liberal elite

530 days ago

The Bunting stays up – an enormous fuck you to the liberal establishment

The Coronation weekend is over but as I drive around the villages around Wrexham and Chester I am struck by how much of the celebratory bunting and flags stay up. Even here on the Welsh side of the border, the red white and blue of the United Kingdom cannot be dodged. My Indian born parents-in-law, old enough to have been born under British Rule, still fly their Union Flags as do so many others.   But for years flying such flags was expressly frowned upon by the liberal establishment that runs the media, academia and most of the political class.


642 days ago

Jacinda Arden quits before ousted, the liberal left applaud her & lie: she is a totalitarian with covid blood on her hands

Jon Sopel, his former colleagues at the BBC, the Euro loon Femi, the whole of the liberal elite are applauding ghastly Jacinda Ardern for stepping down “on a high” as Prime Minister of New Zealand today. It is almost as “brave” as when Phil Schofield came out as gay just as his 17 year old bunk-up/work junior was going to out him to a tabloid.  The reality is that Ardern’s party is now trailing in the polls and its ratings are tanking fast. Defeat in the October Election is inevitable and that is why Ardern is quitting, whatever little Sopel says below. But what of her record on, say, covid where the liberal left applauded her for the most draconian lockdown in the world, bar North Korea.  Here are the facts and they do not make for good reading:


1126 days ago

Christians: the one minority every liberal has to despise – Worcester College Oxford takes up the fight against we of the old beliefs

Once upon a time, Worcester College Oxford was a place that proudly believed in free speech. Even in my student days, it offered sanctuary to those such as the great historian Norman Stone whose conservative views were considered as appalling and depraved by the Guardian readers who dictate what can be thought and said in the City of lost causes. How times change. Today Worcester has attacked the one minority considered by the liberal elite to be below the Untermensch of working class males, that is to say Christians.


2147 days ago

The rabid Brexiteer holed up in Greece sneered the metropolitan elitist remainer

Yes I am a rabid Brexiteer. I want the country where, regrettably, I spend most of the year to be free to make its own laws, set its own taxes, control its own waters and chart its own destiny. I have faith that Britain can do that.  Yet for sneering metropolitan elitists like the twit who tweeted me last night, as you can see below, that is incompatible with liking your fellow Europeans. Au contraire..


2205 days ago

The rank hypocrisy of the liberal left as they shout #Metoo and buy $745 tickets to meet a rapist and his enabler: the Clintons

In the fury of the recent affair Kavanaugh time and time again we were told “she must be believed”. After years of – undoubted – injustice the woman must be assumed to be telling the truth unless proven otherwise when it came to sexual harassment and rape.  Thankfully this distortion of justice was not allowed to win the day and Brett Kavanaugh starts work today on the Supreme Court. Among those making the case of a presumption of guilt was, without irony, Hillary Clinton.


2389 days ago

Greedy BBC trougher Sarah Montague just does not get it - her words betray her false sense of entitlement

Today's bleating member of the liberal elite is Sarah Montague who until last year had to struggle to survive on just under £150,000. Now she gets more having switched from Today to The World at One. Please #MeToo


2392 days ago

Dead heroine and villain Winnie Mandela - The Guardian injects its usual poison into the debate

There is no doubt in my mind that the appalling way that the evil apartheid regime treated the late Winnie Mandela and her children is a very legitimate mitigating factor for Winnie as she trudges her way on the long march towards a meeting with St Peter. Indeed the evil of apartheid and the way it treated all dissenters and all black Africans is another factor St Pete will take into account. But I very much doubt that he will be utterly forgiving and, I am sure, that Mrs Mandela will show no sense of repentance. Natch the Guardian, the newspaper of the liberal elite, thinks she did nothing wrong and it goes further, in its usual poisonous way, as it tries to silence debate on this matter. .


2435 days ago

Slated by the Guardian within hours of his death, RIP Billy Graham - when did I hear you at Villa Park?

The man dubbed America's pastor has passed away aged 99. It did not take the Guardian more than a few hours to accuse Billy Graham of the most heinous crimes "In his early years as a preacher, Graham expressed racist and antisemitic views" and also attacking him for his unswerving hostility to communism. In the eyes of the liberal elite, opposing a Godless faith which cased the death of tens of millions of folks is a bad thing, being a spy for the Czech secret police is a minor issue. Whatever


2546 days ago

And the liberal elite think they are smarter than we on the right? Hello Elham Khatami

The narrative of the liberal elitists is always the same. We plebs may vote for Brexit or Donald Trump but the smart folks vote the "right way". They just know better than we do. Meet Elham Khatami.


2660 days ago

Donald Trump Junior and the Russians - now the liberal media and out of touch Dems really are clutching at straws

Having failed to lay a glove on Trump senior for getting help from the Russians during hos election triumph, the Democrats and their allies in the liberal media fake news departments tried to show he was blocking their futile investigations. That failed too. Now the Dems really are clutching at straws.


2765 days ago

Fake Bent Banana News from the BBC's Newsnight on Brexit & farming

The BBC's flagship News programme Newsnight is staffed by the grossly overpaid liberal elite who care about the sort of issues we in the 99% don't give a stuff about and who show an open hostility to Brexit. Impartiality is not the name of the game here. Last night's main feature was on that silly woman who claimed to be a black rights campaigner before - after many years on the liberal civil rights gravy train - she was outed as being er...`100% white. 

All that time banging on about how being black had left her victimised and oppressed started to ring a bit hollow. At that point, she claimed that she "identified" as being black. Anyhow she has now got a big wonga book deal so maybe that will go some way to make up for all the hurt she was caused by slavery.

Then it was onto the thrice weekly Brexit bash with a report on farming. 


2786 days ago

Video: Uber PC BBC elitist Evan Davis utterly crushed by black Trump voters Diamond & Silk - surely they must be racist?

This is a delight. Millionaire liberal media elitist Evan was wetting himself on the BBC's fake news flagship Newsnight as he got to interview two delightful ladies who are black and voted for Donald Trump. Evan started by saying that since black folks did not vote for Trump so he was puzzled by these ladies. 


2798 days ago

Can Jo Cox's sanctimonious husband Brendan STFU - your wife was not a nationally loved saint

The sanctimonious husband of the late Labour MP Jo Cox, murdered by an obvious loon last June, has decreed that we should all hold street parties this June to mark her death and celebrate bringing communities together with love not dividing them with hate blah, blah, blah, we all reject UKIP as they steal our bicycles and hate immingrants yadda, yadda, yadda. The media luvvies of the liberal elite live in the same fantasy world as Mr Cox and dare not tell him the truth.


2804 days ago

Jon Sopel: The BBC is impartial, free and fair - that is a fake news lie from an elitist tosser

The highlight of the week was Donald Trump sticking it to the BBC's North America correspondent Jon Sopel who - as you can see here - spluttered that the BBC was "impartial free and fair." I guess that would be fake news then because it is patently not any of the above. Let's start with free.


2805 days ago

The smug fucking Kraut lecturing on why hard Brexit will screw England, here in Kambos - fuck you Nazi

I do not normally pay much attention to what folks on neighbouring tables say when watching the world go by in the Kourounis taverna in Kambos, the village closest to the Greek Hovel where I hope to spend most of the rest of my life.  I just tap away at my keyboard or think about olives. But today I exploded as a fat and smug German explained to a couple of timorous Brits why hard Brexit would screw England and thus why we should "obey orders" and fall into line with what Germany, sorry the EU, wanted. I exploded.


2806 days ago

#TrumpimpeachmentParty - Get over it Democrat losers you lost!

My twitter feed is set to the USA and what is trending right now is #TrumpImpeachmentParty - ok so what has the Donald done that merits such an action?


2828 days ago

Eleven old farts delay Brexit - good: the contempt for an out of touch Establishment grows

Eleven rich and privileged members of the establishment, that is to say the Supreme Court, today backed a millionaire bankster, Gina Miller, in delaying what the British people voted for in our largest ever exercise in democracy. I voted for Brexit but still regard this as great news.


2884 days ago

What's good for liberal fashion designers is surely also good for bigoted bakers

One is not allowed, as an employer, to discriminate against one's staff because of their race, sex, sexuality or indeed their political views. Well actually that is not quite true. Sacking someone for being a Nazi is easy. Firing a commie is rather harder. About once a week my colleague Darren Atwater lets his inner Canadian burst out and spouts some lefty shite which should see him fired but I can't under UK law get rid of the deluded fool. 

The treatment of customers is a bit different.


2884 days ago

The BBC on UKIP - sneering elitist bastard Jeremy Vine, not even a pretence of impartiality

I am not a UKIP voter although I am 100% eurosceptic. I have explained many times why I don't vote for the party but listening to taxpayer funded Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 today I almost stareted to feel sympathetic to the fruitcakes.


2893 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: fascist liberals at Hamilton & global warming falling hard in Ohio

In this week's postcard I look at how the liberal elite of the 1% behave like fascists at a performance of the crap uber-PC musical Hamilton in New York while in Ohio Trump voters get snowed on heavily. Oh the global warming irony. But those without jobs will not be laughing at the folly of the liberal elite on this matter.


2899 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The poppy debate is about "cultural bigotry in post Brexit Britain" said the wanker on Radio 4

I despair about the liberal elite. After Brexit and Trump they still don't get it as some idiot on Radio 4 demonstrated again today. Oh well, now it is over to the Italians to give them their next kicking. I cover their awful reaction to Trump today HERE. Then it is onto Trump, economics and the market then Mobile Streams (MOS) and them in detail the dodgy goings on with the Avanti Communications (AVN) share price.


2915 days ago

Photo article: Can I now wear my Hillary for Prison T-Shirt here in Bristol?

Bristol is the sort of left leaning City where the patronising middle classes agree with Matt Frei that ALL Trump supporterrs are racists. They agree with Hillary Clinton that anyone voting for the GOP is a "deplorable". Naturally we Brexit voters were also termed ignorant racists by the bien pensants of the South West. Put it this way: I really don't feel as if I am in my ideologocal home here.


2941 days ago

Another academic who views the "Little people" with contempt and disgust - Scott Bellows

The Colombian referendum really has got the liberal elite out in force showing their contempt for the "little people" when they vote the wrong way. In the comfortable groves of academia, a haven for lazy and overpaid folks who engage in an intolerant form of group think, the sparks were flying. We have already met Dr Caroline from Sheffied University who thinks we "should never have referendums on things that really matter" now meet Scott Bellows from Durham. Scott, the Prof, tweeted:


2941 days ago

Patronising lefty academic Caroline Dodds Pennock shows undisguised contempt for the great unwashed (who pay her wages) & for free speech & tolerance

Out in Colombia a referendum on whether a peace treaty between the State and the loathsome murderers of the Maoist terror group FARC should be ratified has just seen the great unwashed vote the wrong way. It seems that the oiks were not so keen on an amnesty for the butchers and so voted in a way that the liberal intelligentsia across the world do not understand. it is Brexit all over again, why can't the lower classes do what is good for them, wails the elite. Meet academic Caroline Dodds Pennock from Sheffield University. She won't like me posting her photo but since you, the taxpayer, have been paying her wages since she graduated from Oxford you have a right to know how she thinks.


2955 days ago

Why are the liberals not demanding a ban on pressure cookers yet? Ref Ahmad Khan Rahami

Every time there is a shooting in the US the liberal elite demands a ban on guns. That is even when a good guy with a gun shoots the bad guy to prevent deaths. But the terror attacks in New York and New Jersey at the weekend did not involve guns: the most lethal weapon used by Ahman Khan Rahami was a pressure cooker. Hell's teeth the US must ban pressure cookers now. Surely liberals can show logical consistency on this issue?


3125 days ago

Travelodge resident Shanique Vickerman costs the taxpayer £422 a week & is in the top 21% of earners - welfare isnt working

Every time another case emerges showing that the welfare state is a bottomless pit for taxpayers cash that solves nothing, the liberal media and political elite say "this is just an exception". But it seems to be dawning on some folks that there are so many "exceptions" that the exception is now the norm. The system is broken. Have you met Shanique?

Born in the UK she moved to Jamaica with her parents as a baby. The she came back here. She got pregnant so has a 4 year old son by a dad who she says is abusive and who seems unwilling to pay a cent towards his upkeep. She has the right to stay in the UK but no right to state help or social housing.

And so she is appealing that natch (did anyone say legal aid?) and pro tem that means her local council must put her up but not in social housing but in a hotel which is costing the grateful taxpayer £50 a night plus £72 a week for food, essentials and whatever.

Shanique says the hotel room is not big enough and is making life hard as she is forced to eat junk food which is making her son ill and it is also a bad base from which she can go out and get a job. She fails to explain 


3418 days ago

Evening Standard's Nick Curtis - what a tosser, but he shows libertarianism is now cool

Obviously the coolest folks are libertarians. And so am I. Amanda Van Dyke has a few dangerous neocon tendancies (foreign policy) and some odd views on the EU but for a Canadian is a pretty libertarian - her fellow countrymen tend to be lefties. Charlotte Argyle, the daughter of Thatcher pictured above, is crystal pure. But you only know something is really cool when folks with no claim to be one of us, start trying to claim to be part of the crowd. That brings me to a total tosser called Nick Curtis, a columnist in the London Evening Standard.

I stress that I am not a regular Standard reader. But on the train back to Bristol last week I happened upon a copy and being bored started to read it. As ever I was struck how folks inside zone 1 of London are a completely alien speciies to the rest of the UK. They have different concerns, interests and views to the rest of us. They are the political, media and corporate elite and they just live on another planet.

Mr Curtis writes on the 10th June about how the busy body sheep shaggers at the Welsh Assembly wish to ban vaping ( "smoking e-cigarettes" in public places). And in the piece he proclaims "I'm a libertarian who believes in personal choice." Great news... a kindred spirit. er....


3453 days ago

Is London a bit of a Scotland – totally out of touch with “real England”

It is clear that Scotland now thinks totally differently to England in social, economic and political terms. It is another country and it must be given independence now – more on that later. But there is another country within England – London. 

As a resident of the boonies and someone born and raised a small town boy I have always thought Londoners odd. As they wander around buying properties on a sub 1% yield and thinking that is a bargain, paying £100 for underwater yoga sessions and more for regular colonic irrigation the middle classes of London just seem peculiar to me. 

And in political terms


3561 days ago

Page Three Ce n’est pas mort – #JeSuispage3

Like Lazarus, rising from the dead, Page 3 birds have returned to The Sun. Good. A small minority of the liberal elite who never read the paper anyway attempted to dictate a change of editorial policy. They have failed.

The liberal elite do not like Page three birds. They would not like their daughters showing their tits. But then their daughters go to nice private schools in North London, a good university and have nice respectable careers. A check-out position at Tesco is not their career choice.

The liberal elite are happy to deny the poor the opportunity for financial freedom because the poor are the client state of the liberal left. And while they mouth platitudes about freedom of speech or expression that is only until something is said which they find distasteful.

I find The Guardian objectionable and distasteful. So I do not buy it. But I have no right to stop it publishing opinions on a daily basis which I find loathsome.  But then I do not pretend to be part of the liberal left: I actually DO believe in freedom and in allowing those less privileged than I the chance of a better life.

Vive Le Sun. Vive les Page Three Birds.  I shall continue not to buy it as it is generally an intolerant rag full of rubbish but I am delighted that it will continue to stay that way.


3866 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #59 – The Liberty Hating Left & National Service Edition

My weekly video postcard this week is born out of conversations with deluded lefty pals of the Mrs this weekend – why is it that the Left wants the State to take more control over our lives?

The issue is the failure of secondary education & our ludicrous, unfunded and unsustainable higher education system. One deluded lefty reckons that the answer is to bring back some form of National Service.

This says everything about the left. A problem that is fixable is to be addressed by the State spending more money and restricting more liberties and still won’t fix the problem.

I also cover two walls - one in Berlin and one in Israel and what both say about the mendacity and failings of the liberal left elite in the West.

My weekly financial postcard covers the red flags of Gulf Keystone, the failings of analysts and why they fail and I issue a direct challenge to Gulf boss Todd Kozel – is he man enough to face an interview from me? You can watch that video HERE
