
399 days ago

Techcast: Understanding AI Episode 6 of 12 - Google and Artificial Intelligence

Thanks to the sponsorship of Sure Valley & Pires Investments (PIRI) we are expanding the number and quality of speakers and are able to offer up more fun and games at Sharestock this year - as you can see HERE. In this episode I chat to Brian Kinane and Alex Thompson of Sure Valley about the role of Google in the AI boom. Enjoy.


845 days ago

Versarien – do a google search and its latest spoof unravels in seconds

With Versarien (VRS) the key point to remember is its own admission that it needs to do a bailout placing within the next ten months ( and probably much sooner) or it will go bust. In that vein, its latest RNS Reach is a spoof and one that unravels in seconds if you do a google search.


1016 days ago

Breaking: the crook Brian McDonnell of USOP uses EU data law to hide his crooked past

I thought that we had left the EU but it seems that its laws which allow crooks to hide their shameful past from google citing privacy are still in effect. The latest scumbag playing this game to hide ShareProphets exposes is Brian McDonnell, the scamster in charge of US Oil & Gas, once a listed company valued (incorrectly) by the market at £350 million but now, chucked off three exchanges, a shell teetering on the verge of insolvency despite Brian continuing toile to investors and to half-inch their cash.


1233 days ago

Cancelled by the Wokerati: Youthful error - odd one out contest

Here they are, four folks who did something a long time ago and which is the odd one out and why? Your delightful quartet in this cancel culture era are: East London pin-up now resident in Syria Shamima Begum, LA Resident Harry Windsor, now ex England cricketer Ollie Robinson, and Kamau Bobb of Google. The common thread is teenage regret.


1381 days ago

Photo Article - the end of something Christopher Booker adored as I think of him with four things he despised

I wrote before Christmas of the joy when a cheddar cheese arrived from the wife and son of my late Uncle Chris Booker. Something that has happened for all my life continues. In return, I sent a Yarg as I always do. That Cheddar was about eight inches high and, as you can see below, is now almost all gone. About a week ago, four things I know Chris despised, combined to make me think of him and that Christmas present.


1412 days ago

Cartoon: La terreur des fanatiques de masques

Somehow it sounds more chilling in French, bringing to mind thoughts of Paris in 1793. Younger readers whose entire history curriculum consisted of studying the Nazis, do a google search.


1523 days ago

Photo article: Hairy, Black, Welsh pussy

Thanks to Google search engines this website will have a few new readers. Sorry you dirty bastards, I fear you may be disappointed by what follows. For starters the pussy below is English.


2462 days ago

Purplebricks - what does Google tell us? It is not something that makes me any less bearish

I'm not entirely sold on the validity of Google Trends data, not least because the top result when you enter the search term "Purplebricks" is generally not the Purplebricks (PURP) website.  In fact, the Purplebricks website is generally quite a long way down the list.  That's just because other companies are paying up for the search term, perhaps attempting to leverage the company's highly successful (and controversial) TV advertising campaign. However, I pulled together a few of the trends, by geography, over time in the hope it might show something, and I think these graphs should raise a few concerns for the bulls.


2599 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: The most important bearcast ever - news of a big change here on Thursday

I have been thinking long and hard about this all summer but there is no alternative as the great Lady Thatcher used to say. Evil Google provides no content but sucks all of the ad revenue from online media. Our advertising revenue has collapsed so ShareProphets must either accept the custom of utter dirtbags like Darren Winters, continue to be subsidised by the UK Investor Show or fold. Or it must charge for access. I believe that asking you to pay £6 a month for 300 articles and for utterly unique content is something you will agree to and so on Thursday it is pay to play. I explain why evil Google is forcing our hand and what will happen and what the choices are in, perhaps the most important bearcast in our history.


2668 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Conman Darren Winters and his evil wife Tatjana slammed by Judge in another Courtroom thrashing - full transcript

No doubt charlatan and snake oil salesman Darren Winters and his evil cancer-patient conning wife Tatjana Valujeva will again use Europe's daft privacy laws to ensure there is no google link to this article which contains a full transcript of a court case showing what complete and utter bastards and conmen they are. So we beg you ALL to use the tweet & Linkedin buttons below the headline, to put a link on every Bulletin board or every finance article you find soi that folks can be warned about this man who has been conning decent folk for almost 20 years.


2680 days ago

Shocking Photo Article - Miranda's sweet pussy

The shock is for any google pervs out there who have alighted on this page and though the photos are wonderful will be rather disappointed by their nature, The Miranda's I refer to is, of course, the restaurant next to the Kourounis taverna on the square where the road through Kambos makes a sharp right angle as it heads off to Kardamili. 


2710 days ago

Searching google for an article I wrote on cats - a great passage about my father & the vlachs: proud son time

I was trying to find an article I had written on how Greek kids torture cats but instead came upon a piece about Western study of the Vlachs, the Nomads of the Pindus Mountains. I have written (in Greeks Lesbians & Vlachs, HERE) about how this is one of my father's specialist subjects and who the vlachs are.  Anyhow, I stumbled upon this lengthy article "Aromanian Vlachs - The Vanishing Tribes" which included a section on my father which he will enjoy as it is very supportive of his work. This is the sort of thing to make a son very proud. It also, rightly, makes him seem a touch eccentric: 


2822 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Why Worthington morons should report me to the official liquidator

There are two parts to this podcast. I start by explaining how a liquidation works with reference to the fraud Worthington (WRN). I know some of its shareholders are obsessing about this and reckon they should report me to the liquidator. Go ahead, we are already talking. Then I move onto a quite brilliant column by Luke Johnson about the myth that is the sharing new economy and specifically how it effects uber but also the media world with evil google and the bulletin boards in my sights


2865 days ago

What do Ex Nomad to the African Potash FRAUD, Stewart Dickson, charlatan Darren Winters & an associate of fraudster Rob Terry have in common?

When Google receives a notice asking it to remove a link to a website, if it doesn't feel like litigating it, it0 removes the link and sends a copy of the notice to Often, it is used by copyright holders to prevent people from downloading pirate copies of books, films, or music, as in this case where the publisher of Tom Winnifrith Sr's must read book, Fallen Women of the 19th Century, asked for links to be removed.


3051 days ago comes out for Remain and against Brexit - Don't say its true: help me comrades

Apparently this website which is four years old this week, is plastered with adverts for the Remain Camp in the Brexit debate. It seems that on this website you cannot avoid the tax exile Sir Richard Branson and his ghastly lies. A reader asks if I have changed sides? Oh no, major Tom, don't say its true...

Euroscepticism is in my DNA. Chris Booker is my maternal uncle, my paternal grandfather Sir John Winnifrith was a "leave" spokesman in 1975 but as I explain HERE I have already voted for Brexit with my head as well as my heart


3088 days ago

Search "actor sex toy" on google: Another #celebrityinjunction farce: both the famed actor & the law take it up the arse

The British laws on injunctions are a total mess and we have another celebrity injunction story today which demonstrates this. A well known actor paid a £195 a n hour hooker for sex and as part of this session the hooker shoved a sex toy up the actor's bottom. The hooker, Miss Helen Wood, had previously has relations with the soccer player Wayne Rooney. Back in 2011 the actor took out a super injunction to stop the UK press revealing his little secret.

Back then I knew who he was as did 


3095 days ago

How Dodgy Dave's Government is now actually stealing your money to lie to you about Brexit

The Mrs was renewing her MOT. A banner advert on the site linked to take the EU quiz which by mistake she hit. It is a multiple choice quiz by the Government. It is laughable.


3099 days ago

Third Lawyer's Letter received from Web Sheriff, the bully boy solicitors to celebrities xxxxx and xxxxxx

This time I just told the Web Sheriff law firm where to stick it. The article it objects to mentioned none of the matters currently covered by the injunction it merely mentioned celebrities xxxxxx and xxxxxx in a wholly different context. Is there really now a blanket ban on reporting all aspects of their lives? No there is not.

It is not the job of the Web Sheriff law firm to enforce the innjunction and I have repeatedly asked it when the UK Government gave it authority to do so? Of course it has not. The Web Sheriff firm declines to answer that question and nor will it say for whom it acts although it is bloddy obvious.



3145 days ago

Fancy going to a swanky EGM in Athens Greece, roll up roll up

It would have been an added bonus if Goldenport (GPRT)  - heading to zero as Nigel explains here - was to had its headquarters in the same Athens neighbourhood as InternetQ (INTQ) and Globo (GBO) because, as it happens, I am in the mighty Hellenic Republic on the date of its EGM on March 31st. However I have just checked out its HQ on Google maps as you can see below...


3156 days ago

Michael O Leary tells Loathsome & Evil Google to stop ripping off its fecking customers

You know that Michael O'Leary of RyanAir (RYA) is a bit of a hero of mine because he is a) Irish, b) a man who swears a lot and c) a man who tells the EU where to fecking stick it. I still loathe using his loathsome airline as it treats its customers like shit but O'Leary is a superstar. And now his company is sticking it to evil Google, possibly the world's most loathsome company. Go for it O'Leary.


3181 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 6 Feb, Passing on CMC, the FANGs and Howard Jones

The Mrs went to see Howard Jones last night and I explain his significance in life then what the sell off in the FANGs ( Facebook, Amazon, Netflix & Google) as well as junior tech darlings like LinkedIn means. The it is onto all the reasons why I dodges the CMC Markets (CMCX) float and finally I look at the director dealings in Fusionex (FXI) and why they scream out SELL!


3435 days ago

Plus500 - Not Advertising on ShareProphets (our call)

It was drawn to our attention that we were carrying adverts on this website for Plus500 (PLUS) the AIM casino listed slow motion car crash. The ads game via Google so we earned buttons from them however...


3550 days ago

The Bulletin Board Jihadists win another victory AGAINST free speech as Etihad Airlines blacklists ShareProphets

Tesco, Waitrose, John Lewis and Now Etihad Airlines have all asked Google not to carry their ads on ShareProphets as a result of a campaign by Bulletin Board Jihadists who do not like what I have to say.

This website carries details of the “victories” of the free speech deniers. 

The website states that it objects to by use of bad language. But the letter it sent to Etihad makes it clear that it is not my language but me that it wants to nail. I really am pissing myself that the jihadists told Etihad that I was insulting Muhammad by using the word “Prophet” in my website title.

The fact is that the free speech deniers really object to the fact that I tell the truth about companies – look at the tweet in the title. I predicted shares in African Minerals would tank. They are now suspended pending clarification. The QPPSAG (do not like what I reveal about Quindell and the fact that the shares are almost 90% off their peak. So they try to shoot the messenger.

Tesco, Etihad, Waitrose and John Lewis you are a bunch of cowardly motherfuckers. You are siding with free speech deniers against a free press because it makes your life easier. To n’est ce pas Charlie. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Do you think that I shall be changing my style? No way. Fuck the lot of you: Long live Free Speech & Liberty.

To support free speech


3841 days ago

Globo – See you chaps in Athens on 30th April for a Results Day Video Doorstep

For the next two weeks I am on holiday in the remote Mani region of Greece, an area with a colourful history of blood feuds and murder. But on the 29th I drop the Mrs off at the Airport and head into Athens and the very next day we have results from Globo (GBO) whose headquarters are in the Greek capital. Oh what joy.

I do not know where Costis and the boardroom motley crew will be on results day but as a bear who has been vindicated to date I thought it only fair to pay homage at the temple of Globo in downtown Athens. My man on the ground says that it is a “mixed” neighbourhood which, given the impoverishment of Greece by the EU, I take to mean a tad on the rough side. Google Maps indicate that Globo towers is on a side street but only a short dash to a main road should I not be well received. 

It all sounds rather interesting


3884 days ago

Phorm – who is playing dirty?

Last week AIM Cesspit listed Phorm (PHRM) was presenting to potential investors at the offices of its London broker Mirabaud. Among those to whom it presented was the bear raider Evil Knievil. I have a lot to say on this AIM Cesspit listed enterprise but let’s start by getting dirty. 

Mr Knievil called me in great excitement on Friday. What aroused my interest was a claim he made that he had been told in the meeting that Phorm reckons that Google was engaged in some sort of dirty tricks campaign against it so terrified was the web giant of the threat posed to it by or AIM listed minnow – a company that has in six years ploughed its way through $328 million. Its last reported results (interims) showed revenues of $28,545.

Instinctively, as I noted yesterday 


3893 days ago

Ben Edelman – The man called the Web Sheriff by Bloomberg to headline at UK Investor Show on April 5 – Get your ticket now

The big news today is that a true mega star has agreed to fly to Britain for one day only to headline at The UK Investor Show in London on April 5. Meet Ben Edelman. If you are a Blinkx (BLNX) shareholder you will already have done so – you have lost more than 50% of your money since he produced a detailed report on the company. 

Professor Edelman will make a rare London appearance as the headline speaker at The UK Investor Show on April 5 in Westminster

Edelman shot to prominence in the UK with his recent analysis of Blinkx.  Edelman argued that Blinkx adware sneaks onto users’ computers, violates regulatory requirements, and overcharges advertisers.  Blinkx denies the allegations. Its share price continues to slide.

Much of Edelman’s recent work examines the activities of Google.  In 2010, he uncovered the Google Toolbar continuing to track users’ web browsing even after users asked that the toolbar be disabled and even after the toolbar disappeared from view.  His most recent article examines Google’s Mobile Application Distribution Agreement terms – previously-secret documents that he says impede competition by alternatives apps and services, and drive up prices to consumers.

Recently labelled the “web sheriff” by Bloomberg, Edelman will be speaking on the questionable business practices of a variety of Internet companies, ranging from giants like Google to smaller firms including Blinkx.

Edelman joins a 42 strong main stage line up on April 5th including Nigel Wray, Terry Smith, Vin Murria, Evil Knievil, Mark Slater, Dominic Frisby, bear raiders Lucian Miers and Matt Earl and blogging supremo Paul Scott.

A full list can be found at

Edelman is quoted as saying: “My visits to London are all too rare, but the British market has led the world in many kinds of advertising integrity - I look forward to showing an informed audience a variety of controversial behaviours, including some material not previously seen elsewhere.”

We have now sold more than 60% of the ordinary tickets for the event and all bar a handful of the golden tickets which come with bonus features such as an invitation to the after show champagne party at Maribelle’s. You can get your tickets at

And there are still a few surprises left for the show, notably on the shareholder activism front. Watch this space.

This year I shall not be compering the event – that baton passes to my old friend co-presenter on Show Me The Money, Louise Noel. Okay Louise was the main presenter I was just there for my (then) looks. Okay to talk about the market knowledgably. I digress. The fact that I am not on stage so much means that I plan to be able to join friends such as Malcolm Stacey, Brokerman Dan, Doc Holiday, Steve Moore, Malcolm Palle of Mining Maven and others in the bloggers café, chatting to anyone who is interested about shares that may interest them. As well as tweeting away #ukinvestorshow – I hope to meet many of you there.

But the star attractions are others: Wray, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl, Evil, Slater, Vin Murria, Amanda Van Dyke, Dom Frisby, Brian Basham and now of course Ben Edelman.

On that note I hope that if you have not done so already you book a ticket for the show and look forward to seeing you on April 5 in Westminster:



3990 days ago

David Cameron, Pornography, My Wife and Yours

David Cameron came into power promising to roll back the State. Yesterday he announced what has to be the most Nanny State measure in history. I concerns my wife, your wife and pornography. It shows Call Me Dave at his very meddling worst.

As ever with a politician seeking to allow the state to intrude into your private lives, Call Me Dave comes up with a claim that he is fighting an evil so wicked that anyone who opposes him is by definition evil themselves. In this case the evil Call Me Dave is fighting is not terrorism but paedophiles.

Stage one of Call Me Dave’s fight against online nonces is to get Google and other providers to remove certain search terms from their web engines. Stage two is that from late 2014 anyone wishing to access adult content via an ISP will have to opt in to do so. In other words, according to Call Me Dave, you will have to ask the Mrs if she minds you downloading porn.

Of course this is all spurious.


4223 days ago

PR prude Kay Larsen does not want me writing this but shares in Advanced Computer Software are a strong buy

Kay Larsen is the PR bird at College Group PR who believes that she has a right to say how and where her client – AIM listed Advanced Computer Software Group (LSE:ASW) is covered. Furthermore she has accused me of hosting pornography on and claims ( falsely) that I accused a Welsh company of being sheep shaggers. Kay is a keen google user and does not like it that her clients (or presumably) her name now comes up next to images she finds innapropriate and now in the same google searches as pornography, sheep shagging etc. Kay does not want me writing about AIM listed Advanced Computer Software (LSE:ASW) at all as she would rather that only serious journalists who she approves of write about her clients in a way that she approves of. I describe the curious post lunch rantings of Kay and her vision of how she gets to dictate who writes about her clients and in what manner here.

But since Kay enjoys seeing on google what words come up when I mention College group PR, herself and Advanced Computer Software, I should make it clear that today I have not watched any live streaming teenage lesbian videos but that there is a lot of computer software that allows you to do that including many streaming feeds with college group scenes in them.

Happy Kay? I have tried to help google by getting all the key tag words from this piece in.

Now back to serious matters at hand. Advanced Computer Software is quite simply the best run tech stock on AIM.


4224 days ago

The Idiocy of press laws in the internet age – ref 82 year old arrested in Savile Enquiry in paedoBritain

The Idiocy of press laws in the internet age – ref 82 year old arrested in Saville Enquiry in paedoBritain

Last week an 82 year old entertainer was arrested in Berkshire as part of the Savile enquiry. We are told that he is Australian but cannot name him. You do not need to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out. Think of Aussies who were famous in the 1970s and 1980s for appearing on British TV and find out how old they are on wikipedia and hey presto. I bet you guessed already.

Now go do a google search for “82 year old arrested xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx (fill in the name you had probably guessed anyway) and hey presto there are 40,100 web pages coming up in 0.32 seconds. Of course under the new British terror laws (sorry Royal Press Charter) none of the mainstream press is naming this chap.

I have no idea what xxxx is accused of and it seems as if most of those arrested so far in this multi-million quid enquiry are not being charged at all so frankly his arrest ( for a second time – he was also arrested on November 29th as part of this enquiry) proves absolutely sod all.

But what exactly is the point of laws that just do not work? I might add that a former senior minister in the Thatcher regime


4228 days ago

Kay Larsen PR prude at College Group PR, Pornography, Cheryl Cole, sheep shagging and Advanced Computer Software

For 24 hours I have been endeavouring to get hold of a broker note on a stock I first tipped at 14p and which is almost a quid now and which I have written about for four years. I wanted to post an update. I shall do so later today. The PR bird who looks after this account is a Ms. Kay Larsen at College Group PR. I have just had the most bizarre conversation with Kay who I tried to contact earlier but she was at lunch. Now it is 3.30 and she is back at her desk and this is bizarre. Evil thinks that Kay must be thick. I reckon that she is just on another planet. Anyhow…

Who will you be writing this for I was asked? Dunno. Probably ADVFN. Ok. I thought that was easy. But Kay drawled…

I have just done a Google search on you. Ok.

It seems that you wrote an article on my client on February 18th with a pornographic picture attached. Er… what…I checked it out and it was a picture of Ms Cheryl Cole (see above) revealing far less than is revealed on page 3 of the Sun every day. Does College Group boycott the Sun too I wonder? Er that is not pornography I stammered, it is Cheryl Cole, Britain’s most talented chanteuse. Kay disagrees. It is pornography she insisted.

Kay was not deterred. Her Google search led her to assert “And I see that you described a Welsh company as sheep shaggers.” Er not exactly, I tried to explain that IQE is based in a land where folks make jokes about sheep molestation but that I had written a full apology to the entire Welsh nation for making that link and I accept now that no-one in Wales has ever got familiar with a sheep.

Kay was not impressed. “It is not where we want to position our client” she insisted. The client, BTW, is Advanced Computer Software (ASW). Kay wants to position her client so that it is commented on by “serious financial journals” and regards my blog differently. Her “perception is otherwise”. It is all to do with the “way you position your blog.”

Okay so let’s get this straight: Kay will not co-operate with me unless I “reposition my blog” so that it follows her vision of what is “serious” with regard to the images I use and the language I use. Hmmmmm


4241 days ago

Gambling & Investing: Nigel Wray and AIM ( and Ruspetro)

As you may have gathered, I am increasingly of the view that London’s Alternative Investment Market is, to use the technical term, buggered. It is heading the way of the old USM (younger readers please do a Google search). Those who could save the day are simply too busy instead grubbing out deals to pay their bloated wages and expense bills, to make the changes needed The situation gets worse by the day…

Less than 20% of the companies on AIM are profitable. Such is the poor quality of many of them, and so limited is their earnings visibility, that I would not bet more than a few of Evil Knievil’s increasingly worthless Ruspetro shares on many of those 200 making a profit this year!

Chatting to Nigel Wray, “Britain’s Buffett” over the weekend, he made it clear that he had not invested in any new companies on Aim for several years. That says it all. Wray, arguably the UK’s most successful small cap investor of the past thirty years, would rather invest in private companies than on stocks listed on AIM. Why is that? Because Wray is an investor not a gambler.


4341 days ago

Starbucks and Google – The Stench of Political Hypocrisy and Short sightedness

The political class is today delighted as Starbucks appears to be caving in and agreeing to pay more tax. No doubt Amazon and Google will follow suit. My warning here is that what is going on will cost British jobs and it stinks of high hypocrisy. And yes Margaret Hodge MP I am talking about you.

I start with Hodge who has appointed herself as witchfinder general sniffing out big American companies who pay tax rates of as little as 1% in the UK. You may remember that this was the vile woman who ran Islington Council at a time when an institutionalised paedophile ring operated in its care home system. When this started to be exposed she attacked those doing the exposing as homophobes. Her reward for allowing little kids to get buggered by council employed nonces was to be made Children’s Minister by Tony Blair. You could not make it up.


4363 days ago

Tomograph 14 is live

The latest issue of the Tomograph went out a while ago. To ensure that you receive my weekly newsletter in your email in box register here. This week’s newsletter contains more on the evil Puritans at Google, details of our most read articles of the week and record traffic data on this website plus an exclusive piece on the threat to press and New Media freedom resulting from the Leveson enquiry and the Lord McAlpine not a Tory paedophile affair.  Thank you for your continued reading of this website. Tom


4364 days ago

A Matter of principle – the frigging Google Puritans vs Doing What I want

A Matter of principle – the frigging Google Puritans vs Doing What I want
I have thought about this long and hard. As you may have read on this blog here, Google for me to pay it to advertise this blog elsewhere on the world wide web (it wants my cash) but being a bunch hypocritical frigging puritans it will not allow advertisers who use its adsense network to advertise here because it reckons that this website promotes gambling and contains adult content.

You can read my take on its spurious objections to my site HERE. and about its rank hypocrisy HERE.

And so I have a choice. I can take down pictures of the UK’s top chanteuse Ms Cheryl Cole in a partial state of undress and remove any elements of swear blogging on my site and take Google’s easy advertising money. Or I can leave the blog unaltered and rely on those who advertise outside the Google network to generate a few pennies.


4365 days ago

My Google Map of the World & the Britain invading 90% of the countries on this planet map

A map appeared the other day showing how Britain had invaded 90% of the countries on this planet at one stage or another. Generally the 10% had suffered from missing out. The longer the British stayed the better off a country was. I am no apologist for Empire. It is a matter I will be covering at some stage.

I just looked at my Google analytics map and I see that this blog has now been read in 117 countries around the world during the past two weeks. So I still have a way to go to catch up with the British Empire in bringing the message of hard line small state libertarianism to the world. Most of the planet now looks green. I seem to have a good few readers in Belgium. I wonder if it is the articles on their national hobby of paedophilia that attracts them or perhaps, noting that members of the EU press office now follow me on twitter, it is just the Evil Empire tracking members of the rebel alliance?


4365 days ago

The frigging Google Puritans are also rank hypocrites – please burn in hell (part 2)

I detailed yesterday how the Google Puritans ranked this site as having adult content for reasons that I simply could not understand. As a result Google will not act as a reseller allowing advertisers who use its near monopolistic services to stick a banner on – I must rely on the support of independent companies who act away from the Puritans of Google to survive. And two such enterprises have already been in contact in the past 24 hours. But the hypocrisy of the utter tossers at Google got better overnight.


4366 days ago

Slashing the Deficit by “cutting tax evasion” – The sums do not add up

A decent man asks me why I do not focus on cutting tax evasion to slash the deficit and save the UK from bankruptcy? Fair point. But I am afraid that the sums do not add up. If only life was that simple. Deluded lefties often confuse tax evasion with tax minimization and that is the problem. The former means breaking the law. It is wrong. The latter means using the system to your maximum advantage in order to pay as little tax as possible and it is neither illegal nor wrong. Why should you pay more tax than you should on money you earn?


4366 days ago

The Frigging Puritans at Google – Please Burn in Hell

We carry adverts on this site and I’d like to thank those companies who back us. But we also applied to run ads via Google and right now Google has just said that they will not because our content is unacceptable on two grounds: gambling and adult content. So we are ranked with the porn sites. This is laughable and my express wish this morning is that the puritans at Google burn in hell. Here’s why this is such a joke.

In its email Google states that

Currently, only Google ads that we classify as family-safe are available through the AdSense program. We’ve found adult content on your site.


4368 days ago

Paedophile Scandal at BBC and Westminster – it is the establishment cover up and faux outrage that truly revolts

And so in today’s chapter of paedogeddon Home Secretary Theresa May and PM David Cameron claimed to be disgusted by the allegations made against a senior Tory of the Thatcher years ( who everyone now knows the name of but we cannot say) and a new enquiry into events in North Wales children’s homes has been ordered. Over at the BBC an enquiry is underway into allegations made against arch nonce Jimmy Savile and 29 others, some of them celebrities. The Old Bill has very publicly dragged Gary Glitter and Freddie Starr in for questioning and claims that other celeb arrests are imminent. Suddenly the establishment is desperate to be seen to be outraged, shocked and doing something.

It just does not wash. This is faux surprise, faux outrage and bandwagon mounting par excellence but I sense that no-one really believes any of it any more.


4369 days ago

Does Anyone NOT know the Newsnight alleged paedophile Tory yet? New Media wins again

Since Newsnight bottled it last week and refused to name high profile Tory was an alleged paedophile abusing boys on North Wales (still alive so he might sue) new media has done its worst. As I predicted.

If you are one of the few folks in the UK who does not know his name I challenge you NOT to be able to discover it on Google within five minutes. I have seen several tweets today


4479 days ago

New Tom Winnifrith video – shooting up Google rankings

I check out Tom Winnifrith as a google search now and again just in case my new pal, pouting hackette Anna White has been a naughty girl again. And in the past few days I see shooting up the rankings a new video by Tom Winnifrith. Since I have not recorded anything for a while, this came as a bit of a shock until I discovered that like quite a few other google entries it refers to my Dad, the old silver surfer himself (Dr) Tom Winnifrith.
