
166 days ago

I Am Not quite my hero Charles Ingalls in the Welsh summer rain

My mother was a self sufficiency nut in the spirit of John Seymour with whom she corresponded, a believer in  a sort of communitarian way of thinking. I spent a, not entirely happy, summer on a Welsh agricultural commune with her. Even then, aged six or seven I guess there must have been a latent capitalist and libertarian within me because I remember that I sensed unhappiness and impending implosion. There were loud arguments among the adults. Some folks worked hard in the fields while others listened to folk music and dreamed of the revolution. In the  end those who worked walked and those who did not had to go and find someone else to sponge off.


220 days ago

BREAKING: ReNeuron – the £15 million the taxpayer has spaffed with the English as bad as the Welsh

Yesterday shares in Reneuron (RENE) were suspended pending clarification. We did warn folks but sadly shareholders who ignored us will almost certainly lose everything. But that is their call. The real scandal is that we all, as taxpayers, have taken a £15m hit.


272 days ago

Photo Article of my kids at their English Chapel: odd one out contest?

My youngest children pictured below both identify as Welsh, quite fiercely in the case of Joshua who is now a proficient Welsh speaker. But they attend chapel with the Mrs, just over the border in England. So, with that clue, which is the odd one out? The kids at Chapel last week, Magdalen College Oxford or Nottingham in 2023?


277 days ago

The Welsh just like being spanked by Nanny State at 20 mph – reports from the last village in Wales

There was a recent survey showing that those, like myself, living in the rain sodden post industrial second world nation of Wales were among the most depressed in the world and one of the reasons cited was the rollout of 20 MPH speed limits. They are absolutely everywhere. The overpaid political midgets in the Senedd left it to the discretion of local councils as to where to apply the new limits and the power-hungry non-entities who run local councils across this once fine land could not wait to impose the limits everywhere they could.


392 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Dark Destroyer warns Boohoo will have to raise £200m

I start with Joshua’s bonus Welsh lessons then it is onto Boohoo.com (BOO) with my thoughts and those of matt Earl. There is Tintra (TNT) and also Belluscura (BELL) and TMT Aquisitions (TMTA). Finally we have a date for Sharestock 2024 ( 7 September) as you can see HERE


524 days ago

Photo Article from a Welsh Graveyard - family blackberry picking

Normally Joshua and I pick blackberries for ice cream, flavoured vodka and crumbles (with homegrown apples) after we get back from Greece. But this year they started early. One of our favourite haunts is the village churchyard where there is an enormous bush in the middle and a few smaller ones either side of the fence between the graves and our upper field.


559 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Visionary Andrew Monk ( Oriel College Oxford) has a cunning plan to transform the economy and to keep the Tories in power

I show you Mr Monk’s plan below and explain why it is total bunkum but invite you to comment on it in the comments section below. Then it is on to Bidstack (BIDS) and the sixth stage of grief, Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), at about stage 4, Cineworld (CINE) and more proof that the FCA is useless and finally Alba Minerals (ALBA) and its Welsh pump and dump.


598 days ago

£30m bailout at 20p for IQE after catastrophic results and a warning: its shagging all the sheep yet again

Last night, after hours, Cardiff chip maker IQE (IQE) published its results for calendar 2022 and a warning about how dismal trading has been since. With its borrowings ballooning it also announced a placing at just 20p which has completed today raising £30 million. Warned of the dire consequence of the funding failing – and assuming that there will be few takers for a £3 million Rex retail offer – misguided existing backers such as Lombard Odier scurried to more than stand their corner. You cannot say that I have not warned you often enough. Those who ignored my numerous warnings, the sheep, have yet again been shagged by the Welsh. 


607 days ago

129 days to go, but already almost TWO THIRDS of seats gone for Sharestock on September 23, BOOK NOW!

It is still 129 days to ShareStock 2023 but already ALMOST TWO THIRDS of the seats for September 23rd are booked out. If you attended the first ever Sharestock event up at the Welsh farm where my family live you may know why this will be sold out well before the event. If not, let me explain why this years show will be even bigger and better than that in 2022 and so why you should book your seat early.


725 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: But the Welsh Girlies are shite and nobody wants to watch them!

I start with the news that the Welsh women and men’s soccer teams will now get equal pay. Does nobody understand economics any more? Then it is onto bitcoin and also Argo Blockchain (ARB). Then Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) which sounds madder by the day. It certainly does not understand economics. Then nanosynth (NNN) and finally Omega Diagnostics (ODX). I wonder how this Saltire flying Scottish dickhead is doing these days? 


732 days ago

Cross dressing Sir Grayson Perry & BBC Radio 4 on the shame of being English

Cross dressing artist Grayson Perry graced BBC Radio 4’s flagship “Today” programme this morning and engaged in a wide ranging chat with the sycophantic presenters. If he goes to the Coronation he intends to wear a dress he said. I bet the ranch he is exactly the sort of chap who will be invited by woke King Charles to show the diverse nature of a modern Britain.  So what if 99.5% of chaps opt not to dress as birds ( a word now set to be banned so I shall use it more often), it is important to invite as many of the 0.5% as possible to show what Britain really looks like. And that brought us to discussing regions and the four home nations.


797 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Singing to you all in Welsh

There is a film in which my Great Aunt starred where there is singing in Welsh. She is the lady on the right in the first scene below. Anyhow I start today’s podcast singing to you in Welsh for reasons I explain. Then it is onto Carson Block and Pantheon Resources (PANR), Carnival (CCL), BSF Enterprise (BSFA), Tern (TERN), nanosynth (NNN), Versarien (VRS) and the comedy at Deliveroo (ROO) which still has to be a short does it not?


886 days ago

Pride Week in Ottawa and my frigging taxes here in Wales

Apart from a brief couple of weeks when we were ordered to celebrate Black Lives Matter last year, Pride Month which started in June 2013 has been celebrated every month since. This week it is Pride Week in Ottawa, capital of the woke Socialist hell hole that is Canada. I am delighted to read in the must subscribe newsletter, the Ottawan – prop my pal D Atwater Esq – that “the Ottawa Tool Library presents the Free Pride Week Sewing Circle, for 2SLGBTQIA+ makers of all levels of sewing experience. Tickets are free.” Radical! Stonewall Riot v2.  But what on earth is  2SLGBTQIA+ – I bet even President Castro-Trudeau cannot tell us what that stands for. But as a Welsh taxpayer there is something else bringing me even more joy.


906 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel: An Englishman abroad

I apologise to my son, as Joshua insists vehemently that he is Welsh not English. And I do not want you think that I am bringing up up to be another Rees Mogg. The hat is not his normal head gear it is mine. But he looks pretty damn handsome does he not? Before you say it: he takes after his mother.


937 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the spiral of death when stakeholders smell a cash crisis – ref AO World

I start with explosions here at the Hovel in Wales and how Bearcast listener G cannot assist. Talking of explosions I comment on IRA loving cottage burners in a Welsh independence march I went on yesterday with the kids HERE. With hindsight I’d rather have attended the Pride March. Well maybe not. It is a marginal call. Then it is onto SPACs and the schoolboy error of Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT). Finally AO World (AO) which looks screwed. I describe how rational behaviour by four groups of stakeholders will ensure a cash struggling company goes down.]


939 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Joshua, Jaya and I march for an Independent Wales

I wore an Irish rugby shirt, in case they thought I was English. Their xenophobia was matched only by their economic illiteracy, as we were graced with a video message from blood-soaked IRA Sinn Fein. Those at the March have passion on their side, but few fact-based arguments – however much they pretend otherwise. The march, and my two Welsh kids, are pictured below. (For the record, I still want Welsh independence).


941 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Cliff Weight of ShareSoc, the High Class Eastern European hooker, Mark Slater & our bet

I am not suggesting anything inappropriate just making an analogy as I discuss Zephyr Energy (ZPHR). I then discuss Optibiotix (OPTI) and a chat with Steve O’Hara. If you want to spend a day with Steve over all day drink and home produced Welsh food you can of course do so HERE where, I am happy to say, that almost a third of the seats are already booked out. Then it is onto Oxford Biodynamics (OBD) and Shield Therapeutics (STX) – will its placing be at 5p or not at all?.  Then onto Pennon (PNN), sewage and Feargal Sharkey. Finally Abingdon Diagnostics (ABDX) where good news today has seen the shares rocket but that only postpones the next bailout placing ( or death) until Advent.


1059 days ago

Photo Article - Joshua on World Book day

Natch, some folks, like Darren Atwater, leap to the conclusion that Joshua headed to school dressed as Harry Potter. Au contraire. He is, of course, a Welsh wizard who even as a boy performed miraculous feats. That is to say Myrddin ap Emrys or, as thee infidels over the river In England might say, Merlin. And, yes, that is a home made wand made by yours truly.


1086 days ago

Preparing for the rugby, watching in a Welsh pub, with a Welsh supporting son, wearing my London Irish shirt

In the old days when Wales defeated Ireland in the rugby, my late father and I would console ourselves with the phrase “At least Olaf will be happy”.  Though she is in Paris at present I am sure that my eldest and fairly thirsty daughter, will need no great persuasion to wander into a pub to cheer on her compatriots in red.


1097 days ago

Photo Article: Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus

I was greeted this afternoon at the school gate by Joshua who thrust into my hand the card below. I am afraid that I had to ask the Head Teacher what it was all about. If you are a bit of a cottage burner you will know all about Saint Dwynwen but for those who are not Welsh…


1112 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Welsh school teachers are a total fecking disgrace

Will Joshua ever make it back to school? There appear to be suggestions that Wales’s bone idle teachers will postpone his education in why white privilege makes him an automatic victim by yet another day. In the podcast I discuss why Cliff Weight is wrong about share options, the Chill Brands (CHLL) spoof and then took a detailed look at AIM China play Univison Limited (UVEL) which looks tome to be a zero. Have you looked at what this loss making indebted POS spunked £949,000 on during the first half?  In signing off on interims,Nomad Spark Advisory is ‘avin’ a bubble.


1159 days ago

Breaking the contract with Joshua's school (Ysgol) once again

The Mrs and I both signed a sober and stern contract with Joshgua’s Ysgol in which, inter alia, we promised to drop him off at between 8.45 and 8.55 every morning except, of course, when the teachers were lying in bed ahead of yet another INSET day. I regret to say that in dropping himoff, one of my delights, I so often break the contract. We really have no excuse living just 500 yards from the school.


1167 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: the prop forward turns one

My daughter Jayarani is already one. Her birthday was yesterday, not that she really noticed. So I took biscuits to the young mum’s group but, not being allowed sugar, she had none. In the evening her brother went to somebody else’s birthday party but after that, supper and presents. As you can see below she is modelling one, a Welsh Rugby top


1181 days ago

And the Welsh speaker of the week is....

He’s a dark horse is my boy Joshua!. He left this certificate below at school before half term but we picked it up today. Yes he was the Welsh Speaker of the week. The Mrs is not playing this game but Joshua and I both now drop words of Welsh into conversation with Jayarani who is now starting to understand a few ( cat, sit, etc). Joshua learns his Welsh at school, I am teaching myself a bit on the internet and so we exchange a few words every day. But he is better than me. He pronounces correctly, can say his school prayer in Welsh and much more besides. I am considering getting formallessons myself.


1201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Was there insider dealing at Hummingbird?

Once again I am let down by the bloody Welsh and the childcare nightmare continues. I start with that and a few choice snobbish remarks. Then I look at Hummingbird Resources (HUM), Salt Lake Potash (S04), MyHealthChecked (MHC) and Diversified Energy (DEC), formerly Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC).


1201 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: The last crumble of the summer - blackberry and apple

Having spotted some blackberries in the churchyard yesterday morning, when the Mrs arrived home to take charge of Jayarani, I headed back through the drizzle with young Joshua to harvest. We discussed the weather in Welsh as walked up the hill. We both know all the key phrases and also “it is sunny” not that we get to use that very often.


1364 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Fecking Welsh!

Not all of them. Certainly not daughter Olaf. But at least one of them has ruined my day and made me livid.  Elsewhere I discuss Hurricane Energy (HUR), ADVFN (AFN), the fraud Zoetic (ZOE) and Westminster Group (WSG) and the curse of Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy. Ahead of another weekend training walk please be generous and donate HERE – £99 short of the one third mark!


1384 days ago

As the sun rises on snitcher-on-Dee near Wrexham, I see another frost – 16 lavender plants to replace & a Clawdd to fix

Here in Holt, the last village in Wales, where snitching on your neighbour with unfounded allegations is deemed fair game but something that cannot be discussed openly, a bright sun shines this Tuesday morning revealing another night of, modest, frost. So far this frost season the blossom on the fruit trees has survived and peas and beans planted a few weeks ago, grow unaffected.


1439 days ago

Peel Street Wrexham – the sheer stupidity of Mark Drakeford and the woke Welsh political and media class

The Welsh Government has found £170,000, in these times of austerity, to spunk on a report into statues, buildings, and street names that are linked to slavery or are racist in other ways. Naturally, folks like Sir Francis Drake, Nelson and Wellington are all in the firing line because their tangential or fairly minor connections to the slave trade must completely overshadow matters such as saving the nation from invasion and foreign domination. But it is my local town of Wrexham which shows up the monumental stupidity of this exercise, masterminded by the certifiably insane first minister Mark Drakeford and rubber stamped by the grossly overpaid pygmies of the Sennedd, in greatest detail.


1479 days ago

Diolch to North Wales Police as it shows how it uses its time and your cash so effectively

I realise that the main job of North Wales Police right now, as snow falls across the region, is that vital task of preventing the spread of Covid by stopping folks from going sledging. As we all know, “the science” shows that this is almost as lethal in terms of spreading the plague as going for a Big Mac in Kettering. But there are other crucial tasks here in the land ruled by Mad Mark Drakeford.


1523 days ago

Bring back Maggie - Welsh Tories lose the plot completely

Margaret Thatcher recognised that Government does not create jobs. That is what the private sector does. She recognised that Government money is really the people’s money which when spent would have to be funded by either taxes or debt, i.e. future taxes. That is because she was what we used to call a Conservative.



1560 days ago

Wales under house arrest: Who is going to certify Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford as clinically insane?

I flagged up last week that Mark Drakeford’s plan to keep the English infidels out of our beloved Wales was insane. I sit here, 30 yards from the border, ever alert to the danger of a plague-ridden scouser trying to swim across the River Dee and will be out shortly to plant anti personnel devices across my fields in line with Mr Drakeford’s diktat of last week. But now the wretched little man, suffering from a severe case of little man syndrome, has gone further.



1619 days ago

Photo article: Hairy, Black, Welsh pussy

Thanks to Google search engines this website will have a few new readers. Sorry you dirty bastards, I fear you may be disappointed by what follows. For starters the pussy below is English.


1954 days ago

The Young mums looked at me in a different way: singing in Wales

Tomorrow is Tuesday so it means a whole day with Joshua my son who turns three today.  And term having started Tuesday means an Under 5s group here in the village where the Welsh Hovel is located. Suffice to say Joshua is the only under 5 who brings his dad not his mum.


2028 days ago

My first young mums event at the Welsh Hovel – this singing in Welsh malarky is beyond me

The deal here in Wales, as it was in Bristol, is that the Mrs works full time filling the heads of impressionable young folk with left wing nonsense, Joshua goes to nursery two and a half days a week and I look after him the rest of the time. But until today I had somehow managed to avoid going to the young mums play group in our village. Today I made my debut.


2482 days ago

Have bleating Welshies and Moaning Police nothing better to do than investigate Rod Liddle?

I seem to remember some humourless sheep shagger, a compatriot of my fiercely Nationalist daughter, threatening to report me to the Old Bill after I made some satirical remarks about his homeland. I guess he was too busy dreaming about burning down someones second home to actually get around to it.


3119 days ago

Miserable Welsh People Odd One out Contest Result

Yesterday I served up pictures of four Welsh folks and asked for the odd one out and - to the suprise of some readers, as you can see HERE, it had nothing to do with sheep. The four pictured taffies were: Cerys Matthews the gorgeous lead singer with the uber-Welsh group Catatonia ( part of the cool Cymru scene of the 1990s), Welsh windbag Neil Kinnock, Welsh soccer star Gareth Bale and David Williams the uber Welsh CEO of Avanti Communications (AVN) who had a rather bad day at the office yesterday and is going to have another shocker today


3119 days ago

Sad Welsh People: Avanti Communications odd one out contest

Shares in Avanti Communications (AVN) are tanking after today's shocking trading statement leaving its uber Welsh CEO David "the bombast" Williams less than happy. So below we have pictures of four Welsh folks - after recent events which is the odd one out? Answers in the comments section with a deadline of midnight tonight.


3171 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast - some porn from the Hovel in Greece today for Paul Roberts, Justin the Clown & other Welsh listeners

Finally, the grass cutters have arrived at the Greek Hovel and I have a couple of pictures to delight Paul Roberts of Stockomendation, Justin the Clown and other Welsh listeners. Then I move onto why I am bearish about shares, it's about earnings but also debt. 


3211 days ago

University of Bristol has "something to suit everyone" this month - if you are a commie with sheep fixations that is

I guess most people on the Bristol Uni public events email list are members of the Welsh Militant Tendency then. Or am I just a bit narrow minded? You see my email arrives and I am promised that this month "we have events to suit everyone." 

Goodie goodie thought I - an evening with blond lap dancers gyrating on stage before reading their favourite excepts from the works of Ayn Rand with a screen at the back showing a replay of West Ham winning the FA Cup in 1964, all washed down with free ouzo on tap. Surely that would please lots of folks? Oddly it appears not to be on offer. Instead I have a choice of:



3414 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 Sept - Joshing with Paul Scott as Lucian bashes sheep shaggers

How can I think straight when Corrie live is on tonight? Anyhow, I continue my debate with Paul Scott on Boohoo.com (BOO). He thinks I'm wrong HERE but I suggest a few points he may wish to consider. Then Lucian Miers flags up the curse of Welsh folks called Williams involved with PLCs - David at Avanti Communications (AVN), Jim and Tony at Arian Silver (AGQ) but is David at Tungsten (TUNG) a sheep shagger? And what about Chris Oil? We need to know. I discuss Arian in its own merits plus Europa Oil & Gas (EOG), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and in detail Premaitha (NIPT).


3550 days ago

How to Judge share tipsters: Video of Paul Roberts of Stockomendation at UK Investor Show

Uber Welsh Paul Roberts of Stockomendation reckons that he knows how to judge share tipsters and so can help you to pick which shares to buy. All is explained in his presentation from UK Investor Show 2015


3846 days ago

Picture Report from the Greek Hovel Number 14 – Porn for my Welsh Friends

As I was leaving the Greek Hovel this morning at around 9.30 the gardeners arrived. Before Dan Levi tweets out abuse from the Manchester slums about how I am outsourcing hard work, let me explain.


3906 days ago

Arian Silver – The Dog takes the Piss Again: a Welsh joke

Woof, woof, woof! How many times have I warned (correctly) that AIM & TSX listed silver company Arian (AGQ) is a total and utter dog? I have lost count. Those who ignored me have lost 90% in three years but at 34.5p the shares are still hugely overvalued. The quarterlies were slipped out at 6.59 AM today just a minute before the 7 AM rush so that folks might not notice just how dismal they are. I noticed…

Woof – where do you start? Arian is building a new processing plant in Mexico and the uber-Welsh management team finds that prospect almost as exciting as the idea of being stranded alone on a desert island with a flock of pert young sheep. I am rather less excited about Arian’s prospects.
