discs and mailed out to all those with tickets for the 2014 UK Investor Show on April 5.

Meanwhile preparations for the 2015 show on April 18 in Westminster accelerate – 30 speakers (out of 50) are already in and 35 companies out of 110 are also booked in. Both lists are growing rapidly. Why tell you this?  Well just a reminder that Tickets for the 2015 UK Investor Show on April 18 in Westminster are now on sale. And if you buy now, before June 30th(in 27 days) you get a 50% discount so we hope you buy NOW HERE


3789 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #66 – Scottish Independence would be good news all round

The lies told in the Scottish Independence campaign are almost laughable and I start with a total whopper told by the SNP.

But having said that I regard Independence as great news for Scotland and Wales should go the same way. Only by being independent and learning to stand on their own two feet rather than mainlining subsidies and whinging will these nations thrive.

It would be good news for England too as I explain in this video.

My financial postcard covers bubbles emerging in residential housing and popping in IPOs. You can watch that video HERE


3790 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Quindell Special

I am tired of arguing with shareholders in Quindell (QPP) on twitter. Some folks will insist that 2 +2 equals 5 forever. And so I have recorded a video just to set the record straight.


3796 days ago

Video Postcard #65 – UKIP won’t disappear because the political classes still do not get it!

As predicted in last week’s postcard, and indeed for months, UKIP won the European Elections. A Lord Ashcroft poll just out reveals that most UKIP voters will NOT go back to Lib/Lab/Con at the next General Election. I suspect that by 2015 that might change a bit.

However in this week’s video I examine the response of Lib/Lab/Con to the rise of UKIP and find it unconvincing. On all the issues that drove folks to Nigel Farage & Co, the old parties are mouthing platitudes but no-one believes them.

My financial video this week covers the tragedy of delistings and other aspects of the AIM Cesspit. It can be viewed HERE


3799 days ago

4 Dead at the Belgian Jewish Museum – The silence is Deafening

On Saturday a gunman shot four people dead at the Jewish Museum in Brussels. This was an overtly anti-Semitic attack. A couple of hours later, two Jewish men were savagely beaten as they left the synagogue in Paris. Again they were targeted as Jews. Throughout Europe violent attacks on Jews and the desecration of Jewish sites, notably cemeteries, have been rising sharply for years. But few seem to care.

For this is the racism that seems almost acceptable in some quarters. How often have you seen the Star of David burned in street protests across Europe? Is anything done? Of course not. A recent survey showed that 35% of those in France held anti-Semitic views, in Greece the number was 67%. In Latvia where last month a school proudly hung the word “JudenFrei” – the term used by the Nazis for an area that had been “cleansed” above its doors - the figure was 28%. Against such a backdrop is it any wonder that physical attacks on Jews as well as less overt discrimination is on the increase.

In part this must be down to feelings in some quarters that Israel has over-stepped the mark. I do not hold that view but I am fully aware that others do and their views on the Jewish State may fuel their views on Jews in general. But in the end even if one abhors Israel that can be no excuse for discriminating or persecuting an entire community who share a faith with most Israelis but are not part of that State.

The increase in anti- Semitism in recent years in part comes from our own silence. Amazingly


3804 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #64 – UKIP and the Political Classes issue

I apologise for looking scruffy. Actually I do not. Why should I dress up? I hope this video will be up before the Euro Election results are out – UKIP will, as I have predicted for ages, win.

In this I discuss the various reasons folks voted UKIP and why the political classes got the kicking they so richly deserve.

How will they respond? With more lies. UKIP will not win the next election by any stretch of the imagination. That is a 2 horse race. I won’t vote for them but I am almost glad they exist and I explain why.

My weekly financial video postcard covers sleaze on the AIM Cesspit and the launch of the 2014 AIM Cesspit awards. I very much hope that you watch it HERE


3805 days ago

Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith on The markets

On Wednesday infamous bear raider Lucian Miers and Tom Winnifrith recorded a series of four videos. The first covers the markets. The second and third cover “old favourites” for the bears: Globo, blinkx, Avanti Communications, Gulf Keystone, Naibu and Iofina. The fourth covers some new Lucian shorts.

The three videos subsequent to this will appear on the Nifty Fifty website later today.


3828 days ago

Globo – Pre Results day stalking video and photos in Greece

Globo (GBO) results out today look superficially good but read deeper into them and they beg far more questions than they answer. Just to give the City analysts a heads up on what questions to ask in the conference call later today I have now published a 10 BIG Questions “Red Flag” special HERE

But yesterday I wandered down to Globo HQ here in Athens which is located in a respectable residential neighbourhood.   The HQ is at 67 Ethikis Antistaseos street and Epistanisou Street. I was hoping to find a car park jammed with Porsches so I could run the headline “where are the shareholder’s porches?” but as you can see the Globo Car Park contains no signs of extravagance.


3828 days ago

Iofina: "I don't believe it"

Iofina (IOF) makes me think of the actor Richard Wilson, aka Victor Meldrew. Firstly it permanently has one foot in the grave. And secondly I just don't believe it! Its RNS statements are the biggest joke on the AIM Cesspit, a point I shall be making to AIM regulation and the FCA again this afternoon. As a reminder 


3829 days ago

UK Investor Show 2014 video - Richard Poulden v Tom Winnifrith: Will UK House Prices Crash Debate

Direct from the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre a video featuring a UK Investor Show 2014 debate between Tom Winnifrith and Richard Poulden on whether UK House prices will crash.

Tickets for the 2015 UK Investor Show featuring 50 star speakers including Chris Bailey, Nigel Wray, Vin Murria, Cassandra Harris, Evil Knievil and Ben Edelman are available now at a special early bird 50% discount rate - you can book HERE!


3836 days ago

Goat Milking in Greece – Lesson 2 a triumph captured on video

One of my ambitions in life is to get the hang of milking a goat. Okay, it is not quite playing for West Ham or changing the world bit it is achievable but a lot harder than you may think. A year ago I had lesson one which was captured on video HERE and was not exactly a triumph.

However I was back with the in-laws of the Mrs during Easter and the wonderful Stavroula (pictured below) consented to let me try my hand again.


3839 days ago

Weekly Political Video Postcard #63 the Mani history and the future tragedy of Greece edition

This week’s video postcard comes from the Mani, the region which is at the southernmost point of mainland Greece. But do not be fooled into thinking I am lounging by a swimming pool it is frigging friezing here.

It is however gorgeous. Everywhere one goes the mountains stare down at you. Some still have snow on them, most seem to be covered in rain bearing clouds.

The history of the Mani is fascinating. It was here that the flag of revolt was first raised at the start of the Greek war of independence from the Turks. The Maniots, like the fellow below, are a fierce lot.

My video postcard covers some of the history of the Mani but then moves onto how the local and wider Greek economy is "recovering". I think any recovery is illusory and explain why as a long term bet Greece is buggered.

My weekly financial postcard covers short term stock movements and how tipsters are irrelevant. It can be viewed here


3841 days ago

UK Investor Show 2014 video - Vin Murria of Advanced Computer Software

Direct from the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre a video featuring a UK Investor Show 2014 presentation by Vin Murria the awesome CEO of Advanced Computer Software (ASW)


3841 days ago

Globo – See you chaps in Athens on 30th April for a Results Day Video Doorstep

For the next two weeks I am on holiday in the remote Mani region of Greece, an area with a colourful history of blood feuds and murder. But on the 29th I drop the Mrs off at the Airport and head into Athens and the very next day we have results from Globo (GBO) whose headquarters are in the Greek capital. Oh what joy.

I do not know where Costis and the boardroom motley crew will be on results day but as a bear who has been vindicated to date I thought it only fair to pay homage at the temple of Globo in downtown Athens. My man on the ground says that it is a “mixed” neighbourhood which, given the impoverishment of Greece by the EU, I take to mean a tad on the rough side. Google Maps indicate that Globo towers is on a side street but only a short dash to a main road should I not be well received. 

It all sounds rather interesting


3846 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #62 from Delphi Greece: Cyril Smith was just one of the leading paedo-politiians will the establishment come clean on the rest edition

My last video postcard from Delphi starts with a morning trotting around the site of the ancient Delphi. I explain in the video what the pictures are of. Away from the main site and with my back to the Cochrane Mountain I recorded a few thoughts on the revelations coming out today about the late Sir Cyril Smith MP who was clearly a serial predatory paedophile.

That Smith was a nonce is bad enough. What is clear is that the entire political establishment knew and together with the Police not only ignored this but actively covered it up.  This is not just an issue for Liberals like David Steel who nominated Smith for a knighthood. This is yet another example of the “one rule for them one for the plebs” attitude of the political classes. 

The other parties knew about Smith. They did not blow the whistle because they had their own nonces. The media and political world knows the names. There are two that spring to mine both still living both awarded titles post retirement and both former senior cabinet minister (one Tory and one Labour).

Whether it be stealing from the taxpayer via expenses or buggering little boys the political class just seems to unite and get away with it. That is why the established parties are all held in increasing contempt.  What the Smith affair shows about ALL the political parties is yet another Christmas come early gift for UKIP.

If Call Me Dave etc. want to start to reconnect with the plebs who pay their salaries an easy immediate step would be to order the security services to release all the files on the other paedo MPs and let prosecutions commence at once.

My financial video postcard also comes from Delphi and covers inter alia Globo, the UK economy and also the “recovery” here in Greece and it can be viewed HERE

Example static alt text

The stadium at Delphi


3847 days ago

Video & Photos: Finding the grave of Great Uncle David Cochrane in Delphi – Part 2

My thanks to the officials in the Town Halls at Delphi and at Desfina today – both have gone out of the way to help me find out more about the death of my Great Uncle David Cochrane here in 1931.

There will be no grave to be found, of that I am now certain. But having a Mountain named after you is a pretty spectacular headstone. Today I stood on the spot from where he fell. And I learned of the last days of his life.

I relay that in the video below with pictures of my day also attached. The warmth and generosity of the Greeks in 1931/2 is matched by the warmth of the people of Delphi and Desfina today. I am keeping a bar owner up late sending this video back to London. But he says it is no problem. “It is an honour to meet a relative of Cochrane… a great man.” I am not sure that David was a great man but his name opens all sorts of doors for me here.

I reflect on some folks back in England in 1932 not with any great warmth.

The Cochrane Trail

The daisies that surround the top of Cochrane Mountain

The view of snow-capped Mount Parnassus from where David Fell

The view of Delphi from where David fell

Ilyas on the rock from where David fell

The drop

The drop again

The drop once more

The Cochrane Observatory


3848 days ago

Finding the Grave of Great Uncle David Cochrane in Delphi: video 1: an amazing discovery

I have not discovered the grave of my Great Uncle David Cochrane who died here in Greece in April 1931 and whose body was found a year later. But I have trekked up to the cemetery here in Delphi (that burned off a few calories) and have made headway.

And thanks to George, the charming owner of my hotel I have also discovered Cochrane Mountain. In death David is remembered.

All is explained in the video and I attach three pictures as well which I refer to in the video.


3849 days ago

Ben Edelman – THE blinkx Video from UK Investor Show

For those unwise enough to not attend the UK Investor Show 2014 here is the full video of Ben Edelman’s presentation and the Q&A that followed. I found it compelling watching.


3850 days ago

Video of My fave libertarian Tory blogger Charlotte Argyle at the UK Investor Show

My fave Tory blogger Charlotte Argyle was one of those sitting in the bloggers cafe at the UK Investor Show. As ever she was forthright in her views as regular readers know from her classice pieces: what a banker and on how the minimum wage destroys jobs and hurts the poor. The true child of Thatcher, outlines a few of her thoughts in the video below


3852 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #61 – Maria Miller looks like a greedy pig and she is a greedy pig edition

My weekly video postcard covers greedy pig sleazy minister Maria Miller and the corruption of the political classes – this is not just about Miller although why she has not be fired escapes me it is about the whole system.

Next week I am in Delphi, I shall try to get footage home but like many things in Greece, the internet does not always work.

My weekly financial video postcard covers the fireworks at the UK Investor Show and can be viewed HERE


3858 days ago

Lucian Miers & I record a Video: Gulf Keystone, Avanti Communications, Naibu, Globo, Blinkx and More

This video interview between Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers was recorded and published first on their Nifty Fifty website. In light of developments at a number of stocks featured it merits a wider audience.

On the Agenda

1. Gulf Keystone
2. Avanti Communications
3. The Market generally
4. Naibu
5. Globo
6. J Sainsbury
7. Blinkx


3859 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #60: Three Reasons to Vote UKIP (albeit holding nose) on May 22nd Edition

My weekly video postcard is longer than usual as I will probably not record another for two weeks.

I am now 100% focussed on preparing for the UK Investor Show on Saturday April 5 and I touch on what I am looking forward to next week most, notably the shareholder activism session. You can still grab one of the last 50 seats going by clicking HERE.

After that I am off to Greece and I shall be sending back a few videos from a country which, I shall argue, has suffered both from being in the Euro but also from EU membership.

In that vein the meat of this video postcard covers the three reasons why, holding my nose, I shall almost certainly vote UKIP on May 22nd.

Tom’s weekly financial postcard covers Minoan, EMED, Globo, Gulf Keystone and more on the UK Investor Show. To watch that video click HERE


3862 days ago

Gulf Keystone – the Questions Todd Kozel is too cowardly to answer

At the weekend I challenged Todd Kozel, the grotesquely overpaid CEO of Gulf Keystone (GKP) to record a video interview with me.  His Bulletin Board moron fans reckon that I talk cock and so if they are right Todd would wipe the floor with me. I offered to travel anywhere in the world, except to places where Jew Hating bigots might string me up for having an Israeli stamp on my passport – places like Kurdistan, Iran and parts of Bradford. Todd’s PR man says that he won’t do it. Todd is too cowardly to answer questions such as…. 

The questions Todd should have been asked at the analysts meeting were not asked. Perhaps those who penned bullish notes with daft share prices oh so recently were embarrassed. Perhaps oil analysts these days are just as thick as the oil Gulf pumps out but cannot seem to monetize. Whatever the Bulletin Board Morons might say as a long term Gulf Bear ( the Morons & bigots being bulls) I have no blushes on this one. I have been right so far and remain right. I remain an “out and proud” bear.

So what would I have asked Todd. This is not an exhaustive list but would have fiilled session one of Frost vs. Nixon, Winnifrith vs. Kozel.


3863 days ago

Yippee – My Passport is Here: Greece beckons

I was starting to panic. My journey to Greece starts next Wednesday when I leave Bristol and until this morning the passport I ordered a few weeks ago had not arrived. Worse still, when I used the Passport Office auto-tracking forms it appeared that our friends in Cardiff had no record of me at all. But the panic is over, a brand new passport has arrived, with no record of my visits to Israel or the USA and so I could now go to Kurdistan to meet Gulf Keystone (GKP) if I wanted to. I don’t.

And so in a week’s time I must kiss goodbye to the cats and head to London. The Mrs joins me on the 3rd for her birthday. Naturally I shall not reveal which birthday it is. But your clues are that it is a round number, she is younger than me and although I thought she was in her late twenties when she first chatted me up by showing me an interesting article in the Guardian, she appears younger than she is.

Then it is UK Investor Show on the 5th, a hangover on the 6th (and a day with the in-laws who are coming to London for the show), supper with Matt Suttcliffe on the 7th, a hangover on the 8th and on the 9th it is off to my beloved Hellas for three and a half weeks of walking, writing and searching for the grave of Great Uncle David Cochrane. And if it is goat milking season I shall naturally be having another go at that too.

I cannot wait. Does anyone know if it is goat milking season or not?


3866 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #59 – The Liberty Hating Left & National Service Edition

My weekly video postcard this week is born out of conversations with deluded lefty pals of the Mrs this weekend – why is it that the Left wants the State to take more control over our lives?

The issue is the failure of secondary education & our ludicrous, unfunded and unsustainable higher education system. One deluded lefty reckons that the answer is to bring back some form of National Service.

This says everything about the left. A problem that is fixable is to be addressed by the State spending more money and restricting more liberties and still won’t fix the problem.

I also cover two walls - one in Berlin and one in Israel and what both say about the mendacity and failings of the liberal left elite in the West.

My weekly financial postcard covers the red flags of Gulf Keystone, the failings of analysts and why they fail and I issue a direct challenge to Gulf boss Todd Kozel – is he man enough to face an interview from me? You can watch that video HERE


3873 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #58 – Great Uncles, Great Rugby, Bob Crow and the deceit of the left edition

Inevitably I start this weekend’s video postcard with the Rugby. I am sure that most of my English based readers were cheering for France yesterday. To my Celtic brethren who were rooting for Ireland – I am sure that you can share my joy. Gosh it was nerve wracking. 

I then move onto the mysteries of my dead Great Uncles. If there is anyone out there who can track down Diana Norman, born 1915 who married (after the death of my Great Uncle Francis) a Mr Caulfield Stoker in 1947 (he then popped his clogs in Guernsey in 1954) I would be grateful. I can find no death certificate for Diana who would be 99 now but for reasons explained in the video and this article I am keen to track her down. 

I then move onto Bob Crow. I celebrate no death. Equally I do not mince my words and Crow screwed the poor working classes and that should be noted rather than simply eulogising Saint Bob.

This is a wider issue: how and why the left systematically keep the working classes poor and that this the main theme of this video.

My weekly financial video covers shareholder activism a major theme of UK Investor Show which is now a day less than three weeks away.  Tickets start to go out tomorrow. If you have not booked please do so at once HERE

You can watch my financial video postcard HERE


3877 days ago

The Great Uncles in Greek Graves – far more questions than answers

My video postcard this weekend covered my plans to go to Greece after the UK Investor Show to track down the graves of my two great Uncles: Francis and David Cochrane. I think we have now firmly established that Francis is buried in Egypt (contrary to a family myth) where he died on December 21st 1942 from wounds received fighting the Germans. For him the great mystery is the odd circumstances of his marriage.

He married a Diana Norman in Paddington in the late summer of 1938. Apparently the witness at the registry office was the taxi driver. However despite living in Chelsea, two miles from my grandparents and fifteen miles from his parents, he did not tell anyone of his marriage until the summer of 1942 (my Grandmother’s diary confirms this) when, before leaving for Egypt he visited relatives with his bride of four years.

This seems very odd behaviour. Almost as odd is that this is the last time Diana Norman is seen – she had absolutely no contact thereafter with my family. I can find no record of her death so can only assume that she is either still alive (she would now be 99), died abroad or re-married and has died under another name. Investigations continue. My father and I are on the case.

As for poor David, he is certainly buried in Greece. I have today received two items from my father. The first is a letter to the Times from Mr Caclamanos of the Greek Legation in London. It protests in the strongest terms about the actions of Sir George Young, grandfather of the current Leader of the House and of my step-mother, who had taken up the case of David, insisting that he had been killed by brigands or by shepherds who, according to Sir George, routinely killed anyone who tried to stop their dogs barking.

The Greek states that “I understand that the contents of the letter and other declarations of Sir George of this subject, sent out in Press telegrams, have caused an outburst of protests in Greece, and they are considered an unjust and unfair comment of a sad, fortuitous event, which could not in any way reflect upon the reputation of a country justly claiming to be safe for tourists and travellers as any other civilised country.”

To his eternal credit, Sir George worked tirelessly on this case because his wife was my Great Grandmother’s sister. My father is indeed married to his second cousin.  The second item to arrive from Shipston is a rather sad letter from the Foreign Office to Sir George noting that, after a year missing, the remains of the body of poor David had been found in thick bushes with his passport, a cheque and his English money and gold watch. No brigands, no robbery, he simply fell down a ravine. 

This letter confirms that following the wishes of David’s father, “regarding the burial locally of the remains have been communicated to his Majesty’s Minister.” It seems that no-one travelled out to Greece for the funeral but the grave is almost certainly in Delphi or nearby. And thus it is to Delphi that I will be heading in April.



3880 days ago

Weekly video postcard #57 – Reflections on the “Greek” Graves of my Great Uncles Edition

Rather a personal as opposed to a political postcard this week. For the next four weeks my life is almost 100% centred on preparing for the UK Investor Show on April 5. If you have NOT booked a ticket yet, shame on you – book now HERE.

But what to do afterwards? I shall be absolutely exhausted. I am already but slog on. And so it will be off to Greece with my rucksack for a month’s walking. Partly with the Mrs, partly alone as I search out the graves of two Great Uncles, the only brothers of my father’s mother who are meant to be buried there. I recount their deaths (1931 and WW2) and their stories in this postcard.

My weekly financial video postcard “Why do I do it?” sees me discussing why I “go after” companies on the AIM Cesspit. It can be viewed HERE


3887 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #56: Ukraine, blowback, UKIP and the Euros

Tom Winnifrith returns with a video postcard which inevitably starts with Ukraine and the concept of blowback.

Tom refers to his strong sympathy for President Putin & Russia which he explains in detail HERE

But he goes on to discuss the wider idea of blowback – a Ron Paul concept – and how it marks the failed foreign policy of the West and has to stop.

Tom also covers the UKIP Spring conference – it lamentable failings in policy areas but Tom ends with a concession that he will probably vote UKIP anyway on May 22nd. He explains why.

Tom’s financial postcard covers Ukraine and the probably market sell off Monday. Is this a buying opportunity? No! Tom also covers lunacy in tech valuations and Warren Buffett and sex. It can be viewed HERE


3915 days ago

No Tomograph or videos this weekend as I am flat out at Maribelle’s

I lost my voice screaming at Upton Park yesterday so no videos are possible – I sound like I have gargled razor blades. And I am afraid that there is no Tomograph newsletter either. Today I have been flat out at Maribelle’s.

And next week I am also more or less on writing holiday. Steve and Ben are in charge, this is Maribelle’s week.

The signs went up last week. The carpenters finished this morning and, this afternoon, Darren, myself and Maribelle herself have been flat out unpacking alcohol, setting up the till, printing off menus, moving chairs. The work will continue late into tonight and will start again tomorrow first thing as Darren pucks up some rather unusual artwork which with our new wine & tapas bar will be decorated. We open at 1 PM and close at 11 PM Monday to Friday starting tomorrow.


n a brief break Mirabelle and I enjoy a bottle of Estrella Galicia, a Spanish lager which is not half bad… now back to laying out the tables. Naturally I would be delighted to see any blog readers at Maribelle’s this week. We are at 91-95 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5BX, underneath the Real Man Pizza Company quirky Italian restaurant, and I am in residence all week.

Oh and here is a view of a well-stocked bar.


3919 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #56 – Benefits Street Edition

The theme of this week’s video postcard, as so often, is the UK welfare state with a passing swipe at Food banks. Inspired by watching last week’s “Benefits Street” I discuss three of the feckless spongers who featured and what their story’s say about why Bankrupt Britain is not working. 

My weekly financial postcard is a macro view on the markets and a discussion of Shareholder activism and steps I am taking to encourage it. You can watch it here


3927 days ago

Weekly video postcard #55 - the Evil of the Growth of Food banks and the poverty myth

The weekly video postcard this week looks at food banks where Edwina Currie is getting it in the neck for making a perfectly valid observation. Indeed the mammoth growth of food banks is based on a lie and spawns more lies – this goes to the heart of the austerity & welfare debate.

Colleagues of the Mrs don’t get it  but this video explains why food banks are an unnecessary evil.

My weekly financial video postcard covers shareholder activism on the AIM Cesspit, Silverdell, Mark Slater, pliant fund managers, Paul Scott and much more and can be viewed here.


3929 days ago

Labour Party Councillor has sex with an alien 4 times a year

Just to show that UKIP does not have a complete monopoly on Nutters, and to show balance I refer you to Labour Councillor Simon Parkes from Whitby who says that he has sex with an alien four times a year and this is causing tensions with him human wife. Ok. Compared to Ed balls on Economics this seems quite plausible but none the less...

Cllr Parks says that he has had a child called Zarka with an alien who he calls the Cat Queen. Mr Parkes, a driving instructor by trade,

The driving instructor, who has three children with his human wife, said the intercourse with the alien happens about four times a year. “What will happen is that we will hold hands and I will say ‘I’m ready’ and then the technology I don’t understand will take us up to a craft orbiting the earth," he said.

Parkes has also claimed he was abducted by extra-terrestrials as a child and that his “real mother” is a 9ft tall alien with eight fingers. But residents of Whitby should not worry. Parkes states:

“It’s a personal matter and it doesn’t affect my work. I’m more interested in fixing someone’s leaking roof or potholes. People don’t want me to talk about aliens. I get more common sense out of the aliens than out of Scarborough Town Hall.”

Cllr Parkes UKIP application interview video, oops sorry I meant to say revelations of his alien experiences, can be watched below.


3934 days ago

Weekly Political Video Postcard from Tom Winnifrith #54 – Scotland & Welfare Reform Edition

The weekly video postcard is back from its Christmas break. You know how you do not want to do something so you put it off and it gets worse and worse and harder to do? Like the washing up or subbing a book by Zak Mir? Of course once you start such a task (subbing Zak’s book excepted) it is easy. And so I fear next week’s video very little.

On the agenda this week, prompted by this piece earlier, is Scottish independence and its funding but also UK welfare abuse and reforms.

My weekly financial postcard covers AIM Cesspit posterboy Sean Nutley of Silverdell and can be watched here.


3934 days ago

Sean Nutley the Silverdell MISLEADER – making not so sweet music – the video & a prize

On Youtube a video is unearthed of a band called “The Nutley Experience” with lead singer and guitarist Sean Nutley. Surely the bald bloke who looks like a total tosser could not be the same Sean Nutley who has coined it in at Silverdell (SID) while investors have lost everything and who misled investors so badly that he deserves a custodial sentence and a 6 figure fine from the FCA? - 


3944 days ago

Crony capitalism EU style - Dan Hannan is THE man

I stumbled on this video today where Tory MEP Dan Hannan, who is easily the cleverest Tory going, puts three Euro-loons (headed by the almost comical Lib Dem MEP Sir Graham Watson) utterly to the sword. This is a breathtakingly good indictment of the Evil Empire.



3968 days ago

Sorry Nigella Lawson but Highella The Movie is Very Funny

Sorry Nigella but this is really very funny. I might be the last person to see it but if you have yet to watch it is worth hanging on to the end. A very funny video



3977 days ago

Range Resources: What is something worth Mr Landau? Plus my SOCA question & a video challenge

Pete Landau, the head honcho at Range Resources (RRL) has been busy emailing shareholders about my weekend opus magnus. Good for him to come out fighting. Low life CEOs would resort to hiring bully boy City lawyers to try to gag me. Landau seems happy to debate the facts. For that I really do give him full credit. Pete: you are THE man!


3978 days ago

Video Postcard from Tom Winnifrith #53 – Freedom of information applies only to little people

This is the last week when you will see Tom Winnifrith wearing his Movember tash. 

To sponsor Tom’s efforts to raise money to fight prostate and testicular cancer go HERE.

This week’s theme is how the powerful  in this case Nick Clegg and Wendy Deng’s friend Tony Blair) use the law to try to stop us finding out what they are up to in a way that we would not be able to do.

FOI applies only to little people.

This is so Orwellian.


3985 days ago

Tom’s Weekly Political Postcard #51 – Duplicitous Neil Hamilton, UKIP and labour edition

Tom is, as you can see in this video, sporting a truly stupid tash. He is doing this for Movember and seeking your sponsorship to raise money to fight prostate and testicular cancer? 

Tom covers this in the video.

If you wish to sponsor Tom Winnifrith for Movember go HERE

Tom also tackles Neil Hamilton, the disgraced ex MP and now UKIP spokesman and his disgraceful deceit on Bulgarian & Romanian immigration 

Then Tom addresses the financial issues at the heart of the Co-op’s unacceptable financial arrangements with the Labour Party

Tom’s financial video postcard covers the lies by Crony capitalists on AIM and how to deal with them and also the fate of mining stocks and it can be viewed HERE


3992 days ago

Tom’s video postcard #50 – Sleazy MPs at it again on the expenses front

You would have thought that greedy MPs have by now decided to err on the side of caution when it comes to expenses. Oh no. Think again.

Before we start on that I hope you can see that I now sport a 17 day old Movember moustache and if you care to sponsor my Movember efforts you can do so here.

This MP scandal is over office rents. And it goes to the heart of the battle between the political classes and we mere plebs.

My financial video postcard covers Crony capitalism on the AIM Cesspit and how to start to deal with it.  


3999 days ago

Tom's video postcard #49 - the failings of UKIP issue

I hope you appreciate my efforts so far on behalf of Movember. This is the first time in my life that I have grown daft facial hairs. If you might care to sponsor me for a few quid you can do so HERE

The video postcard this week discusses the inconsitencies, weaknesses and other issues which are making me like UKIP less and less.

My financial video postcard discusses the ongoing UK consumer boom, what it means for QE, base rates and shares and can be watched here


4005 days ago

Tom’s Video Postcard #48 – mega payoffs for failure at the BBC and across the public sector issue

This week’s video postcard covers just one topic – the culture within the public sector and BBC of rewarding failure with mega payoffs. It is taxpayer’s cash that is being pissed away and it is unjustifiable and unsustainable.

Dave “heir to Blair” Cameron has done nothing to deal with this. Why not?

Tom’s weekly financial video postcard covers Vialogy, Vipera, the “booming” UK economy and where to find stockmarket value and can be watched here.


4013 days ago

Tom’s Video Postcard #47 – housing bubble & global warming nutters issue

There are now almost a year’s worth of video postcards loaded up on this site and the topics have been pretty wide ranging. Today there are two topics.

1. When will the Global warming nutters concede, Margaret Thatcher and Nuclear power.

This refers to an article I published earlier this week HERE

2. The House price bubble and the disgrace of Government policy.

In between I manage to mention the Great British Bake-off and the dismal reaction of Call Me Dave.

My financial video postcard on covers 1987, storms, crashes and also housing and can be viewed HERE


4025 days ago

Video Postcard #45 – Gagging the Press Issue

The weekly video postcard is back. And for this issue I discuss something dear to my heart. For 300 years there has been no political interference in the press. Our politicians want that to change.

I examine why this is wrong, who is lobbying for it and why.

My financial video postcard this week examines Vialogy, a posterboy for all that is wrong with the AIM Cesspit. Dan Levi and I are on the attack. You can view it here.


4054 days ago

What is it with attractive women taking their clothes off at Real Man Pizza Company?

Maybe it is the name that attracts them? I do not know. But it certainly adds to the joy of working here. First we met up with Pauline Amos, the naked artist as you may remember from this video article here. And now it is senior waitress Maribel who is getting her kit off.

Fear not, it is all in the name of world peace. All 77 pictures of her in the altogether. I kid you not. On her Facebook site (which not surprisingly has almost 4,000 followers) Maribel explains:

To my parents: Father, Mother, you are not going to like this, but it is what I must do.
To my friends: You know me, so you will understand.
The rest of the world: I do this because I must use what power I possess to act out against war and barbarism.
I expose myself to reconcile my body and my soul.
I use my body because all I came into this world with, and all I will go out with, are my body and my soul.
I use my body because I am a woman, and women are the most used, humiliated, the weakest and the strongest of humanity.
We bear the children they send to war, to kill and die.
We are still the temptations, the objects of desire—Eve, the Original sinner—from the East to the West.
I use my body because, at this stage of "civilization", nothing is more revolutionary than to show us as we are—people, human beings, a majority of humanity, who want to live in peace.
Only the sick of soul want war.
PLEASE UNDERSTAND, I FORBID the use of these images for profit—not even for me or on my behalf.
I encourage everyone to take the same action, but if your modesty prevents you, use my images.
Paste them on Facebook, distribute them by email and post, or print them, until there is not a corner of the Earth that does not know that the majority of humanity calls for Peace.

I am of course really into peace & love and all of that stuff but shall pass on taking the same action myself.

The facebook page is shown below.

If you’d like to discuss World Peace or to see more of Maribel, just pop along to our quirky Italian restaurant  Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell at any time – perhaps this Wednesday for Ken Scott’s gig?



4075 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Monday - Sefton's Ellerton going to prison issue

Apologies for the delay. Well there is a lot happening right now. Following the highly successful interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt and Libya it seems as if we are about to intervene in Syria as well. Will we ever learn?  Away from the folly of our leaders my mind this week centred on victory in my battle with AIM POS Sefton Resources and its liar and crook chairman Jim Ellerton. Bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons has yet to throw in the towel officially (heck why not rack up some more fees while you can?) but it is only a matter of time.

If you missed the victory at Pinsents Video please watch and pass the link onto everyone you know. I gather the bully boys are hating all this bad PR. Given its role in the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against me Pinsents deserves all the shit it gets. So please watch the video and pass on the link to EVERYONE YOU KNOW - it is  HERE
This week’s picture  is below. Please post your captions in the comments box below.


For what it is worth my entry is


4077 days ago

Jimmy Jimmy - the 2013 Version of the Undertones Classic (Sefton version)

In light of the dynamite revelations from Dan Levi this afteroon HERE I have made a few adjustments to the Undertones classic Jimmy Jimmy and republish below

If you need a reminder of the classic original which has to be part of my all-time 200 the video is below:

With apologies to the Undertones:

Little Sefton boy
He was very very old
It took thirteen long years
To find what he had stole

Jimmy Jimmy
Jimmy Jimmy - Oooh
Jimmy Jimmy
Poor little Jimmy wouldn't let go

He'd stay awake at night
Lying in his bed
No one ever listened
To a single word he said

Jimmy Jimmy ...

Silly boy
Silly boy
Silly boy
Such a silly boy

Jimmy Jimmy ...

Now little Jimmy's gone
He disappeared one day
But no one saw the prison van
That took little Jim away

Jimmy Jimmy


4077 days ago

Having fun with @PinsentMasons on twitter - a game all can play

City law firm Pinsent Masons played its part in the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against Dan Levi and me with its infamous letter to the FSA trying to stop me writing about shares. To protect its bent client it tried (and failed) to deprive me of a living. And it then (at great expense to Sefton shareholders) tried to bully me in the libel courts. As such you might understand why I am not its greatest fan.

Pinsents tried to destroy me on its chosen playing field (the law). It failed. Now the rematch is set to take place on my chosen playing field – the internet and new media.

Pinsents disgraceful behaviour is now all over the internet. Those responsible for its new media promotion cannot be enjoying what they read. Its role in the Sefton scandal is now laid bare and my triumphant visit to its luxurious office with a glass of champagne is now a well watched video. The Times newspaper mentioned it in full and Pinsents must be squirming.

In case you missed it or ( better still) wish to pass on the link to everyone you know it is here

But still the fuckers will not withdraw their law suit (which they admit is in tatters). Still there is no apology. I am not asking senior partner Chris Mullen (hey Chris you now feature in google searches alongside a pic of a scantily clad Cheryl Cole which is not pornography and the word fraudster thanks to liar and fraudster Jim Ellerton) to come and grovel personally. But Chris, you could send along a few of the other partners to buy me a slap up dinner at RMPC or just write a public letter of apology.

Oh shite, Chris now appears on google searches next to the word pornography. Welcome Pinsent Masons to my chosen battleground of new media.

Meanwhile I know Pinsent Masons has spent a great deal of effort building up its twitter presence so if you are bored just head off to @pinsentmasons find any one of its worthy tweets and draft a suitable reply.  As an example earlier today I found a tweet from PM

Financial firms to set targets for female board members - Linda Jones of @PinsentMasons talks to @BBCNews  #ukemplaw

So naturally I replied (including both @pinsentmasons and @bbcnews)

@PinsentMasons @BBCNews how about as a priority ensuring boards do not have contain crooks like Pinsents star client Sefton @TomWinnifrith

If you having nothing else better to do this weekend, feel free to go and tweet a reply to one of the numerous dreary tweets sent out by Pinsents and bring some life to its twitter feed. I am sure that they will appreciate the gesture.


4077 days ago

Video Postcard #44 – Bone Idle & Useless Young People Edition

I see that some poor students with useless degrees are saying that they cannot get jobs. No! They cannot get the jobs they want and so would rather suit on welfare bleating. I open fire in my weekly video postcard number 44

My weekly financial video postcard covers companies that use the law to try to bully critics (notably Sefton & Cupid) and also the abject failure of the piss poor AIM regulation team and it can be viewed here.



4078 days ago

Farewell Latma TV, going out with a song: You will be sadly missed

Sadly Latma TV, the satyrical Israeli TV show organised by the wonderful Caroline Glick is to go off air. It will be very much missed. I thank all those involved for more than 200 shows for bring us some classic comedy, some very serious points and some great songs. I hope that it returns one day. It ended with a strirring little number - raise your blue & white flag.


Perhaps not the best but stirring stuff. However, who could forget the incredible "We Con the World?"

And How about "The Three Terrors?"

Farewell Latma. Thank you.


4081 days ago

Celebrating victory at Pinsent Masons Video

I think that this is self-explanatory.


4083 days ago

Just because they want it banned - here we go again

This is the video Sefton Resources (SER) is bullying ADVFN to remove. For every bullying email, letter or phone call I hear about I shall repost the video five times just to make sure no-one misses it. Viva Free Speech. The video is nine months old and you have to admit it is really prescient.


4089 days ago

NEW Today: Show your support for Gibraltar with Sod Off Spain T-shirt, mug, hoodie range

It seems that the Argies are not the only Spanish speaking folks with a train wreck of an economy who don’t give a flying wotsit about self-determination. This may not play well with any Spanish readers of this website but the folks in Gibraltar are British and want to stay British and so they should stay British.

I explained my anger at both the Spanish and the home grown deluded lefties who wish to betray our countrymen in a video postcard this weekend which you can watch here.

Now I have launched my brand new T-shirt, mug and hoodie range: Sod Off Spain! With the logo you can see below

Example static alt text

You can order your merchandise in my online store here

What better outfit could you sport if you are heading off to the Cost del Crime for a summer break?

The Sod off Spain range is in ideal compliment to the Piss off Argentina range which sports the logo below

You can order both Piss off Argentina and Sod off Spain goods only in my online store HERE


4089 days ago

An Open Video Letter to Nick Harriss of Allenby Capital re Jim Ellerton's claim to have used Sefton cash to clear personal debts

I have this morning sent a letter to Nick Harriss, a good man, who is in charge of the Sefton account at its Nomad Allenby. I have sent him a copy of the Dillabaugh vs. Ellerton 2009 judgement. I urge him in friendship to consider whether Allenby can remain as Nomad to Sefton in light of what has emerged today - see my earlier piece here.

My letter went by email but it is an open letter so I have recorded what was written on video for you all to watch as the AIM Cesspit plumbs new depths.


4090 days ago

Up at 2.30 AM working on my exclusive of the year - documents just arrived

It is now 3.30 AM. The document I have been seeking for some weeks finally arrived at 1.30 AM and I am now pondering how to play tomorrow. Breaking what is a quite devestating exclusive is the easy part. The article is almost written. But how to follow up? I would like to shoot four videos as I hand over documents to relevant bodies to ensure that this matter is dealt with swiftly. But how do I time it all. At what point do I release the story and at what point do I shoot the videos? Hmmmm. It is a hard one to decide but it should be an interesting day. I can say that in 21 years of covering small cap stocks and the AIM Cesspit, Monday 12th August 2013 looks set to be a standout day 


4097 days ago

Weekly Video postcard - The Poisonous legacy of Blair edition

In this week's video postcard Tom discusses just one subject - the greed and truly poisonous legacy of the war criminal Tony Blair, probably the most loathsome man ever to have been Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Tom's financial video postcard this week covers gold and the disconnect between physical and paper markets as well as a suggestion that investors in a raft of AIM stocks should sue the LSE. You can watch that video here.


4101 days ago

Sefton Resources does not want you seeing this video

Sefton Resources  (SER) and I will be seeing each other in Court in just under three hours. But the company has today wasted more shareholders cash and contacted ADVFN asking that it remove the spoof Sefton downfall video arguing that it is a bit naughty... Ooooh er missus. 

I have advised ADVFN to take it down. This is my battle. But I’d hate for you not to enjoy the video and so in case you missed it first time around. Here it is. As financial comedy goes it is pretty good IMHO. Almost as funny as the Sefton RNS 24 hours before its last placing when it said output had risen when in fact it had fallen.

Sefton...I do not think you understand this interwebby thing do you.

See you in Court at 2.30 PM bitchez!



4125 days ago

Tom’s weekly video postcard #39 – Back to Greece Edition

I filmed this in Monemvasia on Saturday. I seem to have a few thoughts on the plight of Greece every day as I encounter some other example of lunacy. I will try to note them in article and or video format as I go along. But I kick off with my analysis of why Greece really cannot recover. The long term killer will be demographics. The short term killers are debt, the bloated state and the all pervasive corruption. Still you’ve got to love the place.

My weekly financial video postcard discusses the Silverdell (SID) scandal and the farce that is AIM non regulation and can be viewed here.


4132 days ago

Weekly Video Post Card #38 – Mandela and Osborne/ Bankrupt Britain edition

Over on my financial weekly video postcard this week looks at the small resources stocks. It explains why there traditional sources of funding have been cut off and asks how many of them are actually already at a near zero real cash position and asks why they cannot be more transparent about it.

You can watch that video here.

My political postcard covers two topics.

  1. My thoughts on Nelson Mandela – actually he is a bit of a hero of mine for a couple of reasons

  2. George Osborne and the non-cuts and wholesale denial of the entire political class about what needs to be done to stave off bankruptcy.

In that vein my next video postcard here on will come to you from Greece



4139 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #37 ( looming death of the Euro edition)

Is it time to sell everything? Probably not but it is quite possible that all asset classes will fall sharply in the coming weeks and months. – Well that is the theme of my financial video postcard this week which you can watch on here.

The political postcard focusses on the Euro, the EU, State sponsored theft and the end game. I sense that we Eurosceptics are about to be vindicated big time and soon.


4144 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard Number 37 - Syria special

My 37th weekly video postcard on this site is now live. Over on my fifth financial video postcard is now also live and looks at mining stocks. You can view it HERE

En passant I mention poor Nigella Lawson. However the political postcard focusses on Syria. I regard the desire by the liberal political elite of the West to intervene as irresponsible and the manner in which they have attempted to manipulate public opinion is criminal. I explain more in the video below.


4160 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard Number 35

Recorded on the occasion of the first anniversary of this site, a day when it attracted a record 42,020 page impressions, this is a short message of thanks but also on one of my big themes of the past twelve months: free speech and the increasingly Orwellian nature of Britain

I start with the Downing Street affair and what it says about how the establishment want certain information kept within the political classes and the “bubble.”  I do not care who shagged who but I care that “they all know” and are using taxpayers cash to stop “us” knowing. They will fail.

I move onto Secret Courts and the way the Police are used to clamp down on freedom of expression in Airstrip One.

Thank you for watching.

My weekly financial video postcard appears on here


4164 days ago

Video postcard from Tom, a visit to the Jewish museum, Berlin

I have visited Yad Vashem and other Jewish museums in various places. But Berlin clearly has some special significance as it was at the heart of the Nazi Empire and the machinery of the holocaust. I guess that now the next step is to pluck up courage to go to Auschwitz.

Not to trivialise Evil Empire's I bring you below a cartoon by a Jewish artist who produced some amazing work before his death in 1944.

I found the Museum very moving and thought provoking. If I wrote up my thoughts the article would be very long and so instead I produce a stream of consciousness video.


4167 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard (Berlin & Margaret Thatcher Edition)

This week’s video postcard comes from Berlin. I was staying an hour outside the City for a wedding and today came into town. I spent a good couple of hours at the City’s Jewish Museum, more on that later. But the first point of call was Checkpoint Charlie.

The picture of what remains of Charlie is below. As you can see it is now a tourist mecca surrounded by all the symbols of Western capitalism at its trashiest.
