
76 days ago

Photo article: Oxfam, 100 million Euro of your cash for this? Dad spins in his grave again

One of the triumphs of the last years of my father’s life was getting him to cancel his Oxfam standing order. After many years of trying to persuade him that so much of his cash was being wasted iit was the peadophile scandal that finally persuaded him. Not only was Oxfam employing nonces in the field but it was protecting them after they were exposed.


294 days ago

How Different Warwick School is these days – but what on earth is the CPS doing with regard to paedophile ex-teachers?

Events in Edinburgh this week highlighted by Nicky Campbell, bring my mind back to historic abuse at my old school Warwick. The bastard who physically abused me, Geoffrey Eve, got a one way ticket to hell last year. But my long and, ultimately successful, campaign to get Warwick to name Eve and apologise lead to my involvement in exposing Warwick’s paedophile teachers.  I have already named one, the music master Charles Watmough.


527 days ago

Sadistic abuser of countless Warwick schoolboys (including me) Geoffrey Eve is dead. Hell is too good a place for the old bastard

Eve abused me, twice throwing my head against a wall, one  made of brick, the other of metal. As I have exposed with numerous articles on this website, in two spells at the school he abused countless little boys and Warwick covered up for him. And now he is dead. The current headmaster dropped me an email to let me know.


554 days ago

How a bulletin board moron tweets about historic sex abuse at Warwick School

Naming a paedophile teacher who used to abuse boys at Warwick School yesterday HERE is already paying dividends, a 5th victim has today contacted me and will be speaking to Warwick fuzz next week. I bet there are stacks more victims out there, now that the name is out there and with Warwick having finally ‘fessed last week to having had an abuse problem and apologised, this is only the beginning and at some stage The Old Bill must act. But some folks who object to my exposes of stockmarket frauds interpret it another way, as you can see below.


563 days ago

BREAKING: Charles Watmough, a Warwick School alleged paedophile teacher - victim number 5 comes forward

Warwick School’s public admission & apology to we victims HERE, twelve years into my campaigning, that it did have a problem with historic sexual and physical abuse, and my naming of one master, the music teacher Charles Watmough HERE seems to be opening, in a small way, the floodgates. Since Thursday two more victims of Watmough have come forward. I spoke to number 5 this morning…


602 days ago

If you aren’t a raging bull of Canadian Overseas Petroleum you are a paedophile (irony!) – more confetti vicar?

Another day dawns and yet again Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) has issued yet more shares. This is a death spiral on steroids but of you do the maths you must be a nonce. I am kidding. But at least some of the morons who own the stock are not. Let me explain.


686 days ago

Trying to confront the paedophile masters at my old school Warwick: No 1 the music teacher

Just over a month ago, I headed to Scarborough to confront a former music teacher at Warwick School who is a paedophile. Warwick covered up for him, ignoring complaints, and allowing him to head off to give private piano lessons in his own home after he left. Heaven only knows what went on in his front room in Scarborough. If you are an Old Warwickian (OW) who was at the old place in the last two decades of the last century I beg you to forward this article to any OWs you know for reasons I shall explain.  The music teacher is one of at least 6 paedophile masters at Warwick from my era. There may have been more.


1053 days ago

40 years too late Warwick School has today apologised to me for the physical abuse I suffered aged 11 at the hands of Geoffrey Eve

Since 2011, I have been urging Warwick School to do something about historic physical and, latterly, sexual abuse of young boys. Two headmasters of Britain’s third oldest school swept the matter under the carpet but, to his credit, the new headmaster, James Barker, himself an OW, has done something. Barker, myself and governor Ruth Weekes had a long Zoom chat today and Warwick says that it believes my allegations against Eve, apologises for what happened and for its 41 years of failure in doing something about it. That was welcome. But that is not enough for Warwick is sitting on far worse secrets.


1099 days ago

Defacing statues - the BBC cannot have it both ways

The BBC, the Police and others equivocated on the clearing of the four criminals who pulled down the statue of slave trader turned philanthropist Edward Colston and threw it into the waters of Bristol harbour. “On the one hand but on the other hand” argued the state funded broadcaster and others on the left.  Most of us simply said that the law had been broken and it was not up to individuals to decide what could be defaced or destroyed on the grounds that it offended them.


1177 days ago

The woke shall devour the woke, it is always the way: 48 Wonder Women bingo and Oxfam

It is always the way that the woke of one generation will be devoured by the woke of the next. Who could imagine that feminist icon Germaine Greer and the heroic gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell might find themselved “no platformed” on British campuses, the marxist madrassas at the cutting edge of the woke revolution? The “crime” of both Greer and Tatchell was not to understand the pyramid of victimhood and thus to question even some of the demands of those currently perched at the top of the pyramid, the Transgender community. As we discovered yesterday with lesbians who do not want to have sex with a “woman with a penis” such challenges are just not allowed and are, at once, branded as hateful and bigoted.


1336 days ago

Warwick School – Now Headmaster Number 3 seems to go for the child abuse cover up

We are now on the third headmaster at Warwick School since I first raised the issue of historic abuse. At that time, Geoffrey Eve, the man who twice smashed my head against the wall, was 86 but Gus Locke then Deneal Smith kicked the issue into the long grass. Now it seems as if James Barker, the new head and an OW himself, is intent on continuing the cover up culture.


1374 days ago

Why can’t a paedophile be a financial adviser?

I do not write this in defence of paedophiles for there can be no defence of these sick individuals. Nor am I defending one particular paedophile, John Frensham, formerly known as Jonathan James Hunt, the sole director of Frensham Wealth Limited. In March 2017, Mr Frensham was convicted of attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming. Mr Frensham was sentenced to 22 months’ imprisonment, suspended for 18 months. My first observation is which dipstick, Guardian reading, wet liberal judge handed out such a light sentence?  


1400 days ago

This really is my last word on ghastly Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle and her dim husband said that their lie-packed interview with billionaire virtue signaller Oprah Winfrey would be their “last word” on the matter. That now seems to be a lie too as they are happily letting it be known to pet poodles in the press their latest thoughts and feelings.  Just when I thought that I could not view the couple as even more despicable, I find that I do. I suppose as a Republican I should not really care but as a human I find myself feeling ever warmer thoughts towards the rest of the Royal Family. Maybe this is long Covid and I cannot think straight but after 53 years as a Republican, I really do feel rather sorry for the rest of the Windsor family.


1505 days ago

No Daisy Cooper MP: Deporting a convicted rapist or murderer is nothing to do with Windrush - shame on you

This week has seen our beloved Home Secretary Priti Patel do what she does best: annoy folks on the left. And also what she does less well, that is to say remove undesirables from this land. Priti attempted to deport 50 folks who were Jamaican nationals and had been convicted of a range of very serious crimes including rape, murder and child abuse. Who on earth would want a convicted paedophile carrying the passport of another nation hanging around in the UK? Step forward 50 Labour and Lib Dem MPs and an array of celebs. Among them, Lib Dem Daisy Cooper.


1831 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Mail on Sunday takes dick-tation from NMC's PR guys & shall I take down ADVFN's paedo guy?

First things first. It is 6 months and 1 day to the 3 Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks walk. I did a short train yesterday at Moel Famau of which more later. Anhow, if you enjoy bearcast please show so by donating HERE.  Thanks in advance for your support and also for the birthday wishes. As you can see in the comments section HERE there is a poster on ADVFN who seems to think he can save Versarien (VRS) by suggesting, falsely, that I am a paedophile. Normally I’d ignore such pond life but I am almost tempted to teach him a very expensive legal lesson in libel law. What do you think?  Then it is onto a story dictated by NMC Health’s (NMC) PR team to yellow journalists at the Mail on Sunday. The real import of threats against Caron Block & Muddy Waters is very negative for NMC. Finally I have a bombshell for AIM Cesspit followers tomorrow. Watch this space! 


2527 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - why is a stock promoter like an Oxfam Aid worker, oops I meant paedophile

Sorry, but I have Oxfam on my mind. Seeing the downfall of these virtue signallers who I have long despised is hugely entertaining.  However there is a link, this is not a contrived headline. In this podcast I discuss Mayan Energy (MYN), Andalas (ADL)(, Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and The People's Operator (TPOP)


2737 days ago

ADVFN does not want to take money from neo paedophiles - well done

I flagged up a while back how some neo-nonce made inappropriate comments on the ADVFN Bulletin Board about my daughter turning 16 - see HERE. What amazed me were the comments that appeared elsewhere suggesting that - as with death threats received - "while there is no excuse for this , you do ask for it." Truly some folks are morally bankrupt. But not ADVFN.


3001 days ago

FBI re-opens Hillary Clinton email probe - this is very serious: Presidential race wide open

Make no mistake, the Democrats are flapping, they are now in big trouble as the FBI has re-opened investigations into crooked Hillary Clinton's emails. This is shocking and it is very serious and it will change how some folks vote whatever the liberal media tries to tell you today.


3024 days ago

The Nonce, his wife, the Judge and family values in Britain 2016

The paedophile is a chap called Richard Arrowsmith of Church Gresley in Derbyshire who was caught wityh more than 137,000 kiddy porn images, photos and videos, on his laptop and phone by the Old Bill. It is hard to say that this was an accident with the guy just making a few tpos on his google searching. Arrowsmith is a slam dunk nonce and should have been sent down for up to five years.



3051 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Cloudtag boss and swapping stolen documents for cash in a Motorway Service Station

I start with the cot which is still driving me mad. Meanwhile it looks like the Mrs is going to term and is coming home tonight so I must cover up evidence of two days of bachelor life, that is to say myself & Oakley not being that tidy. In company matters I comment on Strat Aero (AERO) but will do a longer piece later, on Wishbone Gold (WSBN), on Tower Resources (TRP) and on Cloudtag (CTAG). The mad nutters who ramp this on twitter are now accusing poor Lucian Miers of being part of a paedophile ring (he is not) for daring to suggest that this over-ramped POS is not a buy. I am reminded of when I first came across the man behind this worthless company. 


3563 days ago

Kiddy Fiddler Greville Janner – another establishment cover up

Nonce Lord and ex-Labour MP Greville Janner is a paedophile who raped young boys. He now claims to be suffering from Alzheimer’s but was still able to remember to collect his expenses. And the CPS has today said that because of his health he will not be prosecuted. Where do you start?

Janner wanted to prosecute Nazi war criminals who had Alzheimer’s. He said that the nature of their crimes meant they had to be prosecuted. I reckon that raping young boys is pretty vile don’t you?

Once again we are left with the idea that the establishment looks after its own. If you or I steal from our employer by fiddling expenses we are fired. MPs just pay a bit back and carry on. It is one rule for “them” and one for us.

Janner should have been prosecuted. He should lose his peerage and he should live out his days shamed, disgraced and in prison. End of. This is clear cut.


3597 days ago

The BBC is RIGHT to suspend and maybe sack Jeremy Clarkson

I have defended Jeremy Clarkson when he has been attacked unfairly – for instance when he made a series of factually accurate comments about the workshy semi feral population of the welfare safari that is the slum Liverpool.  I cannot think that I have ever written a pleasant word about the politically correct nest of paedophile friendly vipers that is the BBC – I would privatise it at once. But for once I stand firm with the waste of taxpayers cash that is the Beeb.

Clarkson is alleged to have thrown a punch at an employee of top gear. In every single workplace in the country such conduct would see anyone – even a CEO – suspended pending an investigation and, if found guilty, fired. Simply being a celebrity does not buy you an exemption. O it should not buy you an exemption.

I see that Noel Edmonds is arguing that the BBC should accept that “stars” have to be treated differently. Rubbish. One of the facets of the sad decline of Britain is our lamentable worship of the cult of celebrity. Folks want to be famous just to be famous. And when you are famous somehow you get to live by different rules.

Maybe that is the way our nation is going. Maybe simply by being famous you can be allowed to hit your staff. What else are you allowed to do as a celeb which we plebs cannot do? Steal, cheat, murder? I don’t know but where exactly do the celeb-worshippers draw the line?

It was, arguably, this cult of celebrity that allowed Saville, Hall, Harris and the other monsters to get away with what they did. 

Call me old fashioned


3647 days ago

You cannot libel a dead paedophile: politician Leon Brittan is Dead

Check out twitter #LeonBrittan. The former home secretary covered up Westminster & Elm House paedophile activities but was also widely believed to be an active nonce himself.


Fleet Street has known this for decades. It has been all over the internet for years. Now the fun starts. I wonder what tributes will be paid to the man by the politicians of today? How many of them are implicated in the cover up, in the rapid departure of Brittan from front line politics here, to a sinecure in Brussels where the money grabbing toad could coin it in big time.

What of the other politicians involved


3765 days ago

Faux outrage & Orwellian demands as paedophile Jonathan King on air at BBC

Rent-a-quote MPs and the Daily Mail are lining up to bash the BBC for including an interview with former DJ and convicted nonce Jonathan King in a documentary about the unbelievably tedious rock supergroup Genesis. Bash a paedo sells newspapers and may have popular appeal but this is the stuff of 1984.

The hard reality is that among his many crimes against impressionable young folk, was the fact that Mr King discovered Genesis and played a key role in the band's early career.  Yes we knew that King was a nonce, but his filthy secret is that he launched Genesis on us all. To make a documentary about the rise of Genesis and to ignore Mr King’s key role, to treat him as a non-person, is to rewrite history in an Orwellian fashion.

As such having agreed with my deluded lefty step mother for the first time in years (on bombing ISIS) and now find myself supporting the BBC just 48 hours later for not rewriting history. This is an unusual turn of events.


3846 days ago

Weekly Caption Contest: Leon Brittan Edition

Everyone on Fleet Street or anyone who can use google knows the answes so why won’t David Cameron allow a full public enquiry to ask the questions relating to paedophile activity and cover-ups at Westminster in the 1970s and 1980s?

In that vein I ask you to post suitable captions for the picture of former Home Secretary Leon Brittan in the comment section below. Deadline Friday close of play.

For what it is worth my entry is: “It’s just Jimmy Saville’s address book, Cyril Smith’s police record and a few sketches of young girls by Rolf Harris…can you file these documents for me in the usual place please?”


3965 days ago

Labour’s banker & pension tax to cure youth unemployment will not work – Ed Balls is a Moron

Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has once again shown himself an utter moron with his plan to levy an extra tax on bankers’ bonuses and curb tax relief on pensions for higher earners to “end youth unemployment.” He is a moron because his plans will not work but he is at least playing well to the crowd.

In today’s Britain bankers are hated. So saying that you will tax them more heavily will win votes. Balls should go further and announce plans for windfall taxes on other groups who are almost universally despised, such as paedophiles, Piers Morgan or members of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary party. It would win votes but like his bankers tax plan such schemes would not work.

Why will it not work? Firstly bankers will find ways around it to move either their bonuses or indeed themselves offshore.  If a Government interferes with market forces by penalising one section of society of whom it disapproves what next? A super-tax on accountants or lawyers working for Pinsent Masons (I quite like that one)? Mess with market forces and in a mobile global market you will lose out. Just look at what has happened in France

So the take on that will be less than Balls expects


4231 days ago

It’s a cop-out – Nonce Stuart Hall gets just 15 months

TV presenter Stuart Hall admitted 14 counts of molesting girls as young as nine over three decades and today was sentenced to just 15 months in prison. This is at all levels a disgrace. The Judiciary and the BBC should be in the dock on this one.

It’s a Knockout star Hall initially denied the charges and accused the girls of lying. Only when the evidence became overwhelming did he fess up. Heaven knows how many other incidents involving the old peadophile took place but are as yet unknown as the victims have not come forward.

But for 14 serious sex crimes Hall has been sentenced to just 15 months. He will be out not long after Christmas if he behaves himself. Hall has used the “old man, I did not go all the way, I have done a lot of charity work” line and won. The whole episode brings shame on two institutions.

First is the BBC which gave Hall his own room to “entertain” young ladies and which effectively assisted with his crimes. There appears little remorse at the BBC and little effort made to find how if other senior staff helped Hall along the way or at least covered up his activities. Now why does that ring a bell? Who fixed it for Stuart?

Secondly there is the judicial system. The point of prison is a) to deter and b) to keep society safe and c) to punish. I am prepared to accept that Hall’s kiddy fiddling days are over and so b) is not an issue.  But is the knowledge that you can engage in sex crimes with numerous kids and escape with just a few months inside really a deterrent? No. And is it a suitable punishment? Again, I doubt it.

I guess Hall played his joker and won. And the BBC and the judicial system really don’t give a damn.




4242 days ago

Can a Teacher ever be sacked? Overpaid, Underworked & Useless ( and possibly a paedophile)

Teachers earn way over the national average wage. They have cushy pensions (paid for by grateful taxpayers). They get 75 days holiday a year while we all struggle by on 20-25. And in absolute terms standards of educational achievement have never been lower. Being deluded lefties they bleat on about bankers being rewarded for failure but are teachers ever punished for failure?

It seems that it is impossible to sack a teacher. I read with interest about Geoffrey Bettley a teacher of Religious Education who was done by the Old Bill for possessing kiddy porn. His school in West Yorkshire fired him but a professional conduct panel has now ruled the teacher does not "represent a risk to children or young people".

The National College of Teaching and Leadership panel said the images viewed by Mr Bettley were "not at the most serious end" of the scale used to categorise the severity of images of child sex abuse. His behaviour did not show a "deep-seated attitude which leads to harmful behaviour", it ruled.

The nonce is now on the Sex Offenders Register but the school, it appears, was wrong to sack him. Jeepers.  So it is now okay to be so stupid that you have to get your end of term reports rewritten by outside consultants, it is okay to demand lessons to be in walking not maths or basic English, and it is now okay to be a pervert and carry on teaching.

Now then , now then, now then, you want to earn £45, 000 a year, have 75 days holiday a year, not be judged on end results and get to gawp at young boys and girls in short trousers and skirts? You don't need to ask Uncle Jim just go become an RE teacher in Yorkshire. Have a cigar.

Just what exactly do you have to be found guilty of to actually get fired as a teacher? Voting UKIP? Telling the kids that it is okay to work in a bank when you grow up?  Get caught with online images from the Daily Mail website? I despair.


4275 days ago

Language you do not wish to have to explain to your daughter at Upton Park

My football mad daughter and I were at the Arsenal game a few months ago and as the crowd chanted “with a packet of sweets and a cheeky smile, Arsene Wenger’s a paedophile” I dreaded the question “Daddy what is a paedophile?” Wenger is not a nonce as it happens but what would I say? “Er.. It is a sort of person who is often on the BBC.” I guess that is true.

Today’s game (a nil nil draw with Newcastle) was hardly a classic.  The bloke two seats down shouted Cisse loudly as the Newcastle player ambled from the corner flag towards his goal (which is where my seat is). He was ignored. Cisse. Again ignored. Louder still came the shout Cisse at which point Mr Cisse looked up and got an instant shout of “Wanker!” from the bloke two seats down who regarded this as a win.

Former West Ham boss Alan Pardew manages Newcastle. Not for much longer one suspects as they will – at best – narrowly survive but I sense they may not. Pards left Upton Park amid, no doubted unfounded, rumours about his private life. And so within minutes of the opening whistle the rhythmic chat went up: “Alan Pardew shags who he wants, Alan Pardew shags who he wants.” After a few minutes of this the chant changed to “Alan, Alan give us a wave.” Mr Pardew obliged. The Trevor Brooking stand then started off with “He loves us more than you” at the Newcastle supporters. A few minutes later it was back to “Alan Pardew shags who he wants, etc.”

A couple more terms I am glad that I do not have to explain to my daughter.

With my record of having seen West Ham lose every time I have watched them this season broken and with the Irons now 100% safe from relegation I shall take my daughter to the last home game against Reading. “Going Down, going down” and “That’s why you’re going down” should not be too hard to explain.  


4310 days ago

The Idiocy of press laws in the internet age – ref 82 year old arrested in Savile Enquiry in paedoBritain

The Idiocy of press laws in the internet age – ref 82 year old arrested in Saville Enquiry in paedoBritain

Last week an 82 year old entertainer was arrested in Berkshire as part of the Savile enquiry. We are told that he is Australian but cannot name him. You do not need to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out. Think of Aussies who were famous in the 1970s and 1980s for appearing on British TV and find out how old they are on wikipedia and hey presto. I bet you guessed already.

Now go do a google search for “82 year old arrested xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx (fill in the name you had probably guessed anyway) and hey presto there are 40,100 web pages coming up in 0.32 seconds. Of course under the new British terror laws (sorry Royal Press Charter) none of the mainstream press is naming this chap.

I have no idea what xxxx is accused of and it seems as if most of those arrested so far in this multi-million quid enquiry are not being charged at all so frankly his arrest ( for a second time – he was also arrested on November 29th as part of this enquiry) proves absolutely sod all.

But what exactly is the point of laws that just do not work? I might add that a former senior minister in the Thatcher regime


4389 days ago

More money for the troughing political classes even in austerity Britain

The Government is meant to be making spending cuts. Of course we all know that the wicked Tories are doing no such thing, spending is going up. But just for a minute let us humour Call Me Dave and pretend that MPs realise that Bankrupt Britain is going bust and that Government spending has to be cut back. So what news do we have today? MP’s reckon that local councillors should get more money for their allowances. Hell’s teeth. Labour MP Clive Betts things that compensation needs to be “appropriate.” At a number of levels this is obscene.

Checking out the website of Real Man Pizza’s local council ( Camden) I see that in the year to April 2011 ( the last available data) its local councillors cost local residents £807,473.47.


4449 days ago

Tomograph 14 is live

The latest issue of the Tomograph went out a while ago. To ensure that you receive my weekly newsletter in your email in box register here. This week’s newsletter contains more on the evil Puritans at Google, details of our most read articles of the week and record traffic data on this website plus an exclusive piece on the threat to press and New Media freedom resulting from the Leveson enquiry and the Lord McAlpine not a Tory paedophile affair.  Thank you for your continued reading of this website. Tom


4453 days ago

Irony from Westminster on child care and the paedophile scandal

The Tory paedophile scandal (with Labour to follow) will dwarf that of the Savile affair if it is shown that senior political nonces were let off the hook as part of an establishment cover up. There has been no sign from senior Tories, as they express their faux outrage and shock, (having known all the stories for years) that they will deal with this. The grim truth will have to be dragged out from them.

As I pointed out yesterday the media and political establishment have known for years about the rumours now spread widely across the internet and have at best turned a blind eye to protect “their own” or at worst actively engaged in a cover up. You can read that piece HERE.


4453 days ago

Paedophile Scandal at BBC and Westminster – it is the establishment cover up and faux outrage that truly revolts

And so in today’s chapter of paedogeddon Home Secretary Theresa May and PM David Cameron claimed to be disgusted by the allegations made against a senior Tory of the Thatcher years ( who everyone now knows the name of but we cannot say) and a new enquiry into events in North Wales children’s homes has been ordered. Over at the BBC an enquiry is underway into allegations made against arch nonce Jimmy Savile and 29 others, some of them celebrities. The Old Bill has very publicly dragged Gary Glitter and Freddie Starr in for questioning and claims that other celeb arrests are imminent. Suddenly the establishment is desperate to be seen to be outraged, shocked and doing something.

It just does not wash. This is faux surprise, faux outrage and bandwagon mounting par excellence but I sense that no-one really believes any of it any more.


4455 days ago

Does Anyone NOT know the Newsnight alleged paedophile Tory yet? New Media wins again

Since Newsnight bottled it last week and refused to name high profile Tory was an alleged paedophile abusing boys on North Wales (still alive so he might sue) new media has done its worst. As I predicted.

If you are one of the few folks in the UK who does not know his name I challenge you NOT to be able to discover it on Google within five minutes. I have seen several tweets today
