Darren Atwater

794 days ago

Pure Gold Mining – can anyone explain to me why this is not suspended for being bust?

What is the biggest disgrace to come out of Canada? Justin Trudeau in his Pride socks at the Eid parade (or was it the other way round)? Darren Atwater’s idea of customer service?  The music of Michael Buble? No. It is Pure Gold (PUR), the TSX and London listed dog which has been exposed HERE so many times. Today we have quarterlies to June 30.


932 days ago

BREAKING: Darren Atwater Resignation letter

I am afraid that I shall not be firing Darren as, this morning, our esteemed publisher has resigned. His letter is below.


993 days ago

Justin Trudeau - a smear of his own people, the #TruckersConvoy2022

This week, 50,000 truckers headed in a convey to Ottawa, the Truckers for Freedom. All along the route, Canadians braved minus temperatures and driving snow to wave flags and shout their support.  Prime Minister Trudeau claimed he had met someone with covid and so self-isolated in a hidden bunker. Almost the entire population of Canada, with the exception of my best man the deranged socialist Darren Atwater who has offered “Ol’ blackface” sanctuary at his log cabin in the woods, is revolted by Trudeau. So tweeting from his hideout how does little Justin describe the truckers, and in effect most Canadians?


1266 days ago

More woke morons in Canada - hell's teeth Darren your countrymen think you might be pregnant!

Being a Canadian, my best man Darren Atwater is a bearded uber-woke deluded lefty. Like his beloved leader Justin Trudeau, when he puts his socks up for the Winter holiday which he dares not call Christmas lest he offends someone of another religion or none, Darren always uses an Eid sock or a Pride Parade one. But even he must find it mildly disconcerting that many of his fellow countrypeople might think that my portly pal could be pregnant. We reactionary conservatives reckon that only women get pregnant but in Canada such a statement would be condemned as alt right freakery and – amid a twitter storm – there would be demands for instant career ending sanctions. It seems to be what the Canucks call progress.


1278 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A Christmas Day prize contest for you all

Post your entries in the comments section below. The prize is a signed photo of Darren Atwater in his swimming trunks and the contest concerns UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) which I discuss. I also mention Optibiotix (OPTI) en passant, explain how a Supply@ME Capital (SYME) acquisition works and look at Trainline (TRN). 


1289 days ago

Versarien – are graphene-enhanced face masks bad for your health? A problem in Canada for loathsome Neill Ricketts

I may have given the impression that Canada was a semi-socialist woke hell hole run by the biggest poltroon on this planet where within a few years the economy will be such a trainwreck that folks like Darren Atwater will be forced to eat their cats. If so, I’d like to apologise, for Canada is a progressive paradise run by a visionary statesman, Mr Justin Trudeau, who wears his Eid socks to the Pride parade, or vice versa (I forgot); a chap who is eerily reminiscent of FDR or Churchill. Where this dynamic and free nation leads, the rest of the world surely will follow which is bad news for loathsome promoter Neill Ricketts and Versarien (VRS).


1339 days ago

Site Publisher Comrade Atwater & his Mrs march through the cold snows of Ottawa to feed those made poor & hungry by Justin Trudeau

When you elect a socialist crackpot like Justin Trudeau, a hereditary politician and all round knobhead, it will eventually end in tears. The problem with socialists is that eventually they run out of other people’s money, as the greatest leader this country has ever known once observed. So in the snows of the socialist hell hole that is Canada, they are not yet at the pet eating stage but homelessness and hunger are a growing problem. But at least Mr Trudeau hopes to end lockdown in time to wear his Eid socks at the Pride parade. Or is it the other way round?


1370 days ago

Picture Article from the Welsh Hovel: The thrill of snowfall

As he sits fishing through a hole cut into the ice covering the river in front of his house in Canada, my colleague Darren Atwater describes what you see below as just “weather”. He forgets the thrill that we folks in the Old Country feel when we get the slightest sign of snow falling. So it was as I was putting Joshua to bed…


1376 days ago

Video: Copper Signals Inflation As Gold Remains Suppressed

Fund manager Jaime Carrasco of Canaccord Genuity looks back on 2020, the elections, and why the world needs a monetary reset. As some of us keep pointing out to bearded lefty crackpot Darren Atwater, Jaime notes that Darren’s beloved Canada is making many stupid decisions around energy and the economy. Globally, the consequences are becoming evident from all the money printing. Darren, be warned, this will end in tears for you and the cats. 


1384 days ago

Shameful birthday-forgetting & remembering on January 5 as my own approaches

It was January 5 and a notice came up on Facebook. And so I remembered. It would have been the 20th Birthday of my morbidly obese three-legged cat Oakley. His Facebook page where devotees could watch him in action is still live even if he is not.


1408 days ago

Graphic - lockdowns don't work and British deaths 2000 vs 2020

The chart is so simple that my cat could understand it, although it seems to be beyond the wit of Guardian-reading lockdown fanatic and mask jihadist Mr Darren Atwater. Point one is that lockdowns make no impact on the number of Covid deaths. Those who can ignore the hard factual evidence from Sweden HERE or Greece HERE and insist that lockdowns make sense will, like my Best Man, still not be persuaded. For them, facts do not matter. Point two is even more interesting.


1461 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Should I put 80% of my portfolio into Centamin? Er.... No

I have done a rather good new podcast on the US election which annoyed  champagne socialist Darren Atwater greatly which tells you how good it is. You can access it HERE. In today’s bearcast I look at Centamin (CEY) and Kefi Copper & Gold (KEFI) as well as at almost insolvent con Supply@ME Capital (SYME).


1461 days ago

“Professional journalist” Ramsha Khan threatens to sue this Israel supporter for libel, showing how truly worthless is her degree and then....

Last month, Ramsha Khan tweeted that having graduated from City University’s journalism course she was “now a professional journalist”. That prompted me to write an article saying how after 30 years of writing for a living, getting lawyers’ letters, death threats, buckets of online trolling and harassment etc, I guess with no degree I was not by this definition a “professional journalist”. Nor was my late uncle Christopher Booker. His Cambridge degree was in history, mine something worthless from Oxford. Neither of us was taught how to be a journalist in a degree course. It seems Ramsha is upset and has sent a threatening email this morning which, naturally, I publish in full below:



1500 days ago

I despair for my profession of journalism - meet Ramsha Khan

I bring you the tweet below from Ms Ramsha Khan, which fills me with utter despair for the vocation of journalism.


1552 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why is Bidstack trolling Darren Atwater?

Answers on a postcard please. Anyhow, it prompts me to discuss when Bidstack (BIDS) will run out of cash again so will have to do another bailout funding (again), and the history of its associates harassing me. I discuss historic death threats I have received. Elsewhere, I have more words on Lenigas PLC and frenzied activity in gold. I look at Midatech Pharma (MTPH), Petra Diamonds (PDL) and Symphony Environmental (SYM).


1609 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Darren Atwater & some bird from Brooklyn (who probably also has a beard) spout lefty post Covid shite

I start with one of Darren’s long reads which offers a post Covid plan for the restaurant sector. The author obviously has not got a clue about what being an entrepreneur means and about how business works. But this sort of nonsense is mainstream. In a similar vein I discuss board room greed and stupidity at Lloyds (LLOY) before moving onto how you deal with serial failures & pigs, reference the main troughers at Iconic (ICON). I start with a row with my neighbout who thinks my Woodlarks training threatens her social distancing and will see her dog kidnapped. I despair. I shall be walking past her house 7 times this afternoon. As you consider that treat please donate to rogue bloggers now as we reach 29% of target. Please give HERE


1751 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What is the difference between IQE & Versarien?

I start with a rendition of Happy Birthday to you to our esteemed publisher Darren Atwater. If you survive my singing I go on to discuss IQE (IQE), Versarien (VRS), NMC Health (NMC), Dev Clever (DEV), Oracle Coalfields (ORCP) and the Sheikh on the Make and Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG), where I am just not smart enough to understand its, now more urgent, need for cash and whoose fate lies in the hands of Gervais Williams, a man whose own fate I discussed yesterday HERE.


1755 days ago

The ShareProphets share tips of the year 2020 - No 17 a Buy from Darren Atwater

During the first seven days of Christmas each of the team will serve up two share tips (buys or sells). I will serve up 4. That makes 20 in total. Enjoy our share tips of the year 2020. Seventeenth up is a BUY from Darren Atwater who owns no shares in the company below.


1759 days ago

The ShareProphets share tips of the year 2020 - No 4 a Buy from Darren Atwater

During the first seven days of Christmas each of the team will serve up two share tips (buys or sells). I will serve up 4. That makes 20 in total. Enjoy our share tips of the year 2020. Fourth up is a BUY from Darren Atwater who owns no shares in the company below..


1764 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Merry Christmas to one & all, even Godless Darren & Charles Tatnall whose RNS today is a complete shocker

Yes Merry Christmas to you all and to your families however you celeberate it and even if you are a pagan like Darren Atwater orf a sinner like some of those I discuss today: Vast Resources (VAST) and a spoof warrant exercise, my friend Andrew Bell and Red Rock Resources (RRR) who makes himself a hostage to fortune with his careless words, Drew Nelson at IQE (IQE) with an odd management greed RNS and Charles Tatnall whose Fandango Holdings (FHP) serves up the most bonkers and misleading set of results in 2019.


1849 days ago

Justin Trudeau squirms on brownface scandal but is he disgraced?

However bad our leaders are in this country, my colleague Darren Atwater cannot truly laugh as he is Canadian. And the Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is a truly pathetic figure. His attempts to dance Indian style made Theresa May’s dancing Queen seem kind of cool. Perhaps more importantly he has helped to train wreck the economy, is mired in corruption scandals and is the crown prince of “high woke”. Seriously, Titantia McGrath could not compete with a chap who wore Happy Eid socks to the LGBT parade. Oddly, and for reasons I cannot quite put my finger on, Justin did not wear LGBT socks to the Eid celebrations.  There are allegations of sexual harassment against Justin but none of this matters to the liberal media because he is just so incredibly woke. Justin can get away with anything.


2125 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the NY Honours Rewards for business failure & brown nosing, what is Woodford hiding & Darren's bonkers share tips

I still feel like shite and want to go to bed clutching a half full bottle of brandy. Pro tem I look at the disgrace of the New Year's honours lists for business and in general, I tell you exactly what Neil Woodford is hiding and I explain why the share tips of the year from my friend and colleague Darren Atwater are 100% insanity, the product of a mind infected with full blown Brexit derangement syndrome. 


2129 days ago

Photo article: on Brexit which sort of remoaner are you?

This article is for my public sector employed, Guardian reading, wider family. It is for the oh so middle class lefty sociologist pals of the Mrs and for my business partner Darren Atwater who, being Canadian, is on the wrong side of history on everything and is by definition a deluded lefty. When it comes to Brexit, which sort of remoaner are you?


2274 days ago

Poor Oakley, once morbidly obese now just skin and bones

It was not that long ago that my three legged cat Oakley tipped the scales at over 6 kg and was, rightly, described as morbidly obese. The vet warned us that he must diet. It is so very different now.


2279 days ago

Photo article - are you as tight-fisted and mean as a London tourist?

 Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater, says that until last week it was happening, on average, 12 times a day. Tourists would wander past his, most excellent, Wedge Issue pizza joint on the Clerkenwell Road and just walk in asking if they could use its loos for free. Of course cleaning the bogs, providing loo paper etc means such a service is a cost for Darren with no revenue associated. So he put sign below up, with a jar with some coins in it behind....


2335 days ago

Friday odd one out contest - blonde bombshells and Julie Meyer edition

Okay this is nothing to do with gender or being alive but who is the odd one out and why? The four folks below are Pop Queen Britney Spears, Darren Atwater's countryman Bryan Adams, the late Page three Bird Suzanne Mizzi and Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer. It is also nothing to do with dying ones hair. Answers in the comments section below by midnight tonight.


2359 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video - Aidan Bishop of Big Dish Ventures

Big Dish has yet to IPO but the my loyal sidekick Steve Moore has already committed me to invest £1000 in the IPO after a Dragon's Den pitch HERE - where the pizza Hardman Darren Atwater was also wowed. So far no one has asked me for any cash so I guess the IPO is still on the runway but here is more of what got Canada's leading bearded Marxist, who running a capitalist enterprise in Clerkenwell, and also Steve Moore so excited.


2366 days ago

UK Investor Show Dragon's Den 4 Video: Tom, Darren & Steve invest another £3,000

At UK Investor Show there were six Dragon's Den sessions. As a result of each £3,000 of my real money was invested after each dragon picked one of the 5 companies doing an elevator pitch. In session four the Dragons were me (Tom Winnifrith), a very smug Darren Atwater and Steve Moore. The companies pitching were: Plutus PowerGen, Big Dish, Optibiotix, Connemara and Anglo African Agriculture.


2385 days ago

Have you forgotten that it is #NationalGrilledCheeseDay ?

Really? Maybe it is only a North American thing but it is trending on twitter in the US. My colleague Darren Atwater argues, as a son of the hellish socialist free speech denying rapidly going down the pan under its clownish PM part of North America, that we need to take this day seriously.


2482 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Happy 50th to the Pizza Hardman, I celebrate my own a week early with the Mrs

I think it is Darren Atwater's 50th today. I wish him happy returns anyway. My own 50th is a week away but I celebrate a few days early so no bearcast tomorrow. In this podcast I discuss: Deltex (DEMG), Union Jack (UJO), Egdon (EDR), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), FastForward (FFWD) and the bubble in pot stocks and why it must burst, Premier Africa (PREM) and the fraud MySquar (MYSQ) 


2498 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Darren Atwater a metropolitan elitist lunatic or Britain's Buffett

I am still livid about matters concerning my wife's place of work and with it showing no sign of movement I have today discussed the matter with my lawyers.  Bah fucking humbug, there is no seasonal goodwill from me in 2017. In this podcast I discuss Inspirit (INSP) at length also Falanx (FLX) - shares in which we own - Low & Bonar (LWB), Minoan (MIN) and Gotech (GOT), formerly Guscio.


2516 days ago

Bearcast plus the Christmas share tips from Steve Moore, Darren Atwater & Tom Winnifrith

A few words from me in this final mini-bearcast and then onto the final three share tips our writers reckon will gain 33% by Christmas. First up is Steve Moore


2565 days ago

Tom Winnifrith "well educated and well read" says MySquar boss Schaer as Pizza Hardman Atwater grills him

The first question at the LSE Asylum moron-fest with MySquar (MYSQ) boss Erik Schaer was about me. Apparently the old rogue thinks that I am "well educated and well read." Well he ain't wrong. But flattery will get him nowhere. I sent 
Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater along to grill him and the questions only mount.


2605 days ago

Video - Joshua in action, why I could not write any articles yesterday

As you may know, I hit the keys on my computer so hard that after a while the figures on them wear off. Then they become so damaged that they stop working altogether or only if you hit them repeatedly very hard. At that point hipster Marxist, the pizza hardman Darren Atwater, says "why don't you get a new Mac costing loads of moolah from the money tree?"  and I go buy a new keyboard, which looks like what I have been using all my adult life, and plug it in. Joshua types like his Dad as you can see in the video below...


2624 days ago

The BBC, Guardian and liberal media slate and smear Donald Trump as a Nazi - 4 more years in the bank

When Donald Trump spoke to the USA about his priorities for America, folks outside the liberal metropolitan hotpots of the coasts loved it. Crooked Hillary's waffle and re-hashing of ideas that have failed ordinary Americans did not wash and so Trump won. The liberal elites of the media still cannot accept it and so now simply content themselves with smearing POTUS at every opportunity. The more the Russia smears fail the more desperate they become and the more real Americans see through them. As the MSM tries to label Trump a Nazi, those of us who supported him in November look forward to an inevitable win in four years time. Truly the liberal left is pathetic. I start with the State funded UK broadcaster the BBC.


2714 days ago

Labour's Maths does not add up - Darren Atwater, Paul Mason and all the other London elitists are innumerate

Our in-house remoaning, money tree-worshipping, metropolitan elitist, Darren Atwater has posted an article suggesting that Labour's manifesto maths adds up. Maybe Diane Abbott and Darren think so, but no-one else will be fooled.

The trouble with socialists is that eventually they run out of other people's money. So said Margaret Thatcher. She was right.

Labour promises to spend an extra £48 billion on various schemes and according to Paul Mason (ex BBC, ex Guardian, ex Communist Party of Great Britain), shadow chancellor "semtex" John McDonnell has identified £52 billion of savings/new taxes to pay for this. Mason, like Atwater, is either naive or stupid or both.


2721 days ago

Video: Diane Abbott MP does Countdown

This needs no comment. Even PC high priest Darren Atwater admitted it was funny. Watch the video below.


2728 days ago

Brexit has caused Sterling to tank NOT! - The chart that shows the lies of Darren Atwater and the rest of the liberal media elite

Dreary remoaners such as Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater and the rest of the liberal media elite keep on saying that Brexit has cased the pound to tank against the Euro. After another taunt from Darren yesterday I bring you the chart below, just to help him move out of the post fact era.


2758 days ago

Pizza HardMan Darren Atwater to make main stage debut at UK Investor - shock!

This is our fifteenth show and, I think, that this is the 6th that the Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater has been involved in. But at last he has agreed to make a main stage debut and it is not to talk about pizza. For what you may not know is that Darren is a trained journalist and, as those who read Notes From Underground every Sunday know quite a funny writer when he wants to be. And so he is on stage.


2767 days ago

Asset Stripper Jim Mellon - what are you hiding? Who is on your sinister list

Once again the massively loss making Master Investor show - asset stripped by Jim Mellon five years ago - is taking place in Islington today. Once again Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater ordered a legitimate ticket but was once again stopped at the entrance before he even showed his ticket. Burly security guards said "you are on the list". Jim's list.


2792 days ago

Photo Article: Pancake day in Bristol

The pizza Hard man Darren Atwater says that my pancakes look all wrong. That is because he is from Canada so wants big fat fluffy pancakes drowning in maple syrup which is how the folks of North America aim to take obesity rates all the way up to 100%. Back in the old world we prefer thin crepes which can be tossed in the pan.


2799 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sorry to Hannah, Will and Lucy but not to the Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater

16 hours travel after getting up at 4 AM GMT on Monday and falling into bed at 3 AM Tuesday leaves me a tired man. And Joshua and Oakley both chirped up to make it worse still. So apologies to all bar one of those who I have snapped at today.  Before I go to bed I look in detail at Grafenia (GRA) and compare it to TrakM8 (TRAK) and also comment on North River Resources (NRRP) and Jiasen (JSI).


2807 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: don't be like Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater & Forget St Valentine's Day

Don't be like the Hardman - treat your better half to something special like a Golden Ticket to the UK Investor Show and Saracens cabaret. Natch My Mrs is getting one of these but more besides. Now to stocks, I talk Strat Aero (AERO), Altitude (ALT), Galantas (GAL) and Sunrise Resources (SRES) and history repeats itself as a devout Christian threatens legal action again at a point when I am out of the country. The Foxy Legals are standing by having kicked his arse last time.


2843 days ago

Darren Atwater hit by global warming again, his bogus religion collapses

My business partner Darren Atwater is a godless liberal believer in the bogus religion that is global warming. While the rest of us celebrated Christmas he went back to Canada for Winterval but found his own faith in the book of Gore sorely shaken. At his father's house in Vancouver in the last days of 2016 the global warming was far heavier than normal and the poor hipster had to dig his way out.


2884 days ago

What's good for liberal fashion designers is surely also good for bigoted bakers

One is not allowed, as an employer, to discriminate against one's staff because of their race, sex, sexuality or indeed their political views. Well actually that is not quite true. Sacking someone for being a Nazi is easy. Firing a commie is rather harder. About once a week my colleague Darren Atwater lets his inner Canadian burst out and spouts some lefty shite which should see him fired but I can't under UK law get rid of the deluded fool. 

The treatment of customers is a bit different.


2929 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what craft beer tells you about capitalism and the looming crash

The chart below is fascinating and not just for bearded craft beer loving hispters such as pizza Hardman Darren Atwater. It tells you everything you need to know about capitalism as we come to the end of the bull market era of funny money. You can read across from this to so many other parts of the economy.


2957 days ago

Pizza Hardman: how about naming your son Thatcher Winnifrith?

Given that the pizza Hard Man Darren Atwater is Canadian, thus by definition a deluded lefty, you have to give him credit for the idea. We now have only 41 days to find a name for my son and there is still no resolution to the dispute between myself and the Mrs. Maybe I should tell the Mrs that my best man gets the casting vote in the event of a deadlock and that he is going for Thatcher as a first name?


2961 days ago

Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater set for Home office Grilling - call your MP to urge immediate deportation

These Canadians are swamping the UK. What right have people like the pizza hard man Darren Atwater to come over here, risking his own capital to buy and grow a business, creating jobs and paying taxes? Worse still, he then threatens the British way of life by encouraging us to have maple syrup rather than lemon and sugar on our pancakes, by watching ice hockey and by listening to Shania Twain and Bryan Adams. 


2982 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So Servision are you bust yet? Will African Potash beat you to death's door?

I end with a couple more questions for Darren Atwater to see if the pizza Hard Man is going to get deported back to Canada. I start with a few words on City of London (see HERE) and African Potash (see HERE) before moving on to ECR Minerals (ECR), Harvest Minerals (HMI) and in some detail uber-dog with fleas Servision (SEV). Tomorrow my Guardian reading sisters arrive. Woe is me.


3010 days ago

Donald Trump masters Crooked Hillary Clinton with twitter wit

However much of a deluded liberal you are, you must surely admit that on this twitter exchange The Donald well and truly mastered crooked Hillary Clinton. Heck even my business partner Darren Atwater admitted it was funny and you do not get much deluded and misguided than a hipster Canadian do you?


3040 days ago

June edition of the UK Investor magazine: Should we stay or should we go? + 7 share tips

The June edition of UK Investor Show magazine is now live featuring Sainsbury v Tesco, Brexit or in, Tom Winnifrith vs Darren Atwater, 4 buy share tips and 3 sells to 0p from Tom Winnifrith, Q&A with Alexander Mining and more. You can download your free copy below.


3083 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Darren a fecking genius, Uramin scandal explodes & Malcolm wrong on Advanced Oncotherapy?

I had a really weird computer snag which threatened to stop play. Luckily pizza hardman Darren Atwater can be a fecking genius and talked me through a solution. After that digression I move onto Uramin, possibly the biggest mining scandal for decades. It moved up a notch yesterday with events in France now moving apace. Oooh er missus. Finally I explain my concerns about Malcolm Stacey's bullishness on Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO). It may well demonstrate many sad truths about how new tech often plays out.


3275 days ago

Reader poll - shall we fire Zak Mir?

Surely it cannot take Sith Lord Zak Mir long to cobble together the gibberish in his articles? Yet he is late in filing. The Pizza hardman Darren Atwater and I are undecided about whether we should fire him. What do you think? Vote now in today's poll.


3310 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 30 September - fuckwit PR men & other matters

Interupted by fckwit PR men and a host of other things this is not a good day. But at least in 48  hours Pizza hardman Darren Atwater has the FSAL headache and I shall be away from acursed London and back in Bristol. On the podcast today: Outsourcery (OUT), Wandicso (WAND), Paragon Diamonds (PRG), Sefton Resources (SER), Fitbug (FITB), Koovs (KOOV), Boohoo.com (BOO), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Golden Saint Resources (GSR) and Blur (BLUR).


3365 days ago

What should I call the Quindell book? And a few words on Daniel Stewart – the best short in London

When are you going to publish the Quindell book?  I was asked this numerous times yesterday and having chatted to the pizza hardman Darren Atwater, we think that the answer is October. But what to call it?


3387 days ago

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon on the Fool Osborne's Living wage plan - spot on

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon has today commented on the moronic plans of George Osborne to put SME's out of business, ooops I meant to say to pushing the minimum wage up to £9. For Paul "Trotsky" Scott, "Red" Darren Atwater and others here are some hard maths. Just who is subsidising who? Look at how much profit JD makes per pub and how much tax that pub generates. Over to my hero of the day Tim Martin: 


3389 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special 12 July for Paul "Trotsky" Scott and "Red" Darren Atwater

Sorry to go back to the national Living wage of that twat George Osborne but the piffle spouted by its supporters grows by the day. Businesses paying £7.50 an hour are not subsidised by the State. I give you the real maths, the maths on why Osborne's measure makes the working poor worse off and why he has done this and what he should have done. I am such an angry capitalist I really am thinking of packing it all in. This country no longer deserves entrepreneurs.


3449 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 14 May - Part 1 Reasons to be uber bearish & bubbles

The travel plans of pizza hardman Darren Atwater and my own travel & family plans for the day mean this is a double bearcast day. We start with an edition looking at the various bubbles` in the world today and why I am becoming really very bearish indeed about equities.


3480 days ago

Fancy free pizza and a few beers this Wednesday?

There is a catch. You have to do a bit of work in return but if you are bored and have nothing else to do on Wednesday from 6 PM feel free to join myself, pizza hard man Darren Atwater, his Mrs, Maribelle and I don't know who else at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House, 91-95 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1R 5BX. All you need to help us do is..


3545 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - when am I vindicated on Quindell & what to do about smears?

A relaxed podcast recorded from the freezing garage where the Mrs has exiled me pro tem. On the agenda is the question of why pizza hardman Darren Atwater is as posh as me when taking this test, what counts as vindication on Quindell (QPP) and how you deal with ongoing attacks harassment and smears.

To support our continuing campaign against fraud on the AIM casino click HERE


3550 days ago

Real Man Pizza becomes The Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House today

The jihadists of the QPPSAG and other frauds and morons have waged war against me, this website and especially our cracking Clerkenwell restaurant for 2 years as we expose crime and dishonesty in the City. Today we accelerate the fight back against the free speech deniers as the restaurant gets a makeover.

We all support free speech don’t we? But how far will you go in its defence? The staff at this restaurant know that defending free speech with words is easy but when you are in the firing line it can be rather harder.

During the past three years I have received more than 75 lawyers letters from a range of listed companies threatening me for what I have written on this website which I run with veteran Canadian journalist Darren Atwater demanding that I desist.  I have not withdrawn one allegation or article.

In the first month of 2015, three companies that I have attacked have gone bust or seen trading in their shares suspended. Over the past year I have ended the PLC careers of more than half a dozen individuals and there are more to come. Good riddance to the crony capitalists!

Only one company (Sefton, run by JimmyLiar Ellerton) has upped the ante from bullying to taking full legal action. Its chairman was fired in disgrace and it ended up paying us costs.

I have also received three death threats in the past year which you can see on the walls at the Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House ( as well as a selection of letters from bully boy lawyers including Schillings, Pinsent Masons and Memery Crystal) , we have received dog shit in the post and the staff at one City investment bank have publicly threatened to beat me up for what I wrote about the way they ripped off investors by floating fraudulent companies. I responded by going to film a video outside the bank’s Christmas party which you can see here.

The most venomous reaction 


3573 days ago

It is that birthday week for Darren & I again and New Year Thoughts

Once again it is that week when Darren Atwater and I both turn one year older. Last Monday the pizza hardman turned 47. I stop being 46 this Monday coming up and as it is the start of the year you naturally think about what you have achieved and what you want to achieve.

We are getting older. Perhaps as importantly our parents are getting pretty old now – Darren’s in Canada, mine in Shipston. As they all head towards eighty you have certain thoughts. I guess both Darren and I are also contemplating that we are closer to retirement age than to the start of our careers. In his quiet way he still has a bit more hunger than I do to achieve and conquer. I think I’m well past that now.

Professionally we can look back two years with some satisfaction. We have


3737 days ago

Feeling Guilt at the Greek Hovel – Not Making the Mental Leap

There are different forms of guilt that I feel as I sit in the Greek Hovel. The worst is as I peer outside and see the sun shining on a glorious day. Yet I will be heading back inside soon to finish another article on shares, on Quindell or whatever.

In side of me something associate sun and the smell of a Greek hillside with holidays. What on earth am I doing spending holiday time hammering away at my PC?  The Mrs makes that point every time we go on holiday and it is a fair one.

I have not fully made the mental leap that this is not a holiday. The Mrs has bought a house which is one of our two homes. The nature of my work means that sometimes I will live in Bristol and sometimes I live here in the Mani, Greece.  This is my home and just as in Bristol I am working from home.  And so gradually the feelings of guilt about now being down at the beach or just lazing around doing nothing are going.

As it happens


3802 days ago

It was 24 months ago last week but looking forward is far more fun!

This morning www.TomWinnifrith.com went down. Uh oh…apologies all round, we forgot to renew the domain name! Apologies for that, we are two years old today. It is a week of anniversaries and look backs. On 18th May I “parted company” with Rivington, the company I founded as an employee. Rivington said that it had issued me a 24 month rolling contract as an advisor to t1ps. That was of course not true and I was on my way.


3814 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron (and bigoted believer in a global Jewish conspiracy) of the week – Shefers Shadow

Shefers has posted a comment on an article on this website which wins him the coveted title of Bulletin Board Moron of the week.  He is also clearly the sort of Jew hater who would have regarded The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as ideal bed-time reading for his kids.

Darren Atwater is Tom W’s best man and a director of both ShareProphets but also Everywhen, his own publishing company.  We start with Shefer’s classic and we follow that with Darren’s reply. You can see both in original in the comments section below The Sack Tom Winnifrith article HERE

The BB Moron writes:


4022 days ago

How to do business the Marxist way in Hackney – another commie bites the dust

Darren Atwater arrives at Real Man Pizza with great news, the Po-0Go collectively run Marxist vegan café round the corner from him in Hackney has ceased trading.  Its business model was simple: charge high prices for its rabbit food and pay staff nothing. Hope that deluded lefties will keep you going.

The last time Darren was in there (naturally as a subversive capitalist information gatherer) it had a sign up saying “37 shifts available this week.” It seems that the Comrades were not exactly lining up to work for free.

And now this place has ceased trading. What went wrong? No doubt the blame is now being firmly placed with the usual suspects: Thatcher, the wicked bankers, Mossad, evil Tory cuts and Thatcher again.

As the Iron Lady once said: “celebrate.”


4056 days ago

Looking back a year tomorrow as Malcolm Stacey joins us from Sharecrazy

A year ago tomorrow t1ps.com, the website I set up in my bedroom published a defamatory and malicious piece about me in the name of Steve Moore, James Faulkner and Richard Gill. Our connection was utterly severed and I found myself working alone in the world running just this, my personal blog. Boy has the world changed.

As you may know Steve Moore was on holiday when that piece appeared and when he discovered what had gone out in his name and without his consent or knowledge, he resigned on principle. Then there were two of us. Soon after Darren Atwater took a pay cut, quit and moved to join us. Then Lucian Miers followed suit. Then Robert Sutherland Smith. Paul Nicholson, from the Isle of Man has hooked up with us since. And tomorrow, a year to a day since that infamous episode Malcolm Stacey – the founder of ShareCrazy.com joins our merry band with his debut piece on www.shareprophets.com


In the space of one year


4078 days ago

Happy 1st Anniversary Darren & Martha

Just a public note to Darren Atwater and Martha Gall who tonight are celebrating their first wedding anniversary. Given that Darren works out of RMPC three days a week they are not celebrating with us in Clerkenwell.  Darren was the second (of six) RSH employee to leave and come to work with me (Steve Moore won the gold medal) and a good friend in good times and bad. He mucks in at RMPC donning a waiter's outfit when needed. But he is really the brains behind www.shareprophets.com.  Apparently Martha's parents are delightfully right wing and their opinion of the son-in-law soared when they started reading this blog and realised who he worked with. To two of London's three finest Canadians ( the Goddess is the third), The deluded lefty and I wish you a very relaxing and romantic evening. 


4273 days ago

Friday Caption Contest (on Saturday)- Liar & Criminal Chris Huhne Edition

It could have been Lasagne but that horse has bolted and so, talking of speeding we turn to Chris Huhne, liar and criminal and ex MP. As Mr Huhne awaits his £70,000 pay off (who said that crime does not pay?) and plays with his £600 iPad (claimed on expenses a few days ago) I ask you to provide a caption for this picture

The winner will receive a Chris Huhne Liar! Criminal! t-shirt, which you can also order (along with the mug & hoodie) here.

For what it’s worth my caption is:
