2527 days ago
"You don't like black people getting rights, you don;t like women getting jobs" That is how on her recent foreign tour as you can see in the video below, crooked Hillary Clinton has now described those folks in all those red flyover states who voted for Donald Trump in 2016. During the election she slammed folks backing Trump as "the Deplorables". For many decent Americans that became a badge of honour.
2544 days ago
The narrative of folks like the BBC, The Guardian, CNN in fact the whole of the liberal media elite is that Donald Trump should not have defeated crooked Hillary in 2016. Without admitting that their gal was useless they agree that next time around the Donald just cannot win, in fact many argue that he will not stand at all. But have they actually looked at the polls in detail? If they have, they ignore them as they churn out yet more fake news.
2561 days ago
My twitter feed is set up to track what is trending in New York. I used to live there and feel as much affinity with that City as I do with any other City, i.e. almost none. And so this morning I find out that what is trending among the the snowflakes of the Big Apple is #ReplaceLovewithAnal. Cue a series of tweets God is Anal, Jesus anals you #Replacelovewithanal etc etc etc.
2731 days ago
My twitter feed is set to a New York location. In many ways it is where my heart is though my body is rarely there. And overnight #TrumpResign was trending. How pathetic it was.
2780 days ago
She has a book to plug so best selling harpie Naomi Klein is doing the rounds of the liberal media to talk about what a complete bastard Donald Trump is. Okay she is Canadian but the accent is good enough, she is THE expert one needs to talk US politics. On Channel 4 Fake News, where they make up quotes by Donald Trump to show what a racist he is, Jon, "I hate the fucking Tories" Snow was asking the soft questions. Purring from the sidelines was Matt Frei who likes to accuse black vicars of being racist for supporting Trump.
2841 days ago
Poor Hillary Clinton is all over the news discussing her electoral crushing by the Donald. Liberal media poodles at CNN were told that the main reason she lost was sexism. All those bloody glass ceilings. Yeah right. But her crookedness admits there may have been other issues. But what might they be? Here are a few for starters. A few Hillary will not mention.
3233 days ago
The Wisconsin Primaries saw big wins for barking mad Bernie Sanders in the Democrat race and for religious fruitcake/ the GOP establishment choice Ted Cruz in the Republican race. The big question as we head to the conventions is do the leaders of either party believe in Democracy?
3254 days ago
Out on the stump in a working class town in Ohio, one could sense the discomfort of Channel 4 News reporter Kylie Morris as she encountered rust belt workers from the real world. Gosh they paint their dogs in funny colours for St Patrick's Day she noted. I am sure she thought it all rather naff, rather white van man, but didn't quite say that on camera. But then salvation for Ms Morris as she stumbled across two big fat lesbians. However, much to the consertanation of the beltway liberal the bull dykes were voting for Trump.
But, an uncompreheding Kylie stammered: what about what he says about the blacks and the hispanics?
3300 days ago
Over on Channel 4 News on Thursday Kylie Morris was interviewing two God fearing hard working, tax paying folks from Iowa, that is to say Republicans from a flyover state - the sort of people the liberal media establishment would rather not mix with. Kylie put it to them that Donald Trump was making the GOP race a bit of a pantomime, after all "the UK Parliament even debated banning Trump from Britain". Words almost fail me.
In America they believe in something we used to fight for in Britain, that is to say free speech. Mr Trump is clearly a very popular figure among Republicans and even among Independents. Unlike the belle of the liberal media ball, the loathsome Mrs Clinton,
3330 days ago
It has been a warm December here in New York and the global warming nutters are having a field day. As you may be aware, New Yorkers think that the Big Apple is the centre of the Universe and that the flyover states, being populated by God fearing, gun owning, law abiding , hard working Republicans, can be ignored completely. So we can all ignore the deep snows and floods in Texas, the planet is heating up becuase New York is warmer than normal.
The local weather reprt on CBS News just told me that we have enjoyed the warmest ever December in New York. Hmmm..warmer than the Medieval warm period? warmer than, say, 1500 BC? How does CBS know? Of course what CBS means
3368 days ago
Smokers are evil and must be persecuted at all costs. Such is the zeitgeist in the non-flyover states of the USA today. All other minorities – apart from white, God Fearing Republican voters in the flyover states - must be protected at all costs but we smokers are evil. We are also nearly all black and poor and so perhaps used to getting a good kicking from the elites.
In the Starbucks in which I am working I am happy to accept that I must step outside for a fag. But there I am confronted with a notice saying