
26 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BONUS Bearcast: all studies show that diversity causes outperformance don't they?

As it happens, whatever the BBC insists every time this comes up, they do not and those that do, i.e McKinsey 2015,look flawed. What is so often overlooked or ignored is diversity of class and thought. I refer to Bud Light in that vein. The brilliant paper by Andrew Fox I reference is HERE.


101 days ago

Oxford University's Diversity Boss does not believe in free speech for those who engage in WrongThink

Vernal Scott is the head of Equality and Diversity at my old place, Oxford University. And as you can see below he only believes in free speech for folks he agrees with.


373 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Nigel Farage, Coutts, Alison Rose, Diversity and the villains at The BBC, The FT and the Guardian

Whatever you think of Nigel Farage he is the hero of today’s epiosde where the liberal GroupThink in the business and media world are the villains. If you care a jot about liberty and freedom, on this day you stand with Farage. Because next time it could be you!


442 days ago

BBC Radio 4 Women’s Hour on the distressingly white England Women’s soccer team and why the most lesbian packed sport needs more diversity

The starting XI of the Lionesses which won the European Championships last year was all white. There were folks of mixed race or of colour in the Squad but not the starting line up. And this is just unacceptable say those in the liberal media establishment.


827 days ago

Breaking: ShareSoc Boardroom bust up! History erased as chair walks

Oh dear. How folks at ShareSoc must long for the stability of Globo fanboy, Roger Lawson. In its new era, under Sheryl Cuisia, who on February 4th announced she was “spearheading an executive-led transformation process to prepare ShareSoc for its next phase of development” – which, natch, included a commitment to diversity, yadda, yadda, yadda – it is all change. Or maybe not.


923 days ago

Fraud promoter & crisp salesman Gary Lineker on BBC diversity of thought

Retweeting a tweet from a former editor of the Guardian, Gary Lineker wades into battle on behalf of the BBC which, by extorting money from us all under threat of jail,pays him£1.3 million a year for talking about sport. The crisp salesman, who made £5 million from promoting the £3 billion Quindell fraud, argues that BBC staff have a diverse range of opinions. Hmmm.


927 days ago

Starbucks on Diversity - gives us a break you woke corporate tossers

What I would love to see in terms of coffee shop diversity is a range of small,independent shops where the folks don’t write your name on a plastic cup but know your name and say hell and chat to you. What Starbucks wants to see is all those stores cleansed from High Streets so that all High Streets look similar with the same big names selling the same mass produced preoducts, a total lack of diversity. But Starbucks  cannot wait to tell us how diverse it is, it is a champion virtue signaller..


983 days ago

And the award for the worst expert Covid forecast goes to BBC, Guardian and C4 News darling Devi Sridhar

There is intense competition for this award with Professor Neil “pantsdown” Ferguson nominated for several spectacularly bad expert predictions. But the winner goes to the Indian American born head of Public Health at Edinburgh University, Dr Devi Sridhar. The media loves her as she ticks all the diversity boxes and her recommendations invariably focus on more state intervention, economic destruction and erosion of civil liberties. But her forecasting?  My cats could do better. What follows, an op. ed. in the wretched Guardian , is a world beater.


1000 days ago

Smokers, the virtue signallers and the NHS – some inconvenient truths

As Angela Rayner has discovered, being a smoker in 2021 marks you out as something of a pariah among the liberal elites.  It is a sin. I write as a man who used to chuff my way through 20 a day so I am an ex sinner. But the facts are often forgotten as our betters try to stamp out this evil habit.  There was, this week, a suggestion that Nanny state should charge wicked smokers a levy to deal with the inevitable healthcare issues that their habit will cause.


1039 days ago

Christians: the one minority every liberal has to despise – Worcester College Oxford takes up the fight against we of the old beliefs

Once upon a time, Worcester College Oxford was a place that proudly believed in free speech. Even in my student days, it offered sanctuary to those such as the great historian Norman Stone whose conservative views were considered as appalling and depraved by the Guardian readers who dictate what can be thought and said in the City of lost causes. How times change. Today Worcester has attacked the one minority considered by the liberal elite to be below the Untermensch of working class males, that is to say Christians.


1052 days ago

Andy Morrison of Spinnaker Opportunities – pass the diversity sick bag please

I commented a few weeks ago on Spinnaker Opportunities (SPAQ) explaining exactly why it was !an over-priced nest of vipers”.  But as of yesterday it claimed to have showed that it was committed to “good corporate governance and to our diversity of thinking.” Andy Morrison you do not half talk bollocks.


1063 days ago

Rejoice: the cash-strapped envy of the world, that is the NHS, is hiring again!

The NHS may face record waiting lists, deaths from cancers and other ailments are soaring thanks to all those missed tests, during the scamdemic plague with a 99.97% survival rate, but there is good news. After giving GPs, average salary £100,700, and other NHS staff an inflation busting 3% pay rise, those running the envy of the world had claimed that there was a £600 million funding gap this winter. But as you can see below, vital jobs at the coalface are still being filled.


1111 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will the soon to be ex NED birds at the FRC stop whining & would I buy Crystal Amber?

We have our first visitor at the Greek Hovel this year, an odd fellow, so Joshua and i have been tidying hard. My son really was very helpful at putting together the new hoover, I’d have been lost without him. In today’s podcast I discuss soon to be ex NED’s whinging about lack of diversity at the FRC and why they are so wrong. Then I ask whether I’d buy Crystal Amber (CLS) as surely i will make 20% in five months. Er…no.


1226 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Woodlarks and my fat belly, Julie Meyer & the 3 Xs, and the myth that diversity must make a business better

I start discussing my weight, as HERE, the annual Woodlarks walk and how my use of Optibiotix (OPTI) shakes is going. Then onto Sam Gyimah and the diversity in business myth. If you are listening in Scotland, do not discuss this podcast with your other half at supper tonight or else! Then onto today’s shocking news about Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer.


1228 days ago

Questions for Hertford College’s woke Principal about the dirty oiks and other matters

The last time I mentioned my old college was noting how it was hoisting a lecture in which my fellow alumnus, Carole Cadwalladr, spelt out “the degradation of British journalism”. No sniggering at the back please! So what if her entire career penning fake news on Brexit, Trump, Russia etc has been shown to be based on a pack of porkies? Carole writes for the Guardian so that is all that matters.


1291 days ago

Just look at who the poor, cash-strapped NHS - The Envy of the World - is hiring

When you heard that Boris Johnson has been told by Princess Nut Nuts to give all NHS staff an inflation-busting pay rise, I bet you thought of poor nurses earning close to the average national wage of £26,000 and went outside at 8 PM to clap like a seal. But, of course, most of the staff the NHS employs are neither poor or nurses. Here are three vacancies going which, I am sure you will agree, will assist the fight against covid not a jot.


1307 days ago

That interview by BBC head of diversity June Sarpong and why it's such good news

Now that we are out of the EU for good, surely the next great national campaign has to be to #DefundtheBBC. It really is a most nauseating institution. The clear liberal left bias of its news coverage, the woke and unfunny comedy and the smug air of superiority makes it almost unbearable. As it attracts ever fewer viewers and listeners, it ups the bloated pay of its staff, never questioning why folks are deserting it but instead doubling down on the sort of activities which arouse so much anger.


1340 days ago

Go woke go broke: The British Legion advertises for a "Head of Diversity & Inclusion" at £55,000 per annum - no more poppies for me

I buy a poppy in remembrance of my Great Uncle Francis Cochrane who died while fighting the Germans in North Africa in 1942. I hope my cash helps an ex serviceman or servicewoman in need. But does it?


1496 days ago

The BBC chucks £100m of your cash at BLM driven diversity content today but does the data justify it?

We all have to respond to BlackLivesMatter and it is so much easier when you get to do so by spending £100 million of other folks’ cash as the BBC has announced today. The funding will come from the corporation’s existing commissioning budget over three years. It will also be supported by a new mandatory 20% diverse-talent target in all new network commissions from April 2021. It sounds great but I doubt anyone in the media world will look underneath the bonnet at data already out there.


1716 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lucky Lord Lucan don't bludgeon the Angus share price to death, it's time to 'fess up

In today’s podcast I look at two utterly absurd proposals from Labour on broadband and on Inheritance Tax. Insanity. I also warn No Gold that he better get his £50 ready for me on December 13. Then I look at Angus Energy (ANGS), Optibiotix (OPTI), Neil Woodford disasters Kier (KIE), Eddie Stobart Logistics (ESL) and Non-Standard Finance (NSF). Then at Veltyco (VLTY) which is clearly insolvent. 95p to 1.5p in two years, thank God it had a female CEO to demonstrate the benefits of boardroom diversity for some of that period. Incidentally that CEO Ms. Blau earned 220,000 Euro for just seven months work so did a great job of closing the #GenderPayGap.  Rejoice! Rejoice!


1839 days ago

England did not win the greatest cricket match ever because of diversity!

For some reason, my wife’s family seem to be the only Indians on this planet who do not give two hoots about cricket. After seven years with the Mrs, I still found myself yesterday trying to explain what is a four, a six and an overthrow. None the less, as yesterday afternoon went on we had two TVs going at my mother-in-law’s house: one for tennis and one for cricket. Gradually even the Tennis goggle box became a cricket one as my mother and father in law became engrossed by the World Cup Final, without doubt the most exciting ODI ever.


1980 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Audioboom's placing tomorrow, 6 reasons why it is a bargepole stock, the corruption of the deadwood press & silly Kelly Tolhurst MP

In today's podcast I look at Audioboom (BOOM) in light of today's placing "scoop" in the M ail on Sunday and also what it says about the corruption of the deadwood press. I also comment on the virtue signalling by silly business minister Kelly Tollhurst re diversity on FTSE 100 boards. Suffice to say, she scores a gamma double minus for data analysis.


2115 days ago

Veltyco – CEO “resigns” J’accuse

A bad day for diversity as AIM loses a female CEO in the form of Melissa Blau at Veltyco (VLTY). No doubt our wretched Prime Minister Theresa may will be cross about this but folks who care about weeding out failures and rewarding talent rather than daft quotas will not be crying. The question is whether Veltyco’s statement is true or not. Methinks it is not.


2434 days ago

I'm being censored by some Godless liberals for believing in Christmas

I wrote earlier today about the LinkedIn writers group discussing alternative greetings to "Happy Holidays". I posted my thoughts HERE and put up a similar comment on the LinkedIn Group.Guess what?


2532 days ago

The Fascism of the Left: High School Students kicked off College campus for wearing Trump Hat

So much for free speech and the left. A group of high school students were on a day out in Washington DC. one of the girls in the group was wearing a Donald Trump baseball cap and another a T shirt proclaiming her support for POTUS as you can see below. Then, after a hassle free day, they visited Howard University.


2561 days ago

Tories 4 the TransGender Community - The New Big Idea in the Big Tent - Gosh these folks are pathetic

With no real majority at Westminster, Mrs May's pathetic Tories are unable to push through any of the so many radical changes this country needs to make to avoid going bust. The chances of radical change on any issue that matters are zippo. Or so I believed. You thought that the useless Cons were out of big ideas? Think again. Today's Sunday Times reveals dramatic new proposals to tackle the needs of the transgender community. I just despair.


2576 days ago

To our shame, being racist in 2017 Britain is acceptable as long as its the Jews you hate: Ebrahim Bham speaks tomorrow

Following on from the "Jews caused Grenfell Tower" Al Quds day march you would have thought that the British Authorities might try to put a temporary ban on public demonstrations of overt Jew hating. Oh no. This form of racism appears to be perfectly acceptable in Britain today. Is it any wonder that across Western Europe Jews are packing up and heading to the one place they feel safe, the only democracy in the Middle East: Israel?


2576 days ago

As we all "celebrate" Gay Pride this weekend a look back to Ambridge 2002, a small landmark in the dismal decline of the BBC

The BBC, Channel 4 and the rest of the liberal media are telling us that this weekend is when we are "celebrate" pride. There is a massive event in London and a march has just set off here in Bristol. I am sure there are events across the land. 
