312 days ago
I reported the account @Middlesexkid to twitter/ X this afternoon and, within minutes, received an acknowledgement that it was reviewing my suggestion that it contained hateful content relating to a particular group, that is to say Jews, at 2.14 PM. At 2.16 PM I was told that “After reviewing the available information, we determined that there were no violations of the Twitter rules in the content you reported. We appreciate your help, and encourage you to reach out again in the future if you see any potential violations.”
527 days ago
It is the first survey since 2017 by the local GP practice, the one just over the river among the infidels in England. Suffice to say I was damning in my assessment but the last question caused particular comment “With which gender do you most identify?” My choice was: Female, Male, Non Binary, Other or Prefer Not to Say.
971 days ago
If your entire learning experience is based on reading Pink News and engaging with social media you probably think,like the pathetic snowflake Nathan below, that this is the case. Before the evil Britishers and other vile imperialists from Belgium, Germany, France and Portugal arrived in Africa the continent was a bit like Brighton in Pride week, only warmer. It really was an LGBTQA+ paradise. And then the wicked white man, especially the Britishers, arrived.
974 days ago
Naturally, the media love this stakhanovite hero of the NHS. Dr Eilir Hughes works in rural Wales as a GP, a profession where the average pay is already £100,700. Natch,Dr Hughes reckons that the NHS is massively underfunded by the Evil Tories and needs far more cash,not least for inflation busting pay rises all round. But before you consider crowdfunding for the poor lamb…
1111 days ago
I am back in the last village in Wales, Holt, and it seems as if the village Facebook page has again identified me as Emmanuel Goldstein and a two minute hate, which will last a lot longer than two minutes, is now underway. This time my “crime” is not to make a “modest proposal” to the local face nappy jihadists, it is far worse. I appear to have made a young woman cry.
1187 days ago
Cripes next up in Airstrip One a man who said 2+2 = 4 will also escape punishment as will the chap who opined that day follows night. What a world we live in. The “crime” of Lisa Keogh which saw her suspended by Abertay University in Scotland was stating what is, or should be, an undisputed fact. But in this mad world of trans rights, apparently some women have penises. Whatever. What should be the subject of a full enquiry is why this poor woman was put through the ordeal in the first place. Those who instigated it have no place in academia, a world which once cherished free expression.
1192 days ago
Nowhere in Britain is free speech more threatened than in Scotland and the woman who is the only person from my old Oxford college with whom I communicate at all regularly has gone quiet. It is not a legal threat which has silenced her but a poisonous atmosphere of fear.
1294 days ago
Merseyside police do not have any useful work to do. After all, there were only 49,414 violent crimes in the Merseyside area in 2020. That is 135 a day. So with nothing better to do, I bring you a picture of four cops from the supposedly cash-strapped Merseyside Force “in action” outside an Asda in Liverpool yesterday. They are, of course, breaking the law.
1313 days ago
It joins a long list. Knickers, bras, drinking coffee, Dad’s Army, dating a person of colour, fancying Rishi Sunak, not dating a person of colour are all racist as are so many other things. And now joining an ever expanding list is remembering and marking with respect the passing of the late Captain Tom Moore. You have been warned. It offends at least one person so is almost certainly a hate crime. Don’t do it!
1319 days ago
Cagney did not actually say “you dirty rat” as is widely thought. His exact words, as you can see below, are “you dirty yellow-bellied rat.” But that does not matter. To the bonkers animal rights folks at PETA, that sort of wording oppresses rats. It is a sort of animal hate crime. Equally calling Michael Gove a snake oppresses snakes. It is also, arguably, a hugely unfair comparison. That is to the snakes. Anyhow, please mind your language, this is 2021 so try not to stick your head in the sand like an Ostrich as using such words is a step towards violating the “rights” of the animal kingdom. As the loons at PETA say, “stand up for justice by rejecting supremacist language.”
1346 days ago
We are good Europeans, the Mrs and I. We live in Greece as much as we can and love the place. The Mrs is a fluent Swedish speaker and she would, I suspect, live there again. We speak to each other in French when we do not want Joshua to understand and we happily toasted our freedom at 11 PM on December 31 with Metaxa, greek brandy. We love Europe, we detest the EU. The toast was to three great Eurosceptics not there to witness this great day: Ronald Bell, father of my friend despite the day’s earlier humiliation Andrew*, my uncle Christopher Booker and my Grandfather Sir John Winnifrith.
1361 days ago
Thanks to the certifiably insane First Minister here in Wales, Mr Mark Drakeford, boozers shut at 6 PM and can’t serve booze anyway. I can’t remember whether it is illegal to cross the border with England yet or whether the North Wales Police start arresting folks for this heinous crime on the 24th, 25th or 28th. Anyhow, we set off from the Welsh Hovel last night, four of us in the car, dashing the few hundred yards to the bridge to free England and what we found was heartbreaking.
1714 days ago
Some of you have suffered only three years of being branded thick, ignorant, xenophobic, narrow minded and racist since you voted to leave the EU. For my family there is 45 years of hurt. But on January 31 it is all over and so I have today invested a few quid for my own personal celebration, which I will – of course – record though it will probably be classed as a hate crime.
1802 days ago
Before anyone reports me for a hate crime I am of Irish descentr and identify as Irish so can tell this joke. Actually the joke is Providence Resources (PVR) and Lansdowne Oil & Gas (LOGP). The rest of the podcast discusses the mendacity and stupidity of Sajid Javid and his pledge on the National Living wage.
1820 days ago
I have watched West Ham women live, I watched them lose the FA Cup Final last year on the TV, gripped. I cheered on the brave Lionesses this summer. Supporting my daughter’s sporting career in ways you cannot imagine, I take women’s sport seriously. But to pretend that there should be equal pay for women’s soccer players with the men and that both games are of equal status, as the BBC does, is to deny the facts.
2306 days ago
On a post approved by ShareSoc on its blog, Roger Lawson has today commented on the incident I described in bearcast on Monday - the email I received in response to my fraudbusting work. I have made Lawson aware of the content of that email currently with the Police so something I cannot publish - but it is the most disgusting material about my wife of Indian origin. Yet he is unapologetic for writing in a way that trivialises it and has refused polite requests to withdraw his article of today. Roger, may your soul burn in hell for your failure to see hate crime against an innocent woman, committed by someone not wanting fraud exposed, for what it is. Roger comments on Audioboom. My comments are in bold.
2342 days ago
I seem to remember some humourless sheep shagger, a compatriot of my fiercely Nationalist daughter, threatening to report me to the Old Bill after I made some satirical remarks about his homeland. I guess he was too busy dreaming about burning down someones second home to actually get around to it.
2559 days ago
I have noted many times before how free speech no longer exists on campuses across the West. If you pursue a politically correct strict liberal orthodoxy you can say what you want. Anything goes. All men are animals and wannabe rapists, white folks must be ashamed of all their crimes and so are innately evil racists. Heterosexuals should be under-represented in Parliament. Trans is the new normal. Its okay to say you want to assassinate President Trump. The Jewish state acts like Nazis and has no right to exist. All those statements are, to me, obscene and/or untrue but on campuses across Britain and the US they are repeated and accepted as fine every day.
Those who dare to disagree whether they be evil conservatives such as Ann Coulter or uber-liberals like Germaine Greer or the great Peter Tatchell ho just slipped up (usually on Trans issues) then you get no platformed. Try saying something really controversial like the British Empire did a lot of good (which it did), Britain did more to abolish slavery than any African state has ever done (again true) or that climate change is pure fiction (which it is) and as an academic, your career is toast even if the remarks are made in private.
The latest lunacy comes from Edinburgh where a spiky law student Robbie Travers responded to news that the Americans just dropped a vast bomb on ISIS fighters with a facebook post
2569 days ago
My father and I chat every day about urgent matters such as the GCSE's of my uber smug daughter Olaf and less critical matters such as how the world is going to pot. Being keen on history my father is a big supporter of General Lee statues noting that - unlike say George Washington - Lee opposed and hated slavery. He also opposed the secession of the South and agreed only to join its army as he wished to stand shoulder to shoulder with his fellow Virginians.
2663 days ago
Listen to the mainstream press and, natch, the real victims of the Manchester terror attack are the poor Muslims of Britain who - the liberal media rushed to assure us - are set to suffer a barrage of hate crime. So far Katie Hopkins has been reported to the Met 934 times for tweeting so that the "real victims" can rest more easily. Sod the 22 kids and teenagers who are dead or the dozens lying injured and maimed in hospital. Sod their families, C4 News rushed off to Manchester's "Curry Mile" to meet the real victims, as you can see below.
2670 days ago
That we have to pay for the Guardian's sister outlet, the BBC via a poll tax is bad enough. Its output is low grade and often biased. But now the BBC wants to get you fired if it does not like your views. Hey George Orwell you missed this one in 1984...
2684 days ago
I was wandering towards passport control from where my Easyjet flight from Kalamata had landed, that is to say bloody miles from anywhere, when I heard a woman's voice behind me. "Welcome to bloody Brexit land" she said sneeringly and loudly. Quick as a flash, I said equally loudly "Or as we call it these days, the newly free and independent United Kingdom."
2771 days ago
Above the main field at Butterwell Farm in Byfield was a smaller field. On one side was a continuation of the dry stone wall that separated our land from that of Mr Peter Thompson, on the other the extensive gardens that my mother worked to create. At the bottom ,separating this land from the main field, was a giant old barn which contained a wooden three-seater lavatory seat among other gems. At the top there was another barn which in turn formed one half of one side of the yard behind our house. We we worked hard to turn the barn into a fox proof hen-house. and then started to build up a flock of chickens with the odd bantam picked up along the way, for fun.
2777 days ago
The Mrs asked me to put the bins out today. According to the complex glossy grid posted to us by cash strapped Bristol City Council, it is a 4 bin day. I am still not sure what the difference is between the green box and the black box but they together with the big black bin and the brown food bin must all go outside by 7 AM and if you are caught putting the wrong stuff in the wrong box you are publicly stoned to death in a multi cultural ceremony to demonstrate Bristol's commitment to diversity as well as saving the planet.
2790 days ago
In last week's demonstration of how out of touch elite academics are with the rest of us, an Oxford Don reported the half witted Home Secretary Amber Rudd to the old Bill for Hate Crimes for a speech he had not heard. This week Cambridge has struck back in the battle to show which top University is more out of touch.
2890 days ago
The Guardian reports that "The number of homophobic attacks more than doubled in the three months after the Brexit vote, with toxicity fostered by the EU referendum debate spreading beyond race and religion, new figures suggest. Hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people increased 147% during July, August and September compared to the same period last year, according to the LGBT anti-violence charity Galop." Unfortuanately this is just utterly bogus as the Guardian article itself makes clear.
2896 days ago
Naturally the surname is Winnifrith. None of this double barrelled nonsense in this household. But we have now decided on three Christian names...
2937 days ago
Life under the rule of ISIS, the Taleban or even the loathsome House of Saud is not much fun for a variety of reasons. Women are told they must cover up - the state dictates what they can or cannot wear. It gets worse: the state dictates what one can or cannot say. In the old days I was allowed to say that such a way of living is regressive and unpleasant and that a liberal society as we, sort of, enjoy in the West was superior. I rather worry that a hardline Moslem might now claim that what I have just written offends him and thus report it as a hate crime. God only knows how our uber PC rozzers would react to that.
2956 days ago
Airports across Britain are today being disrupted by activists protesting that #blacklivesmatter - well of course they do. All lives matter but for white middle class liberals in the media and on twitter and facebook this is an opportunity for angst, guilt and self loathing that cannot be missed. But what about the hard data?
Sod the hard data, lets just feel guilty about slavery and how everyone, especially old Brexit voters, are all racists, facts do not matter any more do they? This is Airstrip One and its 1984 every day these days. Okay
2970 days ago
Some free speech denying moron has decided to shut me down by signing me up to receive, by email, every press release issued by dozens of local councils and quangos across the UK. Oddly I am grateful. It is actually rather illuminating to see just how local authorities deprived of cash by the evil Tories find so many ways to spunk their budget on utter piffle. And so on July 13th I discovered that Coventry City Council was united against racism. Well I never. A Labour run Council opposes Xenophobia. Wow.
2975 days ago
Nottinghamshire Police Force ,led by the admirable Sue Fish, and working with the Nottingham Women's Centre has become the first UK police force to classify sexual harassment as a "hate crime" but what the Nottingham Rozzers define as harassment is terrifying. As the Mother-in-Law lives in Nottingham I must now steer well clear of her because I am - in that County - now guilty, on a regular basis, of acts which can constitute hate crime.
3783 days ago
The Mrs has been to the Peloponnese many times to visit her in-laws but, as far as I can see, has never visited a single site of antiquity. That all changed this holiday and so on her final day we stopped off at Epidavros on the way back to Athens.
As I am sure you are aware Epidavros is an ancient Greek theatre capable of holding thousands of folk which is remarkable because wherever you sit you can hear almost a whisper on stage. The Greeks built this amazing structure when back in the UK we were still living in caves and swinging from trees. It is amazing.
To show her how it worked, the Mrs climbed up high into the upper tiers and I stood centre stage and – in what have must confused a party of Korean tourists – launched into song.
In Dublin’s fair City,
where the Girls are so Pretty