Gary Lineker

265 days ago

I agree with Gary Lineker: let the revolting Hamas fans march on Remembrance day

Readers of this website can be in no doubt that I stand 100% with Israel and I make no apology for saying that I am hopeful that it kills every single member of Hamas in Gaza. That is a proportionate response to October 7 such was the horror of that day. Regular readers should also know that I think that Gary Lineker is a twit and worse, a man who made £5 million from promoting the Ingenie/Quindell fraud which I exposed. But a broken clock is right twice a day.  The crisp salesman says that the weekly Hamas victory parade should go ahead on November 11 and I agree with him.


495 days ago

The liberal left goes Lineker + and weaponises Auschwitz against Suella Braverman

There is a photo out today of Ms Braverman laughing on a trip to Ruanda. With hindsight that might have been unwise as she claims to be tightening the UK’s immigration system. I shall believe that when I actually see it. However, there can be no excuses for the tweet below from the leading anti Brexit campaigner Steve Bray photoshopping the laughing minister in front of the entrance to Auschwitz.  He also removes from the origonal picture two laughing Rwandans either side of Ms Braverman. 


500 days ago

The last Endeavour was awful – I’m so thankful it is all over

I have watched every episode of Inspector Morse, Lewis (the sequel) and Endeavour ( the prequel). Many episodes I have watched many times.  It is fair to say that I am a fan but after a quite appalling last ever Endeavour, I now welcome the end. Morse is left hanging as a Sergeant in 1972 with a 15 year gap until he comes back to Oxford after a spell in the Met in 1987.


507 days ago

Howling at Radio 4 as it serves up fake news on Gary Lineker

The Mrs switched on Radio 4 then left the room.  By the time she returned it was the news at 9 and the state broadcaster was reporting that Tories were angry about £1.35 million a year BBC presenter Gary Lineker saying that new immigration plans were “beyond awful”. The Mrs could not see what the Tories were complaining about and snorted. That is because the BBC News did not report in that bulletin the really offensive thing that Lineker said, comparing the Tory policies to those of the Nazis in 1930s.


711 days ago

Jill Scott MBE & Captain Lionness - are you serious? Or is it just about money?

I know that saying anything that is not unthinking praise about the Lionesses is, more or less, a hate crime. But have you seen England’s captain plugging Walker’s Crisps?


857 days ago

TrakM8 to extend the hook up with the fraud Gary Lineker promoted – a bit disingenuous

TrakM8 (TRAK)  has announced that after three years of working with Ingenie Limited, it has extended the deal for another three years. Ingenie you say, that Ingenie? Er…yes. Well sort of.


923 days ago

Fraud promoter & crisp salesman Gary Lineker on BBC diversity of thought

Retweeting a tweet from a former editor of the Guardian, Gary Lineker wades into battle on behalf of the BBC which, by extorting money from us all under threat of jail,pays him£1.3 million a year for talking about sport. The crisp salesman, who made £5 million from promoting the £3 billion Quindell fraud, argues that BBC staff have a diverse range of opinions. Hmmm.


1063 days ago

About all those offering Afghan migrants a home – a tale from my wife’s church

As always when there is a migrant crisis, loads of folk virtue signal and offer to take one in. Folks like Britain’s richest crisp salesman Gary Lineker, Yvette Cooper MP and Lilly Allen never actually quite got around to taking in a Syrian but the important thing is that we all know that they wanted to because they said so on twitter so many times. So they are all wonderful tolerant folk while anyone not offering to take in a refugee is a knuckle dragging alt-right racist. I get it. I understand the rules here in Airstrip One in 2021. No doubt Gary, Yvette and Lilly will very soon all be offering an Afghan a home too but then not actually getting round to it.


1307 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The worst piece of financial journalism of 2020: Donna Ferguson blows off Piers Linney in the Mail on Sunday

I discuss both the article which you can see below which really is the worst piece of financial journalism seen this year. It does bring me to why celebrity endorsed investments are so often utter stinkers, looking back at those backed by David Beckham, Fergie, Linney himself, Fergie and at the NightCap AIM IPO driven by ghastly Sarah Willingham with no conflicts of interest at all!


1309 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - 2 mugs Santa gave me create a dilemma for the Mrs

Santa really is a jolly good fellow, spending a good bit of time at the West Ham shop. Hammers Socks for Joshua. Hammers Socks for the Mrs with “The World’s Best Mum” written on the side and a mug for me. In fact, as you can see, one of two mugs he brought me.


1327 days ago

Millwall Supporters 1, woke pundits like the prick Gary Lineker nil - take a knee scrapped at the Den

On Saturday, Millwall Supporters booed as their players took a knee in support of an organisation that most Britons (both white & BAME) think INCREASES racial division, that wants to end capitalism & the nuclear family, to boycott Israel, defund the police and shut jails. Millwall supporters spoke for the nation. Fraud promoter Gary Lineker said the supporters were racist in opposing the organisation that increases racial tension, Black Lives Matter. Whatever. Gary is a prick. Tonight Millwall face QPR in the Championship.


1394 days ago

Frankie Boyle and the capitalist haters - reasons to #DefundtheBBC No 65

Last week’s New World Order show hosted by unfunny bearded comedian Frankie Boyle included a section where someone joked about killing white people. Boy how the panel laughed because that is not racist or offensive at all. This week’s show discussed capitalism.


1410 days ago

The BBC so misjudges the nations' mood as it's pay rises all round (for the ladies) – #DefundtheBBC

The news on jobs was bad on September 15 2020. Since the start of the Government’s fascistic reaction to Covid, 700,000 folks had disappeared from company payrolls. More, who are self employed, are now without work. As Furlough draws to a close, we all know that hundreds of thousands of other workers will be handed a P45. Meanwhile, wage rates in most industries seem to be falling as companies look to cut costs wherever they can as they battle to survive. But on this grim day, there was evidence that some are more equal than others.


1423 days ago

Hello BBC license fee payers, it's Clive from Islington: why can't you plebs see the benefit of this diverse service?

This is tweeted out in Britain by the BBC. I wonder how many 75 year olds now being forced under threat of jail to pay for a TV license consider this money well spent?


1902 days ago

Watchstone ( Quindell as was) writes off all goodwill in the part of the fraud promoted by Gary Lineker

Today sees the publication of quite abysmal results from Watchstone (WTG), the company formerly known as Quindell (QPP). It confirms that the Serious Fraud Office investigation into the former management team led by King fraudster Rob Terry is ongoing but there is also bad news for the jug eared virtue signaller Gary Lineker who trousered £5 million from selling free shares in Quenron as the company he promoted, Ingenie, is going down the pan.


1965 days ago

The Corrupt Deadwood Press (The Mail on Sunday), the Celeb (Lineker) and the members of the Quindell gang ride again

The Mail on Sunday and its freebie loving Personal Finance Editor Jeff Prestridge are promoting a new innovative company in telematics and insurance where the virtue signalling crisp salesman Gary Lineker is a brand ambassador and shareholder. Among Ticker’s named clients is Ingenie.. hang on does that ring a bell?


2087 days ago

Has Jug eared virtue signalling prick Gary Lineker got no shame? Backing the Quindell fraudsters AGAIN

As BBC license fee payers, you will be truly delighted to see how the vast pay cheque given to Gary Lineker is being spent. You may remember that the crisp salesman was appointed as brand ambassador to Ingenie, part of the Quindell (QPP) fraud, now under SFO investigation as the UK’s largest stockmarket swindle for 30 years. Lineker was given millions of pounds of free shares in Quindell which he sold onto poor investors who lost almost everything - having said he'd be a buyer. Well it worked before…


2123 days ago

Video - tasting condoms, where your BBC license fee goes....

Is this as offensive as paying the bloated salary of jug eared virtue signalling prick Gary Lineker or the constant diet of fake news and #TrumpDerangementSyndrome? I don't know. But watch what is below and can anyone explain just why I should have cash extorted from me under threat of jail for this muck and piffle? Is this what Lord Reith had in mind when BBC TV was created? 


2223 days ago

Just why am I paying for so many BBC staff to live it up in Russia at the World Cup?

ITV is a commercial network and covers the World Cup well enough. So why does the BBC need to bid for matches and cover it at all? Its remit should be high quality public service broadcasting not competing against commercial networks – using taxpayers cash – to show commercial propositions? But okay, we do not live in a low tax libertarian paradise, so there has to be BBC sport. However…


2578 days ago

Sally Jones: stay and die in Raqqa or maybe live with Gary Lineker, we don't want you back on Benefits Street UK

In 2013, Sally Jones a, then, 45 year old former punk rocker who has never worked in her whole life moved to Raqqa to join ISIS with her younger husband. happily he was wiped out by a US drone strike but living off his widow's pension Sally, or Umm Hussain al-Britani as she would rather be known, has continued to fight the good fight. Until now.

Her young son was shown on video being taught how to behead infidels. She ranted on line about wanting to behead Christians with a blunt knife and to kill Jews. She and her late lamented husband were shown to have been involved in more than a dozen attempted terror attacks in the West. Working for ISIS in Raqqa she is believed to have recruited dozens of other Western women to the cause, persuading them to also flee to Raqqa.

But now Sally has let it be known that she wants to come "home".


2596 days ago

Why am I paying for the BBC to run fake news just because it is institutionally anti-Israel?

I could just about accept the poll tax that is the BBC license fee if I was served a diet of high quality non news, as Lord Reith desired, and full impartial news. But in fact my license fee goes on paying idiots such as the tax dodging, virtue signalling, fraudsters pal Gary Lineker seven figure salaries to front up crap. And as for the news?


2613 days ago

It is not often that I cheer the taxman but in the case of the virtue signaller Gary Lineker....

I would like to see a low tax small state Britain. Sadly that dream is not shared by any of the money tree worshipping political parties but I can still hope. Instinctively that makes me view HMRC as the pantomime villain, a body to be hissed and booed whenever it comes on stage to try and get more cash out of hard working folks. But in the case of HMRC vs Gary Lineker, the jug eared virtue signalling poseur, I will not be warning Mr Walker's Crisps that "he's behind you", I cheer on the taxman at every turn.


2737 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The Bias of the BBC and pampering of its airhead stars demands not closure but privitization

The tweet below from Nick Robinson should annoy you. The antics of silly Laura Kuenssberg in Washington yesterday should appall you. The wages of Gary Lineker, Graham Norton and Fiona Bruce are nauseating and via the license fee poll tax we, the great unwashed, are paying to make these multi millionaires even richer as they treat our views with scorn and contempt. The fake news pumped out by Emily Maitlis on Donald Trump was a disgrace while her open disdain for his poorer less educated supporters was shocking and failed to give British viewers a balanced impression of what was going on. The Brexit coverage of the BBC was and is shamefully partisan. The only answer is the privitization of the BBC as I explain in this podcast


2834 days ago

The child refugees at Calais who are adults or far worse

I am still utterly confused as to why a 13 year old boy from the Calais Jungle was allowed to enter the UK because his father, a Jihadi, who entered the UK illegally, lived off benefits for five years and goes back to Afghanistan for holidays has somehow claimed asylum. Surely his father should be given the order of the boot as we really do not need to offer asylum to Jihadi murderers and thus his son has no right to enter the UK. What am I missing?

But what of the hundreds of other children at Calais? There are some who say that none should be allowed in as they are not refugees, they lost that status when they entered the first safe country, somewhere like Turkey. That is surely callous in that some of these kids really do have their closest living relatives living in the UK. They should surely be re-united as families. I am not sure the same applies when the UK relatives are distant relatives, surely the moral imperative of reuniting families must have a limit? Ist cousin maybe, 3rd no way.

On the other side of the fence are rich liberals like Gary Lineker and Lily Allen who blast as racists anyone who say we should not rush to take in all those claiming to be kids. The Mail today carries a harrowing tale of one such liberal who offered shelter to a 13 year old. He turned out to be 21, a jihadist and a nonce who threatened to kill her kids.

Now folks like Lily Allen, and my wife,. will say 


2838 days ago

Gary Lineker recycles some of his dirty Quindell winnings into a new insurance venture - Neos

Old jug ears got free shares in the fraud Quindell (QPP) as a reward for his role as "band ambassador" for the Ingenie outfit. That was the unit run by Richard King at whose lavish wedding in Somerset jug ears was best man. Lineker sold his shares netting at least £3 million so what to do with the cash? Give it all to charity? Naaaaaaaaah.


2939 days ago

Can we emigrate if Andrea Leadsom becomes PM? I ask the Mrs politely

Before every big election there are always a few luvvies who threaten to emigrate if the reactionary forces of nationalism and eveil capitalism (which have made them so stinking rich) are seen to triumph. That is to say we the plebs are told vote Labour/Remain or the luvvies are off. Paul O'Grady, aka drag Queen Lily Savage. notably said he'd flee the UK and his luxury London apartment and Kent farmhouse if the wicked Tories won in 2015.

O'Grady has, of course, refused to leave. What is his problem? 


3173 days ago

Quindell, the frauds are being wound down…Ingenie – anyone want an office?

How much did the fraudsters at Quindell (QPP) pay - with ther folk's money - to their mates who owned the duff entity at Ingenie which was going to conquer the world? Remind me did Jug ears Gary Lineker make £5 million or was it only £3 million. How about Rob Terry’s pal Richard King? We always knew it was a load of hot air and now as the Serious Fraud Office prepares to swoop on Terry and others (not Jug ears, I stress) the new board at Quindell is quietly shutting down the fraudulent non-operations. 


3214 days ago

The Ingenie Panama Pump fraud at Quindell – killer details emerge: Are you happy Gary Linkeker?

As the Company’s House filings emerge more details of the various Rob Terry frauds at Quindell (QPP) emerge and the latest concerns Ingenie, the insurance company for whom Gary Lineker made £5 million. This is a panama pump. And it is black and white slam dunk, jail meriting, fraud, not for Lineker who is innocent of any wrong doing but for many others.


3801 days ago

Who Should Present Match of the Day? The BBC thinks hosts re “too white & male”

BBC Director of Television Danny Cohen thanks that Match of the day needs to change. Hanson, Lineker, Shearer et al might know about soccer, be pretty entertaining and have a good on screen rapport but they are all white men. That is clearly no good at all. It is not representative, blah, blah, blah.

So who should host MOTD? Naturally I nominate Hazel Irvine (for whom I have such a soft spot that I even watched a few minutes of the watching paint dry Winter Olympics) who has an encyclopaedic knowledge of soccer. Garth Crooks is excellent. And why not bring in Graham Norton for true diversity and since he appears to be camped out at the BBC so he can appear almost 24 hours a day on our screens.

I am sure Norton would do it. Irvine and Crooks, however, strike me as decent folk who would argue that the current team is excellent (if overpaid) and that merit should out. Neither has risen through the ranks through affirmative action but through natural talent. The BBC once stood for excellence. What is so bad about that?
