938 days ago
Below, you can see two photos of the Greek Hovel, where I have now arrived. Gosh, it is wonderful here. I describe my trip, starting in Wrexham at 12:00 on Monday, and ending at 3 PM GMT today. There was a great deal of anxiety involved, including the most stressful half an hour i can remember at a toll booth near Aix. Then, there were the pretty young lesbians snuggled up on the sofa next to us, as we took the ferry from Bari. Then, it is onto IQE (IQE), MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC) and Optibiotix (OPTI). Now for a swim; normal service resumes tomorrow.
1447 days ago
I described the other day my researches into, inter alia, the big mystery in my family – who was Edith Maude Winnifrith, my great grandmother? She was certainly illegitimate but who were are parents? Is her mother really Edith Wingfield Digby? I continue to go through the papers of her son, Sir John Winnifrith, and stumble across this photo marked up on the back, in Sir John’s writing, “my mother?”
1641 days ago
Thanks to Google search engines this website will have a few new readers. Sorry you dirty bastards, I fear you may be disappointed by what follows. For starters the pussy below is English.
1950 days ago
I happened to be in Oxford, for family reasons, and my colleague Nigel Somerville lives close to the City of Lost Causes and so we thought we’d pay Neil Woodford a visit. After the past 1000 articles exposing the soon to be ex fund manager since 2015 it was the least we could do.
2439 days ago
The headline really does reflect the photos so if you are squeamish do not look any further. This trio of pictorial horrors arrived this morning in an email from George the Architect. Chief builder Gregori the snake killer has been at work.
Most snakes of this type of adder, the most poisonous of the nine Greek species that are poisonous, are 20-30 centimetres long. This one was forty centimetres in length. You may wonder what it is hanging out of its mouth…
2465 days ago
Daughter Olaf has agreed to join me at the Greek Hovel in late August but only after making detailed enquiries about sanitation. As you can seem the bat room now has a ceiling, a door to keep out the snakes and a shower! What more could a young Lady want? I shall be in The Mani by next weekend so more photos soon.
2482 days ago
The new words are being learned thick and fast now. I cannot remember from days gone by how much a 19 month old should be speaking but the Mrs and I agree that Joshua is very clever. We disagree from which side he gets the "very clever gene" but you, dear reader, know that it is mine. Not all words sound quite right. Joshua's fave character in his favourite TV show and book, is Gorguan, or as you might say Gordon in Thomas the Tank Engine.
2482 days ago
Once again no fish were in the slightest effected by my fishing. That is no shock but the Mrs, myself and Joshua enjoyed our week by a lake in sub 10 degree Sweden, about 20 miles from Gothenburg, where the Mrs used to work and knows a lot of folks.
2488 days ago
As I wake up this morning I stare out over a dark Swedish lake in the middle of a frighteningly thick forest all sleeping under leaden skies and my first thought is "I need to see more evidence of lesbians." You see I was inspired by yesterday's World Day - #Lesbianvisibilityday.
2490 days ago
Our excellent hipster cat sitter sends photos of Oakley to demonstrate how well the old boy is doing in our absence. But as you can see what they really show is what a tart our cat has always been. A bit of food or chin tickling and old fishy breath is keen to kiss.
2508 days ago
A good day for the bears here in New York. First up I walked up from Battery Park to see where I used to work in the black and white era on Wall & Water. It is now being turned into luxury apartments. Anhow, I wandered on past the New York Stock Exchange and, as you can see, the tickers were all red. Then later on it was to meet the King of the fraudsters my pal Sam Antar who, as you can see below, is in relaxed mood. More on that in today's bearcast.
2508 days ago
This was not intentional but I just happened to be walking by and I thought the two photos below would annoy the Mrs, Godless liberal daughter Olaf and others so here goes.
2516 days ago
Great I get to run a photo of an NFL cheerleader and of the same bird wearing lingerie in an article and it is all because I am so supportive of the feminist cause. Sometimes I really like my job. Meet Bailey Davies formerly, for three years, a cheerleader with the NFL team the New Orleans Saints.
2660 days ago
My three legged cat Oakley is getting old and so now needs a check up every three or four months. The vet is about 400 yards away but Oakley still weighs almost 4 KG so this time he travelled in style as you can see below.
2666 days ago
Well here it is, a photo emerges.
2710 days ago
I have never made banana cake until yesterday but it was a piece of er...cake. The mother in law thought it could have done with ten minutes more in the oven but I thought it was perfectly moist, just right. As you can see, Joshua agreed with me.
2725 days ago
I am conscious of the phenomena of sharenting where folks flood social media with photos of their offspring to the interest of no-one but themselves. So feel free to ignore what follows but after a very trying day in Kalamata where my almost one year old son behaved like a total saint he posed, on his return, for three photos where he looks like an angel. The top photo was taken a week ago as his mother prepared him for his first sea swim. I am biased, I think he looks amazing. But all the other folks here at our hotel dote on him. They all say hello Joshua and he waves back. The two main waitresses blow kisses at him and he blows kisses back. Okay, judge for yourself.
2737 days ago
Do you think Yosi got the machine below from Telit's (TCM) Vietnamese distributor of Internet products? In light of today's article on the former FD of the AIM fraud du jour, now its CEO, perhaps you can supply a suitable caption in the comments section below - deadline midnight Monday 21st. If you want more photos of burly men in leather check out Yosi's facebook page.
2738 days ago
Do you think Yosi got the machine below from Telit's (TCM) Vietnamese distributor of Internet products? In light of today's article on the former FD of the AIM fraud du jour, now its CEO, perhaps you can supply a suitable caption in the comments section below - deadline midnight Monday 21st. If you want more photos of burly men in leather check out Yosi's facebook page.
2747 days ago
There is a snag. We have all the demolition permits but the building permit iss er. delayed. Yes that is the one we were promised by June 30. Now it is August so after eleven months of toil and endeavour the Greek State bureaucracy grinds to a halt. So the builders can do nothing until September. I head to Greece shortly and will be popping into the Kalamata planning department for words... However there is good news as you can see below.
2798 days ago
The shock is for any google pervs out there who have alighted on this page and though the photos are wonderful will be rather disappointed by their nature, The Miranda's I refer to is, of course, the restaurant next to the Kourounis taverna on the square where the road through Kambos makes a sharp right angle as it heads off to Kardamili.
2835 days ago
As you may be gathering, I am really getting quite fond of the lizards at the Greek Hovel. that is good news as they are everywhere and I shall be moving up to live there full time in about ten days. And so here is another very sweet little chappie, or chappess. I still can't "sex them" but he/she was about three inches long and seemed relatively fearless, sitting less than two foot away from me for several minutes before wandering off in search of an insect for his/her lunch.
2862 days ago
As one heads down the Mani towards Kardamili, the village one on from Kambos is Stavropigio. It has just a few more Brits than Kambos as it is, objectively, a bit prettier. I am thus happy to stay in plain old Kambos. As one leaves our neighbouring village a small turning off the main road to the right is the old road to Kardamili. There is now no practical reason at all to use this road and more or less no-one does.
2898 days ago
The last time there was a mega merger in the housebuilding sector was 2007. Can you remember what happened next? Exactly. And thus today Bovis (BVS) announced that it had received bid approaches from both Redrow (RDW) and Galiford Try (GFRD). It has rejected both.
2910 days ago
I have not been terribly complimentary about NEX listed Afriag (AFRI) but you need a heart of stone not to go aaaaaagh at this photo and act of kindness below. Over to the SA press which reports:
2910 days ago
The pizza Hard man Darren Atwater says that my pancakes look all wrong. That is because he is from Canada so wants big fat fluffy pancakes drowning in maple syrup which is how the folks of North America aim to take obesity rates all the way up to 100%. Back in the old world we prefer thin crepes which can be tossed in the pan.
2921 days ago
Charlatan Darren Winters coughing up nearly all the cash he owed us after his latest court thrashing was a good reason to celebrate. And thus, I headed to my favourite restaurant here in Kalamata and started with an ouzo. Sadly the fresh octopus was not available. Hmmmmmmm. how to tease my friend the bear raider Evil Knievil with pictures of what treats lay in store? Could I top the honey soaked puddings at the Kourounis Taverna in Kambos (prop. lovely Eleni) or the fresh octopus at this place?
2922 days ago
I have noted before that at this time of year the fields around Kambos and at the Greek Hovel are not the straw brown you associate with a Greek summer but pure green albeit daisies are everywhere so there are spots of white dotting the field. But as I wandered around burning old olive branches today (gosh I smell like a bonfire) there were other colours, other flowers just growing on their own here and there as you can see below..
2925 days ago
I published a piece earlier about how I had spotted a very old bridge underneath the old bridge where the bodies from the Kambos double murder of 2014 were dumped. Feeling a bit nervous I trekked down to the very old bridge today clutching a camera and a phone in case of emergency. God knows if it would have worked at the bottom of the gorge.
2935 days ago
The Mrs says that my coat makes me look like a Big Issue seller. Christ these lefties are snobs. But on reflection she has a point and ahead of a trip to Northern Greece where it is minus 7 at night and barely above zero in the day I headed to town on Saturday to find a replacement. Luckily I had my camera to hand as I encountered several hundred poorly dressed folks, most of whom seemed like the sort of under-washed workshy bums who will pitch up to protest against anything. The smell of weed was thick in the air as I wandered along trying to find the most idiotic placard in Bristol's latest Donald Trump hatefest.
2983 days ago
With her 5 low grade GCSE's and diploma in media studies Cloudtag (CTAG) moron Hayley reckons she is better educated then (sic) me as part of a storm of tweet insults she sent me. Poor Hayley must be feeling a bit down given that shares in Quindell (oops, that is what her dim twin Kate backed & insulted me over), I mean Cloudtag, are suspended. So to make her feel better here is her promo photoshoot from the modelsfor facebook site. Always happy to support someone at the start of their career I bring you it in full. I warn you that Hayley is not dressed for going outside in these chilly winter days.
3000 days ago
The recent rains means that my friend George the Albanian cannot start work until Saturday on our olive harvest but I went up to the Greek Hovel to do a preliminary investigation and it looks as if we have a pretty good crop. It has been a wet years and I like to think that my aggressive pruning and work on fertilising the trees has paid off. As you can see, the trees are just dripping in olives.
3000 days ago
As you may remember, the Mrs forced me to go to a chavtastic shop called The Range to purchase a Christmas hat for our morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley. It appears to be part of a cunning plan for home made Christmas cards. How very spiritual.
3040 days ago
How will the 1% preserve the wealth they have extracted from the rest of us, the 99%. That is the question that the world's best know resource investor, Sprott, posed this week. Over to the experts.
3040 days ago
I am not sure what this suit with ears on is meant to represent. I am utterly biased but you have to admit that my five week old son - below - is very handsome is he not? Being a modest man, I can't think where he gets it from
3178 days ago
It is now 30 degrees or more day in and day out at the Greek Hovel. And I am up in the mountains, down by the sea it is warmer still. But that constant sunshine now leaves the fields and hills looking ever browner as you can see below.
3187 days ago
Jim Bagot, the Essex pensioner mugged by WH Ireland (WHI), relieved of most of his life savings by John Molyneux stuffing him into wholly inappropriate stocks is on the warpath back outside the offices of the disgraced broker. We recorded a video with Jim this morning and have photos of him in action. Enjoy.
3193 days ago
I like lizards. They do no harm to me and eat little creepy crawlies. There is one which has lost its tail and is about an inch and a half long that sleeps on the wall at the far side of the one habitable room here in the Greek Hovel. I say good night to it as I switch the lights out. It seems to have accepted my presence and no longer runs if I approach its end of the room for whatever reason.
3201 days ago
I shall put the photo up later on TomWinnifrith.com but this is the first snake of the current greek trip - day 6 and one down!. I am a modest man, as you know, but feel that I have little to be modest about in saying that this really is a most excellent podcast covering Nostra Terra (NTOG), Avanti Communications (AVN) and a new lawyers letter,, Outsourcery (OUT) and LGO Energy (LGO) all in some detail.
3248 days ago
When you are away for a short break what is the priority of the Mrs? It goes without saying that it is worrying about how our morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley is doing.
Is he alright? Is he
3509 days ago
So where did all the money go in Greece? To the fat cat politicians and industrial barons of course. I now bring you a photo of a Greek fat cat I encountered.
3516 days ago
It is Saturday morning and if anything the ATM queues are longer than they were yesterday. Between the apartment where I am staying and the café where I am writing from there are four ATMs. I reckon that the line outside each is now 25 long as folks look to take another 60 Euro out of their account before it is too late.
Lining up in the Athens heat is not fun so why not make it a family day out?