Project Fear

1141 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - harvesting the onions and garlic, part one

So far I have done the easy bit, the hard yards come in about ten days time. But this is a big harvest. For cultural reasons – the Mrs being of Indian descent – we use quite a bit of garlic and onion in the cooking here and if I have got this right we will not be heading to the shops for supplies all winter.


1490 days ago

The YouGov Poll that shows Covid Project Fear has worked – insanity runs riot

There is no empirical evidence for the raft of civil liberties crushing and economy wrecking measures Boris Johnson announced yesterday but yet folks still want more. A YouGov poll showed 13% of us thought Boris had gone too far, 32% thought he had it about right but 45% wanted more restrictions, saying that the most illiberal Government in modern British Government had not gone far enough. Cripes, as Boris might say. Why am I not surprised?


1928 days ago

#BoycottWetherspoon not working, heroic Tim Martin weighs in on Brexit again

The silly campaign by whining remoaners to boycott JD Wetherspoon (JDW) is not working. Ha! For the 10 weeks to 7 July 2019 like-for-like sales increased by 6.9% and total sales increased by 6.6%. Year-to-date like-for-like sales have increased by 6.7% and total sales increased by 7.4%.. In bringing us this good news, chairman Tim Martin is again our hero of the day for some sane words on Brexit Tired of Project Fear from the BBC, the Quislings at the CBI, The Guardian, the pink EU propaganda sheet that is the FT and our own Malcolm Stacey?  Over to Tim who writes:


2211 days ago

Peter Tatchell plays Project Fear with the LGBTI Community on Brexit - shameful

I have written numerous times of my tremendous admiration for the pioneering campaigner for gay rights, in the days before it became LGBTI rights, and as one of our greatest living defenders of civil liberties, Peter Tacthell. Overlooking the fact that he is actually Australian, Tatch has become a national treasure. And it is in that context I find his tweeting demanding a second referendum on Brexit so sad. The fact is that he his scaring folks with untruths as you can see below. 


2230 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mark Carney talks Brexit cock (again) & no Angus Energy placing, I was played

Most of what was in yesterday's bearcast on Angus Energy (ANGS) stands. The ramping is sordid and the company MUST come clean on Tidswell-Pretorious and his sordid share dealings. But I do not believe there is a placing at 6p. I was played and discuss that. Project Fear cheerleader Mark Carney says a no deal Brexit could cause house prices to fall by 35%. I explain why he is talking total cock (again). I look at Amur Minerals (AMC), Pan African Resources (PAF), Obtala (OBT), Online Blockchain (OBC) and ADVFN (AFN). I did not ask how ADVFN is affected by the new EU article 13 on copyright breaches? I cannot think that it will be a good thing for it. 


2270 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Argo shows our journalists really can write what they want & before Wildes laughs too much at m e

In today's bearcast I start with Argo Blockchain (ARB) and what our coverage shows again. Then it is onto Mark Carney and the Sunday Times talking Project Fear Brexit bollocks on Sterling. Finally David Lenigas, Luke Johnson and why this bubble will not be different to any other. 


2270 days ago

Brexit Project Fear v2 - today's ludicrous story is to brace yourself for a lack of viagra

Downing Street is desperate to bully us into backing its weedy sell out Chequers plan on Brexit, or indeed an even more pathetic version of it once the EU make demands which wretched Theresa May caves to. It has thus unleahsed , via pliant papers such as The Sunday Times and, especially, the Mail on Sunday, a deluge of scare stories about the possible consequences of not agreeing to its awful deal. 


2379 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sterling roofing it #DespiteBrexit - why has Project Fear been exposed thus?

Do not worry it is not all macro babble in today's podcast but I reflect on why Sterling is roofing it and why this also makes the Paul Scott thesis on retailers and consumer facing stocks wrong - more of that on Saturday no doubt! I look at Amur Minerals (AMC) with the 1 question its dumb shareholders need to ask. I intrude on the private grief at Somerville towers regarding Scancell (SCLP) and suggest that there is more to come for poor Nigel. And I look at perennial dog Iofina and what it is NOT saying. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 - THIS SATURDAY - one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITHORDER NOW - LAST POSTING TODAY


2944 days ago

Its a post Brexit bankster firing-fest but hang on why is it happening INSIDE Euroland?

Remember that before the Brexit vote the City warned that if we voted to leave the EU then tens of thousands of well paid bankster jobs across London would be lost. Oddly the Remainers thought that this would drive folks to vote for them because - outside London we really care about ensuring banksters continue to earn megabucks. 

Maybe if Project Fear had announced that if we stayed in the EU all banksters would be lead through the streets in chains and pelted with rotten fruit the result might have been different? As it was, cheered by the thought of thousands of banksters being fired and losing everything, the UK voted to leave. And now the bankster firing fest is underway...but hang on!


2965 days ago

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon on Brexit - this man is a visionary

In today's statement from JD Wetherspoon (JDW) its boss Tim Martin lets rip on those doomsayers from Project Fear who lied to us ahead of the referendum on Independence Day, June 23rd. that fat self righteous windbag Nicola Horlick - who stuffed her clients into Bernie Madoff funds - the banksters at Goldman Sachs, the smug FTSE 100 bosses, lyin' George Osborne and Dodgy Dave Cameron himself all get it in the neck from the visionary Martin. This statement is poetry. I loathe Martin's plastic pubs but I shall hold my nose and go to one in appreciation of what follows. Over to our hero of the day, Mr Tim Martin:


3033 days ago

The EU immigrants living in fear and misery thanks to the lies of the liberal left

The charming woman next to me on the plane back from Kalamata was a Greek living in Cardiff. She said that she was frightened. So were her friends: Italians, Poles and other bubbles living in Britain. How could they plan for the future when it looked as if they would be booted out post Brexit?

I asked: Who said this was going to happen? Which of the leaders of the vote leave campaign: Boris, Gove, Priti Patel, Nigel Farage, Carswell, Gisela Stuart, who? 


3043 days ago

Video: Back to 1975 & Project Fear, Labour MP Peter Shore then, have we learned nothing?

Like my grandfather Sir John Winnifrith, Peter Shore stood with Wedgie Benn back in 1975. The old trots were wrong about almost everything but on the EU they wanted out and they were right. In this video (hat tip Nigel Wray), Shore warns about Project Fear. Have we learned nothing from history. Nothing changes but tomorrow you can change history, defy the establishment and stand up for your own interests and that of Britain and vote for Brexit. If you are still wavering, watch Shore below and just reflect.


3043 days ago

Video: Boris Johnson, tomorrow can be Independence day - Vote Brexit

From last night's debate the speech that set the thing alight. Forget the smears, forget the lies, forget Project Fear, just have faith in yourself and in your fellow Britons, you must surely vote Leave tomorrow. Watch this and can you disagree?


3044 days ago

Brexit: Turkey the Truth that David Cameron and Sadiq Khan are just quite simply lying about

When Turkey joins the EU its 75 million citizens will be able to travel and live in any other EU country. Turkey is a poor place ruled by David Cameron's pal the homophobic, sexist, fascist beast Erdogan and I do not blame any Turk for wanting to leave. And polls say that millions will leave and that Britain is a favourite destination. The only way to avoid millions of Turks - understandably - pitching up in the UK is to leave the EU. David Cameron - and last night Sadiq Khan - have repeatedly lied to the British people about this.

Cameron says


3046 days ago

The Best of the Baroness Warsi twitter ridicule as this repellent liar craves publicity again on Brexit

Baroness Warsi is an unelected Tory politician with a track record of dodgy business dealings who says the most appalling things to gain publicity. Today she has announced that she is leaving the "Leave" campaign on Brexit and joining "Remain" because of all the racism, xenophobia and bigotry of folks like Priti Patel and Gisela Stuart. The BBC laps it up as a major blow for Brexit. The only problem is that the silly cow Warsi never actually joined the Leave campaign.


3050 days ago

The late Jo Cox MP and the Brexit Killer Lie as Project Fear becomes Project Smear

Most of the national press is now reporting responsibly on the sad death of Jo Cox MP yesterday. Any life cut short is a tragedy. A murder of any sort leaves one feeling appalled. Ms Cox was obviously a principled and pleasant woman and one only imagine how her husband and kids feel. But the reaction of far too many supporters of the "in" campaign does need comment for it was disgusting. I reported earlier of how I received one tweet saying that as a pro-Brexit writer I had blood on my hands, as you can see HERE.

That article also showed how the sad death of Ms Cox was being used by the lefty online pressure group Avraaz to push its supporters to vote to stay in the EU. But worse was to come and it came despite the fact that, by 6.30 PM yesterday, it had become clear that the killer of Jo Cox was a loner with no political affiliations at all and who had a long history of serious mental illness. 

One witness claimed 


3050 days ago

Video: Dodgy Dave Cameron squirms - the Brexit question he just cannot answer from last night's TV debate

Normally those in Project Fear would dismiss anyone asking questions about immigration as just another racist. But in last night's TV debate Dodgy Dave, putting in another weak showing, found that option barred. This is a question he just cannot answer. Enjoy.


3050 days ago

Dodgy Dave Cameron Project Fear caption contest winner

There were a number of cracking captionjs supplied for the picture below in our latest competition in honour of Dodgy Dave Cameron and Project Fear as you can see HERE. But the winner is:


3051 days ago comes out for Remain and against Brexit - Don't say its true: help me comrades

Apparently this website which is four years old this week, is plastered with adverts for the Remain Camp in the Brexit debate. It seems that on this website you cannot avoid the tax exile Sir Richard Branson and his ghastly lies. A reader asks if I have changed sides? Oh no, major Tom, don't say its true...

Euroscepticism is in my DNA. Chris Booker is my maternal uncle, my paternal grandfather Sir John Winnifrith was a "leave" spokesman in 1975 but as I explain HERE I have already voted for Brexit with my head as well as my heart


3053 days ago

A Vote for Brexit a vote to end Western civilisation or just for mass sexism - today's tough choice from Project Fear

You rather know that those in Project Fear are panicking when they switch their lead spokesman from Dodgy Dave Cameron to ex PM Gordon Brown at this late stage in the polls. That would be the same Gordon Brown who sold all our gold at the lowest possible price, who trainwrecked the economy as PM and who, in his disastrous only election campaign as leader, went around calling nice little old ladies bigots. Yes it is that Gordon Brown.

In footballing terms It is like swapping an injured Wayne Rooney for Venessa Feltz


3055 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - Labour imploding over Brexit

As the grandson of a prominent Bennite Eurosceptic from 1975 I look with interest at how Labour is just imploding in the current referendum as its core support is surging towards Brexit and away from Project Fear. I look at why and what happens next.


3056 days ago

Sarah Wollaston MP (Con) defects to Remain? Sarah Who?

Apparently a Tory MP called Sarah Wollaston has switched sides from out to in in the Brexit debate. I take some interest in politics and could just about place this Sarah Wollaston. She is a doctor, I think, but that is about all I know about her. And I am not so sure about even that. And so from the 99% of the country who care even less about politics than I do this will be a question of Sarah Who?


3061 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Inspired by a wavering wife: the full case for Brexit on June 23

My wife is wavering as to how she should vote on June 23rd. I hope I answer her points in this podcast as well as many others and explain why a Britain outside the EU would be better off, more democratic and more open to being part of a wider world. A free Britain can stand on its own two feet and thrive and be a far better member of the world community. I do hope that you all ignore the horrible smears and lies from Project Fear and vote, as I have done already, for Brexit on June 23.


3075 days ago

The silliest Brexit fib of the day - John Lewis lies to its 92,000 staff

John Lewis, which also owns Waitrose, has today lied to its 92,000 staff. It is such a demonstrably silly porkie that surely no-one can take it seriously? The polls, I fear, suggest that the wall of lies from Project Fear is starting to work. 


3077 days ago

Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary - what he really thinks of the EU

Though not actually British, Michael O'Leary, the Ryanair (RYA) boss, is now an official ambassador for Project Fear telling us all that we must vote to stay in the EU or else. But back in 2011 he went to Brussels to tell the truth about what he actually thought of the EU, a body he described on that day as "The Evil Empire". Here captured on camera is what the pompous little prick really thinks 


3082 days ago

Project Fear smears Brexit and Boris Johnson on the Hitler Front

Looking at twitter I see folks aghast that Boris Johnson has compared the EU to Hitler. How dare Bojo link Brussells to white supremacism and killing Jews? You think I am kidding? Here you go:

EU to Hitler? So is #BorisJohnson saying that a body of countries is a white supremacist thug & committing genocide?

Er no Prita Boris is saying nothing of the sort. Tactic one of Project Fear or is that Project Smear is to take what we Brexiteers say totally out of context. Here is what Bojo actually said:


3084 days ago

Brexit - which Bank of England Governor Mark Carney was lying?

Jumped up Canadian pipsqueak Mark Carney, the grotesquely overpaid Governor of the Bank of England has again intervened in the Brexit debate but this begs the question, which Mark Carney was lying? I bring you two quotes; 


3085 days ago

Most businessmen want to say in the EU - the poll that shows that is another Brexit lie from Project Fear

Dodgy Dave and Project Fear keep on lining up fat cat FTSE 100 bosses to oppose Brexit. None of these chaps are entrepreneurs who start businesses with their own capital. They are just grotesquely overpaid managers who prosper whether profits are rocketing or plunging. They are crony capitalists who like the EU as its feast of red tape helps put smaller competitors out of business. But Dodgy Dave and vile harridans such as Amber Rudd time and time and time again tell us that this means that most businessmen oppose Brexit. It will not surprise you greatly that this is a lie.


3099 days ago

As a supporter of Brexit I pray " can President Obama come over and try to bully us to stay again"

Dodgy Dave and team Project Fear could not contain their delight when President Obama came over and warned we Brits that we just MUST vote to stay in the EU. If we don't we can't trade with the US, ISIS will invade tomorrow and next time around when Germany wants to play at its national sport,  America will be on the side of the Krauts. It all sounded rather grim and Cameron et al could not contain their delight.



3103 days ago

Project Fear lie number 185: Brexit fears caused UK unemployment to increase in March

If something good happens to the economy Dodgy Dave Cameron and team Project Fear tell us that it is thanks to the EU. If something bad happens it is down to fear of Brexit on June 23. And the media just laps up the lies. That brings us to unemployment in the UK which rose in March by 21,000 to 1.7 million. 31 million folks are in work. The increase is therefore just over 0.05% of the workforce , in other words tiny and possibly even seasonal to some degree, but the press bought the line that it was down to businesses not investing in jobs on Brexit fears.

One or two journalists had the decency to add that it might also have been caused at least in bit by the world economy slowing. But they clearly did not think that one through did they?

Yes the world economy is slowing so we saw poor jobs news from across the globe last month with China alone announcing that six million state workers in coal and iron and elsewhere were going to get P45s. In the US the unemployment rate rose from 4.9% to 5%. And those were the brightspots. In Brazil and most of the EU the P45s were flying.

So I put it to you: unemployment is increasing in the US, Brazil and China (as well as in the zombie Eurozone), is that because:


3106 days ago

Brexit scare story of the day from Project Fear: If you vote to leave the EU ISIS will be happy

Carefully planted in the Daily Mail is this little gem from Project Fear: "Don't believe that nasty Boris Johnson...if you vote to leave the EU, the mad Islamofascist nutters of ISIS will be celebrating". Yes that is right, ISIS are backing the out campaign. What cobblers.

This story, dreamed up by Project Fear and served up by the pliant Mail, which has a ghoulish fascination with ISIS and folks having their heads chopped off, centres on claims made by Aimen Dean who used to be in Al Qaeda before becoming a British spy on ISIS. Apparently his cover was blown in 2006 but despite that he claims to know that:

ISIS is planning an attack on Britain (I think we all know that) in order to convince us to leave the EU and when we do the brothers in downtown Raqqa will be celebrating as this marks the start of the break up of Europe or, what Dean terms, the successor to the Roman Empire which fought Muslims for control between the 7th and 11th centuries.

It is hard to know where to start


3109 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The bank robber is spot on re Andalas ramp and Project Fear Brexit lies on fuel prices

Dave Whitby of Anadalas (ADL), what was once uber ramp CEB, should be in prison for his crimes against AIM. I have linked at the side of ShareProphets to an article by someone who was in prison once, Brokerman Dan, on Andalas and the old bank robber is bang on the money. In five days this company could be booted off AIM. It wont, I think, but will survive only by doing things that stink to high heaven. I also discuss today's Project Fear lie, this time on fuel prices


3109 days ago

EU parliament wants Turkish to be an official language in Europe - the writing is on the wall

Turkey is not a member of the EU but it is going to be, whatever those behind Project Fear tell you. As of this summer 75 million Turks can travel within the Schengen zone without a visa. And one day soon they will have full travel rights to come to Britain when Turkey gets full membership. 

Mr Cameron and the other figures of the establishment who wish us to say in assure us that Turkey wont be joining the EU with the same sincerity Ted Heath & Harold Wilson told voters in 1975 that Britain's fishing waters would always be for British fishermen only and that all we were joining was a common market. 

But we are not driving the good ship EU. To see which way the wind is blowing look at the EU parliament which seems to have no qualms about the fascist, gay


3109 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 April - The lessons for AIM of Phorm & George Osborne lies about mortgage rates for Project Fear

Im not feeling terribly well so this may be the only bearcast of the weekend. We shall see. However I look at the Phorm debacle on AIM which saw £201 million sent to money heaven. I name the guilty men and look at the lessons learned (or ignored if you are AIM Regulation). Then I show why George Osborne is lying about mortgage rates under Brexit as he wages war for Project Fear.


3109 days ago

Stephen Kinnock, tax dodging hereditary member of elite with the weeks's stupidest Brexit lie

Stephen Kinnock has never really had a proper job outside the political world apart from a few months with the British Council. Daddy led the Labour Party to defeat then became a European Commissioner. Mummy was an MEP. His Mrs was PM of Denmark stating that her whole family lived in high tax socialist Denmark. Only that Stephen actually paid (very low) taxes in Switzerland where he worked. The establishment investigated and the establishment said that its own had done nothing wrong. Jolly good show.


3116 days ago

Brexit Project Fear lies: Nick Clegg serves up a whopper, even better than his student fees gag

Nick Clegg, the name rings a bell, didn't he used to be an MP? Apparently he still is and today he sent me a strong email telling me why I must vote to stay in the EU. The last time I remember Nick Clegg telling me I had to vote urgently it was to stop tuition fees for students. Can anyone remember how that one played out?

This time Nick says that I must vote to stay in the EU to ensure we still have low cost air travel in Europe. Apparently if Britain leaves the EU the low cost airlines say that "routes will be cut" and "prices will skyrocket."

Really? Can Mr Clegg


3119 days ago

Project Fear on BBCQT - the claims are so insane how can anyone take the inners seriously

As ever the BBC Question Time panel was nauseating. The two mainstream Westminster Politicians, Tory Anna Soubry and Labour's Chris " Bryant talked over the orther panelists as the establishment always knows best. On the subject of the EU they agreed. They are inners. And liars.

Chris Bryant told eurosceptic economist Ruth Lea that the trade deal she wanted the UK to agree with once outside the EU was like that which rogue pariah State North Korea has with the Evil Empire. That


3129 days ago

Brexit Scare story of the day - why didn't silly Minister Nicky Morgan go the whole way and liken Eurosceptics to paedophiles?

Yes it is official. Today's fairy tale from Project Fear is that if you vote to leave the EU on June 23rd you will be damaging your children and grandchildren. Hell's teeth why didn't Education Secretary Nicky Morgan just go the whole hog and liken Eurosceptics to paedophiles?

The ludicrous assertion is based on the idea that the economy will be damaged by Brexit so young folks will not get jobs. But Ms Morgan asserts this economic view as if it is a proven fact which of course it is not. And thus her whole proposition is just based on opinion and is thus nothing more than an assertion. 

In case you think the paedophile jibe is going a little far I refer you


3133 days ago

Another Project Fear Lie to scare us all away from Brexit - step forward the ghastly Amber Rudd

Cabinet Minister Amber Rudd has been marked down as a ghastly careerist harpie for some time. Her last appearance on Question Time, or rather the last that I could bear to watch, saw her refuse to point out that it was the private sector not the State that created jobs and wealth as she spoke to a hall packed with clinically obese welfare junkies from the grim northern post industrial wastelands. Ms Rudd is someone who will say whatever she thinks will advance her or her cause. I have no idea what she actually thinks if indeed she thinks at all.

As such it is no surprise at all that she is a fully paid up member of Project Fear. And last week she served up the shock claim that if we leave the EU, British Energy bills will rise by £1.5 milion a day - please note that we pay c£30 million a day for the privilege of being in the EU. Let's ignore real maths, Amber reckons we must vote against Brexit to avoid increased power bills.

It is hard to see where Amber gets this idea from other than the drawer marked "bogus claims Project Fear". But


3136 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron OR Project Fear anti Brexit lunatic contest of the week - can you beat rentboy loving Lord Browne?

Let's widen the scope of the Bulletin Board Moron of the week contest this time to include the most ludicrous claims made by those in Project Fear, the campaign against Brexit. Yesterday Lord Browne of BP infamy claimed that leaving the EU meant that we might see another Auschwitz (see HERE) - can you trump that for scaremongering? Or do you just want to settle for nominating a common or garden Bulletin Board Moron who did not stiff shareholders with a bill for his rentboy? Whatever..please post all entries in the comments section below. Last week's contest...


3138 days ago

Brexit joke scare story of the day - vote to stay in the EU or risk another Auschwitz

Project Fear becomes even more desperate in its attempts to scare us into staying in the EU. Today's "you couldn't make it up but we will anyway" comes from Lord Browne, the former boss of BP.


3143 days ago

Project Fear - Dumbest Brexit claim of the day is from Anna Soubry, the thickest Tory MP in town?

Earlier today I suggested a few more possible scare stories that the increasingly desperate "inners" campaign might spin in order to terrify us into not voting for Brexit. But even I did not think they would come up with a claim this daft.

Tory Minister Anna Soubry has just claimed on the BBC that if we left the EU, Britain would no longer be able to export anything to the EU. Anna knows we run a trade deficit with the EU so if we are blocked from that market and reciprocated the big loser would be the EU. She knows that before we joined the Common Market we were able to export to it. She knows that countries around the world export to the EU.

In short she knows that in stating that exports to the EU would " go down to almost absolutely zero if we come out" she is talking total bollocks.

Anna you cannot be serious.


3143 days ago

BBC creams itself as top US General tells porkies to scare us off Brexit but the polls say Project Fear is failing

This morning, the BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot get enough of Lt General Ben Hodges who has warned we Brits that we must not vote for Brexit as it could damage NATO. What on earth is a US Soldier doing intervening in a British Election rather defies belief, how would Obama feel if a British General made the equally factually innaccurate claim that Mrs Clinton was a lying, deceitful old dyke and so urged folks to back the GOP this November?

Hodges, who is the top yankee soldier in Europe, seems to think that without Britain the EU could unravel. And if that happens NATO will unravel. Frankly it does not make much of a case for staying in the EU if we are told that if one of its 28 members quits it will fall apart.

Moreover do you need the EU for NATO? The latter was formed in 1949. A small common market did not get going until 1957 but the vast majority of NATO members were not part of that. The Evil Empire itself
