
110 days ago

Is Stuart Ashman lying again?

My real beef with Stuart Ashman, the CEO of Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) is not his grotesque pay package and the fact that he snaffled a pay rise last year when his company headed backwards operationally. Nor is it that he tells overt porkies with his “Rules are rules” claims. My real gripe is, as explained in bearcast today, how poor decisions made by him have cost we loyal shareholders badly. Losing 2/3 of the share price in less than three months is worse than careless. But back to the lying.


119 days ago

Verditek: Gotcha! Lying scumbags enabled by Richard “Gollum” Gill and the inaction of the Oxymorons

Oh dear, Oh dear as the shamed tipster “old Mother” Mike Walters used to say when one of his shite share tips went horribly wrong. Oh wait: Verditek (VDTK) was one of his shite share tips! Its shares were 20p at peak Walters enthusiasm. They are now 0.11p after an admission today that it is giving up the solar panels business and becoming a cash shell, albeit with almost no cash. The big red flag here which Walters overlooked was that Verditek repeatedly lied about contracts won to get placings away only to ‘fess up afterwards that the contracts, even those described as take or pay, had not happened. So, serial lying and thus fraud…always a bit of a red flag.


134 days ago

BREAKING: Tintra Limited – who is lying about ownership of shares in Indomanange?

Earlier I flagged up the scandalous listing of Tintra (TNT) on JP Jenkins. It is my contention that the company mislead investors in numerous ways allowing insiders to make millions from dumping share at hugely inflated prices. And in that vein, here is another oddity that the folks at JP Jenkins should be considering as a matter of urgency.


172 days ago

Vast Resources: barefaced lying sanctioned by "Fatty" as it places yet again

This was the company that said it needed to do a 100 for 1 share consolidation so that it could pay a dividend. Natch it has not paid a dividend in the 33 months since but has placed numerous times and its shares have now collapsed by 98% since the consolidation having been 99% down before it. The management of Vast Resources (VAST) are simply liars. Today the company is exposed again in the most blatant way. Why on earth the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation and hapless Nomad Roland “Fatty” Cornish do not come on this farce defies belied. Wind back to 6 October and a placing to raise £1,819,350 at 0.195p. The company stated:


215 days ago

Network Rail, Ramadan and the acceptability of lying

A few days ago, on the electronic trains departure board at King’s Cross there appeared a Hadith, a message from the prophet Mohammed posted to mark Ramadan. The message, posted by an employee of Network Rail, said more such Hadiths would follow. Cue outrage.


240 days ago

Letter to the FCA: Wildcat Petroleum & Lying

Last night Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) was forced, by the FCA, I Suspect, to issue a groveling RNS admitting that its Chairman and CEO Mandhir Singh had, in effect, lied to investors on a Director’s Talk podcast. But this is the tip of the iceberg. I have written to the FCA which is the regulator of the Standard list.


244 days ago

BREAKING: Did the FCA tell Mandhir Singh of Wildcat to admit he was lying?

Rather like a celeb caught making sexist comments on social media and forced unto a grovelling apology, Mandhir Singh of Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) has been caught telling complete lies and after hours yesterday came the confession via RNS. A “clarifying statement” is how the RNS is headed. It should be “Mandhir is a fucking liar.”


285 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: who at team Pennpetro gets a kick out of lying in an RNS?

I start with the weather. The Rain in Wales only stops when it hails. The River Dee is rising and will, I predict, breach a bank tonight – this relates to my great obsession in life (other than Cheryl Cole ) as you can see HERE. Then it is into Optibiotix (OPTI), Pennpetro (PPP) and Victoria (VCP)


531 days ago

John Zorbas and Uru Metals – disastrous news from Zeb, it's almost bust and has been caught telling porkies

Oh dear, oh dear. Uru Metals (URU) – as Nigel has pointed out is technically bust. By now net current assets will be cMINUS $2.25 million while cash will be down to just a few hundred thousand dollars. Its supporters flag up that it owns 78% of TSX-V listed Zeb Minerals. Today URU flags up two bits of news from Zeb without going into detail. I bet you cannot guess why? First up Zeb has been caught lying or, as Uru puts it, it has “issued a clarifying press release”


571 days ago

BREAKING: The £250m tech blow-up Dev Clever – what is it hiding now?

On 16 December after almost a year of suspension on the (sub) Standard List, Dev Clever (DEV) announced that it was to delist, lying to investors by saying that it could not raise cash on that market. Of course it had been offered cash by Riverfort so that was a demonstrable lie from a company whose serial lies this website had exposed so often. It now gets even murkier.


578 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: And today's big new shorting idea is...Celadon Pharmaceuticals

I start with a grumpy old man rant about standards in public and corporate life covering a lying Boris, Wildcat (WCAT) and Osirium (OSI) before moving onto the missing £20 million and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). I cover Amigo (AMGO), Versarien (VRS) and the liquidity trap, Inland (INL), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) before I turn my fire on Celadon (CEL). Finally I urge you to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks as I outline my third training walk on Saturday. C’mon you can afford a tenner HERE


585 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: forward selling at Versarien & Verditek, lying by Reabold and the countdown to insolvency at Supply@ME Capital

I start pondering retirement, then look at Credit Suisse and Gary vs Chris on buying shares right now. Then it is onto Versarien (VRS), Verditek (VDTK), lying by Reabold (RBD) on its takeover bid, Cineworld (CINE), Ben’s Creek (BEN) and that scumbag Adam Wilson and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME)


637 days ago

EXPOSE: Julie "Lingerie on Expenses" Meyer caught lying again, does the High Court and FCA know about this?

Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer, does not appear to have turned over a new leaf at the start of 2023 as the filing made at Companies House on January 3 which is below, appears to show. Meyer kicks off 2023 by lying.


695 days ago

More greedy public sector workers telling lies - this time its the bone idle teachers, step forward Cllr Louise Atkinson

Its not just the greedy nurses who are lying about how they all need food banks to survive and who are thus demanding a big hike to a package which is already massively greater than the UK median wage. Across the public sector they are all at it. I have highlighted before the greed and mendacity of the teachers, but in 2022 the lazy scumbags are telling porkies as never before. Meet Louise Atkinson who when not working hard and getting a good screw from being a Labour councillor in Carlisle is a teacher. Heaven help her students.


752 days ago

Nanosynth interims – this company is lying & looks to be going bust by Christmas

The bullet points at the top of a RNS release, a financial promotion so something covered by regulation and thus meant to be fair and balanced, are meant to be a summary of what lies buried in the text. There is no mitigation at all about telling a slam dunk lie in a bullet point from explaining deep in the body of a release, where few will read it, why the bullet point is not actually true. And that brings me to half calendar year results from the liars at nanosynth (NNN) and why this lie does matter whatever its rather irritable advisers think.


844 days ago

Verditek – that ol’ contract win spoof works again – bailout placing achieved

Just how many times will mug punters fall for this spoofing?  Last Thursday shares in Verditek (VDTK) traded at 1.3p. On Friday they soared to 1.6p. On Monday there was a contract announced and they roofed it to 2.5p. Today…


993 days ago

Chill Brands – Spreadex out, when will lying rule breaking ramper John Story admit to next share sale, as insolvency looms

The real issue with the fraud Chill Brands (CHLLis that it could run out of cash within two weeks. It is teetering on the verge of insolvency: the FCA IS NOW looking closely at interims from last week which imply that THREE trading statements in 2021 announced, what are now, clearly bogus sales and meanwhile its main ramper, the lying rule breaking John Story who said the shares would go to £25 is bailing as fast as he can. Today we have news from Spreadex.


997 days ago

Chill Brands interims – when did it start lying about sales? Why no current cash number – this is now a near insolvent fraud

Chill Brands (CHLL) has today issued results for the six months to 30 September and quite simply what it says does not tally with numerous RNS statements about sales. This is slam dunk fraud but it gets worse.


997 days ago

Expose: The King ramping rat, lying, rule breaking John Story starts to abandon the sinking Chill Brands ship

When shares in the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL) surged towards a quid, spiv John Story told folks they were going much higher. He gave ramptastic interviews where he told lies about the company then known as Zoetic (ZOE).  He ostentatiously bought a few more shares. He engaged with the man who helped Harvey Weinstein to silence his victims to harass and troll myself, Gary Newman, Peter Brailey and others to try and scare us away from exposing this con.  But now with the shares barely into double figures Story is bailing. And here’s why.


1036 days ago

Eurostar - another company that lies to customers on the covid scandemic

A couple of weeks ago I exposed how Heathrow Airport broke the covid laws and lied to customers about what it was doing. Natch the airport has not bothered to respond. For the Government and Big Corporations in Airstrip One it is just Carry on Lying.  That is the culture in which we all live. Today’s big corporate liar is Eurostar which has also declined to comment.


1089 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Am I wrong about Supply@ME Capital and how do you know if Andrew Prelea of Vast is lying?

I start with a few notes on horticulture here in Wales then move onto questioning my strongly held belief that Supply@ME Capital (SYME) is a worthless fraud. Then I explain why the recent Cenkos note on Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) is wrong and how via its website the company faces an acid test. Actually the website I refer to has now been amended as you can see HERE. But not before my contact placed an order.  Finally I look at Vast Resources (VAST) and its shocking placing followed by even more shocking no-one is watching O’clock results.


1098 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: How do you know when an AIM CEO is lying?

In today’s podcast, I consider the video interview I’m doing later on the FCA, Ben’s Creek (BEN) and how its inevitable failure will come to haunt the AIM sewer, Vast Resources (VAST), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Seed Ventures (SEED), Eden Research (EDEN) and the dual list on OTC con, and Predator Oil & Gas (PRD


1110 days ago

Lying bastard Brian McDonnell of US Oil & Gas shown to be a liar again as he fails to hand cash back to investors

It pains me to be harsh on a fellow Irishman and, thus, it is with a heavy heart that I yet again call out little Brian McDonnell of US Oil & Gas for the lying scumbag that he is. But this time the lying POS is holding onto cash that is not his. This lie is his most serious yet. How I wish the little shit would sue me for libel but instead he only picks on poor defenceless posters on long since disappeared Bulletin Boards. Anyhow the boss of US Oil & Gas (USOP), once valued at £300 million but having been booted off 3 markets for, er … lying, is at it again.


1173 days ago

Reasons to #DefundtheBBC No 967 - lying just to placate the radical trans lobby

Woman’s Hour should be renamed People’s Hour in light of the tweet below. For the BBC seems to think that people have periods just as it has previously suggested people get pregnant. Nope the word it is looking for is “women” but that might offend those who insist that such narrow definition of gender is offensive to some folks in these fluid times. Whatever. 


1216 days ago

More beer & popcorn at Lekoil – Now those pesky Nigerians pinch the website

The CEO, a NED and the CFO has gone. Lekoil Nigeria – 40% owned by Lekoil PLC (LEK) – accuses the AIM-listed PLC of lying about the reasons for delaying results. The company is downing in debt. What more could go wrong? Oh yes: the pesky Nigerians have half-inched the corporate website.


1217 days ago

BREAKING: Lekoil CFO walks and accuses company of lying and breaking AIM Rule 10

First it was the CEO, then a NED and now the CFO has quit, drowning in debt, AIM dog Lekoil (LEK) of fake sheikh infamy. But the resignation letter of Edward During is dynamite. Lekoil itself has not put out a statement on this matter but Lekoil Nigeria, which it owns 40% of and seems to be at war with, has. Kerboom. How long can these shares remain unsuspended? Is the Nomad, hapless SP Angel of the fraud MySquar infamy, not considering whether to walk? It should be but, then again, it is morally bankrupt.


1265 days ago

BREAKING: Bidstack – Confirmation of Stifel forecast slash & breach of AIM Rules 10 & 11

Needless to say, the morally bankrupt PR firm of Buchanan has still not replied to an email from Tuesday night regarding forecasts for its technically insolvent client Bidstack (BIDS). Presumably it is working hard finding a journalist to smear and that is its priority. When Steph Watson says she will reply to an email what she clearly means is “I am a lying PR harpy and will do nothing of the sort.” But, without the assistance of mendacious Steph, I now have confirmation that house broker Stifel has indeed slashed forecasts which appears to be a clear breach of AIM Rules 10 and 11.


1283 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oh the irony - Link of Neil Woodford infamy needs proof of who I am

I start with problems getting hold of my father’s estate because Link are fuckwits. Then onto Woodlarks where I make the usual request to the, now, 97.5% of you yet to donate, please do so HERE. Then a detailed look at IMC Exploration (IMC), Eurasia Mining (EUA) and Verditek (VDTK) with new evidence of its lying to investors goading me into action.


1302 days ago

Explosive Dossier: surely the FCA and SEC must act to stop the backdoor stockmarket comeback of Chris Cleverly,

When your cousin James is a Foreign Office minister and tipped as a future Prime Minister and you mix freely among the Westminster great and good you might think that you are above the law. That certainly seems to be the case for Chris Cleverly who has spent the past five years lying to investors and raising cash on the back of it. Now he has a new con which he is trying to float on the Standard List of the London Stock Exchange via a backdoor reverse takeover into an insolvent company, and he has now roped in a US listed company which is already lying to its investors. The FCA and SEC must act at once. Cleverly’s crime spree started at AIM listed African Potash (AFPO).


1314 days ago

Lying on an industrial scale does not seem to matter anymore but it does – Tesla video

We have seen this sort of time in history before but it is rare. Elon Musk has just filed with the SEC to change his job title to “Techno-king Tesla”. His FD is now “Master of Coin”. These guys are smoking their own bullshit. And bullshit it is because Musk is an industrial scale liar but, for now, the faithful do not care.


1325 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - lying really does matter

In today’s bearcast I look at Zoetic (ZOE) and why its monster lie from April Fool’s day 2019 does matter, even as Seth Freedman, at the behest of a Zoetic shareholder, harasses another one of our writers at 11 PM. I also look at Peter Brailey’s call on oil, why I agree and how to play it.


1350 days ago

Zoetic- a deafening silence

Zoetic International (ZOE) has yet to respond to my bombshell dossier of six days ago which showed clearly it lying to investors, regulators and its  - very few – costomers. The silence is deafening.  There are two possible explanations.


1354 days ago

BREAKING: Supply@ME Capital accuses the FCA of lying in nonsensical statement

Supply@ME Capital (SYME) has today addressed the issue of the continuing suspension of its shares by accusing the FCA of lying. Naturally this has delighted its moronic shareholders.


1400 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation: Versarien lying again

How many letters have I written to the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation about the lies and market abuse committed by Versarien (VRS)? To their credit, the Oxymorons have, on a number of occasions, forced Versarien to issue a new RNS fessing up to various ghastly truths so they do heed my words sometimes. Anyhow, Versarien has told another porky today and so I have written again.


1495 days ago

Iconic – so morons just how scammed by this blatant lying do you feel today?

Ouch! I do hope that the morons who have piled into worthless, cash guzzling, POS Iconic (ICON) in recent days had lubed up properly for this morning they were shafted completely. The shares have slumped by 47% to 0.01325p having also dumped yesterday. Now we know why and it is horrific.


1520 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon sticks it to lying MPs, the lying Guardian and the lying deadwood press in general

Tim Martin is once again this website’s hero of the day. The JD Wetherspoon (JDW) boss reports that trade is improving despite continuing assaults by those who thing we should boycott his chain because of Tim’s support for Brexit, including MPs and the loathsome newspaper founded on slave trading profits, The Guardian, who all stoop to lying. His statement today is cracking stuff.  The great man opines:


1527 days ago

DEVASTATING WINNILEAKS EXPOSE: Verditek and Project Black – proof of active lying to investors ahead of a placing

Last week I exposed how Verditek (VDTK) had misled investors in three placings by NOT informing them that previously announced contracts had not gone ahead and on Tuesday the company fessed up to this. But misleading by omission ahead of a placing is one thing. Actively lying is far worse and thanks to Winnileaks I can now demonstrate that Verditek has done that not once but at least twice.


1634 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 29 with Tom Winnifrith - my Bidstack smearer will be getting letters regarding a legal claim for damages from 8 Parties

I have no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH) where things look increasinly promising. Check out its new corporate presentation HERE. I start with events at Bidstack (BIDS) detailed in free to read articles HERE and HERE where one gender fluid shareholder will, I can reveal in this podcast, shortly be served by eight parties he defamed. That is 8 seperate libel cases he must fight. It should be ruinous. But why is Bidstack lying? I discuss. Then it is onto why shares in general are racing higher. Is that justified? I discuss the forthcoming Shareprophets Shares show on May 9 with its quite amazing speaker line-up. Book your ticket for 70 hours of amazing video content for just £9.99 HERE.  Then I look at why Versarien (VRS) also tried to bamboozle investors over the nature of its dealings with Rolls Royce (RR). If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast and enjoy our cracking writen exposes and analysis every day HERE.


1637 days ago

After 4 letters from myself to the regulator, disgraced Bidstack is Forced to admit to lying again

Since April 17 I have written to AIM Regulation and hapless Nomad Mark Brady of SPARK four times about the latest big lie to investors told by Bidstack (BIDS). At 4.20 PM on 27th April came an RNS ‘fess up but I smell no contrition. This is a company with a culture of deception. But without ShareProphets it would have got away with it.


1725 days ago

Lyin’ Chris Cleverley AGAIN shows that on the joke NEX Lobster Pot, lying and NOT sticking to the rules just does not matter

On 18 November 2019 I wrote to the clowns and buffoons who describe themselves as the NEX Markets Regulation department, no sniggering at the back please, with slam dunk evidence of three monstrous lies told by Lyin’ Chris Cleverley’s Block Commodities (BLCC), formerly African Potash (AFPO) until it was slung off AIM after I proved it was engaged in wholesale fraud.  The twits at NEX acknowledged my letter and have clearly done nothing about it as Lyin’ Chris has issued a new release showing how he has broken all the rules. Again!


1750 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 22 with Tom Winnifrith on the subject of lying from the Daily Mail to five cited CEOs

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me once again sitting in the Welsh Hovel. As I note in the podcast the reason why I think Open Orphan is such a good company with undervalued shares is explained HERE. In part one I look at corporate lying citing a number of different examples and why some lies matter more than others, some are red flags but not killers others are investment case killers.  Then I offer up a number of macro reasons to be very cautious on all asset classes this year. Do not believe the idea that Bojo will usher in the roaring twenties. He got my vote but that is tosh..If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1772 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: from Sefton to Bidstack, corporate lying is fraud but at last 1 regulator is smelling the coffee

NoGold has still not been in touch regarding the £50 he owes me. It seems as if my good mates at the FRC really are getting tough on executives who commit accounting fraud. Fabbo. But I ask for more. And what of lying? It is fraud of a different sort and I have strong suggestions for what the FCA and especially the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation already can do and very rarely do do but need to do so more often to drain the swamp and put me out of a job.


1794 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is it okay to lie these days? Pocohontas, Iconic & UK Oil & Gas

I start with another moral question from the General Election  as I have already noted HERE  Labour thinks that our record number of abortions ( 206,000 last year) is not high enough, we must murder more babies. I then turn to the issue of lying asking if society now thinks it is just acceptable.  That brings me neatly onto Iconic (ICON) and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) both of which I discuss in detail. 


1803 days ago

EXPOSE: Lyin Chris Cleverley, the fraudster cousin of Tory party chairman James, caught Lying (monstrously) again – why is he being protected?

In the years 2015-17 I demonstrated numerous times with articles such as African Potash (AFPO), No No No you are lying bastards and African Potash – now let’s look at the lies in the RNS 6 days before the bailout placing in January, that then AIM listed African Potash run by Lyin’ Chris and Labour peer Lord Hain of sleaze had told industrial scale lies to ramp their shares and get away placings.  This was fraud plain and simple….


1819 days ago

Is lying and fraud now acceptable on the London Market?

You will probably not have heard of BigDish plc (DISH) unless you have read my exposes HERE. It is a small and insignificant Standard Listed tech company. It is really only of interest because of the outrageous behaviour of its CEO.


1856 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: accusations of lying & deception fly - Peter Hargreaves of HL, Neil Woodford & Chris Frazer of Sirius

The accusations of lying, misleading ande of deception are flying thick and fast. I look at Peter Hargreaves of Hargreaves Lansdown (HL.) and his attempted hit job on Neil Woodford and at claims made by Chris Frazer. Frankly, he cannot be Sirius (SXX).


1968 days ago

Live Company – another AIM Casino POS caught lying

And clueless Marcus Stuttard at AIM Regulation wonders why the AIM Casino is regarded as such a joke? How about because companies are able to lie to investors without sanction? I flagged up BlueJay earlier for telling a monstrous porky, now here is another, Live Company (LVCG).’


2096 days ago

Frontera Resources still lying brazenly as it is slung off AIM

Frontera Resources (FRR) did not wish to leave the AIM Casino. Having its shares freely traded meant it was able to obtain death spiral finance to bay its bills. No trading facility, no death spiral, no future. But…


2188 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: on Oxi day why conman, cheat and lying fraudster Darren Winters loves the EU

It is Oxi day here in Greece and I explain the historic context of that which brings me to why the EU has enabled conman Darren Winters to keep cheating the vulnerable and parting them from their money. I then look at Crawshaw (CRAW), Blue Jay Mining (JAY), Great Western Mining (GWMO) which is the ultimate penny dreadful, SalvaRx (SALV) and VR Education (VRE). And I should warn my old pal, the offshore based asset stripper, Jim Mellon that I have more bad news for him over the weekend.


2225 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Laurence Smith threatens me and makes me want to quit, Premaitha - well that's a shock!

I have had one of those days which happen all too often when I think I want to retire. Blame Laurence Smith. All is explained in this podcast. I look at today's news from Premaitha (NIPT) which is certainly a bolt from the blue, comment on the nature of corporate lying, ref Frontera (FRR), cover RM2 (RM2), Optibiotix (OPTI), Sosandar (SOS) and Online Blockchain (DOG).


2225 days ago

Winnileaks strikes again: Frontera (again) lies to and misleads investors over Yorkville – when will its Nomad force it to tell the truth?

Yesterday Frontera Resources (FRR) received a second lawyers letter from convertible loan note provider Yorkville in regard to the $2.65 million outstanding debt on which it is now in default. The letter accused Frontera of lying to investors.  Frontera has not disclosed that letter, or its contents nor has it repaid the sums due to Yorkville Instead it has issued another RNS which is simply misleading. It is doubling down on lying and apparently Nomad cairn is fine with that?


2281 days ago

Julie Meyer lies to the US tax man but has she diddled HMRC out of more than £200,000?

I have today written to the HMRC as it appears that Julie “Lingerie on expenses” Meyer MBE may owe it around £200,000 in unpaid tax. I say “may”, I hope – given the parlous state of the UK’s finances – that it checks this out to see if it indeed this is money owing. It is all to do with her apartment in London.

Of course, Ms sex toys on expenses, already has unpaid tax due


2294 days ago

Treason May needs to deny this Brexit “plan cleared with Merkel” report or resign

It is being reported today that Britain’s worst ever Prime Minister, the wretched Theresa May told former Brexit Secretary David Davis that she was unable to amend her proposed Brexit plan because she had already had it cleared by German leader Frau Merkel. And this is before the UK cabinet got to see the plan let alone agree to it.


2318 days ago

Bombshell – emails sent to Winnileaks show Julie Meyer MBE lying and committing fraud to raise cash for ACE Fund

I have been contacted by a man persuaded by Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer MBE to invest £23,000 into her ACE Fund in September 2016. I have in my possession emails sent by Ms Meyer to the investor and it is clear that she told two very blatant lies and has defrauded him. I have urged the individual to take this matter straight to not only the FCA but also to the City of London Police as this is slam dunk fraud. 


2330 days ago

Winnileaks - once again Julie Meyer accused of lying to a court in an employment case

Once branded a "hysterical witness" who was "not credible" by a Judge in one of the numerous employment tribunals she lost, Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer has a track record as long as your arm of NOT paying staff the money they are owed. That is the reason she faces criminal charges in Malta, a case she declines to attend for reasons best known to her. Winnileaks has been sent another document from a former employee owed cash, Glede Jung, in which Julie is accused of lying to a judge. A pattern emerges don't you think? Enjoy.


2330 days ago

Winnileaks - another Julie Meyer Personal Guarantee emerges - do you reckon she honoured it?

Some of those owed c£3 million by Ariadne Capital Limited (in administration) were luckier than others in that - as we have revealed thanks to Winnileaks - they were offered a personal Guarantee by Ariadne's sole director, the devout Christian, Ms Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer. But given that, when lying to the IRS Meyer claimed to be down to her last £500 and to have no income, I wonder what those guarantees are worth? Perhaps ex Ariadne employee Stuart Poyser can tell us for Winnileaks has thrown up another fascinating document (below).


2353 days ago

Breaking: Leaked email from MSFA - Proof that Julie Meyer has lied & defrauded investors

Julie Meyer's laughable insistence that Maltese Regulators at the MSFA have only suspended her license because she stated this month that the Island was no place to do business and that she would quit, have infuriated the regulatory wallahs in the Mediterranean isle. Quite simply Meyer is lying and the Winnileaks service has got its mitts on an official email from the MSFA to Meyer from November 2017 that proves that but also that Meyer has defrauded an investor. I publish that email below.


2359 days ago

Photo Article - PROOF that Greek fraudsters Folli Follie LIED to the Athens Exchange today

Folli Folie, the Greek fraudsters, today attempted to refuse claims by Gabriel Grego that they were lying, inter alia, about store numbers and so in a release to the Athens Stock Exchange published a list of 587 stores. It has taken me one hour to prove clear and big lies on this list as I shall demonstrate below.


2401 days ago

Cloudtag's Amit Ben Haim caught lying again - the cheque's in the post (honest!)

Hat tip to reader A for bringing my attention to an industrial tribunal which shows Amit Ben Haim, the CEO of the fraud Cloudtag (CTAG), which was booted off AIM last year, caught lying blatantly. Amit...your pants are on fire.


2412 days ago

Hero Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon slams the CBI, The Guardian, FT and others for more Brexit lying on trade & food prices

Once again Tim Martin, the boss of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) is my hero of the day using the occasion of half year results to lay into big business and the lying liberal deadwood press for misleading us all about Brexit. The great man opines:


2437 days ago

New Video from Tony Blair fan Julie Meyer of Ariadne - she's either lying to the camera or to the Maltese Regulators

I just love the way that Julie Meyer MBE has a book about the war criminal Tony Blair displayed prominently behind her as she records her latest video. Like Julie he was a man who boasted of doing God's will - as he launched a bloody illegal war - and like Julie he was a man we always believed. Trust me, I'm Julie, oops, I meant Tony. Sadly this latest video demonstrates Julie is lying to someone.


2593 days ago

The public sector is staffed by lazy, overpaid bastards who lie about pay

My pay has fallen by 14% thanks to austerity says another lardbucket public sector worker. The fake news channels report this as fact and pathetic Mrs May finds another money tree and prepares for public sector pay rises all round. So what if the deficit is £50 billion and going to rise? So what if the National Debt is already the largest Europe and rising? So what if inflation busting pay increases across the public sector will only fuel inflation so pushing up interest rates? Who cares? Well lets start with facts, the inconvenient truths that show how the lazy, overpaid bastards in the public sector who are lying to you about pay.


2619 days ago

Three critical days in June & 3 more in July - why acting CEO at Telit Yosi Fait must be fired NOW!

Yesterday there were more revelations about Telit (TCM) which, as I noted, made the position of former FD now CEO Yosi Fait all the more tricky. Now I want to revisit three days in June and three in July - events then make Yosi's position utterly untenable and explain why he must be fired at once. He is guilty of either extreme and sackable levels of incompetence and of lying to shareholders and insider dealing or of just insider dealing. It is one or the other - there is no third way. So there is no way out for Telit, Yosi must be sacked at once.


2627 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - the culture of corporate lying as I say GOTCHA to Telit

Following today's bombshell there can be no doubt that Telit Communications (TCM) is toast. Companies that lie and deceive so industrially in the way I demonstrated earlier HERE will always end in tears.  In this podcast I look at the culture of corporate lying and wrongdoing and what it means for you as an investor. I look at rent boys at BP then at Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and of course, in the main, at Telit


2639 days ago

French Embassy London - shame on you for being lying EU loving froggie scumbags as you discuss #Passchendaele100

I noted earlier today that World War One was pointless and that folks rewrite history aggressively to show otherwise. But the Nobel prize for rewriting WW1 history goes to the French Embassy in London as this tweet below demonstrates. Linking the slaughter of Flanders to the peace in Europe created by the EU is tasteless as well as wrong. Perhaps the lying Froggies might wish to discuss NATO, Bosnia, The Ukraine, the Basque conflict, Cyprus, EU funding of Hamas killers, how Reagan & Thatcher delivered the end of the cold war with policies most EU nations opposed and many other matters.


2729 days ago

Hillary Clinton blames sexism for her electoral crushing but admits there may be other issues, such as what your crookedness?

Poor Hillary Clinton is all over the news discussing her electoral crushing by the Donald. Liberal media poodles at CNN were told that the main reason she lost was sexism. All those bloody glass ceilings. Yeah right. But her crookedness admits there may have been other issues. But what might they be? Here are a few for starters. A few Hillary will not mention.


2785 days ago

Advanced Oncotherapy - Question 16: were you lying on November 24?

Cynical Bear says that I am just being far too kind to Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) with my 15 questions earlier today. Oddly I have yet to get an answer and nor will I as the company contemplates insolvency and other matters. But back to Mr Bear who says I should have asked a 16th question concerning another possible case of lying.


2814 days ago

EXPLOSIVE Winnileaks: New Document emerges accuses Murray D'Almeida of MRS of lying and of fraud

Oh dear. Oh dear. London's most clownish lawyers at Fladgate who, we hope, are being investigated by the SRA for spreading malicious falsehoods in order to shut this website down will not like this but Winnileaks has obtained an explosive new document sent to the board of Management Resource Solutions (MRS) on Sunday and also to its Nomad Little Willy VanDyk at Northland. It accuses MRS boss Murray D'Almeida of lying and of fraudulent activities. It also details covert negotiations involving broker Peterhouse where the board appear to have ratted on an agreed deal. Kerboom: Winnileaks scores again, over to you Peter Reynolds at Fladgate, you fascist and unprincipled clown, for a response...


2824 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Sinophi accuses near insolvent AIM dog Advanced Oncotherapy of lying AGAIN

This is becoming something of a ritual. Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) is tardy in releasing very bad news but eventually fesses up. But it misleads investors. Its (now very clearly former) partner Sinophi then, effectively, accuses it of lying. Oh dear, for the second time Sinophi has stated that (almost insolvent) Advanced is telling porkies.


2824 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Corporate lying & using the wrong words: I am sounding like my father

If I sound more like my father that is a good thing for he is honest and precise in his use of language, although he would not use some of the "french phrases" which occur in this podcast. I discuss the use of language and how wording has an exact meaning - this is in relation to Coral Products (CRU) which needs to clarify something. I do not think it is a fraud and it can easily blame its useless Nomad Cairn. After what it has signed off for Cloudtag (CTAG) few will fail to accept such an excuse. I then move onto deliberate lying by AIM Companies which is actually quite rare. Gross over-promotion is quite common. I explain the difference. Cloudtag and Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) are mentioned in detail in this section. In discussing what is a fact I refer to my article of yesterday on Holocaust Memorial Day which is HERE


2843 days ago

Open letter to Cairn: after shock video exposes wholesale Cloudtag lying you must quit NOW

Hapless Nomad Cairn has so far refused to resign as adviser to the AIM fraud Cloudtag (CTAG) despite incontrovertible evidence of house it has misled investors with RNS statements that are outright lies throughout 2016 and in doing so has committed blatant securities fraud. Today's shock video from CES where an Onitor spokesman admits that there is no release date yet is surely the straw that breaks the camel's back in that it directly exposes as a lie every statement made in November & December about 2016 sales that was used to get away a £4.1 million death spiral fund raise. I have written to Tony Rawlinson & Liam Murray at Cairn and cc'd in that useless poltroon Marcus Stuttard, head of the oxymorons at AIM Regulation demanding a statement and action.


2865 days ago

Cloudtag and the CES show - here's a video ramp from IR hookers Proactive - check the date!! And the big lie!!

Cloudtag (CTAG) morons are getting terribly excited about the CES show in las Vegas which their boys are paying to attend next month. Now let's rewind a year to January 8 2016, 21 days before the company launched a blizzard of placings. Here is a ramp video Cloudtag paid IR hookers Proactive Investors to record. The really very foxy Charlotte Kan of Proactive quizzes lying Amit Ben Haim about CES 2016 where he launched Cloudtag's products. Ms Kan maybe uber foxy but she is not exactly Paxman.


2913 days ago

Sefton: Ben Turney accuses ADVFN's Chambers and Hodges of lying to investors

Flip Flop Ben Turney who is endeavouring to oust Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges of ADVFN (AFN) from the board of now de-listed Sefton Resources (SER) has accused the two men of "telling blatant and demonstrable lies to investors in Sefton."


2941 days ago

Strat Aero Interims - it is bust, plain and simple

Lying to your investors is bad. I suppose committing fraud is even worse. But advisers without morals such as Nomad SP Angel and broker Beaufort Securities do not care about such matters as long as they get paid. But that may pose a problem as interims today from Strat Aero (AERO) show that it is completely bust. That SP Angel and Belfort will sign off on an RNS like this says everything you need to know about them. The only thing they should be signing is a resignation letter as Strat is bankrupt both morally and financially.


2943 days ago

Crooked Hillary Clinton is coughing and staggering again - its not her health its the cover up

As I noted earlier Donald Trump is going to win on November 8 and one reason is that Hillary Clinton is a proven liar on a monumental scale and America just does not trust her. Like America I don't really care that her health is patently poor it is the cover up that shows that this woman is not fit to run a dog pound let alone be POTUS. Crooked Hillary has had another fit...


2962 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Crooked Hillary Clinton collapse - her lies & prospects and a bad day for the lying liberal media elites

For months and months some of us have stated that Crooked Hillary Clinton has a health issue and have been dismissed as right wing lunatics by the mainstream liberal media. After yesterday's 9/11 collapse are we owed an apology. We aren't getting one. The mainstream press is in denial and is still buying the spin and lies from the Clinton team even as they contradict themselves. But America is not buying it anymore. It's a dark day for the media but a darker day for the loathsome Hillary. What happens next?


2976 days ago

African Potash - now lets look at the lies in the RNS 6 days before the bailout placing in January

I have already shown quite conclusively that African Potash (AFPO) misled investors in a material way with an RNS of December 1 2015 as you can see HERE. That should be enough to see the authorities slam both Potash and Stewart Dickson et al at Nomad Cantor Fitzgerald. But it gets worse. I now accuse Potash of lying in an RNS on January 6 2016 just 6 days before the bailout placing. It is lie after lie after lie from this company.


3034 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast- After 11 Years 3DM your boys took one hell of a up Eden

It was 11 years ago that 3DM as was, Environmental Recycling (ENRT) as is and its sister company Eden Research (EDEN) were sending me lawyers letters. Both were frauds. Both are still frauds. Today Environmental lost its Nomad and as it is bust it is game over. Now I am going for Eden but in this podcast I tell the amazing story of both frauds, explain who was involved and is disgraced, accuse certain City folks of lying and worse as part of the cover up and demonstrate why this should have ended years ago but did not down to failings ( again) at AIM Regulation as well as disgraced Nomad WH Ireland. I warn you there is some bad language as I am pretty emotional right now. Enjoy, this is no holds barred stuff and it will shock you.


3044 days ago

Brexit: Turkey the Truth that David Cameron and Sadiq Khan are just quite simply lying about

When Turkey joins the EU its 75 million citizens will be able to travel and live in any other EU country. Turkey is a poor place ruled by David Cameron's pal the homophobic, sexist, fascist beast Erdogan and I do not blame any Turk for wanting to leave. And polls say that millions will leave and that Britain is a favourite destination. The only way to avoid millions of Turks - understandably - pitching up in the UK is to leave the EU. David Cameron - and last night Sadiq Khan - have repeatedly lied to the British people about this.

Cameron says


3077 days ago

Environmental Recycling - it cannot even afford 1,575 Euro as it drowns in debt - it is bust, call the administrator

I pointed out yesterday that Environmental Recycling (ENRT), the company formerly known as 3DM and which is the only AIM company to have been censured not once but twice by the FSA (now the FCA) for lying to investors was drowning in debt and out of cash. Just to show how out of cash it is, I point out that it cannot even afford to pay a vital bill for Euro 1,575.


3086 days ago

David Cameron, the Heir to Blair - today's Brexit lie about World war three is just fantasty lying

I cannot remember when I first described David Cameron as the heir to Blair. I think it was in 2012 but it may have been at the time of the funeral of Lady Thatcher, whose shoes Dodgy Dave is not fit to lick. Today's comments on Brexit are fantasy lying league stuff which is right up their with with the war criminal Blair's comments on Weapons of Mass Destruction.


3087 days ago

David Cameron tells the truth and is panned...he should stick to lying

Yesterday Dodgy Dave claimed that leaving the EU increased the risk of World War Three. That was a slam dunk 100% lie and some people pointed that out but on the whole he got an easy ride. 

Today David Cameron was revealed to have said that Nigerian and Afghanistan are corrupt. Well that is not an opinion that is a fact. According to Transparency International only 16% of the world's countries are more corrupt than Nigeria while Afghanistan is ranked as among the top 1% for corruption. It is in a neck and neck race to be the most corrupt country on this planet.

Naturally the UK gives both countries oodles of aid to be stolen. International aid is as


3088 days ago

Mad twitter loon Kathryn Buckley lying Lenigas loving bitch

To his credit after a little final flourish last night Mr David Lenigas has gone all quiet on twitter in terms of character attacks on me and I shall reciprocate. Its a summer truce on twitter although I have a few articles to write. But I do worry, for his sake, that Mr Lenigas appears to have attracted some of the stupidest people on this planet to tweet nonsense which they - mistakenly - think might please him. Meet Kathryn Buckley.


3088 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - this is exactly why Donald Trump may well be President

The liberal media such as C4's beltway based Kylie Morris have written off the campaign of Donald Trump from the start. They were wrong - as I pointed out - and now he is 99% certain to get the GOP Nomination as lying Ted Cruz has dropped out. In this podcast I explain why Trump can call himself a Republican and why he can and may well actually defeat the loathsome Clinton woman in the General Election.


3095 days ago

From lies to smears, David Lenigas is a disgrace - new tweet, what a tool

Earlier this week I ran an article which David Lenigas responded to by accusing me of getting my facts wrong and thus been a pathetic sad person and poor journalist. It is at least better than tweeting about my mother's suicide 40 years ago. I demonstrated HERE that Lenigas was 100% wrong, my facts were 100% right and that he was a smearing, liar, happy once again to mislead his investors. Tomorrow at UK Investor Show I shall demonstrate he is much much worse. Lenigas has responded to his impending downfall with a  new tweet. 


3099 days ago

Sad & morally bankrupt David Lenigas tweets blatant lie & smear

David Lenigas has no shame. He yesterday told the most blatant 100% lie and smear on twitter, duly retweeted by a collection of morons - two of whom also posted comments underneath my article of yesterday here. It really is just rather sad to see a man move from shameless ramping to blatant lying and smearing about demonstrable facts. I fear Jabba is losing it. Poor man. Let;s start with his tweet


3108 days ago

Lying criminal Chris Oil discusses who owes him cash and his pals in the SAS

There are no photos yet of Chris Oil's imaginary sports cars in Dubai. But his claim to have been the U-18 school boxing champion now looks all the more impressive given how so many of his pals from school are now in the SAS. If ISIS are not backing down when we send in the school boxing also rans into Syria perhaps it is time that Rambo Oil went on a special mission? The Islamofascists would surely shit themselves if they knew that the hardest bloke from the top school for SAS recruiting, Mr Chris Oil, was on his way. 


3126 days ago

David Lenigas on twitter: Lying, insider dealing or what?

Due to the huge interest in my UK INvestor Show session "Why David Lenigas should be drummed off AIM forever" we are now miving this session to the main auditorium on April 30 2016. I would not want anyone to miss out. And if you needed further evidence of why the case is such a slam dunk here is a tweet from 48 hours ago:


3136 days ago

Fraudsters at US Oil & Gas are avin a bubble -more pure gold comedy genius

You will remember that fraudulent and now unlisted joke company US Oil & Gas (USOP) is trying to raise £2.9 million (but will settle for a minimum of £300,000) to keep the lights on. The pure gold comedy genious from our lying friends in Ireland continues.


3138 days ago

Chris Oil Is Behind Bars - New Caption Contest

The lying market abusing little criminal twerp is behind bars at last as the photo below shows clearly. Don't hold back in today's caption contest - post your entries in the comments section below.


3142 days ago

Here's a first: serial liar David Lenigas admits he lied

Jeepers this is a first. Whatever next, fascist PR bullies Citigate Dewe Rogerson apologising? Chris Oil fessing up to his porkies? David Lenigas has today tweeted out an admission that he has been lying to his moronic, and increasingly impoverished, followers.


3143 days ago

BBC creams itself as top US General tells porkies to scare us off Brexit but the polls say Project Fear is failing

This morning, the BBC and the rest of the liberal media cannot get enough of Lt General Ben Hodges who has warned we Brits that we must not vote for Brexit as it could damage NATO. What on earth is a US Soldier doing intervening in a British Election rather defies belief, how would Obama feel if a British General made the equally factually innaccurate claim that Mrs Clinton was a lying, deceitful old dyke and so urged folks to back the GOP this November?

Hodges, who is the top yankee soldier in Europe, seems to think that without Britain the EU could unravel. And if that happens NATO will unravel. Frankly it does not make much of a case for staying in the EU if we are told that if one of its 28 members quits it will fall apart.

Moreover do you need the EU for NATO? The latter was formed in 1949. A small common market did not get going until 1957 but the vast majority of NATO members were not part of that. The Evil Empire itself


3154 days ago

3 Legs Resources - The Mickey Mouse Companies House Filings Part 2.

This is quite simple. Either IOx - the company reversing into 3Legs (3LEG) has filed monstrous lies at Companies House or Jim Mellon's 3 Legs has told monstrous lies to AIM. It is one or the other there is no third way and as such 3Legs needs to re-issue its RTO document to explain who was lying and why? In part 1 of this series I demonstrated unacceptable greed and Companies House filings that DO NOT ADD UP. Now here is the killer.


3156 days ago

David Lenigas Smearing & lying tweet of the day No2 - no wonder folks hate him more than nonce Rolf Harris

You do not like what a critic in the press says? Having already said that he is short of your stock ( a lie) - HERE - the next thing to do from the play book if you are a shameless share ramper like David Lenigas is to accuse him of saying something which he did not say but which is patently idiotic and then to smear him. And so let us examine another despicable tweet from Dave.


3163 days ago

Horse Hill - was there really no stimulation: what's the smell about then?

Given the form of David Lenigas and others in lying about Horse Hill perhaps he might come clean on exactly how much stimulation was needed at the site in light of evidence from the protesters who are plaguing his operations.


3168 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 19 Feb - Criminal Chris Oil will not know what has hit him.

The lying criminal Chris Oil has threatened me with physical violence and subsequently challenges me to a boxing match. Okay you little twerp, I accept (see here) and I muse on that point on day 5 as an ex-smoker. Elsewhere I look at the barking mad maths of Milestone Group (MSG) then at Madagascar Oil (MOIL), APC Technology (APC), WanDisco (WAND) and some more obvious lower risk zeros as well as Totally (TLY). 


3168 days ago

Market abusing criminal Chris Oil: I am going to "kick the brains" out of Tom Winnifrith - here's his chance

Chris Oil has taken to twitter threatenening to "kick the brains" out of me. I guess at least I had some brains to start with. The little twerp says that he will do this if he meets me in the street before going on to boast that he was the U-18 school boxing champion at school. Hmmm. Which school was that you lying twerp? Until 2005 there were only c20 schools in the UK still boxing, I suppose I could check whether the man whose family discovered the North Sea/owned half of Birmingham really is a great pugilist. Mr Oil's demented tweets are below.


3186 days ago

Hey criminal Chris Oil & SP Angel what's happening with the IPO of bankrupt basket case Mkango?

Oh dear. Oh dear. This looks like another disaster for the lying criminal market abuser Chris Oil who in October put £100,000 into bankrupt TSX listed Mkango Resources at 2.5 Canadian Cents. The stock closed Friday at just 1 Canadian cent with 100,000 shares traded - that would be £500 worth of confetti. But it is not the lobster pot status of Mkango that should really trouble the twerp is the ominous silence.


3191 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 January - Please Mr Lenigas stop lying to your mad followers

Bears are the new regulators, in fact the only regulators. Jabba the Hutt wants shorting banned. Worse still he is telling his deluded followers that shares in Afriag (AFRI) and his other dogs fell because of shorting. That is untrue as I explain in this podcast. I also cover: the after effects of ouzo, Frontier Resources (FRI), FastForward (FFWD), TrakM8 (TRAK), PeerTV (PTV), Sirius Minerals (SXX), London Capital (LCG) - in detail - and Jiasen (JSI)


3225 days ago

LGO forced by ShareProphets to clarify annual report lie but someone is still lying

Two days ago I accused LGO Energy (LGO) of misleading investors big time - HERE. Today, when it thinks no-one is watching, it has put out a grovelling correction but someone is still lying. Neil Ritson you useless little shit another correction is still needed.

My point was that LGO raised £7 million to buy a field ( Trinity-Innis) in mid 2014 a day after it said it did not need to raise cash to buy the field and in June 2015 stated that discussions were continuing in its annual report. But the vendors stated in Q4 2014 that LGO had walked.

LGO today states:


3231 days ago

Afriag - David Lenigas caught lying in another RNS and hello again to an old friend from Lonrho

Does anyone at AIM actually care whether David Lenigas tells the truth in any RNS statements any more? It appears that Nomad Cairn and AIM regulation do not give a FF. I shall now demonstrate to you a slam dunk and material untruth in an Afriag (AFRI) RNS.


3233 days ago

MX Oil forced to admit to fund raise by Chris Oil lying as he commits market abuse

Earlier today we flagged up that Chris Oil was committing market abuse by revealing information given to him as an insider in claiming that he owned bonds in MX Oil (MXO). We passed this information onto the Nomad by sending it our article - apparently no-one at Cairn understands how twitter works. That forced MX to issue a statement saying it was doing a debt fund raising - which I gather Oil is participating in - but had not yet completed it. So not only was Oil revealing inside information but he was also lying...the issue is not yet done. As for whether you should follow the little twerp and sign up for the issue?


3610 days ago

What a Quindell Moron does in his spare time…blackmail and lie

When will these thick bastards realise that what happens to my business will not alter the fate of Quenron (QPP)? I keep accusing it of fraud and lying and although it blusters it will not actually sue me for libel because it is a fraud run by liars. And it will go bust. So as the Morons watch their life savings disappear here are a couple of things that they do.

A couple have written to Chapel Down because the maker of fine English Wines is sponsoring the ShareProphets Seminar on Monday 8th so there is free champers on offer as well as myself, Amanda van Dyke and 3 companies presenting. You can book a seat by emailing your name and address to [email protected]. The Morons have told Chapel Down that they do not like its involvement with ourselves and so will sell their Chapel Down shares unless it pulls out.



3645 days ago

Mobile Doctors worth £140 million – Quindell ‘avin a bubble part 2

I explained yesterday why Rob Terry of Quenron (QPP) was telling a total lie when saying that his Mobile Doctor’s operation is worth £140 million – as you can see HERE. Certain Bulletin Board Morons have offered Mr 2+2 can = 5 a “Get out of Jail card” on this one but let me explain why they are wrong and why Rob is still lying. 
