323 days ago
Guardian columnist Owen Jones famously demanded more proof that Hamas raped Israeli women on the October 7 pogrom. There were no live videos so that was not enough for little Owen. Eyewitness accounts did not count as he knows that Jews all lie about this sort of thing. What a shit Jones is. But in case you thought he could sink no lower, think again and it is also on the subject of rape.
959 days ago
The 1973 “Roe vs Wade” ruling has been overturned which, according to the liberal media and “progressives” elsewhere, is tantamount to a ban on abortion. Of course, it is not. In honour of almost 64 million lives ended by abortion since Roe vs Wade, here are the awful facts.
1428 days ago
It seems that I am now required, as a man, to start any article on this subject by saying how appalling the murder of Ms Everard was and how I condemn rape and sexual assault. Both should be a given but in 2021 that is not enough. As a male, I must repeat that testament of faith before being allowed to express a view. Yesterday I explained how the reaction of my wonderful daughter Olaf in her young, metropolitan woke echo chamber was wrong but she is not the only one whose good intentions make this matter far worse.
1429 days ago
Green Baroness and career politician Jenny Jones said she might propose a 6 PM curfew for all men. That Bonkers Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford showed some sympathy with the idea is surely all the proof that you needed that it and Jenny are mad as a nest of snakes. But my wonderful, but a bit woke, daughter Olaf lambasts me for saying so.
1462 days ago
The Government’s latest covid travel restrictions are non-sensical,smash the young and the poor disproportionately and the penalties for flouting them are offensive. Matt Hancock, you are a disgrace.
1507 days ago
He was made a Lord by Tony Blair but is one of the few Jew haters with whom Labour has actually parted company. He is not actually a member of the house of Lords any more having been booted out of the chamber last month because of a spot of bother with rape and sexual assault allegations. There are also a couple of child rape charges outstanding. He has form as a Jew hater claiming that when he was convicted of killing someone by dangerous driving in 2013 that was just a Jewish conspiracy. Today he has sent the tweet below which, as I write has been retweeted 253 times and liked 412 times. It is fake news with fake pictures and a blood libel against the Jews.
2314 days ago
Karen White insists that she is a woman. She is what progressives would term a woman with a penis. Right now she is "transitioning" but is a woman. Got it? Welcome to the transgender asylum.
2323 days ago
If sexual harassment and rape are to be tackled seriously then those stepping forward must be believed. But equally those making untruthful allegations must be named, shamed and punished. Such folks damage the cause of equality and liberation immeasurably. And that brings us to the rape of the reputation of Brett Kavanaugh, a man who will hopefully be a Supreme court justice by the weekend.
2447 days ago
Hands up I fell for fake news. That will teach me to believe every tweet and retweet from Donald Trump! What i wrote was:
The show Roseanne has been scrapped following some explicitly racist tweets by its star Roseanne Barr. ABC did the right thing. It has also pulled any re-runs of old shows. Perhaps that is a bit tough on other cast members who will lose royalties but there is a very strong case for it.
2451 days ago
Since Friday a young man, whose name you must all know by now, has been languishing in prison in very real danger of being attacked by his fellow inmates. I cannot say who he is because the Judge who sent him down for thirteen months has imposed draconian reporting restrictions. But you all know his name - it is all over social media and a video of his arrest has been watched 1.5 million times on youtube already.
2494 days ago
A few weeks ago, after a nine week trial, two Ulster and Ireland rugby players, Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding, were found not guilty of rape. At once the hashtag #Ibelieveher started trending and hundreds of protesters gathered in Belfast and other cities across the island of Ireland. You will note that those tweeting and protesting were not in the Court room or on off-site visits with the Jury but, based only on what had been reported in the media, they asserted that the jury, who had been there, had got it wrong.
2527 days ago
Over the weekend news broke of the UK's biggest ever sexual abuse scandal. This makes events in Rochdale seem like small bear, horrific though they were. Thanks to the Mirror and the Mail we now know that over 40 years more than 1000, nearly all white, working class girls and young women were raped and abused and in a handful of cases murdered by Asian gangs in Telford.
I use the phrase Asian and wince.It is the phrase we are told we must use. My wife is Asian and so my son is half Asian
2562 days ago
As a lifelong supporter of Ulster and Irish Rugby I was this weekend celebrating a famous and thrilling win in Paris. My father said he could almost not bear to watch the final minutes but he managed it and was euphoric.Our brave lads were led out by skipper Rory Best of Ulster but if you check out social media you will see that in the run up there was a most hateful campaign against Best. His "crime?"
2571 days ago
I used to hate black tie City dinners and would do my utmost to escape them in my days as a crony capitalist. They were utterly boring with some prat like William Hague being paid £20,000 to tell the same tired old jokes as he did the year before, and with a lot of smug men congratulating each other after another high paid year of shuffling paper and creating no value for anyone but themselves. There were some women guests but they were usually just as boring and smug as the men. It is a joy not to have to make excuses about not attending such evenings these days as I enjoy my hermit like existence in Greece and Bristol.
2661 days ago
Actor Kevin Spacey today stands accused of trying to force himself on another actor who at the time was just 14. That counts as statutory rape, is utterly illegal and there can be no defence. That is unless you are a leading member of the luvvie liberal elite like Spacey or Roman Polanski.
2712 days ago
"The grooming of girls in Newcastle is not an issue of race – it’s about misogyny" says Labour MP Chi Onwurha in today's Guardian. She continues "What’s worse, rape or racism? I found myself posing that question after the Operation Sanctuary investigation was finally made public, revealing horrific abuse of girls and vulnerable young women in Newcastle." What follows defies belief.
2777 days ago
It will be no secret that I shall delight when the falling circulation of the tax dodging Guardian newspaper makes it uneconomic and it closes. Until then it continues to pump out the most odious fake news and spiteful virtue signalling junk on a daily basis. But is the article and headline below a contender for its most appalling effort in history? I think we all now accept that Muslim gangs in places such as Rochdale, Bradford and Oxford have been responsible for the rape and abuse of thousands of young girls. that is a fact. One reason they got away with it for so long was virtue signalling by rich liberals such as the Guardian's Libby Brooks who would, of course, never be affected by what actually goes on in deprived working class communities. Oh no...Guardian writers don't actually mix with the workers but they are very righteous are they not? Read on and feel angry and disgusted...
2899 days ago
After Donald Trump's comments on Sweden and immigration, the Swedish home secretary Ylva Johansson gave an interview on the BBC News channel when she said there was no connection between crime and immigration and the level of rape in Sweden is “going down, and going down, and going down.”
Fair enough. That interview took place last week. The BBC did not challenge the minister at all since her pro immigration Trump bashing agenda is that of the UK state funded broadcaster. There is just one problem. The Minister lied.
3040 days ago
On the BBC today, liberal media establishment poseur Andrew Marr stated that Donald Trump is what everyone is talking about. By that he meant Trump and "pussygate" and by everyone he meant the mainstream press. But is that what most folks are talking about and is that what the mainstream press should be talking about.
3041 days ago
There is little doubt that Mr Ched Evans, the soccer player, is not exactly a role model for our era. But as of yesterday he is also a man who served a jail sentence for a rape of which he is not guilty. Now is the time when certain folks need to think very carefully about their actions and to say sorry.
3123 days ago
Having done their best to cover up the gang rapes and sex attacks in Cologne on New Year's Eve, I cannot see why anyone believes a word the German rozzers have to say on anything. After Ansbach I am going to double up on that assertion. One thing the German Plod is good at is ordering us not to speculate. It sends out tweets after each atrocity ordering us not to be so reckless. Good Germans obey orders, but the Police are keen to do the opposite and speculate about anything other than what we all knew to be the truth in the first place.
3130 days ago
Truly life in Airstrip One gets more terrifying each day. Moving on from the Orwellian antics of PC Plod in Nottinghamshire described earlier, we now discover how the filth in North Yorkshire are dealing with those found innocent by juries who they don't like. Meet the man who needs Police permission, 24 hours in advance, to have sex.
3217 days ago
When neanderthal footballer Ched Evans was found guilty of rape back in 2012 it seemed to me that the evidence was wafer thin and that this was a miscarriage of justice as I noted after his release HERE. But after the verdict, it was clearly right he served time. However I was appalled that wankers like David Cameron and Nick Clegg sought to win votes by barring him from plying his trade after release which happened in October 2014.
Ched has indeed been unable to earn a living since his release but today his conviction has been quashed following new evidence and there will be a new trial. If Ched gets off he will be very angry about losing four years of earnings - given how short is a soccer players career. But he should be especially livid about how Cameron et al
3519 days ago
An ISIS recruit from Indonesia turnned up in downtown Raqqa fully aware that he carried the AIDS virus but bei ng a good fellow he promptly donated blood to assist any of his comrades injured in battle. It appears that at least one of his fellow Islamofascists, an Egyptian, has now gone down with early stage Aids and he has also infected his 15 year old Yazidi sex slave.
Given the share and share alike spirit of ISIS at least two Saudi fighters were also allowed to rape the 15 year old, all in the name of Islam, Allah be praised, and they too are now infected. Who else