Plaid Cymru

110 days ago

Photo Article: I was going to vote Plaid Cymru but then a Russian bot got to me and I ended up voting for Farage

Yes it was Russian inteference that persuaded me to vote Reform earlier today. Of course it was. All those bots. Or maybe it was the idea that my wife and mixed race kids might be deported by Prime Minister Nigel Farage, a man routinely compared by the seething left to Hitler. Or maybe not.


173 days ago

Really torn on how to vote today here in Wrexham

The only poll is for the North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner. I have no idea who the (Labour) incumbent is but I know that the Police are beyond useless. When a man hired by an investor in a fraud I was exposing threatened to get me, said he was an ex Israeli army soldier and was just a couple of miles away, the Police refused to act to protect me and my family. When Julie Meyer, wanted by the High Court with an arrest warrant, said my articles exposing her crimes were harassment, the Filth came to interview me. But if I do 23 MPH I know I will be clocked and punished. So, to say that I hold North Wales Police in utter contempt would be an understatement.


895 days ago

ITV finds the dumbest person in the whole of Wales as our leaders plan to spunk £15m a year on more politicians

An ageing population, more covid deaths (pro rata) than England, a post-industrial and weak economy and a piss poor rugby team, Wales has real problems. So what is the answer? Of course: we need more politicians!


1035 days ago

Mark Drakeford - another Z for logic here in poor old lockdown Wales

Throughout the scandemic Wales, under the leadership of mad Mark Drakeford, has had tougher lockdown rules that the infidels across the border in England. Yet covid numbers, here in the rain sodden post industrial principality have been resolutely and consistently higher than in England. Doctor: the medicine is not working and is having awful side effects what should we do? Up the dosage!


1256 days ago

Diolch i'r ffyliaid saesneg hael

The Mrs and I live in the rain-sodden, post-industrial, second world country that is Wales by just thirty yards. At the end of our garden and fields flows the river which separates us from the infidels in England. Here in Wales we pay less, on average, in tax than the accursed English but we get more spent on us on average by our preposterous Government of all the, lack of, talents. And now we are all, each and every one of us, going to get loads of bonus free money and guess where it is coming from?


1265 days ago

Vote Plaid Cymru on May 6

Nigel Somerville agonised  at the weekend about who to vote for on May 6. In answer to his questions various of our writers will, over the coming days suggest who is worthy of your support. Last up is myself explaining why, here in Wales, we should vote for the cottage burning lunatics of Plaid Cymru.


1303 days ago

That swings the election in Wales for me…if Charlotte Church tells me what to do I must obey

A newspaper drops into the letterbox here at the Welsh Hovel, the last house before you hit the river which separates us from the infidels in England. If you start at the back, the paper is in Welsh, at the front it is in English. It is the election newspaper from the cottage burners of Plaid Cymru urging me to back its candidate for the Senedd on May 6. Of course I shall do that for reasons I explained here but if I was starting to waver…


1305 days ago

Multiple Choice question: Guess the party which wants my vote in Wrexham on May 6

I received a personalised letter today from a party that wants my vote in the Senedd elections on May 6. I will give you the quote then you guess whether it is from Labour led by bonkers Mark Drakeford, the Lib Dems, The Tories or the cottage burners of Plaid Cymru. Which party said it will “create 65,000 more jobs. And provide the basis for economic recovery by increasing funding for every pupil in Wales, and launching the biggest road building plan in a generation.”


1308 days ago

A masterstroke by Boris to win back my vote and it almost worked

We were all told that if we got the vaccine we’d be safe so could go on our hols. That seemed a bit harsh but I played along and got the jab and promptly booked a flight to go and spend the summer at the luxury eco palace formerly known as the Greek Hovel. Then the Tories said that if I went on hols I would be fined £5,000. Yet another reason to vote Plaid Cymru in May thought I, as I cursed Boris Johnson and the evil Tories. Or maybe not.


1320 days ago

Do I get a prize for spotting first that the First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, is stark raving mad?

Last night, the leader of Plaid Cymru, the party of Wales, held an online rally here in Wrexham for the faithful. Sadly I was unable to attend since spending an evening, even online, with a bunch of cottage-burning obsessives is not my idea of fun. In fact I’d rather watch Nish Kumar being an unfunny woke bore. It is that much my idea of “not fun”.


1344 days ago

Sign the Petition as the wretched Tories renege on promise to curb public sector fat cats

Hang on Mr Pleb:  members of the establishment do have to look after each other don’t they? Most senior civil servants went to the same Oxbridge colleges and public schools as most of the cabinet. If you can’t feather the nests of your chums what’s the point of public life?  In another fuck you to blue collar Tory voters in the so called red wall seats, the wretched Tories snuck out a disgraceful U-Turn just before the weekend.


1376 days ago

The only thing potentially stopping me voting Plaid Cymru is that they are completely bonkers

As I explained last week, I regard it as wholly desirable that the land in which I live, by 30 yards, that is to say Wales, throws off the imperialist yolk of the English infidels and gains its independence. But that should not stop me pointing out how ridiculous some of the Welsh people have become and that nearly all of its leaders are imbeciles who are not mentally capable of running a cat’s home let alone a country. Among the most ridiculous of our politicians here in Wales are those who will win my support next time, the folks from Plaid Cymru, the self-styled “Party of Wales”. This organisation, founded 95 years ago, declared itself neutral in World War Two as the rest of Wales signed up to fight the evil of Hitler. That was an early sign that Plaid has a tendency to choose for its leaders, folks who are as thick as two short planks. No. That is an insult to the planks. This brings me to its leader until last year, a short plank by name and nature, Leanne Wood.


1427 days ago

Bring back Maggie - Welsh Tories lose the plot completely

Margaret Thatcher recognised that Government does not create jobs. That is what the private sector does. She recognised that Government money is really the people’s money which when spent would have to be funded by either taxes or debt, i.e. future taxes. That is because she was what we used to call a Conservative.



1553 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: this is the final straw Boris, you can all kick me in the nuts if I ever vote Tory again

It is we in the private sector that have suffered the massive economic pain of the Government’s blundering on Covid. It is the private sector that will eventually create the jobs and wealth to pay for it. So what is Boris doing? Landing us with a bigger bill to pay so he can reward Doctors ( the top 2% of earners), taking the fucking knee Policeman and the bedwetting stay at home teachers. Fuck you Boris, this is the final straw, you and I are done. After thar brief message from a, now, Plaid Cymru supporter, I look at healthcare bubbles, Aids and Covid, at Midatech Pharma (MTPH), Audioboom (BOOM), Conroy Gold (CGNR), IQE (IQE) and Bidstack (BIDS).


1776 days ago

Photo article: I've voted in Wrexham but my Labour supporting Mrs could not. Ha!

As you can see below, the Mrs, Joshua and I headed to the polling station to cast our vote in this Labour Tory marginal seat of Wrexham. I handed in my polling card and got a ballot paper, intending to ask Joshua to join me in the booth to show him how one does the right thing. But behind me was a commotion involving the Mrs…


1974 days ago

The Euro Elections were a vote against Brexit – more utter bullshit from the Westminster & media bubble

Like millions of others, I voted for the party which is now the largest single party from any country in the EU Parliament and which won the British Euro elections by a country Mile – Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party.  The reaction of the Westminster and media classes has been predictable: “Didn’t the Lib Dems do well! This is a vote against Brexit.” You could not make it up. But they did.


2622 days ago

Barcelona: the Cowardice, Double Standard and Virtue Signalling of the liberal elites

Back in 2004 there were horrible bombings in Madrid. The attackers at that point were Al Qaeda who stated that they were attacking Spain because it was involved in the war in Iraq. The Spanish surrendered. A new government pulled out of Iraq at once. Of course these days we give guns and money to Al Qaeda factions in Syria because we have a new enemy. As Orwell might have pout it: We are not at war with Al Qaeda. We were never at war with Al Qaeda, We have always been at war with ISIS. Anyhow the Spanish surrender has done it a fat lot of good as today ISIS has killed a stack of folks in Barcelona. The reaction of the world's leaders is to show cowardice, double standard but we are all to familiar with this are we not. First up was Donald Trump.


3020 days ago

Rod Liddle's Speech at the Fifth Annual Freedom Dinner - Totally wonderful

Controversial journalist Rod Liddle gave a speech last week at a libertarian bash which was quite simply fantastic. I just read it to my father who, though a lefty, could not argue with a word of it. It is very funny, to the point and a totally depressing analysis of what is so ghastly about Britain today. It is quite utterly brilliant. Read on... 
