
848 days ago

The Guardian's take on one black multi-millionaire hitting another on TV - it's all about white racism natch!

An actor even I have heard off hit a comedian I am not sure I’d know from Adam, at the Oscars for telling an unfunny joke about his wife. Suddenly politicians, celebs and all the other preening nonentities who dominate our world in 2022 piped up with their take on Will Smith hitting Chris Rock. But only the Guardian, the dreary left wing reading of the middle classes, gets to the real core of the issue as you can see below.


850 days ago

Corporate President Karey Burke wokes up Disney with bonkers diversity quotas

My mum did not want us watching Disney films. Not because they were dangerous. They were, back in the 1970s, harmless enough but she just thought they were rubbish. It was better for us to read the Jungle Book than to watch the movie with annoying American accents. But these days…meet Karey Burke.


979 days ago

Kyle Rittenhouse: How the liberal political and media elites tried and failed to frame a white man for racist killings (of white men)

The British media is, not surprisingly, full of footage of folks in Brooklyn and a few other urban liberal ghettos for posh folk, rioting and attacking cops because Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of what they term a racist killing. Yes the two men who died were white but logic, proportion and the truth died a long time ago on the left. You will not be shown how in real America, in the flyover states, in the suburbs and in the small towns there are no riots because folks agree with the jury system and because the jury bravely defied political and media lies and pressure to reach the right verdict. But you will not be told about this. Never. You will be told this is a stor about gun ownership, white supremacy, racism  and injustice.


1227 days ago

This really is my last word on ghastly Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle and her dim husband said that their lie-packed interview with billionaire virtue signaller Oprah Winfrey would be their “last word” on the matter. That now seems to be a lie too as they are happily letting it be known to pet poodles in the press their latest thoughts and feelings.  Just when I thought that I could not view the couple as even more despicable, I find that I do. I suppose as a Republican I should not really care but as a human I find myself feeling ever warmer thoughts towards the rest of the Royal Family. Maybe this is long Covid and I cannot think straight but after 53 years as a Republican, I really do feel rather sorry for the rest of the Windsor family.


1280 days ago

When are celebs allowed to be racist? When, like actor Tim Matheson, they are abusing Melania Trump

Melania Trump is a woman who, fluently, speaks five languages more than most of the liberals from the English-speaking world who abuse her. Because of who she is married to, it is, apparently, acceptable to racially abuse her. Take actor Tim Matheson. Now that I have googled him, I do know who he is but all that you need to know is that he is just your normal common or garden Hollywood liberal millionaire celeb.


1677 days ago

Star Wars, The Rise of Skywalker: woke, dull & boring

I was nine when the first Star Wars film came out and almost ever since I have been a true groupie. I have seen every film, in the case of the original three, dozens of times. I have Star Wars Trivial Pursuit which I should warn you all that I am rather good at. There was even a vague attempt to include in my daughter’s names Leia but I am afraid that the Force was not with me in that battle. And thus my daughter and I headed off yesterday to see the final instalment of this nine movies phenomenon, the Rise of Skywalker.


2094 days ago

Awesome Mid term campaign ad by the Republicans featuring a cameo by Crooked Hillary Clinton

Jobs or Mobs. that is America's choice on November 6 and for their own sake I hope they vote for jobs and that means for the GOP. It is the booming economy which sees Donald Trump's personal approval rating at 50%, far higher than Obama's rating two years in. And it is why Trump's approval rating among black voters hit 40% this week, the highest for a GOP leader in more than sixty years.  Boy how do the liberals in Hollywood with their narrative of Trump the racist explain that one? Anyhow, enjoy the video. 


2119 days ago

Taylor Swift (net worth $280m) – do folks earning $33.954 pa give a FF about your political views?

In New York and the liberal coastal cities they are having a twitter wankfest as pop star Taylor Swift has come out as a Democrat and intervened to tell voters how to vote in the Tennessee Senate race. Of course all those endorsements from multi-millionaire celebs, Hollywood perverts and airheads helped crooked Hillary Clinton to the White House didn’t they. But the Tennesse race is meant to be tight.


2238 days ago

Robert de Niro wins standing ovation from multi-millionaire liberals by saying Fuck Trump: keep going Bob you moron

The Hollywood liberal multi-millionaires havn’t given a standing ovation like the one De Niro got at the Tony’s last night, since the last time they feted the child rapist Roman Polanski on a big stage. Maybe Harvey Weinstein got close as they lauded his contribution to the arts, while all knowing what a monster he was, but that is showbiz for you.


2391 days ago

The Golden Globes Multimillionaire Luvvies stink of hypocrisy and don't speak for me or real America

That Hollywood had a major problem with sexual harassment is beyond doubt. That it is starting to clean up its own Augean stable is undoubtedly a very good thing. One hopes that folks like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey get their just desserts but also that those who were already rich and secure but who put their own careers before principle and said nothing so putting more vulnerable folks at risk are rightly pilloried. I refer to women such as Meryl Streep and Oprah Winfrey. 


2462 days ago

Disgraceful: Kevin Spacey plays the gay card as he stands accused of child rape

Actor Kevin Spacey today stands accused of trying to force himself on another actor who at the time was just 14. That counts as statutory rape, is utterly illegal and there can be no defence. That is unless you are a leading member of the luvvie liberal elite like Spacey or Roman Polanski.


2477 days ago

Is Harvey Weinstein more evil than Herman Goring - justice Hollywood style

After years of pretending they knew nothing the big names of Hollywood have taken action - Harvey Weinstein has been booted out of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the organisers of the Oscars. That will come as a relief to Roman Polanski (refuses to answer charges of child sex abuse) and Bill Cosby (a spot of bother with sexual harassment allegations) as neither will now have to rub shoulders with Weinstein. Polanski and Cosby retain their memberships.


2572 days ago

Donald Trump Junior and the Russians - now the liberal media and out of touch Dems really are clutching at straws

Having failed to lay a glove on Trump senior for getting help from the Russians during hos election triumph, the Democrats and their allies in the liberal media fake news departments tried to show he was blocking their futile investigations. That failed too. Now the Dems really are clutching at straws.


2618 days ago

Katie Hopkins fired - Tim Allen fired - when will a left wing gobshite get fired?

Radio station LBC yesterday fired right wing loudmouth Katie Hopkins. I don't agree with a lot of what the Daily Mail columnist says but quite a few folks do. She is outspoken and a hate figure for the free speech hating intolerant liberal left. Over in the US comedian Tim Allen saw his long running hit show Home Improvement canned two weeks ago by ABC. Other less popular shows have not been axed. But then Tim is that rarity from Hollywood, a Republican and a Trump supporter to boot. Hollywood rejoiced at Tim's downfall.


2756 days ago

Video - Celebrity rants against Donald Trump - when will they realise that we plebs don't care what they say?

In the US election campaign the Hollywood and New York Celeb A, B. C, D & E lists lined up to tell Americans to vote for crooked Hillary as a Trump Presidency would be the end of the world. Oddly enough the American people did not listen and The Donald won. Indeed the Republicans also kept control of both the House and the Senate.


2863 days ago

Lifelong Democrat Kirk Douglas compares Donald Trump to Hitler - the Hollywood liberals are rattled

Twitter is ablaze with excitement that Kirk Douglas, who I must admit that I had assumed was brown bread, has come out in support of Hillary Clinton. Better still the veteran actor has made comparisons between Donald Trump and Hitler. Jeepers, the millennials and metropolitan liberals are excited.

Of course Douglas has been a lifelong Democrat. For eighty years the old boy has pulled the Dem lever at election time however utterly useless the Democrat candidate was. George McGovern, yup Douglas backed him in 1972. Mondale in 1984 had Kirk onside and that Dukakis chap, who got wiped by Daddy Bush in 1988 was backed by Mr Douglas and Bruce Springsteen,but by more or less nobody else across the  entire United States. 

Heck the Dems could run
